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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Carolyn..Glad to hear from you again.

Sorry your having a hard taking care

of your aunt without any help.

The aide..really wish you could do

something about her. Is she going

to give you a $100 a week or not?

I wish I could do something about my

fathers doctors down south but time, money

not worth it. Don't think they did their job

right but to prove it. Can't go there now.

Sorry Mike is traveling so much not to give

you help. Sure your sister no where in sight.

I know it's a big job for you especially after

your mother.

My weight has done the same..up!


Donna..Know how you feel. Being with them

3 or 4 hours or longer a day. It draining big time.

Your phone calls are nothing. Wait till she's closer.

Sorry but true.

Hate to tell you the prices go up as the more

care is needed. Hate to tell you what I pay for two!

We love them but it is a job. A sad one.

My father just because hate to see the way

he is and trying to keep peace with him

and mother. Now my mother is the one

really draning me with all her problems and actions.

I don't know what I expected but not this.


Yes I am reading Gails post. Know the name from you

plus she post all the time. I know you travel with them


You'll all be on together on the Mercury in Oct.?


If we would of taken the cruise this month like we

wanted we would of hit Diamond too.

But we didn't..so we didn't! lol Still Palladium. (sp)

(Yes Rccl free drinks if right ship!) Select on Celebrity.


Yes our food choices are the two you mention. We've

been eating out a lot more with visiting parents everyday.

Don't want to cook after, just to tired or lazy. Take

your pick?


Sheila..Did you win at Bunco? Eat to much of your good

baking? Know you had fun.

It's hard for my mother to talk to my father, one.. because

of her memory, two.. her hearing, three.. her personality (sp)

four.. her depression. What the main thing with me is..

Everytime I try to help her, tell her something for her own good

or just say hello..she thinks I saying she did something wrong.

It just goes on and on. Plus they think I can do everything.

I have too. It's the phone calls, paper work, which will

get worse that get me.


Ok enough venting. Aren't you glad I don't have your

phone numbers. LOL


Really thank you all for listening. Letting me write and vent

it helps.


Baby..Is your Holiday over? Are you packing? How many

suitcases? Can you believe

it's only seven days away. Are you going early? Tell us all.

We're living thru you. No cruises for anyone for awhile.

If we don't "hear" from you before you leave...


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Haven't posted in a few days...you guessed it...with all the Passover food, weight was up. Notice I said WAS. Back down today. Good thing, because I have to start choosing what clothes to take. I am a nut and I have to try everything on and if my weight is down, I sure feel better about myself!


We are still allowed 2 each and that's what I plan to take. When we went to California, I filled up the big suitcases too much and almost had to pay $50. So this time, I will distribute the weight! I will report all about it when I return.


Belle, hang in there. I know I am repeating myself, but each day, make sure you do something nice for Belle. The same goes for you, Carolyn. It's important to take care of ourselves first. Then we can do a better job taking care of others.


Donna, all your friends who bailed out of my cruise are now cruising? Why did they make the change? Water is right here! Wasps? Already? Good you are looking after it immediately. We have had wasp nests.


Sheila, hope Bunco was fun. Hope you are feeling fine!

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Happy Monday! I had a good weekend. I went to the gym on Sat. and then I did some gardening that worked off tons of calories.

I slept for 12 hours on Fri & Sat night. It felt so good. My body actually shut down on Fri. It does that when I’ve worn it out. I was in bed by 8:00. So you see, I’m not Wonder Woman.

Donna ~ Bunco was fun! I’m sorry to hear you’re bummed about not being on a cruise with your friends. I’m right there with ya! No cruise this year and it is kind of depressing. I hope your DM gives you a break with the complaining. Everything is going up in prices. Everyone will have to start making cutbacks in other areas to offset the rising cost of gas and groceries. We’re even thinking of selling DH’s truck and buying him a Honda Civic. Thank goodness he carpools and only drives it to work every other week. I might try to carpool myself to save on gas.

Y’all are sweet to worry about me. My allergies are better, thank goodness! My doctor started me on Singulair for the allergies and asthma. I did wheeze a little on Sat. because I was outside all day and I’m allergic to everything outside. I’m fine though!

Carolyn ~ I remember when you told us about the aide taking a good bit of money from your aunt. It really is hard to find trustworthy people to help these days. Is there an agency that you can go through to get Stella help if she needs it? One that is bonded and does background checks on their employees? I used to work for an agency (in Admin) and they really are great. I hope things get better with you. Remember to take care of yourself because you don’t want your joints to hurt all of the time.

Belle ~ How was your weekend? Did you get any “me” time?

Take care, girls!

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I was posting at the same time as Belle & Baby....


Belle ~ I guess it will be a never ending battle with you and your DM. It is really hard when our parents age and you're taking care of them. Unfortunately, your parents both went downhill at the same time. I do feel for you and wish there was something we could do to help. I guess the only thing we can do is let you vent to us, and I'm very happy to listen. As Baby said, don't forget to take care of Belle.


Bunco was fun. I did eat too much and felt sick. Don't know why I do that to myself. I did win! :D


Baby ~ Great job on losing what you gained! That was fast!!! I hate to see what happens the next time I fly. I'm sure I'll be paying a lot. LOL

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Went out for dinner last night, to a restaurant where I usually order pasta....and gain. Guess what? I ordered fish...and still gained! One pound! Hopefully, today, I can remove it..or at least 1/2 of it!!!!


You won at Bunco? Did you win $$$? What fun!


We have no further cruises booked either. I think we will do land for a while. I said that last time and then this TA came out, at such a great price, that I couldn't resist! As Canadians, we are used to paying top dollar for everything, so it is no shock to us. (Remember, at one time your dollar cost us $1.65!). The best I have seen the euro has been about $1.45, so now it's over $1.60, not such a big difference. In Rome, we are staying at a 3* hotel. As long as it is clean and comfortable, that doesn't bother me. I think people will cut back, as a natural reaction, and after a while, life will go on as usual. The ones who will suffer are those that live from paycheck to paycheck and don't have any reserves. Am I rambling?


Just be well, everyone. Everything else will fall into place!


Have a great day, all!

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Went out for dinner last night, to a restaurant where I usually order pasta....and gain. Guess what? I ordered fish...and still gained! One pound! Hopefully, today, I can remove it..or at least 1/2 of it!!!!


You won at Bunco? Did you win $$$? What fun!


We have no further cruises booked either. I think we will do land for a while. I said that last time and then this TA came out, at such a great price, that I couldn't resist! As Canadians, we are used to paying top dollar for everything, so it is no shock to us. (Remember, at one time your dollar cost us $1.65!). The best I have seen the euro has been about $1.45, so now it's over $1.60, not such a big difference. In Rome, we are staying at a 3* hotel. As long as it is clean and comfortable, that doesn't bother me. I think people will cut back, as a natural reaction, and after a while, life will go on as usual. The ones who will suffer are those that live from paycheck to paycheck and don't have any reserves. Am I rambling?


Just be well, everyone. Everything else will fall into place!


Have a great day, all!

No, you're not rambling. What you said was spot on!


I did win $$ at Bunco, but it wasn't much since we only had 8 players this time. :rolleyes:


I hope you're down that one pound tomorrow...and you probably will be. ;)


We're also doing land-based vacations this year. They'll be fun!

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My DH is really making a fuss about taking formal wear. He says if we go on land, he can just take whatever he wants. I am tempted to forgo the formal, but...my luck..if I do, I'll get an invitation to the captain's table formal night!!!!!! We were invited only once, (it wasn't the captain) and it was really no big deal, so I don't understand why I am thinking like this! I guess I am just nuts!


I took out so many clothes. It could be cool, it could be warm. I have to be prepared. This will be the last time we travel with so much luggage. I PROMISE!!


Where are you planning to travel the coming year? You start off in a fairly decent climate, so at least you don't feel the urgency to escape the winter!

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Baby when are you leaving?

Your going to some of the ports

we are in Nov. Dec. if we make it.

Fingers crossed!

You'll have tell us all about your

ports, best things to see and do.

I'm debating about formal wear too.

Just thinking of just a suit for husband,

no tux and the trimmings. Just 1 or 2 dresses

that will do for formal. Especially we have

3 overnights. Only 2 sea days out of

14 1st cruise. Your tired at night. Eat casual


Next cruise the ta, and I just want to relax.

Maybe try for only 1 suitcase a piece. Who

knows what I'll do. Hate you can't put things

in carry on, limit weight of suitcases and then

charge for a 2nd. Stupid! Stupid!

Have 6 1/2 months to

go (if go). Planning it keeps me sane. Something

else to think about.



Sheila glad you won at Bunco. Hey that's when

I win..when less people.. less money! Good that you

got all that sleep to keep you fit. Now your

Wonder Woman again!!! LOL Glad your feeling better.

You wanted if I gave my self ..me time..Yes in away.

I was sick in bed all day Sunday.


Donna Your gas is cheap. $3.89 here. Forgot to mention

when I wrote. Your lucky! Hope your still sleeping better

and the wasps are gone!


Carolyn Hope everything is going a little better for you



Got my mother's hearing aids this afternoon. Seem to be alright.

Will go back tomorrow to visit, so if problems can try to

get app. with doctor. If everything alright, go back in two weeks.

My father was so-so today but happy mother can hear.

He is really noticing, when he's clear, that mother is really

forgeting things and not remebering people. I think that what

keeps him fighting even when he feels so bad. Her birthday is

Sunday, he wants to be here.


Everyone have a good week.

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It is a good morning because I lost the pound!!! Was I ever good, yesterday! (I don't say that very often!). I had more than usual for breakfast, including a big piece of cheese. I had a very good lunch (out, of course). I had a tuna sandwich (no mayo) on toasted black bread with a salad (no dressing). After, when I went to the supermarket to buy something for dinner, I passed on my usual snacks. So, I had nothing until dinner, which was healthy. Two squares of a dark chocolate bar for dessert....and voila!! Now for a repeat, today! I took spagetti sauce out of the freezer...so...spagetti...I don't think I will lose. But I will try not to gain!


This morning, I want to finish choosing my clothes. The next couple of days, I will be too busy.


The way I see it, a suit or tux takes up the same space. The only extras are the cummerbund and suspenders, which are not major.


Thanks for the good wishes. I will discuss the ports after I return. Hope all goes well and you will be able to make the trip.


Good that your mother's hearing aid is helping. Hope her birthday is a happy one.


Have a great day, all!

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Good morning! :D


I was good yesterday and spent an hour at the gym.


Belle ~ I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. I hope you feel better since you stayed in bed all day on Sunday. I'm sure your body needed the rest. No, I'm still not Wonder Woman. Wouldn't it be really cool if I was? ;)


Baby ~ You're going on a TA, right? What are your ports? I'm excited for you! GREAT job on losing that pound. See, I told you that you would. :D


Donna ~ When will your house get bombed for the wasps? That just sounds scary!


Carolyn ~ I hope you're doing OK.


Talk to you girls later!

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Baby..Pack Pack away!

I know a suit and tux takes same amount of

room but thinking of only taking ONE! Thinking

maybe, only maybe taking only one suitcase

a piece. I know that sounds..not legal! lol

Tell me how many you wind up with.

We always take three suitcases and two really

small carry-ons. (like they use to be)


Today even thro not sure if going on cruise in

Nov. I bought a dress for formal night. It was

on sale and then got another 15% off. Couldn't

pass it up. I learned if you see it, buy it, because if

you think about it, when you go back..it will be gone.


Went shopping after visiting parents. Mother can hear

better but now doesn't always like what she hears.

I can't win!


Baby did you hear the Galaxy will be going to Germany

next year. Enjoy her. I liked sailing on her. I liked eating

where the little inside pool was, by the windows. Had

great service on her.

Congrats on the 1lb loss.

Bon Voyage!


Sheila I stay in bed all day because I was sick. Well it

was the bed and the bathroom. Yuk! Feel better now.

Sheila to me you are wonder woman with all the exercise

you do with all your aches and pains.

Now in May you go to Florida. Are you meeting your friends

from Scotland? Then they come to your house in July or

August? See I'm living thru you and Baby. I want to go

some place so bad. I have a friend leaving in May for France,

a week cruise and aweek on land. Then two weeks on a cruise

to Italy. I want to go! lol


Donna hope your week is going well.


Carolyn you too.


Now back to my day/night dreaming of taking cruises to

far and away places!

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Hello ladies! :D


I did my normal Tues. workout yesterday (weights and cardio). I'm sort of sore today in my upper body.


Belle ~ That is too funny that your Mom doesn't like what she's hearing now. My MIL is hard of hearing and has hearing aids. She doesn't wear them because she doesn't like what she hears either. One day, DH was telling her something and she kept saying, "What?" Her hearing aids were laying on the fireplace mantle so he picked one up and shouted into it! LOL


That stomach bug has been going around a lot here. Thank goodness I haven't gotten it. Sorry you were so sick with it. I know that wasn't fun.


We are meeting our Scottish friends in Orlando. They've rented a house and are bringing their DD, DSIL, and grandsons. It will be a lot of fun! They will be here visiting us at the end of July for two weeks. We're taking them to Gatlinburg, TN and have rented a cabin on the mountain. I don't know how you remember all of this stuff. LOL


Baby ~ Are you packed yet? I agree with Belle, take one set of formal wear just in case you decide to go to a formal dinner. I wish we were all going with you!


Donna & Carolyn ~ How are you girls doing today?


Take care!

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Sheila you do so good on your exercise,

maybe that's why you don't get sick! Or

your just lucky.

The flu shot not working this year, everyone

seems to get sick one time or other.

Even thro your not taking a cruise your

busy with lots of trips. Yes I remember everything.

Husband hates it! lol


Baby you ready? Read on the Galaxy board

about the lady, taking one pant, skirt and capri.

Think it was for every night and formal ones too.

What is she taking for day, one pant. Come on.

For 16 days.

I know I pack to much but that is extreme the

other way. I want a choice, sometimes you change

your mind on what to wear. If you had to pack for

only day OR night it would be easy but you need both.

The airlines don't make it easy thro, making all those

new rules. Love it when you can drive to the port...

can take as much as you want!

Bon Voyage.


Donna and Carolyn keep on truckin!

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Busy day today. Leaving VERY early tomorrow morning. Spending the night in Florida. Haven't put anything into the suitcases yet. Really dread it. Did my colour, pedicure, facial. Still have to do manicure. Would like to pack first. Good idea? Not getting hair done because hope to swim in Florida! Pound returned yesterday (made spagetti), but lost 1/2 today. Not too bad.


Sheila, haven't exercised since shingles. Plan to catch up on ship! Have to start neck and back exercises before I get into BIG trouble.


Ports are: Lanzerote, Tenerife, Agadir, Valencia, Barcelona, Cannes, Livorno and Rome. I think it's a wonderful itinerary.


DH takes only one tux. Why would he take two? Also, one sport jacket. We have a fold-over garment bag in which he can keep these clothes (along with a couple pairs of pants) on hangars. I will fill up the bag as much as possible, because it usually isn't as heavy as the large ones. The two large (29in) are the biggest problem because, if full, they tend to be overweight. Then we take a 26in, into which I will put heavy stuff. Shoes, books, sunscreen etc. We will carry on an over-the shoulder bag with books, meds, etc.


I read about that lady. I couldn't believe it! Do you think she is exagerating?


My goal in life is to travel 3 weeks with two 26 in. bags!


Belle, you are so right. If you see it, buy it. How many times have I regretted not doing so. Hope all goes well and you can go on that cruise. Glad you are feeling better.


Take care girls. Eat well. Get some kind of exercise. Don't overdue it. And I will report when I return.

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Baby ~ BON VOYAGE! Have a fantastic cruise and think of us daily! :D


Belle ~ I need some of your memory gene. I can't remember anything. LOL How are you doing?


I did 30 minutes of HIIT yesterday and I could only do 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. I think I wore myself out the day before. I'm not going to the gym tonight. I did something to my neck during my sleep and cannot move it. UGH! We have Mexican night with friends anyway so they'll just get me non-sweaty. ;)


Have a good day, girls! I wish we were all on the cruise with Baby!

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Before I have to run out to pick up Libby from school.

Mike got back late from Fla and will be home for a few days before heading out to Europe and Toronto (just connecting at JFK and not going home). It's "that time of year" for him... another trip to London beginning of June (Alex out of school then, maybe "if" AA has a fare special we'll all piggyback and take Libby out of school -- we've got the passports so who knows). Mike's now "swimming" in ff miles and I'm not that far behind him. How to just have the time to go use them.

Baby, BON VOYAGE.. (if it's not too late).

Sheila, hope you're feeling better and back to your routine.

Donna, hope you and Joe are well and that things w/you Mom fall into place and aren't too stressful on you. Is the place you're considering an assisted living? If so make sure they have the "next step" available and "who" decides when that transition takes place. Good luck.

Belle, I know what you mean by "living for Nov./Dec. vacation" and not being sure if it's going to happen. Dec. 22 is all that I've got to look forward to w/situation w/aunt. First thing is for her to stay out of hospital or any institution for 60 days (to reset her hospital and rehab insurance). Then to make sure that help is in place. She doesn't need all the medical help of a nursing home but w/her sight/fall issues assisted living places won't take her. Keeping her in her apartment is doable (though it will take all of her pension and part of social security).But I'm worried about logistics since I took ALL of her checks etc out of apartment. Can't leave anything of value.

Take care everyone


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Carolyn..Sounds like a little better

for you. Hope your aunt stays pretty

well so you can get her live-in help.

Yes you'll just have to do all the

checks for her. More work for you.

I do everything for my parents, they

just can't. Yes just dreaming of cruising.

Hope it happens. Hope you get a vacation too.


Donna..You didn't make your usual

weekend post. Are you alright?


Sheila..Where are you? You usually

have a morning post. Did you have

a good weekend?


In fact did you all have a good weekend?

Baby did. She's at sea as we speak. Lucky her!


This weekend my mothers birthday. All got

together. I took green salad, cake and ice cream.

My father wasn't doing good. He's getting more

pain, was sleeping most of the day.

Today he was better. Made him potato salad last night.

He didn't want green salad yesterday, wanted potato.

Told him mothers birthday, she wanted green. So

made it for him for today, he was happy.


Have to tell you, I am getting tired from..driving,

stress, getting papers together, trying to make them

each happy, ect. My mother's memory is leaving her

faster, probably because of stress of father.

Never know what I'm going to find when walk in

the door. Now going almost everyday again because of

Dads condition. Was taking a day in between, then going

to try two days in between. Didn't happen.

This has been going on for over a year. Ok enough venting

from me. Thanks for listening.


Hope your ALL having a good week. Not working to hard.

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Hey girls! :)


I'm doing fine....just busy like everyone else. I can't wait until I can retire to have more free time.


Carolyn ~ I sure hope that y'all can work it out to go to London. You really need a vacation right now!


Belle ~ I guess I didn't post on this thread yesterday. Uh-oh! I'm glad your Mom enjoyed her birthday. You are such a good daughter. Sorry to hear your Dad is in pain. I know that is taking a toll on all of you. Take care, sweetie!


Where is Donna? She normally posts on the weekends?


Talk you later, friends!

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Sorry! Just a really crazy weekend and no computer time at all!


Sheila, I get to retire first and it's still a really long time away if ever!


Belle, Glad the B'day went well and sending you lots of hugs. Just keep thinking about that cruise!


Carolyn, Fingers crossed that your plans for London come together. You definitely need the break from the stress!


I missed wishing Baby a wonderful trip but I know she'll have a great time. We were originally booked with her but a mess up by X and then second thoughts about the number of sea days changed our plans so Saturday was a bit bittersweet.


Now, back to work! Boss may be gone but I have lots to finish before he returns.


Have a great week!

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Donna ~ I know Sat. was bittersweet for you. How many sea days are in Baby's cruise? Our plan is for me to retire in 3 1/2 years (once DS is finished with college). I'll be 46. I've always said that I want to retire before I'm 50. I only work to support our travel addiction. LOL Once college is finished, we can use that money for travel. Y'all know how expensive college is now. :eek:

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Well I'm still waiting for info about Stella's discharge plans (hope to have meeting on Thursday) and I'll probably need to go into city on Sunday (leave Libby w/Mike since Alex has stuff at school) take the train in (since gas is getting close to $4gal. here and parking is over $20 day -- I really don't mind subway... efficient and cheap) and stay until Tuesday. Hope to get all laundry for Mike since he'll probably leave when he picks me up at train station.

Then I'll have fingers Xsed that all will be uneventful for the week.

Can't believe Alex only has one month left for school (and that includes study week and finals). Airfare is high now and since $$ isn't doing very well won't even think about it. Who knows maybe in the fall.

Gotta go get Libby to bed.

So fare I've been fairly "good" about eating the last few days but it's onlyu 9PM so I don't know if I'll make it past day 3.

Hope everyone's doing well.

Belle, hope things are quiet w/parents... at this point that's all I hope for for myself.


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Hey girls!


I had some medical things going on yesterday so I didn't make it to the gym. I hope I can go today, but if my medical stuff doesn't clear up, I won't. :rolleyes:


Carolyn ~ Sorry to hear you won't make it to London. I don't blame you for waiting though...with Stella and the crappy exchange rate. How did you do with your eating after 9PM last night? I hope you make it to day 3 of good eating.


Belle ~ How are you doing? Parents doing better?


Donna ~ I forgot to ask, how's your Mom doing?


I'm down another pound, so I'm one under my goal weight. I wanted to lose a few pounds because of vacation coming up. I think my medical issues are helping in that department because I don't feel like eating much. I have a doctor's appt for Monday and hopefully, we'll get this resolved. ;)


Have a great day!

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Sheila..Hope your feeling better and

nothing to serious. That you

can get it resolved on Monday.


Carolyn..Hope your able to get everything

done so you can relax a little. Traveling

back and forth makes you more tired.


We only have 46 miles traveling to see

parents and I'm tired. We've gone almost

everyday since last Friday. Taking tomorrow

off. Not taking care 24/7 but I am taking care 24/7

if you know what I mean. Now it's day by day

with my father.


Baby.. Sure she is having a great time. Hope having

good weather. She had seven days at sea at the begining,

then the ports.


Donna..Sorry you didn't make the cruise. Just make the

next one better.


Donna and Sheila..Retirement is good, even better if

you can do it early. Only thing.......


When working..have money to travel..no time

When retired..no money..lots of time..LOL

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Good morning, girls!


Belle ~ You're traveling 46 miles one way to see your parents? That sure is a lot of miles...especially with these gas prices. I'm sure your parents love seeing you so much though....even if they don't show it all of the time. ;) Glad you're taking care of yourself? I hope I read that right. My mind is a little fuzzy right now. :eek:


I'm doing fine. I've been having a lot of problems with my IBS lately. I went to the doctor yesterday instead of waiting until Monday. He gave me a new medication for IBS that is suppose to stop the spasms. It has calmed them some, but not completely. I can live with this though. The medicine just makes me extremely sleepy. I hope to get used to it soon.


Hello to Carolyn & Donna!


I hope Baby is enjoying her cruise!


Hugs! :)

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