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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Belle, Glad you had a good time away. Things may not have changed but at least you got some rest! Hope he enjoyed his birthday!


Sheila, Your doing great so just keep doing what you are!


Baby, They have water in Palm Beach so take advantage of it!


Carolyn, How is your aunt doing? How is Libby? How are you holding up?


Leah, Add my welcome and hope you join us often! Others join when schedules permit. We enjoy having everyone and can use the additional motivation.


We leave Wednesday and board Inspiration on Thursday. When we disembark on Monday, we will head to Orlando. If we get there early enough, we will go to Epcot but if later, we will just dink around and hit Epcot on Tuesday. Wednesday is back home again.


Busy day planned so better get moving.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Sorry I haven't posted... guess I should have been "greatfull" for the slight depression I had beginning of January since it seems like I'm back to where I was. Update on Aunt (93)

Walked herself over to ER on MLK evening. Finally released 2/22 (I thought too soon). Over that time had been "starved" for several weeks, put on vent (for 1 week) had emergency surgery 2/1 developed heart problems w/rate and bp problems (dropping), near kidney failure, pneumonia (possibly) and then 2 uti's.. one of which the MDs refused to acknowledge until I went ballistic (I sick of that). She had gotten so weak, body has swollen up w/fluid (gained over 25+lbs... she wouldn't complain about a 1lb gain baby) and now has gotten sores on body. Arms/legs have been weeping constantly. Sent out to a rehab a week ago. Insurance will cover about 3 weeks then high copays afterwards for next 80 days. PT eval suggests 12 weeks and then not knowing where she will be physically (was fully functional prior, walking, snoozing.. just bad macular degeneration, BP and heart fine). So now she's a somewhat medical mess though her vitals were ok. Get a call at 7AM that they were sending her to hospital (ok I'm 2 hrs away). Find out Friday that her friend didn't like what she saw at rehab (old place, not impressive PT room, 4 patients to room with practically no room to move around -- sounding like a ward instead of a nice place) and suggested I follow up. Well she's in hospital now. I beg them to admit her so I'll have safety net of placing her somewhere else since if she gets "stuck" there it could end up costing her $450 per day and I'm not nearby. Find out there's an "ok" place near me that will be a little over $100 less per day, but don't know if Medicare will transport her and B) if they have bed. WIll put her on list just in case. Moving from one state to another may present a problem. Libby's stomach has been acting up, Mike was away last week and luckily Alex just finished finals so he can keep eye on Libby for 2 weeks if I have to go to NYC (it's nice to go to NYC but not under these circumstances).

I'm trying to watch what I'm eating just 'cause times I'm not hungry at all and then hit the eat anything not nailed down. Yesterday was good do but don't know what today holds. Just trying to take care of myself and not neglect family (that's happening a bit). Having hard time sleeping. Trying to get to bed early but then DS calls. I ignore or hang up on her and then she starts harrassing and threatening (I tell her I'll let her know when I have info.. it's always at her convenience w/her calling when I'm trying to prepare dinner, get kids organized, etc. family stuff that she believes I should put on hold to chat w/her). Alex says I give her power and should ignore her but when I do she comes on like a fungus.

So I'll lurk. Thanks for thinking about me and aunt. I'm just wrung out Think Aunt doesn't want to live the way she is right now. Also after May her care will be costing over $14K a month and I know she won't be happy with it. Seems like I'm the one stuck with all the work and cousin has benefitted $$ wise for last 3 years. (End of vent).

Belle, guess we're really in same boat now... maybe we can get on a real boat some day.

Baby, in Palm Springs yet.

Donna, bonne voyage.

Sheila, hope everything is fine w/you.


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it's been awfully quiet.

Hope Donna's enjoying her cruise,

Baby's enjoying Palm Springs.

Belle, hope things are "uneventful" and quiet.

Sheila, how are things.

As for me it's been a quiet day compared to the pits yesterday.


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Hi all, just wondering if I could post every once and awhile with yall. Noticed this board because Nov. 1 is a big day for me. It is my birthday, and I want to be down 80lbs before then. That will put me at 230. Not my goal weight but one of my goals none the less.


Hope you all have a good day!!!!


Oh by the way I am Leah

Leah, Welcome! We're glad you're here! :D


Donna ~ I know I've probably missed you, but BON VOYAGE! I hope you and Joe have a great time. Have a French pastry for me at EPCOT, will ya? (I know, I'm so bad! ;) )


Belle ~ Hey! I hope your Dad's birthday was nice. I'm sure he enjoyed his cake. How are YOU doing?


Carolyn ~ My, my, my! Your life is just one chaos after another. You poor thing! Listen to Alex. He sounds wise beyond his years. I hope your Aunt gets better soon. Hang in there!


Baby ~ Hope you're enjoying Palm Springs. Wish I was there with you!


I've been doing OK this week. My sinuses have been acting up like crazy. One day it is 80 degrees here and the next it is 40. :rolleyes: No wonder everyone is sick! Exercise is still going strong. I did have a cheat day on Sunday. I doubt I'll show a weight loss this week, but that's OK. I have 3 weeks to lose the last two pounds; however, if I don't make it, I will be just fine.


Take care, girls!

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And I have no idea how I live through a 16 month wait! Joe booked this on 2/14 and I've been bouncing off the walls for days.


Belle, Here is hoping that things are uneventful and you're just tired by the end of your day. Hang in there! Being an only child is not fun but I know that they appreciate all that you are doing for them.


Carolyn, Alex is right and just hang up on her! Cousin? Sounds like the cousin needs to be forced to take charge. You've had enough after your Mom to last a lifetime!


Baby, Drinking water in Palm Beach?


Sheila, Sounds like a celebratory shopping spree should be coming up very soon now!


Leah, How is this week going? Following any specific plan?


OK, pretty much packed so now it is all the little stuff that you just can't do without. Time to get some "work" work done and then finish up. We will be out of here slightly after noon and stop for lunch on the way to the airport. We land after 8:00 so not sure we will have anything more than a celebration cocktail when we reach the hotel tonight.


I will check in when we get home next Wednesday.


Have a great weekend!

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Sorry I missed Donna but shes getting

on the boat today, Thursday! Bon Voyage!


Baby should be having good weather. 70+

here so maybe 80+ there. Maybe rain here

Sunday but don't think there.


Sheila your doing so good, I bet your "bad"

days aren't that bad. Especially when you

do all that exercise.


Carolyn so sorry you have to go thru more

"stuff" with your sister. Just tell her to go..

Jump!! Sure she's no help with your aunt.

Cousins sound like her, they want the money

and stuff but don't even think they need to help.


Leah how are you doing? I really need to lose

by 11-1-08 too. Maybe taking a cruise. Depends on

my parents. If you read the posts there not doing to well.

Anyway need to lose, I've gained to much in the

last year.


My father's birthday was fine. He was in good spirts.

Mother too. Was glad it was Sat. because

Sunday he didn't sleep so was out of it on Mon.


Everyone have a good rest of the week and weekend.

Had lunch with them and had the cake, strawberries, ect.

Had balloons and flowers.

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Hope Monday starts out good for



Know Donna and Baby are having a

good day. Baby should have weather

in the 80's, maybe Donna too.


WE been hitting 70's last few days, cool

at night.


Sheila and Carolyn how is your weather?


Know you ALL ate well, exercising like mad..

Over the weekend. Right?

I ate, no exercise..Wrong!


I'll get with it soon..have too. I'm just feeling..

Forget it, not going there. Everyone have a

Great Week! Spring is coming!

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Happy Monday, girls!


I hope all of you had a good weekend. Mine was busy doing house projects. Got some things bought at Home Depot and some paint picked out at the paint store. This year, we're not taking an expensive vacation so we can do some upgrades on the house. We built it in 2000, so it is time to start painting and replacing things. We also did some pruning on some trees.


Belle ~ I wasn't too great over the weekend with my WOE. I didn't eat anything bad, just too much of the good stuff. LOL How's everything going with you? Go ahead and tell us what you're feeling. That's what we're here for. :)


I guess Donna & Baby are having a nice time. When is Baby coming back?


Carolyn ~ How's your dear aunt?


Hugs to you all!

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Sheila hope your having a good morning.

Sounds like you were busy over the

weekend and will be busy over the next

weekends too.

When do your friends from Scotland come?

Isn't it for two weeks?


Think Donna will be home next few days.

Hope she had a good time.


Baby was going to be gone 2 to 3 weeks.

Don't know when she left in Feb. She's

having weather in the 80's. Better than

her snow at home.


Carolyn hope everything is working out

for you with your aunt.


Wishing you all a good day.

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Good morning, girls! :)


Belle ~ Our Scottish friends are coming in July for 15 days. We are so excited! We're meeting them in Orlando in May. How's everything going with you?


I haven't been able to exercise much this week due to my left leg & hip. I have a pinched nerve in my hip and when it is aggravated, it causes hip & leg pain. Of course, all of this is due to my spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease. :rolleyes: I need another epidural shot and I just need to figure out when I can take a day off work to get one. :o


I can't wait to here about Donna's and Baby's trips! I hope they are having a good time!


Carolyn ~ Your MIA again! How are you and your Aunt doing? How's Libby?


Talk to y'all later! {{{HUGS}}}

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Just got home last night...and ....wow..what snow! It's already the second week in March and we are in the middle of winter! It was good to be out in the warm sunshine. Now, how can I ever face the cruel, cold world?


We had a wonderful vacation. At first, it was quite cold in Palm Springs, but then it warmed up and I managed to swim quite a bit. It is amazing how they developed the area, smack in the middle of the desert. Also fascinating is being surrounded by palm trees and flowers, then looking up at the snow covered mountains. I think the highlight of the trip was our day to Joshua Tree. Have you ever been there?


We were in the villas at the Westin and our accomodations were very comfortable. Mostly we went shopping in the morning and swimming later in the afternoon. We saw a couple of shows, the follies and a singer whose name I can't remember, but she was very good. We never did manage to play bridge. You know, to a Canadian, American shopping is a favourite pastime! Nobody can do sales like you can. Items are reduced and reduced. We laughed that they were practically paying us to take the merchandise!!


We were in San Francisco for the last 5 nights. Do I love that city! We did a lot of sightseeing (no time to shop there!!)


Best news of all! We walked so much that I lost 2 1/2 pounds!!! Now the trick is to keep it off!


Read all your posts.


Donna must be on her cruise. (Just finished a glass of water!)


Sheila, glad all is well. Redecorating, eh? That's fun and games! Much easier to take a trip!!! You know, coming into the house after 3 weeks, you really notice all the flaws that escape your attention on a daily basis! Anyway, we will also do a little this year.


Belle, so glad that you celebrated your Dad's birthday and he enjoyed it (the cake does sound yummy!). Hope all works out so that you can plan that cruise.


Carolyn, like everyone else, I am wondering about the cousin. Everything shouldn't fall on your shoulders. You take care of Carolyn and your hubby and kids first. That's an order!!!!


Have a great day, all!

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Baby ~ Hey! I'm so glad you had a wonderful vacation! It sounds so nice. Decorating is a hobby of mine so I don't mind doing it. I used to do all of the painting, but it is harder and harder for me to do it now. We just bought some new leather furniture so I need to get the great room painted. You know one thing leads to another! LOL We missed you! :D

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Welcome Back Baby. I'm glad you liked

"MY" P. S. Isn't she beautiful?

Glad you liked the shopping. Did you

do the street fair, the tram?

Glad you had warm weather most of the time.

Are you going back next year?

Sorry about coming back to the snow.

We missed you. Congrats on the weight loss.


Sheila so nice you get to see your friends

in May and July. They sure get to travel

a lot. Their lucky!


Now we need to hear from Donna and hear

about her trip.


Carolyn we need to hear from you too.

Know it's hard.


My father wasn't very good today. Was so out of it.

I feel so sorry for him. Breaks my heart.

Take my mother to the doctor on Friday.


Everyone have a good rest of the week.

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I don't know. Up 1 and 1/2 today. Was NOT bad yesterday. Sure, it's water!!! Usually, that happens the day after travel. Don't know why.


So much snow. Three women died yesterday when a roof caved in. Our upstairs balcony has snow which must be up to my chest. I think we should call someone to clean it up. I am afraid of a leak or worse.


Sheila, with your back problems,etc, how can you paint? I am praying that my cleaning lady shows up today (usually she calls when I get back from a trip). I need her to do the heavy stuff. I'm off to pysio this morning. Now it's my neck and shoulders that are much worse. What a bunch we are!


Belle, so sorry to hear about your Dad. Good that he was able to have an enjoyable birthday. It is so sad.


We did the street fair and also the Sat. morning market at the college. We bought the most delicious dates and nuts.


Didn't do the tram. When they mentioned cross country skiing, I said forget it!


Gotta go, girls.


Take care!

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Hi Friends!


Belle ~ I'm sad to hear that your Father isn't doing well. Does he have Alzheimers? My aunt has that and it can be tough on them and the family. Is your Mother doing OK? How about you? Are you taking care of yourself?


The company my Scottish friend, Howard, works for closes all through the year so they take a lot of vacations. Since they are so close to Spain and France, they go there a lot. They'll come here a couple of times a year and then go to Spain or France. Must be nice, huh? I wish the U.S. had the same type of vacation plans as they do at their companies. LOL


Baby ~ Have you unpacked yet? How about the dreaded pound? I hope it didn't find itself back to you while you were on vacation. ;) My back has been bothering me a lot this week. I guess the last epidural I had has worn off. My DH's neck & shoulder area has been bothering him. We're quite a pair! I hope you have some luck at the physio today and you can get some relief. I can still paint, but no without pain. That's one reason why I'm going to hire someone to do the big rooms.


I stayed the same this week. I'm OK with that...haven't been able to exercise as much as I normally do. I've got another epidural scheduled for the middle of April, but hopefully, I can still exercise good until then.


Take care, girls!

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Hi all,


Came back late Wednesday and DD2 had a fire in her building which meant chaos (she was staying here) then back to work on Thursday just added to it.


DD2 moved back to her apartment on Wednesday night but who knows when all her junk will be out of here. A friend of hers still has her 4 cats so we are actually lucky! Fortunately, Joe beat her into insurance so she has a lot of work to do but she is covered beyond her deductible.


Sheila, Ouch, feel better! House stuff coming up here quickly too! Something about spring!


Baby, Hope your snow is now melting as is ours! Yes, shopping is definitely to your advantage now.


Belle, Oh, we really wish we could make this easier for you right now. It is so hard to see the change in the people we counted on most in life! We are all praying that you get that chance to get away in October.


Carolyn, Deep breaths and keep repeating "They will not take over my life". Is Mike home yet? Where are the cousins when the decisions need to be made? I'm thinking you should come visit but forget about seeing Diane!


Leah, our next trip is 10/6 so I really need to get on the same program! I'm working on getting over the "vacation over blues" first then time to focus.


Overall, great trip and this said by a considered "X snob". Food was very good to excellent though I really missed the X waffles. Pulled together a great group and had an absolute blast. Joe managed to come down with his first infection since his surgery last year and it slowed us down a bit in Orlando but he was a trouper. Of course, now he has collapsed and I am in the "I refuse to catch it" mode. Seems I have caught it but not nearly as severe. Meantime, Mom's boyfriend passed away this morning but she is taking it miraculously well. Downright scary but she knows we both have viral infections so that just might be it. Finally got year end from the accounting firm and have balanced it so I am seriously hoping that Monday will see me finally entering 2008 and staying there.


News time so better get moving!


Have a great Sunday tomorrow!

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Business first...weight is GOOD!! I am happy to report that I weigh the Good Number that I saw on Wednesday. I was soooo good yesterday. I shared a salad with a friend for lunch. It was a big salad and had chicken slices...very filling...didn't want any nosh before dinner. Went to an Italian restaurant, but ate WISELY!!!! Didn't gain an ounce!! I told the waiter that if I didn't gain, I'd be back!!!


Donna, your cruise sounds wonderful. Which ship were you on? Hope you and Joe are on the mend. My DH also came home and was sick within a day. Now he seems better. He recovers much more quickly than I do. Too bad about DD's apartment. That's stress nobody needs. Hope everything gets straightened out soon. Sorry about Mom's boyfriend.


We still have tons of snow. If I knew how to take a photo and post, I would. It is unbelievable what is going on here. Driving is very difficult. Roofs have caved in and some schools have closed because of that. There is more snow predicted, but no storms (so far).


When I read about the Tornado in Atlanta, I realize that I shouldn't complain about snow.


Sheila...question..your friends company closes all through the year? Do you mean several times a year?


I am not all unpacked yet (I feel a LITTLE guilty!). We are supposed to play bridge this afternoon, but I told DH that we should get organized instead! We shall see! Right now I am drinking water and typing this!!!


Happily, I am way down from the dreaded pound...3 1/2 pounds under it. I hope to stay this way. I will make every effort.


Sorry you and hubby are in pain. The physio did help a little. Going again on Monday morning. Haven't exercised yet.


Hope everyone else is well. Have a great day!

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Hey ladies! :D


Donna ~ I'm so glad you had a good cruise. However, you've had a rough time since you've been back. Hope you and Joe both feel better. Also, hope your DM is doing OK. What a horrible thing to happen! And my goodness..your DD's apartment! YIKES! Thank goodness she wasn't home. GREAT job on maintaining your weight!


Baby ~ Yes, my friend's company is closed at various times during the year for "holidays." Sorry for the confusion! Glad your weight is good!


I'm starting back at the gym tonight. I'll be doing an hour of cardio, but not pushing myself. ;)



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Wow! It's not easy to believe. St. Paddy's day has come and gone and still up to our ears in snow....and more on the way! The projected highs for a week are mostly below freezing..in the low 20's. This is one ****of a winter.


Good news. Weight is GOOD! Down FOUR from the awful pound. I don't remember when it's been this good (pooh,pooh, I don't want to hex it!)


Went to physio yesterday, and shoulders/neck are improving. While in Palm Springs, I sprung (couldn't resist the pun!) for a stone massage and it did nada for me.


Sheila..hope your gym session was good. Please send me some warm sunshine!


Hope you are all well!

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Good morning!


Baby ~ Warm sunshine is on the way! I'm so happy for you that your weight is so good right now. Did you like the stone massage even if it did nothing? Glad to hear your neck/shoulders are better. :D


My weight is the lowest it has been since my 20's. I'm pretty sure that I'll be at goal by Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Gym was good last night....but boy, did I sweat! :eek:


Have a great day!

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Congrats on your weight! That is amazing!


The stone massage was done by a male (very good-looking, I may add!), but it didn't feel as good as the ones I have had on the ship. If yuo have never tried one, go for it the next time you have the opportunity. On the ship, certain days, they give discounts.

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Still Here...Just don't feel like

writing at times. Sorry.


Baby..Your doing good..Keep on

losing! Glad you had a great time!

Wasn't the weather nice? Sorry

about all your snow.


Donna..Glad you had a nice time too.

Sorry your both not feeling well now.

Get well fast!


Sheila..You amaze me. You keep up

with all that exercise when your not

feeling well. Now decorating the house!


Carolyn..Hope things are getting better for you.


Here it's still day by day. Father has good some days

others not so good. He doesn't have Alzheimers but

because of cancer and such has dementia at times.

Other times he's clear. But being being bedridden and

not being able to move his body is just getting to him.


My mother has the Alzheimer's which makes her not

have good days/upset she can"t remember.. She's taking

some medicine to help prolong it for awhile. No cure,

will just get worse.


So dealing with them, their different problems, dealing

with them making each other happy (when they each think

the other has done something or not done something)

I'm the one they take their frustrations out on. (only child)

So some days I'm not in such a great mood. Really I'm just

mostly sad that I can't make it better for them.


Thank You for leting me vent. How much do I owe? LOL

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