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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Didn't post for a while...you guessed it...weight was creeping up! Last Sunday, went for yummy pasta (better than in Italy!). Ate the WHOLE thing and gained 1 1/2 pounds. Took a week to get rid of it. Now weight is at least under control (even if not as low as I would like).


Hope you are all well.


Sheila, how was your weekend. It was way too hot here (can you believe I am complaining about heat...after the winter we had!) It was a good weekend to be on a beach! Tell us about the wedding.


Belle, how are you? You are on my mind. I know what you are going through and I feel for you.


Donna, I missed your post this weekend. I always look forward to your news.

That Solstice deal sure is tempting. But, it is too early in the season for us. We would have the entire winter ahead.


For the first time in years, we have no cruise booked. As a matter of fact, we have nothing booked at all. Can't decide what to do this winter. With our climate, winter vacation is the most important!


We are thinking of 3 weeks in the Costa del Sol. After all the rain we just had in Rome, I am a little weather-shy! Any ideas?


Carolyn, where are you? How are you? We miss you.


Take care, all!

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Sorry I haven't written much.

Things aren't going to well for my father.

Not their fault but we're tired been going

on for sixteen months. So hard to see

my father in pain and my mother in her

way. Plus all the things that come up to do.

Different bills, things you have to fight ect.

See how my father is tomorrow (Wed) not

good today (Tues.)

Taking mother to Doctor on Friday.

So sorry for venting, that's one reason not

writing much, always venting to you ALL.


Sheila glad your feeling better.

Donna hope everything is coming together

for you for the move.

Baby glad you got your pasta weight off.

You had a lot of rain in Rome?

Carolyn hope your doing alright. Please check in.


Were having hot weather now. High 80's and 90's.

Everyone take care, thinking of you even if not


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Hey girls! Sorry I haven't posted this week, but I've had a lot of work to do.


Baby ~ Myrtle Beach was nice. The wedding was lovely. However, it was 101 degrees on the beach. :eek: I've gained myself so don't feel so bad.


Belle ~ Hey sweetie! So sorry to hear that your DF isn't doing well at all. My heart goes out to you for all that you're dealing with right now.


Donna & Carolyn ~ How are you girls?


I'm going to try and head back to the gym today. I've been such a slacker. I'm totally not motivated, but need to be. I brought my gym clothes today and I'm going to force myself to go.


Hugs to you all!

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Hello girls! I echo Belle, hope all of you are doing well. Y'all sure have been quiet lately.


Belle ~ We had Bunco last night. Of course, I ate too much and I'm paying for it today. How's your parents? And you?


Donna ~ How's everything going with your DM? Still working on house projects?


Baby ~ What trip do you have planned next? Are you staying away from here because of your "dreaded pound?"


I'm going to the new gastro doc on the 30th. I'm continuing to be highly medicated to keep the stomach spasms and cramps down to a minimum. I mentioned on the "Countdown" thread that I should've lost a lot of weight by now considering that my tummy hurts all of the time. However, I have been eating comfort foods. I don't eat a lot of them or often, but I'm still doing it. I need to a good kick in the rear to get my WOE back on plan.


Today is my baby's 20th birthday. What happened to the time? :eek:


Hugs to you all! :)

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Hi all, Just been crazy busy trying to get ready to fly to Mom's tomorrow. The girls will follow on Monday along with dgd3 who will provide comic relief.


Sheila, hope they come up with a good answer so you can stop all the medications.


Belle, Hang in there! You do need a break and to take care of yourself!


Baby, Where is your water? Unfortunately, I do that almost every Friday night so I keep playing with the same lbs. over and over again.


Carolyn, How is the summer going?


Had to report in because I don't know when my next chance will be. Have to be back before the 30th and it just might take that long. Mom is still pulling the "I'm not moving" periodically so this is definitely not going to be easy.


Hope all of you have a great weekend and couple of weeks while I'm gone!

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Sorry I haven't posted. Sheila, you guessed it! I was UP the awful pound. Today, I am down 1/2, but that is still BAD. Will be good. Promise.


Happy Father's Day to all the hubbies! We are alone this year. One son lives out of town and the other is away for the weekend. One just phoned. Hope the other one remembers!!


Belle, glad that you check in with us. We also had a big storm this week. I was a few blocks from home when the sky opened up. It rained sideways! Tree branches were falling (that was scarey). When I tried to open the garage door...no power. So, off I went to a local shopping centre with indoor parking! Felt like a refugee! Did manage to buy a few things though!!!


Sheila, I am starting to do my exercises again. But I am starting very slowly so that I don't do any damage. Yesterday, I walked. But it was really too humid. After this, I will do some exercises (I'll increase a little). I think I will skip the walk. It's humid again. If it doesn't rain, I'll walk this evening.


Happy bithday to your BABY! He's a man, now! I look at little babies and I can barely remember when I had them! Soon we'll be Grandmas!


Hope your pains have subsided. Comfort foods are fine. But choose them carefully. I was going to town with the frozen yogurt. Now I won't buy any until my weight goes down. I want to weigh 3-4 pounds less for the summer. Can I do it? I will try.


We have absolutely NO travel plans on the back burner. This is very unusual for me. Hopefully, we will do a 3 week vacation in the winter. We are thinking of the South of Spain. It will not be HOT, but hopefully it will be dry. (After our wet visit to Italy, I am reluctant). I don't mind cool. Jacket weather is enjoyable for sight-seeing. But RAIN...yuch!


Donna...good to hear from you! Good luck with your Mom. Hope all goes smoothly. (Or at least more smoothly than you anticipate!) I am going to get a water refill now.


Hope Carolyn is well.


Take care everyone. THINK THIN!!!

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Happy Monday, girls! :)


Today is a new beginning for me as far as my WOE and exercise go. I've re-committed myself. I have to lose at least 5 lbs to get where I need to be.


Donna ~ Good luck with your Mom's move. We'll be thinking about you!


Baby ~ It is so funny how I just knew that you weren't posting because of your "dreaded pound." I guess we've know each other long enough on here to figure each other out. :D You and I will have to stick with each other and try to get those pounds off. WE CAN DO IT!


Belle ~ How are you and your parents doing? {{HUGS}}


Nick's birthday was nice. John grilled some chicken for some sandwiches that Nick likes and we had a few friends and family over for dinner and cake. The cake is gone! YES! :D We took my Dad and DH out to eat for lunch yesterday. I ate a side salad, 3 oz. of filet mignon, and half of a sweet potato. I did really good.


Today is a new day! :)

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I didn't gain or lose yesterday. Now I will try to lose today! Five pounds? I haven't weighed that little (?) in I don't know how many years! But I will go for it with you. If we hold eachother's hand, maybe I can do it! (You can do it, I am sure).


Gotta go now. Will check in tomorrow. Promise!


Have a great day, all!

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Hi! I don't have anything to report either. I'm still struggling with the tummy issues and that is causing me to not be able to exercise like I normally do. I did lift weights (lower body & core) last night and ran/jogged/walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. It about killed me though!


Hope everyone is doing well! :D

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Donna is away moving her mother

to be near her daughter.


Carolyn I don't know?


Sheila sorry your still having pain.

Don't you see a doctor soon?

Congrats on still trying to exercise.


Baby I wish I only had to worry about

a pound. Your doing good, you go out

to eat a lot and don't gain much.



Hope you all had a good weekend

with your husband for Father's Day.


Still the same here. Not good. Father

is going down hill more each day.

Taking it day by day. What else can I do.

With him/mother almost everyday.

Go early in the morning, he's clearer then,

(talking I mean) after lunch tired and not so clear..


One day after visiting went shopping

and found a couple of dresses for the cruise

we HOPE to take. (on sale of course)

Took my mind off things for awhile.


Everyone have a good week.

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Belle, I know it is a difficult time. Good that you take breaks...and even manage to shop for bargains! I will keep my fingers crossed (not literally!) for you that you will be able to go on your planned cruise. It's a back to back, isn't it? How many days in all?


Sheila, please do not overdo it. It doesn't pay to hurt yourself. Then it will take longer to get back to square one.


Well, ladies, this morning my friendly scale showed one pound less! I don't know how to be honest. Last night, I made dinner. We had wine and an after-dinner liqeuer. I did serve a lot of veggies and fruit. Maybe that helped??? Anyways, I hope I am on a roll!


Belle, eating out is not my main problem...although 1/2 veggie pizza can put on weight. My big problem is noshing between meals...especially before dinner, when I can't wait.


Eating dinner out, I usually order fish or chicken. If it's a chicken brochette, I skip the fries and have only salad. I never order dessert. If DH does, I just taste it. We rarely order appetizers. In a Greek restaurant, we may share an order of the fabulous grilled mushrooms. The fish comes with veggies in my favourite restaurants. (In some, it comes with rice and lima beans...sure to add on a little weight!) In Italian restaurants, I like simple grilled veal with veggies (no pasta). There's one restaurant where I love the pasta (and it loves my waistline back!). I must remember to insist that they serve me only half the order. Believe me, I try! Still it is a big effort because of the noshing.


Have a great day, all!

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Hey girls!


I was able to see the new gastro doc in Birmingham this morning. I’m having an endoscopy and colonoscopy next Friday. He’ll be taking biopsies also….something the other gastro doc I saw a few years back didn’t do. The new doc also changed up my medication. They also took blood and are checking me for Celiacs Disease.

I didn’t exercise yesterday and probably won’t until I get some relief. I’ve been having chest pains a lot and it hurts worse when I exert myself. I hope all of this can be sorted soon because I miss my WOEX terribly. I’ve been able to exercise 3 days in a month. I’ve gained almost 7 lbs. UGH! I will have to cut back on the calories if I can’t exercise. Thanks for letting me vent.


Belle ~ So sorry to hear that your DF isn't doing any better. You are such a good daughter!


Baby ~ Congrats on being down one pound. I'm afraid I'm up some more. I'm getting so frustrated with my body not cooperating.


Hugs to you all! :D

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But back and stuff not too good.

DAunt kind of driving me crazy and kids getting through w/school.

So I thought since I don't have anything "good" to post I'd just lurk.

Sheila, Good luck with the tests. Think I should try a battery of them soon.

Baby, keep that pound at bay.

Belle, hope things are somewhat quiet w/your parents.

Donna, good luck with moving your Mom. Hope it works out.

Hope to post later next week.

Going up to Boston on Sunday for Mike's aunt's 90th b-day. ALl his family there... wish we didin't have to go. Really don't care for them and they're really cruel (mainly his father) to Libby.


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So much rain this year. Good for the flowers, but not for me!


Good news is that today I am finally one pound under the awful one. I am having a hard time these days. I still feel full and bloated. Have been eating lots of fruits and veggies.


Sheila...glad you lost, but not glad the way you lost. Hope you feel better this week.


Belle...hope you are O.K.


Donna...how did it all go?


Carolyn...so happy that you posted, even if things are tough. What will the kids be doing this summer? And why are Mike's relatives mean to Libby? That is unexcusable.

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Hey girls!


I feel better today. I sure hope this lasts. :D We had a good weekend, but it was busy. We had several parties to go to and did some work around the house.


Carolyn ~ It is always good to hear from you even if you just stop by to say hello. At least we know you're still here with us. I hope your time spent with Mike's family wasn't too horrible. Why is Mike's father so cruel to Libby? Poor thing!


Baby ~ Congrats on being down another pound! I don't think I'll lose any this week. I wasn't too good over the weekend. I ate a huge piece of cake Sat. night. It was so good though! ;)


Donna & Belle ~ How are you both doing? You've been quiet again. How are your parents & mother?


Have a great day! :)

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Sorry I've been missing.

Father isn't doing good, it's a

matter of time.


Sheila..Glad your feeling better.

Your weight gain is from your meds

or least some of it, I bet! Take it easy till

you get everything done.

Your friends come in July? You want to

be better by then.


Baby..Glad your doing great in your weight.

Send me some of your magic here. I'm doing

terrible! Yes our cruise which we hope to

take in Nov. is a b2b is 28 days. Depends on

my mother, on how she will be. Besides her

have to think of husband to. He needs some

time off too. (me too) I worry about him too,

he's older than I. Sometimes....

Life gets in the way of living.


Carolyn.,. Good to hear from you. Sorry things

aren't good with your aunt. Plus you have to

put up with in-laws (out-laws) Glad it was only

one day. You have plans with the kids this summer?

We're home again this year because of parents.

Love them but second summer without going away.

Does that sounds terrible, really not complaining.

Just a fact.


Donna..Your still away. Hope everything is going

well with your mother. That she is copeing alright.

Hope your getting some time with your daughter

and grandkids.


Everyone have a great week.

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Hey girls! You're all MIA again, except for Belle.


Belle ~ I'm so sorry to hear that your DF is not doing well. {{{HUGS}}}


One of my new medicines does cause weight gain. :rolleyes: It is working though so I'll just have to be careful and not let it.


I still feel better today. I have my tests on Friday. Tomorrow will be a hard day...no food except for Jell-o. Oh joy! Maybe I'll lose a few pounds. :D


Hugs to you all!

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Thank You Sheila.

My father has gone into a coma.

So please say a prayer for him.

Least he's not in pain now.


So if I'm not on for awhile you'll

know why. But then might come

on because I can't sleep.


Take care

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