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$14.95 for STEAK???


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Why EVER did you presume that? (You were 100% wrong, of course, as the posts below prove. ... But what led you to make such a presumption in the first place?)




Well, that would be correct ... except that it's wrong.

Try again on Post 165. But first, read 32, 39 and 68. The key points from the people who were actually there:


From DPurcell58:

"st off the Freedom also and the steak from Chops was offered for $14.95, no other steak on Alternative menu."

From lysolqun:

"other than the $14.95 upgrade, there was no steak offered as an alternative on the regular dinner menu."

"the $14.95 'upgrade' is not in addition to the alternate steak selection; it IS the alternate steak selection.

"I did read the entire menu - every night; it's pretty hard NOT to notice the price for the steak selection since it's smack dab in the middle of the menu and is boxed and in bold print."


So here's the deal on "choices" - RCL took 2 alternatives and reduced them to 1.

That was NOT adding choices.

This isn't a matter of my opinion, tastes or preferences; it's simply kindergarten-level math. And it's irrefutable.

Now naturally, we call all disagree about the quality of those alternatives, the fairness of the change, etc.

Perhaps you wish to argue that fewer choices are better, that paying more is better, that getting less is better. Indeed, several people here seem eager to have the $15 steak replace the free one; I disagree, but that's their opinion.

But you cannot argue that RCL's move was about adding "choices," any more than you can argue that a blue heron is really a CSX freight train. It simply isn't so.

When posting on this thread, keep in mind the principles of clear thinking:

You're always entitled to your own opinions. :)

But you are NOT entitled to your own facts. :rolleyes:


Regardless of anything else that you have posted, Don, this one is ridiculous, "evidence-wise".


Those two people were on the same cruise. We still have only ONE cruise on ONE ship that has reported having ONLY the $14.95 steak on the MDR menu.

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Regardless of anything else that you have posted, Don, this one is ridiculous, "evidence-wise". Those two people were on the same cruise. We still have only ONE cruise on ONE ship that has reported having ONLY the $14.95 steak on the MDR menu.

Not to worry, let's run through it another time.

Megacruisa posts that "Presumably steak is still being offered on the regular menu just not every night." And from that, Megacruisa resurrects the old and discredited "choice" defense.

But the two people who've reported firsthand information from that cruise have already established that Megacruisa's presumption is utterly wrong.

So, for the posting you've highlighted: It methodically documents what's wrong with Megacruisa's presumption (it's untrue) and conclusion (it's based on that untrue information).

This all seems easily comprehensible, no?

(As for "only 1 cruise," why of course ... everyone already gets that we're talking about that one cruise. That's the whole topic of this thread. We're not discussing Monarch or Jewel; we're speaking of RCL's apparent corporate experiments on the recent Freedom cruise. Whatever did you think we were talking about?

But what you seem to keep missing, Merion Mom, is that early postings on this thread - including your own - tried to breezily dismiss lysolqun's first-hand account. They did so based on absolutely no information. None.

Later postings show lysolqun to be a very precise and observant individual. And if that's not enough, DPurcell58 backed up that version exactly.)

Does that clear up your confusion?

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Not a good omen. Does this mean more extra charge items will start to show up on all ships?


I guess if the on-board revenue from the shops, casino, bingo, photos, spas, bars, etc. doesn't increase, other items will be considered as extra charges to make up for the difference in lost income.


Someone has to pay for the cost of Oasis even if you don't sail on it!




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Maybe my assumption was based on insufficient facts. The OP claimed that the ALTERNATE MENU listed the upcharge steak only. Hopefully someone else on the same sailing or the OP can verify whether a steak was offered on the REGULAR MENU on any of the 7 nights.

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Maybe my assumption was based on insufficient facts. The OP claimed that the ALTERNATE MENU listed the upcharge steak only. Hopefully someone else on the same sailing or the OP can verify whether a steak was offered on the REGULAR MENU on any of the 7 nights.


The alternative menu and the regular menu are on the same form. It would not be offered on both sides of th menu.

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Not a good omen. Does this mean more extra charge items will start to show up on all ships?


I guess if the on-board revenue from the shops, casino, bingo, photos, spas, bars, etc. doesn't increase, other items will be considered as extra charges to make up for the difference in lost income.


Someone has to pay for the cost of Oasis even if you don't sail on it!





You MIGHT be closer here than you realize;)

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Not to worry, let's run through it another time.


Megacruisa posts that "Presumably steak is still being offered on the regular menu just not every night." And from that, Megacruisa resurrects the old and discredited "choice" defense.


But the two people who've reported firsthand information from that cruise have already established that Megacruisa's presumption is utterly wrong.


So, for the posting you've highlighted: It methodically documents what's wrong with Megacruisa's presumption (it's untrue) and conclusion (it's based on that untrue information).


This all seems easily comprehensible, no?


(As for "only 1 cruise," why of course ... everyone already gets that we're talking about that one cruise. That's the whole topic of this thread. We're not discussing Monarch or Jewel; we're speaking of RCL's apparent corporate experiments on the recent Freedom cruise. Whatever did you think we were talking about?

But what you seem to keep missing, Merion Mom, is that early postings on this thread - including your own - tried to breezily dismiss lysolqun's first-hand account. They did so based on absolutely no information. None.

Later postings show lysolqun to be a very precise and observant individual. And if that's not enough, DPurcell58 backed up that version exactly.)


Does that clear up your confusion?


It seems you are a bit confused. It was not just on one ship. Look at post #24. they came off Majesty, and noted that there was the 14.95 steak, AND the sirloin alternative offered each night.

It seems you need to get your facts straight as well, and right now there really are none. Since you just want to keep chirping about how bad RCI is, going on hearsay, maybe you should find out what the real facts are for yourself.

Since there are actually 2 stories here, I choose to look at it as the glass half full, instead of half empty. I would more tend to belive that RCI would add an item in addition to enhance its menu, rather than just remove something and replace it with a pay item. Since there has been no evidence of either here, other than hearsay, I will stick with my opinion on the former.

If it turns out to be the latter, and it becomes fleetwide in the future, I could care less, some will care, and as it has been said numerous times, if you are unhappy with the product, show them with your wallet.

You certainly have no idea how to express it to them in a matter where someone might actually listen.

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... let's consider the $15 steak idea AFTER we read about RCL laying off a few levels of senior management, bagging the '08 and '09 exec bonuses, beefing up accountability requirements for the board, and cutting Fain, Rice and Goldstein to $250,000 each for the year. :D


If I was still a RCL stockholder (which I'm not, having sold my shares near a 52 week high in late 2007), I would second the above motion.





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I beg to differ with you - sirloin steak did not appear as an alternative option on any of the dinner menus on last week's FOS sailing. The ONLY steak alternative was the one available for $14.95. In fact, when I read through the menu on the first night, I remarked to my husband that unlike on Celebrity where steak is an always available option, on FOS it was only available with a charge.



I can also verify that statement. I was on the same FOS sailing and there were no other steak options on the menu. Just the Chops steak for a charge.


I didn't order it, not because of the charge, but because I simply didn't want steak. I did have prime rib one night and it was very good.


I may be in the minority, but when we go on vacation we tend to splurge and don't think too much about cost. We planned for this trip and all the costs we would potentially fall into. If I wanted that steak, I would have ordered it without a thought.


Heck, paying 15 bucks for a steak would have been nothing compared to all the money I spent on Bingo!! ;) I had a great time playing Bingo so to me that's all that matters.

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16 pages? Over 300 posts?


Over lousy $14.95 for a piece of meat? :eek:


My opinion: it is a way for cruise lines to get back.


- 15% gratuity on bar tabs was put in place because people 'forgot' to tip on a regular basis


- 3% cash withdrawal charge is put in place because people took advantage of it


I am sure that the steak charge is also a response to the waste of today's cruisers ordering multiple meals (including steaks) just to sample and the rest went into the garbage. I have seen many times on my cruise where people in the WJ loaded up 3 or 4 plates per person just to have a couple bites here and there and the rest went into the garbage bin or ordered multiple meals just for the majority of the meals to end up in the trash bin.


You want to sample a good steak, you pay. At least it is a guarantee that you will eat it.


Every which way you look on a cruise, and even if the issue is "oh-so-small", it will affect the general cruising population eventually.


I could list so many things by just reading CC and I can make predictions that certain things will be taken away or will carry an extra charge one day.


I am giving an example with the least impact, with the least importance: bathrobes


Once an entitlement for certain levels on the C & A I read more and more where people suggest to cruisers "just ask for them".


With the ever increasing number of members in the C & A program and more and more people entering higher levels, bathrobe use will increase just by benefit level. To suggest to anybody who is not entitled to it, is simply wrong. I cringe every single time when I read a post like that.


What will happen eventually is that the cost of laundering will increase dramatically (artificially inflated by those who are not entitled to) that eventually this benefit will be taken away or will carry an extra charge.


I certainly don't care because I can buy, pack and carry my own robe or if I have to can live without it. I never used this service but I do know that many are looking forward to that service, they are entitled to, once they reach Platinum. And I feel for them.


People can call RCI nickel and diming, can blame the rising fuel cost but in all of it, with every extra fee implemented you can always point back to cruisers and the way they cruise these days. I have yet to see a new charge or an increase of an existing charge without a 3rd party involvement. As a matter of fact, except the fuel surcharge I can point to almost every additional fee and charge implemented over the last years to have been a direct result of cruisers behavior.


I really would either look in the mirror or look around on your next cruise.


So, now, I too have contributed to a thread about nothing. :D

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....As a matter of fact, except the fuel surcharge I can point to almost every additional fee and charge implemented over the last years to have been a direct result of cruisers behavior.


I really would either look in the mirror or look around on your next cruise.


So, now, I too have contributed to a thread about nothing. :D


Darn, darn, darn, darn, darn......... I swore I would not be sucked back into this thread. :o Weak, weak, weak........ And it's all your fault F-C64!


You can't be serious about it being cruisers who caused these changes?? :eek: I expected so much better from you. :D


Can you honestly say that you really believe that if all cruisers suddenly became conservationists extrodinare - spending their whole vacations making sure that they are not costing RCI one penny more than they absolutely have to (yeah, that would make for one fun vacation) - that RCI would then roll back all the cuts? That RCI would not have still looked for every way possible to increase their bottom line - looking for those wonderful bonuses and stock options?


There are some (although not many ;) ) arguments that I might buy as to the reason RCI is doing what they should. But cruisers being at fault - please!!!


Sigh...... I just have NO will power........

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Darn, darn, darn, darn, darn......... I swore I would not be sucked back into this thread. :o Weak, weak, weak........ And it's all your fault F-C64!


You can't be serious about it being cruisers who caused these changes?? :eek: I expected so much better from you. :D


Can you honestly say that you really believe that if all cruisers suddenly became conservationists extrodinare - spending their whole vacations making sure that they are not costing RCI one penny more than they absolutely have to (yeah, that would make for one fun vacation) - that RCI would then roll back all the cuts? That RCI would not have still looked for every way possible to increase their bottom line - looking for those wonderful bonuses and stock options?


There are some (although not many ;) ) arguments that I might buy as to the reason RCI is doing what they should. But cruisers being at fault - please!!!


Sigh...... I just have NO will power........



Either do I ........ so I must agree with you...blaming the cruiser is balderdash!!! If they don't want to give seconds etc. just have the waiter instructed or better yet, print it on the menu.


Just another case of defending the cruiselines (again).


sigh -------- people will be people. If the robe is such an issue don't give them to anyone who doesn't have the perk, if the CL is an issue instruct the concierge's to stop allowing those who aren't entitled to use it. (Stop the friends of friends of friends crap.)


Enforce their own rules and this excuse would go away...........

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On a cruise a few years ago, one of our tablemates pretty much insisted our waiter get him dessert, steaks etc from Chops. I found it embarrassing but .... the guy got what he wanted. Maybe the new charge it to stop people going to MDR but wanting Chops food (for free).

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What we need here is a poll...


Where's Merion Mom???? she's good with those sort of things...:)


What I'm not seeing is any indication that this is a fleet-wide change?? So far, at least 1 sailing has reported this, possibly 2 - though I'm not entirely clear there and too damned lazy this morning to sift through the various pages to find it... I'm sure that "someone" who has nothing better to do can dredge up that post about another sailing that charged for steak...


I can say for certain that our sailing last week DID NOT charge extra for steak... the steak option was simply missing from the menu - though there were a few nights where beef was on the menu... and we splurged for Chops because we wanted filet...


I get that many feel this is an ominous sign of things to come - extra charges galore... though I guess I feel the argument of "where does it stop" is a tad too over-reactionary for me... though if it comes to pass, I'll eat those words (provided there's not a surcharge to do so) as an alternate menu selection... :rolleyes:


Damn I love the steak thread... :D It's like going to Costco and buying 200+ rolls of toilet paper - you just can't help yourself!

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What we need here is a poll...


Where's Merion Mom???? she's good with those sort of things...:)


What I'm not seeing is any indication that this is a fleet-wide change?? So far, at least 1 sailing has reported this, possibly 2 - though I'm not entirely clear there and too damned lazy this morning to sift through the various pages to find it... I'm sure that "someone" who has nothing better to do can dredge up that post about another sailing that charged for steak...


I can say for certain that our sailing last week DID NOT charge extra for steak... the steak option was simply missing from the menu - though there were a few nights where beef was on the menu... and we splurged for Chops because we wanted filet...


I get that many feel this is an ominous sign of things to come - extra charges galore... though I guess I feel the argument of "where does it stop" is a tad too over-reactionary for me... though if it comes to pass, I'll eat those words (provided there's not a surcharge to do so) as an alternate menu selection... :rolleyes:


Damn I love the steak thread... :D It's like going to Costco and buying 200+ rolls of toilet paper - you just can't help yourself!


:D :D :D

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What we need here is a poll...


Where's Merion Mom???? she's good with those sort of things...:)


What I'm not seeing is any indication that this is a fleet-wide change?? So far, at least 1 sailing has reported this, possibly 2 - though I'm not entirely clear there and too damned lazy this morning to sift through the various pages to find it... I'm sure that "someone" who has nothing better to do can dredge up that post about another sailing that charged for steak...


I can say for certain that our sailing last week DID NOT charge extra for steak... the steak option was simply missing from the menu - though there were a few nights where beef was on the menu... and we splurged for Chops because we wanted filet...


I get that many feel this is an ominous sign of things to come - extra charges galore... though I guess I feel the argument of "where does it stop" is a tad too over-reactionary for me... though if it comes to pass, I'll eat those words (provided there's not a surcharge to do so) as an alternate menu selection... :rolleyes:


Damn I love the steak thread... :D It's like going to Costco and buying 200+ rolls of toilet paper - you just can't help yourself!


Do you have to make me laugh so hard..........(I'm suppose to be working here in the office not laughing.) :D :D

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Yesterday I asked my TA about this she went to her RCI rep.

Below is the rep's response.


My understanding is that there is a test on 1 ship (not certain which one - I'll have to check w/ F&B) where they are offering a Chop's NY Strip in the dining room for about $14. However, it is my understanding you can also still order the standard "no fee" steak. It's actually a pretty great idea if you're traveling with someone who won't go to specialty but you really want a great steak.

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Yesterday I asked my TA about this she went to her RCI rep.

Below is the rep's response.


My understanding is that there is a test on 1 ship (not certain which one - I'll have to check w/ F&B) where they are offering a Chop's NY Strip in the dining room for about $14. However, it is my understanding you can also still order the standard "no fee" steak. It's actually a pretty great idea if you're traveling with someone who won't go to specialty but you really want a great steak.


Well, so much for relying on information from an RCI rep (as if this is the first time a cruise line rep [from any cruise line] didn't have the facts straight)!


I was on FOS last week, not the RCI rep with whom your TA spoke - eager to help as he/she may have been.


We ate in the dining room five of the seven nights of that cruise; we ate in Portofino's and Chops the remaing two nights.


The five dinner menus we received in the main dining room offered NO steak alternative other than the $14.95 Chops steak. The only alternatives to the main menu offerings were chicken, salmon and pasta.


As I aleady noted, it was downright impossible to miss the pay as you go Chops steak alternative because it was in bold print in a hard to miss box right in the middle of the menu.


Exactly how many different ways can the same FACT be presented before people are willing to remove their blinders and accept reality???????????????

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