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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Belle, so sorry to read about your father. My heart and thoughts are with you. Take care of yourself, the best you can.


Sheila...only jello. The up side is that you will definitely weigh less. Hope your results are good.


I am up the awful pound. What else is new? We went out for Chinese food this week (usually a killer). Yesterday, although I walked, I shared a very decadent dessert with a friend....so no loss. Hopefully I will be more successful today.


Take care, everyone!

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My Father passed away Thursday

night. We were all with him during the day.

Went back at night to say a last good-bye.

He's at peace now. Now to make all the

plans for a service. started already. Also

dealing with my mother.


Thank you for all of your prayers and

kind thoughts.

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Belle, Condolences

to you and your family at this time. Thought of you often while I was gone and know that your DF is in a better place now. Hoping that this also means a turn around for your mother so you can worry less.


Sheila, Glad the meds are working!


Carolyn, Anything planned while they are out of school?


Baby, Where is that water? We ate out almost the entire time I was gone and I ended up losing one pound. However, it was the amount of work that did it.


Mom is now safely settled in MI. Lots of battles before we packed the truck and Cheryl's basement will be overrun with furniture that she insisted upon bringing with but couldn't possibly use. The others in the building have been extremely welcoming so I have my fingers crossed that she will become more active now. Her phone won't be hooked up until tomorrow but Cheryl checks on her twice a day and has her over for dinner each evening so I just check in with her.


I am finally getting close to caught up at home but I came home to over 800 emails to deal with. Needless to say, most of them were solved with the delete button. My desk is still buried but at least it is now organized since this is yet another end of the month. Better get back to it since I need to be ready to close in 3 hours.


Have a great Monday!

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Baby, Sheila and Donna Thank You

for your prayers and good wishes.

Yes my father isn't in any pain any

more. He's at peace.


Having the service July 2nd, Wed.

I don't know how my mother will be.

She's been pretty good so far. Just

more memory loss. She really doesn't

want to go or have a service. Tell

her Dad wanted it. She excepts it.


Thanks again

I will write more other day, forgive me

for not talking to you each solo. I'm tired.

Love Belle

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Just saw your post. Prayers are with you and your mother. Just do what you feel is what your father wanted and your Mom will follow along. Don't be surprised by some of her actions... I had that with my Mom when my Dad was in ICU and after her passed. She didn't want to go see him in hospital, thought the world revolved around her. Be gentle with yourself, things won't be easy for a while. At least your father's in a "better place". Even though everything's on you at least you know what's your "responsibility", it's hard but at least you won't get jerked around by family members who offer help but don't follow through or worse "muck things up" when they "half heartedly help". Surround yourself with those that support you best... that's all you can do now.



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Belle, thinking of you and wish we were closer to give you hugs and support. Hope things went well on Wednesday and you mom is settling down now.


Sheila, How are you feeling?


Baby, Where are you?


Carolyn, any summer plans?


Quiet around here but definitely appreciated. Was 48 when I woke up this morning but should hit 80+ later in the day. A few things to take care of upstairs then time to face the downstairs and put it back in order and clean it. Seems to be the catch all for anything that we don't know what to do with so lots going to be tossed out. Mom's lesson is still at the top and need to get rid of lots of stuff then back up to do some closet cleaning which will hopefully get rid of more.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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What can I say except thank you

so much for your prayers, wishes and

good thoughts you sent my way for

my family and mother.


Everything went well on Wed. Know

my father liked it. We did what he

wanted. My mother is doing well, better

then I expected. Just taking it day by day.

Now the fun begins..the paperwork!


Donna..Glad your mother is moved. Hope she

is doing alright. She's closer to your daughter?

How far from you? I know about stuff. We still

have so much stuff here, think it would make me

want to clean all my stuff? Yeah right!


Sheila..Your friends are coming soon. House already?

Isn't it funny we do things to our house when we're

having company? We can't do it to just do it? LOL

I read on other post. You have Mondays off. Working

only 4 days? 8 or 10 hour days? Places are doing that now.

Thanks for posting for weigh-in. I forgot.


Carolyn..How's things going with your aunt? Is your sister

leaving you alone?

Yes Carolyn no one to help muck things up but no one

to help either.

You have any plans to get away this summer? How

are the kids?


Baby..Your staying away. Don't stay away for a few lbs

gained. I've gained a few lbs x's many! LOL

Are you taking any trips this summer? Just relaxing

around home? You really had some nice trips already.


Thanks again..

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Sure...you all know me very well! I have been up the awful pound for about a week already. Very bad. Have to get a grip!


Belle, good that you mother was better than you anticipated. We never know how things will evolve. The paperwork will get done, one at a time.


We have no travel plans...at all! Maybe a couple of weekends. We'll see. This is unusual for me. When we cruise, I book sooo far in advance. But we are cruised out. We need something different for a change.


Donna...missed you. It sounds like your mother is well set up. Was she living close to any of you before? (I can't keep track!!) How far away from you is she? She will be so happy to be near Cheryl. We're doing a little work in the house, as well. I am turning son #1's bedroom into a den. We are getting the floors refinished this week (I hope!). Then I have to find a good painter to take off the wallpaper and paint. I have a hide-a-bed in the basement, which I will bring upstairs, so it will be a guestroom as well. The bedroom was emptied out this week and the rest of the house is a mess!


Sheila...How are you doing? Hope all is well.


Carolyn...hope you are enjoying your summer. What are your kids up to? Are you going to Hawaii again?


Take care, all!

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Belle, So glad your mother is behaving. Not sure that is a good word but I am beginning to use it a lot with mine. The paperwork will get done and the clutter distributed in time but make sure you include some "me" time now.


Baby, Just crazy busy since I got back. Last time I took 2 weeks in a row, I had a year to get ready for it! This all moved fast and a lot was left for my return. I'm sure the conversion to den will go nicely. My office/computer room is the second guest room with a sofa bed for over flow. Fortunately, don't have to use it often as that.


Carolyn, How is the summer going?


Sheila, I'm thinking they will be there soon! How are the meds working? 4 days? Would love that even at 10 hours.


OK, mom is 1 mile from Cheryl's house and 4 blocks from her office (she starts back mid-August). She was 700 miles from us with Cheryl being 350 miles the completely opposite direction so it is wonderful having her in the same town and we should see all of them more often now. She is settling in nicely though some of the things still confuse her. She did manage to do her own laundry yesterday afternoon without help for the first time so it is coming along. She was going to the exercise class in the building this morning and was looking forward to it. Cheryl was going to stop by to make sure she got started. I think the biggest adjustment is how friendly everyone is. She lived in an apartment in Chicago for the first half of her life and can't believe the difference here. She is even considering the twice weekly Bingo.


Well need to wrap a few things up and then we are off to Costco tonight to pick up a new printer for Joe. Of course, that won't be the only thing. Better make sure we stop and eat first or half the store will come home with us. By the time we get back, it will be my bed time!


Have a great evening!

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Hey girls! :)


I've been a busy beaver lately and now I'm exhausted. As Belle mentioned, my friends will be here for two weeks on the 24th. There were so many things that DH and I wanted to do to the house, but them coming was a kick in the rear to get us moving. LOL We've gotten a lot accomplished.


Belle ~ I'm happy to hear that the funeral was nice and that your DF would've liked it. It is also nice to hear that your Mother is doing so well. I know that both of you will have your moments though. Hopefully, the paperwork won't be too bad and you can get it accomplished. I'm still praying for you.


Donna ~ That is really good news about your Mother. I figured once she got settled, she would really like the place. It is nice for the elderly to be around people their own age and to do activities daily to keep their mind occupied. I'm working 4 10-hour days. I wanted to work 4 32-hour days, but my boss wants me full-time right now.


Baby ~ You and I both are up in weight. I've re-dedicated myself AGAIN to my WOE. I've been so bad lately. My new meds make me crave carbs and sweets. I've got to get a handle on it. Isn't it sad that I sit around and think about chocolate or whatever? I don't know about you, but I sure wish that my mind was normal and that I didn't think about food all of the time. It would be nice to be one of those people who only views food as a necessity instead of a "pleasure."


I found out this past weekend that some of my shorts are snug. They were too big back in April/May. I weigh the same, but the inches have started coming back on because I'm not at the gym every day. So, today is a new day and I'm back to it.....even if I don't feel like. ;)


Carolyn ~ How are you?


Talk to you later! Hope all of you are well. HUGS!

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Sheila, Yep, weight doesn't need to change to mess up fit. I'm back with the elliptical and treadmill too. Sounds like your ready for them and you'll still have all those house projects done to enjoy after they leave. Seriously doubt you would like 4 - 32 hour days if there was a way to manage it so just keep shooting for 4 - 8 hour days!


Belle, Hoping Mom is remaining calm and that your able to come up for air occasionally.


Baby, Where is your water? Actually saw an article yesterday that says that journaling is proven to be a major tool in losing weight. Must be why WW appears to work when I actually get out there and journal. Have to start that again.


Carolyn, How is summer going? Is your Aunt settled now?


Have to run but thought I would say a quick hi before I start another manic day!


Have a great hump day!

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Good news! After probably 2 weeks of the awful pound, FINALLY it is off! Down one whole pound! (Look at what it takes to make me happy! Am I a simple girl, or what????!!!!)


Donna, isn't it great that your mom is so close to Cheryl? And...it sounds like she is doing so well. The program sounds very good and very stimulating, which is what she needs. Next thing you know, she'll find a boyfriend there! How far away from you are they?


We have so much work to do in our house, it is daunting. But I figure that we have to start somewhere, and since my son and daughter-in-law live out of town, it would be nice to have a guestroom for them. I have my late mil's den furniture in the basement, so I will bring up whatever fits. I think we will leave the floors natural. We'll get an area rug.


Journaling is good, but I must confess I didn't do it yet!


Sheila..I know EXACTLY what you mean. I had a facial yesterday...and while I was supposed to be resting, I was thinking of what I would eat when I got home! Luckily, the frozen yogourt is gone. I won't buy anymore...until I lose a few pounds!


Belle and Carolyn, hope all is in order. Check in with us when you have a chance.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Good morning, girls! :D


I got up this morning at 4:15 AM and did a 30 minute walk & jog DVD. Aren't y'all proud of me? ;) I did a 45 minute DVD last night. Tonight is the gym with weight training and some cardio. Hopefully, this will help with my cravings and get the inches coming off my booty.


Donna ~ LOL! Yes, I would prefer to work 4 8-hour days instead of 4 32-hour days. I think I would be exhausted with those hours. Hee! Hee! GREAT job on getting back to your exercises. I'm sure you feel better already.


Baby ~ Yay for you! Down 2 whole pounds! No wonder you're so happy. DH bought me some ice cream on Friday and I wanted to smack him. I'm going to put it in the deep freezer in our garage so I won't be tempted every time I open up the freezer in the kitchen. One of my Scottish friends loves ice cream so I'll feed it to him. LOL


Belle ~ How are you and your DM doing, sweetie? I hope the paperwork is going smoothly for you.


Hang in there girls. We can do it! :D

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Hello ladies! :D


I hope all of you are doing well! I'm doing fine. It feels really good finally not be drugged out and/or feeling bad. I actually did a full workout last night at the gym and it felt great!


Hugs to you all!



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Sheila, your doing us all proud! I'm doing OK so far in the exercise but it hasn't become a habit yet. Once I actually get down there, I stick it out longer than my initial plan so just need to get down there on more evenings!


Baby, Where is that water?


Belle, Hope the paperwork is going smoothly!


Carolyn, How is the summer going?


Nothing new and exciting, just a quick stop to say hi! Have to work off all the crab legs I ate last night at the casino buffet. Great dinner and actually left to machines while still ahead. Now it's time to start cleaning out my baskets on my desk since I don't have room for another piece of paper.


Have a great weekend!

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First the phone calls, then the voice mail,

then leave a message or two,

then the call back, then they will send

forms for you to fill out, then send them back.

Do you think I got any yet?

Couple of then I can send DC to them first,

then they will send me forms. Some will

call back before forms are done, some after.

Then they will tell me what to do!


My mother is doing really well. I'm very surprised

but happy. Still has memory loss but that will

be on going.

She's doing so good that Jean and I

are going to Reno on the 20th for a few days.

The "kids" will visit my mother. We really need to

get away.


Donna ..Your mother still doing alright? Hope so.

Nice that's she's by your daughter. How's your

husband doing? Did he get everything cleared up

with his illness?


Sheila..Up at 4:15 to exercise! Are you crazy? LOL

Good for you. Wish I could just do it any time!

I'm glad your feeling good and not drugged. Are you

all well or on different meds? Your friends will be

here in two weeks. Did you finish all you wanted done?


Baby..Congrats on the pound lost. See you can do it!

Now don't stay off here if you gain it back! LOL

Like you we need to do some "stuff" around here too.

Think about it but that's all we do. Been so busy with parents

and now mother, just haven't wanted to. Maybe now

get some energy back now that we can take more

days off here and there.


Carolyn..Are you having a busy summer. The "kids"

running you around? Do you get a vacation this summer?

Hope so.


Everyone have a good Sunday and coming week.

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Hi y'all! The awful pound is back. Too much good eating. Hopefully, today, I will do better.


Sheila, I am proud of you too. Keep up the good work!


Donna, gonna get that water pronto! Thanks for the reminder. Water is now at hand!


Belle, I know it is so difficult to deal with "functionaries" these days!


So happy to read that your mother is doing well enough that you can get away for a few days. And it's great that your kids can help out.


Have a great day, all!

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Been busy running w/kids.

Can't believe they're through w/2 weeks of summer program already. 2 to go and then we have a few days before we "hopefully" leave for summer break to So. California. Say "hopefully" since I really don't know what's happening w/aunt (she can't stand the aide I hired for 5 days since aunt wants to walk and do things on own since she's practically blind (bad macular) and thinks she can walk a few steps w/o walker even though she can't. Luckily the aide keeps walker out of Stella's reach when aide's not in room (otherwise Stella would try to get up on own). We've got to keep her out of the hospital by Tuesday (stella's 94th bday) so that her rehab days reset back to 100. Otherwise it's back to square one and only having about 10 days left. I'm really sweating it out. I begged aunt to behave but who knows. Both ladies are a bit too strong willed. Stella doesn't want to be burden to me "but" doesn't want to give in. She wants me to replace Yvonne BUT I warn her that "who knows what will be" it probably could be worse. Also tell her that if things go crazy with me not being able to take care of things I'm going to have to find a facility for her and it's going to be much worse than having her in her apartment. UGH. I'm finished venting. She sounded a bit tired on Friday and popped 2 nitrogycerin tabs so who knows. Only about 48 more hours.

If all goes "well" we leave for Orange County on August 1st. We were sitting on $$ air vouchers and Libby wanted to "go to disney". Didn't want to deal with Florida's horrible summer weather in August (and air was about the same to go south vs. west). Got a great deal to SNA for air and luckily I locked in for car rental before they started really jacking that up major $$(over $200 more now). Will be away for until 12th so will have time to go to San Diego, Anaheim and a quick ride to Universal. Touch base w/some old "girlfriends" of Mike's. I'm ok with that. One has kids for Alex and Libby to meet. Other I really get along with and we saw the last time we were out about 6 years ago. Called up Robin and I was on phone w/her for over a hour. Can't wait to see her family. Hopefully it won't be too hot. Will got to San Diego zoo and also Libby wants to go to Seaworld on Mike's b-day (50th ha ha.,.. have lil 'shamu" (libby teasing Mike) meet BIG Shamu). Think I'm going to try Priceline for a few days after we pass Estelle's b-day. I got back up hotel "just in case" but I'm really trying to stay in budget and the attraction tickets are really going to co$t alot. $$ is really going to be tight since we have to lock in oil prepay for winter and I can't get much answer. Wish we had a few options. Donna, what type of heating do you have? We also have Alex's 2/3 tuition due Tuesday the same day we have to pay up for oil need at least 1K gallons... ouch.

Belle, good luck with the paper work. Glad your mother's adjusting well. That was a surprise for me after my father passed how well my mother was... especially since my father was her main caregiver. Glad you'll be able to take a Reno break.

Sheila... glad your meds are working and your back to your WOE. Wish I could say the same ..

Baby.. don't forget the water... the lb should stay away.

Donna how's the summer in "your neck of the woods".

Guess that's it for now.

Take care


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Hey girls! My weekend was soooo hectic. This up-coming weekend will be no different. My Scottish friends are arriving on the 24th.


Donna ~ I think you’ve been doing pretty good with your exercise. You’re doing well than I am right now. It has been so hard for me to make it to the gym since I started working the 10-hour days. I’m doing more exercise at home. I just hate getting home between 7:45-8:00pm when I go to the gym. I get home at 6:30 and do my hour-long DVD so that’s easier right now. I know I can’t keep doing that though or I’ll start to lose my muscle definition just from doing cardio only.


Belle ~ Boy, it sounds like the paperwork is an on-going battle. I hope it doesn’t stress you out so much. It is good news that you and Jean are going away to Reno. You desperately need that break. It is also good news that your Mom is doing so well. Continue to take care of yourself.


Yes, I am crazy! I only got up that one morning at 4:15. I had planned on doing it at least 3 days a week, but I have been too tired.


I’m off of some of the tummy drugs I was on that made me so drugged. I’m on another pill that I take just at night.


We’re getting our new screened-in porch today. I’m so excited about that. I still need to do some cleaning, but am mostly finished with my projects except for painting our back doors. I’m waiting on the crew to finish the new patio first.


Baby ~ Don’t be proud of me….my awful pound is back also. We had a neighborhood party last night and the huge hamburgers were so good! The cheesecake wasn’t too bad either. :rolleyes: I am hopeless when it comes to resisting food at a party. :o Nothing they had was healthy. I’m going to have to work out extra hard tonight. I hope your pound goes away soon.


Carolyn ~ Good to hear from you! I hope all of your vacation plans workout and your DAunt does well. Take care!


Take care,


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