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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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So good to see you Baby and Carolyn!

Now where's Donna? Know our sweet

friend Sheila will be here in the morning.


Carolyn I'm so sorry about your Mother.

Glad she's in a good place for the best care.

I hope everything works out for the best.

Sometimes we just don't know what's the best!

I say that everytime I see my Father. We don't want

them in pain but don't want them gone.

My thoughts and prayers are with your Mother, You

and your family.


Baby don't stay away because of weight. If I did that

I wouldn't be here. We miss you so much when your gone.

I had to go on the Galaxy cruise board to see your name. LOL

Hope to see you in here everyday now since your joining

Donna and I starting anew on Nov. 1st.


Donna how is everything going? Joe alright. Did you start your

woe on Nov. 1st? Baby is joining us now. I've had a slow start

then a fast one. I got sick.


Sheila how are you too? Did you have a good weekend?

Did you exercise a lot? You know I rejoined the gym and

haven't gone yet. Went down south then got sick when I

came home. Hope to start back this week.


Want to thank you all for your good thoughts and

prayers for my parents and me and family. It is

really hard at times but your wishes help.

Just seems likewe go down south, come back and things

start happening. My mother had and urine infection, had

to get a test, medicine. Father not as clear in his talking.

Had more paperwork to do on house.

Then I get sick Friday..from both ends..pardon but that's the

truth. Was that way all night long. Now if cough or sneeze

feel like my ribs are broken.

Better today, visit parents today.


You all take care..will talk soon. Everyone keep in touch.

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So here I am posting. And where is everyone else?


My WOE is not my "way of eating", it's the fact that I journalled every morsel of food for three days. The first 2 days went well. Yesterday, I am sure I did not overeat...and I gained. WOE is me. Hope scale will be more friendly tomorrow. Right now I am drinking water.


Belle, what can I say? I know how difficult it is at this time. And on top of it all, you had to go and get sick! Take care of your health first. You need to be healthy to take care of your parents. Try to eat healthy and get some sort of exercise.


Everyone else...hope all is well!

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Hi girls! I have been swamped at work and at home so I haven't been on CC as much.


Carolyn ~ So sorry to hear about your DM. Sending good thoughts your way!


Baby ~ It is about time you checked in! :D I've missed you!


Belle ~ So sorry to hear you've been sick, but good you're feeling better today.


My weekend was good. It was crazy busy and I almost passed out from exhaustion on Sat. night. I slept in yesterday so I got some more energy. I need to slow down some. ;)


Hugs to all!

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Hi everyone!


Belle ~ Looks like we're the only ones posting right now. How are you doing? What about your parents? Did you finally get the house stuff situated?


Carolyn ~ How's your DM?


Donna ~ How's work going? Any more cruises planned?


Baby ~ How are you? Is the awful pound gone?


I'm doing good....been unbelievably busy at work. We're suppose to take a little weekend beach trip next weekend. We're going to Destin, FL. That will be fun. It won't be too hot or too cold.


Oh, and I got a new car last night! Love it!!! :D

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I am really struggling with my weight. Today I am 1/2 OVER the awful pound. Not so happy about that. Hope tomorrow will be better.


Sheila..great news about the new car. Enjoy in good health! What did you get?


Have fun in Florida!


Belle, glad you are posting. Take care of yourself.


Carolyn and Donna...come on in!


We actually had a few snow flurries yesterday....it will soon be here!

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Sheila, Is it your "first" Honda? Know you're going to love it. We've been "sold" on Honda's since '89. Never had a problem w/that car except a dead battery the first year (had an accident and think the mechanics left radio on when fixing) had no problems until DS left light on and drained battery (14 yrs later) so then it was sitting a bit before we jumped it to start a drive back return and it "wasn't cooperating". Even got my Dad (a died-in-wool American car kind of guy) to agree on getting a Honda when his car was totalled a year before he died... said don't worry you'll have NO problems w/it and 10 yrs later Alex (son) will take it off his hands.. lol -- we got it after 1 year unf. Year later we got a Honda Pilot to replace our POS Mercury Sable Wagon which we always had something wrong with. Luckily we got the extended warranty from Geico that was for up to 10 yrs and got good use out of it. Even told Geico that we feel like the poster-kids for the Mechanical Breakdown policy... Unloaded that POS as soon as the policy was over and don't miss it one bit (I was never fond of that wagon, didn't grow up in a wagon family so would have been happy w/sedan).

Baby, don't fret about that lb., just keep doing what you know is GOOD for you and drink that water. You'd think from all our "lecturing" that sometimes the scale is the "demon/enemy" and the number is just there to "haunt" us and doesn't even show on your body. How are your clothes fitting? That should be more of a guideline.

As for Mom, she's going into ER in one hour to get a traich put in. THings are NOT good at all. The only way she can communicate is with her eyes. Otherwise she's a prisoner of her body. Not sure if she can swallow so she's on feeding tube. Vitals are stable right now. Hope things go smoothly but won't know the immediate outcome until around 7PM tonight. I'll be on edge until then. We hope to drive down on weekend to check on her and D Aunt who fell again in night when Diane was staying w/her and stayed in hospital for 2 nights. Hopefully after that I'll be dropping Mike off at JFK to go to Duesseldorf (esp) for almost a week via an overnight stopover in London.



Belle, Hope things are "uneventful" with your parents and everything else. SOmetimes "unevently" is a GOOD thing. Just don't get too comfortable with it (that's what I did and boy did it just BITE me... I put off going to see Mom for 3 months and now she'll never be able to respond to me again/ever).

Donna, Hope things are good with Joe and that you're busy with work and stuff and have something "good" planned for the upcoming weekend.

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Anyone get this day off as a Holiday!

I mean from work that is..know we never

get time off from our homes or family's.


Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Carolyn know yours wasn't as good, waiting

to hear about your mother. Hope the news

was good.


Everything the same here. Father and Mother..

Bad days and days that aren't as bad. Tell you

it's taking a toll (right word?) on me, husband too.

It's terrible to just go day by day and never know what

it's going to be like that day! (did that sentence have

to many days in it?) LOL

Least the house is sold, no more trips down south.


Baby so proud of you..you came on even thro you were up.


Sheila you got a new car..lucky you.


Donna where are you?


Wish you all a good week.

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Belle ~ I'm so sorry that you are having such a tough time right now. I know you're probably both mentally and physically exhausted. {{{HUGS}}} You still have your wonderful sense of humor though and that says a lot about how terrific you are.


I've been doing well. I'm not losing, but not gaining either. I haven't been to the gym in two weeks and will start back either today or tomorrow. I've decided that my body is my body and I'll work to improve it, but am tired of obsessing. ;)


Have a great day, everyone! We're missing most of you!

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Hey everyone...

I'm just emotionally numb...not much better physically (weight, leg cramps, bloating and of course headaches).

Got back late last night from NYC. I'm ok with things (as well as I can be) and then Diane goes on her usually routine (when it suits her of course). Saying I'm neglecting seeing my mother, that I put everyone first over Mom, blah blah blah. Says that I'm setting a very bad example for my kids (not running down to NYC to hold Mom's hand day/night). That everyone else in her congregation can't believe that I'm not down at hospital w/Mom. I can't get away from her nagging. Luckily we've got caller ID (thought I'd never say it) and told her my cell had no battery. Didn't stop her from leaving long, harrasing messages.

Had to drop Mike off at JFK before heading back home for 2 hr drive. Got stuck in worse traffic (barely going 2mph). Finally got off and took back roads to hotel. Was worried that I would get back too late to pick up Alex from school. Can't really cry 'cause it affects Libby. Stayed at D Aunt's house on Saturday night and every time she'd get up to go to bathroom I'd be concerned that she'd fall. Know that we can't hover over her. She's trying to remember how often she has fallen. I worry about her and Diane's trying to guilt me that I worry about Stella and not about my mother (well what's been going on for the last 3+ years).l She expects me to go down every weekend from now on to just "check" on things. The nurses are giving her methadone for pain more frequently now so that I'm not even getting any response at all. Di thought I'd be able to ask Mom what "she" wants to do (re pulll plug etc). But I couldn't even get her to open her eyes for 2 seconds. The add to that that Libby was asking "when are we leaving".

Belle, I hope you're put in this position w/your Dad. It's the absolute worst. I was able to manage things for 3 years and now the devil is getting back at me for keeping her around. Mike tries to be supportive but he's now gone for a full week and Di just keeps harrassing me. I can't get away from her. I'm cracking right now. Libby's home from school but there's not much of anything I'm up to doing.


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Carolyn, you are really caught in the middle. Why doesn't your sister come to NYC to stay for a while so that she can look after things? I am sure she could take a leave for something this important. You are busy with the kids and can't be in two places at one time. I hope you sisters can work things out. You both need co-operation, not blame.


Belle, my thoughts are with you,too. I know your DH is supportive and that is so important for you at this time.


Sheila, hope all is well. I am glad you decided not to obsess anymore!


I am still up the awful pound...but at least I am not over it....so far!


Take care of yourselves, everyone.

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Baby, I am doing great! :D Glad to hear from you. I miss it when you don't post. Great words of wisdom for Carolyn. I wish her sister would help also. Makes me want to take a flight to see her and smack her for Carolyn. LOL


Hello to everyone else. Y'all have been so quiet. I miss you!

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Hope your having a good week.


Sorry haven't been on in awhile.

busy with parents, visiting and taking

Mother to Doc's and trying to

clean house and fixing food.

Had 12 ladies here today (counting me)

for Bunco. Everyone had a good time.


Visited parents after and have to

try and get another Doc app. for Mother



Dad just doing so so. Keeps getting different problem.


Carolyn hope you can talk some sense to your sister.

You need help. It's her Mother too.

Sure wish I had a sister to help out here.

I'm just plain tired. Don't want to do this anymore.

But know I will.


Sheila and Baby..How are you two doing?


Sheila about the Gym..I rejoined. Oct. 20th

and haven't gone yet. First went down south

to sell the house. Then problems with them.

Then had to clean house and now Doc app's. LOL


Baby I only wish I was up a pound. Lucky you!

I have to get back on track!


Donna where are you? Hope everything is alright.

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Happy Friday, girls! I hope all of you are doing well.


Belle ~ It is so good to see you post. I got busy yesterday and didn't get to post on this thread or the weigh-in thread. I normally hit these first, but hit the countdown thread first. Anyway, I know you're very, very tired. Are you taking care of yourself? I'm sure you really enjoyed your Bunco party. Felt good to be around friends, didn't it? I'm hosting Bunco again in a few weeks.


I finally started back to the gym this past Tues. I've been walking on the treadmill for 45-60 minutes each visit. I'll start back lifting weights next week. It sure is making me sleep better.


Have a great day everyone!

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Wed. night..came in..saw..wrote


Thur. night..came in..saw..nobody


Fri. night..came in..saw..sweet Sheila


Sheila glad your back to exercise, know you

like it. Your feeling better now?


Hope everyone is fine. Have a Good Weekend!

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You are right, Belle. When you don't post, we all complain that we miss you...and when you do post...there's no one around!


Always GLAD to see your name here! Also GLAD to read that you had your friends over. By the way..what is Bunco?


Sheila..yes, sweet Sheila!...everything your way sounds A.O.K! GLAD that you are getting back to your exercise programme.


Carolyn and Donna....come on in!


As for me...I am having one heck of a time with my weight. Finally, yesterday, I had a GOOD day, and this morning I saw the awful pound. (Did you ever think I would be GLAD to see the awful pound?????)


Tonight we are going to a fish restaurant, so I shouldn't gain (I hope!) I will be careful all day.


Take care, all and have a great day!


P.S.I capitalized the GLADS just for fun because I noticed how repititious I was!!

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Baby I'm Glad your Glad that I was here. I'm

Glad I had Bunco Wed. because..Wed. Thurs. and Fri.

dealing with problems with parents! Doc app., three days

in a row. Running to get medicine, things they need ect.

Dealing with them, getting thru to them, getting my

mother to understand things. Do I need to go on. Think

you get the picture. LOL (or I would go insane)


Baby Bunco is a dice game. We play 24 games.

4 sets of six games. Have 3 tables of 4 ladies.

You try to throw the number your playing at the time.

You roll 1's thru 6's...Like your playing 5's, you keep rolling

as long as you have a 5 or roll any 3 of a kind. But if you have

a 5 on all the dice (playing with 3 dice) You yell BUNCO.



We play, talk and eat. That's the game of BUNCO!

It's fun!


Carolyn and Donna hope things are going all right with you.

Carolyn how's your mother? Donna How's Joe?


Sheila hope your having a good weekend.

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Sunny, but very cold here. Hope you all are enjoying good weather!


The choice of a fish restaurant paid off! This morning, I am FINALLY down from the AWFUL pound....only 1/2, but I am happy! Now I am encouraged and I am going to try harder.


Belle, I'm GLAD that you are GLAD that I am GLAD!!! I know you have your hands full, but you sound like you have things under control. You have to. You have no choice. It's better for you and better for your parents. Getting old is no fun. But it's a lot better than the alternative.


Take care, all!

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I'm Glad your Glad that I'm Glad that your Glad!

Also Glad your only seeing a 1/2 pound.


I would be Glad if I only saw a 1/2 pound.

So what do I do? See my parents..not a good

day. So guess what I do? Your right..EAT!

When will I stop?

Your right I have no choice when it comes to

my parents. Just have to do it.. day by day.


Have a good week.

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Hi girls! I had a good weekend, but busy. I've been doing some redecorating at home so I went shopping on Sat. Yesterday was spent cleaning carpets and adding items to the new bookcase for the study. Needless to say, I was whooped last night.


Belle ~ We only play 3 rounds of Bunco. We play 2 rounds and then have dessert. We talk so much that sometimes we don't even play. LOL What are your plans for Thanksgiving?


Baby ~ I'm so GLAD to hear that you're down that awful pound. I might've found it. LOL I didn't eat too well on Saturday. I'm just trying to maintain right now because it is always so hard for me to lose weight during Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Hello to Donna and Carolyn. We miss you!


Talk to you, my sweet friends, later. :D

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