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Live on the Emerald for Jan 15 to Feb 4


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oh my goodness is the cc board slow - not having any problem with my hotmail server so it must be cc server from sT. Thomas


Okay first, the cost of items at the International Cafe are: all items are free in the morning and afternoon, and dinner there are tapas and each tapa costs $1, they serve them in plates of three or four, but you could always get one. They also have gelato which is $1.50 for 3 scoops. They have chocolate fondue, chocolates with marzipan and candy apples all at a cost. The cookies and milk are FREE, yum just had two.


Donna did you really buy the picture of Lawrence kissing Bernie's head -- how funny, not that I am jealous. Would love to sail with you both again you were a lot of fun.


Carole, sorry I didn't get a chance to talk with you more, we seem to run into each other when we were both preoccupied.


The cabin crawl was organized by me and it was so much fun, check the thread that brian posted.


Today we are in St. Thomas, we got off early around 8:20 and we caught a taxi to Red Hook ferry and the costs was $11 per person. The ferry left at 9 am and the taxi made it, but we were all freaked out over the ride, mind you the traffic was light so give some extra time just in case. The ferry from Red Hook to St. Johns was $5 and was only 15 minutes. Then when we got off we took at taxi to Trunk Bay for $6 each. The beach was beautiful, but the waves were really coming in, supposedly this is unusual. Snorkeling was poor because of the waves. It was a lot of fun to watch everyone struggle with the waves.


We went back to the dock but caught the ferry to Charlotte Amalie and it was $10 per person and it was about 40 min ride. Taxi from there to Crown bay was $4 so in total it was $36 per person.


We had lunch in town and then came back to Crown bay, the prices in the shops were the same as in town. The perfume that we checked out on our last sailing was cheaper on the ship and the ship gives 10% off if you buy $250 or more, so it worked out way cheaper.


Tonight we are going to CAribe Cafe for a "rice table" meal, not sure what that is so will let you know.


We are in ST. Kitts tomorrow and we are doing a tour with Grey Tours.


Vickie & Bernie, relaxing on the Emerald



Ugh!! It's okay for some while we're home slaving away!!!


Colin:( :(


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we will be on the Emerald on Feb. 14, and it is our 5th Princess cruise, but I have never heard of Chefs Table before. Please let me in on this well-kept secret - it sounds like it must be great! Please tell all... There are 12 people in our party - I'm betting that's too many, but we would split up! Thands

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Well we never did make it to the Cafe Caribe for the Rice Table dinner, next time. We had a nice meal in Vines of sushi, with gelato for dessert and great company. In fact we walked away feel really good, and went to the Explorer's lounge where our favorite Bar Server "Tatty" asked if we wanted anything and when we said we were feeling drunk, she smiled and said "I'll get you some water". What a dear, but we felt fine today, but tired.


We docked early and we ashore for an 8 am meet with Thenford Grey Tours in st. Kitts. There was 11 of us on the tour and all I can say is Mr. Grey knows his stuff. We first visted the town of Basseterre then we went to the Romney Manor Gardens... very pretty and then off to the Fort -- very interesting history, we also go the audio aid that you can listen to for $5 and was well worth it. And the green monkeys along the way were pretty cool. We then went to the most southern part of the island to Turtle Beach and had a meal and relaxed and fought off the flies ( a little annoying - and we had showered that day). I will write more about this tour when I get home.


The island of St Kitts is a beautiful place and I think this is an island we wouldn't mind coming back to visit for a land vacation.


We came back on board about 15 min before they closed the hatch (so far I don't think anyone has missed the ship). We got our tea and a snack at the International Cafe.


Back to the room and the bed was calling, we couldn't keep our eyes open and we were out like a light.


Tonight we attended the Liar's club -- lots of laughs (oh try the raspberry mojito, yum). Then we went up to Cafe Caribe for the German night. Very good. This is the first time we've had dinner up there, it is quite nice, and it is nice to experience a different pace... but we still waddled from the table. It is hard not to try everything, but we are giving it a good try!


Sorry to hear we are missing the bad weather in Vancouver -- NOT!


Just day fifteen but who is counting, we love the b2b experience, we are really relaxing this leg of the trip.


We have just found out that we are having to tender in St. Lucia. Apparently we will be over a half hour by tender to the port, apparently you can't even see the dock from the ship! The captain has arranged to borrow two tenders from the other Princess ship in port -- that will make seven tenders that carry 100 each, should be fun.


Room service this morning was funny, we didn't get quite what we ordered but we were glad to have food.


Internet was slow this afternoon but we were informed that the more people using the band width the slower it will be, and the entire crew and the wireless using the system can slow it down. So we gave up and came back at 9 pm, and it is quite fast.


Well we are in Barbados tomorrow... we have a tour booked, Harrison Caves and snorkeling with the turtles. Can't wait. Think we will call it an early night.


Take care,

Vickie & Bernie

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We will be on the Emerald for 30 days (Sept. 21-Oct. 21) and have been reading with great interest your experiences on board. Although this will be my 25th cruise, it is only the 2nd with Princess so I am making notes e.g. Caribe Cafe, Int'l Cafe, Chef's table, etc. etc.


Thanks for taking the time to let us know how your wonderful cruise is going.

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I'm sooo jealous of you!!! I'd give anything to be back on that beautiful ship. It's so hard to believe that the rest of us are back home in the rain or cold, back to work and you and Bernie are still enjoying the life of leisure. Lucky ducks!


I read your Live thread for the first time this morning... beginning to end. It sure brought back memories! This was one of our best cruises! I really envy you! I just found out that Jen booked next year for January 19th. That's the one we are going on and it's the ports you are visiting right now. Be sure to write a review and tell us all about your tours.


Don't forget to try a BBC and a chocolate banana drink. Yummy!!!! I'll try to live vicariously through your thread. Take care and enjoy yourselves!!!



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Hello all!


Okay lets catch up -- the hypmotist was a woman the last sailing and she was great (tip, go to the washroom before because you could pee your pants), the hypmotist on this sailing is a man but I can't remember his name. I will write a review when i get back and post the names then.


Tried the BBC drink, yummy but I am not a banana fan so had to force it down!


Yesterday we were in Barbados and we had planned a tour with Glory Tours for 9 am -- half day tour Bajan Highlights -- to Harrison Caves then snorkeling with the turtles. About two weeks ago while on the first leg of this trip we received an email from sarah saying the tour is now at 11 well we emailed her back and said we couldn't do 11 and to cancel and refund. She responded right away and said sorry the tour is 9.


We showed up at 9 along with two other couples that also had 9 o'clock boarding passes. Guess what, no tour -- the guy organizing things said the tour was 11, we showed him our passes and he called and arranged for our driver. We waited over an hour. We tried to put on a good face and positive attitude. Our driver Kris was great and he got us to the caves which were a must see. Brand new tour and it is very good. We then drove us around and to some beautiful sites. Then he said we were early for the snorkeling with the turtles. We got there and we left about a half hour -- we had been gone for about 10 minutes on the water when the driver of the boat got a call and he turned the boat around and went back tot he shore to pick up five more people!


The snorkeling with the turtles was pretty cool, didn't see that many turtles but we did see three.


We got back to the ship around 4 pm. So much for a half day tour! We were a little disappointed since we had specifically booked a half day tour so we could spend some time in town -- but we didn't and couldn't.


Would I do a tour again with Glory, unfortunately not, and as many of you who know me, I don't complain often (the Canadian in me) but they really fell down here.


Last night we had dinner in the dining room and had a great filet mignon and prawns. Oh and we started our meal in Vines, with a nice glass of wine. Yes they sell many great wines by the glass here and watch some of the entertainment in the Piazza.


Today we are in St. Lucia and we are tendering. WE were up very very early and got the first tender (thanks James). We met up with Cossol and there was a large group, about 100 taking his tour, but he had us divided into vans and there was only 10 of us in our van, 8 Canadians and our newly adopted Americans who we have given honorary Canadian citizenship to.


I can't say enough good things about Cossol, he lived up to his reputation and more. We stopped many times and never felt rushed. the hightlight is when he stopped at the View and brough out some food, well some doesn't describe it, tons of food and fruit and candies and beverages!!!


We then stopped at the falls, then the volcano, then the beach and snorkeled, and many many look out places. then fresh baked bread. definately check him out if you are coming to Barbados.


Tonight we are doing the chef's table again... so I have to go and take a nap or I will be falling into my plate at dinner and the chef may take offense to it.


Solara, I am glad you booked the Emerald and that my live posts helped in that decision, I am know you will not be disappointed.


I am now trying to talk my honey into two 14 day cruises on the Grand next Jan.


In Antigua tomorrow, no tour planned, we are toured out.

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Two 14 day cruises on the Grand? Are there any openings at Vancouver Transit?:rolleyes:

Noticed from the bridge cam that you were tendering at St. Lucia today. I've booked a tour with Princess there so I imagine we'll get off early enough without the lines. Too bad your tour wasn't what you expected though in Barbados.

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Vickie, It's been GREAT reading your posts! We sail on March 25th and we are SO EXCITED! We really want to get signed up for the Chef's Table, so that will be my first priority when I get onboard. I can feel the extra pounds adding up already by reading about all the "yummy" treats!


Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us all posted. I am enjoying the read!:D

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My DW and I were on the Jan. 5 Emerald cruise. For those on future cruises, note that the first night is the Seafood Extravaganza in the Horizon Court. Lobster, Crab Legs, Shrimp, really worth skipping the dining room.


The Caribe Cafe is open from 11PM on, so it is the place for chocolate chip cookies and milk late at night. They tasted fine, must have added the sawdust to the ingredients list for this cruise.


Also, find the Adagio Lounge, where you can buy Sabatini's desserts ($4 I remember) while you have a drink in the lounge.


We are looking forward to the inaugural cruise of the Ruby in November.



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OK I have a bone to pick with group that was with me on the tour, vivkie, humming bird, larry and all the others, when I got back to my room I had at least 5 empty beer bottels in my bag,.............. I couldnt of drank that much I KNOW i didnt drink that much..........so who was Humming bird was it you, vickie???? or was it the other alberta couple????hummmmm Anyways I had a blast with you all, even if it meant peeing on a mountain side with all of you looking and laughing at me from the van!!

Cheers COSOL rocks!!

Laurie and Warren!

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okay well I typed a huge post for the day and it went to never never land on the high seas I guess and I really don't want to retype it.


So here is the short version,


Laurie.... it was great doing the tour yesterday with you too... lots of laughs! Hummingbird??? don't remember that! Maybe you were so drunk you are making things up.... plus what happens on teh cruise stays on the cruise.


Chef's Table again last night, different than the last sailing chef's table. Generossa goes out of his way to ensure you are taken care of. I felt like I was dining at his home, he made me feel like i was part of the family. But way way too much food was left over. Michele the chef is so nice and he really cares and puts all his love into his cooking.


Today was Antigua and we are toured out so we just got off and walked around and went to the market and bought some bananas and black pineapple and sat on a bench and watched people. We are both tired today and I had a rough night yesterday and am feeling a little under the weather... but it will pass.


Just saw Al Katz or is it Al Katx or Al Katnz... .ha ha ha, inside joke, but truely Al Katz is so great and definately a must see. He had the entire ship laughing and crying, he goes out of his way to get the crowd involved.


Bye all, hopefully this message will post.

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Melanie it was great meeting you and Josh too.... especially when we raced our horses.


Second leg is going great, much more relaxing, and a very big difference in the passengers. Haven't heard very many complaints and we can actually use the elevators here.


Slept in this morning and up to Horizon court for a bite to eat, still not feeling a 100% but luckily Bernie packs a good first aid kit which includes pepto.


Just enjoyed a latte, then a hot chocolate and of course a warm chocolate cookie, Bernie is still waiting for the peanut butter cookie... doesn't look like he will get any.


We might just relax in the room or maybe go up on deck... oh the posibilities are endless.


formal night tonight, but we may skip the dressing up... maybe just get a glass of wine and check out the Cafe Caribe for dinner.



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We are both tired today and I had a rough night yesterday and am feeling a little under the weather... but it will pass.

Hope you feel better after a rest. It's good to know we're not alone. We've done those 10 night B2B in the Caribbean twice, and without fail we fade for a day during the second cruise. So much activity in those ports. Sometimes I have to believe that too much of a good thing is still too much.

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Hope you feel better after a rest. It's good to know we're not alone. We've done those 10 night B2B in the Caribbean twice, and without fail we fade for a day during the second cruise. So much activity in those ports. Sometimes I have to believe that too much of a good thing is still too much.

That's one of the reasons we like cruises with some sea days or a Princess Cays. It breaks up the whole rush, rush, rush port day thing. Besides, Vickie and Bernie aren't as young as they used to be.:p

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Besides, Vickie and Bernie aren't as young as they used to be.:p

Some days I feel I was never as young as some people are.:eek:


Still, those five islands in a row do take a toll. I love booking those cruises when Princess Cays is at the beginning of each cruise. That way, I kick off the vacation with a beach day right away, and I can count on two sea days at the end to rest up!

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Yes it is true we are not as young as we use to be, but still young at heart... but you are right this sailing has been very relaxing and we haven't hesitated to just head back to the room for some 4 R&R if necessary.


Last night we didn't feel like dressing up so we met up with our friends Larry and Amy at Vines for some wine... Mr. Deering saw us there and we enjoyed a drink with him, thanks James.


We decided to visit the Cafe Caribe and we suffered through another seafood buffet. How much lobster can one person eat :eek: we'll let you know!


We were going to go see the hypmotist but again, there was no way we could get in and find a seat. So we gave up and went back to the room ;)


Feeling much better, thanks. But I must account a great experience yesterday. AFter laying in the sun for a bit I went to the Horizon Court to get some yogurt to settle my stomach, being that it was lunch there was no yogurt, I asked someone and they quickly came out with two. I told him I had an upset stomach and he said "here take some jello that will help too". Then he offered to take the food to the table for me as my hands were full. I said I was going back to the cabin he said one minute and he check with his boss and came back and said I'll take it to your cabin and he did!! Now that is service.


Funny comment yesterday. While entering the washroom two older women were behind me and they were both commenting on how disappointed they were that there were no hand sanitizers in the washroom. I laughed to myself... what ever happened to just good old fashion soap and water, but being the overly friendly canadian I didn't say anything.


Today is our last day :( we actually feel like we could stay on longer! But we will give up our home away from home tomorrow. It truely feels like home and the people on board feel like family.


This has been a great vacation, one of the best. Each sailing has been diffferent and good in different ways.


Areas for improvement, not many, but after hanging out in the internet cafe quite a bit I have to say they need a staff person here more often, especially those first few days. So many people required help.


The smoking has been an issue, not as bad as on other ships but up on deck there is clearly not a defined non smoking area, other ships actually have signs attached to the railing saying no smoking, but not the Emerald. I don't really blame the smokers as they don't know where to smoke or not to. The back of the ship is the worse, this sailing there are actually people smoking in the Pool :mad: grosse!


Slept in this morning, then went up to the busy Horizon court, but we went to the Caribe cafe to find a seat. The staff here are so attentive. Actually say one server cleaning a passengers glasses with the linen napkin, now that is service.


Came down to the international cafe for my latte. The chef there noticed us and commented that they had peanut butter cookies later on yesterday, he tried to get our attention but we had walked away. But he had some today too, and Bernie got the first warm batch! Yum... now he is happy.


I am going to go to the Casino and donate my daily $10.... still waiting for the tax receipt.


May hit the sun deck this afternoon the weather is very nice.


Packing will be tackled later.


Will try and report back later.

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