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My "Handy Little Plan!" It WORKED!!!

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“Handy Little Plan”


I tried to post this on another thread and twice it went “poof” so now I’ve decided to start my own thread. This is different than some of the advice I’ve read on other threads. Basically keeping in mind that we all know to eat nutritious choices, drink lots of water and exercise. Even walking on a regular basis is effective. This is what worked for me.

My Handy Tip:

Make a fist. There! That’s all the “measuring” you ever need to do. I don’t let myself eat more than this amount EVER at one time. Relax, I eat like 5-6 times a day and I drink a lot of water. Sometimes I will even eat one hour later, but I try my best to stretch it to 2-3. I have heard recommendations for “baseball” size, and that’s okay, but it’s just that I always have my fist with me. It’s just so handy! ;) (sorry couldn’t resist!)

To explain: If you wadded up all the food on your plate that you were going to eat at one time, how big would it be? It should never be more than the size of a baseball… or fist.

Sure I feel silly sometimes when I eat half my dinner… wait a while… and then go back and eat the other half later. At home I use a smaller plate. In restaurants I am AMAZED at the size of the servings. What they serve me sometimes looks like a platter for a family of four!!! I ask for a “to-go” container immediately and get most of it off my plate, or I’d get lost in conversation & eat too much. I especially appreciate my friends who don’t mind going to lunch & splitting something with me. I used to feel embarrasssed or cheap when I did this, but come on!! That’s just too much food at one time. A big key here is to determine the amount you are going to eat before you start eating. When it’s done, you’re done…. At least for one-hour minimum, but try to stretch this as you go. Next tip:

“Go Body, Go!”

My next tip is a combination of an old Joan Rivers joke and something that I learned on Oprah. “Learn to love that hungry feeling!” I’m serious here. Think about it. The hunger pangs are your body’s way of signaling to you that it is having to go to reserves. Duh! That’s what we want, right? Doesn’t burning reserves (fat) = Weight loss? If we eat every time we are hungry, when do we think we’ll be burning our reserves? I’ll admit this also took some time to get used to. Drinking water helps a lot here. Water is best, not diet cokes or tea. We are also “cleaning” our systems and flushing out fat, so think about it this way: Would you wash your hair with diet coke or tea? Anyway, this was a total change of perspective for me once I grasped the concept. Again, water really helps!

I no longer B***ch and moan when I’m feeling a little hungry. I just start thinking (or if alone, saying out loud) “Go Body, Go! Burn that fat! I’m not hungry, I am burning my reserves!! Go body, Go!”

Finally I will also add that in the last 4 weeks I really started cutting out all wheat & sugar. I found this on another great thread called “Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke”. This really revved up the weight loss when I added this and I also noticed a lot less hunger. I cheated once with a piece of toast and I could not believe how starving I was all day long. Not the good ol Go Body Go feeling… I mean I could not stop thinking about food all day. It’s a good thread and I will give the credit to Bardgal for the help I received from this. Giving up ALL wheat & sugar for me was almost harder than my "handy" tip meals.

My Results


I started this “handy” tip in Dec, and became more vigilant in January. It does me no good to cheat and stretch my stomach way out, because it just makes me hungrier & I feel like I have to start over. You DO adjust to the smaller & “more often” meals after a week or two. I added the No Wheat / No Sugar in February. I started at just under 140 & my size 8-10’s were snug. (I’m small framed, 5’4” and over 40.)

This morning…. I reached my goal weight of 115!!!!!!!!!!! I never thought I’d see that again. I thought it was an “age” thing and just (almost!) decided to accept this. Ahhh, but then there was this Cruise… great motivation, huh? And these boards… So helpful. I did it!! I’m still a little overwhelmed. It has truly been more of a lifestyle change, just like they say.

I’m sorry this is so long, but I wanted to add one final note. I have a pair of jeans that I had kept for sentimental reasons. I never EVER thought that I would actually wear them again. I had them in a “craft” box so I could maybe make something with the fabric. Yesterday I went up to my closet, pulled them out of the box, slipped them on, ZIPPED THEM UP!!! And wore them for the rest of the day. :D


I truly hope that this helps someone. Please understand, I am NOT advocating starving yourself. This will not work and will actually harm you and stall your results. I’m just asking that you let yourself be willing to feel a little hungry and to try to turn your thoughts around to even thinking it’s a GOOD thing….

“Go body, go!! Burn those reserves!! I’m not hungry, I’m burning fat!

Go body, Go!!”

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How long did it take you to get from 140 to 115?

I started seriously looking at the AMOUNT of food that I ate at one time in mid December. It was during the holidays and I wanted to really try this and it would also help me to get through all the "eating opportunities." I valued my choices more. But I still ate bad things every now & then... just much smaller servings.


Sure, there have been times when I broke my own rule, but usually for just one meal (or party! :rolleyes: ) I noticed that I "paid for it" (in awakening my hunger) so the next day I was very aware and would again eat very little at a time, but also more often. I would just try to wait at least one hour. I can do that, right? Wait one hour? And it really helped to drink a whole glass of water in between.


Have you ever tried to do anything like this?

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Looks like she started in December...if that's right then it ook her about 3 months? 8-10 lbs a month is about the maximum anyone can ever expect to lose, so I'd say she did just fine.


As far as the "plan": The frequent small meals, portion size issue and eat only when you are hungry, are three things that I have been preaching forever!! I can't even EAT more that a "fist" size at one time...I would be horribly uncomfortable. As far as "feeling silly" if I eat half my dinner out - that is a highly recommended practice by many many nutritionists. Immediately ask for a box and place at LEAST half the food in it - and save it for another meal. And why people think that hunger is something to avoid, I don't know. If you never ever allow yourself to get hungry, how the heck will you ever burn any fat stores from your body??


Water is also important - no it doesn't "flush fat" (wouldn't THAT be a great thing though, huh??) but it does help your body operate more efficiently, and drinking water throughout the day helps you to feel fuller so that you won't be looking for munchies!


I don't follow the gluten/wheat/sugar thing (don't want to), but I don't doubt that it works well too, and is a healthy option.


All in all, sound advice. Thumbs up! ;)

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I forgot to mention that I think the KEY is more in the changing your thinking when you are feeling so hungry. Does that make sense?

I'm actually now wishing that I had started the thread with the "GO Body, Go" way of thinking instead of the portion control "fist" measurement.

We've all heard the "portion control" idea. It just really helped me when I started looking at it terms of "size of my fist" and I thought the "handy" name was kind of catchy.


I'm no longer hungry all the time, but when I AM my reaction isn't to immediately eat something so the feeling goes away. I actually "tricked" myself into thinking it was a good thing for my weight loss goals to feel this every now and then...

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Looks like she started in December...if that's right then it ook her about 3 months? 8-10 lbs a month is about the maximum anyone can ever expect to lose, so I'd say she did just fine.

Yes. I think Dec 7th actually, because I started on a weekend.


As far as the "plan": The frequent small meals, portion size issue and eat only when you are hungry,

I say why not drink a big glass of water & try to let yourself become comfortable with being slightly hungry for about an hour...? Then eat.


are three things that I have been preaching forever!! I can't even EAT more that a "fist" size at one time...I would be horribly uncomfortable.

Bingo! This is what happened. I actually feel sick if I overeat.


As far as "feeling silly" if I eat half my dinner out - that is a highly recommended practice by many many nutritionists. Immediately ask for a box and place at LEAST half the food in it - and save it for another meal. And why people think that hunger is something to avoid, I don't know. If you never ever allow yourself to get hungry, how the heck will you ever burn any fat stores from your body?? Go Body, Go!


Water is also important - no it doesn't "flush fat" I know this, I don't know why I worded it that way. She is right! But it does curb hunger better than any juice, tea etc does for me. (wouldn't THAT be a great thing though, huh??) but it does help your body operate more efficiently, and drinking water throughout the day helps you to feel fuller so that you won't be looking for munchies!


I don't follow the gluten/wheat/sugar thing (don't want to), but I don't doubt that it works well too, and is a healthy option.


All in all, sound advice. Thumbs up! ;)

Thank you!! What YOU say means a lot to me because I think you are very helpful on these boards. I trust what you say. :D


OOPs.. I guess I have to write something here for it to post. See above.

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Well, I've been barking up that tree for al ong time..like when people complain that they are hungry with smaller portions..duh..your stomach of course is going to protest because it's used to being all stretched out!


The other thing to ask is, "Why do I NEED to have 5 cookies? If the portion size is 2 cookies". People confuse needs with wants. "Oh, I just have no willpower". Load of crap! People are too impuslive and don't stop to think what they are doing!


People can make a thousand excuses to justify something they want to do whether it's bad for them or not. Look at smoking, people say they "need" a cigarette to calm down...well, then that means you need to find other ways to deal with your stress, etc. "I need 5 cookies so I can feel better" So what's that all about..I didn't know cookies were responsible for happiness, I thought being responsible for your well being was what brought happiness.


I've been following the Alli thread on these boards..no offense to anyone..but it seems like nobody is making progress there and there are some that did and stopped the pill and gained the weight back. And look at our Brenda and now Tagging along...they made changes the old fashioned way and how great they are doing!


I forgot to mention that I think the KEY is more in the changing your thinking when you are feeling so hungry. Does that make sense?

I'm actually now wishing that I had started the thread with the "GO Body, Go" way of thinking instead of the portion control "fist" measurement.

We've all heard the "portion control" idea. It just really helped me when I started looking at it terms of "size of my fist" and I thought the "handy" name was kind of catchy.


I'm no longer hungry all the time, but when I AM my reaction isn't to immediately eat something so the feeling goes away. I actually "tricked" myself into thinking it was a good thing for my weight loss goals to feel this every now and then...

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Well, I've been barking up that tree for al ong time..like when people complain that they are hungry with smaller portions..duh..your stomach of course is going to protest because it's used to being all stretched out! And this feeling does not last FOREVER.


People can make a thousand excuses to justify something they want to do whether it's bad for them or not. Yep! I was the QUEEN of that.


I thought being responsible for your well being was what brought happiness. This is an absolute fact.


And look at our Brenda and now Tagging along...they made changes the old fashioned way and how great they are doing! I think we all know deep down that this is the only true way. It just isn't as EASY or maybe work as quickly.


Thanks! I was hoping you would post here. And what about Smoothdancer, Chigirlcruzin & the others who have been giving some great solid advice on Brenda's great thread?


I've tried various pills before. I never wanted to whine about my weight because I was more soft & puffy. I did not have a huge amount to lose. But I did have a LOT of bad habits. I would try to starve myself and then just way overeat! Because I felt like I was starving!!! I remember even eating so much and feeling like... I could still eat more. :o


Those days are GONE!! I also try not to ever eat late at night... and this used to be unbearable for me. I cannot let myself even lie down unless at least 3 hours have passed since I last eat. That's another quirky rule I have. My friends call the opposite, the "SUMO Wrestler diet." I guess they heard that for SUMOs to gain all the weight they HAVE to eat a whole lot & then go directly to sleep! I don't even know if this is true, but it sticks with me when I think about all the times I used to pig out & of course, fall asleep shortly thereafer :eek: !! That is NOT a body style that I desire, why would I follow their training program? Much better to follow ya'lls more sensible plan! I'm just really vigilant about my portions now.

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I am impressed with the amount of time that it has taken you to lose weight. In the past month (well now it will be 5 weeks) I have only lost 6 pounds. This is what is so frustrating for me! If I could lose at least 8-10 a month I would be almost there! I was sick for a week and a half, so I am sure that hasn't helped either. In any case, I am hoping to jump start the weight loss again by working out this week. I want to be 115!!! Sure I will settle for 125 or 120.....but 115......my God....this is a fantasy!!!!

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I am impressed with the amount of time that it has taken you to lose weight. Thanks! It really feels good now.


In the past month (well now it will be 5 weeks) I have only lost 6 pounds. This is what is so frustrating for me! If I could lose at least 8-10 a month I would be almost there! I was sick for a week and a half, so I am sure that hasn't helped either. In any case, I am hoping to jump start the weight loss again by working out this week. I want to be 115!!! Sure I will settle for 125 or 120.....but 115......my God....this is a fantasy!!!!


Brenda, I know. I really have been reading your thread. I'm sorry you were sick & I was so glad to hear you getting results!! I just felt like you already had a great support group going, so I was not being fair by just reading. I'm getting better about posting, but for a while... it made me nervous. I always thought I was "interrupting" or something. Isn't that silly? It's so NOT like that around here.


Then, I was afraid to post my "handy plan" because I haven't read ALL the threads and thought 1) I'm sure this has been covered or 2) someone is going to flame because they think I'm not eating enough.


You just reminded me so much of me that I kept wondering if even though you eat so little & healthy choices, did you every now & then kind of eat too much because you told yourself, "But I've been soooooo gooooood!!"?


I only ask that, because that's one thing that I would do for sure. Now I see I would just be hurting myself, stretching out my stomach and facing more days of being Hungry Hungry. So then I would feel like a failure and that it would never work for me, or I wasn't as strong as these other people etc etc.


The one thing I didn't ever do before DEC is to try this Fist portion size and really really really stick with it. And it wasn't exactly easy either, so I'm not going to say it was. It did get better & I could not believe it.

Oh yeah, and it did kind of start slow for me tooo. I have to tell you that!!! But then it became really consistent, although like they say it does go up and down (why God WHY???!!) I don't know why, but you CAN"T let that get you down. It's more of a measurement to how you are doing, but it never just went down and down. Some days (yeah shhhh don't tell the other girls but I was weighing myself toooo often :rolleyes: ) but some days it would go up 2 or 3 pounds!! :eek: But then it would settle just like they say... and then start creeping down again.


OOps I always write too much, sorry. I'd like to see you focus on the fist portion size and try this for a while (Saturday's will be tuff, huh? With date night and all?) it's not a quick fix, more like slow & steady.


And stop "fantasizing" about your favorite foods...

START to fantasize about how great you're going to feel when YOU reach YOUR goal weight. I can't wait!!:D

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Well you are right. That fist thing would never work for me on Saturday night. Maybe I can tell them to wait an hour in between courses. :rolleyes: I will be honest and say I am not yet willing to give up those Saturdays. I can tell you that I am so much better than I used to be though. I make smarter choices and eat alot less....so overall Saturdays are a success. Next Saturday we are taking the little guy to Monster Trucks in PA. I remember the last time we went we ate at TGIF...its what is in the area. I am wondering what I am going to eat there this time???? I'm so comfy at my old faithful restaurant.


I have to ask....on a holiday, like Easter coming up for example, are you really able to stick with the fist rule? I can't see that happening for me. Especially when I am the one cooking! LOL

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Well, I guess it's not going to work if you don't try it.


You're cooking a meal the way you do any other day..it's just a holiday with a little more food..what's the big deal to go off the diet for the holiday? Because you deserve it for all your hard work?:eek:


There's lots of chefs on the tv shows that cook like that every day and THEY aren't fat!


have to ask....on a holiday, like Easter coming up for example, are you really able to stick with the fist rule? I can't see that happening for me. Especially when I am the one cooking! LOL
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Well you are right. That fist thing would never work for me on Saturday night. Maybe I can tell them to wait an hour in between courses. :rolleyes: I will be honest and say I am not yet willing to give up those Saturdays. You do not have to even consider giving up your Saturday Date Night!


I can tell you that I am so much better than I used to be though. I make smarter choices and eat alot less....so overall Saturdays are a success.


Well it's good & bad. Yes! You are doing better, but why do you decide already that you can't do it?


Next Saturday we are taking the little guy to Monster Trucks in PA. I remember the last time we went we ate at TGIF...its what is in the area. I am wondering what I am going to eat there this time????


Oh, I don't know ... less than you normally would want to? Order a healthy appetizer. Or.. Soup or small salad? Here's another tip: Eat of DH's plate if he orders something you want!!:p Save $ & stick to the fist plan (or as close to it as possible could be your goal) And I challenge you to drink a whole glass of water before you even leave the house. Then, a few hours later at the Monster Truck, you think you might get a snack for little guy or DH? Have a little snack then.. or sneak a little off of theirs. So, you'll eat twice that night, but not a lot at one time...

It really gets easier to figure out how to have a little now, a little later, etc etc..


I have to ask....on a holiday, like Easter coming up for example, are you really able to stick with the fist rule? I can't see that happening for me. Especially when I am the one cooking! LOL


This is an excellent question & it has already happened. When I cook for others, I do what I always did before & couldn't stop anyway... I sneak tastes as I go. It normally takes over an hour to cook most things, so I make the salad first & chop some fresh veggies. I eat some salad w/veggies while I'm still cooking. This would be before dinner. I just don't eat a big huge plateful AT dinner. I may put more than the fistful on my plate but I don't finish it all at once. Remember, I put my plate aside and eat more of it later. So I eat 3 times!


So the "fist" idea may be too drastic for you to start with. That could also be a goal that you could work towards. I just wanted you to consider eating small amounts, but more often and learning to accept the feeling that you may FEEL hungry sometimes & it's okay. Your body is burning reserves WHEN you are having these feelings. So I had to accept being hungry for one hour at a time. I just chose to think of it in the positive (fatburning way) instead of that poor widdle me was soooo hungry... I MUST EAT NOW or I might die!!!!!!!!!


It was important for me to see if this was going to work, so I guess it was easier for me to stick with it. Once it starts working, it gives even more motivation to continue. Again, it's said so much it may lose meaning on some of us but it is not a DIET, it's a LIFESTYLE CHOICE.

(Important note: the last word.... CHOICE.) I hope this helps!




I also mentioned that on special occasions I would cheat and eat a little more. But I started realizing how the yukky-stuffed-too-full feeling was not too fun either and I would seem to be saying, "Go Body Go" a WHOLE LOT MORE the next day. So it was easier to not overeat the next time.


I do not feel deprived. I am happy with my results. It is working for me... I don't know what more I can say except, "Try it before you decide it couldn't possibly work for you."

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At dinner tonight I natually became full.....and I had a small portion. I was actually surprised by this. I made homemade chicken soup. I had a bowl of soup...mostly veggies. I always have the chicken on the side. So I had a piece of the breast. It was really yummy, but I left about 1/3 of the soup and also about 1/3 of the chicken. I'm not sure if this was a fistful....probably a bit more.....but its hard to judge soup. Anyhow, I am so happy that I felt full before I finished. I like your Go Body Go theory. I actually heard Oprah say this once. This is where I get confused. Sometimes I think when I am hungry that it is great because I am burning fat......but then at other times people tell me that I should never be hungry and I need to eat more. I guess its that different things work for different people?


I can tell you after thinking about it, when I am the cook, I eat less than if I go to someone's house. I'm just so busy. BUT, I still would think its more than on a normal day because even if you have one of this and one of that, it adds up. I think that Easter week, a smart thing to do would be not go out on that Saturday night and look at Sunday as Saturday night. This may help not bust all my hard work.

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Anyhow, I am so happy that I felt full before I finished. See you CAN at least try this..


I like your Go Body Go theory. I actually heard Oprah say this once.

Me too but sadly it was ages ago & I didn't even try this until DEC!! What was I waiting for? The truth didn't change, I did.


This is where I get confused. Sometimes I think when I am hungry that it is great because I am burning fat......but then at other times people tell me that I should never be hungry and I need to eat more. I guess its that different things work for different people?


Nope it's the same thing. Just think about it differently. I'm not asking you to feel a really strong hunger pain for more than one hour. Drink some water first, wait a while, then eat. So yes, you can be hungry but then you need to eat after being hungry. :confused:

Eat good stuff: a little protein, some veggies for the fiber & nutrients. Only... you guessed it... just a smaller amount than you think you would be satisfied with. Stop B4 you are full.

I find that I actually feel fuller about 15 min AFTER I stop eating. I never eat UNTIL I'm full anymore. If I did, I'd actually have that yukky tooo full feeling. It just dawned on me... I think Oprah calls these "AH Ha! moments" Here's mine: I actually dislike that yukky full feeling now more than I dislike that icky hunger pang feeling. Wow that's the truth. I can't stand when I feel like that & the hunger kind of helps me remember to hold my stomach in.

OK... Now I'm rambling again, but I'm going to have to think about that ah-ha moment. I don't have very many of those...


I can tell you after thinking about it, when I am the cook, I eat less than if I go to someone's house. I'm just so busy. BUT, I still would think its more than on a normal day because even if you have one of this and one of that, it adds up. I think that Easter week, a smart thing to do would be not go out on that Saturday night and look at Sunday as Saturday night. This may help not bust all my hard work.


Now you're talking!! Way to go, Brenda!! And I would actually keep that soup or pc of chicken on the counter (covered.. don't gross out) because I know I will be hungry later. But rather than find some fattening snack later, why not eat some more good protein w/ the chicken? I haven't eaten a whole chicken breast at all at one time in months. But I can usually finish one in a night. LOL!


And it's a wonderful choice to say, oops, Sunday is Easter so I better take care of myself and skip date night. Maybe DH & I can think of another way to share some romantic time together rather than eating.???.. ;) Stop! I meant a movie...lol

So you can have a stretchy day... just not two in a row or more than 2 a week. You'll figure out your own style & you should. Listen to your own body.

(just keep in mind while listening, sometimes it's saying... "GoBodyGo!" and when you're just starting out, it sounds an awful lot like "FEED ME!"):D

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Sometimes I think when I am hungry that it is great because I am burning fat......but then at other times people tell me that I should never be hungry and I need to eat more. I guess its that different things work for different people?


My take on that is that the people that say that are the ones that are looking for excuses to eat. I know that sounds harsh, but I can't think of any other reason someone would say that. If you are not hungry, then you don't need to eat! :rolleyes: Eating when you aren't hungry is eating for the wrong reasons, and will only cause your body to store those excess calories as fat!


I think that Easter week, a smart thing to do would be not go out on that Saturday night and look at Sunday as Saturday night. This may help not bust all my hard work.


No holidays are ever centered around food for me anymore. They are centered around family and friends. Easter Sunday I will sit down to dinner, but if I'm not hungry, I won't eat. It doesn't bother me a bit either. It just is NOT about the food anymore. Ever.

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I've been eating this way since 2002. I've gone from a size 18W/20W to a 6/8. However, I do eat wheat. I just eat whole grains, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc. I use the "fist method" also and it really does work.


As soon as you order your restaurant meal, ask for a "to go" box. When the food arrives, immediately put half in the box. If it is out of sight, you won't be tempted to just keep on eating.


I, too, get ill if I over-eat now. I try to eat until I'm satisfied or fill just a tad bit full. It is easy to do once you get used to it.


Remember, nothing feels as good as skinny feels. ;)

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I've been eating this way since 2002. I've gone from a size 18W/20W to a 6/8. However, I do eat wheat. I just eat whole grains, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc. I use the "fist method" also and it really does work.


As soon as you order your restaurant meal, ask for a "to go" box. When the food arrives, immediately put half in the box. If it is out of sight, you won't be tempted to just keep on eating.


I, too, get ill if I over-eat now. I try to eat until I'm satisfied or fill just a tad bit full. It is easy to do once you get used to it.


Remember, nothing feels as good as skinny feels. ;)


Weirdeyes, you and I sound very much alike!


I gained my weight when I split from my ex, 60 pounds over 5 years. :o (I used to run and workout, and had completely quit - moving out on my on with a small child gave me lots of excuses.) By 2002, I was just over it, and tired of not feeling good. I was about an 18 too. My sister told me about WW - she had lost 12 pounds rather easily, and said that she thought I could do it too. I was easily the pickiest eater in my family, so changing my eating behavior was a challenge. I never joined the program - I'm a fairly private person. I had a hard enough time looking at the scale myself - no way could I do it in front of someone else!! But I did buy the books from eBay, and learned. A lot. I lost 50 pounds in 2 years...and the rest has come off gradually - I am now about a 6/8 (though I have sizes 2 through 12 in my closet...let's not even TALK about clothing size differences!! SHEESH!) Getting back into an exercise regimen has had an even greater impact, though. It's part of my day now...I don't feel right if I miss it. Plus, I was starting to have problems with heartburn, and sinus issues. Guess what? Both problems have TOTALLY disappeared. Nada! Zip! Gone!


I am SO much happier now. I can't say it enough - GET IN SHAPE! You don't even KNOW what you are missing. ;)

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I have never read anything that simply clicked with me like this did.

Welcome, MarysMom! Thanks, it really does "click" doesn't it?

I regret:

1) That I didn't ever really give it a serious effort way back when I first heard about it. What was I waiting for? It wasn't THAT hard!

2) That I didn't post it sooner and actually lose WITH people here on the boards. I guess I wanted to make sure it worked?


No matter where we start, it's a lifestyle change, and it does take a short while to adjust the stomach (and the MIND) into accepting that it can and will be satisfied with much less. The goal isn't about how much we lose each week. I wish I tracked my results better so I would have a record. I know it was just like any other time. Up, down, plateau etc. Somewhere along the way I just started feeling better. I think in the inside I was also scared, "This is working... so I hope I don't mess this up."


A funny thing also happened that we all can relate to and that's when we are with other people. "That's ALL you're going to eat??!!" "Oh, That's not right, that's not even healthy!" Obviously, it would be someone who didn't know me well or didn't understand when I told them that's all I wanted and I will eat again later. I wasn't going to let anyone take me off this course. I wasn't starving myself, but I wasn't going to overeat to make someone else feel better. I gave them permission to mention it again ONLY if I ever started looking like Nicole R pre-baby!!

(NOT gonna happen! Not a goal, Not a "pretty" look in my opinion. I like my curves ;) )


Anyway, I'm glad this "clicked" with you. Good luck and I hope to see you back here. I can't be here as much right now. My cruise is coming and I have a lot of projects to finish before I leave for 10 days. I will check in when I can, but so many wonderful people will help you. And best of all YOU can help you, too. You can save your life. Isn't that exciting?


Keep in touch,





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"At least"??? Brenda - any more would not be a healthy rate!! You are doing very well...it does take some patience girl!! :D


You're right HSM!

Brenda, I'm actually a little "nervous" about how quickly I lost the weight. I am also not wanting to lose more. I'm afraid of the yo-yo!! I have this mean voice in my head saying, "Don't go talking about all the weight loss. You better wait until you can prove that you've kept it off for at least 6 months." But I just keep eating my small portions more often because it seems to help me. I like the way I feel. No blood sugar lows, since I eat so often.


I think I am going to slowly incorporate some wheat back in my diet now that I'm at my goal weight... we'll see what happens (sorry Bardagal:eek: )

That was actually harder than the other, but I felt like it would be good to try & sounded healthy. I'll let you know if I balloon up or start eating the furniture!!!





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I've been eating this way since 2002.


Remember, nothing feels as good as skinny feels. ;)


Hi! I'm glad there are others of you who have kept this lifestyle for so long. This gives me encouragement to keep it up. I really like the way I feel now. I didn't want to stop, but I'm thinking I can be a little less strict? Or has my body just regulated to this weight?


(Ha! it's only been one day. I mean, can I just work to stay at this weight?)







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You're right HSM!

Brenda, I'm actually a little "nervous" about how quickly I lost the weight. I am also not wanting to lose more. I'm afraid of the yo-yo!! I have this mean voice in my head saying, "Don't go talking about all the weight loss. You better wait until you can prove that you've kept it off for at least 6 months." But I just keep eating my small portions more often because it seems to help me. I like the way I feel. No blood sugar lows, since I eat so often.


I think I am going to slowly incorporate some wheat back in my diet now that I'm at my goal weight... we'll see what happens (sorry Bardagal:eek: )

That was actually harder than the other, but I felt like it would be good to try & sounded healthy. I'll let you know if I balloon up or start eating the furniture!!!






You lost at a healty rate, and you're making it a lifestyle change. You should be fine. I've lost 19 pounds in 10 weeks, and everybody keeps commenting to me on how fast that was. It is still in the high end of normal weight loss. I don't know that speed matters as much as lifestyle change. I lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks before (South Beach Diet). I kept it off for over 3 years. I only gained it back when I had to stop working out due to injury, and continued to eat like I was training for triathlons!

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