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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hope you all have a Great Sunday!


Carolyn..Sorry it will be a sad/happy day

for you. Your happy that you have your

two great kids but sad about your mother.


Sheila..Hope your feeling better for this Holiday.

Did the medicine help you? Take it easy.

I'm driving 46 miles round trip to see my parents each day.


Donna..Haven't heard from you this weekend. Are

you driving to see your mother or kids? Whatever

you do, have a good day.


I'm visiting my parents of course, then dinner with

the "kids" and my husbands nephew and family driving

to town, last minute thing that they are coming.

So taking them to dinner with us. Haven't seen them in

over a year and they pick this day? LOL


Wish we were all spending Mother's Day where Baby is! Right?

Sure she is having a good time.

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Hope all of you enjoy a very special day today!


Sheila, Has the sleepiness past yet? Fortunately my IBS tends to kick in for very short periods so hasn't required treatment in many years.


Belle, Enjoy the unexpected company and the dinner. Actually, we live in the middle of nowhere so 46 miles round trip is nothing for us but I know that it is daunting on a daily basis for most people.


Carolyn, relax and let them spoil you today! You really need some downtime and today is the perfect day to take it!


I'm sure Baby is having a wonderful time! She just may be in Morocco today and that is not a bad way to spend Mother's Day!


Original plan was to be at Mom's today but with the pending move (fingers crossed) requiring an extended trip down there, it has been put off. Then thought about going to Cheryl's but that will also be part of the move so decided to just chill at home. Brought some "work" home which I will do next then I'm taking the day off. Not sure what I'll do (rain all day) but whatever it is will only be because I want to do it! Did a bit of shopping yesterday and picked up 3 sweater at Chico's and had pizza at the local Italian restaurant. Definitely not a diet weekend but tomorrow is Monday and it will start all over again. Meantime, opted out of brunch out today and will make biscuits and gravy at home for a special treat. Joe is then in charge of dinner though all he has to do it reheat the spaghetti sauce I made yesterday. Now better get that work done and see what I feel like doing after.


Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

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Hey friends! I hope you all had a great Mother's Day. Mine was nice.


Belle ~ Did you enjoy your visit with your husband's nephew and family? We had a house full of people to celebrate Mother's day.


Donna ~ I'm still totally exhausted. I think I'm going to start taking this medication just once a day instead of twice. I can hardly function in the mornings after I take it. I'm glad your IBS doesn't kick in very often. I'm beginning to think I might be allergic to certain foods since my IBS is an almost daily struggle.


Talk to you girls later!

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Sheila..Hope your feeling better

and awake. Glad you had a nice

Mother's Day.


Donna..Sounds like you had a nice

relaxing Mother's Day. Yes save

your traveling for when moving your mother.


46 miles isn't a lot, didn't use to be but

in one week it will be a year they have been

here and plus three months in Torrance.

I'm just tired.


Carolyn..Hope you got things all settled with

your aunt. That you have some time to rest.

Your kids will be out of school soon.


Baby..Still enjoying her cruise. Think she is

staying a few days after to. Not sure thro.


Had nice visit with parents for Mother's Day.

As the day got later, father was sleeping, more

pain now, more pain medicine. Mother got

tired in afternoon too. She enjoyed her day.

Took her presents and candy, loves candy.

But it was fine, met with rest of family for dinner.

Went back Monday to see how Dad was, better and

to take Mom for follow up for hearing aids. Everything

all right. Also took them a treat, buttermilk for father,

rootbeer (A&W) for mother.


Tomorrow will (or today as your reading) visit them again.


You three have a good week. Good weather I hope.

We're in for a heat wave. 80's today, 97 tomorrow and 100's


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Hey girls!


I'm doing a little better on the new medicine. I tried cutting back to one pill a day, but that isn't working. I've switched from regular milk to soy to see if that helps...maybe it is the lactose. :confused: Anyway, it is minor. ;)


Belle ~ Glad you had a nice Mother's Day also. I'm sure your parents enjoyed their treats. My Dad loves buttermilk also. I know you're very tired. You're going on a cruise in Nov., right?


Hugs to the rest of you. I hope y'all are doing great! :D

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Hope all of you enjoy a very special day today!


Sheila, Has the sleepiness past yet? Fortunately my IBS tends to kick in for very short periods so hasn't required treatment in many years.


Belle, Enjoy the unexpected company and the dinner. Actually, we live in the middle of nowhere so 46 miles round trip is nothing for us but I know that it is daunting on a daily basis for most people.


Carolyn, relax and let them spoil you today! You really need some downtime and today is the perfect day to take it!


I'm sure Baby is having a wonderful time! She just may be in Morocco today and that is not a bad way to spend Mother's Day!


Original plan was to be at Mom's today but with the pending move (fingers crossed) requiring an extended trip down there, it has been put off. Then thought about going to Cheryl's but that will also be part of the move so decided to just chill at home. Brought some "work" home which I will do next then I'm taking the day off. Not sure what I'll do (rain all day) but whatever it is will only be because I want to do it! Did a bit of shopping yesterday and picked up 3 sweater at Chico's and had pizza at the local Italian restaurant. Definitely not a diet weekend but tomorrow is Monday and it will start all over again. Meantime, opted out of brunch out today and will make biscuits and gravy at home for a special treat. Joe is then in charge of dinner though all he has to do it reheat the spaghetti sauce I made yesterday. Now better get that work done and see what I feel like doing after.


Have a wonderful Mother's Day!


Hi Donna ~ glad you had a relaxing Mother's Day! I lost your email address, so am writing here...


I found a cruise that hits Key West during Fastasy Fest 2009, if you and Joe are interested... it stays 2 days/1 night... it's a 10/27-11/4 charter of Carnival's Miracle. Interested?



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Hope your all feeling alright.

Enjoying your weekend.


We've been having a heat wave..

high 90's into the 100's. It's cooling

down tonight. So quess it's over.

Only 80's tomorrow.


Been visiting parents, so haven't

written much here. Sometimes I do on

Celebrity Boards because I hope

to go on the cruise in Nov. Just have

to see how my mother will be doing

when we have to pay in Sept.

My father's not doing well. More pain,

more medicine, more sleeping. Less

talking and eating. Sad to say, don't know

how long it will be. He's given it a big fight.

It's been over a year.


You all take are..be good.

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Good morning, girls!


Belle ~ I'm so sorry to hear your Dad isn't doing well. He's probably really tired. {{{HUGS}}}


I had a good weekend. I went to a luau birthday party for my young cousin. She wanted me there to "get the party started" so to speak. I love kids so I'll play games, sing, and dance with them. My WOE was just so-so.


I've cut out the Ibuprofen that I've been taking and I think that was one reason why my stomach was hurting so much. I'm now taking two more medicines for it and it feels much better.


We love on Friday for Orlando to meet out Scottish friends there. We'll be going to Disney World, Sea World, and Busch Gardens in Tampa. I'm really looking forward to it!


Have a great day! :)

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Just been absolutely nuts around here lately. Some new high efficiency program called 5s has just started to hit my area and what a mess!


Belle, Hang in there! You need that November cruise and we are praying that you're on it!


Sheila, Hope the shift in meds helps!


Carolyn, You hang in there too! Year end coming up quickly and I'm hoping you can manage a little escape just to unwind.


Baby should be back soon and can't wait to hear all about it. Advance word is that they had beautiful weather and the refurb was a success so now we wait to hear her take!


Kathi, You will have mail next! Of course we're interested! I will check it out and start working on him!

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Sheila..Hope your feeling better.

You leave Friday. How long are

you staying? Know it will be nice seeing

your friends.

We only been to Disney World once.

It was 1997 or 98. Gee ten years ago.

I enjoyed it, saw every part of Disney,

one park a day. Sure did a LOT of walking!!


Donna..Sorry your so busy. Are you all

well now? How's Joe? How's your mother?

Are you closer to getting her closer?


Carolyn..How are you doing? Do you have

your aunt settled in yet? Your kids almost

out of school for the summer. Hope it will

be more relaxing for you.


Things aren't to good here. Father in more

pain. Mother acting up more. Her anger

all at me. I understand but it's hard.

So spending more time with them and

trying to get a lot of things done that

pertain to them. Like I said, I'm so tired.

House looks like hasn't been cleaned in 6 months.

Hey..it hasn't. lol Diet went out the window.

Other wise I'm fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey girls!


Donna ~ Is that some sort of accounting software you're referring to? You sound so rushed. I hope it slows down for you soon!


Belle ~ {{{HUGS}}} to you! I know it is hard having to deal with everything day in and day out. Remember to take care of yourself also.


I'm feeling much better! Thanks for asking. :)


Can't wait to hear from Baby about the cruise!


Carolyn ~ How are you and your aunt?


Take care! :D

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Sheila..Glad your feeling better.

Thank you for your kind words and

the hugs.. I needed them.

My mother is giving me a harder time

then my father. Today she had me

at my "wits end". (wonder where that

expression came from) well my "wits" are going! lol


Think Baby's ship docked the 19th but

think they were staying a few days after.

Yes I want to hear all about her cruise.

I really liked our cruise on the Galaxy in 2006.

Want to hear how the ports were. She did

a few we might do.


Have a great time in Orlando.

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Hi girls! We're leaving at 11:00am for Orlando. I'm excited to be seeing my friends again!


Belle ~ I'm so sorry that you are at your wits end. If you drink alcohol, have you a big glass of wine to chill. ;)


I went to the doc yesterday and got some new meds for my tummy. It isn't hurting as bad so that's good.


My DS is taking his laptop to Orlando so I'll try to post to y'all from there.


I hope Baby had a great cruise!


Luv to all of you! :)

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Plane arrived yesterday afternoon. Had terrible jetlag ( also early flight), so hit the pillow before 7pm!


Managed to gain 3 pounds. Hope it comes off soon!


First, hope you are all well. Haven't read the posts of the last 3 weeks, will look at the last few (for now!)


Sheila, have fun in Orlando!


Belle, hope today is a better one. Ask away...any questions you want answered. Crossing was very smooth (thank goodness!) Weather was good until we hit the Med. It got progressively worse. In Italy, it poured...a lot.


The best part of the cruise was the crew. Best we have had.


Food was good...not great. Enough to eat, believe me! Ice cream was YUMMY. Definitely my killer!


Played duplicate bridge. Good director, strong players. (Stronger than we are!)


Enjoyed the spa. Treated myself a little!


Music was better than usual. Good Puerto Rican (I think)band in room next to dining room (don't know the name of band or room!) Not as much twangy country music that I can't stand.


Shows OK. One good comedian. Others awful! Usual big shows.


Had an unlucky cabin. Woke up one morning to a ceiling leak. Dh woke me up with an OMG. Thought we had slept in, but no, it was very early (too early) and he had discovered a leak from the ceiling. The foot of our bed was soaked. We also endured various noises. The leak got fixed. The noises came and went. Celebrity didn't give us a soux. We thought that was really cheap of them. (We didn't ask, but felt they should do it on their own).


Gotta go now. I'll be happy to answer any questions.

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Baby, Welcome home and time to grab that water! Early reports were that you had great weather so I was very happy for you. Seems to be mixed reports on Morocco, what did you think? Would you do a TA again? Were you on deck 8? Usually very quiet there! Sorry about the leak and glad they fixed it quickly. I'm sure with all those that scream for compensation for breaking a nail (cruise line fault of course) that they won't initiate it themselves.


Belle, Hope this finds Mom calmed down so you can find your wits again! It has been a long time and you do need a break. Is the November cruise that you have booked a TA? We will be moving Mom to MI in less than a month. Her apartment is sitting waiting for her. She is occasionally excited about it but we will have a battle royal on our hands. First fight came when we told her that we weren't taking both couches to MI so she could choose when she got there. Lots more battles to come!


Sheila, here's to a totally better tummy and having a wonderful time! 5S is a Japanese methodology that basically says we surround ourselves with too much junk to be effective and need to sort and get rid of all that we don't use on a daily basis. On that theory, we should buy one pen at a time to replace one rather than 3 dozen because of price. Let's just say the battle has begun and the 5S facilitator is currently losing it but lots of time wasted in the process (she has time, I don't).


Carolyn, Are they out of school now? How are you doing? Diane leaving you alone?


New and exciting? Well, I'm finally packing away the winter sweaters. Now that is real excitement! We will head out later with a trip to Menards and then the outlet mall which is outside. Fingers crossed that he doesn't distract me yet again because I really need to replace my black heels let alone continue my search for black and white shoes that have a heel that I won't fall off of. Lots of projects being worked on this weekend but doesn't look like any are nearing completion. Not sure if he is going to MO with me (both dd's will be along with dgd3 and dsil with dgd1 and dgd2 will follow on the weekend) but I really hesitate leaving him home alone with all these projects to be completed. Don't want him to push himself too hard and try to surprise me.


Well, better get started and get the sweaters put away before he is up and ready to head out the door!


Have a great Sunday and Memorial Day!

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Hi! Still sorry you were not on this cruise and we didn't meet!


Morocco! The country is very interesting and different. There is no doubt about that. But the people...they lie. And they will take advantage of you. It is annoying.


We took a cab at the pier. Cabs are supposed to be very inexpensive. They asked an exhorbitant amount for 3 hours (exhorbitant for Morocco, that is). We bargained, walked away. Next thing we knew, some other pax accepted the price. So we were stuck. We had to pay it,too. We didn't know the area and didn't want to walk out and look for a cab.


To add to the "injury", although I knew where I wanted to go, and told the driver, he took us to the shops he wanted to because he gets his kickback! This is sightseeing in Morocco! It was really comical. At the first shop, argan oil) the pleasant salesperson turned sour when we didn't buy. Then he took us to another shop. I said I wanted to go to the souk (I know what a souk looks like. This was a shop!) He claimed it was a souk!!!! We didn't buy anything. I said I wanted spices and he was going to take us to a spice shop. I had enough! I checked out my notes and gave him the name of the souk. He said that souk was far away. But he took us anyway. I don't think it took more than 5 minutes to get there!! He probably doesn't get a commission there. As we got out of the cab, a "guide" accosted us. We told him outright that we didn't want a guide and that we wouldn't pay or tip him. He insisted in accompanying us and assured us that he is well paid by the souk (Yeah, sure!). So we bought a hassack (less than at the first place for the exact same thing and we bought our spices and we were done. When we returned to the cab, he asked us for a gift! I told him that we agreed, no money! Then I got a brainwave. I said I had a gift for him....and I gave him a couple of Celebrity mints!!!!


Finally the driver took us to the Kasbah, which was, in effect, the only sight-seeing we got to do.


So...that is Morocco for you!!


Would I do a TA again? The seas were calm and we played a lot of bridge. The downside was losing the hour each (almost) day. We felt tired. Others felt the same. It may be better going west.


Would I do a Mediterranean cruise again? Not for a while. It is too rushed in the ports. I would rather sleep over. It would be great if cruises overnighted in big cities like Barcelona, for example.


We were on Deck 9, midship, inside. I think the ship is aging. Plumbing and other invisible mechanisms need to be updated. I wonder if they did a major overhaul on the Azamara ships..new pipes and wiring. If not, they too will have problems.


What are your cruising plans? I forget!


Hope you got everything done today. Enjoy the weekend!

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Welcome Back Baby...Sounds like you

had a semi-good time except for your

room. (we were on the 9th deck on the

Galaxy too but no problems) Sorry you

had the leaking roof. They should of done

something for you!


Baby a western med. is better, gain hours.

You did eastern, did the reverse.


First part of our cruise will have three

overnights. (Europe) Second (TA) we gain



We go to a few of the ports you did.

What did you do in Barcelona and Tenerife?


I bet they drop Morocco, they cancel more at

that port more then they go.


I hope your getting rested up this weekend.


You did great on your weight for 16 days.

The ice cream is a killer. Fresh made every day!

Glad you got to play bridge and enjoyed the spa.


Donna..Hope you got everything done you

wanted to and bought your shoes.

Yes, sorry to say..just beginning with your mother.


My mother is not handling things well with

my father, she knows he's dying but not doing

the right things at times. She has meltdowns but

she not herself anymore with the memory loss.

She takes everything out on me. Mad all the time.

Dad is trying his best but he's in more pain.

Taking two morphine pills now. Think it's a matter

of weeks but who knows. Only God knows.


I wasn't feeling good again. Think it's stress and

my not sleeping. Plus I think the bug never leaves me,

just stays around till i get weak! lol


Sheila..Are you home now? Hope you were feeling

better and had a good time with your friends.

Did you enjoy all the rides and shows ect?


Everyone have a good week and be good!

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Hey girls! We got back last night and I'm so exhausted. Nothing like doing 3 amusement parks in 3 days with 2 little boys (5 & 9 y/o). We had a fantastic time!


Baby ~ It sounds as if you had a pretty good time. I don't think I'll want to visit Morocco. Sorry to hear about the leak. You should've at least been given some ship board credit. However, Donna is right, so many people are requesting compensation for the stupidest of reasons now. :rolleyes: At least you got to relax for a while. We missed you!


Donna ~ Thanks for the explanation. Sounds very interesting. Did you find your shoes?


Belle ~ I'm sorry to hear that your DM is still giving you fits and your DF is in a lot of pain. Please take care and try to get some sleep.


My tummy is feeling OK with the medication. It just makes me so tired and loopy. If I sit still long enough, I want to sleep. I know I can't stay on this stuff long term or I'll never exercise again. :eek:


Take care!

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The sun is out. It's going to be in the 70's. My weight dropped. What could be bad?


Thinking of you, Belle. Hope all is quiet.


Really, we had a good time (better than semi!!!!!!) Just being in Europe is wonderful.


In Barcelona, we took a regular bus at the port to the beginning of the Ramblas. It was PACKED with cruisers, so that started DH off in a bad mood. We couldn't find the taxi stand and saw the bus immediately, so we went for it. Advice...take a cab. Don't bother with the ship's shuttle. It is too pricey and not worth the $$$.


My original plan was to take a cab to the Segrada. But since we took the bus, we walked up the Rablas...all the way to Casa Mila. We toured it and it was worth the time and$ (They offer a senior discount!). Then we walked to the Segrada. Looked around the exterior (Didn't want to do another interior on the same day). Walked back to the centre, passing the Battlio (sp?). Then took a cab to the ship. We really walked too much and tried to see too much for one day. It would be nice if cruise ships did at least one overnight in such a big and interesting city.


In Tenerife, we took the ship's tour to Las Canadas. Tenerife is wonderful (So is Lanzarote). It was a half day tour, and the guide was always rushing and admonishing the passengers for doddling. This same tour would have been better if a whole day. Maybe they will change it.


Thank you, Sheila. I missed you all, too! Glad you enjoyed your weekend.


Take care, all!

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Hey friends! I hope all of you are doing well today. :)


Belle ~ We're always here for you. {{HUGS}}


Baby ~ I'm really glad you had a great time. I would love to do a European cruise....maybe one day.


I finally got an appt with a new gastro doc. Yippie!


Take care, everyone! :D

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Hope everyone is having a

great weekend.


Things are so-so here.

Day by day and not to

good of days.

Add to it people who mess

up the paper work on inportant

things and now I have to get fixed



Other wise same-o-same here.


Hugs to you all..like if I saw you in person.

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Don't know where these weeks disappear to! Must be because we are getting close to the "big move" but time is flying.


Belle, So your doing the Med then coming across again? That is the perfect cruise for me but won't happen for a long time yet (unless I win the lottery). Hope Dad is having a better day and Mom lays off a bit.


Sheila, sounds like you had a great time and glad the tummy wasn't acting up. Glad you got the appointment and hope the new doc finds a solution that doesn't put you to sleep! LOL, that explanation of 5S is probably more than you ever needed to know! The girl in charge is having a blast taking stuff away from everyone. Think getting paid for major spring cleaning and not actually having to lift a finger yourself!


Baby, Your assessment of Morocco is about what the others were saying. It is one of the places that Joe really wants to see but all the comments that I'm hearing have confirmed that a tour would probably be the best way to go. Your right, it does get canceled a lot due to civil unrest. Next cruise is a baby one in October. 4 days on Mercury Pacific Northwest with 3 days in Seattle pre-cruise. I miss having anything "big" booked but too much is up for grabs right now and I'll be eating up vacation with Mom's move. Great deal out on the Solstice for November/Early December but would use too much of what little vacation that I'll have left.


Carolyn, Summer vacation? Any chance to get away?



OK, back to "work" work!


Have a great Sunday!

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Sheila..How are you? Know you had a doctor

app. On Monday. Haven't heard from you since.

Everything alright?


Donna..Yes the weeks are going by so fast.

When do you move your mother? Good Luck.

Yes Donna if we make it..Europe then a ta

back to San Juan. Westbound..gain hours.

Two 14 day cruises. More money but got

a good deal plus no trip last year.


Baby..Are you rested up from your cruise?

You haven't been talking. Cruises are tiring..

you need another one to rest up! LOL


Carolyn..How are you?


My father is going down hill. Sunday we thought it

might be it, nearing the end but he rallied around.

Talking and eating now, when before couldn't wake up.

He's a fighter. Doesn't want to leave his wife.

So just taking it day by day. It's hard not knowing

what each day is going to bring. I'm tired and stressed.


Everyone have a good week.

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Hi girls! Sorry I haven't posted in the past few days, but I've been sick with a UTI. Feeling better now so I'm back at work.


Belle ~ So sorry to hear that your DF isn't doing much better. At least he is awake and eating now....that's good. Take care of yourself!


Donna ~ I guess that is fun getting paid for doing the "spring cleaning" while someone else actually does the cleaning. LOL The weeks are disappearing!


Baby & Carolyn ~ Hello! I hope both of you are well!


We're leaving Friday for Myrtle Beach, SC. We've got a hotel room right on the beach with a balcony overlooking the ocean. It should be fun! We're going there for a wedding right on the beach.


Talk to you girls later! :)

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