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Sickness on Carnival Miracle


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Hello all!


First, I would like to say that I am not a cheap person. I do not expect to get things for free and I work for the few things I have now. That being said, I had saved for about three monthes to surprise my girlfriend for her birthday with an 8-day cruise. We have both just turned 21 and I only have a part-time job being that I am attending college full-time. We sailed on March 6th on the Miracle, getting back yesterday. Overall it was a great week for us.


However... On the 7th (yeah, the very first sea day!) I awoke at 4am with VERY bad abdominal pains. I knew that I wasn't seasick (I have been in 14 foot waves and was fine,) but I felt like I was going to vomit. Ran to the bathroom and threw up more than I ever have in my life. Literally every 10 minutes I would have to go to the toilet and throw up for probably close to 7 or 8 hours. Nothing was left to come out. Throughout the day other gross symptoms occured that I don't want to discuss, and I spent the entire first day sicker than ever. The next day my body felt I had just got over a year-long flu. My bones and joints and every inch of my body hurt to move, and I had a terrible headache. I am not one to complain but honest to God I felt horrible. I slept most of the day and that evening the vomiting symptoms returned. I decided that I would go to the infirmary (Even though I knew they would rape my wallet... I did not get cruise insurance.) Come to find out it was a "Norwalk-Like Virus" and that since I had gotten it on the ship there was no charge. The doctor gave me a few medications and told me that I would be put on "Isolation" for 24 hours. I didn't think twice and went back to my room. That evening my girlfriend started complaining about stomach pains. Next thing you know she had the same violent vomiting and other symptoms. Hers only lasted maybe 2 hours, but everything was the same so I knew she had contracted my "disease." I gave her some of the medication they gave me and we went to sleep.


One of the main reasons why I chose this sailing was the stop at Panama so we definitly were not going to miss out on this port. Forgetting that they had put me on Isolation (which I still feel that the should not be allowed to do,) we went to leave the gangway in the morning. When he scanned my sail&sign, there was an obnoxious ringing sound. He did it again, with the same noise. I tried reading the screen and the only thing I could see was "4 New Messages." Anyhow, he seemed confused and let me by. We had a great day in Panama (even though Kaleigh slept most of the time because her body ached,) and we got back to the ship. When he scanned my card, the same noise rang again. This time the CAPTAIN of the boat was waiting there. He referred to me by name and asked me to please follow him into the infirmary. He repeatedly (more than 5 times) asked who the person was that let me through earlier in the day. I honestly could not picture him for some reason so I told him so. While he was questioning Kaleigh, I read a message that had been printed near one of the computers.


Attention all Carnival Crew Members:


This passenger: Shane Arsenault

has been let off the ship with a "potentially infectious disease."


Verbatim, it said that. An infectious disease. I found that rather embarassing to have lying around for people to be able to read. Either way they took my temperature and proceeded to check Kaleigh. They said hers was high, so they took my off of the Isolation and put her on.


We slept the entire next day and ended up enjoying the rest of the cruise. Even though we were not able to eat much (Mostly ate Lucky Charms and drank Caffiene-Free Sprite) we still enjoyed the other 2 ports and walking around the boat. To this moment, my stomach still has those weird pains so I was unable to drink any of the liquor I had smuggled. :)


Anyways... my question to you guys. Seeming how TWO WHOLE days were wasted (spent throwing up,) and we were constantly referred to as being "quarantined" and "in isolation," do you think there would be any chance of some sort of discount on a future booking? I understand that there's no chance of reimbursement, but I spent a lot of time and money planning this week and it was ruined because of a virus I got on their boat. I put everything I had into this surprise and so many things I had planned were ruined.


Do you think Carnival could do anything with giving a discount on a future booking? I am not scarred, and I will definitly cruise on Carnival again, I will just make sure to bring a LOT of hand sanitizers and soaps.


That being said, the Miracle was a beautiful ship and I really wish that I could have spent more time with the onboard activities.


Thanks for any opinions,

Shane Arsenault

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It's a terrible thing to be ill on holiday. You may have come aboard sick contracting the virus before boarding the ship. Carnival was just trying to protect the rest of the passengers from whatever you had, and I would have appreciated that if I had been a fellow passenger on your ship.


I wouldn't ask for compensation - but that's just me, I'd just chaulk it up to one of those things that happen and put it behind me.

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The CDC states: "The incubation period for norovirus-associated gastroenteritis in humans is usually between 24 and 48 hours (median in outbreaks 33 to 36 hours), but cases can occur within 12 hours of exposure. " Unless many others on the same cruise became ill, chances are you came in contact with the virus prior to boarding. Just something to consider.

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I just have to ask, if this had occurred anywhere else, a hotel, school, etc, would you be asking for any compensation or just realize that people get sick sometimes? You had a stomach virus, something people catch all the time, but for some reason when it happens on a cruise, people's attitudes change about it completely. And yes, you could have been the one to bring it onboard and they were trying to protect everyone else from you.:cool:

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Since it was not Carnival, but another Carnival passenger that you got the illness from....any compensation should come from that passenger that boarded the ship sick and proceeded to spread it around. Carnival does not owe any compensation because they did nothing wrong to make you sick.


It has been going around our area here at home as well.


And yes, quarantine is the only way to stop it from affecting everyone else.

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I just have to ask, if this had occurred anywhere else, a hotel, school, etc, would you be asking for any compensation or just realize that people get sick sometimes?


I agree with what you are saying, but if I stayed at a hotel and got sick there should they be able to "Isolate" me and tell me I can't leave my hotel room? I don't think that is right. I understand that they don't want it to spread, but the paperwork they gave me on my illness said it comes from contact and listed examples as eating/drinking after others. I can understand not going to public dining areas but c'mon, I paid a lot of money to be on the ship, I don't think that I should be stuck in my room. I should have been able to go to the shows, walk around, etc. That does not mean that I would have been contacting other people physically.


Also, they told me they feel that I contracted it on the ship. This is why they "waived" the $60 consultation fee and gave me the medication. I am curious if there were other cases on the ship that they didn't tell me about. There were several others in the medical room while I was there, and we overheard a younger girl saying she felt really sick.


I don't know. I understand what everybody is saying. I am not angry at Carnival, just obviously very upset that it happened to us. I guess it's more the whole "leaving notes out in the open that say I have an infectious disease" and the Captain heavily questioning me when they made the mistake and let me off the boat. Back to my previous example... if I go to Disney World, stay in a hotel and get sick there, should they be able to tell me I can't leave the room? That I can't go to the park even though I already paid admission? That is just insane to me. Once again, the price of this vacation was nearly 25% of my annual income from my part-time job. I simply don't understand how they could have not let me off the boat.

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you could try to write a letter but I don't know if it would help much. It does suck to be in "lock down" but if they didn't do that then the whole ship could get sick. If you write I would suggest being nice about it but expressing your dissapointment, not agressive or angry. You might be surprised with a token gesture. The norwalk is one of the top reasons we get insurance.

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The reason you need to be isolated on a cruise ship is that it is a "small" contained environment as opposed to Disney World where thousands if not millions of people go about their business in a very large area. The cruise ship is a enclosed space and if you have a viral outbreak, it will spread very quickly. So no, they will not isolated you in Disney World or a hotel But they will isolate you in a nursing home or a hospital because once again it is a isolated space and it is a very important public health policy.


Back to the point of the embarrassment with the Captain. Yes it is very embarrassing. But I believe the Captain questioned you because he wants to know who let you off the ship. Once you are isolated, you card is flagged. The security man should know and to let you off the ship is his fault. He will be disciplined severely. It is not your fault and you as a passenger shouldn't know the procedure. So let that experience pass. Whatever it was, the Captain wasn't directly it at you, most likely he is furious with the security.


SO compensation...unlikely. You can ask but don't demand. If Carnival decide to give you something, like OBC etc. It is purely due to public relation and THEIR generosity. It never hurts to ask.

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I agree with what you are saying, but if I stayed at a hotel and got sick there should they be able to "Isolate" me and tell me I can't leave my hotel room? I don't think that is right. I understand that they don't want it to spread, but the paperwork they gave me on my illness said it comes from contact and listed examples as eating/drinking after others. I can understand not going to public dining areas but c'mon, I paid a lot of money to be on the ship, I don't think that I should be stuck in my room. I should have been able to go to the shows, walk around, etc. That does not mean that I would have been contacting other people physically.


Also, they told me they feel that I contracted it on the ship. This is why they "waived" the $60 consultation fee and gave me the medication. I am curious if there were other cases on the ship that they didn't tell me about. There were several others in the medical room while I was there, and we overheard a younger girl saying she felt really sick.


I don't know. I understand what everybody is saying. I am not angry at Carnival, just obviously very upset that it happened to us. I guess it's more the whole "leaving notes out in the open that say I have an infectious disease" and the Captain heavily questioning me when they made the mistake and let me off the boat. Back to my previous example... if I go to Disney World, stay in a hotel and get sick there, should they be able to tell me I can't leave the room? That I can't go to the park even though I already paid admission? That is just insane to me. Once again, the price of this vacation was nearly 25% of my annual income from my part-time job. I simply don't understand how they could have not let me off the boat.


I understand that you're upset, but the cruiseline owes you nothing. They have to quarrantine people with Noro, or risk the entire ship being exposed to it.

What they did to you, they do to all other passengers who display any symptoms even remotely similar to Noro, so you are not the only one who's been through this.

I am deeplly sorry that this ruined your cruise for you and your girlfriend. All I can say is that I hope your next vacation is better.

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I'm really sorry to hear that you got the Norovirus. It's bad enough to be sick at home, but to have that on vacation is the pits.:(


Anyway, from what I read about Noro, it sounds like you contracted it before you got onboard. Takes a couple of days to show it's symptoms.


The reason why they put you in quarantine is because they didn't want you to infect the other 2000+ passengers and crew.


It's not Carnival's fault that you got sick, so I really don't think you should be compensated for anything IMO.


You can get Noro in schools, hospitals, hotels, etc. Not just on cruise ships. The only reason they make such a big deal on a cruise is because the cruiseline has to report it to the CDC.


The best thing to do when you go on a cruise is constantly wash your hands with soap and water.


My husband and I sailed the Miracle last year and were constantly washing our hands.


Whenever my husband and I travel we take those clorox wipes and we wipe everything down as soon as we get into the room. Including the remote control because you won't believe how many germs can hang out on the remote. Also the doorknobs.


I'm sure on when you go on your next cruise, you will be just fine. :D


Again, I'm sorry that got sick.

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What a terrible story! If you are the same person I am thinking of, weren't you going to surprise your girlfriend with this cruise and pack for her?


My husband and I each spent a day mildly sick on our last cruise. But luckily it was my 4th cruise and his 6th so we didn't feel we missed out on much, even though it still sucked.:(

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I am sorry you got sick.


Yes I do think people with an infectious disease/virus should be isolated as to avoid spreading this disease/virus to other passengers. A cruise ship is a self contained city where people just cant leave at will. There was a good chance that you could have spread the virus to other passengers by having germs on your hands and then touching elevator buttons, hand rails etc. I would be upset if I knew my fellow passenger was sick and because he/she was not isolated for a short time until it passed, I too got sick. Heck I get upset when my co workers come to work with a cold or flu! There is more to spreading the noro than just eating and drinking after someone. If it were limited to those two things then hundreds of people on the same ship wouldnt get sick at the same time right? I seriously doubt 200 people would eat and drink from the same glass or plate without having been washed first. I also doubt that all of those people are walking around kissing each other.


The Captain I think was questioning you because he wanted to know who the crew member was that let you off the ship when you should have been in isolation. The crew member wasnt doing his job properly. You said yourself that you think they must have forgotten. You took advantage of this. Personally I think your sign and sail card should have been taken away until you recovered. This should be a rule on all ships now.


You put other people at risk. Is this fair to other people? No. Was it fair to you that you got the virus? No.


You still enjoyed all of your ports and most of your cruise.


I think you should stop while you are ahead.

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When he scanned my card, the same noise rang again. This time the CAPTAIN of the boat was waiting there. He referred to me by name and asked me to please follow him into the infirmary. He repeatedly (more than 5 times) asked who the person was that let me through earlier in the day. I honestly could not picture him for some reason so I told him so. While he was questioning Kaleigh, I read a message that had been printed near one of the computers.


Attention all Carnival Crew Members:


This passenger: Shane Arsenault

has been let off the ship with a "potentially infectious disease."



Sorry you got sick and missed a couple days of your cruise after saving and planning so long for it... Not to be rude and I know this will sound a bit harsh but..... this never would have happened had you followed your orders...

perhaps they should use the BRIG instead of allowing the comfort of assigned rooms when trying to protect the rest of the shipmates, crew and those living at the port of call. :eek:



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>>I agree with what you are saying, but if I stayed at a hotel and got sick there should they be able to "Isolate" me and tell me I can't leave my hotel room? I don't think that is right<<


I am very sorry to hear that you and your girlfriend became sick and that you spent several days in your cabin. However I absolutely feel strongly that it is the right of the cruise ship to quarantine you.


You have no idea what you had and they have no idea of proving where you got whatever it is you had. But if you were home with this condition you would probably cancel plans or if you were in a hotel you would probably just stay in that night and not go out on the town. The reason I think so many people get uspet when they get quarantined is there is really no way to make up what is lost, not on that particular cruise anyhow.


The fact is that you had no idea what virus you might have had, would you really appreciate it if you were sitting next to someone or in a crowded elevator with someone who had just been violently ill?


If you were sitting with others at dinner and found out that one of them snuck out of their cabin to dine after being quarantined because it was going to be their favorite meal of the night would you appreciate being put at risk?


You went to the infirmiry for a reason, either you were looking for a diagnosis/meds or you were looking to assure you had documentation that you did indeed go. The dr's gave you their diagnosis and sent you on your way with specific directions that you chose to ignore. This is where I feel you shouldn't really get anything in return for your next cruise.


You put others at risk by not staying in your cabin, there really isn't any disputing that. You mention that you spent a lot of money on this trip and I can appreciate that but all the other passengers did as well and to intentionally break a rule is wrong.


I don't think what the computer screen supposedly said really plays into this at all since very few people wait around to see what it says about the next passenger.




Again sorry to hear that you and your GF became sick.

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Hello all!


First, I would like to say that I am not a cheap person. I do not expect to get things for free and I work for the few things I have now. That being said, I had saved for about three monthes to surprise my girlfriend for her birthday with an 8-day cruise. We have both just turned 21 and I only have a part-time job being that I am attending college full-time. We sailed on March 6th on the Miracle, getting back yesterday. Overall it was a great week for us.


However... On the 7th (yeah, the very first sea day!) I awoke at 4am with VERY bad abdominal pains. I knew that I wasn't seasick (I have been in 14 foot waves and was fine,) but I felt like I was going to vomit. Ran to the bathroom and threw up more than I ever have in my life. Literally every 10 minutes I would have to go to the toilet and throw up for probably close to 7 or 8 hours. Nothing was left to come out. Throughout the day other gross symptoms occured that I don't want to discuss, and I spent the entire first day sicker than ever. The next day my body felt I had just got over a year-long flu. My bones and joints and every inch of my body hurt to move, and I had a terrible headache. I am not one to complain but honest to God I felt horrible. I slept most of the day and that evening the vomiting symptoms returned. I decided that I would go to the infirmary (Even though I knew they would rape my wallet... I did not get cruise insurance.) Come to find out it was a "Norwalk-Like Virus" and that since I had gotten it on the ship there was no charge. The doctor gave me a few medications and told me that I would be put on "Isolation" for 24 hours. I didn't think twice and went back to my room. That evening my girlfriend started complaining about stomach pains. Next thing you know she had the same violent vomiting and other symptoms. Hers only lasted maybe 2 hours, but everything was the same so I knew she had contracted my "disease." I gave her some of the medication they gave me and we went to sleep.


One of the main reasons why I chose this sailing was the stop at Panama so we definitly were not going to miss out on this port. Forgetting that they had put me on Isolation (which I still feel that the should not be allowed to do,) we went to leave the gangway in the morning. When he scanned my sail&sign, there was an obnoxious ringing sound. He did it again, with the same noise. I tried reading the screen and the only thing I could see was "4 New Messages." Anyhow, he seemed confused and let me by. We had a great day in Panama (even though Kaleigh slept most of the time because her body ached,) and we got back to the ship. When he scanned my card, the same noise rang again. This time the CAPTAIN of the boat was waiting there. He referred to me by name and asked me to please follow him into the infirmary. He repeatedly (more than 5 times) asked who the person was that let me through earlier in the day. I honestly could not picture him for some reason so I told him so. While he was questioning Kaleigh, I read a message that had been printed near one of the computers.


Attention all Carnival Crew Members:


This passenger: Shane Arsenault

has been let off the ship with a "potentially infectious disease."


Verbatim, it said that. An infectious disease. I found that rather embarassing to have lying around for people to be able to read. Either way they took my temperature and proceeded to check Kaleigh. They said hers was high, so they took my off of the Isolation and put her on.


We slept the entire next day and ended up enjoying the rest of the cruise. Even though we were not able to eat much (Mostly ate Lucky Charms and drank Caffiene-Free Sprite) we still enjoyed the other 2 ports and walking around the boat. To this moment, my stomach still has those weird pains so I was unable to drink any of the liquor I had smuggled. :)


Anyways... my question to you guys. Seeming how TWO WHOLE days were wasted (spent throwing up,) and we were constantly referred to as being "quarantined" and "in isolation," do you think there would be any chance of some sort of discount on a future booking? I understand that there's no chance of reimbursement, but I spent a lot of time and money planning this week and it was ruined because of a virus I got on their boat. I put everything I had into this surprise and so many things I had planned were ruined.


Do you think Carnival could do anything with giving a discount on a future booking? I am not scarred, and I will definitly cruise on Carnival again, I will just make sure to bring a LOT of hand sanitizers and soaps.


That being said, the Miracle was a beautiful ship and I really wish that I could have spent more time with the onboard activities.


Thanks for any opinions,

Shane Arsenault

The Capt of the ship was waiting for you to come back on? And than he took you to the infirmary?

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Shane, my husband and I cruised with you on Miracle this past week. We had similar symptoms, without the vomiting. Just bad stomach cramps, and diarrhea. Our symptoms didn't appear until the morning of Panama, and continued intermittently through Belize. But we just washed our hands like freaks, and tried not to touch the handrails, etc. We still managed to run up our alcohol bill ;), so obviously had a much less virulent strain than you both did. I hope you were able to enjoy at least part of your cruise. My problem, which started the first sea day on ship, had more to do with "mysterious bites" all over my body. After three mornings waking up covered in bites, I visited the infirmary, where I was told that I was having an "allergic reaction" to 'something' and that bed bugs were never a problem on Carnival. Interestingly enough, the infirmary ordered a complete cleaning of my room that day, and I didn't have the problem again, so whatever it was, the cleaning took care of it. This was our 6th cruise, and we've never encountered anything like it. I also found the people in the infirmary to be short, brusque and rude. I'm a nurse, and I can self-diagnose quite nicely, thank you! So I didn't need to be patronized regarding some stupid mysterious rash, when I knew darn well something was biting me in my room. I was sent packing with hydracortisone cream and benedryl. (No charge to my account, thankfully). Anyway, I'm not considering a complaint, but then again, I wasn't confined to my room. I guess that in order to protect the rest of the passengers, they did what was best, in your case. Did you see some of the geriatrics onboard? Can you imagine if they had let the two of you roam freely touching everything? I know it sucked to be quaratined, but I'm glad that you were. I'll bet you picked up that virus on the plane or in the airport, and just had the misfortune to come down with it day one on the ship. Next time, prefunk with Airborne and Pepto before you go. We did the Airborne thing this time, but NOT the Pepto, and look what happened! Never again will I skip my normal routine.

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Thanks, you said what I was about to say, but I was afraid I would get flamed big time.



The only time I have ever seen the Capt on a cruise ship is at his party each week. I alway's knew that the Capt had nothing better to do than to stand there and wait for 2,000 people to come back on the ship. I had a feeling that being a Capt of a cruise ship is a real Jake the fake job. LOL

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Vomiting in a public area, or diarrhea in a public restroom, speads the organisms beyond your room and exposes anyone in the immediate area to whatever you have. An epidemic on a ship (and a number of infected passengers makes it exactly that) is a health team nightmare. Passengers with infectious diseases should be quarantined for everyone's safety. Usually the symptoms take care of the enforcement of a quarantine. Airlines have the right to refuse boarding to a passenger who appears ill and countries can refuse entry. It's not a punishment issue (except maybe for whomever let you off the ship)-it's a health safety issue. I'm glad you're healthy now and I hope all your future cruises are symptom free.

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Probably the captain's issue ( btw it may have been the head of security they all wear white suites with stripes) would have been that you should not have been left off the ship. If the countries we visit find out we are knowingly allowing infected people onto their homeland they won't allow us to return. We were on the Disney magic when over 300 people got the Norwalk- the ship literally stank with people vomiting everywhere-talk about GROSS- anyhow we were held up in Cozumel for three hours before officals could decide if healthy passengers could disembark. (many ill ones did and flew home as it was a 3 day quarentine for the entire cabin once symptons began)

Many of these islands do not have top of the line health care and it could be a real crisis if an infectious illness was spread through out it's poplulation. My guess is the person-captain or whomever was livid that someone was not doing their job detaining you from exiting the ship and wanted to find out who so they could be disciplined.

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That is a good idea to confiscate sail & sign cards to insure good health for all on a ship until the person is well. I never brought clorox wipes before, but I started bringing them last year wiping down all surfaces, handles and the remote control. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. With some people if they can't see, taste or smell it it doesn't exist (when it comes to germs they do exist and some can screw up a vacation big time).

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That is a good idea to confiscate sail & sign cards to insure good health for all on a ship until the person is well. I never brought clorox wipes before, but I started bringing them last year wiping down all surfaces, handles and the remote control. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. With some people if they can't see, taste or smell it it doesn't exist (when it comes to germs they do exist and some can screw up a vacation big time).


Hiya Bluefin, :)


I always use the clorox wipes. And I even wipe down the remote controls in the house all the time too.

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In response to this post I fully support the actions of the captain and crew with regard to this situation.

I am a nurse and I also sit on a committee for Pandemic planning so I take matters like this very seriously. Gastrointestional illnesses can spread from simple contact with objects (door handles ect) so even though you do not feel that you will be in immediate contact with others you are still spreading the virus.

One example that I can think of is the SARS epidemic that Canada faced several years ago. This was a respiratory illness that had arrived in Toronto by an airline passanger (it is believed) and had very serious consequences for many individuals. Perhaps the OP has not thought of the seriousness of what might have happened. The medical team was only trying to prevent a possible outbreak of disease.

I cruised on the Miracle Feb 27 and had the opportunity to visit the infirmary myself. I had a Respiratory Tract Infection ( which I am positive I contracted prior to boarding). I was very impressed with the medical treatment that I recieved. I found the staff to be very considerate and thorough. I was politely asked to spend the day in my cabin which I did, and I had no further problems.

I think the OP needs to think of others before himself. He may have payed, but so did everyone else and they have the right not to be infected with a preventable illness.

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