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When will it stop????


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Admittedly I have never sailed on the QE2 as I am a recent convert to Cunard and have now sailed on both the QM2 and the Queen Victoria.


With that said I think there are too many threads devoted to the nuances of the QE2 and what will happen to it once it leaves service later this year. I get a sense that some of you define Cunard as being the QE2.


Folks, get over it, the QE2 is finished start thinking about the future of Cunard without the QE2. Focus on the QM2 and the beautiful new Queen Victoria and the soon to be Queen Elizabeth.


What happens to the QE2 in Dubai is of no consequence. The ship at that point is someone else's property and no longer part of Cunard. Some of the folks writing on these threads act as if they had owned the ship and have some say as to what should happen after the ship leaves Cunard (Carnival) ownership.


Stop it already

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If you want to know what's likely to happen to the QE2 when she's taken out of commission, go and visit the Queen Mary in Long Beach. We stayed on board her last year before a HAL cruise from San Diego, and have to say that we felt that any report should include the words 'could do better'. To say that you're 'maintaining the image of the ship in her heyday' is very different to 'ceasing any much needed renovations from the day we take over' which was what we felt had happened. It may not be true, but the peeling paint on the first class cabin walls and fixtures, and threadbare carpets in the hallways didn't inspire us too much.


I really, really hope that the QE2's new owners take a little more pride in her ongoing appearance, and that she continues to be a gem for many years to come!



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If Cunard had ceased express liner service across the Atlantic in 1969, there would be no QM2 or QV.


There would be no Cunard.


There would be no Cunard forum here on Cruise Critic.


It's that simple.

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This is exactly my point. Once it is no longer sailing for Cunard, don't try to visit it in Dubai as you will be only disappointed as the changes, even if they are done well, will be different than the original QE2. I have spent a night on the Queen Mary in Long Beach and my reaction was that it was a sad old ship that probably had seen better days.


I grew up in a neighborhood in NYC that has gone through profound changes since my parents left in the 1970's. Suffice it to say those changes were not for the good. I once went back and the beautiful home that I grew up in is now a blighted shell of its former self. I will never go back again as I find my own memories of growing up in that house are far more important than that what actually exists there today.

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Stop it already


Bob - many on this board have many fond memories of the QE2 and have sailed on her for decades. Her passing is painful for them - and reminiscing about her past and speculating about her future is all part of their grieving process. You don't have to read those threads, or participate in them - or, I would suggest, tell those who wish to, what to do.

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Admittedly I have never sailed on the QE2 as I am a recent convert to Cunard and have now sailed on both the QM2 and the Queen Victoria.


With that said I think there are too many threads devoted to the nuances of the QE2 and what will happen to it once it leaves service later this year. I get a sense that some of you define Cunard as being the QE2.


Folks, get over it, the QE2 is finished start thinking about the future of Cunard without the QE2. Focus on the QM2 and the beautiful new Queen Victoria and the soon to be Queen Elizabeth.


What happens to the QE2 in Dubai is of no consequence. The ship at that point is someone else's property and no longer part of Cunard. Some of the folks writing on these threads act as if they had owned the ship and have some say as to what should happen after the ship leaves Cunard (Carnival) ownership.


Stop it already

I Have very fond memories of Qe2 including my Honeymoon back from New York in 2002.

I am sure being from New York you will have fond memories of the Twin Towers.

(My memories of the Twin Towers was beating Germany in 1966)

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Are you serious? Do you not comprehend the significance of this ship to the Cunard community? Can't you see any perspective other than your own? The irony is, even though in your post you pose no questions to those who feel a special affinity to QE2 and mourn her impending loss, you have created another thread of which you despair. Law of unintended consequences, it seems! Did you honestly have no idea that this would happen??:confused:


Just because YOU want it to STOP, it will not be so and no $50 tip will help either.:D


Long after she goes to Dubai, QE2 will remain the topic of voluminous discussion hereabouts, so you can either get used to it, avoid the topics, or find another on-line home.

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It may not be true, but the peeling paint on the first class cabin walls and fixtures, and threadbare carpets in the hallways didn't inspire us too much.



It's a pity that's all you saw while staying aboard one of the grandest liners ever built. There is quite a bit more to her than peeling paint and bad carpets.

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It's a pity that's all you saw while staying aboard one of the grandest liners ever built. There is quite a bit more to her than peeling paint and bad carpets.


Those who care not of history and want things to be always sparkly and new will never see beyond those dings. Is it no wonder that funds are short to truly fix her up?

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Stop it already

Bob - if I were you ... Duck!!!


It'll take at least a year after her hotel opening in Dubai before 'they' even start letting up.....There will be the She's Gone' thread, the 'Anniversary of the Last Winter Crossing Club' thread, the 'Opening as a Hotel - who knows what' Thread, the 'Who Has Been to the Hotel' thread, the 'One Year On' thread, not to mention the 'Queen Elizabeth is no QE2' thread.


No offence intended to anyone - but Bob you need to understand that QE2 Forever Fan Club haven't even started yet!!!!!:rolleyes:



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I think there is plenty of room for praising the QE2 as well as moving forward into the future with the new QM2 and the newer QV. I see no need to call those who praise the QE2 to stop doing what they are doing. In fact seeing an influx of such messages around this time as the ship is set to retire is quite normal to see and I suspect will eventually die off going into next year when the ship is gone.


I had the pleasure of being on both the QM2 and QE2 and loved them both for what they were. Admittedly, the QE2 was ahead in terms of what I wanted to experience from the classic days of ocean liners but I have no issue with the QM2 taking over the flagship status. I realize the old gal is in retirement mode and I am just glad I get the chance to take one last trip on her in October.


After seeing the ridiculous tirade on the subject of smoking that rattled the HAL boards for the past few days (the thread has thankfully now been locked) I hope that we can discuss this subject of the Cunard vessels with a little more decorum.


The QE2 did define Cunard in my opinion and for quite a long period of time. Cunard is now in the throws of redefining itself but there is definitely nothing wrong with the many who remember the line the way it was. I say keep talking everyone - on either side.



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Admittedly I have never sailed on the QE2 as I am a recent convert to Cunard and have now sailed on both the QM2 and the Queen Victoria.


Exactly as your first few words say "Admittedly I have never sailed on the QE2 " Well some of us have and for many years years,l started as a teenager in 1986 , so l consider myself well qualified to express how l feel about the QE2. To you she is probably only an old ship thats has seen better days and to quote Mr Radcliffe "an old rustbucket" To me she is something rather special, and as my previous posting else where (some of you will remember)....


To the untrained some even call her a boat! to those that are able to take the steps onboard and enter into her world, she is much more than just a ship, she is a unique experience all by herself.


From the moment your half way down the gangway you enter into her special world and you "get it" if you don't get it, you never will, Im pleased that l got it all those years back on the 15th June 1986, life for me would never be the same again, l was able to buy drink without being questioned, l fell in love onboard l was very young and he swept me off my feet, all the passengers and crew that l have met over the many years, each and everyone has left their mark on me, and l have on some of them. Most have become life long friends,others just friends, some have died, funerals Iv attended of those somehow l have given people the chance to recapture memories of a loved one, or to remember an onboard event that time has clouded by,Iv dined at the Captains table and had a burger with some of the crew, any person who has served me has had a please and thanks and in return offered a welcoming smile, I have crossed the Atlantic in a force 10, enjoyed the sights and sounds of NY from the decks of this ocean liner, been shot at on a coach tour of the same place, had the worst meal ever at the south street seaport,(But in view of where were going on the 16th lm saying no more) and still left them a tip, partied with the crew and got blind drunk on Johnnie walker blue, seen the NY skyline from the bow in an early morning with a blinding hangover, celebrated birthdays onboard, attented a crew show with the staff captain,dined with the same host as 19 years earlier on the same table, romance on the high seas has provided many a shag,visited some lovely parts of the world,enjoyed some fantastic meals, all free!!! stuffed myself at afternoon tea,seen parts of the ship that are strictly off limits from uptop to away down below, had drinks with a few famous faces, made a fool of myself at the fancy dress, laughed till l can laugh no more, poked fun at myself, seen the moon rise on deck in the balmy Med, Visited onboard in Invergordon & Southampton, became an Earl for a crossing and was proposed to by a lady who was set up by the pursers office, taken the wheel and left my mark on the Atlantic,won at bingo and lost in the casino, scored with the daily tote and 1st at fancy dress, entertained with my magic wand, and flashed my Skian Dhu, danced in the Mauretania when they did dinner dancing,tripped the light fantastic in the Queens room to a waltz, bared my cheeks in the yacht club at the disco, pinched myself ( as a teenager sailing solo) a great many times to make sure lm really onboard, and yes l was, shed some tears over the last breakfasts,shared a special moment with a priest (forgive me for l have sinned) attracted unwanted attention, and blushed which made it worse, removed some things which maybe l shouldn't have, took immense pride when l took my parents on a mini cruise, and yes "they got it" had the Captains wife shout you must be Myles dad from the bridge wing,which dad stills dines out on, And l still cry everytime l walk down the gangway when we dock in Southampton.The QE2 for me is an absolute treasure trove of memories, and l still think at times, did l really do that?, well l must have cause the memories are still there.


So Bobnatt, Yes its only a ship for crying out loud! (is your bullet proof jacket close to hand) and yes perhaps we should get over it:mad:


I will probably visit the Queen Mary next year in Long Beach and soak up her atmosphere, and walk the decks that history have made their mark on, These old ships are like everyones special aunt,Not quite in their best shape, but beneath the surface there is a very special heart beating away .



BUT to me (and a number of others on here;) ) QE2 is a very, very special ship and when l do finally disembark for good on the 22nd October, lm afraid a great part of me will die that day, and in years to come l will look back and think just how lucky l was to travel onboard the Queen Elizabeth 2



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Admittedly I have never sailed on the QE2 as I am a recent convert to Cunard and have now sailed on both the QM2 and the Queen Victoria.


I don't think anyone who hasn't sailed on her can understand the mystique. She's a one-of-a-kind, the last of her species. She is, and I use this word with great trepidation, an icon.


With that said I think there are too many threads devoted to the nuances of the QE2 and what will happen to it once it leaves service later this year. I get a sense that some of you define Cunard as being the QE2.


For those of use who've been sailing with Cunard for a long time, QE2 is the definition of Cunard because she was their only ship for so long. Yes, for a while they had Princess and Countess. And they owned the Seabourn yachts for a while. And they had the Caronia. But those ships came and went, while QE2 sailed on.


Folks, get over it, the QE2 is finished start thinking about the future of Cunard without the QE2. Focus on the QM2 and the beautiful new Queen Victoria and the soon to be Queen Elizabeth.


In November, she will be "finished with engines" and she won't be out to sea. But she will sail for a long time in the hearts of those who love her. As I said above, you haven't sailed on her, so you can't know what we feel.


What happens to the QE2 in Dubai is of no consequence. The ship at that point is someone else's property and no longer part of Cunard. Some of the folks writing on these threads act as if they had owned the ship and have some say as to what should happen after the ship leaves Cunard (Carnival) ownership.


Those of us who've sailed on her many times (I'm up in the neighborhood of 25 times now), have spent enough money to have bought a piece of her.:rolleyes:


Stop it already


Not likely to happen. Perhaps you weren't aware of the sad ending of the Norway (formerly the France). When she was headed to the beach in Alang, there were many threads lamenting her passing. I wasn't passionate about the Norway, but I could respect the passion of her fans. When people care deeply about something, they will express their feelings. If you don't want to read these posts, don't click on this thread.

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Bob - if I were you ... Duck!!!


It'll take at least a year after her hotel opening in Dubai before 'they' even start letting up.....There will be the She's Gone' thread, the 'Anniversary of the Last Winter Crossing Club' thread, the 'Opening as a Hotel - who knows what' Thread, the 'Who Has Been to the Hotel' thread, the 'One Year On' thread, not to mention the 'Queen Elizabeth is no QE2' thread.


No offence intended to anyone - but Bob you need to understand that QE2 Forever Fan Club haven't even started yet!!!!!:rolleyes:





You are so right. I guess I will have to put up with the annual anniversary thread, the "what did they do to that beautiful ship thread", the "what ever happened to captain x, y and z thread", etc. etc. etc.


And the one I am looking forward to the most will be when the western nations are no longer dependent on middle eastern oil and Dubais cannot justify the cost of maintaing the QE2 as a hotel. Then the thread will be "Did you know the QE2 is now a coral reef in the Persian Gulf?" Unfortunately I don't expect to see this thread in my lifetime...

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And the one I am looking forward to the most will be when the western nations are no longer dependent on middle eastern oil and Dubais cannot justify the cost of maintaing the QE2 as a hotel. Then the thread will be "Did you know the QE2 is now a coral reef in the Persian Gulf?"


OMG!:eek: Not only DUCK! But don your fire-retardant suit (dinner or lounge)!

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Those who care not of history and want things to be always sparkly and new will never see beyond those dings. Is it no wonder that funds are short to truly fix her up?


My first cruise was aboard the S.S. Britanis in 1981. It was a five day jaunt to Bermuda and it is where I fell in love for the first time with the sea and its vessels. The S.S. Britanis had been the S.S. Monterey, a glorious ocean liner built in 1932. Nine years later she was commissioned to help with the war efforts in World War II. After the war she was bought and sold a few times, refitted and stretched and sold again. When I traveled on her, she was worn, well beyond her glory days, but her charm and history shone brightly through all of her tatters and dings. Ironically, it was from the bow of the Britanis that I first saw the QE2, breathtakingly beautiful and still in her youth. I told myself at that time that someday I would travel on the QE2.






A while ago I heard of the Britanis' sad fate. After my 1981 cruise she again was bought and sold several times. In the 1990's it was proposed that she become a hotel in San Francisco, but plans fell through.





The S.S. Britanis was sold a final time and only averted a scrapheap by sinking off the coast of South Africa in October of 2000. This is her number 8 Life Boat--all that was found. It makes me very sad, even now, to think of her like that. I shall never forget her.


Now, the older, yet still beautiful, QE2 awaits her fate. Hers should be less turbulent than the Britanis, but still very,very sad for people who love her. Those people will never forget her. I never did get to travel on the QE2 as I promised myself, yet I'll never forget her either.

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You are so right. I guess I will have to put up with the annual anniversary thread, the "what did they do to that beautiful ship thread", the "what ever happened to captain x, y and z thread", etc. etc. etc.



No, you don't.

What makes you think you do?


Don't read it if you're not interested, back off and leave the threads to those who are.


It's that simple. Really.

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Exactly as your first few words say "Admittedly I have never sailed on the QE2 " Well some of us have and for many years years,l started as a teenager in 1986 , so l consider myself well qualified to express how l feel about the QE2. To you she is probably only an old ship thats has seen better days and to quote Mr Radcliffe "an old rustbucket" To me she is something rather special, and as my previous posting else where (some of you will remember)....


To the untrained some even call her a boat! to those that are able to take the steps onboard and enter into her world, she is much more than just a ship, she is a unique experience all by herself.


From the moment your half way down the gangway you enter into her special world and you "get it" if you don't get it, you never will, Im pleased that l got it all those years back on the 15th June 1986, life for me would never be the same again, l was able to buy drink without being questioned, l fell in love onboard l was very young and he swept me off my feet, all the passengers and crew that l have met over the many years, each and everyone has left their mark on me, and l have on some of them. Most have become life long friends,others just friends, some have died, funerals Iv attended of those somehow l have given people the chance to recapture memories of a loved one, or to remember an onboard event that time has clouded by,Iv dined at the Captains table and had a burger with some of the crew, any person who has served me has had a please and thanks and in return offered a welcoming smile, I have crossed the Atlantic in a force 10, enjoyed the sights and sounds of NY from the decks of this ocean liner, been shot at on a coach tour of the same place, had the worst meal ever at the south street seaport,(But in view of where were going on the 16th lm saying no more) and still left them a tip, partied with the crew and got blind drunk on Johnnie walker blue, seen the NY skyline from the bow in an early morning with a blinding hangover, celebrated birthdays onboard, attented a crew show with the staff captain,dined with the same host as 19 years earlier on the same table, romance on the high seas has provided many a shag,visited some lovely parts of the world,enjoyed some fantastic meals, all free!!! stuffed myself at afternoon tea,seen parts of the ship that are strictly off limits from uptop to away down below, had drinks with a few famous faces, made a fool of myself at the fancy dress, laughed till l can laugh no more, poked fun at myself, seen the moon rise on deck in the balmy Med, Visited onboard in Invergordon & Southampton, became an Earl for a crossing and was proposed to by a lady who was set up by the pursers office, taken the wheel and left my mark on the Atlantic,won at bingo and lost in the casino, scored with the daily tote and 1st at fancy dress, entertained with my magic wand, and flashed my Skian Dhu, danced in the Mauretania when they did dinner dancing,tripped the light fantastic in the Queens room to a waltz, bared my cheeks in the yacht club at the disco, pinched myself ( as a teenager sailing solo) a great many times to make sure lm really onboard, and yes l was, shed some tears over the last breakfasts,shared a special moment with a priest (forgive me for l have sinned) attracted unwanted attention, and blushed which made it worse, removed some things which maybe l shouldn't have, took immense pride when l took my parents on a mini cruise, and yes "they got it" had the Captains wife shout you must be Myles dad from the bridge wing,which dad stills dines out on, And l still cry everytime l walk down the gangway when we dock in Southampton.The QE2 for me is an absolute treasure trove of memories, and l still think at times, did l really do that?, well l must have cause the memories are still there.


So Bobnatt, Yes its only a ship for crying out loud! (is your bullet proof jacket close to hand) and yes perhaps we should get over it:mad:


I will probably visit the Queen Mary next year in Long Beach and soak up her atmosphere, and walk the decks that history have made their mark on, These old ships are like everyones special aunt,Not quite in their best shape, but beneath the surface there is a very special heart beating away .



BUT to me (and a number of others on here;) ) QE2 is a very, very special ship and when l do finally disembark for good on the 22nd October, lm afraid a great part of me will die that day, and in years to come l will look back and think just how lucky l was to travel onboard the Queen Elizabeth 2




WOW! You've been travelin on the QE2 for quite a while. I wish I had the change to take a crossing on her. I'm just glad there is another liner the QM2 and will be returning in 2009

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