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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Sheila sorry you were sick..glad your feeling better now.

Take it easy.


Carolyn sorry your sick...you have to get better for your

trip! You need a rest. Don't worry about the weight gain.

Called stress eating..I'm doing it too! Darn it!!!!


Baby and Donna...Like to see you two in here more.

Miss you!


Same here..What can I say. Just not what I thought

I would be doing with my life right now. You just live

with it. What can you do? Just wish not so much stress...

tired with dealing with all health problems, mental problems,

paper work ect.

As they say ..this shall pass...but when? OK will stop venting.


Hope your all having a good week. Hanukkah is over..now

time for our Christmas. Everyone ready?


Sheila had our Bunco Christmas party today. Gave some

leftover cookies and such to my parents after. They enjoyed.

Got a nice present and even won some money! Nice break

for awhile.


Will talk later..Be Good!

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Belle, hi honey! We're always here for you to vent to. Don't ever apologize for that. I want you to tell me your frustrations, etc. That's what friends are for. I'm much better...just a little stomach distress. I get it sometimes when I eat or drink something I shouldn't. I found that wine is the main culprit so I'll stay away from it from now on. ;) I'm glad you had a good time at your Bunco party. I know it is a fun time and it makes you feel like your old self again. I hope the Christmas season won't be too stressful on you. All you can do is take it one day at a time. {{HUGS}}

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Hi everyone! Had a bad "weight week", as you probably have guessed. Was over the awful pound. Today, I am at the awful pound. Will try harder! It's freezing here. This morning it is about 6 degrees F. The sun is shining, we have tons of snow, so when I look out the window, it's gorgeous! But, needless to say, I am not walking much. I have to start mall-walking!!! I have never done that, but it is a good idea. There is one near my home that has indoor parking. Why don't I go? Maybe I will be able to talk myself into that!


One by one, my friends are leaving for looong stays in warmer climes.


Belle...I can tell you one thing...you are a great source of comfort to your parents. They are so lucky to have you.


Chanukah/Hanukah. Since it is a translation from Hebrew, you can spell it how you like! The Ch is the gutteral Hgh sound. Many Americans pronounce it with a simple "h" sound. It's definitely NOT "ch" as in chew!


Sheila...let's do a trade. I will send you snow and you can send me higher temperatures! How can I worry about global warming? I would love a little of it!!


Glad that you are feeling better.


Carolyn, hope you are better. You will enjoy your vacation, by hook or by crook! Hawaii is so beautiful. Where will you be staying? Is this your second or third time there?


Take care all, and have a great day!

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Baby ~ I'll be glad to send you some of this heat. It is getting really old. I'm mad because I haven't been able to wear any of my new sweaters. As it is, I have to buy 100% cotton and stay away from wool or acrylic because it gets too hot down here. Send some snow my way! I'd play in it all day. ;) I hope your Hanukkah was great!


Belle ~ How are you?


Carolyn ~ When do you leave for Hawaii?


Donna ~ I guess you're still real busy at work.


Hello to all of you!

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Last night wrote on the weigh-in thread,

it went through.

Then wrote on here, it didn't go through.

Makes me "mad"!


Just wanted to say Hi and to hope everyone

was doing alright.


Quess Carolyn left for Hawaii yesterday. Lucky her.


Sheila is it still warm where you live? Got cooler here.

Thankgoodness not as cold as Baby. Raining too.

Your doing so good on your weight and exercise.


Baby see why you want to go to Palm Springs, 6 degrees!!

Don't stay away for a pound. If I stay away for what

I gained..I would never be able to come back!


Same here. Keeping telling myself..day by day! It's hard

dealing with two people..different problems and issues and

illness. Will be a different Christmas this year not much

Christmas spirt this year, sorry to say. I'm doing it thro,

just smaller.


Have a good week everyone.


Donna hope you and Joe are doing good.

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Belle ~ Hey sweetie! I guess it is really hard having to deal with one parent, much less two. You've got a double whammy! My heart just goes out to you. You amaze me with your spirit though.


It is actually freezing here! We were in the 80's last week and now, we're in the 20's in the early morning and then high 40's in the afternoon. I like the cold weather, but don't like going from 80 degrees to 40 degrees overnight. Makes it real hard to get used to the temps.


I'm doing well. I've been eating a lot of junk though and it is making feel yucky. People keep giving me candy for Christmas presents. I'm going to pay them all back though....I've made a slew of cookies and candy and they are getting all of it. ;)


Baby ~ Do you normally make a lot of junk food for Hanukkah? Just curious what your traditions are.


I hope Carolyn is having a good time in Hawaii and is able to forget her and her mother's problems.


Donna ~ How are you and Joe? Are you ready for Christmas? What are your plans?


Talk to you wonderful ladies later. :)

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Hi! I've been thinking of you ladies and how you must be busy readying for Xmas. Are you spending a lot of time in the kitchen? In the stores?


Belle, good to hear from you. Even if it is lower keyed, hope you enjoy the holidays. Are you spending it with friends? family? You need your support group.


We have a record-breaking amount of snow on the ground...and it isn't even officially winter yet! The city is emptying out. Most of my friends are gone. Some are yet to go. (all to warmth and sunshine!) Yes, Palm Springs will be VERY COMFORTABLE!! What do you do there? We don't golf. We can play bridge, walk and shop. Will it be warm enough to swim in Feb? I feel like we are going on an "old people's" holiday! From here, most go to Florida. It's probably the same, without the ocean.


Sheila..I'll trade our snow for your warm, sun any day! I always say our grandparents must have come here in the summer, otherwise, why would they have stayed? My cotton sweaters are put away for spring!


Chanukah was quiet. We are just the two at home. One night, our son came over. I didn't even bother with latkes this year. It's not as big a deal as Xmas. Xmas is more like our high holidays or Passover, when kids come home for the holidays.


Hope you both (and whoever else reads this) have a wonderful holiday.


My awful pound is on my body!


Carolyn, enjoy Hawaii.


Donna, two of your friends have cancelled the transatlantic cruise. There is a third one, Tuggers. I wonder if she will go without them????


Hope you and Joe are well.


Have a great day, all!

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Baby, I am finished shopping, but have been baking away. I'm making all sorts of cookies and candy. I've been sampling and was surprised that I haven't gained anything. However, I have been exercising so that's got to be why. ;) It is in the 40's here today with no sun. It went from 80 to 40! Good luck with all of the snow.

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Merry Christmas Sheila and Donna

and A Happy New Year to Baby,

Carolyn, Sheila and Donna as well.


Even if not in the spirit..still celebrating Baby.

Christmas Eve day, spending with my parents,

their Anniversary. In the evening going out to

dinner with the kids after work.


Christmas opening presents with kids in the morning

and then lunch and day with kids and parents.

In evening going out to a late dinner.


My main wish is hope my father will have a clear

mind and know what's going on. He's been looking

foward to this day. Wanted to live this long.

And for my mother not to be depressed and down.

She doesn't want to celebrate Christmas.

So send your best wishes this way that it will be

a nice day.


Sheila do you have a good day planned? Beside your

son do you get together with other family members?

How many days off work do you get?


Donna hope you have a good day too.


Baby yes you can swim normally. Depends on the weather.

You know anything can happen. Will be warmer than your home.

You'll have nice weather for sure. Nice sunshine on your body.


Baby go up the tram, great views and ride. There's casinos.

Movie's. Great places to eat at. Every Thursday close the

main street for a street fair. Music, food, things to buy.

On weekends at the college in Palm Desert is a big market.

Buy the paper everyday, The Desert Sun. tells you whats

going on. Plus has coupons in it for some places to eat.

Don't forget the Follies. You'll have a great time.

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Sheila, diet be d*****d, I'd love some of your cookies and candies! Hope everyone enjoys them, so that you don't eat too many!!!


We have so much snow and and humoungous icycles that we have to get a roofer to remove them! Look at what you guys are missing!!!


Driving is a mess. It takes forever to go anywhere. Give me the nearest mall with a parking lot...and that's it.


Belle, I didn't realize you had children. I think this is the first time you have mentioned them. Do they live near you? Are they married? How many do you have?


My thoughts for a lovely Xmas day go out to you and your family. The same thoughts, of course, go out to Sheila, Donna and whoever else reads this. We want (and need) only good things!


Thanks for the Thumbs-up on Palm Springs. Will do all the things you suggest. Have you ever stayed at the Best Western Las Brisas? Hope it's good enough! The price sure is great!


Take care, all!

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Hello girls! I hope all of you are doing well!


Belle ~ I do pray that your father does remember what's going on and has a good time on Christmas. Hopefully, your mother will be in good spirits also....for you and for your Dad. If you don't get on CC before the big day, have a very blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year! I hope things improve for you in 2008. You deserve the best!


We spend Christmas Eve with my parents and with my brother and his family. It is an intimate group...only 9 of us. On Christmas morning, we'll open gifts....just me, my DH, and DS. The parents will come over around 9:00am for Christmas breakfast. Around 1:00, we'll go to my mother-in-law's house to spend the rest of the day with my DH's family. He has a big family! I'll crash on the 26th. :D I'm back at work on the 27th. I am off on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I'm looking forward to just relaxing.


Love you all!

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And no place that I would rather spend it! I hate when I'm this busy/crazy! I missed Chanukah wishes and Carolyn's leaving. I just finished wrapping the gifts and they are sitting in the exercise room waiting to be loaded in my Christmas present. A good deal of spare time (and non spare) was taken up with car shopping to the point of pushing most of the Christmas shopping out. Final decision was the new Nissan Rogue which we picked up Tuesday night. I haven't sat down before 10:00 for two weeks straight so I deserve a break.


Belle, you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers. Low key Christmas is still Christmas and sounds like you have a plan to get to enjoy it. Special prayers that your parents are alert and in good spirits since that will really help.


Sheila, I would be in trouble with all that baking! I did get roped in on the cookie exchange and have managed by a major force of will to stay out of them but that's the only thing that the will power has worked on. Work has been one continuous buffet for a week. My work is cut out for me come the first of the year!


Baby, Where is that water? I just went and got mine. One more cup of coffee and I would float. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful and warm vacation. Bet you can't wait to get out of the snow and cold. We have about a foot on the ground and may get more tonight along with a cold front. Mixed blessing since we have very heavy fog right now and visibility is pretty much zilch but the cold will clear that out. Latest forecast is an inch of snow overnight so the interstates should be fine. The third will most likely cancel too but just hasn't gotten around to it yet. We are all hoping that the $ finally starts rising and we can do Europe in 2009. Right now, it is just too expensive for them.


Hoping Carolyn is feeling better and enjoying her vacation without home totally stressing her out. Definitely a much needed break!


It looks like we will be leaving tomorrow morning (was iffy with the weather) and will drive back Christmas Day. Diane is riding with us but will spend most of her time on her laptop getting ready for a big meeting on Wednesday. However, now she has me scared. We sent the girls gifts to MI at Thanksgiving but now she says she has lots of packages and the back of this vehicle is definitely smaller than the Pathfinder. And here I thought I did really well since everything is small and fits in 3 Chico's bags. She just might end up sitting on them! We have been opening little gifts to each other all week and will finish up tonight. Joe's big gift is a flat panel tv for the exercise room but we decided to wait until after Christmas since they have really kept prices high this year. It looks like we will be staying at the Soaring Eagle Casino/Resort tomorrow night along with Joe's sister and new husband since Cheryl's house would be bursting at the seams with all of us but then Deb leaves Christmas Eve morning so we'll move back to Cheryl's for that night. Then is is back on Christmas day and work on the following day.


Only other news is that I moved off our March cruise on Galaxy to March, 2009 so nothing in the near future. I need Joe in better shape before we do anything. We are waiting for a sleep study to be scheduled with the hope that it will explain why he is so tired most of the time.


Well, better get him moving. Still have a few small things to pick up and have to decide whether we go out in the fog or try to catch them on the way to Cheryl's tomorrow.


Will try to be better and get on more often.


For all of those celebrating over the next few days, have a Safe and Happy Holiday!


Baby, stay in the warm and plan on a Wonderful New Year!


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Hope you all enjoy the holidays with your loved ones and friends. My best wishes for a Merry Xmas and a Happy and a Healthy New Year to all.


Donna, so good to hear from you. You are VERY BUSY as usual! I don't know how you do it!


I hope Joe will be well and that you will be able to cruise with him again soon. Your exercise room sounds great and I am sure it will help him along. He had very major surgery and it takes a long time for the body to bounce back. As long as his reports are favourable, that's the most important thing.


Sorry all your friends are cancelling the cruise and we won't get to meet them. What can I say about the exchange rate? We are so used to that, we just roll with the punches. We will be staying in a 3* instead of a 5*. Big deal!!! We are flexible!


Enjoy your new car in good health. We lease a Maxima and the lease will be up in June. One reason I am thinking of it again is because we have a heated steering wheel. That is the feature I love the best about the car. I don't want to give it up.


Sheila, have a wonderful holiday. Enjoy your family and whatever Santa sends your way!


Belle, hope everything turns out even better that you hope!


My son and dil who live out of town are here. They just informed me that they want dinner at home Mon. night! So, tomorrow I will hit the supermarket...again! I sometimes think I live there! It is in a very Jewish neighbourhood, so I hope it will not be crowded. I walked in and out of another supermarket yesterday because the lines were so long.


Anyone want snow or icycles? There are 2 men removing them from our roof at this very moment. If I could send them through cyberspace, I would!


Be well everyone and watch those holiday calories!

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Merry Christmas to Donna & Belle! I hope you have a joyous time with your families and you can leave your troubles behind for a few days. ;)


Baby ~ I thought of you this morning when I weighed and I was up one pound. LOL I said, "Oh the dreaded pound is back!"


I'm leaving work today at 11:00 and will webcam with our Scottish friends this afternoon to exchange our gifts with them. We've had them under the trees for weeks. This evening will be spent with my parents and brother. Can't wait!


I won't be back online until maybe Weds. If off that day, but will try to sign-on.


Take care, all! Enjoy your family time!

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Hope you all have a great Eve and Day.

(you to Baby..just great days that is)


Donna good to hear from you. Take care

of Joe. Drive carefully.


Shiela have fun with webcam and your family.


Carolyn hope your enjoying Hawaii.


The day with parents not as good as

it should of been. Father not good, unclear.

Hope tomorrows better.


Leaving in awhile for dinner out.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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got "cursed" by DS when I left home.

Stayed in Kauai for a week but things started to go wrong". Week ago found out Mike's company was being taken over by Phillips (not sure how it's going to effect him, things like this ALWAYS happen when he's either out of town on business or vacation), Had been checking in on Mom daily and left things in DS hands when she arrived on 12/22. Then things started going down hill. She was calling me up constantly (couldn't get out of room or away from her calls). Then she got influenced to put Mom on hospice. I wasn't feeling too comfortable about that but DS said "well you're away and you put me in charge". Well Mom took a turn for worse. I wanted her to go to hospital, DS signed her on hospice (day after Xmas) and wouldn't listen to me. Mom had an infection, developed breathing problems, then I put in a call to medical director threatening to get the state involved and wanted them to send Mom to hospital ASAP. Well this was about 2 hrs after I originally got call from house doctor to see Mom who said "she's on hospice now". About an hour or so later the medical director called me on cell phone (I was in Costco) and said "which hospital do you want to send her to" (she was having a problem breathing). Couldn't get her to Cornell since he said they'd do a 911 and Cornell would be too far away (didn't know it was that critical). Well they were waiting well over an hour and the ambulance NEVER arrived. Mom passed away (DS f-d things up AGAIN -- she didn't want to try to keep Mom alive until we came back -- all D wanted was to have Mom "hang in there" until she got to NYC-- which she did). So she calls me up to tell me Mom' gone and then starts chanting away. I tell Alex who just sits down in the middle of the aisle of Costco in disbelief... shock. This is the SECOND time that D has messed up a life, first my Dad and now this. Then she starts demanding that I come back ASAP since it's not "fair" that I stay away and how can I enjoy myself... blah blah blah. I remind her what she did w/Dad while I was taking care of things but she starts saying "well I had to go back, I had a job.. blah blah blah" (I had confronted her about this before we left saying, since I don't have a job I'm not entitled to go away since Mom's always going to have something and she said "yes, that's the way it is" that she expected me to go every weekend to check on things and that she'd just come in when she had planned and not a minute before.

Well now she's plannign the funeral (luckily it's prepaid) but it's going to be all of DS friends, we don't have any family other than aunt and I'm feeling very uncomfortable about it. Libby'll miss the first day back from school. We couldn't rush back since we couldn't get seats for all 4 of us w/out paying $1K each (when we booked it Mom was in hospital so insurance wouldn't cover air if that was the emergency). At first DS wanted me to fly back to be w/her and leave everyone here in HI, I didn't feel comfortable with it and I didn't want to rush back for HER comfort. I kind of expected this to happen but didn't want it. If we didn't go who knows what would happen. Trip so far has had it's stresses. Alot of my time has been on phone so we don't get out before 11am the earliest, but at least I'm away from home.

At least now I know Mom's in a "better" place and some of my burden is over. I feel NO guilt. DS says how can I live w/myself. That her friends can't believe I went, how can I be enjoying myself. I do the best I can, but I need to be w/my family and esp. w/Mike's work situation we really don't know when we'll be able to go away before August (if that). He's going to be traveling an awful lot now. He's got trip to S.Diego week after we get back, then HNL and possibly a trip or two to Germany (where Phillips is based). So we'll see.

If I don't post before I get home I hope everyone has a healthy and happy New Year.


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It's not too late.

Diane was pressuring me to rush back ASAP... though she found out that all of "her" friends couldn't make it until after New Years. So she "booked" it for Jan. 2nd. So we're keeping our original plans of returning tomorrow evening.

DS just won't let me be. I'm not a "warm, fuzzy" type when it comes to speeches and "take your turn in sharing". DS's trying to get stuff for her friend to use for eulogy. She's writing away and I'm just not into it at all. And she keeps calling me up from early AM on. I can't get away from her. She's like a fungus. Making sure that I can't enjoy anything. We're driving and she insists on taking for a long time. Then I'm trying to nap in car... She calls Mike's phone and keeps him on call even though he's trying to drive. She's staying at my aunt's and she's tying up the phone constantly and also screening Aunt's calls. It's really getting to be too much. Since I'm not playing to DS's wishes she's now saying "I don't know why you're even bothering coming to funeral.

What can I do. Alex says that DSs will never grow up (true)and if I ignore her she'll go away.. doesn't work and I end up getting very frustrated and yelling, hang up on her and then she keeps calling back. Yet when I do it to her she cuts me off (she did that at nursing home in the last few hours when she "took control" and made "the decision" before totally consulting me and then saying... you went away and the decision has been made. Don't call me.

What can I say.

Thank you for your condolences and I pray that one day DS will be a responsible . Also thanks for letting me vent.


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Carolyn, I would like to say that I'm sorry you were away but I'm really not. The same confrontation and worse would have happened if you were here and you need the time with your family to regroup in preparation for the battle to come. Turn the phone off except for limited hours! I'm actually glad she is at your Aunt's because everything you have said indicates that your aunt is still sharp and this will give her the opportunity to see Diane as she really is. Once she gets her inheritance, I doubt you'll hear from her very often if at all. I am sorry about your Mom and am glad that she is in a better place and that a good part of the load will be gone from you once things are settled. Prayers that Phillips is a good thing for Mike and 2008 will be a much better year with a lot less stress.


Belle, sorry that the holiday with parents didn't go as well as hoped but fervent wishes that the rest improved.


Thought I had time but I can hear Joe coughing in the background so need to post quickly and check on him. He came home with a very bad cold and made it worse yesterday by marathon car shopping with DD2. They didn't stop for food or drink so he came in totally wiped out and the sore throat was back in full force. Will try to get back tomorrow morning.


Have a great Sunday!

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To a wonderful 2008 and may all your dreams come true!


I slept through the dropping of the ball last night and now have a pile of "work" sitting in front of me but had to stop by and wish all of you the best for 2008!


Baby, you can do it as can the rest of us!


Sheila, Hope your having fun!


Belle, Hope this holiday was better than the last!


Carolyn, Thoughts and prayers with you and your family.


Now back to work!


Have a happy and safe holiday!

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Hi girls! Happy New Year!


Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your dear Mother's passing. I just hope that you can find some peace now. Hopefully, Donna is correct and your DS will leave you alone after everything is over. {{{HUGS}}}


Donna ~ I hate to hear that Joe isn't feeling well. I didn't do anything for the new year. It was very nice!


Belle ~ I hope to lose all of this holiday weight gain this year, LOL. Hope you're doing well also!


Baby ~ Hi sweetie! Hope you're fine to.


Take care!

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Carolyn, first I want to say, so sorry

about your Mother, but she's at peace now.

Your sister had no right to put your

Mother on hospice, should of been

a decision your should of made together.

My first reaction is for you to just forget

about her, she only cares about herself.

You've known that for years.

I hope you were able to have some fun

time with your family in Hawaii. Also

hope Mike's job works out all right.


Sheila, glad you had a nice Christmas

and quiet New Year's that you enjoyed.

Rest is good especially when you have

to go back to work the next day.

Thank you for hoping I lose my gained

weight..me too. Have to stop eating first! LOL


Donna, Sounds like you had a nice Christmas

and a quiet New Year's too. I'm sorry that

Joe isn't feeling well. Canceling cruises, that

must make you feel ill too! Would me.

Yes Euro/Dollar is bad.



Baby, sounds like you went out for the

New Year. You have fun? Just think in

a couple of months you'll be in Palm Springs.

(now they go between 60's and low 70's)

Sure will be in 70's when you go.

Hug a Palm Tree for me.


On Christmas Day Father was half and half.

(clear and unclear) Next day he was better.

Mother was alright most of the time.

New Year's Eve and Day, one day good, one

bad. Had Sparking Cider to toast the New Year

with them. We didn't go to our friends in the

city like we always do. Just didn't feel like it.

We went to a show and out to dinner. Home Early!

Sound like we're such an "active group". Everyone

home early! Well I was up at 12 and kissed my husband!



Everyone please enjoy the rest of the week and

the weekend too.

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