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Miracle was so so!


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There are people out there that are "Hum Drum", "Lame", and could not have a good time no matter what the situation is. They would be bored if they were at game 7 of the World Series, the Superbowl, or sitting front row of a rock concert. Not to mention the unmentionable acts.........

There really is no merit here, it's just a bunch of complaining.


C'mon Matt! Where's the merit in your post? :eek:


Just because the OP didn't come here with wonderful, glowing comments about HER cruise doesn't mean the post has no merit.


Where's your review? You were on the same sailing as me. I'm guessing you didn't have the exact same experiences as we had. It would be interesting to see how your experience compared (or contrasted) to ours!


What would be the point of this board if people weren't supposed to share their thoughts?


I'd much rather read a not-so-wonderful review than see another tipping thread. Or formal night thread. Or smuggling booze thread. Or luggage tags thread. Or e-docs thread.

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I'd much rather read a not-so-wonderful review than see another tipping thread. Or formal night thread. Or smuggling booze thread. Or luggage tags thread. Or e-docs thread.


No reason why you have to click on those threads if you are tired of them. I really didn't like the way the OP put down the disabled person with the dog. Seemed small minded to me. I'm ok with being critical of Carnival whether it be the ship, service, food, whatever.......but the comment on the dog was out of line.

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Honestly, folks. She didn't insult your mom. Or your kids. Or kick your dog. She was giving her opinions.


We are individuals, after all. And we end up interacting with different individuals on the cruise. It makes for a different experience. It's all interesting!



Actually sounds like the dog was quite an irritant to the OP. You say its all interesting.........the way I read it sounds like nothing on the cruise was interesting or adequate for the OP.

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I have one of those foo foo service dogs and she has been on 5 or more cruises with me. If everyone knew just how much work is you have to do to take your service dog on a cruise you would NEVER think of doubting that any dog on board was a service animal. You nont only have to jump through the hoops for the cruise line but with each and every country that you visit' date=' even if you never get off of the ship! It sometimes takes months of calls the the various embacies to get aproved. Special shots and records and such have toi be obtained. Oh yes if you visit Mexico first then you can't go to one of the other island which name excapes me right now. Valentine is only 10 pounds has long hair and extremely cute and cuddly. It would be nice to dress her for formal night but I don't because someone would be on here complaining that if she were a service dog that I would dress her like that. I always have to explaine to everyone why I can bring my dog on board and they can't. In my opinion if it bothered you so much you should have gotten to know the woman talked a few minutes and I'll bet she would have volunteered the information about her dog as we do tend to be extrememly proud of these remarkable creatures.:D[/quote']


I think it's awesome that you can travel and am sorry that they make so much extra work (I know some foreign countries are really sticklers on it). But, I'd love to cruise with you and Valentine ANY day! It's fantastic when anyone who has a serious medical issue can travel.

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This is a great example of different people responding totally differently to the same thing. I'm guessing I would have loved having her tablemates. I don't like it when I'm seated with people who WON'T talk...


As for the dog, I'm sure it was a service animal, but whether or not it was or what service it was there to provide is, frankly, none of the OP's or anybody else's business. Carnival decides whether or not to allow dogs aboard. They decided to allow this one. That is all the OP needs to know. It is not her place to judge or approve those decisions.

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Let's get back to Ali for a minute. He's been with Carnival for 17 years. I also didn't order alcohol from him but he brought me ice water non-stop out by the pool. He was also our drink server at dinner. He got a huge tip from me since he didn't make a penny from me but never complained and he always had a smile. Service like that is unbeatable and yes, he was on the Miracle.

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Ok, first of all, props to Ali...he is my new best friend on Carnival! :D Big extra tip...loved him.


I was on the sailing also, saw the dog once. Eh...that was it. Didn't really care. It wasn't in the pool or drinking my beer.


As far as the dining room went, I do have to admit that I have had better experiences. I thought the food was great...but I will say when we went in to the dining room the first night...for some reason the maitre'd sat my husband and I (celebrating 11 years) at a table for 8 with what appeared to be 6 frat boys. No thanks. That being said, it took about 2 seconds to get relocated to a table for 2. But I felt like our poor waiter was just being run into the ground...he just didn't seem to be able to catch up. But I don't blame him at all...I was a waitress...getting 4-6 tables at one time will screw anyone up. We rarely saw his assistant at all, I think that was the main problem...seemed like he was doing everything on his own.


Truth be told, regardless of the downer weather, and the "fantastic" swells we had the first few days, truthfully it was one of the best vacations I've had and I'm not new to Carnival. And met some amazing friends that I plan to annoy for months on end now! (That means you Amy!)


It's a shame that the OP didn't have as great a time, but to each his own...different strokes for different folks. :D

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My BF received a call from our PVP for the cruise! They had a nice chat about the cruise and how we felt it went.


They also talked about the dog on the cruise!


Well, contrary to many people who criticized me and took me to the shed about the dog, the PVP apologized and said Carnival made an error with allowing the dog on board.


It turned out it was not a service animal at all. The PVP stated they would be sending out a letter addressing the issue. My BF never made a complaint about the dog, but the PVP said it was a hot issue at Corporate! Another thing the PVP mentioned was the woman with the dog was not going to be allowed to cruise on Carnival again.


However, I do not think I was complaining too much about the dog, but, it turns out, many of you who judged me so harshly may in-fact be incorrect!


I understand the valuable service these animals provide, and it was interesting how many of you judged me the same way you assumed I judged this woman and the dog! A sad commentary on some users.

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Sorry about how bad your dinners were (one week of loud-mouths - ugh), did you realize that you can have dinner on the Lido deck anytime you want? Of-course it is not the same as the proper dining room so I could see how you might not like that option.


I have not used/priced the specialty dining, would that be an option?


And of-course you can always request a table just for yourself and BF. But then you may feel that you are missing out meeting new people.


Just suggesting options - hope you will try Carnival again even without free-style dining, but I can see you would not want to repeat the dining experience either..


Thank you for the thoughts. We did not want to spend more for the specialty dining, perhaps we should have tried it once. We did ask about a table for two and unfortunately were not able to get one.

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Oh Lordy you are one depressing sounding person. There are opinions and then there is the point where you are just kicking the dead horse. WE GOT IT!!!! YOU DON'T LIKE CARNIVAL.


Depressing, wow, my learned definition of depressing must be different. It is not that I do not like Carnival, I have been on it before, as stated, I did not like this cruise, and I learned I prefer a free style type cruise more.

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I am willing to bet that the Dog was a service dog, just not a seeing eye dog. The waiter was probably just mistaken.


You do seem a bit depressing in this post, kind of "blah". hopefully this is just the way the post reads , or maybe your table mates are posting on some other forum mentioning the depressing person at their table. j/k



I personally would have just told the obnoxious person that I have had enough of listening to them and would have requested another table. I know this can be done because we saw it done at the table next to us last cruise. The requesting of a new table because of bad table mates.


I guess my table mates could be saying that about me, too funny! I was not rude, just quiet.

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Sorry you had such a "so-so" time, but it kind of sounds like your "down-in-dumps" so to speak, and maybe cruising just isn't for you. As far as the dog goes, there are sooooo many different kinds of service dogs nowadays. From seeing eye to ones that can sense seizures to ones that can sense heart attacks. It could have been there for any medical reason. Honestly though, the fact that you typed it in such a large fontmade me think that it really bothered you. Can i ask why?.....Lifes too short to let little petty things like that bother you or take away from the enjoyment of your vacation. Dont sweat the small stuff. Hope your next vacation is more enjoyable that this one.


I am not sure how you can say cruising is not for me! Because I did not enjoy ONE Carnival cruise! Did you read the whole post?

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I have to say after reading this it seems like the OP was just looking for a reason to find something wrong because other than the dog and possibly the loud mouth tablemates I don't see an issue really...it's vacation have fun!!!!! On our first cruise we didn't have tablemates and were upset that we had them on our second but when we got to know them we had such a great time chatting with them it was a blast! We still talk to this day and can't wait to meet more people on our next trip! The OP is probably either better off at NCL like she said or a land vacation but in all honesty I think what kind of a vacation is it if you don't meet people? How much fun can you have by yourselves really? I think that the people we met on ours is what made it for us! We have friends from both and actually planned one with people we met on our first one!


I was not looking for a reason to find something wrong, I pointed out both good and bad. My second line said a lot, perhaps you should read it again!

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I also liked the food on the Miracle. I guess you didn't realize that if you didn't like something you could have ordered something else. I don't go to the dining room every night and I find many other options for food (i.e. the sushi bar). I have no idea why you didn't get turn down service each evening (and I assume no towel animals). I'm sure there must have been a reason. I guess you didn't meet Ali - the best drink server known to mankind.


Sorry you didn't enjoy your cruise, I guess you'll be back on the NCL thread.


I did try a few different items at the meals, I was just not thrilled as compared to my past Carnival Cruises.


We did get towel animals a few times, that was cool, so no complaint there. Too bad I missed Ali, they sound awesome!

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Not here to flame, but I was on the same sailing, I saw the dog and honestly, it did not bother me (I have two at home, so was a little jealous! :D ) We did chat with her, and although I didn't ask exactly what the need was (quite frankly, it was none of my business), it was clear that she had the dog for a reason. Carnival wouldn't just let anyone bring on a dog because it was cute or because the passenger couldn't possibly bear to leave her home while she vacationed. The poster that said that service animals are not just for seeing is totally correct. There are unconventional service animals that can detect hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), epileptic seizures, depression and a variety of other ailments, not to mention simply helping a person that needs help. Would it have bothered you as much if the woman was wearing dark glasses and using a white cane?


Perhaps you were the one I overheard yelling at the purser's desk about the dog on board?


IMHO, it was my vacation, and I didn't let it bother me. I only saw her and the dog 3x in 8 days. It takes A LOT more than that to dampen my vacation!


As for the dinner arrangements, the Miracle has loads of tables for 2. Perhaps you could have talked with Suresh about changing tables. He made alternate arrangements for my family without any problems.


Oh, and ALI is the best Carnival employee out there. And I don't even drink! :D


Vacation is what YOU make of it.


The dog did not bother me, it did make me miss mine! And, I did not say a word to the pursers desk about the dog, I was just pointing it out in my review! It seems to me because I did not have as great of a time as you did, you do get bothered rather easily by things. Interesting!

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There are people out there that are "Hum Drum", "Lame", and could not have a good time no matter what the situation is. They would be bored if they were at game 7 of the World Series, the Superbowl, or sitting front row of a rock concert. Not to mention the unmentionable acts.........

There really is no merit here, it's just a bunch of complaining.


Perhaps you should read the whole review!

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This is a great example of different people responding totally differently to the same thing. I'm guessing I would have loved having her tablemates. I don't like it when I'm seated with people who WON'T talk...


As for the dog, I'm sure it was a service animal, but whether or not it was or what service it was there to provide is, frankly, none of the OP's or anybody else's business. Carnival decides whether or not to allow dogs aboard. They decided to allow this one. That is all the OP needs to know. It is not her place to judge or approve those decisions.


See my first new post on the situation.

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C'mon Matt! Where's the merit in your post? :eek:


Just because the OP didn't come here with wonderful, glowing comments about HER cruise doesn't mean the post has no merit.


Where's your review? You were on the same sailing as me. I'm guessing you didn't have the exact same experiences as we had. It would be interesting to see how your experience compared (or contrasted) to ours!


What would be the point of this board if people weren't supposed to share their thoughts?


I'd much rather read a not-so-wonderful review than see another tipping thread. Or formal night thread. Or smuggling booze thread. Or luggage tags thread. Or e-docs thread.


Thank you!

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You're welcome! :)


I'm still waiting for Matj2000's impressions of our 12/17 sailing.


Now, if Carnival would only write back to me and tell me that Alice has been banned! I haven't received a response from them. I wrote on 12/31. Hopefully, I'll get some type of response eventually.


Re: Ali - he stopped at our booth in Horatio's while we were having lunch after boarding. I said, "I know who you are! Everyone on Cruise Critic has raved about you!" He laughed. He was so happy and said to tell all his "friends" he said Hello! Unfortunately, he was working at the main pool area and we spent zero time there. What little time we spent poolside was at the Orpheus pool. But at least I met him!

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You're welcome! :)


I'm still waiting for Matj2000's impressions of our 12/17 sailing.


Now, if Carnival would only write back to me and tell me that Alice has been banned! I haven't received a response from them. I wrote on 12/31. Hopefully, I'll get some type of response eventually.


Re: Ali - he stopped at our booth in Horatio's while we were having lunch after boarding. I said, "I know who you are! Everyone on Cruise Critic has raved about you!" He laughed. He was so happy and said to tell all his "friends" he said Hello! Unfortunately, he was working at the main pool area and we spent zero time there. What little time we spent poolside was at the Orpheus pool. But at least I met him!


May be waiting for a long time for that review!


I am curious to see the letter about the situation, I wonder what Carnival is going to say!

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However, I do not think I was complaining too much about the dog, but, it turns out, many of you who judged me so harshly may in-fact be incorrect!


I understand the valuable service these animals provide, and it was interesting how many of you judged me the same way you assumed I judged this woman and the dog! A sad commentary on some users.


I maintain that, regardless of what the PVP said, it is none of your business why they allowed the dog aboard. "Error" or not, it is their call to make and not your place to challenge. I think the judgements were mostly about you sticking your nose into other people's business. That remains true.

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My BF received a call from our PVP for the cruise! They had a nice chat about the cruise and how we felt it went.


They also talked about the dog on the cruise!


Well, contrary to many people who criticized me and took me to the shed about the dog, the PVP apologized and said Carnival made an error with allowing the dog on board.


It turned out it was not a service animal at all. The PVP stated they would be sending out a letter addressing the issue. My BF never made a complaint about the dog, but the PVP said it was a hot issue at Corporate! Another thing the PVP mentioned was the woman with the dog was not going to be allowed to cruise on Carnival again.


However, I do not think I was complaining too much about the dog, but, it turns out, many of you who judged me so harshly may in-fact be incorrect!


I understand the valuable service these animals provide, and it was interesting how many of you judged me the same way you assumed I judged this woman and the dog! A sad commentary on some users.


I think this PVP is full of bull. They were telling you exactly what they thought you wanted to hear. (I know. I do it all the time when I have to handle customer complaints)


For one thing, I do not believe for one minute a non service dog was allowed on the ship. And I really don't believe the part about the woman not being allowed to sail Carnival again.

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I have a couple comments to make.

First comment is that I am almost completely deaf without my cochlear implant, and if I didn't have my husband to tell me when the alarm is going off, or that someone is knocking, then I wouldn't hear it without my ears in, and of course I do not sleep with them in. I have a pug, that isn't a service animal, but is able to wake me up if the fire alarm, doorbell, ect goes off. People might "seem" absolutely fine, when looking at them, but may have a disability that they need an animal to help them, so I did take offense to the dog comment.

Second, I have a very hard time believing a PVP would tell you that the dog was on there by accident, what would be the rational behind them telling you that? And to tell you the woman is not allowed to sail again?

I'd think that would be an invasion of privacy and I cannot see it happening.

I think we all have different ideas and expectations of a cruise, and it's perfectly fine for everyone to find their own fit, as far as cruising goes. We didn't love our first cruise on Carnival, but I'm sure glad I came back a second time, I've hand nothing but good experiences since.

I also enjoy Celebrity. I want to try a smaller ship to go to the "sea of cortez" one day also.

Not everyone has to like the same thing, or enjoy the same experiences, it'd be a boring world if we did.

Now for anyone that wonders, I erased almost as much as I typed :D


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I'm still waiting for Matj2000's impressions of our 12/17 sailing.


I thought the 12/17 cruise was great. I loved the ship and its tacky theme. I even thought the dining room looked real nice with all the grapes lite up. We had the best time we ever had on a cruise. The rest of the passengers was a good mix of people and ages. Not to many teens and not to many elderly people(scooters). The only thing I did not care for was the Assistant cruise director. I don't remember his name but he was the big guy. I watched him on the Carnival TV during the recaps of the day. He tried to do interviews and be funny but was so bad, it became painful to watch.

I don't really do written reviews, I tried in the past and I am never happy with what I write and end up tossing it.

I am however putting together my cruise-movie which will be on Youtube when finished.

Also I didn't really mean to be that harsh to the OP. Sorry...



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Leeker13, I to was disappointed in my cruise on the Miracle we were on this ship 1/10. The ship was extremely crowded which made getting around on this ship difficult and eating at the buffet almost impossible. Our room stewards were so so as we hardly ever saw them and had to ask for everything, even the water bottle that is always left in your cabin. I always tip extra but this time I did not. Our assistant waiter was great and we did tip him extra. The food in the dining room was just so so. We went to the dining room for breakfast and our food and coffee were always cold. I guess my expectations were to high. Also, I do not believe this ship is equipped to handle so many people in wheelchairs. What I mean is that the walkways are not wide enough to accommodate so many wheelchairs. I have been on the Conquest and the Liberty and had excellent service and both of these ships accommodate wheelchairs very well. Also, on this ship if you do not read your Capers you will not know what is going on as the Cruise Director does not keep you in formed as on our previous cruises. I do have to say that this did not keep me from enjoying my cruise, after all it was still a cruise and I more than likely will cruise Carnival again.

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