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Crazy Ross Shopping Spree.

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I was afraid that my original post might have been misconstrued. I only wanted to bring 8 items into the dressing room and have the attendant hang the excess items on the rack outside the dressing room area. That way once I tried on the original 8 items I could then exchange them for the other items. The way the Ross dressing rooms are set up is that they have an attendent at the out side of the ladies dressing rooms, and then you go in with your 8 items and find your own individual dressing room. It was the rack at her station where she should have held my excess items. The rude sales lady didn't want to assist me in hanging them Outside the entire dressing room area. That was my big issue. I have no problem with the 8 item limit.


Usually the policy is that I hand her 8 items, she hangs the rest on the rack that is outside the dressing room area, and then I take in only 8 at a time.


No I understood that. what I meant is instead of giving the dressingroom clerk the dreses over the 8, you should have left them in the shopping cart. You were expecting too much of her. she did not have a place for your extras and because she allowed you to put the dresses in an area that they should not have been put-she was blamed by her supervisor for allowing you to do that.


I am saying this because my daughter worked in a similiar store just a few years ago-she was also expected to do the impossible by her superiors, keep the customers happy but also follow the "rules" of store managemnt. Not an easy task.

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Well maybe that was the problem, I never had a cart at all. However, she had a rack right outside the dressing room, and she said that she did not want them there, and the first time she told me to put the items on the end of the housewares display.


It was when her boss came by and saw the items there he said not to put things there, on the end of the housewares rack. When I complained to him about the fact that she would not provide me any where to put the extra item he then told her that absolutely customer should be allowed to put items on the rack outside the dressing room. She was not trained properly, customer are supposed to put items on that rack. It was her error not mine.


I realize that it would have been easier had I gotten a cart from the start, but I wasn't concerned because every other time in the last 20 years that I have been in the store the attendant has put my extra clothes on the rack at her station.

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Getting a cart should never be a requirement, I often shop just for 1 certain thing and don't get a cart. If I end up with 8 or more options of that "just one thing" I expect to be provided a place to put those extras that I am not allowed to take in with me, that should be provided to me by sales staff. That is hardly "asking too much of her." That is part of her job-helping the customer. Not picking on you Mom of Meg, but I just find it hard to swallow that you really think Arizona is at fault here when it is so very plainly a case of terrible customer service.


Arizona, the employee was very obviously in the wrong by the way you tell the story, and I'm glad things worked out well for you and you ended up with great deals.

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Getting a cart should never be a requirement, I often shop just for 1 certain thing and don't get a cart. If I end up with 8 or more options of that "just one thing" I expect to be provided a place to put those extras that I am not allowed to take in with me, that should be provided to me by sales staff. That is hardly "asking too much of her." That is part of her job-helping the customer. Not picking on you Mom of Meg, but I just find it hard to swallow that you really think Arizona is at fault here when it is so very plainly a case of terrible customer service.


Arizona, the employee was very obviously in the wrong by the way you tell the story, and I'm glad things worked out well for you and you ended up with great deals.


You took the words right out of my mouth.LOL


I've had good luck at our Ross but I did encounter one questionable clerk recently. I rarely take a cart so I was carrying around a set of flannel sheets which were bulky and hard to carry.


I was almost ready to check out and asked the person if I could leave them...mumbled something about heavey...hard to carry on... her counter for a minute while I checked something else close by. She said, you can get a cart. I said I don't NEED a cart and I only need a couple of minutes. She gave me a very dirty look but took them and couldn't seem to leave them there, they were on the long part of the counter, not the checkout area, she put them on the shelves behind the counter.


What was so hard about leaving them on the counter? They weren't busy, I was about the only person in the store.


I just chalked it up to the fact that I heard her say her due date was in 2 days. Probably shouldn't have still been working but probably needed the money.

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I had another crazy day today. My son's sports banquet is tomorrow and he wanted to wear a blazer and dress shirt to the banquet. I found a blazer in town today at Mervyns.,but I needed a new dress shirt and tie for DS. So I ended up going to Walmart at the other end of town tonight while DD was in dance class. I found the shirt, and then I needed to pick up chips and salsa for him to take to the banquet. I had that in my hands and with the shirt and then wanted to get a small bag of chips at the check out area. One of the check out ladies saw me coming, and asked if I was ready to check out. Then I said I just wanted to grab a bag of chips. Another employee was coming up behind me and offered to grab the chips for me. I thought that was sweet.

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Getting a cart should never be a requirement, I often shop just for 1 certain thing and don't get a cart. If I end up with 8 or more options of that "just one thing" I expect to be provided a place to put those extras that I am not allowed to take in with me, that should be provided to me by sales staff. That is hardly "asking too much of her." That is part of her job-helping the customer. Not picking on you Mom of Meg, but I just find it hard to swallow that you really think Arizona is at fault here when it is so very plainly a case of terrible customer service.


Arizona, the employee was very obviously in the wrong by the way you tell the story, and I'm glad things worked out well for you and you ended up with great deals.


I did not say she was "to blame" I said she expected too much. the clerk should have NEVER snapped at her. That was uncalled for-no matter what. I do beleive it is time the clerk looked for another job as obviously this one is getting to her.


That is what my daughter did when she still could not find a position in her field with her degree. She substitutes teaches and she will tell you very quickly that children are not perfect by far, but at least they are children, and not adults acting that way.

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I've worked retail all my working life. (not long mind you, but it's been a few years) I left to try working the the restaurant industry instead. Different place same story.


The whole idea is that you work in a customer service industry. Whether it's a "self-service" (which I'll have more words about) or a full customer experience that you offer, you are still offering a service to a customer. It's unacceptable to have rude words with a customer. Even if you don't make commission off her, your job depends on her. I've worked in both situations, commission and not. I never changed my attitude. If I drive away a customer then I have less work. PERIOD. less work = less money.


As far as "self service" there is no such thing. If that were the case then the dumb girl wouldn't have a job. You would get your clothes, try them on, put the ones you didn't like away, and check them out yourself! She wouldn't exist in that situation. MOST CERTAINLY she is there to FIRST serve the customer and THEN do her sidework. Hopefully the OP gave the manager the name of the girl and she got reminded of her job duties.


I've worked in commission work and I knew that my attitude decided if I made money that day! If I was dumb enough to let a customer know I wasn't having a good day (by my attitude, I didn't generally talk about my life) then I didn't deserve the commission. It's not their problem that I broke my car, had a fight with my BF, hate the manager, am hungry, am sick, am tired. They just want a smile and a pair of shoes. I've also worked non commission and my approach was the same, because although my paycheck wasn't directly related to their purchase, it certainly mattered. If my sales number were higher I got more hours which in turn made me more money!!! It's the way it works.



Amen, and amen!! I worked retail for four longgggg years in a department store. I made as much there working 12-15 hrs a week compared to my full-time job, but it was because I gave great customer service. I like people and enjoyed helping them find what they were looking for. But it is not an easy job, and I saw some things there that I hope I never encounter again. When I gave up that part time job for going to college at night, I even wrote a paper on why I'd rather flip burgers than work retail again. The professor couldn't believe that some of what I wrote was true, so I gave her my merchandiser's phone number to confirm. She had no idea (like most people) that any of that would really happen, and it shouldn't if people didn't act like they were raised by animals or ever lived indoors. Deep breath, deep breath. Ah, I feel better now.....

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My latest experience at Ross has me shaking my head in disbelief. I found a jacket that had a matching shell under it. Thought it was cute and wanted to try it on, but the dressing room attendant said it was supposed to be a 3 piece set (pants or skirt were missing) and they wouldn't sell it to me.


I said, well if it fits I'm willing to pay the full price for just the 2 pieces. I don't care about the 3rd piece and that they will be taking in the same amount of money for 2 pieces as they would for 3, but she wouldn't budge. I just said "well you just lost a sale" and walked out. So now instead of making a sale at full price, they have 2 pieces that they can't sell. Go figure!:confused:

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My latest experience at Ross has me shaking my head in disbelief. I found a jacket that had a matching shell under it. Thought it was cute and wanted to try it on, but the dressing room attendant said it was supposed to be a 3 piece set (pants or skirt were missing) and they wouldn't sell it to me.


I said, well if it fits I'm willing to pay the full price for just the 2 pieces. I don't care about the 3rd piece and that they will be taking in the same amount of money for 2 pieces as they would for 3, but she wouldn't budge. I just said "well you just lost a sale" and walked out. So now instead of making a sale at full price, they have 2 pieces that they can't sell. Go figure!:confused:


Did they even look for the third piece? When I worked at Ross and this happened we would look for the missing piece and if we couldn't find it we would let the customer purchase the other pieces at a discount. I can't believe she wouldn't even let you pay full price for the two pieces. Some people just aren't cut out for a customer service type job.

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Did they even look for the third piece? When I worked at Ross and this happened we would look for the missing piece and if we couldn't find it we would let the customer purchase the other pieces at a discount. I can't believe she wouldn't even let you pay full price for the two pieces. Some people just aren't cut out for a customer service type job.


That store is always such a mess. It would take them a year to find it. This is probally what they will do, if the mssing piece is not found in 7 days, the outfit will get marked down and a note attached to it that a piece is missing.


But beware, I bought a pantsuit that was mismatched and the clerk told me, I did not realize it, I just thought it was on clearance. The top was fushia and black and the pants solid black-so I said "oh well it cordinates", until I got it out in the sunlight-then I realized the black dye was too differant in the top and pants and they did not look right to be worn together.

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Our Ross is nice as well. We just got a new Kohl's in November, so no mess yet. Did have a rude customer service person when I asked why my neighbor (who was with me) received a $10 gift cert in the mail when the new store opened and I didn't. What, existing good customers don't want a free $10 coupon?.......Mervyn's, thankfully, we don't have one. I used to really like them, but Kohl's is much better imo...

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.......Mervyn's, thankfully, we don't have one. I used to really like them, but Kohl's is much better imo...


No Mervyn's around here.

Found out something very interesting about Kohl's. I was looking at some markdown things and they didn't have the size I wanted. Went to another one, had the size but it was much more. Bought it because it completed 2 outfits for 2 little girls.

Went back to the local Kohl's and asked a manager why their mardowns are not consistent. She said the markdowns depend on the individual store owner's perogative. Didn't know they were individually owned. I've never run into such a thing before for what's considered a chain store.

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One of my favorite stores is Stein Mart, talk about great buys on clothes. There jewelry is a best kept secret, beautiful pieces. If you have never been check it out. The Boutique in Stein Mart has a great bunch a gals that are there for the customer, they are always so helpful.

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Our Ross is nice as well. We just got a new Kohl's in November, so no mess yet. Did have a rude customer service person when I asked why my neighbor (who was with me) received a $10 gift cert in the mail when the new store opened and I didn't. What, existing good customers don't want a free $10 coupon?.......Mervyn's, thankfully, we don't have one. I used to really like them, but Kohl's is much better imo...


Our Kohl's is never messy. It must have to do with who is the manager. Our neighbor is the manager over several departments there. Every time I am in the store she out on the floor checking things and her people are all busy straightening if they are not putting outnew merchandise. I guess she is a good manager.


I have been to another Ross theat is aobut 10 miles from me tha tis close to my DR-it is always messy too. the Kohl's next door to that Ross is not as nice as the Kohl's near me. Maybe the mangers are not on their toes as much.

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I wish we had Ross here in Canada. I have a cruise booked for April 2009. I don't know if I am more excited about the cruise or shopping at Ross in Miami. I usually go to the one downtown Miami, the one on Miracle Mile or the one at the Dolphin Mall. I usually buy all my 'cruise clothes' at Ross. We normally come to Miami 3 nights before we cruise. Now I have my 2 Sisters, my Nieces, Sister-in-laws and many of my friends hooked. There is over 20 of us booked on the next cruise. Ross had better be ready for us...:D. My only complaint is that they never have enought carts!

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No Mervyn's around here.

Found out something very interesting about Kohl's. I was looking at some markdown things and they didn't have the size I wanted. Went to another one, had the size but it was much more. Bought it because it completed 2 outfits for 2 little girls.

Went back to the local Kohl's and asked a manager why their mardowns are not consistent. She said the markdowns depend on the individual store owner's perogative. Didn't know they were individually owned. I've never run into such a thing before for what's considered a chain store.


They aren't individually owned, but when a store has too much of an item, they may mark it down to get rid of it. The other store may have had the item selling well and didn't want to give away profit. Store managers do have that ability to make those decisions. Corporate may suggest a markdown, but the store manager doesn't have to accept it.

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Ros, Walmart, they are all like that. All I can say is go to Belk and Macys and pay more. Inthose stores the clerks make a comission on what you buy so they are "nicer". At Ross, the clothing costs less, so you get the clerk's "commision" in savings, which also means you get no help.



The clerk is correct, that is a self service store and they do say you can take no more then 8 items to the dressingroom. So you were breaking the rules-you should have left the excess in a cart.


No she should not have "lost it" but you were pushing the envelope. In her place I would have called my supervisor to explain it to you.


After all she was in a "no win" situatation. She allowed you to put dresses in an unauthorized area, and because she did, her supervisor blasted her for it, I am guessing. That is why she "lost it".


Believe me, I know what I am talking about. My daughter worked retail in our mall for 2 years while going to college and for awhile after she graduated. She had these type of situations to deal with daily and she had to put up with stuff like this for $6.35 an hour. Her store was also considered "self help" so she made no comission.


These type jobs are not the best and with this terrible economy people are stuck. I have empathy for the poor clerk.


I totally agree with you! I worked in a retail store when I was in High School making min. wage. I wasn't making any commission at all and I honestly did not care if people never came back and shopped at the store. The management team treated all the minors working there like they were lower class because they knew we wouldn't complain. I had my fair share of bad customers, but I had good ones too. Cleaning up after people in the fitting room is not a fun job. You wouldn't beleive what I would find in there. I will admit that I was rude to people who were rude to me first. This was not a job I cared much about since I was only 16. People will probably get mad at me for saying this but I don't care...

If you want Nordstom quality service then shop there. Most of the people working in low end retail stores are either really young, really old or just plain stupid!

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