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Would you pay $100 to attend the inaugural ceremony for Eurodam?

Would you pay $100 to go to Eurodam's christening?  

233 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you pay $100 to go to Eurodam's christening?

    • Yes -- that's a fair price.
    • Maybe -- if I get to mingle with celebrities and royalty.
    • No -- this is just another way for cruise lines to nickel and dime passengers.
    • No -- I have better things to do with my time and money.

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I don't think there will be much mingling going on - the VIP's are generally kept at arms length from the rest of us.


I wouldn't have been going because I find HAL's $100/pp surcharge insulting - particularly considering what we're paying for the cruise itself...

...but my best friend insisted and paid for us, so I'm going.


Yes it seems expensive.


It remains an unhappy fact that this is the world we live in. Can you imagine with all of the VIPs in general, and royalty in particular, how much security there will have to be. :eek:


Someone has to pay for that.


Also, with respect to the possibility of mingling with the VIPs, I also would think that unlikely. Royalty and VIPs seldom seek out opportunities to mingle with the hoypoloi. In a post 911 world, they just have a better excuse. :)


Still, I think your best friend is on the money (no pun intended). You will witness part of maritime history and who knows, you may get in the newsreel! :rolleyes:


Smooth sailing to you...

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We are still doubting what to do, go or not go.

We think it strange to pay to attend this dedication and I wonder why HAL does this.


Oosterdam's dedication was a great (free to many invited guests, relations, passengers etc) event (sorry to tell this again for those who have read about it). We could walk and explore the ship, had a nice presentation on board, great free lunch a/b Rotterdam, podiums were outside to attend the actual dedication. All at a nice sunny day.

Lots and lots of people allover town, great atmosphere. From the other side of the river, on Erasmusbrug and near Hotel New York also non-invited guests saw a glimps of the festivities. Really a day to remember...


So we were disappointed to read it will be a paying event this time.

And...mingling with VIP's and royalty, I am sure that willnot be possible.


Also I doubt if the Royal Family is pro a paying event like this dedication. ..unless...(part of) the money goes to charity.


Officially we havenot heard from HAL Rotterdam yet, so we can still make up our minds what to do.

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I wouldn't have been going because I find HAL's $100/pp surcharge insulting - particularly considering what we're paying for the cruise itself...

...but my best friend insisted and paid for us, so I'm going.


Agreed. For Pete's sake they've paid for the cruise I would think as a Thank You they would get in free.

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After having read this, it comes accross to me as yet another revenue generating activity caused by corporate greed.

Sad really, as a Dutchman I've never heard of having to pay for such an event, even to see Beatrix. (Unless for instance it's a first night at the Opera or other theatre performance)


For those who will attend will probably see the Queen from a distance. I don't think she will meet and mingle.


For those interested you can allways watch it afterwards on the Dutch evening news www.journaal.nl



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After having read this, it comes accross to me as yet another revenue generating activity caused by corporate greed.

Sad really, as a Dutchman I've never heard of having to pay for such an event, even to see Beatrix.



Perhaps because this more represents the "America" side of the "Holland America" equation?


I doubt that there will be any profit in this...HAL wants to have a splashy event with over 2000 VIPs and the Queen. This is going to be expensive and the $100 fee, I suspect, will only help defray the cost.


Not sure if that makes anyone feel any better.

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I realize this is an option and one I would not participate in. I find it insulating as well, you have already paid alot of money for the cruise, you should be able to participate in the festivities without a supplement.


Who knows, next you may be paying a supplement to eat in the dining room or the Lido!!!!

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Hypotheticals are always very difficult IMO

Very easily to speculate what you would do but you don't really know. IMO


Only those who are actually booked on the cruise and have the choice of whether to purchase tickets or not REALLY know what they wiil/would do in this circumstance.


All previous HAL Dedications have been by invitation/no charge but they have decided to go a different route this time. They Can. It is their ship/their party. No one HAS to purchase the excursion and attend. We all have the choice to Just say No.


We chose to buy the tickets and so hope we get to be there.


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Sails, I am sure that is true of alot of people, but I know I would not pay extra for that if I were booked. I could care less about that type of thing, that's probably why I am not booked on that particular sailing.

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Charging passengers $100 bucks to attend the ignaugral? You've gotta be kidding!


Personally, I think HAL is being stingy here. If a passenger books the ignaugral cruise, and pays the higher prices normally demanded for those cruises, then I think the least HAL (or any cruise line for that matter) can do is invite the passenger to the ceremonies with no charge whatsoever.


Now, if other people wanted to attend the ignaugral festivities, but were not sailing on the ignaugral cruise, then yes ... I can certainly understand HAL charging them a fee for a seat in the viewing area. But to charge passengers who already paid a bundle to be on that sailing, frankly, I think that is just cheap on HAL's part.


Blue skies ...



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We are booked for 23 days starting in Rotterdam. I don't see us paying $100/pp for this 'honor'. We're primarily interested in the 'cruise' experience. given what we're paying for this cruise (along with DH's time off work without pay), we obviously can afford the $100/pp, but doing so because of the prospect of "possibly meet and mingle with celebs and royalty" is laughable. I can't think of many "celebs and royalty" I'd cross the street to meet, let alone pay $100/pp. :eek:


One of my relatives is among the 'invited'. Unfortunately, he has a conflict and is unable to attend - or sail for the 3-days. I probably would have attend with him, as his wife wouldn't have wanted to do so. If we were invited by HAL, we'd consider going, I can't even say we would definitely attend. But otherwise.....


I didn't vote, because my answer would have been just plain 'no'.

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Charging passengers $100 bucks to attend the ignaugral? You've gotta be kidding!


Personally, I think HAL is being stingy here. If a passenger books the ignaugral cruise, and pays the higher prices normally demanded for those cruises, then I think the least HAL (or any cruise line for that matter) can do is invite the passenger to the ceremonies with no charge whatsoever.


Now, if other people wanted to attend the ignaugral festivities, but were not sailing on the ignaugral cruise, then yes ... I can certainly understand HAL charging them a fee for a seat in the viewing area. But to charge passengers who already paid a bundle to be on that sailing, frankly, I think that is just cheap on HAL's part.


Blue skies ...




AMEN KRYOS- I agree 100% with your response. The price of the maiden voyages is always understandably much higher. This is one of the events that should be included. If its not, let the queen and her court enjoy each other's company! The paying guests will enjoy what they really came for- a beautiful cruise on a lovely ship.

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Yes, I've paid and I'm going.

I don't, however, consider it "fair" ... I consider it ridiculous. If I were not already going to be in Rotterdam for the Prelude Cruise and the first two Inaugural cruises, I wouldn't have paid to go. But, being there, I would kick myself if I didn't go. So, I paid and I'm going.

I just had a thought, though.


Do you HAVE to pay to go? What I mean is, could the $100 be for some sort of "reserved" seating, and not a charge to actually attend? Sort of like the Miss America parade in Atlantic City ... anyone can watch the parade free of charge. But if you want reserved seating in the grandstand area you have to pay.


I still think, though, that HAL is being cheap. For someone booked on those cruises, they should automatically get a reserved seat for the ceremony.


Blue skies ...



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Given that there is a finite amount of room at the event, it seems logical to make a finite demand for that room. Good way to do that is to charge $100.


I wouldn't pay it, but that's just me.

And that's fine ... IF someone is not booked on the ignaugral cruise. Yes, in that case, they pay the $100 bucks. I have no problem with that. But if someone has already paid the big bucks to sail on the ignaugral cruise, I think a seat for the ceremonies should be a free "bennie." Those people should have priority to attend the ceremonies, then sell any remaining seats for whatever price you can get for them ... $300 if someone is dumb enough to pay it.


Blue skies ...



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Do you HAVE to pay to go? What I mean is, could the $100 be for some sort of "reserved" seating, and not a charge to actually attend? Sort of like the Miss America parade in Atlantic City ... anyone can watch the parade free of charge. But if you want reserved seating in the grandstand area you have to pay.


Rita -


That's a major part of my issue.


When the ticket charge for the ceremony was initially announced - nobody could or would tell us what the $100 paid for. Did it include Lunch or Dinner? Drinks? Entertainment? Tours of the ship? Who was doing the Christening? Was this a charitable event and if so, who would benefit? How long was the event and what time of day would it happen?


It wasn't until just recently that HAL decided to announce that Queen Beatrix would do the honors (I had heard earlier that it was to be Princess Maxima) and that it is to be a 2 1/2 hour function in the middle of the afternoon (which means to me that there will be little, if any, food served) with some sort of concert (by whom or what type, we have not been told)


I don't buy the "Limited Space" argument either - as the ceremony is to be on the Wilhelminakade Pier (it's a gigantic pier) and that if there are enough takers, HAL would make more tickets available. In addition, Cunard has had some of the most amazing christening theatrics for their (much more significant) new liners - but they haven't charged folks a penny to attend.


I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. Either way, you all will read about it here the morning of July 2nd - so stay tuned...

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All previous HAL Dedications have been by invitation/no charge but they have decided to go a different route this time. They Can. It is their ship/their party. No one HAS to purchase the excursion and attend. We all have the choice to Just say No.


We chose to buy the tickets and so hope we get to be there.


Judy, it's not quite true that all previous HAL Dedications have been by invitation/no charge. The Noordam's Dedication was also open to anybody who was aboard for the Inaugural cruise, with no extra charge for it. If one paid for that cruise, one was invited to attend the ceremony. I was aboard for a special luncheon and such before the dedication, but even had I not been invited to that I still would have been aboard for the Dedication because, if you remember, the ship sailed only about an hour after it was all over. Sadly, you couldn't stay aboard for that. :( I'm so happy you will be this time. :D

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I am sure that is true of alot of people, but I know I would not pay extra for that if I were booked. I could care less about that type of thing, that's probably why I am not booked on that particular sailing.


It's a decision everybody has to make for themselves. I certainly respect those who've said "no" to it, and I can also understand the need for heightened security -- the Queen and several other dignitaries will be there -- but to charge us, I believe, is cheap on the part of the Line. I figure it's the Line's way of control the crowd ... by charging those members of the general public, they keep it down to just those who really want to go. Perhaps that's their rationale? I don't know. All I know for sure is that I'm not about to fly half way around the planet and pay through the nose to take a 23-day cruise, and yet be so stingy as to miss the formal Dedication ceremony simply because I'm offended at having to pay a piddling additional $100 pp. For two of us, that amounts to just 2% of the entire Cruise fare. The Line may be that cheap, but I'm not.

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I think this is a trick question - Eurodam has already been christened. All that is left is a naming and dedication ceremony.





How many times can a ship be christened with the same name?


It's not a trick question. Read on in the Eurodam Blog:




Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands will be serving as Godmother to the ship, and officially Dedicating the vessel at the ceremony. It's not something that one sees every day.

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Charging passengers $100 bucks to attend the ignaugral? You've gotta be kidding!


Personally, I think HAL is being stingy here. If a passenger books the ignaugral cruise, and pays the higher prices normally demanded for those cruises, then I think the least HAL (or any cruise line for that matter) can do is invite the passenger to the ceremonies with no charge whatsoever.


Thank you ... I agree completely. It's part of the reason why many of us are offended by it. It's not that $200 for two people is a great amount of money -- it's only about 2% of what we're paying for 23-days aboard the lovely vessel. Still, it just feels like a cheap dodge to pick up some more money out of us.


Now, if other people wanted to attend the ignaugral festivities, but were not sailing on the ignaugral cruise, then yes ... I can certainly understand HAL charging them a fee for a seat in the viewing area. But to charge passengers who already paid a bundle to be on that sailing, frankly, I think that is just cheap on HAL's part.


Again, Rita, thank you. That would make a degree of sense to me, too. However, from what I've been made to understand, the $100 pp fee has been offered only to those who are going to be on the prelude cruise itself, and the availability was very limited. Most of the attendees will be specially invited people and other dignitaries. From the report, it's going to be quite a big "do."


The festivities will begin with a champagne reception in Rotterdam’s historic cruise terminal beginning at 2:30 p.m. Immediately following, a pierside concert will begin at 3:15. Due to special security arrangements, all guests must be seated by 3:30, and no one will be admitted after 3:30pm. The ceremony will end at approximately 5 p.m. Guests will not be allowed to board the ship.


For guests sailing on the July 2 prelude cruise, there are still a limited number of tickets available to attend the dedication ceremony for $100 per person. There also are two hotel packages available that include transfers and the ceremony. For information, contact your travel agent or Holland America Line.

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Judy, it's not quite true that all previous HAL Dedications have been by invitation/no charge. The Noordam's Dedication was also open to anybody who was aboard for the Inaugural cruise, with no extra charge for it. If one paid for that cruise, one was invited to attend the ceremony.

And that's exactly the way it should be. Then everyone else either attends by invitation only, or perhaps a certain number of seats are allotted ... at a price ... for others interested in attending.


Of course, I understand that you wouldn't want to miss the festivities since you were going to be there anyway, and that's why you paid. I probably would have done the same thing. But I still think it is cheap of HAL to charge people who have already paid a bundle to sail those ignagural cruises. Cheap AND tacky.


Sorry, I love HAL, but this ... in my opinion ... is just plain wrong.


Blue skies ...



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I just had a thought, though.


Do you HAVE to pay to go? What I mean is, could the $100 be for some sort of "reserved" seating, and not a charge to actually attend? Sort of like the Miss America parade in Atlantic City ... anyone can watch the parade free of charge. But if you want reserved seating in the grandstand area you have to pay.


I still think, though, that HAL is being cheap. For someone booked on those cruises, they should automatically get a reserved seat for the ceremony.


My understanding is that if you don't have a ticket you can't get into the Terminal to attend the Reception, Concert, and Ceremony. That is partly crowd control and partly security control. The Queen's security definitely has an interest in knowing who is going to be present, and I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to have that list well in advance so as to do some kind of background check on each person (perhaps through Interpol).

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Of course, I understand that you wouldn't want to miss the festivities since you were going to be there anyway, and that's why you paid. I probably would have done the same thing. But I still think it is cheap of HAL to charge people who have already paid a bundle to sail those ignagural cruises. Cheap AND tacky.


Sorry, I love HAL, but this ... in my opinion ... is just plain wrong.


Again, Rita ... thank you. I agree entirely. And I will definitely be saying something to this effect ... perhaps directly to Mr. Kruse, himself, if I have the chance during the Prelude cruise.

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Judy, it's not quite true that all previous HAL Dedications have been by invitation/no charge. The Noordam's Dedication was also open to anybody who was aboard for the Inaugural cruise, with no extra charge for it. If one paid for that cruise, one was invited to attend the ceremony. I was aboard for a special luncheon and such before the dedication, but even had I not been invited to that I still would have been aboard for the Dedication because, if you remember, the ship sailed only about an hour after it was all over. Sadly, you couldn't stay aboard for that. :( I'm so happy you will be this time. :D

Rev. Neal-

This has been said before, but there are some who were not admitted to the ceremony on the Noordam Inaugural, but were ushered to the Lido Pool and and asked to remain there until the ceremony was over. When this was brought up previously, other posters corrected us and thought that had not been our experience. All of those waiting in the Lido Pool area can affirm that not all were welcomed to attend the dedication. We arrived at the terminal prior to the beginning of boarding, so your comment about going to the ceremony directly from the special luncheon might explain how it was handled. Boarding might have begun after that luncheon if it took place early. At any rate, I would make sure to pay the fee to be sure of inclusion if it was important to me to attend. I would think if they are charging, they will make plans to not have it open to others that are otherwise at the pier area.

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