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How long should it take??

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I just saw someone run a red light yesterday so I am writing a letter to the governer to do something about it.


Oh oh, RFLMAO that is too funny, seriously to the OP don't you have anything better to do? You complained on the cruise and let them know of the situation, isn't that enough? People like you are the reason that the CEO of this company is unable to address the ligitimate complaints and issues. Also, you do not know 100% that the drinks that they were served had alcohol in them, there are things like virgin pina coladas ya know. Next time I say myob!! Geez!

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To RCCLRules and BethBeth428 - you are both the last part over the fence. Drunk is drunk and defending this is nothing but ludicrous, just ask the Smith family (remember them!)


By the way,

carnival CC'ers would never be that obnoxious.

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Dawn, ignore all of these people who think that there is no such thing as "society" or "civilization".


Yes, we are all responsible for one another. It is good that, as an adult, you were concerned about the behavior and condition of minors, particularly as the so-called mother wasn't.


You will probably get a generic response and thanks for informing them of the situation, but not information about a specific resolution. You are right to want the corporation to know if their employees are violating company guidelines and rules about serving minors.

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To RCCLRules and BethBeth428 - you are both the last part over the fence. Drunk is drunk and defending this is nothing but ludicrous, just ask the Smith family (remember them!)


By the way,

carnival CC'ers would never be that obnoxious.


Huh? your post makes no sense

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Sorry, but I would be reporting the incident all the way to the top as well. These are the types of people who end up costing all of us in the long run. Had anything happened to any of these minors while they were drunk on the ship, you can bet RCI would have been sued; not only for any injury but for allowing the minors to be served alcohol. Cost to us; rise in cruise fares.


Do you really think Customer Service is going to do anything? Let the head honcho know about it. Your reply may be generic, but you can bet corporate will be all over the ship's captain to make sure this doesn't occur on future cruises.

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As someone stated, if one of these underaged drinks had fallen and been injured, you can bet the mother would have been the first to complain to the cruise line for letting buy the drinks in the first place.


As much as some people do not like Carnival, at least they have a visible patrol that makes the rounds and chases the underaged out of the disco at a set time. Before the curfew, only non alcoholic drinks are served to them.


Parents go on cruises and expect everyone else to look out for their kids. Everything is fine as long as nothing serious happens. Probably the mom buys drinks for them at home as well. She has to be aware that they already have a drinking problem at their ages. Oh, I forgot, she was drunk too!


People who things like that do not care how it affects anyone else's enjoyment since they are too selfish to care. This is a good example of the "ME" generation. I may have kids, but my vacation and my fun come first. I paid to take my kids on the cruise so I did my part. I bought the tickets for the shore excursion and paid for their drinks. So hjust leave me alone and let me have my own fun.


Sadly, this is the attitude you will find and run into. If fines were able to be given out for things like this, the cruise lines would have done it long ago. Just too bad for the passengers who were affected by this behavior. Not much that Corporate can do about it now. The bar tender or the servers on board should have cut them off as well as those servers in the port. Once they saw what was happening, why did they continue to serve them? We all know the answer to that one -- money.




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Oh oh, RFLMAO that is too funny, seriously to the OP don't you have anything better to do? You complained on the cruise and let them know of the situation, isn't that enough? People like you are the reason that the CEO of this company is unable to address the ligitimate complaints and issues. Also, you do not know 100% that the drinks that they were served had alcohol in them, there are things like virgin pina coladas ya know. Next time I say myob!! Geez!


Maybe you have missed all the bad publicity that some of the cruise lines have taken over the last couple of years due to underage drinking. What the OP did was in fact the correct thing to do. I might not have emailed the CEO but I would have sent an email to the cruise line. If the kids were witnessed as being drunk which by the way is not hard to do, then it makes sense to think that the drinks had alcohol.


The cruise lines have adopted strict rules on underage drinking and when a crew member does not do his or her job then people can get hurt or worse end up over the side of the ship which by the way happened on the Mariner a few years back. Also any parent that would allow their underage child to get drunk should have their @ss kicked off the ship and reported to Child Protective Services. My guess is those saying MYOB or turn the other cheek are the same ones that would be the first to join the party!!!!!!:rolleyes:

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Bethbeth428 The Posting Means Your Statements Are Not Intelligent And Only An *** Would Post Them. Bartenders Should Not Serve Obviously Intoxicated Cruisers, Whatever Their Age. Bad Things Happen To Drunks As With The Reference. I Am Sorry If You Cannot Remember Headline News About Passengers Going Overboard. The Reference To Carnival, And I Have Sailed On Both Lines, And Others, Means That Their Ccer's Are More Civil In Their Rebuttals When A Poster Makes A Complaint. I Hope This Helps You Understand My First Posting.

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Bethbeth428 The Posting Means Your Statements Are Not Intelligent And Only An *** Would Post Them. Bartenders Should Not Serve Obviously Intoxicated Cruisers, Whatever Their Age. Bad Things Happen To Drunks As With The Reference. I Am Sorry If You Cannot Remember Headline News About Passengers Going Overboard. The Reference To Carnival, And I Have Sailed On Both Lines, And Others, Means That Their Ccer's Are More Civil In Their Rebuttals When A Poster Makes A Complaint. I Hope This Helps You Understand My First Posting.


Aww lighten up, be happy, don't worry :) Funny how the original poster hasn't chimed in again, they probably just wanted everyone to know their "good deed" since it really was not a very smart question to ask in the first place...how the H*ll would a bunch of people on this board know how long it takes to receive a response from the CEO????

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I sent Adam Goldstein an email regarding some serious issues on my Sovereign cruise. I was wondering how long it will take for him to get back to me.


I know someone will ask so here is the short version of the story. We were on the Yellowbird tour in Nassau. RCI website clearly stated participants must be 21. There were 3 17 year old kids with a chaperone and all were very drunk. The one girl told us that they paid the bar waiters on the ship to bring them drinks. We witnessed first hand the bar staff bringing them alcohol (beer, wine, frozen drinks). We brought this to the attention of the head bartender and nothing was done. Even security didn't want to do anything about it.


We still had a great cruise but feel that RCI didn't do their job to control the underage drinking.


Hope that you have a good response from Mr. Goldstein. I think it's interesting that underage kids (17 yr. olds) are able to get their hands on alcohol while there are other young people who have turned 21 while on the cruise and are not allowed alcohol due to the age at cruise time.


If cruise lines are going to be a "city afloat" then they MUST uphold any rules/laws. If there is anything that I can't stand to be around it's kids who have gotten their hands on alcohol and drink themselves sick. I have been in too many rooms SURROUNDING these people who are up at 3 in the morning making noise keeping those around them awake and the cruise lines rarely will do anything.


GOOD LUCK! Let us know what happens.

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Is it customary to contact the CEO of a company when expressing a concern that should go to customer service?


On our cruise the assistant waitress brought me brown dinner rolls instead of white, heck I will contact the president of RCCL to complain so that I can get me some OBC !!! :p


Why do some members of this board always seem to take the smallest things and complain about it, and to the president on top of that !!!


Don't forget you are on vaction and there to enjoy yourself, not to worry about others !!! On the other hand your fellow passengers are also there on vacation and are there to enjoy themselves in any way shape or form that pleases them !!!


Sorry, just my little rant for the day :D

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There is even more to this story then what I posted. When we got to the island, two of the kids got in the water with us like I said, there were several of us in the water at the time. They were the ones who told us all of this. She told us how her mom and the other chaperones were taking cash from them and buying their drinks for them on the ship. This was a high school graduation trip and there were several chaperones. For me, it was one thing for that mother to be serving alcohol to her daughter, but it was quite another to her to be giving it to the other three kids, they werent hers and the parents that sent those kids on that trip entrusted her children with them. Then when the tour ended, the mother took off with her daughter and two of the boys but left one of them behind, we watched him stumble his way back to the ship, anything could have happened to him


I too remembered the incident a couple of years ago where that kid fell off the ship when he was getting sick and thats all I kept thinking about with these kids. And like I said...its one thing to give it to your own child.


I dont blame her for complaining, if we live in a world where we do nothing to change what is wrong, then we cant blame anyone but ourselves for things not changing.


And like I said, it was one thing they were drinking on this tour because it was off the ship, but this group was very well known by everyone on the ship for being drunk and obnoxious everywhere. Anyone you got in a conversation with knew the group. They were drinking on the ship, and after everything you have seen on the news you would think RCCL would have done something about it.


And for the record..I emailed the superintendent of her school about it. Although these kids were graduating that week and I am not sure much could be done about it, I felt they needed to know in the future what more care should be given to these trips. After all, maybe if the chaperones who were with Natalie Holloway had watched those kids more and didnt allow them to drink freely she might not have disappeared.

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Bethbeth428 The Posting Means Your Statements Are Not Intelligent And Only An *** Would Post Them. Bartenders Should Not Serve Obviously Intoxicated Cruisers, Whatever Their Age. Bad Things Happen To Drunks As With The Reference. I Am Sorry If You Cannot Remember Headline News About Passengers Going Overboard. The Reference To Carnival, And I Have Sailed On Both Lines, And Others, Means That Their Ccer's Are More Civil In Their Rebuttals When A Poster Makes A Complaint. I Hope This Helps You Understand My First Posting.


Obviously True... Look at the name BethBeth, what did she forget her name too & had to post them twice???

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Obviously True... Look at the name BethBeth, what did she forget her name too & had to post them twice???


Yeah my screen name is bethbeth because I forgot my name. Sorry but now you're really lost your credibility...Trish-a, that is just about the most childish thing I have ever heard! Congrats on making a complete fool of yourself.

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Why do some members of this board always seem to take the smallest things and complain about it, and to the president on top of that !!!


And then have to create a ridiculous post asking people they don't know who don't personally know the president of RCCL when to expect a response to a letter they wrote!!!!! She didn't even say when she mailed the letter, how are we supposed to know when she will receive a response? The least she could have done is be upfront about the whole thing and simply written a post...look what I did! The whole thing is a joke as far as I'm concerned.

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On our cruise the assistant waitress brought me brown dinner rolls instead of white, heck I will contact the president of RCCL to complain so that I can get me some OBC !!! :p


Why do some members of this board always seem to take the smallest things and complain about it, and to the president on top of that !!!


Don't forget you are on vaction and there to enjoy yourself, not to worry about others !!! On the other hand your fellow passengers are also there on vacation and are there to enjoy themselves in any way shape or form that pleases them !!!


Sorry, just my little rant for the day :D



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I sent Adam Goldstein an email regarding some serious issues on my Sovereign cruise. I was wondering how long it will take for him to get back to me.


I know someone will ask so here is the short version of the story. We were on the Yellowbird tour in Nassau. RCI website clearly stated participants must be 21. There were 3 17 year old kids with a chaperone and all were very drunk. The one girl told us that they paid the bar waiters on the ship to bring them drinks. We witnessed first hand the bar staff bringing them alcohol (beer, wine, frozen drinks). We brought this to the attention of the head bartender and nothing was done. Even security didn't want to do anything about it.


We still had a great cruise but feel that RCI didn't do their job to control the underage drinking.



RCI needs to hear things like this. Despite the grumblings you did the right thing.


I love the responses that basically said "If it isn't hurting my time then I won't say a thing."


Reminds me of the stories you hear about someone getting robbed or raped and no one bothers to call the police.:rolleyes:

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If I saw that on a ship I could not turn my back on it and "mind my business because it is not hurting me." I would report it and continue to do so until someone higher up took notice and stopped serving them and the mother.

If one of those "Children" went over board, I could never live with myself if I just turned my back and walked the other way.

And sadly, we know that has happened. :(

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That is how I felt. In fact when I walked back on the ship I told the security people about them because they werent far behind me and like I said they were practically carrying the girl.


Later that evening we ran into people who got on behind them. They said that they did pull the mother aside and said something to her, but they said she lied her way out of it and said the kids were served at Senor Frogs and she had nothing to do with it. They never went there, we all got off the tour together and went back to the ship.


And I agree, I couldnt turn my back on it, if something had happened to one of those kids I would have felt horrible for not doing anything about it.

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And then have to create a ridiculous post asking people they don't know who don't personally know the president of RCCL when to expect a response to a letter they wrote!!!!! She didn't even say when she mailed the letter, how are we supposed to know when she will receive a response? The least she could have done is be upfront about the whole thing and simply written a post...look what I did! The whole thing is a joke as far as I'm concerned.


I would guess that you joined this site to get information. It is a great site for that. Many people who have been cruising for years have had experiences in just about all aspects of cruising.


You want to know why the OP would ask a question here about how long. It's quite simple. Many have had reasons in the past that they felt the need to contact the VP or President of the company. They even have an idea of how long it took to get a response. That is why they are "asking people they don't know who don't personally know the president of RCCL when to expect a response to a letter they wrote!!!!!"


You say the OP should mind their own business. What response would you give if the one of the kids had gone overboard, and the mother said the waiters kept serving the kids. The news media, would probably never publish that it was the mother getting these kids booze.


This was also apparently a school trip, and not all the parents were there. Chaperones not doing what they are there for. Hopefully the school does something about it. Hopefully you are never a chaperone for minors, because it sounds like you would just let the kids do what they want, and then tell people Mind your own business.

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Thank you to those who gave me an answer to my question. I did not post this thread to get praise or be crucified from others on this board. I didn't come back because a select few turned this thread nasty. I don't need to justify myself to anyone especially people on these boards. Many people have written to the CEO about various things and was just wondering how long it took to get a response. I did not ask for any kind of compensation or refund of any kind. RCI won't let adults take on a decent bottle of wine yet on this cruise minors were running around the ship drunk and puking in hallways and elevators. And before someone comes back, yes I personally witnessed them puking. And I watched the bar waiters pouring rum in the frozen drinks for the kids. I do have a very good life and actually do have better things to do unlike some others who go from thread to thread ridiculing people.

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Thank you to those who gave me an answer to my question. I did not post this thread to get praise or be crucified from others on this board. I didn't come back because a select few turned this thread nasty. I don't need to justify myself to anyone especially people on these boards. Many people have written to the CEO about various things and was just wondering how long it took to get a response. I did not ask for any kind of compensation or refund of any kind. RCI won't let adults take on a decent bottle of wine yet on this cruise minors were running around the ship drunk and puking in hallways and elevators. And before someone comes back, yes I personally witnessed them puking. And I watched the bar waiters pouring rum in the frozen drinks for the kids. I do have a very good life and actually do have better things to do unlike some others who go from thread to thread ridiculing people.



You go girl, I'm behind ya 100%!!! Jill:cool:

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I agree - you did nothing wrong, and more people SHOULD care about the stupid things others do because it does affect everyone in the long run.


It is also a shame when postings turn negative. Sarcasm and light bantering are fine. Nobody needs to be ridiculed.

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Why wouldn't you complain to Yellowbird? RCCL had nothing to do with this, other than booking, and apparently they bought adult tickets. Drinking age is rarely enforced in the Bahamas or in many other places. This could have happened at any bar or hotel in the country. Sounds like the parents should have kept a closer eye on the kids.

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