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Why Would You Book Another Cruise?


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Thank you so very much. You have helped answer my inquiry. You are a sweetie!! BTW, I was in Calgary way back during the winter Olympics; and I loved your town. They had wonderful Steak Restaurants and Western Dance Clubs.:)


No problem......I just noticed that thread a few weeks ago myself:o . I think it has lots of good info too.


You should come to Calgary for Stampede! It's a huge party! I think you would be shocked at how Calgary has changed in the 20 years since the Olympics. There is more then 1 million people here. Too many in my opinion....

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Just because there are some things to complain about, disappointments, bad experiences, expectations not met, etc, this doesn't make it a bad cruise or a bad ship. If you can see the whole picture, then it's mostly good and worth repeating. Few issues will be deal-breakers for me.


However, I won't go on Carnival a second time, mostly because I found the pool lounge chairs to be too uncomfortable, and none in the shade on the main decks, and I tend to spend my entire sea days lounging in those chairs reading. I prefer padded lounge chairs, in the shade, near other people, and I won't compromise. I am looking forward to trying HAL, for a change.

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It would not necessarily stop us booking on the same line/ship. In 27 cruises we have had only one cruise from hell that we (and other passengers) hated and could not wait to get off the ship. We would not even put a foot on the gangplank of this ship again, but we would sail with the company on any of it's other four ships. They did try to put things right but funny really everything they tried backfired on them.


Having said that we are pretty easygoing as cruisers. We have had over the years our share of cancelled ports, very, very rough seas, plumbing problems, a/c problems, poor entertainment etc but they have in no way spoilt the cruise - that is life. I don't think you can condemn a ship for future cruises unless it was the ship itself at fault as our case above. All the other things will probably have changed - crew, entertainment, even food if a different executive chef.


Although we love cruising we are travellers not cruisers at heart. We choose entirely on itinerary, not doing cruises that do not have at leasst four/five new ports in the fortnight. We decide where we want to go first, then look at favourite cruiselines to see if they have anything that fits the bill in that area and if not move to another cruiseline. If you are using the ship as a means to an end perhaps you see the faults less and indeed there is I think, much less to complain about on a cruiseship than a hotel in any case. Just my view.

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I'm serious about this question so please bear with me.....


If you felt a number of things were lacking on your cruise and had a list of 'wish it had been done differently' things, would you book another cruise with the same cruise line?


Why would someone come home from a cruise, complain about a lot of things and then cruise with them again?


I wouldn't so I don't understand. why someone would cruise again with the same ship or even the same company if they had complaints about their cruise.


We listened for 3 1/2 MONTHS to a constant list of complaints about HAL from a tablemate. She insisted "Crystal does it BETTER" she lamented that "It wasn't "fair" for Suite guests to get ???? and not inside cabins" that she "deserved" etc etc etc......for 3 1/2 MONTHS........The last week of the World Cruise she pranced into the dining room exclaiming "Guess what! I booked this cruise for NEXT year!" This was a table for 8 and we enjoyed everyone else! Some people are BORN complaining!


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To complain repeatedly and consistently and then book again does diminish credibility, IMO. If things were as bad as they say, if the list of things they disliked so lengthy...... why in the world return?


I don't know if there is a concious motive or if they aren't even aware how much they complain?


Some may be looking for handouts....the dreaded 'compensation' word. (I hate that word), some may be looking for attention, some are impossible to please, and the rest?????? Who knows!

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No problem......I just noticed that thread a few weeks ago myself:o . I think it has lots of good info too.


You should come to Calgary for Stampede! It's a huge party! I think you would be shocked at how Calgary has changed in the 20 years since the Olympics. There is more then 1 million people here. Too many in my opinion....


What month is the Stampede? Is it hard to find hotel space in the city?

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Hi Copper

HOw ya doing? Remember me Frankie-Toronto on Ebay? Just noticed your comments on cruising again with same line if you did not like it or had lots of complaints. I just came back from World Voyage 2008 - on Amsterdam - We met wonderful - people - had a grand time (made our own fun and games) but really had a lot of complaints (21 pages I wrote to Mr. Stein Kruse in HAL) not very good for a world cruise - in fact very disappointing after spending a lot of $$$$$$.

We went on the Zaandam first time last year to Hawaii and loved it had a fantastic time - however this year was a disaster on HAL and so we have written them off forever. There are new ships coming out - and many lines that we loved before Celebrity/Princess/RCCL. Maybe this crowd was to old but HAL certainly made things a disaster most times - Never again!!! The crew staff were wonderful the best ever - the cruise director was an arrogant - self centred nut case - full of himself and in 114 days on this ship he was visible a couple of times (other than being on stage announcing at showtime) If you complained in writing he returned a reply quickly but always evaded your questions and requests. It was his way only - not for the passenger - this is not a way to run a cruise ship in my opininion. Sure all ships have problems but this was big time - and many people who booked world cruise next year and 2010 have already cancelled as they have done it for years but were appalled at how they were treated this time.

Check my site again hahahah We are off on Grand Princess on July 13 fro Southampton to Norwegian Fjords and then 2 week Land tour to Ireland.

Sailing again probably in 2009 spring/fall.



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I would not book another cruise on HAL as I stated before - lots of compliments but more complaints - the first cruise with them was fine 2 yrs ago to Hawaii - the world cruise was a disaster - we would not book with them again - what gave you the idea we would do that. We are going back to our favourite lines Celebrity/Princess/RCCL - als HAL caters to much older crowd and I mean much older we are 68 but I mean older hahaahh. ciao

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We sailed on the Zaandam last year to Hawaii and loved it - wonderful all round - the odd thing was in the way - food not very hot one night and desserts very poor a few times but other than that we had a wonderful 15 days. We sailed on the Amsterdam in January on the World Cruise and although we had a great time meeting new friends and experiencing countries/culture/scenery etc. never seen by us. The ship itself and the management although was so so - but activities - music - sucked bit time - boring all afternoon - seems all they wanted to do all day was go up and down decks to get dam dollars for basketball/football/golf/ringers/ this was rather boring every day for 114 days - the trivia in the morning was a disaster at most. We will NOT sail on HAL anymore we have made that decision there is so much choice we will not have a problem of where we want to go. Our next cruise ? Grand Princess Southampton/NorthCape/Norwegian Fjords in July... and a bus tour for 2 weeks in Ireland...

hope this helps you... we lean toward Celebrity/RCCL/Princess... no more Hal for us...

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What month is the Stampede? Is it hard to find hotel space in the city?

Sorry Copper...didn't see this post until this minute! The Stampede generally starts the first Friday in July unless that falls on the 1st of the month and runs for 10 days. For 2008 the Stampede runs July 4-13. I hear the hotels get full but I'm not sure if that is wishfull thinking or reality.

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If you felt a number of things were lacking on your cruise and had a list of 'wish it had been done differently' things, would you book another cruise with the same cruise line?


A car dealer, to justify the price of a car, once told me: look, in three years time, the quality of the car will be remembered and the price forgotten.


Well, there is some wisdom in that. The (little) things that may bother you about a cruise often completely fades over time. Only the good stuff remains.:)


It has to be that way. I have seen people start complaining in the line-up to present tickets before they even get on board! Surely those problems cannot eclipse all the great memories they get from their cruise - as time passes.


That would be my explanation.

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On one trip (Maasdam out of Norfolk) the San Juan port visit was early morning and very short, nothing was open, stop was wasted-though I did find some rum! I would definitely look twice at a similiar situation.



I was on a similar itinerary (Maasdam out of Norfolk) and the port times were from 8AM - Noon. As you stated, nothing much was open on arrival, and most places opened around 10AM which left little time to do anything. Fortunately it was near the Christmas holidays and had photo ops with the Govenor's Palace and I was able to walk around the old fort before the crowds arrived. Once the shops opened, things were a bit hectic as I tried to garner the items I spotted while window shopping while the shops were closed. Not a relaxing situation and now I look for cruises and ports that afford more time. From what I saw, San Juan would be a place worth visiting again.

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I'm serious about this question so please bear with me.....


If you felt a number of things were lacking on your cruise and had a list of 'wish it had been done differently' things, would you book another cruise with the same cruise line?


For me, it depends on the nature of the perceived infractions and the likelihood of encountering them on another cruise with the same line. It also depends on tradeoffs I'm willing to make. For example, I am not currently interested in sailing on a ship with over 2000 people. I am very interested in sailing. I don't have many choices if I am going to satisfy my desire to cruise.


Why would someone come home from a cruise, complain about a lot of things and then cruise with them again?


I don't know about someone, I know about this one. Any "complaint" I would post here would first be sent to the cruise line HQ. The only purpose I find in posting a complaint here is to allow others to be aware of my experience. Then you can see my answer above.


I wouldn't so I don't understand. why someone would cruise again with the same ship or even the same company if they had complaints about their cruise.


That's the power of choice and the options that are available. I don't expect everything to go right, but I do reserve the right to express myself when something doesn't. By the same token, I do think it's important to provide some balance in a public forum, but that is my control, not something I expect from others. If I chose to focus on the negatives, I have no doubt I could find something every day that I could spin into a tragedy.


For me, cruising is a unique and special experience. It has its good and bad, just like any experience.

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I would not.


My vacation time is much too limited to revisit a bad experience, and there are plenty of other options available - which is why I'll never set foot on Celebrity again.

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So I guess I'm hoping that someone may have some recent pertinent input with regard to the Zaandam versus the Oosterdam. I truly appreciate any feedback my fellow-cruisers may be able to provide.:o


:)Our 19 day Zaandam experience in April was fine, Of course we notice the cut backs each year ( all lines are cutting back) but still good value and the easiest way to travel for us. The staff and service were excellent, no problems. NOW, we are taking our children and grandies on the Oosterdam in December, your comments give me cause for concern, so I too would appreciate some feedback.....Tony

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sail - you're lookin for rational behavior from people. I gave up on that years ago. *L* There is someone who posts on these HAL boards all the time who strikes me as a chronic glass half empty type. I don't bother challenging the individual. That is how they choose to lead their life. Seems terribly depressing to me.


Far better to embrace monkeys and chickens, roll with the inevitable punches that travel presents and hope that what's in the half full glass is call rather than well.

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sail - you're lookin for rational behavior from people. I gave up on that years ago. *L* There is someone who posts on these HAL boards all the time who strikes me as a chronic glass half empty type. I don't bother challenging the individual. That is how they choose to lead their life. Seems terribly depressing to me.


Far better to embrace monkeys and chickens, roll with the inevitable punches that travel presents and hope that what's in the half full glass is call rather than well.


If life serves you a glass half full, ask for another.:)


- As always looking forward to sailing with you and the gang, some day.

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we're giving some thought to booking a cruise for sometime between nov and feb.. but just a 7 day this time as wife recently changed jobs and doesn't have as much vacation time as before. As we get closer to making a decision, we'll e-mail you and see if our plans come anywhere close to yours. Methinks it could be an event that HAL and our fellow pax wouldn't soon forget. *L*

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I would probably book again unless it was very bad and not just ship happens.


I did switch TA in 2002 after many big problems with the Alaskan cruise because of TA mistakes. I wrote the Better Business Bureau.


In 2000 the same TA made a big mistake with my air/cruise ticket. That is why I don't use that TA anymore.


The agency put together great group deals with air included. No one else could beat their prices. They bought cabins and seats on planes at group prices.


In 2001 with the same TA, I paid $987 total for 11-night Hawaiian cruise on Celebrity Infinity. This included ocean view cabin, cruise, air to San Diego, air back from Honolulu, transfers to and from ship to airport, all taxes and fees. This was a fantastic cruise and everything was set up perfectly. That is why I used the TA again in 2002


As you can see, there were good experiences. Then 2000 bad, second chance 2001 very good, then 2002 very bad. Never again.


I have cruised with six different cruise lines. I would book with each one of them again. I'm an itinerary-based, bargain hunter and not loyal to a particular cruise line. In Sept. I'll be on a Carnival ship for the first time. I'll be cruising to Canada/New England visiting three new ports I didn't visit on my 2004 Canada/New England cruise on Maasdam.


Thanks for starting this interesting thread.


I love HAL forum.

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I'm serious about this question so please bear with me.....


If you felt a number of things were lacking on your cruise and had a list of 'wish it had been done differently' things, would you book another cruise with the same cruise line?


Why would someone come home from a cruise, complain about a lot of things and then cruise with them again?


I wouldn't so I don't understand. why someone would cruise again with the same ship or even the same company if they had complaints about their cruise.


It is a mystery of life. Some folks "like" to complain.

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It is a mystery of life. Some folks "like" to complain.


And some folks don't "like to complain", but can still be disappointed when an experience does not measure up. Posting the good and the not so good have value, IMO. And personally I value the opinions of posters I know are like minded and that have the experience to draw comparisons.


We are recently off a disappointing cruise with HAL, the only one of 7 that has let us down. We will try HAL once more but on a different ship. If that disappoints, then we will not cruise with them again. We did this with Celebrity and two disappointing experiences in a row means we have no plans to try the line again.


I am not one who believes that there is no such thing as a bad cruise. I have had a few that were downright awful, some that were mediocre, many that were very good and a few that were stellar.


I agree with Brian that my vacation time and dollars are too important to me to waste them.

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