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CB Review 3/16-3/23 Not a Fan


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The original poster made some very valid comments and observations. But let's look at it from the other side:


One of the great things about Cruise Critic is all the great information available to people who "do their homework" before the cruise. I work on a big ship. Every cruise, I hear dozens of complaints that "the ship is too big". My answer is, "It's the same size now as it was when you booked the cruise. If you had read cruise critic reviews or spoken with a good travel agent, you might have known that in advance."


Last week I had many complaints about too many children on the ship. I have heard those complaints every Easter Cruise for the past 25 years. I have read those same complaints on Cruisecritic every Easter since Cruisecritic started up. Once again, doing one's homework in advance really pays off during the cruise.


When you have challenges or problems on a cruise, you have 2 basic options:

1. You can suffer through them, and let them ruin your cruise, and then complain about them afterward - when it is really too late to do anything about them.

2. You can try to get them fixed ASAP so you can enjoy the remainder of your cruise.


Obviously if you booked a ship that is too large for your liking, that is really your fault and your problem. The cruise line is not going to make it smaller or less busy (especially during the busiest cruise of the year) during your cruise.


But if you are having problems with services or food, there are many things that can be done immediately by the onboard management. These people are waiting for you to telephone them and ask for their help. This is another one of the great bits of advice found on Cruisecritic by people who "do their homework".


You asked a very good question that deserves an answer. "Are the Art Auctions that profitable?" Yes they are. A typical Art Auction on a ship carrying 3,500 people will earn more money than the Bars and Casino combined. This money is normally generated by a single employee - who is the highest paid employee onboard. He typically earns more than the Captain and Hotel Manager together (he works on commission). All the people purchasing this artwork allow the cruise line to make a great deal more profit, thereby letting them leave the prices of other things (that you might like to buy) lower. You have a choice: pay more for a quieter cruise, or pay less for one with more shopping announcements. There is another choice. You could try to convince those people spending enormous amounts of money for that questionable artwork to stop buying it. Buy I don't think you will be successful.


You hate all the announcements (especially about Art Auctions and Bingo). EVERYBODY (including the ship's crew) hates the announcements. But guess what - they work. When we make announcements, far more people attend the functions.


You say that everybody reads. Actually - they don't. When I stand in the middle of my ship's Atrium during the day, I am approached by dozens and sometimes hundreds of passengers, asking me where and when the Bingo is playing, where and when the art Auction is, where and when the Show is, where and when dinner is served.....etc, etc, etc. I always remind them to carry their daily program with them. They always forget it.


Unfortunately you had to learn the hard way about which time of year to cruise and the challenges of larger ships. Hopefully those reading this will learn their lessons the easy way as they prepare to book for their next cruises.


Next cruise, please do your homework on the cruide line, the ship, the itinerary, the demographics, the weather, and the cabin you are choosing. Then keep your fingers crossed, and be prepared to telephone the Hotel Manager onboard if you have any challenges.

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Last week I had many complaints about too many children on the ship. I have heard those complaints every Easter Cruise for the past 25 years. I have read those same complaints on Cruisecritic every Easter since Cruisecritic started up. Once again, doing one's homework in advance really pays off during the cruise.


Unfortunately you had to learn the hard way about which time of year to cruise and the challenges of larger ships. Hopefully those reading this will learn their lessons the easy way as they prepare to book for their next cruises.




For the last 6 years, we have cruised the very same week and never had a negative experience like the one on CB. Princess has the ability to limit the number of children on a particular cruise. They choose instead to fill the ship and thus impact, negatively, the overall experience for the passengers AND crew.

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One of the great things about Cruise Critic is all the great information available to people who "do their homework" before the cruise. I work on a big ship. Every cruise, I hear dozens of complaints that "the ship is too big". My answer is, "It's the same size now as it was when you booked the cruise. If you had read cruise critic reviews or spoken with a good travel agent, you might have known that in advance."


Actually, no matter how well read and/or prepared you are, unless and until you have experienced a big ship--that is also overcrowded--you don't know how you will feel about it. For example, I am particularly fond of the Princess Diamond. It's a large ship. For that reason, I would not rule out travelling on the CB. However, if after experiencing the CB I came to the conclusion that it was too large to be enjoyable, it would not be because I did not do my homework; rather it would be because I would have experienced first hand that there is a difference between a large ship and a similar one that might be too big--even for a big ship lover.


Cruisecritic can and does help to prepare one for an enjoyable experience. But sometimes the real determining factors can only be decided upon after one has actually had the experience.

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I agree completely with your observations, Nevis92. We were on a Grand-class ship (Golden Princess) a few years ago and considered the same itinerary the following year on the CB. My understanding is CB is essentially a Grand-class ship with the same number of staff and and same amount of deck space but 500 more passengers. We decided not to do it -- too big for our tastes.

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I am a HUGE Princess fan and the CB is my least favorite ship. At first I thought it was the size, but I just got off the Crown which is the same size ship and it's one of my favorites. The Crown has all the elegance of the Coral, but bigger. I believe that Princess worked out all the kinks with the 'gem' class ships. The Caribbean Princess has a very mass market feel, while the 'gem' class ships have a more premium feel to them. I know it may not be easy after a poor experience, but give the newer ships a try at an off peak time of the year. You will see a world of difference. P.S. Next time I'm taking my kids out of school for both a better price and different demographic experience. 800 kids can get on anyone's nerves...even my kids.

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How do you know if you would like sailing on a large ship if you haven't tried it! How would you go about booking a new ship??

I have now tried it and wouldn't do it again. Believe me I have done my homework before sailing and have received some brillant tips and insights on this forum.

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You have a choice: pay more for a quieter cruise, or pay less for one with more shopping announcements. There is another choice. You could try to convince those people spending enormous amounts of money for that questionable artwork to stop buying it. Buy I don't think you will be successful.



I've paid LESS for quieter cruises.


Yes, Princess has the right to PUSH these auctions on the passengers just as I have a right to choose not to be subjected to them again.

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Thank you for taking the time to write a review. Every week I look forward to reading the experiences of all that cruised on the CB. I like to hear the good, the bad and the in between.


Quick question...you mentioned have a balcony room aft. We are in minisuite aft for our upcoming cruise and I was curious if you felt the ships "vibrations and shaking" that others have talked about in other reviews. One guy wrote of having to leave the diningroom located aft during dinner because the ship was shaking so badly. Just wondering if you experienced this as well?

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I agree completely with your observations, Nevis92. We were on a Grand-class ship (Golden Princess) a few years ago and considered the same itinerary the following year on the CB. My understanding is CB is essentially a Grand-class ship with the same number of staff and and same amount of deck space but 500 more passengers. We decided not to do it -- too big for our tastes.

Princess took a bit of different direction when they designed CB. Some ideas were good and some continue to stir up debate. I got flamed pretty badly for calling CB an "Entry-Level" Princess offering - kind of a Princess-Lite, so to speak.


Until the ship is brought up to the standards of Crown et al, I think CB will continue to get mixed reviews. It's not the OP's fault that things didn't measure up. I just think his experience with much smaller vessels didn't prepare him for what to expect on CB. I think most of us here are the same, once we start to experience a few complaints on a cruise, we DO get more critical.


I'm encouraged that Princess has listened to the comments, good and bad, and made changes to subsequent ship designs, plus they have added smaller vessels (the R-ships). In a way we benefit from complaints that are expressed clearly and without rancor. I don't think the OP came to cause trouble, he's not slamming anyone or cheerleading for competing cruise lines, just telling it as he saw it.

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Thank you for taking the time to write a review. Every week I look forward to reading the experiences of all that cruised on the CB. I like to hear the good, the bad and the in between.


Quick question...you mentioned have a balcony room aft. We are in minisuite aft for our upcoming cruise and I was curious if you felt the ships "vibrations and shaking" that others have talked about in other reviews. One guy wrote of having to leave the diningroom located aft during dinner because the ship was shaking so badly. Just wondering if you experienced this as well?

We had a very far aft cabin, we didn't esperience very much vibration etc., except when docking. We loved opening up the sliding doors, and listening to the wake, that was great.

There was little more movement aft, but that didn't bother us, we knew coming in that aft, forward, and higher deck cabins experience more motion.

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Isn't it amazing how much cruises can vary week-by-week? Sorry you didn't have as enjoyable time as you had expected - that's truly a bummer.


Hopefully you aren't turned off on cruising as a whole, though - and here's hoping your next cruise is much, much more enjoyable!

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FYI, I filled out my room service card and wrote in 6:00am or whatever time I wanted it and they delivered at that time without a problem.


As I posted earlier we ALWAYS write in a time earlier than 730a and always get it delivered. On our recent Emerald when I filled out the card for delivery for morning 3 I neglected to write in a time leaving it completely blank except for what we wanted delivered. Apparently I had enjoyed the previous evening far too much. ;) When our expected delivery time came and went DH started to fume about the "lousy" service as he really missed his coffee on the veranda. At about 900am the phone rang and it was room service who politely explained to me that the card had NO time what so ever marked on it and would I like it delivered now. They also apologized for not calling earlier for fear of waking us up. He also wanted to know if there was anything else he could bring us since to make up for the delay. Since we had already trugded our way up to the Horizon we didn't need anything but the call was certainly appreciated.


Wish I had known this last summer. How does a first timer on Princess know that room service breakfast is available before 7:30? Other cruiselines list earlier times, so I thought that breakfast was only available AFTER 7:30.


This is a hint that has been mentioned enumerable times here on CC but beyond that I guess you wouldn't have known.


It doesn't even necessarily have to be a smaller ship. ..........

You can't judge a cruise line by a single cruise, you can only report your experience on that trip.



Certainly agree with Rob. Our cruise on the Emerald was SO MUCH better than the CB and pretty much without any negatives. And even though we are lovers of Princess's smaller ships we were charmed enough to book again for next year.

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We sailed the CB in January and loved it! Of course it probably was because we were in E731 with the HUGE balcony!:) We would write in a time of 6:00 on the room service menu and had no trouble getting breakfast early.

My only complaint was that it was very difficult to get a seat for the shows unless you were there an hour early! Bert Stratton drew a big crowd in the lobby bar and yet, club fusion was almost empty every night. :rolleyes: Anyway, Spring break = too many kids for me!

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Posted a long reply THREE TIMES and wouldn't go thru :confused: :mad: So I will just ask 2 questions and keep my fingers crossed this isn't sent to cyberspace. Does CB have International Buffet? What about the Seafood Buffet in the Horizon Court? What day(s) was that? Thanks for taking the time to post your review and hope you find a cruise to book that will be more suited to your tastes.

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I think it's the number of kids that would do it in for me. Where do they even put 800-1000 kids? I thought there were only 500-ish third/fourth berths on the ship. Must have been a lot of single parents taking kids with them or something.


We had a few hundred kids on the CB in January, and the ship certainly didn't feel over-crowded with slightly over the 3100 double occupancy level. No more so than our prior Grand and Sapphire cruises. I'm sure if only 2000 people showed up, you'd still need to get to the theatre early. It's just the way it's designed. They could have made the theatre seat 1500 or more and would have had to leave out a lot of other public spaces (and cabins), and it's not like the theatre is a big revenue generator for the few hours a day it's used.


Never had an issue at Horizon court or Cafe Caribe for breakfast between 8 and 9 am when we usually went.


One question for you guys on board last week. If I recall, your itinerary was the reverse itinerary with Princess Cays at the front end. If so, that's what ours was in January. Did you guys make St Maarten on time? We ended up getting there around 11am because the strong winds meant the ship couldn't go fast enough to make up for being at PC until 4, when the usual itinerary has 2 full sea days getting to St Maarten.

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It is true that cruises vary dramatically week by week. Most cruisers don't know that because they rarely take consecutive cruises.


That's why we have these marvelous resources like Cruisecritic.


Saltiregirl and smiles3usa,


If you carefully read the Easter Cruise Member Reviews for Caribbean Princess for last year, you will see comments very similar to the ones in this thread. Anyone willing to do their homework has access to these Member Reviews. If you go to the Member Reviews for Caribbean Princess, you will find countless coments about the ship being large and crowded. If you are willing to believe at least some of the postings and reviews made by your fellow cruisers - especially when the same comments repeat very frequently - then there is no excuse for you to suffer the same problems over again. That is how you can know that a large ship may not be for you - even though you have never sailed on a large ship before.


Last week on my ship I met with several passengers who were shocked and amazed to find so many families and children on an Easter Cruise. I listened very carefully and commiserated with them. I was unfortunately unable to say anything to them that would not make them appear stupid. How could any intelligent person (even without reading Cruisecritic) think that all the cruisers in America would leave their children at home this holiday week? Didn't they notice all the children in the airplanes and airports as they were flying to the cruise port?


For those of you who do not yet know, the 4 worst cruises of the year (measured by passenger ratings, passenger complaints, removed tips, and irate letters to cruise line Presidents) are: American Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas, and Easter. Every time I bring this subject up, I hear from many passengers who tell me that they have cruised during these times and never had a problem. I'm sure that's true. They were very lucky.


But if you want to dramatically increase the chances that you will have problems on a cruise, you should choose one of those 4 problematic family cruise weeks for the vacation you have been saving for and dreaming about for a long time. Now you don't need to wait and experience this problem before you believe it. It is true now and has been true for the past 3 decades. It will be true next year - and the year after that.




Your comment that ".....Princess has the ability to limit the number of children on a particular cruise....." is absolutely incorrect.


There are legal limits so far as lifeboat capacities and overall passenger safety numbers are concerned. But it is definitely illegal in America to discriminate against anyone based solely on their age. Princess or any other cruise line would find themselves in very serious legal troubles if they limited the number of children, senior citizens, fat people, Asians, Gays, or any other group just because that group was undesirable, inconvenient, or offensive to them or to you. Age, weight, skin color, and several other characteristics are "protected classes" under American Law and cannot be controlled in the way you want.

Since all the major mass market cruise lines (including Princess) market and sell cruises in America, they are bound by American discrimination laws.


Yes, you have paid less for quieter cruises. So this time you chose to purchase a cruise at the most expensive, most crowded, and noisiest week of the cruise year. Nearly every Member Review for the CB from last Easter mentions that. Whose fault is it that you find yourself on a noisy crowded cruise this Easter??

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SO I guess they can take those "adults only" signs down around the Terrace Pool.


Of course people can be discriminated against due to age in the US. Driving, drinking, voting, military service....

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pilip217, within the last five years or so, Princess had a quota on the number of children per ship. When booking, only one out of two of our kids was allowed on...they had met their max. Our agent dug through her files to find a family late in payment, pushed them aside and was able to get my other son on. But I agree that the cruise experience is VERY different during those major American holiday weeks, and the crew has to put up with more in terms of an 'entitled' attitude from the passengers. This is why I will cruise off-peak when I can from now on. As for the CB, it is a more casual ship created to cruise a more casual itinerary geared toward families.....SO.....you get what you get.

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Yes, you have paid less for quieter cruises. So this time you chose to purchase a cruise at the most expensive, most crowded, and noisiest week of the cruise year. Nearly every Member Review for the CB from last Easter mentions that. Whose fault is it that you find yourself on a noisy crowded cruise this Easter??




You are correct. Shame on me for my stupidity in thinking that I could take my family on an Easter Week cruise. I certainly have nobody to blame but myself for making the choice to sail with Princess last week. I take full responsibility and will make sure that I do not make the same mistake twice. You'll notice my issue had less to do with the crowds and more to do with the service. I never said the ship couldn't handle the number of passengers, I said it couldn't handle the number of children.


There's a very easy way to limit children on a cruise. When it looks like the ship is starting to swell with bookings with children, stop selling quad cabins. Make families do what ours did.......we booked two cabins. Before a cruise two years ago, I was told directly by passenger services, pre-cruise, that they are not selling any more quad bookings because the number of children booked would exceed their youth program's capability.

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CB is sold out for this cruise and was wondering if anybody knows if we will run into 800 kids? I think spring break for college is over and hasn't started for younger kids yet. I've sailed over Easter before so I hope I won't find this too bad if there is a lot of kids. Thanks for info in advanced! 11 days and counting:cool:

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I am also in the same April 6th cruise and i was concerned there would not be any kids. I called and I do know that there are about 150 teenagers ages 13-17.



I would love to know how many kids will be on my cruise.

Princess will give out this sort of inforamtion?

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I will keep this fairly short for now but will be happy to explain anything further if asked. Before putting any of you on the defense, please know that this is my opinion and not an indictment of the line or any of its devotees.



I don't think anyone will blast you when you gave an honest opinion. I also think that, in looking at the previous cruises you've taken on your signature, you are perhaps coming at Princess with different experiences. I suppose it's all a matter of degree. My first big-ship cruising experience was on a Carnival cruise, and all of the issues you didn't like about Princess (PA announcements, crowding, etc.) were exactly the issues I had with Carnival. On Princess, I found these were less than Carnival.....so I guess it's all about what one's previous experiences have been, and what you're willing to find acceptable. ;)


For me, my first cruise experience was on a Windjammer cruise, and I was forever spoiled for any other cruise line to match it. It's truly unfortunate that the business seems to be going under, since it was the ultimate low-key and unstressful sailing experience.


A lot of the things you mentioned that you did like about the CB, are many of the same things I enjoyed about it as well.


I guess the lesson here is.....don't ever go on a Carnival cruise, since it would likely drive you mad inside of a day. :D


Thank you for your thoughtful review. :)

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