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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hi all! Doing Sooooooooo bad here. I've been trying to get our MIL apartment ready for the oldest daughter (and SIL & DGD) to move back into. I was working 12 hour days and coming home to work on it. I've taken two days off work so far as the carpet layers came Monday. I was able to get the whole ceiling replaced and the walls painted at 3am the day they came. Now I'm working on getting the family room fixed up as a bed/living room for the youngest who will be home for the holidays. Her nose is a little out of joint at being kicked out of her appartment. I've also got to remodel the office so I can move two parrots out of the bedroom they were in to make room for the Granddaughter.


Had to take DH to doc Monday for a leg injury that happened in October but kept getting worse. Than had to take him for MRI at 11:30 pm Wendsday. We got home at 3AM and had to miss another day of work. Hung curtain and hauled garbage.


Needless to say, I haven't done anything right. The worst is after 2 years I fell off my WOE. It seemed like to much work fighting in resturants for what I needed, I still don't have the Christmas tree up and have gained 8 pound:(.


Thanks for letting me vent. I really can't let this life changing event get the best of me. I've got a cruise to get reqady for:)

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You've been busy..my goodness! You need a cruise!!!! It's

over 5 weeks!


Is your husband is feeling better now? Hope so.


Now Melody you've been thru alot but you do know..your suppose to

gain on the cruise and not before! LOL

You can do it..know you have a lot of stress but drink your water, lots of it.

Your getting lots of exercise. Just try to eat salads and/or lean meat when going out. I know it's easier said then done but I know YOU CAN DO IT!


If it's to hard, just try to maintain till after your cruise and get on the ball when you get back.


You also know you can vent here any time you want. We've all been there done that and still are..letting life get in the way of our dieting..exercise and drinking our water. That's what we want to overcome..to make our "woes"

a everyday thing..buts it's hard as we all know! That's why we come in here for support!


Donna how are you doing thru all the "office food"? Did you bring your own food? Drink your water?


Carolyn, hope you didn't get a call.. that the aide for your mother is working out. You don't need any more stress either.


I'm just starting to getready for christmas. Going to get tree tonight.

haven't shopped much, haven't done my cards..wanted to do less this year

but not working out that way. So I'm way behind.

Christmas only TWO weeks away! Yikes I'm really behind!!! LOL


Everyone have a great weekend..remember you want to try for a

no-gainer weekend..we got cruises coming! So be careful at those dinners out and the parties this weekend.. Think of be saying..Do you really want that? You want a no-gainer weekend! Big Smile!

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If you just "went off" your WOE after 2 years and had an 8 lb gain, it MUST be from stress. No matter what you're doing eating-wise, you may have the "stress monster" breathing down your back and on the scale. I know w/me when I was under "mega-stress" and still maintaing eating Atkins induction AND exercising (and not overdoing portions) I was still having the weight creep. Stress WILL do it to you... try not to let it make your go crazy though (easy for me to give advice since I've given up w/stress today.. couldn't find ANY papers and missing Dad and my ATM cards and important cancelled checks and receipts necessary for MY reimbursement from Mom prior to Medicaid.. UGH).

Have a great Friday everyone.

I wonder if I'm going to Mike's office's Xmas party tonight.. Libby's been sick for 2 days and Alex has a 7-8PM soccer practice. I missed the party for the last 2 years (either sick or sitter flaking out) so another year won't be the end of world. I've already "hit" the icecream (resisted everything else for the week though) but haven't had anything else to eat today.


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"Forgot" you also follow Atkins...

stress and giving "in" WILL make the scale jump 8lbs..

drink the water and get on induction for a few days (if you can w/your family arrangements) it won't take long for it to go away... just support yourself (not just eating) as best you can.


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Happy Saturday all!


Carolyn, Fingers crossed and prayers that this goes smoothly for you. It is sooo hard to deal with them. My mom is still telling me what to do even when it totally doesn't make any sense. I lost the last battle to remove one of the twin beds from her bedroom. She fell a few months ago and got stuck between the bed and desk for 4 hours before she was found. It was so tight that she couldn't even roll over but it is still that way at her insistence.


Melody, My dd2's nose is always out of joint so don't worry about it and picture boarding the ship when it starts to bother you! DD2 is having an absolute fit about not having Christmas here and you would think I killed Santa Claus since I am not putting up the tree this year. We are leaving later than planned just so she doesn't have to drive but she is even complaining about that! SIL still hasn't decided whether she will be coming with or not so I am ready to kill at this point.


Belle, Not great on the food but ok. No gainer at least. Stayed away from the sweets and tried to limit the number of crackers with the crab dip. Wasn't all that successful yesterday so diet coke and salad for dinner. I am with you on getting holiday ready to the point that I even forgot to buy cards last night (for the third time)! Next is inventory and wrapping so I have some idea of where I stand before I attempt to shop again.


Ok, off to wrap and check on my computer at work!


Everyone have a great weekend!

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"Forgot" you also follow Atkins...

stress and giving "in" WILL make the scale jump 8lbs..

drink the water and get on induction for a few days (if you can w/your family arrangements) it won't take long for it to go away... just support yourself (not just eating) as best you can.


Your right Carolyn. If anyone would know that wqould be you. Belle and other thanks. I just need you to help kick me in the butt. Just getting a few min. to post here helps.

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Melody, My dd2's nose is always out of joint so don't worry about it and picture boarding the ship when it starts to bother you! DD2 is having an absolute fit about not having Christmas here and you would think I killed Santa Claus since I am not putting up the tree this year.

I have a tree setting outside. Don't know where to put it. Cards just aren't going to happen but I feel guily everytime one comes. Haven't wrapped anything, I bought all gift cards this year so I wouldn't have too. Now I have a garage full my dd#1 wants wrapped for DGD.



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Seems like it..plus all the other stuff that is going on in your lives!

I'm taking notes from you all, I'm an only child, parents live over 400 miles away. Always calling them. Will be my turn to drive back and forth and take care of them. It's so hard, there so afraid of losing their independence.

Like your mother with the bed Donna.


Like you all I was going to do less christmas because of things going on and the cruise, didn't want the hassle, wasn't going to get a tree but did last night..not decorated. Wrapped the few gifts I've bought, now I have to

decorate tree, shop and do my cards. Does anyone help? NO! Alway tell my husband don't do your shopping at the last minute and this year it will be

me doing it and I shop for everyone, he only shops for me.

It's only Dec. the 11th! Plently of time! LOL


So keep up the struggle with the food, take it day by day. If make wrong choices just get back on next day. We were going to a party today, not going, husband not feeling well..saved me from making choices..would of been lots of food and drink to tempt me.


We can get thrunit..just keep thinking CRUISE!


Happy Holidays!

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I made it thru 24 hours on my WOE without messing up. I did have a diet coke & rum before bed. I've got a bad cold, so that was for medical reasons:D.


Husband started cleaning out our office for me. That is were two of the parrots are going. Of course the stuff he thru out is stuff I NEEEEEEED. Just cause the tax receipts are from '82, men:)

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Melody. 24 hrs of WOE and a weekend too. Now just keep it up.

Hope your feeling better. That the "rum and coke" did it?


I know men are just...men! Do you notice when men clean things out..it's your stuff that gets thrown out and there stuff seems to stay! LOL


Well did any of you have a no-gainer weekend? I did. Wish I would lose instead of being a stay the samer all the time. I'm happy thro..no gains for Dec. so far. Usually I've had gains in Dec., so if I can get thru the rest of the month without gains..I'm ahead.


Everyone keep focus..no-gains this month! Remember our cruises!

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Great job Melody! I would have done worse if DH had gotten at my stuff.


Belle, No-gainer is excellent for December. I am able to report the same even with all the eating out and celebrations. Hoping to manage another one off by Thursday but I'll be happy if I stay away from all the junk long enough to be a stay the samer.


Where is your water? I am just refilling mine.

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Drinking water here!


I had a no gainer for the weekend. Got two of the eight off. Even after 3 nights of whiskey and diet coke (one night was rum was thinking cruising:)) Darn cold won't let go. At least the freezing rain/sleet/snow has turned to just snow so I don't get soaked going to and from work.


If I come thru December at the weight I started at I'll be jumbing up and down.


Hope everyone has a great day:D

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Good job Melody! I may be taking your place as tempted! Between tendonitis and DD2 who is attempting to drive me crazy, I keep feeling like I need comfort food (preferably the chocolate variety)! We are driving to Mount Pleasant, MI for Christmas and DD2 can't make up her mind whether she is going to drive us crazy or my sister in law. At the moment, she is succeeding with both! If she comes with us, I have to ship a lot of the gifts ahead so I am not waiting very pariently.


Hang in there!

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Donna didn't you know... that's the "childrens" jobs to drive

their parents crazy..no matter the childrens ages! LOL

Take a deep breath..drink your water then SCREAM!


Melody very good..three days straight being good. Keep it up.


How is everything going with you three?

I got my cards done and mailed today. Went Christmas shopping today.

Went for about 5 1/2 hours. I had a little done before, doing more on Friday.

Be nice if got it all done then if not try to finish on the weekend.

Cutting it close, can't believe it's 9 days away! Usually never do things

this late. Always done before now. I'll make it.


Well you all take care..Our cruises are getting closer..in fact got a e-mail yesterday that I should get my DOC"S on the 16th. Wonder if we got an

upgrade. I booked a Balcony Guarantee. First time we did this.

I will be happy if it's just the 8a but will be happier if we got an upgraded. SMILE!

It still could say TBA. Might have to wait and find out at the pier.

Whatever..I'm happy.. I will be cruising in less than 5 weeks!

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Belle, Your right, she has been making me crazy for 34 years and there is no end in sight! Still have no idea what she is doing but need to find out by tonight since there isn't room for her and the Xmas packages in my suv! I will have to rush and ship what I have so far if she is riding with us. Knowing her, she will decide to take her own car and then dh will be worried about her the entire time!


Up 1 from the surprise Thai last night but should be gone by the weekend. Finally arranged transportation to the airport and got the docs yesterday so we are definitely a go. Still showing the same BD balcony (our first ever) and ship appears to be full so not even thinking about any surprise upgrades at this point, but we are as far aft on Baja deck as you can get so looks like a great location. Wonder if I will ever get dh off that balcony! We will continue shopping after the work Christmas party tomorrow afternoon (I will stay away from the booze and stick to the shrimp and veggies for my lunch) then meeting friends for Italian dinner so need to make some careful choices.


Melody, Things calming down? You'll be cruising before you know it!


Carolyn, are you behaving out there?

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Our first one too.

Waiting..Waiting.. Waiting for our MAIL!


Hope everyone is having a good day.


Donna sounds

like you have the food planned out for the party. good

job of planning ahead.

Just tell your DD that she tells you tonight..if she doesn't

that your taking the gifts with you and she can stay home

and drive your SIL crazy. LOL


Happy Holidays!

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WE haven't been talking much..Everyone busy?

I was Christmas shopping all day yesterday but still

got in a show and dinner.


I got my Doc's..got and upgrade.

Went from a 8a main to a 8f Verandah.


Only thing it's an aft., not the back with extended Balcony

but on the side with regular balcony. Never had and aft,

always picked our room, in the middle but the price was great

and with the upgrade saving even more. It's high up so not over

the engines, we're not over or under any thing just cabins, so

no big noises. If you feel more motion I don't know but we don't get

sea sick. I'm happy, our friends are next to us. (they got upgraded to)

Have to see what everyone else got. They had all booked insides, us

two couples only ones who had balconys. The others haven't got their Doc's yet. Getting excited only FOUR WEEKS!


Haven't lost weight but I haven't gained either, thats good! By now might of had a few pounds on. Once bad is I really have been trying to lose but it's not happening! DANG IT! Well as long as I can get thru Christmas and New Years without gaining! You too..no gaining..you got cruise coming up too!


Carolyn is the first to leave. How is things going Carolyn?

Donna and Melody how are you doing too?


Come on write here how things are going..know your busy but take a few minutes, miss hearing from you!


Happy Holidays!

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Thanks for asking "ladies"....

got back late of Thursday night, a week ago w/Libby having high fever.

Mike took her to MD.. was told to wait out 72 hrs. did that till Monday.. then had to scream for an appt... turns she's got pneumonia.. put her on amoxicillian.. (which did nothing) so on Thursday insisted on chest x-ray and then they finally put her on augmenton.. now it's a wait and see if we go.

The doctor said yes on Monday but by Thursday she still had fever..

I've got a mountain of clothes on sofa and loveseat downstairs. (all clean)

Don't want to tempt fate right now and pull out the suitcases. Hopefully we'll leave CT on Wednesday after Alex finishes up school and head to NY. Got a noon flight out of JFK on Thursday and will get to So. Beach that night.

Board Brilliance on Friday... "if" Libby'll feel better. (she's reading this over my shoulder.. now she reads SO WELL) . She's saying "if we go".

This little lady here really is turning into a "fashion diva"... she should be over on the fashion site... (gotta love her)


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Can you believe...Christmas Eve is soon approaching..can

Christmas be far behind? LOL


Carolyn I hope your daughter is feeling better. If shes resding the site,

shes up and about..hope that means shes getting better day by day.

Kids bounce back so fast. I praying you all get to go.


Donna how's it going? Daughter going or staying? I'm with your husband, when people can't find me..will be on the balcony! My friend says will never

see me because I won't hear the door or the phone out there! LOL


Melody check in so know your doing ok.


Hope you all are trying to be good. We want no gains on Monday.


The Ships are getting closer for us! Bon Voyage!

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She ALWAYS reads over my shoulder when I'm posting...

still don't know which way we're going (go or stay)...

she was choking badly the past night... almost couldn't catch breath and gagging.. called doctor on call (who wasn't part of practice) to get some feedback... no help.

WIll check with doctor tomorrow and will probably get her in on Tuesday.


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Well it is now 12-21 and this may be my last check in before D-day (I mean Christmas:)) Holding at the six pound gain I reported last time. (It did go back up the two and down again)


Carolyn hopfully all is better by now and you are a go:)


donnaw I'll be doing Christmas over in Davison, MI. I brought the youngest DD home from Lansing last Thursday. She is home for 3 weeks before going back to MSU.


Belle my TA had my doc's last week and she said they should get here the first of the week so hop to have them in the mail today or tomorrow.


Belle and Carolyn I booked a Balcony BF as I was booking the TA said for $4 I could upgrade to BE so I did. Got two bottels of wine too, I'll need that. Princess put me in a BC so I'm very happy.

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Morning all!


I really don't know about the notifications on this new site. Sometimes I come out and there are loads of posts I haven't read (as in today)!


Carolyn, we will keep our fingers crossed that all is going well and that you don't need the doctor today! That is one little girl that would be heart broken if she didn't get on the ship! We are all planning on you having a wonderful holiday!



Melody, looks like we will be fighting the weather to get there. The 26" that Michigan City got should be well off the roads but another storm is due in, they just can't agree on when and exactly where it will hit. I'm still waiting for that bridge across the lake since the drive around is the pits no matter when you do it! Enjoy your daughter and your holiday! We have a BD on Baja deck on the Grand but no upgrade fairy. Third Princess cruise and only upgraded on the first one (4 categories).


Belle, All ready? I have 1 gift left to buy and I will be done. Now we play the waiting game to see when we will leave and if dd2 is driving with us. We also have an aft, the last one on the side just before the suites. Word is that aft is the best spot to be on the Grand and Joe will be out there listening to his books on tape most of the time. Actually got him a new mp3/cd player for Christmas just so he could relax on the balcony. May have been a dumb move since I really am afraid that he is going to get majorly hooked!


Well, it was a no gainer on Monday morning but this morning was up 2 more which would wipe out my December loss. I'm sure it is mostly water from all the sodium laden foods yesterday but really need to behave now.


How is everyone else doing? Where is your water?

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Carolyn..Think you were leaving tomorrow if everything was alright with Libby.

Hope your reading this before you go out the door..Bon Voyage!

In case you didn't make it..come in and cry on our shoulders..we will understand.


Donna..Thought I was finished shopping, now have to out and get one more.

Really can't believe dd2 hasn't decided if she's going or not! See why she drives you crazy! lol Looks like we all have good cabins on our cruises.

Think first balconys for some of us. Forget what date are you sailing.

Think it's close to Melody and me..we're sailing on the same date but different ships.


Melody..I don't know what a BC is? Think you said you had a balcony too.

Isn't it so nice to have the doc's in your hands! Just think less than 4 weeks.

So your driving to for Christmas like Donna.


I'm home. Christmas Eve dinner out with family, then next day everyone here from morning till late night. Won't have to drive which is nice but have to

cook! Which is worst? LOL


In case your busy and only come on the on the net tomorrow and not Thursday or Friday... I want to wish you A Very Merry Christmas!

Hope you have lots of fun and that Santa is very nice to you. Hope the food and drinks don't tempt you to much and you won't have a gain. Drink that water! It will help.


Happy Holidays!

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Morning all!


Belle, I'll be here tomorrow and probably every day while we are gone. You guys are motivating me to be better than I would be but not quite as good as I should be. I am living in a foodaholic's paradise and a dieter's nightmare so need all the reminding that I can get that we will be on the Grand on January 8th! One last stop and I am done shopping. Joe's remote was just cancelled by Amazon so I will re-order when we get back from vacation and leave it as it is. As to the Princess cabin classes B are standard balcony cabins ranging from BF (lowest) to BA (highest before the mini-suite category starts). We are booked in a BD. Depending on personal preference some of the better cabins aren't necessarily better because the balconys are partially or fully exposed to the levels above.


Carolyn, Hope that you are packed when you read this and the wish for a safe and happy trip is not in vain!


Melody, We'll wave when we finally get to Michigan but have no idea when that will be with the current storm track. Scary thought, looks like we will stick to the lakeshore to get north of the storm but then we have to pray that lake effect doesn't kick in on us! We will head your way sometime between tonight and Friday morning.


Ok, dd2 is now driving with her aunt on Friday which is what we really wanted her to do since her aunt has never been the dd1's house and would be sure to wander about lost in the state of Michigan until we sent out a search party! They both insist that they are coming back on Christmas Day and we are up for grabs as to when we will come back. I will check in while we are there but for those who may not get out here, have a wonderful holiday!

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