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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Donna on her way. London and a cruise!

What a wonderful trip!


Sheila your next. Less than two weeks.

Hope packing early will help with the stress.

Don't think so. We always put everything on

ourselves. We tell our husbands to help..they don't

do it fast enough or OUR way and we do it ALL! LOL


Baby hope you don't have to much stress in the

kitchen or the day of your dinner. Know it will be



Ok now for Palm Springs. Have you been before?

How long are you staying? Those are my questions.

I want to go! Hope you like it as much as I do.


Now for the hotels. I haven't stayed at either.

Ate at the Hyatt thro. think its over ten floors.


Hyatt is on Palm Canyon Dr. (main street) Think it's

like near the middle of town. Close to a lot of

restaurants,the Follies Show, ect. Just how far everything is

(where you want to go)

you'll just have to find out. Everyone walks in town.

Things are an easy drive too.

Just remember, Palm Canyon Dr. is one way in town for awhile

going south.


Las Brisas is on Indian Ave, one street over from Palm Cayon.

Close to middle of town too. Walkable to everything too.

Short walk to Palm Canyon Drive.

It's only about three floors. It's closer to a motel. In Palm

Springs everything is called a Hotel. I would stay here.

It's looks the style that Palm Springs should look..did look.

Spanish/Med, lots of green, flowers, trees ect. Plus you

get a free full breakfast each day. Husbands like that/ mine does.

Also Indian Ave is one way going north for awhile.


They both seem nice, offer lots of things to enjoy.

I don't know what your taste is, only you can decide.


Every Thursday they close Palm Canyon for a Street Fair.

Music, food and booths selling everything.


There's two different theaters for movies, one has about

ten screens, new movies and the other..four or five screens,

shows the "art movies".


All kinds of shopping downtown, a mall out a little that

there improving. Main malls, name stores are in Palm Desert.

About eighteen miles.

There are movies, shows, mall, restuarants ect between Palm Springs

and Palm dessert at the towns inbetween.


Don't forget the tram up the mountain, beautiful view.

If you take it, go up in the day time, come back at night.

Get both views, day and night.


Hope that helps. Ask anything..will try to answer if I can.

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We always put everything on

ourselves. We tell our husbands to help..they don't

do it fast enough or OUR way and we do it ALL! LOL

Belle, no truer words have ever been spoken. ;)


How's everything going with you and your parents? I think about you all of the time and hope that you're holding up well.

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First of all, I would like to announce that the AWFUL pound is gone! That's a good thing, because there will be lots of food in the next few days.


I hope I am making enough for 21 people! I will eat last, so that everyone else can surely eat!!! Maybe that will help the weight,too!


The first night, we go to a friend who serves Iraqi food. It is very different and a little spicey. (I eat the less spicey dishes because some of the spices don't like me). Their traditions are different from ours, so it makes it very interesting.


Sheila, please tell me how you quoted part of a posting. I would have chosen the same line! My husband criticizes how I pack. He says it take me hours and he could do it in 5 minutes. He would just throw everthing in! So, he brings me his things, then goes and vegges out in front of the tv. Then, when I ask him to do something (something simple,like close the suitcase), he'll say something like "what now?" Poor guy!


Belle, hope all is stable your way.


I think we will choose the Best Western. It also has free parking. Since we plan to be there for 16 days,Feb into Mar., we will rent a car. It's the best price and has had good reviews. The Hyatt has had some awful reviews.


Have you seen the follies show? I hear it is a Don't Miss.


Feb is a long time away. Who knows, maybe you will be there. Wouldn't that be great? We would finally meet! Have any of us actually been on the same cruise?


After Palm Springs, we are going to San Francisco for a Bat Mitzvah. I expect cold and rainy weather there.


Have a great day, everyone. I have to get started in the kitchen!

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Baby ~ YAY the dreaded pound is GONE!!!! RE: quoting...I just hit the "quote" button and then just delete what I don't want quoted. Make sure you have the HTML code

included at the end or it won't quote. ;)


I always eat last at a function we give also. I'm usually too tired to eat too much. Hey, maybe I should give parties/dinners more often. :D

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Baby ~ You have to add the HTML code

in front of the quote and the HTML to close a quote at the end of the quote for it to work. ;) I told you what the close quote code is in my previous post. I can't post it here or what I'm posting would actually quote. Make sense?
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Dang it!!

Didn't get to wish Donna "bon voyage".

Sheila.. wishing you a wonderful time w/your friends in Scotland.

Mike just left late last night to JFK and then flew off to Heathrow today. Will stay day and then fly to Stockholm for week (lucky guy... since I didn't get summer vacation but hopefully will get Hawaii in December).

Alex is finally in swing of school. Libby made good adjustment too. Problem w/Alex is I have to drive him to his ride at 6:55AM (I'm not a morning person). Since I don't want to drive him at 7:30AM (and have libby late). What fun... Mike says he'll drive Alex when he's home but he'll be on road more often than not the next few weeks. Had to pick Alex up last night (9PM) so I'm wiped out.

Baby... L'Shana Tova (hope I spelled it right). We didn't do services since Mike's gone, Alex has school (till 9PM again) and Libby wasn't feeling well. At least it was a nice day. Good luck keeping that "darn pound" away. Have fun planning Palm Springs... we never got there when we lived in LA.. maybe some time soon though.

Belle.. hope things are holding course... that's the best you can have right now.

As for me I am constantly stressed trying to straighten out my Mom's insurance ... still mess up since beginning of August. Put vacation on hold for that and it didn't fix things. Alex didn't make soccer team (well freshmen team but that doesn't count) and he's switching to crew.. he'll be getting a major workout from that. Don't know if I mentioned it here but when we visited Aunt in NYC in August she took a tumble (roll fall) and bumped her head... so that put a crimp on our visit (didn't want to leave her until she had appointments). Well we went to visit her Labor day weekend and first night there she fell in bathroom, ending up in tub bumping head (cut) and badly bruising arm. From 5AM until late evening on Sunday was spent in ER until she got a room. Well we had to leave her on Monday to get Alex registered. Didn't feel too comfortable about it since I didn't know who was taking her home). Right now she's under "house arrest" which she's not happy with but managing (she's got mac degen... can barely see and is 93) living on her own. Trying to make sure some neighbor will pop in just to see how's she's doing. I worry that she'll fall again at night and I won't be there to help her. Very stressful on me. She knows I'm stressed w/MOm and doesn't want to burden me (but I'm the only one who's responsible to manage things).


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As Donna says, HAPPY T.G.I.F.!!!!


Carolyn ~ I hope Alex enjoys crew. That will be excellent exercise for him. I hope your stress level improves. Well wishes to you, your DM, and Aunt. Don't forget to take care of yourself.


Belle ~ Hi honey! I hope you're doing OK yourself. I'm always thinking of you.


I had Bunco last night so I ate a little more than I should. I'm really watching what I eat most of the time...just one cheat meal a week...and really exercising hard. I'm beginning to think that my body prefers my current weight. I'm right in the middle of the weight chart for my height so I should be happy. I'm still toning and that's good. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing as I can live with it. I know I'm healthy and that's all that matters. ;)


I hope Donna is having a great time!


Baby ~ How was Rosh Hashanah? I hope you enjoyed every aspect of it. :D


Later friends!

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Looks very quiet around here!


Sheila, I don't know if you have already left or if you are very busy getting ready!


Belle, how are you doing? I am thinking of you.


Carolyn, l'shana tova! Best wishes for a very good year!


Everyone else...Hi, hope all is well.


Today is the first in many that I do not see the awful pound. Down only 1/2, but at least it's in the right direction. Eating all my cooking (and leftovers) wasn't the culprit, it was having all the sweets in the house. Last night, as usual, I was looking for a nosh....but finally, I couldn't find anything. The result..down 1/2 pound. So that is the secret!


Have a great day, all!

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Baby ~ Yes, I'm getting ready for the trip. I plan on packing tonight and tomorrow night. We're going to dinner with our son on Thurs night and doing the last minute things before we leave Fri. morning. We have a long lay-over in Atlanta so I'll try to post them. ;)


Great job on not noshing last night. It does make a difference!


I'm doing well with WOE and exercise. :D

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(I see you're "still around)

Hope you have an uneventful flight "over the pond") and a wonderful holiday in Scotland w/your friends.


Congrats about "not finding anything to nosh"... that's my major obstacle... things "calling me" from the refridg" a few hours after dinner when the kids are winding down and I'm downstairs "by myself".


Hope things are OK. Always thinking about you.

Hope things are going well w/Joe and Donna on their cruise.

Gotta go pick up Libby and Alex later tonight.


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Just back from down south (cal)

Business with parents house.

Will explain later..just got home

today, tired.


Father still hanging in..he's a fighter.

Doing better than a few weeks ago

but not good..you know what I mean.


Hope you check in here while at airport

Sheila..wanted to wish you a great trip!

Enjoy Enjoy!


Thank you all for your kind thoughts, wishes,

prayers. I miss you all when I don't come

on the computer.

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Well, it's been a while since I posted. Got a new laptop that I can't type on (make too many errors) and Libby likes using "my" computer... so I can't get on.

Baby... where's your water... gotta get rid of that "darn lb".

Belle, glad you were able to pop in. Hope things are going smoothly w/taking care of your parents house... know what a chore that job can be (been there, done that.. will have it eventually with my aunt, but at least it's only a one bedroom apt. though not looking forward to it). Hope you're Dad's a comfortable as possible and that things are manageable w/your mother... know you must be under a terrible amount of stress. Just remember to be very kind to yourself and that eventually things will all work out.

As for me, I'm having a bear of a time w/eating. Having major headaches and eating "right" usually doesn't work out. I'm really OK until the evening and then "give up". Trying to avoid the scale 'cause I don't want to get too depressed.

Well Alex is at school, went to his first high school football game on saturday night complete w/painting himself blue and yellow (and interesting sight w/his copper red hair). He's off on Wednesday and has classes this Saturday AM and then he'll probably hang out at school for the afternoon.


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Hi Carolyn. I'm here! I don't want you to feel alone!


I have had a bad cold the last few days so my weight is down. Not the best way to lose, but I accept anything!


Hope things improve your way. Try to have healthy munchies for when you get that urge to nosh. Decide, in the morning, when you are NOT craving, what exactly you will eat when the craving starts...and eat that. Hope this tip helps.


Have a great day!

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Sorry not writing much.

Still the same here..going day by day.

Father has some good days among the

bad. He wants to be here but so sad

to see him this way.


Guess Donna and Sheila having a good

time on their trips. They won't want to come back.


Baby hope your feeling better. Is your Holiday over now?

You never said..have you been to Palm Springs before?


Carolyn know what you mean about eating..stress

eating here too. I have to get back on track!

Glad the "kids" seem to be back in the swing of school.


Take care

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Hi Belle! Hope you are coping well and finding a little time for yourself.


I am feeling much better, thanks. Still have a bit of the cold, but no fever (Monday was my worst day). I have been going out and living normally!! But, guess what? Now DH has it. So...yesterday I made Chicken Soup. (When I was so sick, who made it for me? We can't afford to get sick, can we?)


Today is another holiday. It is Succot. Like Thanksgiving. Next week is Simchas Torah. The first two holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are considered the "high holidays". People like us, who are not very observant, usually observe those. This weekend and next are not as important. However those who are observant do not work. Judiasm is a very liberal religion. If you speak to 10 people, each will tell you they observe to a different degree. Maybe your religion is the same. Maybe all religions are the same! Today, anything goes!!


We have never been to Palm Springs. I am looking forward to something different. Any tips? So far, I know we have to visit Joshua Park (or whatever it is called), see the show put on by seniors, and play bridge! Somehow I get the feeling it will be a "Senior's" vacation!


Carolyn, hope you are doing better. Let us know. Maybe we can encourage you.


Donna, you must be back (or almost back). Can't wait to hear all about it.


Anyone else out there?


Take care, all!

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Just a quick hello to let you know

I'm still here. Husband still here. LOL

Parents still the same, father still

trying to be with us. I'm so sad for him.

His life isn't the way he wants it.


Our days are spent visiting and running

errands for them. Take off a day here or there.

When I do, plan to get a lot done and I do

nothing. Stress can really get to you.


Hope you all are doing alright.


Will write more later, I promise.

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Good morning Lassies! I hope everyone is doing well. Our trip to Scotland was great! Boy, was it cold! I had every intention of checking in with you guys, but just didn’t have the time. We went from sun-up to sun-down and then stayed up talking until late each night. On our last night, I got 3 hours sleep and then was up for 21 hours straight. Needless to say, all I did yesterday was unpack, laundry, and catch up on the new Fall TV programs.

The flights were good. I didn’t get nervous at all coming back home. I didn’t sleep a wink on either flights so I’ve been tremendously tired. We got home at around 8:45pm on Sat. night. It was sooooo good to see DS standing there waiting for us. I missed him so much. I think he missed us also. He has talked our ears off ever since we got home. My DM looked after him some and told me that I should be so proud of him because she doesn’t know many 19 y/o boys who are so good in their behavior. Well, you know I am!

I got on the scales this morning even though I didn’t want to. I gained 8 lbs! UGH!!!!!! I knew I’d gained some, but 8?! Gosh, that’s how much I gained last year for two weeks in Scotland & England! Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk. I’ll get it off and then some.

I’m in culture shock as I can’t understand anything said with a Southern accent. LOL

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Sheila, you sound wonderful! Welcome home. Glad you had a great time. Glad that son is "well-behaved". I know how good that makes you feel. You did something right!!!


Belle, thinking of you. Write more if you can.


Weight was O.K. this morning. Ate too much today, though. Tomorrow, I may not be such a happy camper!

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