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$14.95 for STEAK???


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Amy I agree with just about everything you say.........but I do think if it DOES work (time will tell) then the main dining room will be headed to Extra Charge for anything..........why shouldn't they IF it is successful. If it works, then there is no reason NOT to have a Portofino quality Pasta or Chicken at a cost in the MDR.


I also agree this thread or CC won't be the deciding factor.........how many opt to buy that $14.95 steak will.....to me it is a no loss situation for RC.......if enough people buy......they are off and running.....if they remove it, then it was something they tried and it's off to the next experiement.


I do pity the waitstaff, pursers desk, etc while the experiment is on going.......they will only hear from those that hate it........


Jim.... we always agree... to a point...;)


You know, if it does work... rather than becoming an Extra-Charge for Anything type of situation.... what I think COULD happen is similar to what is done at WDW - MEAL PLANS... similar to the way that the wine packages are done... in levels... sure could solve a plethora of issues they face with food quality complaints... IMO... of course, I can already see the CC threads on that issue... Hooooo Doggies!!!




And yeah, that poor waitstaff... you can already see them cringing at having to push wine sales... just imagine their dismay at having to "push" more expensive menu items... But then again, being a server is really about salesmanship, in addition to service - at least in the restaurant business...

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A few posters have jumped on you, but as I see it you have merely been carrying on a logical debate on a hot-button topic with some others that hold opposing viewpoints. I have been impressed with many of your responses. I think perhaps the derogatory comments you've made about some of those in disagreement with you as well as the cruiseline executives has distracted people from your message. However, you are speaking on behalf of the customers of the cruiseline, which I would imagine represents the majority of those posting on these boards, and I do appreciate your efforts.


I read that some posters seem to be concerned about RCCL meeting its revenue goals. It may be the case that the cruiseline needs to find methods of increasing revenue due to the economy, rising fuel prices or for investment in new ships, but I do not see that as my concern. They are smart people and I'll leave that to them to figure out. I'm just looking for the best value for my vacation dollars, and I do think if a customer is unhappy with the product being offered, he/she has every right to speak out about it.


I agree the extra charge for steak is a tacky move. I would not mind so much if regular steak was offered as usual, with a $15.00 alternative being an option, but even then, it reflects poorly on all the other options that don't rate extra charges.

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I agree the extra charge for steak is a tacky move. I would not mind so much if regular steak was offered as usual, with a $15.00 alternative being an option, but even then, it reflects poorly on all the other options that don't rate extra charges.

I agree that it is a very tacky move, but I think its made even worse if they leave a 'free' steak on the alternative menu as well. I mean, its optics to a point but how many woulds say, hmmm I don't like the main menu tonight, I feel like a steak. Lets see, here' s a free sirloin or hey I can get a strip loin for an extra $15. Kind of insinuates the sirloin is about a 1/2 step up from boot leather? Yeah, tacky. I wouldn't order either one.

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If you speak on behalf of RCL in saying that C&A members are valued only if they've sailed in the past 2.5 years, would you put that on RCL letterhead and post the image here?

(But if you're just barking in the wind again, never mind.) :rolleyes:




Yet they keep sending me those C&A promos.

More importantly, over 40 people on this thread have expressed interest in looking elsewhere: They range from mild irritation to definitely jumping ship. Others say the same thing on a thead on a different board. :eek:

Do you overlook them to once again deliberately divert attention from the truth? Why ever would you keep selling snake oil? :confused:





Not me. I wonder about the Kool Aiders though.




Exactly the point about this thread, Curley. ;)

You are empowered and authorized to wander elsewhere on CC if that makes you happier ... or even back to the Admirals Club for another scotch.


Actually I speak for myself.

For some odd reason, you seem to think I work for RCI.

If I did, and a complaint came across my desk from someone with your attitude, and lack of recent history as a customer, it certainly would not hold a lot of water with me, I'd probably send you a certificate to a competitor. Its obvious the current coupons you are receiving aren't working, even before the change.

Most people express their opinions with respect to the company, and other posters.

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I agree that it is a very tacky move, but I think its made even worse if they leave a 'free' steak on the alternative menu as well. I mean, its optics to a point but how many woulds say, hmmm I don't like the main menu tonight, I feel like a steak. Lets see, here' s a free sirloin or hey I can get a strip loin for an extra $15. Kind of insinuates the sirloin is about a 1/2 step up from boot leather? Yeah, tacky. I wouldn't order either one.


This point could not be said any better. I agree 100% with you!!

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Well darn it! You've sucked me into this again after I swore I'd stay away.:rolleyes:


Where do you get your statistics that non-US passengers don't spend as much? That's just plain absurd and I can back it up with my credit card statements! :eek: :mad:




US passengers on RCCL's ships no longer make up the majority of the passengers as they once used to thanks in part to the value of the Euro vs. the US dollar and to the aggressive RCCL' marketing campaigns running overseas. It was posted on the Meet & Mingle boards that over 60% of the passengers on the Christmas sailing were non US citizens.


While you might be the exception (I am sure the credit card companies value your business), the on-board revenue doesn't show it. This was the main topic of the shop workers' conversation -- inventory was up and sales were down and the merchandise wasn't selling. Either the merchandise is priced too high, it is the "wrong" merchandise or passengers are cutting back in their spending on board.


Again, many in my Meet & Mingle group were not booking ship excursions due to the high prices. They researched local tour operators who in some ports were the same ones used by RCCL but charged less than RCCL was. RCCL's tours were scheduled in the AM and the local operators ran others in the PM. Not everyone wanted to get up for a 2-hour tour that left at 7:45 AM. Also, when you figure that most tours average $48 or more, once you have 4 or more people it is most cost effective for the passengers to hail a cab, pay a flat rate and any admission charges on their own.



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A few posters have jumped on you, but as I see it you have merely been carrying on a logical debate on a hot-button topic with some others that hold opposing viewpoints. I have been impressed with many of your responses. I think perhaps the derogatory comments you've made about some of those in disagreement with you as well as the cruiseline executives has distracted people from your message. However, you are speaking on behalf of the customers of the cruiseline, which I would imagine represents the majority of those posting on these boards, and I do appreciate your efforts.



I do not recall anyone asking him to speak on their behalf. Do not make assumtions. Remember what assumtions do.

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Here's a question:


Royal Carribean's website clearly states:



All meals (including coffee, tea, water, iced tea or lemonade) in the main dining room are included in the price of your cruise. Specialty beverages, beer, wine and soda are offered at current bar menu prices."


Is it time for this to be updated (on the website) or it seems like RCCL is doing a bit of a bait and switch? It may be splitting hairs, but if I booked a cruise on Majesty or Freedom, I would expect all to mean all, and not all except one.



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Here's a question:


Royal Carribean's website clearly states:



All meals (including coffee, tea, water, iced tea or lemonade) in the main dining room are included in the price of your cruise. Specialty beverages, beer, wine and soda are offered at current bar menu prices."


Is it time for this to be updated (on the website) or it seems like RCCL is doing a bit of a bait and switch? It may be splitting hairs, but if I booked a cruise on Majesty or Freedom, I would expect all to mean all, and not all except one.



Not just a "bit." It's a major bait and switch.

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Kinda reminds me of the cruise critic days when the brochures said jr. suites get concierge privledges.......


I can see it now........3,000 brochures in the dining room;)

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I think you have to consider as well, that the VAST majority of cruisers are not CC members. They rely on the information printed in the brochures and on RCCL's website. Those resources BOTH clearly state that all meals in the MDR are included.


I have not tried this, but I also suspect that if you were to call RCCL and tell the agent that you are sailing on Freedom next week and wanted to confirm that all meals in the MDR are included, they would assure you they were. As I said, this is just my hunch, so I may be wrong.




Kinda reminds me of the cruise critic days when the brochures said jr. suites get concierge privledges.......


I can see it now........3,000 brochures in the dining room;)

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Pretty well said.

for Don, I don't know if I would call you a loyal RCI customer. You haven't been on a RCI ship in what, over 2.5 yrs, and looks like nothing pending. I doubt RCI is worried about you as a customer, when you haven't cruised with them in quite a while.

You really have no idea as to what goes on, or what RCI's motives are, other than to speculate and rant and rave about how money grubbing, and dishonest, they are. It's quite obvious you haven't either attended a shareholder meeting, or participated in any teleconferences. Do you own any stock?? You just think they are supposed to have crystal balls to predict things out of their control. Things change, the economy, the industry, and people who surround it. Companies have gone thru changing environments for years, that's how they stay in business, and even on top. If you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere. No one is forcing anyone to buy a ticket.

You certainly have the right to vioce your opinion, as do the rest of us as well, however, a simple "Because I don't like their policies, I'm not going on another RCI ship again", would suffice.

Ranting and raving about boycotting other services etc. etc, is just foolish anyway. They are options, no one makes you pay there either. Oh, I'm so unhappy I'll give them my cruise money, but make sure I do nothing else. That ought to show em. Then you'll be chirping about how they are raising the cruise fares out of site, cause no one spends on board.That would just make things better wouldn't it.


Don would make a fun tablemate in the MDR, wouldn't he?:D


And I'm glad for the previous poster who suggested writing to RCL. That's what I suggested. You will not only be able to register your disapproval but PERHAPS get a response as to what their reasons are and what their future plans are. Oh, well - that would be too easy, I guess. Rather speculate and blame.

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That said, I am still an RCI cheerleader. I've never been disappointed.

Only my doctor will get away with telling me "Bend over... ," and only once a year at that.


Sorry RCI, you are badly mistaken if your customers are going to keep accepting this "here it comes again" approach. Up yours.

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I think you have to consider as well, that the VAST majority of cruisers are not CC members. They rely on the information printed in the brochures and on RCCL's website. Those resources BOTH clearly state that all meals in the MDR are included.



okay, how about this then...


I just checked our Monarch sailng in March... Monarch does not have a Chops... The website says "most meals" included... is this new verbiage??? I don't know... I never really paid attention before... my brochure also indicates "most meals", however, I attribute that to be verbiage that covers ships which include specialty dining...


to be honest, it's not clearly stated WHERE (as in, which venue) your meals are included in the price...


I don't bring this up to be argumentative or to in any way justify a charge for steak... just something I noticed and wondered about after reading your post...

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Good question. This may or may not have changed recently.


My statement applies to the RCL website in general. If you go to the site, under onboard experience, and dining, you will find my quote.




And that really heats things up... same general website, different verbiage found throughout...


Oh boy!!!! NOW, we're in for some fun...;) :rolleyes: :)

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For those who have eaten in Chops in the past and also ordered the $14.95 NY Strip in the main dining room, how would you say that your $14.95 steak compared in terms of preparation (ie. cooked at the right temperature) to one ordered at Chops? I'm assuming that the main dining room is using the same quality meat as Chops. But, I sort of figured that, in addition to getting a better quality cut of meat by opting to eat at Chops, that the steak would be cooked better at the specialty restaurant too because the meals there aren't being prepared in such a mass quantity and maybe the cooks are better? That has pretty much been my experience whenever I've ordered a steak in the main dining room -- they have no problem with medium rare or well done, but a medium steak if often hard to come by. (I'm not trying to disrespect the ship cooks, because that is my experience at practically any restaurant . . . the higher priced restaurants generally cook steaks to order better than lower priced restaurants. But, the better restaurants are admittedly using higher quality meats too).


Please forgive me if this question has already been asked in this long thread. Thanks in advance!

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I picked up a new brochure today from the TA........page 67 of the Hawaii Panama Canal brochure under Questions asks "What does the cruise price include?" First paragraph states most meals (no reference to main dining room or specialty restaurants) are included in the fare. Second paragraph breaks down additional costs and what is not included

in the base fare and the specialty restaurants (again no real reference to main dining room)........are included in that category.


Unclear at best........but I would say the MDR implies no additional costs....but paragraph one does mention MOST MEALS.......


Here we go........:)

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In regards to the TRIAL Charge for the $14.95 steak, the $4.24 I was charged for a fruit punch in the Main Dining room, ADD this to the LIST!


I have 2 cruise's booked in which the itineraries have been changed and a Sea day takes it place! YES , I know the contract states the itineraries can be changed at anytime, so don't even go there! I also CRUISE frequently, in case you want to insist I am not a RC customer who should voice my opinions on how they TREAT their customers ( due to not recently cruising with them).



On April 26, 2009 my Explorer cruise has taken San Juan off the itinerary, and June 14th 2009 on the Adventure, Grenada has been taken off the itinerary. I paid port taxes for the ports to be visited on both them cruise's! I was told we will not receive a REFUND for those eliminated ports! Does this mean in the future you can book a cruise with 6 ports, pay the port charges and get your itinerary reduced to visit one port? Seems to me they can do whatever they want! I am a stock owner, VIP Casino Royal member, C&A Diamond member ( 2 cruise's from D+) and I am about to jump SHIP and let someone else fund RC's changes!


I don't want to hijack this STEAK THREAD, but the moral of the story is all ABOUT More $$$$$$$$ for RC!

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I know I am asking for trouble posting this. But it boils down to this for me.If I am cruising with only my DH then we would opt to go to Chops instead of ordering that oprion in the MDR. However when with friends several things happen, not everyone wants to go and setting up a night good with everyone else does not always gel. On my last cruise we had friends with us, and we sat with another couple. We asked about going to Chops and the other couple said they would not but might go with us to Portofino. So one night we did Chops alone and we booked another night for all 3 couples in Portofino, and since it was a 12 nighter did Portifino again alone.


The other couple were friends but not CLOSE friends, if we were with close friends and no one wanted to go, we might then opt to eat in the MDR with them and order that option, it seems a simlpe choice to me. But then again I also like JR.:p

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In regards to the TRIAL Charge for the $14.95 steak, the $4.24 I was charged for a fruit punch in the Main Dining room, ADD this to the LIST!


I have 2 cruise's booked in which the itineraries have been changed and a Sea day takes it place! YES , I know the contract states the itineraries can be changed at anytime, so don't even go there! I also CRUISE frequently, in case you want to insist I am not a RC customer who should voice my opinions on how they TREAT their customers ( due to not recently cruising with them).



On April 26, 2009 my Explorer cruise has taken San Juan off the itinerary, and June 14th 2009 on the Adventure, Grenada has been taken off the itinerary. I paid port taxes for the ports to be visited on both them cruise's! I was told we will not receive a REFUND for those eliminated ports! Does this mean in the future you can book a cruise with 6 ports, pay the port charges and get your itinerary reduced to visit one port? Seems to me they can do whatever they want! I am a stock owner, VIP Casino Royal member, C&A Diamond member ( 2 cruise's from D+) and I am about to jump SHIP and let someone else fund RC's changes!


I don't want to hijack this STEAK THREAD, but the moral of the story is all ABOUT More $$$$$$$$ for RC!

I really think that if you are that disillusioned with the cruise line, and have that little trust left in their itineraries you should cancel your bookings and book elsewhere. But...make sure you let them all know WHY you are doing it. I know I wouldn't spend that kind of money with a company that I had zero faith in.

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Only my doctor will get away with telling me "Bend over... ," and only once a year at that.


Sorry RCI, you are badly mistaken if your customers are going to keep accepting this "here it comes again" approach. Up yours.



Cool, you boycotters are going to make my future cruises almost free, since there will be so many of you, they may actually pay me to cruise!:p


What a waste of mental energy this thread is.:D



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US passengers on RCCL's ships no longer make up the majority of the passengers as they once used to thanks in part to the value of the Euro vs. the US dollar and to the aggressive RCCL' marketing campaigns running overseas. MARAPRINCE


On my last cruise on Adventure the captain announced the various countries that were represented by passengers. Almost 2000 were from the U.S. Since Adventure carries 3200 I would say we were certainly the majority on that cruise anyway.

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