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How many of you fake bake?


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I do. I love tanning. I don't do lay down beds just the stand up booths.



i love the stand up booths. you get a better all around tan. i start tanning about 3 months before the cruise. the beds they make today are MUCH safer to use then years ago. they now have beds that gtd no burn (my husband doesnt tan he goes from pale white to lobster red) he uses the no burn bed and hasnt burned yet.





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I do go to a tanning salon 30-45 days before a vacation. I just don't want to burn and have my vacation ruined.


I always had an issue with my scalp, especially the part in my hair, getting a little burned while out in the sun. I read somewhere a few years ago to use lip balm with a higher spf. It is in a stick and it is easy to use. However, I never do this in public! :D


But the sun is so different in the Caribbean that a good base is needed so you don't burn while enjoying the sun.

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If I go directly from North Dakota to the Caribbean in the wintertime, my white skin (even with large amounts of sunscreen) will turn lobster-red, I'll be miserable, and my vacation will be "ruined." Not to mention the fact that the burn (sometimes with blisters) likely causes a lot of skin damage.


If that's the case, you are using the wrong 'sunscreen'.. There are products available (SPF 45+ / UVA/UVB) that if used correctly, will eliminate any risk of burn; regardless of how white or pasty you might be..

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i dont FORCE the people im cruising with to go tanning, its their choice, i just help them choose whats best for their skin so they dont go in there and get burnt and ruin the cruise for them, and i dont even think a doctor ever recommends tanning, its more along the lines of if someone is going to do it regardless, then the doctor is smart enough to tell them the risks and possibly suggest a time line or time limit. of course a doctor is not going to go out and say hey go use a tanning bed their great...but as a doctor knowing someone is going to go why not give them suggestions to help them in the process so that they dont go in for too long or too much which could be harmful. in the end it doesnt matter, people are going to do what they are going to do, and its stupid to read a story about someone who "baked" their insides while tanning because its impossible, but if someone chooses to go to several tanning salons in one day, its dumb, there are rules in place to limit your exposure for a reason and for a person to go around their rules its their own fault for what happens to them

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i dont FORCE the people im cruising with to go tanning, its their choice, i just help them choose whats best for their skin so they dont go in there and get burnt and ruin the cruise for them, and i dont even think a doctor ever recommends tanning, its more along the lines of if someone is going to do it regardless, then the doctor is smart enough to tell them the risks and possibly suggest a time line or time limit. of course a doctor is not going to go out and say hey go use a tanning bed their great...but as a doctor knowing someone is going to go why not give them suggestions to help them in the process so that they dont go in for too long or too much which could be harmful. in the end it doesnt matter, people are going to do what they are going to do, and its stupid to read a story about someone who "baked" their insides while tanning because its impossible, but if someone chooses to go to several tanning salons in one day, its dumb, there are rules in place to limit your exposure for a reason and for a person to go around their rules its their own fault for what happens to them




Just so you don't think i was putting words in your mouth....


and i have forced my cruisemates to tan a couple of times ( in beds/booths that i picked for them along with the amount of time to go in) before we go and then went and bought them all high end very good sunblock, each person has their own agenda to tanning and does what they know is best for their body
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I always go tanning before a cruise. A few weeks ago I started tanning...OMG, I was covered in a thick itchy raised rash. It took a couple of hours to come out after my tanning session. I called my MD...my medication is making me "photo sensitive" I am sooo bummed. I am watching my DH get tanner & tanner by the day:( I need my medication, so its tan in a bottle for me:(

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This "base tan" stuff is a myth!


When will people learn that ANY tanning is so bad for you and so dangerous?


I am a sunscreen using FOOL on vacation, as well as in everyday life back home.


After developing suspicious looking moles, I don't mess around and try to educate others about sun dangers.


I don't know about you, but I don't need a helping hand into the grave if I can avoid it!

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Hmmm.... sounds like an urban legend: http://www.snopes.com/horrors/vanities/tanningbed.asp


Looks like you've been snoped!



True STory, not sure if it was here in San Diego or elsewhere.


This young female, she was a week away from her vacation and also wanted to Pre-Bake. She hit 3 Tanning Salons because the one Tanning shop would only allow the recommended doseage. So she figure she can out smart them and hit 3 different places in 1 day.


That night her body smelled like Bacon, the next day she was dead.




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Actually, according to snopes dot com, it's an urban legend: http://www.snopes.com/horrors/vanities/tanningbed.asp


Sorry! Looks like you've been snoped!



True STory, not sure if it was here in San Diego or elsewhere.


This young female, she was a week away from her vacation and also wanted to Pre-Bake. She hit 3 Tanning Salons because the one Tanning shop would only allow the recommended doseage. So she figure she can out smart them and hit 3 different places in 1 day.


That night her body smelled like Bacon, the next day she was dead.




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If that's the case, you are using the wrong 'sunscreen'.. There are products available (SPF 45+ / UVA/UVB) that if used correctly, will eliminate any risk of burn; regardless of how white or pasty you might be..



Yeppers. I'm ridiculously pale. Out in the sun for 30 minutes and I get a light burn. I used to think sunblock didn't help- then I learned 3 key things:


Get good sunblock, it doesn't have to be incredibly expensive, but if you're pale you usually can't buy the $3 Wal-Mart SPF 15 stuff and not end up lobster red.


Buy new sunblock every 8 months at the farthest out- it does lose its effectiveness.


Reapply the stuff every so often- I know it SAYS it's sweatproof and waterproof and all that, but if you're going to be out in the direct sun all day, you're gonna need to put more on.

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I am very lucky that where I work the owner of the building has a tanning bed/gym in the building. My mgr is the owners ex-wife who still has a good friend ship with him. any how we can get in the bed any time we want. In the past 2 years we haven't gotten in it, but this year she has a cruise in March and I have one in May. So it is getting used.


I don't like getting in them in the summer time because it's too hot out side. but in the winter I love it. Our bed has a 20 min max and Once I get to that time level it's like a mini vac. I get to lay in a bed that makes me feel warm and relaxed and i drift off to la-la land and picture myself on a beach somewhere with no one around and relax. Once in a while i get to relaxed and fall asleep.

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I have tried using various "sunless tanning" preparations, and the results were absolutely laughable. I decided my white skin was easier on the eyes than streaked, orange skin. LOL! Seriously, I have come to the conclusion that I am going to enjoy my vacation, and if people don't like the way I look, that is their problem, not mine. :p

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This "base tan" stuff is a myth!



It all depends on what you mean by that. If it means slowing tanning so as not to get a burn. Then no it is not a myth. It works.

If you mean if you slowing tan you will avoid skin cancer then yes that is a myth.

Using suncreeen will not prevent skin cancer either. It will help protect your skin but most people don't reapply often enough for even that.

The only thing that will protect you from skin cancer is to not go outside at all in the sun. So while that is pretty much impossible the use of suncreen is the best for protection.

While tanning does damage your skin, sunburns cause alot more problems.

Growing up here in Calif. on the water. (surfer chick) I have seen some pretty nasty sunburns, sun poisonings, sun strokes all due to bad sunburns.

So people only you know how much sun your skin can take. Just use common sense:)

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We can argue day and night as to whether it's safe or not, but in response to the original question, I buy two week's unlimited use of a stand up tanning bed and go probably about 10-12 times right before we leave (cruise or land based trip). In the Pacific Northwest, our sunny season is short, if we even have one, so it's not only a matter of losing the pale/pasty look, it's that surge of Vitamin D that feels so good! :)


I work in an industry involving death, and in 15 years have heard so many sad, sad stories of people dying not only from heart disease, etc., but from unimaginable accidents that are hard to comprehend. I'm not a religious person, but every day I am thankful that I've lived to be 50, since so many of the charts I see are of people who didn't make half that, and in some cases a quarter of that. What I've learned is, life is short. There is an element of risk in just getting out of bed every day. It makes me feel better to have a bit of a warm glow to my skin when I travel, so I will continue to visit the electric beach before the one, sometimes two, times a year we go someplace sunny and warm!

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i apoligize because reading something on a board doesnt come across as how it should when speaking, i force my friends to do it my way when they decide to go because i know better than them- for example one of the people had never been to tanning salon and was going to go in and go max time and get as much color as they could, i FORCED him to do what i said and only allowed a 5 minute start time because thats all he should have been doing. again reading on a board gives no tone and does not give the best version of what is trying to be said

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but i would also assume that when people read that i force them into something, they would have enough sense to know that it shouldnt be taken as literal. since a) i cant force someone to drive their car to the salon. B) i cannot force someone to take out cash/credit card and pay sometimes high prices for a tanning session or package. c) i cannot force someone to go in to a room and make them lay in a bed or make them stand in a booth (esp since most regulations only allow one person in a room at a time). so i guess i just figured that people would read the word "force" other than its actual literal definition but i guess thats all some people can handle......on a side note, i think the jergins glow lotion for the face works well, im not a fan of the entire body lotion, but since i dont tan my face due to the sensitivity of it i use the jergins face lotion year round and it gives a nice glow and color without giving off any orangy color and its inexpensive if people want to try something without breaking the bank

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If that's the case, you are using the wrong 'sunscreen'.. There are products available (SPF 45+ / UVA/UVB) that if used correctly, will eliminate any risk of burn; regardless of how white or pasty you might be..


I agree...all this talk of a "base tan" is a myth. I went on a cruise with 19 sorority sisters...several did the tanning beds beforehand and got FRIED the first day out. I didn't set foot in a tanning bed, and I was fine. And I'm quite fair.

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but i would also assume that when people read that i force them into something, they would have enough sense to know that it shouldnt be taken as literal. since a) i cant force someone to drive their car to the salon. B) i cannot force someone to take out cash/credit card and pay sometimes high prices for a tanning session or package. c) i cannot force someone to go in to a room and make them lay in a bed or make them stand in a booth (esp since most regulations only allow one person in a room at a time). so i guess i just figured that people would read the word "force" other than its actual literal definition but i guess thats all some people can handle......on a side note, i think the jergins glow lotion for the face works well, im not a fan of the entire body lotion, but since i dont tan my face due to the sensitivity of it i use the jergins face lotion year round and it gives a nice glow and color without giving off any orangy color and its inexpensive if people want to try something without breaking the bank


One MIGHT assume that if one KNEW you... I don't, I have to take you at your word, and your word was that you force your cruisemates to tan. How am I supposed to read into what you REALLY mean when your words state otherwise? Thank you for clearing it up, but your veiled attempt at stating I have no sense, isn't going to hold water... you typed it, I didn't :D If you don't mean force in it's literal meaning, don't use the word force... there are plenty of other words you could have used :D

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I hope everyone knows that Pre-tanning does not stop you from burning and also tanning does just as much damage to your skin as burning does. Burning and peeling is worse, but overall it's still just damaging. Just ask your dermatologist. Tanning beds are just as bad as the sun and use the same spectrum of light. A tan is simply your bodies response to the damage done by UV. I've read some of the myths that are perpetuated by people thinking it's safe to tan. None of it is safe. No sun at all isn't good either as you need it to produce vitamin D, but you really dont' "need" more than 15 minutes a day or so. I just don't see that there's any argument at all for pretanning or even trying to get a tan. It's a fact that sun exposure can cause skin cancer and minimizing the risk is the way to go. There are plenty of cases of 20 somethings that have melanoma due to what they saw as safe tanning in a salon. They found out the hard way that it's just not true.


BTW, my DH has naturally olive skin and he had a malignant melanoma spot removed a few years ago and is still monitored. His natural color didnt' protect him either. Now, he's considered a cancer survivor all because he believed the crap that being natural darker protected you. It doesn't.

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I agree...all this talk of a "base tan" is a myth. I went on a cruise with 19 sorority sisters...several did the tanning beds beforehand and got FRIED the first day out. I didn't set foot in a tanning bed, and I was fine. And I'm quite fair.


I don't think anyone said if you tan in a bed you don't have to use suncreen while out in the sun. :p

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