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Bikinis and the middle aged woman!


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I do want to point out that my friend does not eat like this all the time. She's not nuts, okay not totally :D


If she is nuts I am also (or at lest used to be)-I used to go on terrible binges before I got my diabetes under control-it seems a diabetic's body when blood sugar is running high will crave the very things he/she should NOT eat. You feel very tired and weak and your body keeps telling you to eat the carbs to give you energy. Your brain KNOWS better but we all know how easy it is to give into strong cravings. Thank goodness those days are over.

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but your average joe who goes out for a jog every morning is a prime candidate for dropping dead on the track because of their belief that if they're not overweight, they must be healthy, therefore they can eat whatever they want.


I think this does apply to everyone. I don't know a soul who "can eat whatever they want" without consequences. Some are just able to overlook the "consequences" more than others. :p

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To me it's not really about one's body, it's about one's AGE. I don't care how great you look for your age, I think a bikini is a very young look, sort of like a miniskirt. Therefore, I disagree with anyone over about 37 wearing a bikini OR miniskirt. To me, classy and demure is better, I don't care if you have the goods or not, class is not letting them all hang out! They make very gorgeous/ cute tankinis and one pieces nowdays that I think are more flattering on ANY woman more so than a bikini.


It creeps me out a lttle to see older women wearing bikinis, to be honest.


Sorry but this post is too funny! I'm would post but I'm a bit speechless...........I'll just leave it at that:rolleyes:

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:D thaks ladies, I remembered seeing dear Sue in a picture in hers and I thought Hey I can do that:) . well i had to go to hand doctor yesterday hand is in splint, we dont know what happened but looks like its coming from my cervical spine, DUH what else is new it looks like a railroad track from back of my head down to mid back, so couldnt type yestefday. SO what did I do.... I went and got another Bikini ,LOL, went to old navy its right down the street and thier suits fit me soo well becuasei can buy seperate sizes in tops and bottoms , got thie brand spanking new green/blue striped bikini and were going to Palm springs in a Febuary so Im takingf it with me, cant wait to wear, but Im so pale right now,ha,aha will have to use some fake sunless stuff so I dont Scare Small children LOL:D when they see my scars and "middleaged body" oopsss did I say middleaged, I meant WISDOM body!!!!.


Love and Hugss


Janie ( Mom of Meg) still cant find your email addy, help!:eek:



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I find this an interesting debate. I guess i'm lucky in the fact that I still am a size 2 - 4 and approaching 60 and can still wear bikinis. We also have a boat so I have a large collection of swimsuits and only 2 are one piece. I love the sun when I can get it and enjoy still being able to wear the 2 piece (half of it when on the right beach) Still not in bad shape for the age and will try to stay that way for a while yet. Here's 3 of the many suits I bring on cruises.Donna

P.S. If you look good in it wear it.




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I find this an interesting debate. I guess i'm lucky in the fact that I still am a size 2 - 4 and approaching 60 and can still wear bikinis. We also have a boat so I have a large collection of swimsuits and only 2 are one piece. I love the sun when I can get it and enjoy still being able to wear the 2 piece (half of it when on the right beach) Still not in bad shape for the age and will try to stay that way for a while yet. Here's 3 of the many suits I bring on cruises.Donna

P.S. If you look good in it wear it.


You look FABULOUS!


You are exactly my point that there is no age where you should not wear a bikini and quite frankly, as hard as I work out, it is insulting for someone to insinuate because of my age I shouldn't.


I have a better body now at 42 than I did at 25.

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Actually, there is no need to fuel up on carbs for runs of less than ten miles, or so. At least that's what I've been told by my doctor.


I know I'ev run seventeen miles without eating pasta beforehand, but I do carry my Gu for runs of eight miles, or more.


ETA: if you don't know what GU is, don't ask. It's just nasty.


Nliedel, congrats on training for your first marathon! You should go ahead and get in the lottery for the NYC because it is big daddy!


FWIW, I never 'carb up' anymore before a long run. As a matter of fact, the day before a marathon or a long run (more than 13 miles) I'll eat four or five really small meals. Anything else and I'm bloated and miserable trying to run.


The day of my long run or marathon, I have zero appetitie after I'm finished. I'm sure it is because of those nasty ass aack gels. Disgusting. About the only flavors I can choke back are tangerine, latte, or rasberry.


Runners usually aren't very skinny. We run a lot so we are hungry. It is really tough keeping weight off because you want to eat everything in site because your metabolism is off the charts.



The only skinny runners I know are the ones running ten miles a day or back to back marathons.


BTW, which marathon are you running? I'm running the Miami half next Sunday and the Myrtle Beach half three weeks later. I probably will not run a full until the fall and I've got a guarantee into NYC.

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Sorry but this post is too funny! I'm would post but I'm a bit speechless...........I'll just leave it at that:rolleyes:


Sorry, but I tend to agree with that poster. Trim toned older women can look great in a well made bathing suit, but not usually in a bikini. Skin sags whether you're thin or not. Look in the mirror and gaze at the neck, hands and upper inner thighs and arms of an older woman.......... wrinkled and flabby. Not a pretty site. A bikini would expose and exaggerate these areas. Why not spend the money on a good looking stylish one or two piece? Unless you like the attention.

Face lifts are great, but neck lifts are rarely done. And nothing can be done to show aging on the hands......... except gloves:D

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Sorry, but I tend to agree with that poster. Trim toned older women can look great in a well made bathing suit, but not usually in a bikini. Skin sags whether you're thin or not. Look in the mirror and gaze at the neck, hands and upper inner thighs and arms of an older woman.......... wrinkled and flabby. Not a pretty site. A bikini would expose and exaggerate these areas. Why not spend the money on a good looking stylish one or two piece? Unless you like the attention.

Face lifts are great, but neck lifts are rarely done. And nothing can be done to show aging on the hands......... except gloves:D


Well first of all 37 is not old and wrinkled. Second what does sagging necks and old hands have to do with bathing suits period. Oh I see they look better in a one piece:rolleyes: Ok:rolleyes:

And thirdly it's ok to disagree:D

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Sorry, but I tend to agree with that poster. Trim toned older women can look great in a well made bathing suit, but not usually in a bikini. Skin sags whether you're thin or not. Look in the mirror and gaze at the neck, hands and upper inner thighs and arms of an older woman.......... wrinkled and flabby. Not a pretty site. A bikini would expose and exaggerate these areas. Why not spend the money on a good looking stylish one or two piece? Unless you like the attention.

Face lifts are great, but neck lifts are rarely done. And nothing can be done to show aging on the hands......... except gloves:D


Excuse me but I take extra care of my hands and neck and have been slathering them with sunblock and exfoliating as long as I can remember along with my face.


A good looking two peice is not going to cover up the areas you've already said look bad; neck, hands, upper inner thighs, and arms.


Way to support your fellow sister.

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Sorry, but I tend to agree with that poster. Trim toned older women can look great in a well made bathing suit, but not usually in a bikini. Skin sags whether you're thin or not. Look in the mirror and gaze at the neck, hands and upper inner thighs and arms of an older woman.......... wrinkled and flabby. Not a pretty site. A bikini would expose and exaggerate these areas. Why not spend the money on a good looking stylish one or two piece? Unless you like the attention.

Face lifts are great, but neck lifts are rarely done. And nothing can be done to show aging on the hands......... except gloves:D


Wow this is funnier than that last one! :rolleyes: "Not a pretty site"?? I am amazed that someone, much less a female, could categorize all "older women" like that. You should get out more.

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Sorry, but I tend to agree with that poster. Trim toned older women can look great in a well made bathing suit, but not usually in a bikini. Skin sags whether you're thin or not. Look in the mirror and gaze at the neck, hands and upper inner thighs and arms of an older woman.......... wrinkled and flabby. Not a pretty site. A bikini would expose and exaggerate these areas. Why not spend the money on a good looking stylish one or two piece? Unless you like the attention.

Face lifts are great, but neck lifts are rarely done. And nothing can be done to show aging on the hands......... except gloves:D


I'm sorry, but this post strikes me as mean and very short sighted. I'm sorry the bodies of those of us over thirty are so upsetting to you. However, we're here, we're slightly saggy, get over it. I don't mean that to sound mean, but life is not going to be all pretty people. There are runners who are missing legs, people with burn scars on their faces, women who want to wear things you don't want to see and the truth is, you don't really have control over that. You can learn to accept what you see, or treat the people you want to cover up with contempt. Sadly, you will be one of those people one day and you may reap, what you sow.

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Blue Herons, you've tried the three times for NYC? That's wonderful that you can do it this year. My friend ran it two years and ago and LOVED IT! She's doing her Ironman this year. She's a larger girl too and a delight.


I'm doing the Grand Rapids Marathon. I was a tad sad about what happened at Chicago last year, being a back of the pack runner. GR is very first time runner friendly, telling you that they would like you to finish on any day ending with a Y.


GU is evil, but it works. I use Orange Blast.


I've yet to figure out how to do long runs while cruising. :)

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GU is evil, but it works. I use Orange Blast.


We like PowerBar Gels. The caramel is absolutely to die for. No kidding. ;)


I've yet to figure out how to do long runs while cruising.

No long runs for me while cruising, but 5 miles early in the morning, while nearing a Caribbean island, is my favorite way to wake up. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
Blue Herons, you've tried the three times for NYC? That's wonderful that you can do it this year. My friend ran it two years and ago and LOVED IT! She's doing her Ironman this year. She's a larger girl too and a delight.


I'm doing the Grand Rapids Marathon. I was a tad sad about what happened at Chicago last year, being a back of the pack runner. GR is very first time runner friendly, telling you that they would like you to finish on any day ending with a Y.


GU is evil, but it works. I use Orange Blast.


I've yet to figure out how to do long runs while cruising. :)


I actually ran the full ING NYC Marathon in 2005 and 2006 and had entry for 2007 but had to drop out because of a family deal. I have guaranteed entry for 2008 but I haven't decided yet whether or not I'll run another full. It just takes up so much of your life plus I feel like I've run so many halves lately (NYC Half in August, Las Vegas Half last month, Miami Half last Sunday, and the Myrtle Beach Half in three weeks) that I'm exhausted!


I did have a nice long stay in South Florida but blew off going to see my parents in Key West.


Good luck with Grand Rapids! It is a wonderful feeling when you finish!

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Just one more here with an "If it looks good, wear it!" posture. As far as age goes, to me it has no relevancy. I have yet to see a woman in a bikini with a birth date placard attached to her suit. If she's gorgeous, she's gorgeous - regardless of what age she is.

A previous reply said beauty is in the eye of the beholder. True dat!! There will be the 5'7", 80lb anorexics and the 5' 300 lb BBWs putting it out there for all to see but I think most women, that would even opt for a bikini, would fall well into what is generally considered attractive.

I'm 36; my wife will be 40 this year. As long as she has the body for a bikini, and as long as she is confortable doing so, I should hope she would want to strut her stuff. Going a step further, I was in sports in high school and did a 6 year stint in the military and have a better body now than I've ever had. I wear a Speedo! Some may have a problem with that. But the long and the short of it is, as long as I have the physique to wear minimal fashions on the beach, I'm gonna' keep on keepin' on. And you ladies should do the same.

This is just one more "in your face" way for us old folks to say age aint nuthin' but a number!:p



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It's ADULT SWIM time... and I want Repsol Rod, his lovely wife, her bikini and his Speedo at MY Cruise Pool Party...!! Mostly because it's about Attitude, Confidence and Style... they've got it and they've earned it.


All this nonsense talk about who's too OLD to wear what they choose! Such Bunk!! Most of the women younger than myself (45) have never even set foot inside of a gym and when they do it's only in January!! They constantly talk about what they want in life and make absolutely no changes in their daily routines to achieve it!!


Then they dare to slam people over 40 who have made commitments, sacrifices and achieved their personal best from wearing a badge of honor!! Go away small minded youth - you can only hope that you will look as good as us when you're our ages!! Doubt It...!!


signing off... Lori, age 45 & Patrick, age 40 - We're in the Gym 6 days a week... why would we listen to someone who has absolutely no idea what they are talking about? We never would.


I think that all of the "anti bikini over 40" opinions should post with their pictures...! That will silence this thread...!

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It's ADULT SWIM time... and I want Repsol Rod, his lovely wife, her bikini and his Speedo at MY Cruise Pool Party...!! Mostly because it's about Attitude, Confidence and Style... they've got it and they've earned it.


All this nonsense talk about who's too OLD to wear what they choose! Such Bunk!! Most of the women younger than myself (45) have never even set foot inside of a gym and when they do it's only in January!! They constantly talk about what they want in life and make absolutely no changes in their daily routines to achieve it!!


Then they dare to slam people over 40 who have made commitments, sacrifices and achieved their personal best from wearing a badge of honor!! Go away small minded youth - you can only hope that you will look as good as us when you're our ages!! Doubt It...!!


signing off... Lori, age 45 & Patrick, age 40 - We're in the Gym 6 days a week... why would we listen to someone who has absolutely no idea what they are talking about? We never would.


I think that all of the "anti bikini over 40" opinions should post with their pictures...! That will silence this thread...!



I was just wondering when I was reading this thread, how many of of the ladies who are against "older" (I'm almost 45, a grammie of 4 and wear a bikini) women wearing bikini's have never set foot in a gym. I am very active, not always so much in the gym except in the winter but we golf, wakeboard, snow ski, snowmobile (which gives you a work out believe it or not), hike and do anything but sit around complaining about women over 40 wearing bikini's. I will as long as I can!

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