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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Donna are you going thru Chicago or the UP. I'm not sure where in WI you're at.

>>We have a BD on Baja deck on the Grand but no upgrade fairy. Third Princess cruise and only upgraded on the first one (4 categories). <<

One another thread they said they thought they give good upgrades to first timers to get them hocked and I agree. This is our first Princess, (7 on Carnival.) So, I don't plan on getting a 4 category up grade next time:)

ps ditto on the bridge.


Belle I wish I had my doc in hand. The TA said they should be here yesterday:( Must be the Holiday mail. The B's are like the 8's on Carnival. Balconies on reg. rooms.


I hope no news from Carolyn is good news!!

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Hi all,


Melody, in good weather, I am an hour directly north of Chicago. UP is a a much longer drive so will be going the south route yet again! Hoping that the lake effect snow dies down and then we will shoot up and across rather than go along the IN/MI border which is supposed to get the heaviest snow. As to upgrades, Princess does tend to give really good upgrades to first timers so enjoy. We are in B745 which is a BD and don't expect a change since we have a full ship but we picked what we would be happy with and I can't wait!


Mir, We will be driving straight thru Chicago if we get out at the right time. If he messes up the time again then we'll end up with the bypass which doesn't get quite as bad! Have fun in Milwaukee! You are 10 minutes from my house when you see the factory outlet mall. Looks like you will have clear weather to make the trip up on Saturday. Have fun!

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How are you all doing?

By not hearing from Carolyn that must mean they left on thier cruise.

I hope that means that.

Our cruises are geting closer too! Donna your next, the 8th right?

Melody and I on the 16th! Think we all have the same kind of room to..

a regular balcony room..Am I right?

WE all are going to have such a GREAT time!


Melody Hope you got your DOC"S by now..A Merry Christmas GIFT!


Well how did you do weight wise? I lost a pound. Now to keep it off

thru Christmas with all the food!


Want you all to have a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS! Please drive carefully

where ever your driving too.


Donna glad your daughter made up her mind and it was what you wanted.


You two and others that read the posts...MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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Hi all,


Bad news is that I am bored absolutely silly and haven't been exceptionally good today! Good news is that we are stuck at home until at least tomorrow due to the storm on our travel route and not really too much bad that I can get into! Hopefully, will be on the way tomorrow morning but will end up eating out tonight so I'll try to behave myself.


Everyone have a great holiday and try to keep it healthy!


Cruises coming up fast!

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Good Morning all,


Actually middle of the night but kitty getting sick on the bedroom carpeting ended my sleep quite effectively. Have to admit that I was really bad yesterday and the scale is showing it today! I am not a patient person and the extra day delay had me eating things that I shouldn't and wouldn't have if I hadn't been so irritated. Didn't help when Joe kept saying that we wouldn't be able to go until Saturday! My revenge will be no naps in the back seat since it will be filled with luggage and presents too!


Belle, Thanks! We will head out early and just take it easy. Hopefully, the only bad spot left should be as we come around Lake Michigan.


Everyone have a safe and wonderful holiday!

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Glad you two had good Christmas's.

Sorry you didn't do as well as you wanted.

I wasn't as good as I wanted but better than I normally would of


My problem is, eating more today then yesterday..leftovers!

Wasn't as busy as I was on Christmas..so relaxing some and

eating more! LOL One good thing I went to the gym today..that's a plus, haven't gone in a long time.


NOW WE ALL have to get going here..OUR CRUISES ARE SOON!




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My problem is, eating more today then yesterday..leftovers!

Wasn't as busy as I was on Christmas..so relaxing some and

eating more! LOL One good thing I went to the gym today..that's a plus, haven't gone in a long time.


NOW WE ALL have to get going here..OUR CRUISES ARE SOON!





Ditto on the day after. Ate more leftovers than I ate on Christmas. The party at work was Thursday. I ate like a pig and all the WRONG stuff. Not only do I put the dinner on for fifty men, they want me to store the left overs. I set the left overs out Sunday after reheating them. Tons of munchies and desserts leftover to.


Soooooo, today I took all my baked goods from home and put them by the coffe pot at work and the boys finished them off. I walked too today for the first time in 3 weeks. (Before getting sick and remodeling.) I'm drinking water and have eaten WOE food only today.


Now I only have 25 pounds to lose in three weeks instead of 5:( Oh well, one day at a time.


Good Luck Donna and Belle those cruises are near! Hope Carolyn is haveing a great time.

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Cruises are getting closer!


Donna's your in less than two weeks, Melody ours are

one day less than three weeks!


Yes Melody the leftovers got me..was the same on Sunday but now up

a 1/2 to a 1 pound. Donna good you got rid of the baked goods. Christmas night I gave

most of the pies and candy to the family to take home. But alas there was still a little left here my husband was going to eat..guess who ate some? LOL


I'm glad I didn't gain more but I NEED to lose some weight before the cruise!

It's not just coming off! Still have to get thur New Years..we go to the city (San Francisco) to our friends the Italians..call them that because it's three sisters and there families. (can't call them by all their names, when talking about them..lol) They are GOOD cooks, we eat there News Eve and go back

New Years Day and eat some more. To top it off one daughter works at a famous bakery in the city that is wonderful..so two days of that plus we all bring something! WISH ME LUCK! If I have a no-gainer weekend then it will be a Miracle..but I will try!


So Donna..Melody..WE have to BE GOOD! Back on Track right NOW..

the SHIP will be sailing SOON!

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Hi All,


Belle, Just keep thinking about the cruise when you go to those parties! That should help keep you in line!


Melody, Great Job! I am having a hard time (yet again) giving up the carbs so I guess I will have to try everything on when I pack on Monday! Left the fudge at DD1's but still wayyyyy too much chocolate around! I will really try to be good today and see if I can get back on track.


Oh yikes! Really need to work on this! They are walking in with food again! Cruise! Cruise! Cruise! Need to keep practicing the mantra!



Everyone have a great day!

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Hi all,


Finally found the solution to the chocolate craving! One of the girls at work got handmade chocolates from a supplier and I had one. After possibly the best chocolate I ever had, the other stuff hasn't been the least bit tempting! Hope it doesn't wear off before the cruise because that is the hardest thing to come off of.


Barely saved by the bell last night. Went out to return some Christmas presents and Joe wanted to go to the newest Cheesecake Factory. We got there at 6:15 and there was already a two hour wait so he gave up the idea and we went to a local chain (Chammps) where I had salad, shrimp and crab (he had my roll and baked potato). I wouldn't be quite as pleased this morning if his first choice had worked out!


Here is to a safe, happy and skinny New Year's Eve to all!

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For Great Chocolate..

For for 2 hr waits...

Donna they helped your day! LOL


Donna you cruise on the 8th..Do you go out

a day earlier? Your getting excited? I'm like you

try my clothes on the week before I go, then decide

what I like or what fits the best!


Melody and I leave on the 15th and cruise on the 16th!


Started this site so we could get strict and lose weight.

With the Holidays it made it harder and my body wouldn't lose

even when I was good but by having this post really helped..

might of given up since I wasn't losing..would of gained over the Holidays.

I'm ahead..stayed the same..no gains. Just have to get thru

New Years!

I stayed the same..Did you Donna lose any weight since 11-1-04?

Did you Melody?

Well Donna you still have a week to lose..Melody and I have two.


Even the Dew..I've only lost 5 lbs so far. Only one week to go!

Have to KEEP saying..YOU DIDN"T GAIN! That's a good thing!


Bon Voyage Donna..You leave first! Lucky you!

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Hi Belle, actually, haven't gone digging but pretty sure the total loss since Nov. 1 is 3 lbs. and your right, this has kept me motivated to not just give in to temptation! Really big seafood sale at the local grocery today so I am all stocked up which should help. Definitely leaning towards Atkins this weekend with the exception of a tentative pizza party on Saturday night. Will try everything on and pack on Monday. Only 3 more days in the office and I am keeping up the mantra - cruise - cruise - cruise. We will leave on Friday and the Grand sails on Saturday. Should be better since no unwrapped good chocolate in the house and I won't open the box of good stuff!


Ok, where is your water!


Everyone have a save and happy holiday!

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Ok, best laid plans and ended up going out for dinner (don't even ask). Steak and crab tomorrow night instead. I have been pretty good all day and lots of exercise to cover any possible excess (Xmas decorations coming down) Now Joe is tucked away with his glass of red wine, his tape of the final Rukeyser show and his sunburn all covered in goo! Yes, I did warn him when I turned red on the first tanning session. As per usual, he did not listen and is now bright red. This was to prevent him from becoming Rudolph on yet another cruise and instead he looks like a tomato and we haven't even left yet! Typical male and he doesn't think he will be better by Friday. Of course, my response is I'll see him when I get back (if I don't murder him for whining in the next couple of days). 7 days from now and we will be in Galveston! It is finally here and I need to work my butt off but it will all be worth 7 glorious days of not having to do anything or be anywhere (except for swimming with the stingrays in Grand Cayman). We are planning on walking around or beaching it the rest of the time and just going with the moment. Boy am I glad that we have a covered balcony where I can tuck him away with his new cd/mp3 player while I head out to the adult pool and listen to the band! See, I told you that we were all going to get spoiled with these balconies and I'm already spoiled before we even leave home!


Belle, are you choosing wisely at those parties? Have fun but remember it is coming up quick!


Melody, all back to normal at home? Hope you are out having fun tonight but don't forget that you will be cruising in two weeks!


Off in search of more water!


Have a wonderful and safe holiday!

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I hear ya..MEN! Especially hubands! LOL


Me too Donna..All I can think of is my first balcony..

watching the sea and hope whales in Cabo.

Hoping to get one again and now there saying the different

places can't post lower then the cruise lines, how will we

find our balconies bargins for our next cruise?


Donna I was pretty good..ok semi good..ok not as well as I wanted!

Better than I would of been, better than last year. Now day two!


See you had an unexpected dinner more food then you thought, we

just have to get thru today and Sunday and then STRICT!


Your getting really close, less then a week..Melody and I have two weeks

today. Hey why did we plan cruise for after all the Holiday Food? Crazy

or the prices to good to pass up or thinking of the warm weather?

I know because a cruise is good no matter when! Right? Well maybe

not hurricane season!


Donna take care today, remember you'll be trying clothes on soon.

Where's your water?


Bon Voyage to us soon! Happy New Year!

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I have not watched my WOE since about Thanksgiving, nor have I been near a scale but the pants are now tight. Tuesday is garbage day and that is my "turning point." Back to the real world. I do not have a cruise planned since oldest is pregnant and due about 8/1/05 and youngest is getting married 9/4/05. Hope to cruise 12/05 or alaska summer 05.

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Hey why did we plan cruise for after all the Holiday Food? Crazy

or the prices to good to pass up or thinking of the warm weather?

I know because a cruise is good no matter when! Right? Well maybe

not hurricane season!

I was just woundering the same thing. Went out and got the husband a new wardrobe yesterday. Went home to pack him. Got my stuff out to thin it down to make room for him:) Tried my stuff on and started to cry. Almost everything I packed in October when I booked is to tight. I was at a all time low on the September cruise. I'm up 20 pounds from then. I walked every day last week and got out there today. If I don't get ten back off in two weeks, I'll have to go all week in two pair of shorts and one pair of black slacks for the dinning room.

Going to get more water!

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Marvholly..Good for you to throw all the stuff away we

shouldn't eat. Con cangrats on the grandchild and the wedding!

Now you have time to lose for the wedding and the cruise to come.


Melody..Haven't tried my clothes on yet! I'm about same weight as

I was for cruise in March..wanted to lose more..longest plateau

ever! LOL So my clothes fit but some not as well as I wanted.

So next week trying them on and see which ones I want to take.

WE still have two weeks to lose something! I just hope tomorrow

I don't have a gain I have to lose.


Donna how's the husband doing..only pink now? Can't wait to get on

my balcony..checked my ports ..two are in the 80's(almost 90) one in the 70's.

Hope they stay that way or get hotter not cooler. We've been having cooler with rain..want it warm now!


Wishing us all to get a few pounds off before we leave and the best cruises ever. Bon Voyage!

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Morning all,


I seem to think that this is a holiday or something and haven't been anywhere near as good as I should be with cruising at the end of the week. The ball skirt still fits but no margin for gain so I am going to start behaving pronto. I do know that the rest will fit because I left it behind in March (too tight) which will save on the work of trying everything on.


Melody, Hit that water hard now! I was the same way last March when I left the skirt home and switched formals at the last minute so I know what you are going through!


Belle, you and Melody are right behind me so you have an extra week without holiday temptation. I'm sure you'll be happy when it all fits for this one! Joe is more a rose color but should be back to normal today. I have loads of work to get done but will try to sneak in a tanning session this afternoon (with sunscreen this time around). All I want to do is make my skin less sensitive so I don't burn when we get on the cruise but I also don't really need to burn before we get on it either.


Holly, Congrats on all the upcoming fun events. Do look at Alaska, it is a wonderful experience and you should be able to squeeze it in before they take over all your time.


Ok, time to get to work!


Everyone have a great day!

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