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Please Wash Your Hands


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Cruising on Sunday. Now that NCL Pearl has norovirus, it is a reminder to WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER GOING TO THE BATHROOMS. Been on many cruises and you cannot believe how many do not wash. If you want to be sick, that is your business; BUT, do not give it to others. I work in a hospital and we are always washing. If I was to lazy to wash after doing an isolation patient and came to you or your newborn infant, how would you feel? PLEASE, stop being so lazy as to wash up. I work with flu, pneumonia, mercer, shingles, bronchitis, etc. Luckily, I don't get sick. ALL I DO IS WASH UP CONSTANTLY. Also, even about sneezing, sneeze into your upper arm, not your hands. I know this seems like a sermon, but maybe some people will take notice. For those that don't, remember the back of your seat will hold germs also. AMEN. Now let's have fun.

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Cruising on Sunday. Now that NCL Pearl has norovirus, it is a reminder to WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER GOING TO THE BATHROOMS. Been on many cruises and you cannot believe how many do not wash...I know this seems like a sermon, but maybe some people will take notice.


Amen and Hallelujah to this! Have a happy and HEALTHY cruise!



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Cruising on Sunday. Now that NCL Pearl has norovirus, it is a reminder to WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER GOING TO THE BATHROOMS. Been on many cruises and you cannot believe how many do not wash. If you want to be sick, that is your business; BUT, do not give it to others. I work in a hospital and we are always washing. If I was to lazy to wash after doing an isolation patient and came to you or your newborn infant, how would you feel? PLEASE, stop being so lazy as to wash up. I work with flu, pneumonia, mercer, shingles, bronchitis, etc. Luckily, I don't get sick. ALL I DO IS WASH UP CONSTANTLY. Also, even about sneezing, sneeze into your upper arm, not your hands. I know this seems like a sermon, but maybe some people will take notice. For those that don't, remember the back of your seat will hold germs also. AMEN. Now let's have fun.



I do like your "semon" ........ but many, perhaps even on this board, might or might not 'listen' to it ....... and even worse the other thousands on each and every ship are not aware of it .....or just will ignore it ...... and 'those' are the ones that will spread the virus even to the ones that wash the hands often and use the sanitizers.


On 'our' cruise three weeks ago I and wife both got the stomach flu virus in spite of very frequent hand washing and almost constant usage of the hand sanitizers. Wife ended up in the ship's medical for an IV ( about $1000 worth).



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And use the freaking hand sanitizers in the buffet. I sit and watch more people pass them by than use them. They should put sanitizers where you pick up dishes, not at the entrances to the buffets.


No thank you. These darned things are in-part responsible for the super germs we are now seeing. If it makes you feel better to use them, fine, but don't make me use them. I wash my hands frequently, and I don't get sick.

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On the Navigator a few weeks ago, there was not one hand sanitizer anywhere on the ship that I saw. The simple answer is to wash your hands before going to the dining room and also after using the rest room. I have tried to be more aware now of not touching the railings when using the stairs. All of this is more reason for the cruise lines going back to serving all guests in the casual dining areas.

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And use the freaking hand sanitizers in the buffet. I sit and watch more people pass them by than use them. They should put sanitizers where you pick up dishes, not at the entrances to the buffets.

Willysgrandma I am not singling you out just commenting on your post in general. When we sailed on the NCL SUN this past January we were always greeted by a worker (going into the buffet area) that not only reminded us to use the hand sanitizer but also stopped anyone who by- passed it. No one got to the food without using it. Not only that but we were not allowed on the ship after touring an island until the workers sprayed out hands with more sanitizer.


I guess I was wrong thinking that all Norwegian ships were concerned about not the spread of the norovirus.

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Amen and thanks

Wife and I were on the QM2 RWT early Jan and tremendous amount of respiratory ailments.

I developed both Bronchitis and later, Pneumonia.

Even with all this, could see people not washing in the rest rooms or using he sanitizers before entering the Dining Room.

Too busy or too germ proof...I agree, if you want to be sick, your problem, but DON'T give it to me.

ENOUGH already


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No thank you. These darned things are in-part responsible for the super germs we are now seeing.


I think it depends on the type of sanitizer being used. The "active ingredient" in antibacterial soap create superbugs (and it's been quite publicized nowadays that we should avoid these products from a consumer perspective). However, from my understanding, alcohol based hand sanitizers do not create superbugs because they work in a different way.


At my local hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, they have hand sanitizers all over the building. I'm guessing they use an alcohol based product because it dried/evaporated very quickly from my hands. With hospitals' concerns about superbugs, I doubt VGH would promote hand sanitizer usage if it had a notable impact on producing superbugs.


The question is whether the hand sanitizer RC uses is alcohol based or uses the stuff in anti-bacterial soap.

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I was amazed when I sailed NCL Pearl in early November that they had people stationed at the entrance to each restaurant to watch people use the hand sanitizers.


NCL also had hand sanitizers at every elevator, entrances to the theater, entrances to the casino, and in hallways. They also insisted people sanitize their hands each time they boarded the ship.


It made me think of how many cruises we've been on where there were only hand sanitizers at the entrance to the ship. We are sailing Carnival in January and RCCL in February and I will be bringing my own hand sanitizer bottle everywhere I go. I hope to spend alot of time on my balcony, but I will be sure to spray everything in my cabin and on my balcony as soon as I board. The door handles and tv clicker will be the first things we spray.

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Cruising on Sunday. Now that NCL Pearl has norovirus, it is a reminder to WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER GOING TO THE BATHROOMS. Been on many cruises and you cannot believe how many do not wash. If you want to be sick, that is your business; BUT, do not give it to others. I work in a hospital and we are always washing. If I was to lazy to wash after doing an isolation patient and came to you or your newborn infant, how would you feel? PLEASE, stop being so lazy as to wash up. I work with flu, pneumonia, mercer, shingles, bronchitis, etc. Luckily, I don't get sick. ALL I DO IS WASH UP CONSTANTLY. Also, even about sneezing, sneeze into your upper arm, not your hands. I know this seems like a sermon, but maybe some people will take notice. For those that don't, remember the back of your seat will hold germs also. AMEN. Now let's have fun.


It's a lost cause. You can preach until you are red in the face, and you can get those that agree with you on CC, but when it times to practice, they fall down. How many individuals support the growth of super-bacteria by taking antibiotics on their own, after buying them in foreign countries? Not to mention one individual who had thrown a towel on the floor expecting a clean replacement, only to have the attendant pick it up and replace it on the rack. Bad enough, but the individual termed it a "minor inconvenience".:eek:

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Not to mention one individual who had thrown a towel on the floor expecting a clean replacement, only to have the attendant pick it up and replace it on the rack. Bad enough, but the individual termed it a "minor inconvenience".:eek:


Thought that was done by a cabin steward in an individual's cabin, not by an attendant in a public restroom.

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OK,sorry you already did.I am just very very frustrated...

As we just had this spread through our home....


First Dear Step daughter and hubby,and 1 year old came home from 4 years in the Air force.With baby we have not seen.The take 4 legs home from Okinawa to Tokyo to San Fran to San Antonio to Houston.

I had a sore throat,so I stayed away from the pick-up at the airport.

Arrived in Houston on Monday.On Tuesday,baby had a fever and diarrhea (i did not know this) On Wednesday,Dh calls me at 330 to say they were coming at 7 for dinner.I had nothing at home as we had just returned from a week long Thanksgiving trip.So rush to store,home to make roast,finish Christmas deco and baby proof the house..

Kids come in...Straight for the food...picking up rolls and stuff,sneaking a cucumber from the Salad..BY 73o they are both in a bathroom puking up their guts...They were sick all night..Both ends (sorry) baby threw up a couple of more times...all night of washing,bleaching throwing away etc etc,hands raw from so much hand washing.About 2 am...I noticed that the new bar of designer hand soap in the main bathroom had not been touched (i used the powder room downstairs only,no one sick in there)

SOOOO Neither one of them had washed their hands prior to eating,or after being sick....Of course all three of us end up sick...His Mom and Dad both got ill at one house,and his brother SIL,and children got sick at another.

To make it worse...

I sent a note to the school the next day with DS...That he may have been exposed (he was not here long,and not really around them) I told him to make sure he washed a lot,especially before eating..

Well....He tells me he gets to the cafeteria (he is 7) and remembers he has not washed...(Can you believe they do not have an organized hand washing before lunch)....They would not let him leave to wash...

We called the school the next day,but they basically blah blahed me..

I am taking it up next week with the principal,and nurse...And if I don't get results,I will at the next PTO meeting..


Sorry to rant...But I just can not believe that so many people do not wash on a regular basis...

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Oh,I also learned a few other disturbing facts.

This is contagious up to 4 days once becoming ill,although some have carried up to 10 days.

It can remain up to 12 days on areas such as carpet,pillows etc..

It is very temp and bleach resistent on hard surfaces as well.

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I sent a note to the school the next day with DS...That he may have been exposed (he was not here long,and not really around them) I told him to make sure he washed a lot,especially before eating..

Well....He tells me he gets to the cafeteria (he is 7) and remembers he has not washed...(Can you believe they do not have an organized hand washing before lunch)....They would not let him leave to wash...

We called the school the next day,but they basically blah blahed me..

I am taking it up next week with the principal,and nurse...And if I don't get results,I will at the next PTO meeting..


Sorry to rant...But I just can not believe that so many people do not wash on a regular basis...


I'm sorry to hear you all were sick. As for your son, it's unbelievable they wouldn't let him wash his hands. This is one case where I would advocate hand sanitizers. Can you get him a travel size to put in his lunch box or back pack?

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I have tried to be more aware now of not touching the railings when using the stairs. quote]



Did you know that the DIRTIEST part of the bathroom is the faucet handle? So after you wash your hands and think you are germ free, you then touch the same handle to shut the water off that all the dirty hands before you touched!! If the water doesn't shut off automatically, leave the water running, dry your hands and then use the same paper towel to shut the water off.

Can you tell I am a teacher? :)

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:) With out seeming germaphobic id rather fall down the stairs than touch those hand rails on board,as far as handwashing some do some dont but dont touch my food thats what they got food tongs for!! You cant go around worrying about every thing ,so i plan on having a few martini,s{just for medicinal purposes} to ward off any evil germs LOL :p realy people dont be piggys wash your face and hands and practice good hygeine .IF soap and water and scare ya jump in the pool somethings better than nuttin:rolleyes:

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Thought that was done by a cabin steward in an individual's cabin, not by an attendant in a public restroom.


What is the difference? Harmful germs are still spread to the passenger, and possibly throughout the ship.:eek:

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:) With out seeming germaphobic id rather fall down the stairs than touch those hand rails on board,as far as handwashing some do some dont but dont touch my food thats what they got food tongs for!! You cant go around worrying about every thing ,so i plan on having a few martini,s{just for medicinal purposes} to ward off any evil germs LOL :p realy people dont be piggys wash your face and hands and practice good hygeine .IF soap and water and scare ya jump in the pool somethings better than nuttin:rolleyes:


In October, my wife and I cruised to Canada and New England aboard the Norwegian Spirit (NCL). After we returned, I was reading replies to a particular thread, and one individual indicated the father had come down with a rash several days before the cruise ended, did not say anything to the ship, but saw his own doctor some days after the cruise. He was diagnosed as having Staphylococcus (the bacteria we know as the MERSA). If I were you, I would petition the ship to offer martinis free in the Windjammer.:rolleyes:

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I have tried to be more aware now of not touching the railings when using the stairs. quote]



Did you know that the DIRTIEST part of the bathroom is the faucet handle? So after you wash your hands and think you are germ free, you then touch the same handle to shut the water off that all the dirty hands before you touched!! If the water doesn't shut off automatically, leave the water running, dry your hands and then use the same paper towel to shut the water off.

Can you tell I am a teacher? :)


I have seen instructions for proper handwashing on signs throughout the schools. I remember when my daughter complained there were no paper towels or soap in the rest rooms in her schools. I had talked with her teacher and learned other children loved to wet them and to throw them against the ceiling. The teacher and I had an agreement that each teacher would keep a supply of soap and paper towels and give them to any child wanting to use the restroom. I know too much of how bacteria can be spread around a ship or any other public area. People should not only maintain the practice of washing their hands -- and their whole bodies -- and not use antibioitics unless under a doctor's prescription; in fact, even the only antibiotic MERSA is susceptible too may soon become ineffective because the bacteria will build up a resistance to this medication. The bottom line is common sense and reporting any outbreak, illness. etc. when it begins, as well as any unhealthy actions one notices when they first see it.

Can you tell I am a microbiologist?:)

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You got to have the alfred e neuman{mad magazine}aproach-what me no worry attitude or bobby mcpherin -dont worry be happy , attitude there will always be piggys and germs .So go have a cocktail ,do lil gambling,eat drink and be merry.:D if there funky at home you think there atracted to soap and water on board:eek:

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