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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Belle ~ Hi honey! Sorry you lost your post. Hopefully, you can remember what you said and post again. How's your DF doing? And your DM? Are you taking care of yourself?


I posted this on the weigh-in thread, but I've lost 3 lbs of the 8 I gained. Thank goodness!


How is everyone else? Y'all sure have been quiet lately.

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I've been having trouble getting

on here at night. Either CC or my old

computer. (think it's cc because could get on others)


Baby hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

Did you "eat" too much? Well it's just one day..

hope no leftovers!


Sheila are you back to normal after your great



Carolyn how are you doing? Kids and husband?


Donna you must be home. How was the cruise?

Joe did all right?


Same here..day by day..father has bad days..

then semi-good days. Never know how I will

find him each day. Little stressful!


Hope you all come in here and talk soon.

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Belle ~ Hi sweetie! I've missed you! Sorry you're having problems with CC. I have issues with it sometimes also. It gets jammed. I'm sorry you have to deal with so much stress. I know it is really hard on you. Is it affecting your WOE?


I am back to normal after my trip. I've been hitting the gym 5 days a week and doing lots of chores around the house on the weekends so I'm staying active. I've lost 5 lbs of the 8 I gained so I'm happy about that. I just hope tomorrow's weigh-in shows the 5 lb loss. ;)


Donna ~ We're waiting to hear about your trip!


Baby ~ Did you enjoy Thanksgiving?


Carolyn ~ I thought you'd be able to get on the computer more after the kids went back to school. Are you doing OK.


I would like to lose another 10 lbs, which will put me at 135. Not sure if that will be too low for me or not. I'll decide if I ever get there. I'm just trying to find a weight that I can maintain easily with what I'm doing. I weighed 125 in high school so I don't think 10 lbs over that is unreasonable.


Have a great day, friends!

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Where's everyone? Hope everyone is doing OK!


Same here. Father had a few bad days, now better

today. Like I always say one day at a time.


I'm still stress eating. Trying to stop. Rejoining the gym

next weekend. Waiting a week because it's cheaper

if join next Sat.


Sheila wish I could get in exercise mode like you.


Donna where are you? Everything alright?


Baby why aren't you taking.. forget the extra pound.


Carolyn you still stress eating like me? Have to help each other.


Hope I see you all talking in here tomorrow!

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Hi girls! I worked myself to the bone this weekend re-decorating my DS's room. It was a mess!


Belle ~ I'm glad your DF seems to be doing better. Sorry to hear you're still stress eating. I did that myself on Sat. I hate myself afterwards, but I enjoy it while I'm doing it. LOL It is good that you're joining the gym again. That will really help with the stress. Just take it out on the treadmill instead of chocolate. ;)


I miss everyone and hope you all post soon. I'm wondering where you all are! :confused:


Hugs! :D

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Belle ~ I'd like to know where everyone is also. :confused: I probably won't lose any weight this week as I haven't been able to exercise. I've been painting DS's room and my back is out of whack from that so I figured I'd better layoff the weights and treadmill until next week. I hope you and your parents are doing well. Take care, sweetie!

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Just got 2 minutes (have to wash hair and run out to pick up Alex).

Yup, had been stress eating (and not eating ... but feeling awful and horrible headache etc). Mike's been away almost 1 1/2 weeks with one day home in between... which didn't help -- jealous a bit of his travels.

Stressed out about Aunt (had a mini-stroke, lives alone <93 yo> w/macular degen.) and I'm the only one truly responsible for her and she's in NYC 1 1/2 hr away -- so it doesn't help.

Sheila, bet the bending and repetition of wall painting aggrevated your back... hope you're feeling better.

As for me, I've been oK the last 2 days w/eating... though still very puffy. Tried on pants that were just "bearably ok" 2 months ago and now they're going up butt.. don't know what I'll wear for parents weekend w/Alex. I HATE shopping and don't know how weather's going to be. All of my old cashmere sweaters (to look "preppy") have little moth holes -- don't know where they came from. I've got one pair of black pants that are ok (though a bit high waisted). Had tried looking for pants a few weeks back at Kohls and got very discouraged. Got a somewhat smaller waist and too rounded butt and thighs a bit jiggly... do can't win. Most things are slightly lower waist so really gap and when sitting makes it worse. Think I'll drag Libby to shop now.


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Baby and Donna too....

Where ever you are!


Sheila..Happy Birthday!

Hope your feeling better after

all your painting in your ds room.

Have a great weekend. You can

have a piece of cake because

your at your goal and if you gain

I know you'll get it off fast.


Carolyn..Know you know how you feel

about your clothes. Mine are tight..it

couldn't be from me eating to much?

Starting the gym tomorrow, well signing up

and starting Sunday. Hope that helps

me get back to eating right.


Baby and Donna hope you both come on in

here soon. I/we miss you!

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Hi all, I'm here just crazy busy since we got back. Talked to Cheryl when we got back and got an "Oh, by the way, we'll be home in two weeks" which I totally unprepared for so added a made scramble to get the guest room and downstairs ready for company along with fixing all the messes at work. installing new equipment at work, month end and just general unpack and put away. Add test driving cars and elliptical trainers (much better on the knees) along with trying to find new cell phone service and it has been total chaos. The family left Sunday afternoon and by Monday I had a cold. Mine was just tiring but now Joe has it and is much worse.


It seems like our group was review happy so I haven't bothered to actually write one. You will find Tuggers and Catmans review on the X Board. Tuggers (Gail) is a good friend and our table companion for the 5th time or 6th time along with Joramrose and Teedee. When you read her review, my Joe was the pizza, pasta, burger guy. The other Joe was actually sane and probably left the ship with his clothes fitting comfortably! Catman is a good friend from the boards and his writing style is just like he is in person. We loved running into him and/or Wanda on board.


Biggest realization on this cruise was that we really do enjoy running into people that we know throughout the trip but we really do like doing what we want when we want and not worrying about anyone else. That is why traveling with the 3 girls works for us. They are the same way so nobody takes insult or feels left out.


OK, London - wonderful, ungodly expensive and perpetual motion. Our first hotel had continental breakfast which was awful so spent lots of time at Starbucks. The Starbucks gift cards that I gave him for his B'day were a definite plus but went fast. Getting the London Pass was a mess and we had to go and pick it up in Piccadilly Circus but we were glad we did since it gave us a bit of focus while we were there. It was worth it for us but not sure that it would be for others. We spent a huge amount of time running back and forth on the tube and Joe didn't have any problems with all the stairs involved. Actually, he did quite well in London, overall and only required a short nap the first afternoon. It appears that the No Jet-lag stuff actually worked. Buckingham Palace was worth it as a one time only but he was really glad that we didn't have time for Windsor or Kensington Palace. Weather cooperated and was absolutely beautiful the whole time so we were totally exhausted by the time we got to Dover.


Ship, Constellation is now our favorite but I'm thinking it might just be the class rather than the actual ship (though it was beautiful). Cabin and cabin location were wonderful. This was an upgrade done by the revenue department (researched by the other oversized cabin holder) and we were very happy with it. I never saw our original oversized cabin so I'm not sure what we missed but have no complaints about the switch that we were given. This was done long before our problems with X customer service. As a result of those problems, our customer service rep had a very nice bottle of champagne waiting for us on boarding and pre-dinner chocolate strawberries for us the first evening. Both of which were greatly appreciated. We had the one balcony on the deck below the pool that wasn't covered by the overhang above so got plenty of sun and actually used it quite a bit. We were actually under the dressing room for the spa so we were also very quiet.


Buffet - Good

Dining Room - Good to Excellent

Coffee - Awful

Service everywhere - Excellent

Overall Crew - Excellent

Ship condition - Excellent

New Bedding - Excellent


Ports, we said before we left that this was going to be a lay back and relax.


Le Havre, got off the ship and walked about for a couple hours. Went back and relaxed. This was the first day after London and boarding so we needed the downtime.


Cornwall - tendering took forever but we eventually got off and walked about the cute little town, bought Cornish Pasties and returned to the ship to watch as they tried to get everybody back on board. We were several hours late in leaving since we had rough tendering then a very difficult time getting the ship tender out of the water and back in position. Crossing the channel to go to Dublin was just as rough as I expected but the patch worked great.


Dublin - very special with two major occurrences. First, our missing table-mate (lost her passport in London) joined us and I was on the balcony watching when she got out of the cab. Second was spending most of the day with Ruby (HollyB) on board. I watched her get out of the cab and then it took awhile to get her permission. I went down and waited with her while the staff Captain called the Millie to clear her. Our captain was sleeping after spending the night on the bridge and there wasn't anyone willing to wake him up. She looks wonderful and is every bit as much fun as I remembered. Most definitely a special day and have to thank Joyce Adamidis for making it possible.


Cork, Train from Cobh to Cork and a wander about day with a stop for lunch before heading back to watch the Cobh Irish Dancers who boarded for a special show. Kind of an odd moment when leaving Cobh with the band playing on the dock and looking down on the Titanic Memorial where the locals were waving us farewell. Wierd to think that we would be following in her footsteps across the ocean.


To be noted, the crossing was rough and many stayed on the lower decks. It was rough enough to blow out two windows (one of them an upper window in the computer room). It also took the Celebrity Constellation painted on the starboard side off the ship. Rumor is that we were traveling at full throttle across. We did have the Canadians come out for an emergency evacuation on the day before we reached St. John's. Fortunately, reports are that the man that they picked up was suffering from a bleeding ulcer and was fine once they treated him on shore so it ended up a fascinating experience. The seas were too rough and the chopper too big for the helipad so we had a close up of the pick up using the basket.


St John's New Foundland was a cute little town but pretty laid back on a Sunday. Wandered about and found a Tim Horton's for the first good cup of coffee since we left Cork (Connie has the worst coffee of any of the ships we have ever taken and we never found a spot that was better than awful unless you bought it in Cova Cafe). We returned to the ship only to find out that the hurricane in the Atlantic was causing enough problems that we were staying overnight. We had adjusted to laid back sea days so just relaxed and enjoyed the company onboard while others actually went out and found night life which they enjoyed.


The overnight stay in St. John's ended up with our switching our last port stop to Halifax. As far as we were concerned, we were quite happy with the change. Halifax was on the original schedule but changed early so we hadn't done any research. This is the only tour we did and it was the HOHO which turned out to be an excellent choice. Even managed to include a quick stop at a micro brewery and the casino since we all seemed to be just a bit tired of shopping.


Bayonne was on schedule with passing the Statue of Liberty while dark and foggy. Disembarkation wasn't the best but TA's are actually known for having issues so we expected it. Trip home once we made it to our gate was uneventful and back to work the next morning.


Pictures: http://community.webshots.com/user/donnaw7471

Sheila, Hope the back is doing better.


Belle, Lots of prayers and good thoughts still coming your way.


Carolyn, Think it's time we figure out how to behave together!


Baby, Looks like your upcoming cruise is going to be very interesting! We have lots of friends on it with you and I think they are actually going to stick with it.


I am back to reading the South Beach book after seeing the results that Tuggers has had. She looks much healthier and happier these days so it is time to re-evaluate it.


OK, I haven't read everything back but I figured I would never get posted if I waited for that so Hi to anyone that I missed.

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Belle ~ Thanks for the b'day wishes. I had a great day! :D How are you?


Donna ~ Your trip sounds fabulous! I'm so glad you got to see Ruby. I'm sure she looks amazing. I'm going to look at your pictures in a minute. Glad you're back!


Carolyn ~ Glad you finally checked in. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Take care!


Hello to everyone else! Where's Baby?

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Welcome Back Donna. Glad you had

a great time with all your friends.

How did Holly get on ship for the day?

Thought people couldn't get on.

Sounds like Joe did well..is his clothes

fitting now? LOL


You sure were busy when you got home.

Hope you and Joe are rested now and

your colds are over.


Sheila you survived your Birthday? Hope you

had a great day. Your all done with son's

bedroom? Great job.

I'm just trying to clean around here..taking me



Carolyn How's it going?


Baby where are YOU?


It's the same here..Good and Bad days..more bad

days for my father than good. He's a fighter.

Stress is getting me, dealing with selling the house now.

Has to sign the papers, don't know if he can.

Have to get a notary and hope not to cancel.

Tell you it's day by day. OK no more venting.


Hope you all have a good day and weekend.

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Belle, You do what you can then you have to let it go! You also really need downtime just so you can regenerate.


I doubt that Holly could get on in the US but it is still allowed in Europe. We had visitors on board in both Dover and Le Havre and another young couple in Dublin. First sticky point was when the cab brought her to the port area and security was going to stop her. She had the letter from Joyce Adamidis but didn't use it. The cab driver told security she was an entertainer and was late. Approval to board is given by the captain and ours was Adamidis's staff captain on Millie before he took over as captain of Connie. It was Joyce Adamidis who is a friend of Holly's that made the arrangements and even then, our captain had been awake all night with the rough channel crossing so the staff captain ended up calling the Millie for permission. Joyce was actually visiting the Millie when he called and she got clearance. We stood talking for almost 45 minutes while all this was going on and then they ID'd her and took her passport. I had to say that I would stay with her or they would have had a crew member tagging along.

Sheila, A belated Happy B'day! How are you feeling?


Baby, Stop playing on that roll call and go get that water! Gail (Tuggers) is on that one with you and is an inspiration. She lost 61# and is looking so much better. I am actually reading the South Beach diet since it did so well and is the one Joe's doctor suggested. Looks like we'll be doing some type of hybrid but will probably shoot for induction.


Carolyn, Mike home yet? Behaving?


Sissy is out there and back in OK so will report in eventually.


OK, new plan and November 1st D...Day it is. I will get serious and start working out again and behaving. We should have the new elliptical ordered this weekend and I am hoping we will also be painting the exercise room then. Will be out tomorrow night with the intention of finding the paint, ceiling fan and additional lighting.



Yikes, better run! Hi to everyone else and have a great day!

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Belle ~ I'm so sorry to hear the stress in your post. I agree with Donna, you really need some time for yourself. I know right now is not a good time for it, but you do need to take care of yourself first or you won't be able to take care of others. Hear me, young lady? Good luck with the house stuff. I know that is a pain! Hang in there, sweetie!


Donna ~ I looked at your pictures and they are so good! The ones in London brought back so many good memories. Thanks for sharing them! You really look good! Looked like you and Ruby were having a great time. Joe looks good as well. When's your next trip?


Hello to Baby, Carolyn, & Sissy! :D Miss you all!

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and haven't been "good"...

been having major headaches... haven't been sleeping enough...

running around (Mike finally got home late on Wednesday last week and it's been a bit crazy... had 2 days with having 14 trees taken down... thump!!! <think loud crash each time... not sure if it would be too close to house>).

Donna, Glad you had a safe crossing.

Sheila, Happy b-day.


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Got the papers signed so we're

leaving tomorrow, (Sunday) to

So Cal for the last time. Staying

a few days, have to cancel things

and have a meeting.

House won't be my parents anymore.

There sad of course even thro they

knew it was going to happen.


Thank you all for the concern for me.

This is kinda like a little vacation. Away

from home for awhile even thro doing work.


Sheila won't be home till Thursday so

would you please start the weigh-in.

Thank You.

Hope your feeling alright, no aches and pains

at this moment.


Donna it still surprises me that people

can get on in europe with all the trouble

they've had. Glad you had a good visit with

Holly..Tell her hey.

Yes I'm doing D-DAy too starting Nov. 1st

that's when we come back. Have to start

fresh with the woe/diet and exercise.


Carolyn good to see you..sorry you sound like

ME. Not doing good..not sleeping..ect.

We have to get our "acts" together!


Baby you can go on roll call for Galaxy then

you can come here too. Don't care if your up.

Know your not up as much as me!


Anyone else reading this..POST> Love to hear from YOU!

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Good morning, girls! I hope you all had a good weekend.


Belle ~ I know you are so glad to get the house bit behind you. I'm sure your parents are sad, but it is one less worry. I'll start the weigh-in on Thurs. Enjoy your break away. {{{HUGS}}}


Carolyn ~ I hope your headaches get better. Take care!




Donna ~ Things at work slowed down yet? Still have house visitors?


I had a good weekend. It was extremely busy though!


Take care!

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I'm Back!


Came back today, visited parents...Problems!

Came home...Phone call... problems with papers on house!

Deal with all this tomorrow plus more!



Is this ever going to get better? NO!


Thanks for doing weigh in Sheila.

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Hey everyone...

it's been almost 5 months since Mom's last hospitalization (I think-- release around mother's day). Well she was going to NY Eye Hospital to have a "little procedure" (according to opthalmologist-- no worries). Well I get a call yesterday around 3:15PM that Mom passed out when they were examining her pre-proced. and they sent her off to NY Cornell Hosp (since NY Eye Ear can't handle that sort of thing). I got a bit ticked since I didn't want Mom to do it but she was "dead" set on it (I found out day before she's got a sore on foot that has gotten worse in a week and she was going to need to be seen by vascular surgeon). So now I found out Mom had a stroke, can't talk, not responding to much, do emerg. cat scan and that she was having a hard time breathing (she was put on vent). AAAAHHH! Now by this time Alex was having a pretty lousy day at school, Mike left for Cleveland at 4AM, our internet service was pirated and Alex left his clarinet for band at home, missed the bus for math meet (and possibly lost his position on team)... ... get a call asking if I want Mom to get the TPA treatment for stroke. I try to find out what's going on. Mike tries to fly home ASAP. Gets reticket (he was supposed to be away until tomorrow night -- Mom ALWAYS ends up in hospital when Mike's away). Sister expects me to rush down ASAP (2+hrs and then finding someone for Libby since she can't go to ICU). Well now it's 24 hrs later and I haven't gotten a call from hospital (I've been calling every couple of hours). I pray she's just holding her own for now (first 48hrs are critical). I'm hoping they'll get Mom off the vent but not sure if they're going to be successful yet since she's being sedated.

Gotta call the hospital now and brace myself for what will happen. Sister's lamenting that Mom's all she has in world (gosh she's 47). I'm having flashes of what happened w/Dad before his last hospitalization and I"m not prepared to hold bedside vigil and also had a bad feeling on Wednesday night (which I told Alex about). We're going to do a same day turnaround tomorrow. Alex is at end of term and it's getting to be crush time for papers. Also major things happening at school this Sunday and next week. I really don't want him to miss anything, he's been looking so forward to the crew regatta (he got bumped up to JV from novice boat) and next week is his birthday (I promised him I was going to make mass batches of brownies.. he doesn't ask for much) since Sat. is the BIG rivalry day where the who school goes to Deerfield in MA (they charter busses) night before is pep rally and bon fire. The next day he's got a debate meet. With all this I'm sure Mom's going to take turn for worse (he's had such things happen before w/mother-in-law and when my Dad was in/out of hospital). Trying to keep sanity and not crack.

Belle hope the papers get straightened out. DId you have a broker or where you doing sale on own. If I left things to the lawyer when we closed we'd be in deep trouble. He was going to do nothing. The agents worked their butts off and were worth every penny they got.

I'll try to post later.


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I've been avoiding this like the plague! You all have my number!!! You all know exactly WHY!!!!


I just decided to read your latest posts and realized that I had to pay a visit! Maybe now my weight will go south!!! (like our stocks and the US dollar...I always say that my stocks should go up and my weight should go down. But it doesn't always work that way!!


Carolyn, you are the typical "sandwich" generation. Just try to keep cool, as the kids say.


Belle, you are having such a difficult time, too. My heart goes out to both of you.


Sheila, looks like I missed your birthday. Many belated wishes!


Donna, so sorry you will not be on our transatlantic. You are the one who encouraged me to book! I get very confused between Teedee and Tuggers. At one point, Tuggers said that it was her first post and I thought "how could she forget, she is trying to organize a bus. Then I backtracked and saw that it was Teedee.


Everything's OK here. Uneventful. I guess that is good!


Gotta go and prepare dinner.


Take care all. Hope my next post will be soon and I will be thinner. (Notice I haven't mentioned how much I've gained?)

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Please don't stay "away" because of the upward #s..

Has the cold weather finally made it's way to your "neck of the woods"?

I was staying away too for the same reason (though lurking).

Right now for me it's trying to remember to eat because of "life/stress" (also sometimes shutting down and ignoring the phone <when I know it's DS who would probably not have anything important to say/tranfer re Mom's condition> and just going to sleep earlier and getting extra cuddles for the kids -- especially Alex's who's so wise, caring and (unf) getting to be a young man too soon for me <his b-day -- 15 -- is Saturday>.

So I'll finish with "where's your water"?

Belle, hope things fall into place w/house -- don't worry it will be over soon (though right now you probably won't think that). With your parents (and the weight-- keeping post for thread)... take things one day at time. Be greatfull for the good... accept the "not so good" since under the circumstances you're doing the best you can. Be gentle with yourself.

Donna, Hope you're well. Joe's OK and everything else is "uneventful" (job, Mom etc).

Sheila, Our "inspiration". Happy belated B-day. Hope everything's great w/you and your family.

As for me, I'm going to NYC today w/Mike and Libby. Thinking about leaving Alex home since Mom's situation isn't very good right now. Stroke was in worse place in brain. Won't know the outcome of anything for several days. She's in the best place (medically) right now, but unf. they're not that great with communicating anything. No calls to family or anything and it's pulling teeth to find out little bits and pieces. She's still on vent since they're not sure if she's going to be able to breath on her own. Will have to wait a few days on that. Don't think I'm going to have Libby go to see her since Libby's been through enough w/Mom.

Later (it's 4AM, just ticketed DS for flight back to NYC this AM)


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Carolyn, I didn't even lurk! I avoided facing facts, I guess. Since I have been posting here (many years) I have weighed within the same five pound range. Needless to say, when I weigh in the lower range, I am thrilled. The opposite at the upper end (which is the case, most of the time!). But this year, I went beyond "the awful pound". That is HORROR!!


Yesterday, I logged everything I ate. Happy to report that today I am up ONLY THE AWFUL POUND. I never thought I would be happy to report THAT!!! (Isn't everything relative???) I will log again today. Tonight we are going out for dinner with friends. The wife is very tiny and eats like a bird. I will copy her!


Last night, I caught up on some of the posts. Some of you (or all of you) said that you were starting Nov. 1st. Well, I posted yesterday. I hope you don't mind that I started Nov. 2nd!!! Let's stick together on this!


It is getting cold here. Lucky for all the kids, Halloween was mild. Then a big dip! This morning, it is barely above freezing.


I am sorry that you have the stress from your Mom (which is normal and can't be avoided) and your sister (which you can do without). At least you have a caring husband and wonderful kids. She is alone. If you can think of it that way, maybe you will be less aggravated when she "acts up". Really, you have some very good things in your life and you should concentrate on those. It will help you deal with the "not so good things".


You will not believe this. I just read what you wrote to Belle...and it is the same as I wrote to you!!! So...take your own advice!


Have a good weekend, everyone!


P.S. I just went down to get a tall glass of water!

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