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Your heartwarming & uplifting Seabourn story

Martita B.

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Cands, we were on the Spirit from Singapore to Mumbai a few years ago. We were going to leave for our tour the next morning to Hanoi. Because of the early departure we ordered room service breakfast and hung the selection menu on the door before retiring. The next morning no breakfast ever came and so right before we were to leave I called room service to inquire. Marcello, one of our favorites, answered and said, "Oh Mrs. R. you are the one who filled out the card but put no name or room number on it (could it have been the 'peachy kini tini' I consumed?) We were trying to figure out who this order was for. I will send it right to your suite." I said not to do that as we were leaving for the bus and I apologized for my mistake. The fruit in the room would be perfect. We went to the bus and boarded and just before departure who gets on the bus but Marcello calling out our name. He had two boxed meals with cheese, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, fruit and pastry. He didn't want us to leave hungry! I think we call this service, service, service.

Enjoy your trip - you will love it!

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Cands, we were on the Spirit from Singapore to Mumbai a few years ago. We were going to leave for our tour the next morning to Hanoi. Because of the early departure we ordered room service breakfast and hung the selection menu on the door before retiring. The next morning no breakfast ever came and so right before we were to leave I called room service to inquire. Marcello, one of our favorites, answered and said, "Oh Mrs. R. you are the one who filled out the card but put no name or room number on it (could it have been the 'peachy kini tini' I consumed?) We were trying to figure out who this order was for. I will send it right to your suite." I said not to do that as we were leaving for the bus and I apologized for my mistake. The fruit in the room would be perfect. We went to the bus and boarded and just before departure who gets on the bus but Marcello calling out our name. He had two boxed meals with cheese, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, fruit and pastry. He didn't want us to leave hungry! I think we call this service, service, service.

Enjoy your trip - you will love it!


Another great story, thanks!

Somebody asked us just recently how we could contemplate spending 8 weeks on such a tiny ship.

Somehow I think we are going to be just fine:) .

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I was a bit nervous about our first Seabourn cruise in April because of my very strict diet due to Crohn's. I brought along four five pound containers of homemade yogurt and three "specific carbohydrate" cookbooks. Seabourn provided almond flour and fifteen pounds of Friendship Farmer's Cheese which has zero carbs. After a meeting with Chef Adam, each evening I would collaborate with the Asst Maitre D', Annaleen, on the next day's food choices. Whatever I asked, the answer was always yes. The staff was absolutely wonderful! So many special dishes, carefully created just for me. And they were prepared to serve me no matter the time or location on the ship. In the evening, the waitstaff always gave me a menu, even though they knew exactly what I would be served. They knew I wanted to be treated as if my diet were nothing different from anyone else. My husband and I were so happy with this incredible service, we booked two more cruises while onboard.



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I was on my first Seabourn cruise last Dec. We wanted to just get a little cake for a birthday dinner. The Maitre D called saying he'd like to come to our suite to plan a dinner! He helped us plan a perfect meal. The dinner was fantastic.

While I've learned that this is normal for Seabourn, it truly was a wonderful experience for us.

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Martita, this is a great thread. I enjoy reading these testimonials.

When I first came to this board, I read posts from as far back as I could to learn as much as possible. I remember you telling a story about desert and the fire sprinklers going off !?

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The sprinkler was a lot of fun! I was sitting at the other end of the table where it burst. Fortunately, my camera bag was under my chair and I have a few images at The Sprinkler Show. The Captain was having dinner with his wife at another table. He briefly glanced up and then totally ignored the rest of the entertainment. If you ask, I am sure Martita will tell you of when we were rescued from the snake hose at the Sky Bar on the same cruise.

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Good Mornin' Norm,

How well I remember this night! We were all drenched ~~looked like drowned rats while Capt. Leif and his wife Anvor were enjoying their dinner! I left our water soaked table and walked to the back ~~I ask Captain Rodhal why he didn't come over and help us.....he laughed and said, "Marta, that's why I have such a great Staff!"......he never missed a bite of his roast beef!

Oh, the saga of Norm and I being attacked at the Sky Bar by the "snake hose!" CARUMBA! I was sitting on my regular perch-stool and if I remember correctly Norman was standing by me and we were visiting. All of a sudden all he** broke loose! I was hit in the back and knocked off the stool ~~Norm started trying to get away.

The large water hose had suddenly managed to break out of it's closet and was attacking the entire group at the Sky Bar.......'round and round it shot ~~drenching any and everybody in sight! The monster then shot down the stairs and started spraying the sunbathers on the Deck! They all started runnin'......Praise the Lord two Deck Boy's came racing up......they both started wrestling and struggling to "pin the snake" to the Sky Bar deck! They finally stopped "his" terrorizing while another Deck Boy turned off the water. Norman and I both just looked at one another and died laughing ~~~'Oh what surprises you can experience on the Atlantic Ocean and what special Seabourn events you may enjoy!:p

Thanks for the memories Norm!

Martita B.

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I just thought of the funny, unique story:D of you rooming with me from Tower Bridge over to Ireland ~~think about telling this story.



Hey, Martha! You promised it would be our little secret! OK, now I am married and I think Patricia is a very wonderful person who will MUST see the funny side and will NOT be suspicious! Fortunately, she does not read the forum often, either. I'm just glad you didn't take me up on the suggestion of sleeping on your french balcony! And to keep this thread on topic, your stewardess was wonderfully accommodating to our little arrangement.

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Just to clarify "the arrangement" ~~as Norm wanted to board at the Tower Bridge and sail with us to Northern Ireland, the Pride was totally sold out! Not one single suite left ~~I called Blue Lagoon and simply ask if I could invite Norman to come share my suite as I had single beds ~~I contacted Norm and invited him to be my "roomie" for the 5 days ~~~ Captain T.T. suggested he arrange for Mr. Norm to sleep on my Romeo/Juliet balcony!

Of course, it was akin to "cousin's" having a slumber party ~~all went well ~~NO snoring, NO walking in sleep, NO hoggin' the bathroom and we had a blast! 'Lots of ways to "skin a cat!"

Next time Norm, we'll include Patrica in our "sleep over's!":p


Martita B.

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I think a big part of Seabourn’s charm are the little things that the staff does to enhance our onboard experience which is one of the reasons for the very high rate of repeaters and loyalty to the line. The following are a few general examples. The Assistant Cruise Directors (ACD) for planning different groups of passengers to be seated at the various hosted tables with officers, entertainers and cruise staff during the voyage. The Maitre ‘d making the actual seating arrangements for each hosted table (and always having me seated next to the table’s hostess as her co-guest of honor) for enjoyable conversation and friendship.


Fellow passengers opening their closets to loan formal and casual clothes to entertainers whose baggage was misplaced by the airlines. The wait staff is always great all over the ship! Since I am a teetotaler, I will turn over the wine glasses at a meal and I have had wine stewards pick op on that and by the second or third day, no wine glasses at my assigned table setting. The wine stewards always bring my diet soft drink at lunch and iced tea for dinner and also watch over me by refilling my glass without my asking as if I was sipping the finest wine onboard.


Now a few specific examples of shipboard staff going above and beyond… While standing in along queue to embark on my first Seabourn cruise in Malaga, Captain Geir-Arne Thue-Nilsen was at the base of the gangway greeting passengers when all of a sudden it started pouring rain! Then, seconds later, waiters appeared out of nowhere each with an arm’s full of Seabourn umbrellas to keep us dry until we were aboard and inside! When I reluctantly collected my passport from the Purser before disembarkation on that cruise she told me that Ellie, the Shore Excursion Manager, wanted me to disembark ASAP regardless of my disembarkation group. When arrived in the Customs Hall I could not find my luggage in the designated area and Ellie came up to me and said “I set your and Mr. & Mrs. CeeJay11’s luggage aside because terrible weather on the eastern Seabourn of the USA was wreaking havoc with flights in general and I want you all to get to the airport ASAP as there are earlier flights than late afternoon for all of you.” I was able to get an earlier morning flight home.


On another sailing, apparently I was drinking too much of the mixers that they were running low such that Bar Manager Christian hid some of my favorites at odd locations around The Club so I could enjoy them till the end of the cruise. In 2004, I did the B2B fall Legend crossing and Panama Canal Sailings. I was seated at ACD Dorothy’s (an operatic singer) hosted table for a second time and we were chatting about a lot of things after having gotten to know her during the crossing. I asked her if she would give another recital in the Midnight Sun Lounge at teatime and would she sing “My Heart Will Go On” from the movie Titanic in Italian again since I had enjoyed it so much. She only said “Yes she was and yes she would.” In addition to singing the song very well, she dedicated it to me and when she finished she blew me a mock kiss. I was totally not expecting that and what a wonderful Seabourn Moment! :D


On another crossing, Shore Excursion Manager Monika, convinced the tour operator to give me a full refund of an all-day tour that I missed because I overslept the first morning of the cruise. And finally Captain Geir-Arne’s personal website where he posts pictures of crew, officers, passengers and the sights ashore. This is good marketing for Seabourn but mainly a morale builder for the crew and officers who are away from family and friends for long periods of time. Actually it was his passion for photography (which I share) and website that inspired me to put my film camera in its box and join the digital age and do the same!


All the above only on Seabourn… :)

Seabourn it´s highly additive. :-(

And there is no drug or therapy to cure addiction to Seabourn but only to take more Seabourn cruises! ;)

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Very well said Paul!

And thanks for the photos Norm!

We were there too, when the sprinkler got of. Sitting right next to it near the wall and the back entrance. It even got more awkward for Eric de Gray, when a "lady" started to pawl dance to him!


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  • 2 weeks later...

A story of an unusual happening ~~(the end is "uplifting)

Several years ago I was seated at Mike Price's (Chief Electrician) hosted dinner table. We were having our first course when I looked over and just to the left of our table was a young Officer at a table for six dining alone! Not a Guest in sight! I whispered to Mike as to what was "going on?" He shrugged! I replied I thought I should go join him......I excused myself and sauntered over. He explained to me that his 5 Guests simply didn't "show up!" But wouldn't allow me to leave my table and join him. I felt soooo sad and sorry for this Officer ~~could not imagine Guests not notifying the Maitre'D as to being unable to dine with the Officer.

I was hosting a birthday luncheon the next day for the Chief Purser and the Nurse in the dining room ~~a party for 8. I hurriedly sent the young Officer an invitation (now it was 9) At 12:30 sharp he arrived at our luncheon. I had seated him between two charming lady Guests......we all had a wonderful, festive time and he added "mucho gusto and charm" to our celebration!

He later came by my suite and thanked me for including him at the birthday party!

I guess we Guests never really know just how much our kindness's , to the Crew and the Officers, mean to them.

To this day I have not forgotten the sweet young gentleman Officer sitting there.....dining alone! The sailing was his 1st contract on Seabourn.

Please post your Guest/Crew/Officer experience!

We all need "good news!"

Happy July 4th

Martita B.

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Great story Martita!


I remember a few years back, on a transatlantic crossing, I ordered the last shot of Louis XIII Cognac from the Club. Tradition goes that if you are the last to drink, the crystal Baccarat decanter was yours. I asked the bartender for it, and he looked at me like I was kidding! We explained the tradition to him, he checked with the bar manager, and gave me the bottle- BUT- the matching numbered stopper was no where to be found! The Hotel manager got wind of this, and we had a meeting in his office. He asked "what can I do for you"? I explained that it was unfortunate that the top was missing, but I understood. He explained that there was no way they could get another, as we were crossing, BUT asked if I would be returning anytime soon. I said that I would be back in February for the Panama Canal cruise. He said that I would have a complete decanter then.


When February came around, I boarded and noticed that we had a different Hotel Manager. I didn't say a word to him about the decanter, but low and behold, the second night a brand new decanter arrived in my suite! They actually drained the Cognac from a new decanter, and put it in the "topless" one. This is service unexpected, and is another example of what makes Seabourn Cruise Line so special!


Host Dan

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Well, I've waited a while before posting this, as it's a little embarrassing for me, but....


This would fall under the category of "My Favorite Bartender".


On my 2nd day on my first SB cruise, on the Legend, Maciej (Ma-chek) was my bartender at the Sky Bar. I had not (yet) figured out the "pacing" of an all-inclusive Bar, and spent the afternoon on my favorite stool enjoying the day, and the wine being re-poured by Maciej. Late afternoon arrived, and, still at the Sky Bar(!), many guests had gathered in the popular spot. I, at some point, decided to "lean back" on my bar stool (for which there is no "back"!), and tumbled down, my actions broken somewhat by guests crowding around! (This is the embarrassing part!) After "recovering" from my fall, I asked for a glass of water, then retreated to my cabin for the evening!


The next afternoon, after enjoying an excursion, I (sheepishly) returned to the Sky Bar, and was met by several of the "regulars" already gathered. Maciej was on a break, but I was informed by one of the guests that Maciej had not only checked with the Purser's office that day to see if I was scheduled for an excursion that morning (after my "fall"), but also if I had "made it" to the excursion. I was absolutely floored that he would take such concern for me. When he returned on duty, he placed a "Reserved for Mr. Watson" sign in front of me! I never thanked him for "checking" on me, but I'm sure he knows....


My Favorite Bartender....


(and current Sommelier)


Paul :)

and somewhat :eek:

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Grrreat story! I think we've all had an embarrassing moments aboard the Sister's ~~ thanks for sharing yours!:p

Dan, your story of "Capt. Geir and the wine" story is fun.....would you consider posting it?


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I was recounting this event in an email and thought I would post it here. In February, when I decided to stay another night in the hotel in BA, as opposed to going back to the ship for the night, I found a delighful goodie basket delived to my room by a bemused hotel chambermaid.


it included 'miss you' notes from the HM, MD', and my Stewardess and a towel figure, some choccies, some champagne and some Moulton Brown toiletries. I wonder if they thought I was going to jump ship???

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Grrreat story! I think we've all had an embarrassing moments aboard the Sister's ~~ thanks for sharing yours!:p

Dan, your story of "Capt. Geir and the wine" story is fun.....would you consider posting it?




I remember one dinner with Capt. Geir - Arne, I sat to his right, and he asked if I would taste the wine for the table. I did, and promptly sent it back...it was horrible!! You should have seen the looks onthe other pax faces UNTIL Gier tasted as well, and nearly spit it out! lol



Host Dan

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