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My LAST NCL Cruise!


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Before I start, I want to say that both my wife and I are retired, she was in the medical field, and I spent nearly 40 years in the shipbuilding industry - on both Navy and commercial ships ...


My wife and I were cruisers on this voyage too, and as my wife so fondly puts it, ..."I never met a cruise I didn't like". I have to agree to a point, all cruises are good, but there are some that are better than others.


We had cabin #5606 for the voyage, and our cabin steward was fairly good with the cleanliness, makeup and turndown, etc -- however, he/she(?) needs to go back to towel folding school; we never got any creations all week, not even a snake or a ghost!


The ship made all four scheduled ports, and the various shore excursions were well documented and went off like clockwork (with the exception of Cozumel, but that was due to rough seas). Those who missed their excursions in Cozumel received prompt refunds to the best of my knowledge.


We sampled the food at both main restaurants, as well as the buffet on deck 12. We had plenty to eat, and the food, while not supburb, was adequate. The two main dining rooms requested "resort casual" or better attire for the main dining rooms, but I never saw them refuse service to anyone, even if improperly attired.


Please note---> this ship is ADAMANT about leaving ontime! All the ports had more than enough time to do what you wanted, and still get back to the ship before sailaway. However, they left 2 in Honduras, 1 in Guatemala, and 3 in Belize (almost was 6, but a last minute tender boat caught up with the ship after the anchor was up). I don't know about Cozumel, as I was napping at the time, and didn't see the passanger count entered on the computer screens (screens found on deck 12, in the Galaxy of the Stars lounge, in the bridge display area forward of the bandstand).


The ship's crew is highly trained, and their training became apparent the final night out, when one of the generators in the engine room suffered an engineering casualty. My wife and I were seated in the windows restaurant at the time of occurance, and it was calming to see the speed of response by the crew. The Cruise Director was a bit flustered, but the ship itself was under full control at all times.


Bottom line, whould we sail with NCL again? Probably yes. Would we sail on the Spirit again? Uncertain. Our cruising history now spans nine cruises over four different cruise lines, and we're not done yet - not by a long shot.

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I guess I should have mentioned a bit more. I spoke to my steward first - asked her if she could at least clean the sheets, among other things. When she ignored our request we did speak with the head of housekeeping. Still nothing was done.


I agree that if you want something done and you request it and it isn't, then that's disappointing. I've always wondered about this complaint when I've seen it, though... how often do you change your sheets at home? We do ours once a week... so the idea that someone would change my sheets partway through a week's stay is strange to me. As I said, I've seen it posted elsewhere as well - including on other boards that were about hotels as well as ships. So... not saying there's anything wrong with it, I'm just taking the opportunity to ask why, other than spilling something on the sheets, would you want someone to do this? :)

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I never said that EVERYTHING was bad. Actually there were several things about the cruise I did like, although not enough to tip my scales in favor of a future like experience.


1. DW and I did dine at Windows on "lobster night" and were both impressed with the whole experience. I had the lobster, but alas DW is allergic to shellfish (bummer:( ) and had the Beef Wellington. Thumbs up all around!:)


2. Liked the fact that there is a kiddie pool/activity sector separate from the main pool area.


3. Loved the Port of embark/debarkation. Honestly, one of the main reasons we booked this cruise.


4. Room stewards were great, albeit very visible. They seemed to work non-stop!


5. I really thought the "Captains Bridge" thing was interesting. First ship I've ever been on where one can get that kind of look at the bridge.


Nope, never said everything was bad... just everything you mentioned in your first post. I guess the lobster and beef wellington were not among the rest of the food that you labelled 'mediocre at best'. :)


Since I went back to check that first post before answering, I remembered that I had wanted to say something about the beds... Another poster answered and stated that they have back problems and found the beds were okay... I also have back problems, and while I haven't been on this ship, I can tell you that it's hit or miss for me whether a bed will 'hurt' me. On our last land vacation, just getting out of bed every morning was excruciating for me, and I had to do a series of exercises before I could stand up straight and get going. The beds that are problematic for me, however, are often exactly the beds that people with other back issues need. I'm sorry that the beds on the Spirit were not the ones that work with your particular issues, I just wanted to point out that human backs, after a certain age, almost all have some type of issue, and none are exactly the same, meaning no beds will be perfect for everyone. :)


It's nice to see that there were things about the cruise that you really enjoyed. I'm sorry, though, that it took three pages for them to come out... I can see that we have very different priorities, as well. The positives you've listed here would have far outweighed the negatives in your first post for me. :) **The bed thing is an important one, though... while I wouldn't have sworn off of the entire line because of the experience, I doubt I would sail the same ship again.

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You can forget the plain steak and potatoes, unless you order the sirloin and baked potato every night. We never got plain potatoes, most choices did not even come with potatoes. The sirloin is the alternative selection, I got it the first night and it was overcooked. We ate at Windows every night and there was never a filet mignon.
you said it yourself, all you have to do is ask. If baked potatoes are your thing of course you can get them each night. The same with chicken breast, steak or salmon. I don't remember getting baked potatoes on our HAL cruise last year either. AS for steak, on our Star cruise we ate in the main dining rooms 5 of the 8 nights, 3 of them did serve steak and the forth night prime rib. I don't know what menu you were given, but it is served. If it isn't cooked to your liking, have you heard about sending it back?



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We have cruised HAL twice and NCL many times including the Spirit. Our experience on the Spirit FAR surpassed those on the HAL cruises in almost every respect. I did like the orange juice on HAL.


I am not saying I'll not go on HAL again if they are as cheap as in the past but our friends who cruised have cruised on both won't consider HAL.


Hey Ron! We've got our Meet and Greet well underway... are you going to join us? We haven't seen you on the roll call for a while... and you started it!! :)

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I agree that if you want something done and you request it and it isn't, then that's disappointing. I've always wondered about this complaint when I've seen it, though... how often do you change your sheets at home? We do ours once a week... so the idea that someone would change my sheets partway through a week's stay is strange to me. As I said, I've seen it posted elsewhere as well - including on other boards that were about hotels as well as ships. So... not saying there's anything wrong with it, I'm just taking the opportunity to ask why, other than spilling something on the sheets, would you want someone to do this? :)



I guess the answer has 2 parts...


Yes, we usually change ours once a week, but when my husband brought back something from the buffet the 2nd day I spilled the tomato juice, and knocked something else off the plate (and onto the bed).


Its one of the "perks" I guess you could say, some mention being disappointed when they don't get towel animals - I enjoy the fresh clean sheets. Not to mention that spending a few thousand dollars on a honeymoon (Romance Suite), and speaking to housekeeping about it, should at least get them to change it at least once.

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I guess the answer has 2 parts...


Yes, we usually change ours once a week, but when my husband brought back something from the buffet the 2nd day I spilled the tomato juice, and knocked something else off the plate (and onto the bed).


Its one of the "perks" I guess you could say, some mention being disappointed when they don't get towel animals - I enjoy the fresh clean sheets. Not to mention that spending a few thousand dollars on a honeymoon (Romance Suite), and speaking to housekeeping about it, should at least get them to change it at least once.


That is totally understandable!! I agree, you shouldn't have had to ask, and especially after you did it should have been handled!! I'm a bit more curious when it seems like people just want fresh sheets every day... or more than once a week... I like having a nice crisp bed the first day of a trip - it's kind of like a 'new car smell'... but after the novelty wears off, I find the 'slept in' sheets just seem softer and more comforting. Just one more personal preference thing, I'm sure... I just always like to get different perspectives! :)

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there's a notice on your bed when you check in, it's a notice to save water and not let the water run needlessly. also, the notice that if you want clean towels, put them on the floor...if you can use them again, hang them up.

since water is important, they work at not wasting any. no, they don't change them everyday. niether do hotels when you are staying more then 1 night.

but, if i had something spilled on them and my request wasn't answered. i guess i would do like they say to do for the towels, bundled it up and put it with the dirty towels? just a idea for future cruisers that may have the same problem.

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I have only sailed on NCL once and it was on the Spirit. I had a lovely time and could not think of one complaint I had. I tend to think as what I read above that what kind of attitude or personality those have who complain. You basically get what you pay for and if you are paying less than other cruise lines what do you expect? Sorry no offense but sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy the week instead of looking for things to complain about. You probably would of had more fun. Sorry you did not enjoy your vacation but with my budget I will be sticking with NCL.

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It is so hard to believe that I was on the same ship as the OP. This was my first NCL cruise and I loved it! I conversed with other guests on this ship and I never found one that was disappointed. Well, except for the lady at the reception desk with the lost make up case on day 3 of the trip. I plan to give a full review (opinion) later but here are a few points of interests I would like to point out. Good and bad.



Freestyle Cruising, Lay-Out of Ship, Curtious Staff.



Rough seas ( not NCLs Fault), Embarking Process ( I was there at 11am and never got a number to boad or found out I needed a number to board until after the last number was called out so it was after 12:30pm before boarding the ship.) Disembarking Process (I will use self-disembarking next time no matter what. It was after 11am before I made it thru the enitre process). Engine Failure/Fire (scary situation but it got handled).



Did any of these bad points ruin my cruise? NOPE

Will I cruise on NCL again? definitely


Our room steward was Nestor and he was spectacular! I enjoyed eating at Cagneys the best! Lobster night was great in the dining room. I believe that guest think they MUST order off the dining room menu for all courses.. NOT...I ordered a green salad most nights and had ice cream for dessert if I didnt like the ones being served on the menu. Drinks were never pushed on me. All you have to say is 'no thanks' and they will move on. Folks need to realize that this is a cruise ship and if they didnt make money they wouldnt be in business. I will say that the photos were expensive in the Photo Gallery so we didnt buy any of them. To give you an idea of how much I spent on the total cruise, I think my bill tab was just around $300. I had a great time and want to thank NCL for making my week off work worthwhile.:D

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I never said that EVERYTHING was bad. Actually there were several things about the cruise I did like, although not enough to tip my scales in favor of a future like experience.


1. DW and I did dine at Windows on "lobster night" and were both impressed with the whole experience. I had the lobster, but alas DW is allergic to shellfish (bummer:( ) and had the Beef Wellington. Thumbs up all around!:)


2. Liked the fact that there is a kiddie pool/activity sector separate from the main pool area.


3. Loved the Port of embark/debarkation. Honestly, one of the main reasons we booked this cruise.


4. Room stewards were great, albeit very visible. They seemed to work non-stop!


5. I really thought the "Captains Bridge" thing was interesting. First ship I've ever been on where one can get that kind of look at the bridge.



IF you had included these things along with what you didn't like in your original post, I'd be willing to guess that some would not have come down on you like they did. It would have presented a more balanced review. Like it or not, when someone comes on with a post that is nothing but negative the post is always subject to flames.


Even with the things that you like, you say they aren't enought to tip the scales for another cruise with NCL. You tried NCL, you didn't care for it overall and it's not for you. I certainly wouldn't tell you to give them another try, YOU have to be the one to decide if you want to give NCL another try. There's a cruise line to fit everyone and this one wasn't it for you.


Kind of reminds me when I say I don't like lamb and everyone keeps saying, how can you NOT like lamb, try THIS lamb, wait til you taste MY lamb or give it another try. I've eaten lamb, I don't like it. Don't try to convince me otherwise, just accept that I don't like it.:)

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I believe it all comes down to "educating" yourselves on these boards BEFORE you cruise:)


I can't understand why the greatest "education advocates" are the same people who flame down "Critical" comments on Cruise "Critic."


Folks looking for an education on these boards are entiled to the good, the bad, and the ugly.


I thought OP did a good job pointing out what he did not like about the cruise. His dislikes may not important to everyone, but there is nothing wrong with him stating I've taken my last NCL cruise and here is why....


My cruise on the Spirit was the best NCL cruise I've taken. This is akin to me complimenting the tallest midget in the circus or the lepper with the most fingers.


I would love to see NCL do a better job on customer service, food, entertainment, and on board communication. The Spirit is a beautiful Ship, NOLA is an "easy" drive for us, and its layout was just right for our family.

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Folks looking for an education on these boards are entiled to the good, the bad, and the ugly.


The problem is, nealstuber, that there are folks who read these boards who have never cruised, or at least have never cruised NCL. To get such a onesided review is not fair to anyone. This does not educate them.

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aside from what seem s great..i did have one complaint on the

evaluation card this past jan on the star..it was that the crew

could have been more engaging..but, i discount d the fact it

that it was our first cruise with NCL and it a freestyle concept

we had nt experienced in the past..


and it s good to hear that the lobster myth has proven to be

false..perhaps it s all part of the new Freestyle 2.0 :D


dvrdude ..you could have atleast list d ONE of the positive s

on your cruise..it would have lent alot more creditability to your

negative claim s..:cool:

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The problem is, nealstuber, that there are folks who read these boards who have never cruised, or at least have never cruised NCL. To get such a onesided review is not fair to anyone. This does not educate them.


....with a completely positive review? There are pleanty of reviews and comments that say nothing but good things and the go without challenge-let alone a flame.


I would think the greater danger to the new reader would be an overly complimentary review.


The post after yours says something like "your comments would have been better recieved if you found at least one positive thing to say." Has anyone ever required a negative comment from an effusively positive poster?

Has anyone ever said something like "From your post it is obvious that you are too easy to please and you obviously set your standards too low and you put up with too much - I'm glad I'm not cruising with you."?


Sure seems like a double standard.

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A balanced review is really what people are asking for, and it's what I look for in -any- review. ship happens. and ship happens on the really great cruises too. If I read a review, I give more credience to any reviewer if it seems balanced to me. Fully positive reviews are just part of the arsenal that I take with a grain of salt, because I know that my experience might be completely different.

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The problem is, nealstuber, that there are folks who read these boards who have never cruised, or at least have never cruised NCL. To get such a onesided review is not fair to anyone. This does not educate them.


Likewise, there are people who cruise, many who may have cruised multiple times, without ever having discovered this website. It does not make them bad people, nor should they be subjected to sneering denigrating comments that they coulda woulda shoulda read here first. If you need to feel superior to someone else because you knew about thie site before they did, that is really a stretch.

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You're right, Neal. I'm not sure it's so much a double standard, though, as some of us (and I really only speak for myself) find it difficult to believe that anyone can find NOTHING positive about a cruise. I don't think I've ever been on a holiday, on land or sea, where everything was perfect, but then I never expect that. When I talk about my travels, I very rarely bring up any of the things that were not positive, though. They just don't matter enough to me... so when I see an entirely positive review, I understand it... I don't believe that the reviewer's cruise had NO problems at all, I just think they didn't affect the person's cruise and so they didn't bother to mention them.


On the other hand, when I see a 100% negative review, as I said, I find it very difficult to believe that the person found NOTHING positive about their trip. A lot of the 'flaming' is just people saying that... voicing disagreement (which I've seen people do to positive posts also), and asking the posters for more clarification about why their trip was so horrible. Usually (not always, but definitely in this case) the poster will come back and say 'Well, it wasn't ALL bad...'


I don't think these boards are any different than anywhere else... when someone starts a conversation with nothing but negativity (especially if it is presented with an 'angry' or 'aggressive' attitude), I think that in the vast majority of cases, they get less than a positive response from whomever they're talking to. What are we supposed to say? Most of us here DO like NCL. When someone says something negative about the cruiseline we like, we're going to defend it... just like we would a friend who is being belittled by someone. :)

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I can't understand why the greatest "education advocates" are the same people who flame down "Critical" comments on Cruise "Critic."


Folks looking for an education on these boards are entiled to the good, the bad, and the ugly.


I thought OP did a good job pointing out what he did not like about the cruise. His dislikes may not important to everyone, but there is nothing wrong with him stating I've taken my last NCL cruise and here is why....


My cruise on the Spirit was the best NCL cruise I've taken. This is akin to me complimenting the tallest midget in the circus or the lepper with the most fingers.


I would love to see NCL do a better job on customer service, food, entertainment, and on board communication. The Spirit is a beautiful Ship, NOLA is an "easy" drive for us, and its layout was just right for our family.

I believe it is not what you say but how you say it that makes a difference. Of course Op has a right to his views, if he doesn't want to sail NCl again, that is certainly his choice. AS I have often said, that is why we have so many cruise choices. Had he pointed out the positives I don't think some of the NCL loyalists would have been quite so defensive.


I do have one question for you, what do you mean by On board communications? I have never found this a problem. As for food, well that is far to subjective to touch with a 10 foot pole. Entertainment, again, this is a matter of opinion, after 20 plus cruises, all mass marketed lines but one, I have never sailed on a ship with better entertainment. Of course it isn't the same as Vegas or a New YOrk show, I don't think anyone expects this. I do think the Jean Ryan company does an excellant job even though sometimes the music is a bit to contempory for me. The comedians are par for cruise lines, the acrobats are fantastic and there are plenty of on board activities. Again, this is my opinion.


BTW, I have never been on a bad cruise, nor, when I write reviews do I offer only praises. Every cruise has something that could be improved upon.



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unless the ship was the last barge from China..there is no cruise

ship i think i would nt enjoy..


maybe it s a fault in my outlook toward s life..but, if i don t look

for problem s they won t find me..:p


it would really ruin a plan d cruise if i took all the complaint s to heart

and tried to avoid them by looking for them..OMG!! sometime s i just don t

know what im saying till it come s out of my mouth..:confused: :o

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....with a completely positive review? There are pleanty of reviews and comments that say nothing but good things and the go without challenge-let alone a flame.


I would think the greater danger to the new reader would be an overly complimentary review.


The post after yours says something like "your comments would have been better recieved if you found at least one positive thing to say." Has anyone ever required a negative comment from an effusively positive poster?

Has anyone ever said something like "From your post it is obvious that you are too easy to please and you obviously set your standards too low and you put up with too much - I'm glad I'm not cruising with you."?


Sure seems like a double standard.


Well, it's not worth an argument. When I do a review, I put what I experienced, but I always experience so much of the good and so little of the less-then-good that it might seem lopsided. It's really in the attitude of the person as events on ship unfold. I think if the ship started sinking and the crew took all the lifeboats and left us onboard, I would definitely complain. Short of that, I certainly wouldn't start a negative thread about something. (Please understand that is a bit of an exaggeration.)

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I just reread my Explorer review, and it mentions things that are not perfect while giving an exurberant review of all the wonderful things on the cruise. Here is one of the bad things I mentioned, but you will note it does not castigate the desk personnel - just expresses a valid question. The signs did not make sense. I was wanting to know the answer because I wanted to put it in the review:


Public Restrooms: I never could understand this. You will see signs that direct you one or two decks down to the public restrooms; however, my husband didn’t notice the sign and asked someone where the restroom was and was directed to one on that floor. I asked two different people at the Explorer Desk what these signs meant if there were more available restrooms, and neither one of them knew anything about the signs. One fellow said perhaps it was because of cleaning the restroom. Of course, that was an incorrect statement! The other person I asked also was not aware of these permanent signs. I was told, however, that there are public restrooms on any floor with public rooms (yet these signs were posted outside the “public” library on deck 7) but not on floor where there are just cabins.

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....with a completely positive review? There are pleanty of reviews and comments that say nothing but good things and the go without challenge-let alone a flame.


I would think the greater danger to the new reader would be an overly complimentary review.


The post after yours says something like "your comments would have been better recieved if you found at least one positive thing to say." Has anyone ever required a negative comment from an effusively positive poster?

Has anyone ever said something like "From your post it is obvious that you are too easy to please and you obviously set your standards too low and you put up with too much - I'm glad I'm not cruising with you."?


Sure seems like a double standard.[/Nealstuber,your fighting a losing battle,even when someone does a balanced review some people feel the need to give sarcastic answers about the negatives.Cruising is an excellent way to vacation but not what it used to be.Its to bad whenever anybody mentions a bad expierience they end up having to defend themselves.

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Petesweet, coming from a first time cruiser I'm not coming to this board to be "educated" as the people that are writing are just giving their opinions certainly not facts. I certainly read the reviews both the good and the bad but I can never say afterward that I've been educated about NCL. It's just all so subjective that you mostly just try to find reviews from people that seem to have similar personalities and those are the ones I take something from. My DH and I are very easy to please and enjoy every vacation we go on so I look for reviews from people that seem to have that same outlook. If I read a negative review from someone that seems very hard to please I certainly wouldn't feel I was educated by them. Maybe if they were stating the square footage of the cabin or what food was served in the dining room but certainly not if the cabin was "nice" or the "food" was terrible or good. It seems like NCL is a cruise line for people that have a laid back attitude and don't need everything perfect. If someone needs more attention or a near perfect cruise maybe they should consider another line.

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