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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I'm the only one talking lately.


OK..Thanksgiving is over..weekend is over..Decemeber is almost here.

Think it's time to really get strict with ourselves..don't you think?


We have to be really good on our eating and exercise and water to make up

for the FEW days we might not be as good as we should be..like a party a dinner..Christmas or New Years Day!


Come on..lets band to gether and give hints..tips..ideas..whatever, to help us lose thru this time. We need each others help!


I went to the gym yesterday, going today. Going out to dinner but really going to pick right choices.


Remember a few of us have cruises coming up..we need the help..


SO TALK! Love to hear your voice!

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Almost December..can't believe it.


Sunday I went to the gym..that was good!

Went to dinner..wasn't as good as I wanted

but wasn't as bad as I could of been.


My plan for today..drink lots of water.eat more protein..no gym today

but will do my treadmill and get exercise cleaning house. Having ten

ladies here all day Tuesday. (know what that means..FOOD)

Just what I need! lol


I hope to hear voices on here other than mine today. Give us tips on how your handling your diet/woe during the month of December.

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I'll "always" chat w/you.

(I know sometimes we feel "alone" being the sole posters for a while).

I'll do my part when I'm home.

Unf. seems like I'm going to be running down to Mom's to get things done more than I'd like before we leave Dec. on our "long needed/anticipated" cruise. REALLY going to need the RnR... HOPE that I'm not building it up to be "more" than it will be. I really don't need more letdowns/disappointments. Crap is hitting the fan today... didn't need it.. esp. today being my BD.. but then again w/what's been going on for the last 6 mos. I was just hoping to have quiet.. told the kids I didn't want to do anything "special" that we'd postpone it till cruise.. whole family has had "wrecked" (not by us, just by timing and circumstances) BDs this year... hoping 10 days of alone "quality family time" will help patch things up. Luckily the kids are holding up better than I expected. I just hope Alex isn't getting jaded by things (12). He's now saying.. BDs are just like any other day... (gets me a little sad... he hasn't had it easy on his BDs for quite some time now.. either Mike's away traveling or deaths in family -- 8th BD we were on way to cruise and MIL passes and we had to rush back.. ever since then it's been eratic).

My weight, don't know where it is.. it's the "taking care of Mom" diet now... usually don't have time/energy and extra stress to put much concern on food. Most time I'm OK.. being "living" atkins for about 5 years now.. mainly maintaining. Try to get to gym to exercise (mainly to keep back in "check"). Trying to just drink more.. I don't drink enough liquids. Know water would help but that, at time, is effort.

Sorry for the ramble.

Hope everyone's having a good Monday.


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Sorry your BD isn't going very well..Just think your Birthday is your cruise.

Can enjoy it for TEN days. Sorry your having so much stress..hope everything will get settled soon. After that is done know you still have your mother to worry about but maybe not all the extra stuff.


Just relax on your cruise with husband and kids..will be a good time for you all! Sure your doing better on your diet then you think after doing it for many years. Just try to hold your own..then the New Year comes and start out fresh if you need to.


Thanks for talking to be..Where are the others?


Hello "others" if you come in!


Drink your water everyone!

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Belle how is it going with you? I went out of state for the week end. I'm back up that 5 pounds I had lost. But, at least it isn't five up from before.


My oldest DD, SIL & 2 year old DGD are moving back in for a month or two. They sold their house and the new one won't be done before they have to move out. As my kids moved out I replaced them with parrots:) Now I'm trying to move stuff around to make room:( I had to take a day off work so far just to clean up from the Youngest DD. She is off to collage. Christmas is going to be total crazyness.


Trying to get strick today!

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Did you have a good time? Hope so. Did you get to relax some

because it sounds like your going to have a house full! Plus the Parrots..how many do you have?

Sure your weightwill come off fast..came on fast now that your back on

your woe and drinking water.


I'm back on mine to after yesterday. Had ten ladies here all day..breakfast..lunch..dinner. I had food and everyone brings food!

So there was "TO MUCH FOOD"! Ate a little to much but drinking my water right now! Eating right today too.Good Luck to us!


Carolyn and everyone else, how are you all doing?


It's Dec. the 1st..can you believe? We have to get "our Butts" in gear! LOL

Have to have all good days....so if we have a "bad" day....we can get right

back on our woes! If we have all "good" days maybe our "bad" day won't be that bad..we will say..I'm not going to blow it! Might eat a little more but not go "overboard"!


I've got to be strict (with the holidays..it is harder as you know) but my cruise is in ..SIX AND A HALF WEEKS!

Know some of you have yours earlier and some a little later!


Lets get going on some weight loss!



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Hey Belle,

I'm doing "ok"...

eating OK... drinking diluted herbal tea (think that's as close as I'm going to get today to drinking water... didn't have a coffee)

got to gym... scale was "kind" (but didn't expect otherwise)

so I guess I'm doing the DEW... (kind of). The scale's more or less the same

BUT I'm under stress and now it's the 21 day countdown before the cruise (I can't believe it's THAT close (booked it a year ago in September). Since I MUST go down to Long Island next week (and leaving Mike w/kids) need to start getting the casual stuff kinda packed away..not sure if I'll be brave enough to try on shorts (I never feel comfortable wearing them, VPL and stuff even though I'm probably a size 10 or 12, still selfconcious).

Today was rainy, windy and gloomy till about 4 ish. Hope tomorrow's a nicer day, at least it's not snow... YET.


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Morning all,


Finally getting back on track after a house overloaded and enough food to feed the French Foriegn Legion. Mixed feelings about report a stay the samer for the last two weeks. Really hoped for a loss but reality is that a stay the samer is wonderful with all the holiday drinking thrown into the mix over the last 10 days. Two weekends left before all the holiday and work mayhem begins then we are off and leaving the snow behind. 4 weeks and 1 day until we head down to Galveston for the Grand so I am motivated to lose a few more and get some cushion in there. Won't be easy with all the special temptations that the holidays bring (including a 7 hour drive to Michigan and back again) but more than worth it if my formal still fits on the second formal night. I am vowing now to stop playing at maintenance after we get back from the cruise and start the downward trend yet again!


Where is your water?

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Ok, brain lock is gone and I feel better, it is actually 5 weeks and 1 day until Galveston! Officially, 22 more workdays though I will manage to get in 25 with year end. Would love to have 5 more gone but will be realistic and shoot for two.



Where is your water!

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Please give FULL report about your cruise. We're looking into a family cruise later next year out of Galveston and I don't like what I've been hearing about RCCL and Rhapsody.

It's a beautiful sunny (albeit cold) day here.


Who had a stay the samer-which is ok.

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I'll be sure to do a review when we get back. This will be our third Princess but the first time on the bigger ships so should be really interesting.


With all the opportunities to gain instead of lose, a stay the samer is great!:)

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Carolyn is first..3 weeks.

Donna is next 5 weeks plus 1 day.

Belle is after..6 weeks plus 2 days.


Who did I miss?

Melody..think your going around the time I am?

Right or wrong?


Well as I said before..we have to work hard if we want to lose some

more weight before cruises. Good Luck Everyone!

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Belle I'm leaving 1/16/04. I'll be flying down the night before. I will now have my oldest daughter living in the house while I'm gone. She has stated she doesn't want the 2nd DD staying there while she is. I would have booked a different cruise, cheeper had I known she would be there.


Now I have a problem. I have to let the middle daughter know I don't need her and it WILL hurt her feelings.


We have five parrots. One little cockitiel, two Amozons, one Cockatoo asnd one Blue and gold Macaw. The house gets loud when we get company. It will be a mess with others in the house all the time.

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Hey everyone.

The sun is shining today... it's cold and they were saying "snow showers" and a bit of rain... hope they're wrong about the snow... Don't need the mucky mess lol

I've got to have Libby try on her summer stuff to make sure A) that she hasn't gotten taller for her formal dress (she wore it last year and at funeral in August) and see what mix and match things she has to wear that are still "clean" (Libby still kind of "wears" her food.. icecream drips, pizza sauce.. you get the picture.. really cute BUT I still need to travel w/stain stick.. kind of like her father lol). I believe she'll have enough clothes to last the 11 days. We'll be in So. Beach overnight and if the weather is good we'll probably not rush to the ship (hear RCCL's a bit late w/boarding now w/new things with customs lately). I still can't believe we're down to less than 3 weeks. Excited and a bit apprehensive since whenever I've "relaxed" just a bit (w/Dad's health and Mom's situation w/live in) the crap would hit the fan (tried to be "polite" since I'm not sure what kind of filters are on board here).

I'm still staying "true" to Atkins.. hope to do well next week while taking care of stuff. I can just "hope". Will get to gym a bit now before I leave (I hope to leave on Sunday night). Will meet w/elderlawyer on Monday and hopefully take care of ALL the stuff nec. to wrap up the year so I'll have less "stuff" w/taxes and stuff for the following years.

I HOPE to drink LOTS of water... try to keep stress to minimum be mindful of what I eat (won't bring contraband in house since I won't have kids w/me) and get to gym at least on Monday after lawyer and possibly on Wednesday (yes I WILL go on Wednesday since Marta'll start then and it will be a test). That way I'll be on the road by Thursday to my kidlets and start getting things in the suitcase. I'm getting hair highlighted on Friday (need to cover the stress greys that are popping up and I'm happier blonder) since it's been almost a year since I did it last. Have Mike's company's Xmas party (in a new place) that night. Hopefully Libby'll be accepting of staying at home w/Alex (she's been a bit cranky about that, I won't say he'll babysit her) offering to pay her for it (she's looking to pick up a little $ <give her one $ anyway> for her shopping on cruise in Limon and Panama) lol.

Have a great day everyone.


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Carolyn, by the time you board, you'll be ready to collapse! I'm sure you'll have a great time and so sorry you are stuck in the whole parent thing (isn't being the sandwich generation fun). Every time we go anywhere, I hit worry mode. Mom is 90 and still on her own which means I call her every single morning (she lives 650 miles away). DDa will take over while we are on the cruise. Don't know how much longer she will be able to manage it and I do know that we will have a royal battle when the time comes. She refuses a live-in so lots lets options.


Ok, there is food all over this place! Half the office is running around decorating and the other half is at the food table. I am trying to get them to order lunch from somewhere that has salads since we are out for fish fry tonight. I suppose if I get stuck at lunch, I can always order salad for dinner. I just don't feel like running around in the cold so I will work around their decision. I WILL stay away from the breads, coffee cakes and chips that have appeared everywhere around me and I am going to refill my water bottle right now!


Where is your water?

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Carolyn you really need this cruise. It will be so good for you to just relax and have some well deserved fun;)


Donna we know you have the will power to hold those coffee cakes at bay:D


Belle six week and I'm flying. Are you on Sunday the 16th cruise also?

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How are you all?


Know the four of us are counting the days..not to Christmas but


Yes Melody my cruise is the 16th of Jan. too. We drive fron No. Calif. to So. Calif...Long Beach the day before and stay at a hotel that has Park and Cruise.


Are any of you having trouble with your eating before the cruise?

Seems like it gets so hard..all the food around and such plus it seems the scale is turning on you. You do your diet and the scale goes up! LOL You eat something you shouldn't and it may go down or up! Playing mind games with me! Am I going crazy? Double LOL!

How is it going with you? Easier or harder before you go on a cruise?


All I can do is plug along..drinking my water at this moment!

Going to watch the eating really strict when at home and really try to be good when go out to the dinners and parties and such.


Thinking of us all as we try to get some weight off for the cruise thru the

Holidays! We Can Do It!

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Morning all,


Belle, I have a trick that is helping to keep me in line on this one. I have a ball gown skirt which was a bit too tight to take with on the March cruise. I am trying it on twice a week and it fits beautifully right now! If it doesn't, I will have the additional motivation to stay away from all the food sitting in front of me. Work is a nightmare. This week, two food days then next week and through the 22nd will be food every single day! If I give in to it then it will be salads for dinner to compensate. Just might plan salads anyhow to see if I can move a few more pre-cruise!



Off to get water, where is yours?

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Did everyone make it thru the weekend?

I didn't gain. Did you have a no-gainer?


Donna sounds like your days at work are harder for you then the weekends!

Keep up the good work..think of your dress.


Melody and Carolyn and Donna how are you doing today? You have water in your hand? Did any exercise? Eat right? Hope you did all of the above.


Looks like just us four are posting lately. Us four can do it..lose before our cruises..just have to get thru the..HOLIDAY FOOD..without damage..meaning..GAINING!


Have good days before weigh-in on Thursday. Take care.

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Hi all, So far, so good but tomorrow will be the challenge. I am seriously thinking about stopping and picking up celery since the crab dip wouldn't be anywhere near as bad without those crackers! Back up plan, I have a pot of taco soup made for dinners when I am not as good as I should be. Grrrr, I am still playing walking wounded with a cold, trick knee that is out again and tendonitis so need to stick to eating right and lots of water.


WE WILL DO IT! Water break girls!


Water break girls!

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I'm trying. Last minute company last night..Pizza!

Tomorrow all day party with 14 ladies! TONS of food!

Will power..Will power for me! I can do it. I'm taking low-cal pies i make..

hope it keeps me from other desserts after lunch (thankgoodness will be some meat and salads) but it's the

breakfast foods too! FOOD ALL DAY!


So today being extra good..weigh-in day after party! Lo is me! LOL

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Ok Belle, How are you doing? Had pizza last night and still down 1 so it can be done! Hope the company has tempted you too much.


Tomorrow is another food day at work and I am hoping that all the goodies from Tuesday are not repeated again. I will bring in another batch of celery just in case!


Skinny vibes to all!

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Hey everyone.

Finally got back "HOME" from Mom's (ugh) but got to meet Regina from this "site" .... was great.

Maintained my WOE.. unf. didn't get to exercise (didn't expect to)

Did see lawyer for brief appt. and did get some paperwork for mom.

Got new aide for her.. let's see how long she lasts.


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Donna had the pizza, and at the party really tried to watch it..

Had no gain but no loss either. So was a stay the samer.

Hope your doing alright with the food at work.


Carolyn welcome back. Glad you got some things done.

Glad you stayed on your woe. Try to relax a little (if you can)

and get ready

for your cruise. !


Melody how are you doing?


Well another week of dieting before our cruises. Another week of

Holiday food, parties to get thru! Can we do it? Yes we can!


Loss's will be great(what we want) but no-gains is good too.

Do the DEW!

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