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My "Handy Little Plan!" It WORKED!!!

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Hi! I'm glad there are others of you who have kept this lifestyle for so long. This gives me encouragement to keep it up. I really like the way I feel now. I didn't want to stop, but I'm thinking I can be a little less strict? Or has my body just regulated to this weight?


(Ha! it's only been one day. I mean, can I just work to stay at this weight?)

You can be a little less strict one you hit your goal. I have one pound to go, but do find that I am not as strict now. However, I exercise a lot. I'd rather exercise to keep it off than deprive myself of a few cheats every now and then. Since you're at your goal, you should be able to be less strict to maintain. We can never go back to eating poorly or the weight will come back and we won't be healthy. ;)


It has taken me this long to reach goal (well, one more pound) because I wasn't always serious about exercise. Once I joined the gym and met with a personal trainer, it has made all of the difference in the world. I'll never be a skinny girl...too many curves, but my upper body muscles are showing and I like it. My lower body has a good bit more work because that is where I carry all of my weight. I'll keep watching what I eat and continue to lift weights and do cardio. I'll never have a perfect body (heck, I'm 43!), but I'm healthy and not embarrassed to wear a bikini. :D

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Congratulations on being one pound away from your goal weight!! I know what an accomplishment this is. You have been so helpful to people on these boards.. so thank you! You'll hit that goal weight VERY soon.:D


A lot of you on these boards have done more working out than I did. I mainly did mine with just walking regularly & using some light dumbells at my house. I would like to start working out more... but do I need to up the calories any? Again, I am wanting to maintain weight, but I am not as firm & toned as I'd like to be.




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Congratulations on being one pound away from your goal weight!! I know what an accomplishment this is. You have been so helpful to people on these boards.. so thank you! You'll hit that goal weight VERY soon.:D


A lot of you on these boards have done more working out than I did. I mainly did mine with just walking regularly & using some light dumbells at my house. I would like to start working out more... but do I need to up the calories any? Again, I am wanting to maintain weight, but I am not as firm & toned as I'd like to be.

Ahhhhh! Thank you!


Yes, you do need to increase your calories if you start exercising more to maintain. If not, you'll start losing muscle. Go to http://www.sparkpeople.com and register (it's free). Fill in the information and it will tell you how many calories you need to eat to maintain for the exercise you do. It is a really helpful site. :)

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Weirdeyes.... OK, I just joined Sparkspeople!! I will need to carve out some time this evening to learn more about it. Thanks!! :)

I'm interested to find others in my area that want to do some fitness walking around our area... it's neat how they put you with groups.

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Weirdeyes.... OK, I just joined Sparkspeople!! I will need to carve out some time this evening to learn more about it. Thanks!! :)

I'm interested to find others in my area that want to do some fitness walking around our area... it's neat how they put you with groups.

I'm so glad you joined and like the site! It is really cool that you can join groups on there. Have you found the Cruise Critic group yet? ;)

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I love the tips in these posts on this thread! I don't think I read how much exercise every one did. Why types, duration, how may days a week. The eating part is fairly easy for me, but the exercise is the tough part. I despise it!

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I am fairly new to exercise. I have been working out at Curves now for about 5 weeks. I usually work out for 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. The past 3 days only 50 minutes though because I have been ill. I like Curves because it is very structured and I know exactly what to do, whereas at a big gym I would probably walk around aimlessly and not do what I really should.

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The eating part is fairly easy for me, but the exercise is the tough part. I despise it!


You're singing my song here!!! It's hard to believe that in my "former life" I was an aerobics instructor!! I do love walking now and I just make it a start to my day at least 4 x per week. It was hard to get started... it was easy to make excuses and say, "I'll start tomorrow, or next Monday"... (any day except today,right? :rolleyes: ) Once I started losing weight I was more encouraged to go for it. It was easy & before I knew it, it was actually a routine & I miss it if I don't walk some days. I do a quick 2 miles and it takes just under 30 minutes. Some evenings I'll add another walk, especially if the weather is nice.


I have a few things around the house (don't we all?!?) exercisewise: small dumbells, 6 sec ab thingy, a kind of row machine etc. Plus, with our digital cable service here there are HUNDREDS of different exercise type classes in the "ON DEMAND" section. They're free, and I can do them in my house at my convenience.


I'm still learning about the Sparkpeople website, you can put your fitness goals in there and it will help you to track them. Hope this helps! I do think a mixture of cardio AND strength training seems to be best.

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You're singing my song here!!! It's hard to believe that in my "former life" I was an aerobics instructor!! I do love walking now and I just make it a start to my day at least 4 x per week. It was hard to get started... it was easy to make excuses and say, "I'll start tomorrow, or next Monday"... (any day except today,right? :rolleyes: ) Once I started losing weight I was more encouraged to go for it. It was easy & before I knew it, it was actually a routine & I miss it if I don't walk some days. I do a quick 2 miles and it takes just under 30 minutes. Some evenings I'll add another walk, especially if the weather is nice.


I have a few things around the house (don't we all?!?) exercisewise: small dumbells, 6 sec ab thingy, a kind of row machine etc. Plus, with our digital cable service here there are HUNDREDS of different exercise type classes in the "ON DEMAND" section. They're free, and I can do them in my house at my convenience.


I'm still learning about the Sparkpeople website, you can put your fitness goals in there and it will help you to track them. Hope this helps! I do think a mixture of cardio AND strength training seems to be best.



Thanks for the encouragement and information. I think the outdoor walks are my best bet, especially when the weather is a tad warmer! I will start now however.


If only I could convince my husband to put a disco in our basement. I could dance non-stop and love every minute!!! LOL

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I don't think I read how much exercise every one did. Why types, duration, how may days a week. The eating part is fairly easy for me, but the exercise is the tough part. I despise it!


You won't despise it at all, if you can gather the willpower to make it a regular part of your day. It will become a habit that you will absolutely look forward to.


I spend my work lunch hour doing cardio at the gym - I alternate the ellitical, the step mill, and the treadmill. I do a fairly intense 30 min each day. 2 or 3 times a week, I also do a strength training workout - which takes 1.5 to 2 hours. But if I have to get my cardio in at the same time (occasionally I can't get out at lunch), then I am at the gym for 2.5 or 3 hours those nights.

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I will start now however.

My biggest regret is that I didn't start sooner, glad you're starting right away!



If only I could convince my husband to put a disco in our basement. I could dance non-stop and love every minute!!! LOL

I know! Dancing is one of the best ways to exercise because it's also fun!



You won't despise it at all, if you can gather the willpower to make it a regular part of your day. It will become a habit that you will absolutely look forward to.

This is true, you will look forward to it. You feel better about yourself & this starts filtering in to all other areas in your life. And yes, you WILL look forward to it.


You sound like a dynamo! I do need to get myself into a routine, that is for sure. I just need to start!


I know, she blows me out of the water! I am sad to report that I will wait a while before joining a gym again. I just didn't GO! I don't know why... Intimidated, LAZY, it never seemed to fit my schedule. errr... I mean, I never worked it in to my schedule:rolleyes: . I don't even want to think about how long I paid & rarely went. That's why I'm the queen of the do it at home stuff. And when I walk, I try to keep the pace fast.


I'm thinking of adding some hand weights with my walk. Anybody recommend any? I have little 3 lbs dumbells, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea? I think they make something better for this. Any tips?

My tip for NYCGlitter is to start today! I will tell you that when I started walking I only was going to make myself go 1/4-1/2 mile (or it maybe easier to think in terms of minutes: I can walk for 10-15 minutes to start & just try and make it longer each week...), but I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I was up to the 2 miles. Now I just work on my time & going faster... it's fun. I really mean this, it's fun!! I feel good, I think about stuff, it gives me energy!






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It is COLD here in CT! It might be a little hard to motivate NYCGlitter to get out to walk in this area! I love to walk too but no way...at least not until about April. In the winter months my work outs are at the gym.


I am lucky thought. Many years ago my husbands company was on a health kick and they offered to pay a gym memebership for the employee and spouse at the gym of our choice. So I purchased a life time memebership for us at Bally's.

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Tag, They sell weights that strap to your wrists like bracelets and even ones that strap to your ankles. I think they have adjustable weight ones too.


Thanks Brenda, How are you feeling today? I'm sorry you've felt crummy lately! Do you know if Dr's say it's okay to walk with weights? For some reason I'm thinking that I read it might be hard on my joints? Or maybe that was just one person's opinion. I just want to boost my walks now.


Guess what?? those 3 lbs... gone today! Isn't that weird? I swear I think my body weight reaction is 3 days behind!! I even met my Ya-Yas (good buddies, like the book/movie) last night for Italian Food! I had the shrimp scampi appetizer as my meal!! So I know I ate more than a fistful and I even ate some bread:eek: . The scale says I lost weight!!! Now, I bet in 3 days it'll go up a pound or two... but then it will go back down. Weird! ... but I'm going to be prepared for it!





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I love the tips in these posts on this thread! I don't think I read how much exercise every one did. Why types, duration, how may days a week. The eating part is fairly easy for me, but the exercise is the tough part. I despise it!

I work out 6 days a week. My schedule:


Mon, Wed, Fri: One hour of interval cardio

Tue, Thur, Sat: 55 minutes of weight lifting (I lift heavy); 40-50 minutes of interval cardio


On some Mon, Wed & Fri if it is nice outside, I'll walk in my neighborhood for about 3 miles. My neighborhood is very "hilly" so I get a good walk.


Most days, I actually look forward to my gym time.

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Your routine sounds great and intense. Probably why it's working!


I am not a gym person, but I can definately do the outdoor walking and I have a treadmill for the days when the weather is bad. My husband has a ton of weights, the bench, the works that he says he will help me learn as well. My problem is making myself actually do it. If I can't do it in heels then I generally don't like it! LOL

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NYC Glitter, you sound just like me.... But go ahead and get started!!

And come back to these boards for motivation. Did you join Spark People?

I wish I had a treadmill!!! OK but now I'm imagining walking on one in Heels!!!


And are you doing the No Wheat No Sugar? That is sooo hard for me to stick with now.... I've been bad this week, but I do think it helped me to break a plateau....





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Now you do not have to be afraid to weight yourself, cause I finally figured it out how to do it.








How to weigh yourself



I can't believe I was doing it wrong all these years.


We must get the word out.






















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Tag, I can't see any pictures in your joke....what is it supposed to be?


Doh! It was there when I first posted it, maybe the moderator took it off b/c copyrights? I now have the red x in the box, where you can normally right click and select "show picture".... not working. Oh well.... :confused:


It was a cartoon of a lady laying on her back with her legs up in the air, and she had the scale balancing on her feet. So, obviously, no weight pressure on the scale. I got it in an email this morning. It was probably an old cartoon that has gone around emails forever.


Weird. Well I posted in on both threads cuz I thought it was cute...

too bad. No biggie tho...

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  • 5 weeks later...
I'am going to give this a whirl, what have I got to lose? Except some extra weight? Where did everybody go? Pretty old thread.

Sorry Willie T. I just got back from cruise. And I'd love to hear your results from trying this. I thought the thread was kind of dying myself and it made me sad. This way of eating actually has become very easy for me and pretty much changed my life. er.... sounded too dramatic, huh?


My mother (who eats horribly, never works out and smokes) has already lost over 20 lbs just switching to the smaller meals more often vs pigging out just a few times a day. If she can lose with these small changes; I truly believe ANYONE can. She even lost weight on the cruise!!! She ate all she wanted... in smaller servings etc etc etc. She says it's the easiest thing she's ever done & she's tried A LOT of diets over the years.


Good luck to you! Just hang in there during the "Go Body Go" stage while you "feel" the shrinking of your tummy. Yes, it feels a lot like hunger pangs.... but... This too shall pass! Just don't cheat too much on the amount. The most I ever eat is probably grapefruit size, but when I stick to the smaller fist-to-tennis ball size the weight comes off much faster. And yes, sometimes I'm looking at the clock... waiting for my "HOUR" to be up, just so I can eat some more... I'm only human! Usually now, I can wait hours.


UPDATE AFTER MY CRUISE: I should have come to post here after my cruise. I won't say that I entirely stuck to the handy plan the whole time. There was just TOO much yummy food. Luckily the discipline before the cruise pretty much stuck and I just couldn't overeat too much or I'd feel too stuffed & bloated. I still weighed 115 when I left, and the night I got home the scale said 120!! I panicked but knew I would get it under control. The next morning it said 118. This was more realistic for me since I normally weigh every morning.

I must say that with all I ate on the cruise an ugly little voice in the back of my head kept saying, "Girl, you better watch yourself... You're going to gain 10 lbs easy with the amount of food you're eating!!!"

Now that I think about it, I mostly stayed with the smaller amounts still and just probably ate more often and more "baddie" type foods than normal. Plus, I did strive to take the stairs MOST of the time. I found it is true what they say: you walk soooo much and stay pretty active on the ship, so you're burning it off faster than normal too. Whew!

Don't tell my buddies ;) but I did not do any actual "work out" the entire week; however, the final sea day I participated in the "Deck Walk for the Cure." Hey... I was on vacation! I didn't feel like a gym workout.

I think by day 3 being home I was back at 115, which seems to be my new standard everyday weight with the normal 2-3 lb fluctuations both ways. I'm starting to actually believe that this is a long term solution for me.


Tag just got back from her cruise... I am sure she will be around shortly!

Thanks, smooth, I had turned off all my email notifications to keep inbox from backing up while I was away. Did not go in to turn them on until today! :o Plus, noone had posted in a while, so I thought the thread was a goner.


Let's all wish Willie T some quick results so she can start to feel as great as we all do!!!!


Andrea aka Taggie

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