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Zip-lining accident???


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So you think you dont take unnecessary risks? When is the last time you went on a ride at a State or Local fair? Do you think those rides are inspected? You would not believe it if I told you, my husband works for the STATE and this state holds the record for safety in the amusement ride industry, you should see some of the rides that come from out of town and have played in other states that my husband says no way, fix it or tear it down because this ride is NOT safe by this state's standards.


And because of this, I am probably over cautious and as much as I would love to experience a zip line, I know I will probably never do it now, not without a safety line attached to it. I do take some risks, we go on rides out of state, but its always in the back of my mind, what if...but that is part of life and it sure can be tragic.

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So you think you dont take unnecessary risks? When is the last time you went on a ride at a State or Local fair? Do you think those rides are inspected? You would not believe it if I told you, my husband works for the STATE and this state holds the record for safety in the amusement ride industry, you should see some of the rides that come from out of town and have played in other states that my husband says no way, fix it or tear it down because this ride is NOT safe by this state's standards.


And because of this, I am probably over cautious and as much as I would love to experience a zip line, I know I will probably never do it now, not without a safety line attached to it. I do take some risks, we go on rides out of state, but its always in the back of my mind, what if...but that is part of life and it sure can be tragic.


Won't touch those traveling carnival rides with a ten foot pole. I spent my college summers running roller coasters at Busch Gardens. I am a daredevil and adrenaline junkie when it comes to theme park rides and will get on anything at most major theme parks (with one exception where I question their safetly and training procedures - not Busch Gard..) I know what safetly procedures and inspections are in place. I can also see the lack of them at those traveling rides at fairs - no way are you getting me on those. Have seen some things that to someone who has been trained in proper safety on those kind of rides - are downright scary.

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So you think you dont take unnecessary risks? When is the last time you went on a ride at a State or Local fair? Do you think those rides are inspected? You would not believe it if I told you, my husband works for the STATE and this state holds the record for safety in the amusement ride industry, you should see some of the rides that come from out of town and have played in other states that my husband says no way, fix it or tear it down because this ride is NOT safe by this state's standards.


And because of this, I am probably over cautious and as much as I would love to experience a zip line, I know I will probably never do it now, not without a safety line attached to it. I do take some risks, we go on rides out of state, but its always in the back of my mind, what if...but that is part of life and it sure can be tragic.


No, don't do carnival rides. My father was very informed while we were growing up and we were never allowed on them even though in MD where I grew up, they have the strictest inspection laws in the country for all amusement rides. So, no don't take unneccesary risks. I do not intentionally put myself in a dangerous situation. Skylock talked about things that are pretty much out of your control (shootings, sting ray, plane crash). Once again an uninformed indivual making comparisons that make no sense whatsover. To compare deciding to ride a zip line down a mountain to being in the wrong place at the wrong time is totally unrelated. So, Skylock, your posts make absolutely no sense. And, to each his own, but my life is far from boring.


And as for your family members being in Iraq, that has nothing to do with this either, once again totally unrelated to the topic, but thank them. My DH is a naval reservist and he can be called up anytime and will gladly serve his country.

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I have a son and a bf in Kuwait as I type and I would far rather they both be on the zip line in Roatan and we will be in June if all goes well.


That's a sweet duty location - compared to many - if you have to be in the Middle East (I was in Afghanistan). Are they in the military, or private contractors?



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Bottom line- it's a personal choice, and that's why you sign a waiver.

I do feel so sorry for this family but zip-lining is considered an extreme sport, so you take a chance when you participate. We did this in dom. rep. on our last cruise and loved it. Hard to think of the harness breaking (it looked so sturdy) but accidents happen. Since I was the one who encouraged the rest of the family to do it, I know I would have felt dreadfully guilty if something had gone wrong.


In my youth my favourite sport was skydiving. My teenage sons want to try, but I tell them to do it when they are on their own (guess I figure I'll feel less responsible if something goes wrong:cool: ) I know now why my parents worried about me and some of my choices:D

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Hardly a fair comparison. We HAVE to drive, or ride a bus, to get to our jobs, schools, grocery store, etc. It's not necessary to zipline! What if your child was on that zipline when it dropped? Would you say, "Hey, sh*t happens, at least he was having fun!"? No, you'd be saying, "Why did I let him do that?"



I used to be the most overprotective mother in the world! Then came 9/11, and it occured to me that life was meant to be LIVED. A couple years later, we were in the Tetons for a family reunion, and were on top of the mountain in Jackson Hole, and these guys were parasailing. They offered tandem rides...it was very expensive...190 bucks per person. Well, my kids who were 17 and 14, really wanted to do it. I actually let them jump off an 11,000 foot mountain with nothing but an already opened parachute! They sailed on the warm air currents down to the valley floor 6000 feet below. Talk about being alive! We have it all on video. I'll NEVER regret letting them do that, and they'll NEVER forget the experience!

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I used to be the most overprotective mother in the world! Then came 9/11, and it occured to me that life was meant to be LIVED. A couple years later, we were in the Tetons for a family reunion, and were on top of the mountain in Jackson Hole, and these guys were parasailing. They offered tandem rides...it was very expensive...190 bucks per person. Well, my kids who were 17 and 14, really wanted to do it. I actually let them jump off an 11,000 foot mountain with nothing but an already opened parachute! They sailed on the warm air currents down to the valley floor 6000 feet below. Talk about being alive! We have it all on video. I'll NEVER regret letting them do that, and they'll NEVER forget the experience!


I assume you mean parachuting, not parasailing?


One must be responsible for their own safety. Before putting on any kind of harness, examine it make sure that none of the belts are frayed and that any buckles aren't mishappen or in any other way damaged. Also examine the safety line and all connectors.

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Really sad that this happened and will pray for the family.

That being said, I just did ziplining in Roatan w/ Victor Bodden. Now, did I inspect the harness before they stapped it on me-NO.

Did I ask how often they do qc's on their ziplines-NO.

Did I thoroughly enjoy every second on the tour-YES.

Would I do it again knowing that a portion of my equipment could fail? YES.

We all will die from something, sooner or later. I tend to agree w/ the going out in a HAPPY place than a lonely, trapped or deserted feeling place like an ICU.

Besides, I know where I am going when I do leave this body so, really, what more should I fear? Nothing!

Bless you all and I hope that you lead your lives in a way that is pleasing to you.

DB-no flames please.

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Besides, I know where I am going when I do leave this body




But you could be stuck for years in your body without any way to communicate with the outside world, if you fall and sustain a head injury. I've known folks in this position and it's not fun for them, or their loved ones.


Caution is not a bad thing.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of this woman, such an unfortunate accident.


I think the "discussion" above is lost on those that believe that it was decided before we were ever born the moment we would arrive and depart this stay on earth, and while I can certainly understand the pain involved in a sudden, questionable death (have had a family member murdered) we try to stay focused on the fact that the good man above decides the time, and we just have to learn to cope with the way our demise occurs.


I am of the belief that if we are at home, safe in bed asleep, the moment our journey on earth is complete, we will depart for our reward. JMHO

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But you could be stuck for years in your body without any way to communicate with the outside world, if you fall and sustain a head injury. I've known folks in this position and it's not fun for them, or their loved ones.


Caution is not a bad thing.

As a nurse, I understand painful entrapment of the body. When I do adventurous things, I do have all available safety equipment (I did wear a helmet, the harness, and SUNBLOCK too) provided. But what it comes down to for me, is do I LIVE LIFE or, does LIFE LIVE ME???

Thank you for your perspective though. Nicely presented.


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I went w/ Victor Bodden tours (booked online before the trip) and didn't have any problems. They have all the safety equipment, etc. That being said, you do sign a waiver at their location before you embark. Life is an adventure to live, IMHO. Hope that this incident, like many freak accidents, won't dissuade you from your happiness in life.[/i]

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Well you see, that is where you would be wrong. I happen to be a person that understands **** happens and sometimes people die.


Live your life as boring as you see fit, but for me, I will not live in a shell because if I do something it might kill me. And I will not keep experiences from my kids because there is a chance of an accident.


If I stopped them from zip lining because there was a chance of an accident, then they were killed on the way home, or whatever, I would forever wish I had let them do the zip line. Kind of a no win situation isn't it?


But chances are very slim that either thing will happen.


I am not saying take stupid chances, but **** happens and it happens whether you are doing something you have no choice on or are doing something for enjoyment. I would rather it be on something I enjoyed doing.


Although I agree with your sentiment, the way you presented (especially your first post) it was totally lacking in empathy.


We had a zip lining accident. I'll have to find the link from my review from last year someplace and post it....It scared the hell out of both my DH and I. Would we zip again?

Surprisingly, yes. (of course, that's because we're both alive to actually try it again)

Whether it's zip lining, parasailing or hot air balloon rides (which I've done all of them) this is not the same as the every day dangers we face...that are probably even more risky, yet are for the most part necessary (to a point) like driving your car (for isntance), because they are frivolous.


Bottom line is it's about choice. Do you want to be afraid to do anything?? Or do you want to take a risk in order to have fun once in a while?

Every time you put your child on an amusement at ANY park...be it the crappy ones they string up in a day in a church parking lot, OR Disney World...you're taking a risk. Doesn't matter if it's here or any other country.

My thoughts are to just have fun once in a while...don't be daring and foolish every minute of every day...but every once in a while, you gotta strap on a chute and jump form a plane.

Life's too short to sit in the house and cower.

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I am of the belief that if we are at home, safe in bed asleep, the moment our journey on earth is complete, we will depart for our reward. JMHO


Are you implying that you never leave your bed??? :p

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Are you implying that you never leave your bed??? :p


LOL...no, but I DO wish there were more time to nap in the day!!!


I just meant that when it is your time, regardless of what you are (or are not) doing, it is your time. Don't get me wrong, I would much rather pass in my sleep than get rundown by a bus....

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There is a lot of flaming going on on this board. I think the OP meant for information and prayers/good thoughts, etc to go out to the family. That is what they need most.


It is very smart to have information about anything we do. We can always make choices to be safer.


To call someone's life boring because they (personal choice) choose not to do adventure sports and (this is only an example), hang out by the pool, not leave their house, etc. is not necessarily boring to them. Again, it is a personal choice. I, myself, have done ziplining, very happy I did it. Probably will never do it again (for those of you who want to know - I choose usually to read and just hang out - guess I am boring). If I had read this first, would I not go, probably not. However, I would have asked more questions and watched the procedure closer. We don't know if the lady who died inspected everything herself and had a lot of information. Sometimes bad things happen to good people.


It is a shame. My prayers go out to her (hoping she didn't suffer) and her family, that they can somehow overcome this tragedy. Yes, they will have questions - should we have done that, did we force her to do it, what if, what if, what if. That is part of the grieving process and no matter how it happened, a car wreck, a ziplining accident, death in her sleep (at 44 there would be a lot of questions), there will be questions and what if's. Hopefully, they can move through the grieving processes and not get "stuck". They will miss her and always have her in their heart.

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LOL...no, but I DO wish there were more time to nap in the day!!!


I just meant that when it is your time, regardless of what you are (or are not) doing, it is your time. Don't get me wrong, I would much rather pass in my sleep than get rundown by a bus....


I know, I was just teasing (see the little smilie??)



There is a lot of flaming going on on this board. I think the OP meant for information and prayers/good thoughts, etc to go out to the family. That is what they need most.


It is very smart to have information about anything we do. We can always make choices to be safer.


To call someone's life boring because they (personal choice) choose not to do adventure sports and (this is only an example), hang out by the pool, not leave their house, etc. is not necessarily boring to them.



I agree :)

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Seems to me that the real adventurer wouldn't need no sissy harness to do the zip-lining... they would just hang from the bar, 007 style.


this is a comment that should have been rethought of before posting; at least on this thread. I believe the op was asking for prayers and thoughts for the family not senseless comments like yours.

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this is a comment that should have been rethought of before posting; at least on this thread. I believe the op was asking for prayers and thoughts for the family not senseless comments like yours.


I think VentureMan was just trying to inject a little humor to lighten the atmosphere of the " I am braver than you are" posts going on. I know he meant no disrespect. ;)

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We had about 12 members of our family that decided to do the zippling in Belize I think it was. It was great experience.. Did any of us inspect the equipment... Ha Nope. We were having to much fun watching other people ending their zippling tour. But I did listen to the instruction that were given out.


People are taking risks everyday. Big or Small ones, on vacations or not on vacations. My husband and I fly planes, have scuba dived, flew a motor-glider 15 miles out in the middle of no-were (Out West). Risks are Risks. You just make a decision and stick with it.


People get into this, what if's. Or I shouldn't have talked someone in to doing something like zippling or anything else.


That family made a decision to do zippling, but an accident happen. And thats all it was, hopefully they can get through the loss of a mother and wife.


But would the accident stop me from doing another zippling tour. No,But I would be looking at the equipement closer next time.

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