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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I'm plugging along..waiting for
phone calls and forms that are
suppose to be in the mail!
They move fast when they
take money back but slow
otherwise! LOL

Never fails.. plan sometime away
and husbands car needs some work.
Got it fixed but hated to pay!!

Sheila..Really glad your feeling better
with less meds. Like I said before, how
much stuff we get done when we have
company coming! You sure got a lot done.
A new screened in porch, how nice.

Carolyn..Hope you got passed Tuesday
for your aunt without any problems.
It will be good for all of you to go on
vacation in Aug. You need it.
Why is it..that the bills always come at
the same time?

Baby..You will get rid of the lb. I know you
will. Just be happy your only dealing with
a lb. or two. Are you enjoying your summer?
Your husband is still working, isn't he? He gets
lots of vacation weeks thro?

Donna..Everything going alright with your mother?
She still likes the place? My mother's place got two
new aids and she likes them. Which is nice.
Are you enjoying your summer? How is your husband

Hope your all enjoying your week. I'm taking my mother
to the doc tomorrow then out to lunch.
Have a good weekend everyone.
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Hello ladies! :D

I'm still doing well. I actually made it to the gym last night and got a full workout in. I just hate eating dinner so late...7:45pm. Thank goodness DH has it waiting for me when I walk in the door.

I stayed the same this week for my weight, which is good considering I've been eating poorly. I have been eating really well since Tues. I guess all of my physical activity is keeping the pounds off. I'm fitting nicely back into my shorts so I know I've lost inches. Thank goodness for that!

Belle ~ I'm glad to hear that your Mom likes her aides. That really makes a big difference, doesn't it? I hope the repair on the vehicle wasn't too costly. We had to pay extra for our new screened porch because the old one we had wasn't installed right by a different company and we had damage to the house. It just seems that extra expenses always pop up somewhere.

How are all of you other girls?

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Leaving in the morning (Sunday)
to Reno. So happy! Need to get away!
Mother is starting her "thing" against
me again in the last couple of days.
Plus all the easy/hard paperwork/phone calls
for my fathers estate I'm doing!
I need a break!
She's taken care of, "kids" will visit.
The paperwork can wait awhile, they are
taking their time sending me some stuff.
I'm going awwwwwway!

Sheila if you have time please start the
weigh-in thread Thurs. morn. or Wed. night.
If busy, it's ok.. someone will start one I hope.
Have fun with your friends.

Baby, Donna, Carolyn, Sheila have a good
week. Will check in when I get Back.
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Missed this weekend when the airline that we were taking for our October cruise canceled over 50% of their flights. Including the one we were using FF's on. Haven't been able to get through to them but they took the 7 Seattle flights per day down to 1 which is not a good sign at all. Been searching for an alternative and number 1 (best itinerary and can use FF miles) is the first half of Belle's B2B in November. I knew some other friends were booked but couldn't believe it when I saw her name on the roll call! I am now bouncing off the ceiling! Have to go nail Joe when I get home!

Now, have to wrap up a few things then go do some real work! Will keep you updated when I can!

Have a great evening!
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[quote name='donnaw']Missed this weekend when the airline that we were taking for our October cruise canceled over 50% of their flights. Including the one we were using FF's on. Haven't been able to get through to them but they took the 7 Seattle flights per day down to 1 which is not a good sign at all. Been searching for an alternative and number 1 (best itinerary and can use FF miles) is the first half of Belle's B2B in November. I knew some other friends were booked but couldn't believe it when I saw her name on the roll call! I am now bouncing off the ceiling! Have to go nail Joe when I get home!

Now, have to wrap up a few things then go do some real work! Will keep you updated when I can!

Have a great evening![/quote]
Wow, Donna! How cool will that be to cruise with Belle?! You are sooo lucky! Belle's lucky also. She's going to be so excited.

I hope all of you girls are doing well. I'm doing fine. Still busy, but today is my last day at work for two whole weeks! :D Our Scottish friends are arriving this afternoon. We're leaving for Gatlinburg on Sat. for a nice time in the Great Smoky Mountains....one of my favorite places.

Take care, all! :)
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Sheila, Not a done deal by any means! He is rightfully balking at using up that amount of my vacation since we were supposed to do something special for our 40th anniversary in March. I left him with some possibilities and clearly stated that all things considered, Belle's cruise was my first choice. Now he has to get to work since we either make final payment or change cruises by tomorrow!

Have fun with your friends!

Baby, Water?

Carolyn, When does school start?

Belle, are you winning?

Work beckons,

Have a great day!
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Belle, we will manage it someday but not this one. I'm disappointed but I still get to look forward to planning something big for March.

Sheila, have fun with your friends!

Baby, Where is your water and what are you up to?

Carolyn, How is the summer going? Mike home at all?

Well, we finally got hold of the airline and they moved our reservation to the one flight per day that they kept so we made final payment today. Still waiting for cabin assignment but it is a done deal. Will have to start working on hotels soon. Out of work early today and just relaxed for a bit but now it is almost time for "date night" so better get ready!

Have a great weekend!
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Donna..What's up?
I read the posts..one minute your
on my cruise..then the next minute
your not! LOL
Where are you going in October?
It would of been nice to be on the
same cruise. Someday.
I know the plane flights are scary.
They have cut our time between
flights in JFK and Venice. Changed our
flights coming home. Waiting till summer
is over and see how the flights are and
fight for better hours without paying
extra..their fault. Just have to see.
(sure they will be changing them more
by Nov.)

Sheila..Know your having fun with your friends
at the cabin. Saw the picture on the other
post, how nice. Hot tub outside your bedroom.
How romantic!

Baby..Are you hiding again? DO NOT STAY AWAY!
Especially for a pound. I've got many more pounds
on you..I'm still here!

Carolyn..You were planning a vacation. Did it work
out? Are you leaving Aug. 1st? Hope so. Hope your
Aunt is alright too.

Our mini vacation was fun. Really needed to get away.
Had nice weather, time alone with husband.
Now back to same-o-same-o. Visited Mother, got mail
for some of father's paperwork. Not openining till Sunday.
(home Fri. night, took Sat. off) Haven't got the trust one yet.
Can't call/mail any body till Monday any way. Gives me one more day
off. Does that sound crazy? Then I'm crazy! LOL

Everyone have a good week and come in here and TALK!
Only Shelia and Donna talked while I was away.
Only five posts in seven days. What's with that?
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Anyone home?

Open mail..made phone calls..
Made meatloaf for mother.
Visited Mother.

Open mail..phone calls.
Maybe do some housework.

Nothing new...same people not
doing their jobs. Not mailing
things, sending stupid forms,
not sending stupid forms.
Voice mail, answering machines,
people not calling back!
Should I go on? LOL

Write ladies...love to read!
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Finally, the awful pound is off! I kept it on for the longest time!

I am so far behind. It will take me forever to catch up on all of your news!

Belle, the paper work (and all the other "wind-ups")begin. One by one, you will get it all done. Good that your mother likes your cooking!!! How was Reno? I have ever been there.

Donna..what are you planning for March? A transatlantic? I forget what Belle has planned. Maybe a B2B? Forty years? Fabulous! How was your "date night"? When my kids were little, I used to tell them that Saturday night was Mommy & Daddy's Date Night!

Sheila...sounds like you are doing fine. Enjoy your 2 weeks!

Take care, all!
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At the library and thought I'd post (internet at home kind of flaky). Went to NYC on Sunday to check on Aunt doing same day turnaround (2+hrs each way in car ugh). Seems like Stella and 5 day aide are like "oil & water". Lots of tension. Told Stella I'll replace her when we return August 13th "but" we can't keep replacing her. Know Stella doesn't appreciate her loss of independence and also that she probably won't walk much again (even w/walker). Know that we'll probably be switching again and again. Stella's starting to get a bit depressed too and confused. The aides switch off on Monday and Wednesday so it kind of throws things off a bit (I"d be confused too).
So with all this we're still heading out to CA of Friday. Found out Mike's friend experienced the earthquake yesterday. Wonder if we'll feel anything during the 11 days out there. Doing San Diego and Anaheim with a quick day excursion to visit Universal and Bev. Hills to visit an old "girlfriend" of Mike's (who's got kids around ours). So we'll be doing alot of touristy stuff Seaworld (never been) San Diego Zoo (have video of Alex on skytram at around age 3 waving saying hi!!) and of course, can't go to Anaheim without visiting the mouse.
Alex would like to try surfing again but don't know if the waves will be "mild" enough. Lucked out with a decent Priceline bid (thanks biddingfortravel) for Anaheim (saved $40 over our backup ressie) and still trying to something a bit cheaper in San Diego.
Weight's been "weird" I've been trying to watch things but the scale (and clothes) just can't seem to move. Clothes (bottoms) are getting tighter though the scale isn't moving in either direction. Will use our travel days detox drinking alot of water and I know I'll be doing alot of walking.
Hope everybody's doing well.
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Sorry been busy...
Tired with dealing with people
on the phone!
Tired of reading paperwork
when I finally get it!
Tired of dealing with we
over paid you (dads ss ect).
They sure want their money
right now but do you see your
money that FAST! LOL

Went to the river to vist friends today
and back tomorrow too. Two different
houses. Seeing same friends we saw today
plus some that are coming Sunday to visit.

Baby glad to hear from you. Yes we had a
a good time in Reno. Yes we plan a b2b
if everything goes alright.
What are you doing in August to keep you happy?

Hope Sheila and Carolyn are having fun on
their trips.

Donna where are you? What are you up to
besides working? How's your mother doing?

My Mother is doing alright. Trying to find the right
amount of days to visit her. With all the phone and
paperwork, waiting all day for a phone call. Just
tiring. We were visiting so much because of dad.
Now I need a little time for me. Know everything
will work out. Know this will be going on for a
long time.

You all take care.
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Hi Belle!

Don't want you to be lonely!

Can't believe the summer is flying by so quickly. Why is that? And the winter crawls at a snail's pace. Beautiful out at the moment, but lots of rain these days (or predicted rain that doesn't materialize!)

Somehow I managed to be under the awful pound this morning...but just barely. I buy this awful(ly good!) frozen yogurt, which is a killer. This week, I WILL NOT BUY IT!!!

Last night I ordered my favourite pasta at a restaurant and I asked them to hold back 1/2 for take out. Voila...I didn't gain! When I eat the whole thing, I do gain.

Sat. night we ate at a Greek fish restaurant...delicious Mediterranean sea bass, a bit of rice and yummy grilled veggies and steamed broccoli (brocolli), I think the 2 c's looks correct!)

I loved your question. What am I doing in August to keep me happy? As I mentioned earlier, I am changing over my older son's room. The floor has been done. If I can line up a good painter, that will keep me happy! So far, 2 have disappointed me. They prefer bigger jobs. I do have much more painting badly needed, but I couldn't cope with any more disruption at the same time. At the moment, everything from that room is in either my room or son #2's.

Another biggie....please don't laugh at me! Both my DH and I are very limited in the neatness and organization department. I buy all kinds of organizing helpers, but have trouble using them!!! My latest is gorgeous boxes to sort papers and things. That is a big job. Maybe I can finish before the end of August. THAT would keep me VERY HAPPY!! DH had a pile of papers on his nighttable, forever. Finally, I got tough..and this weekend he cleared it. Can you imagine the dust we have been breathing? My cleaning lady was not allowed to go near there!

We haven't booked our winter vacation yet! This is so unusual for me. When we cruised, it was booked sometimes 18 months in advance! We are still working on the south of Spain. I hope it will be a good choice. I worry about RAIN! I have been watching the HIGH airfares, hoping for a sale. Instead, I have been watching them increase! Now I am going to see if I can get a consolidated (or somehow lower)fare from a local, rather than the internet. Hopefully, we will get this trip booked before the end of August..and that will keep me happy.

Otherwise, daily "stuff". If I can walk more, eat less and healthier, get together with friends and family.

I think I should return and read this myself on a regular basis...to keep myself focussed!!!!

Now a word about you! (Aren't you glad you asked the question...I give you only a couple of words!!) Good that your mother is doing well. That will ease things for you. The paper work will get done. Hopefully,it goes smoothly. No snags. Or at least not too many, and easy to solve snags!

The river sounds like a wonderful "escape". Being from California, I always expect you to go to the sea!
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Hey girls! I'm finally here! :)

We had a great vacation and enjoyed our time with our friends so much. They are flying back to the U.K. tonight. I'm really moping about that now. It might be until May before we see them again. Boo! Hoo!

I'm hope you're all doing well. I've thought about you often.

Take care,
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Thanks Baby..You wrote then I
went missing! Was busy then
went away for few days. Went to
a 25th Ann. party and spent the night.
(really two full days, one night)

Glad you are keeping busy. I like you...
I'm not organized either in the house,
well the part people see is but
other parts of the house isn't! LOL
Other parts of my life is organize better
then the house..most times!
Just reread you have a cleaning lady!
Lucky you..I hate housework.
I have two days to clean my house,
front part only (remember just the front..lol).
Having 11 ladies here for Bunco on Wed.
I'm having it here for another lady, she's
taking chemo for lung cancer.

Baby if you want to go to Spain, heck with the rain,
it mainly rains on the plain! No, I'm not drinking..
just tired! LOL You better make your flight plans,
before it's "sky high"!

Sheila..Welcome Back! Glad you had a great time
with your friends. Read about it on the other thread.
Glad you weren't in line with the bear cub.
Did you book the cruise?
Love your hair cut! Your so pretty and thin!
Now it's back to work fior you..Sorry! Only four days thro..
that's nice!

Donna..Where are you? Taking care of your Mom?
Your husband alright? Are you just working to hard?
Hope everything is alright.

Hope Carolyn is having fun on their trip.

Everyone have a good week.
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Hello ladies! I've been so busy at work right now. I'm learning accounting since our accountant quit. I have ZERO experience so it is going to be such fun. :rolleyes:

I went to the gastro doc on Monday and he put me on new meds. I had a really bad episode with my tummy while we were in Gatlinburg. I'm off of dairy right now to see if that helps. If not, we'll try something else. I did test negative for a gluten intolerance so that's good. Other than that, I'm peachy!

I hope all of you are doing well. Check in when you get a minute.

Oh, I booked a cruise yesterday! We're sailing the Freedom of the Seas on May 24th to the Western Carib. I'm so excited! :D

Hugs to you all! :)
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Hope you get a raise for all the
extra work. They were paying her!
(you don't want two jobs, one pay)

Glad you had a good vacation but sorry
you were sick some of the time. Hope
the new meds help.

Congrats on the cruise. Isn't LIFE
"nicer" when we have a cruise booked! LOL
Your going with your friends?

Donna and Baby where are you two?

Carolyn should be back soon.

Had Bunco here today. I won most Buncos!

Visit my mother today. She's doing alright
most of the time. Still (will it ever end) have
paperwork to do.

Going to a wedding this weekend. Staying over.
Another mini vacation.

Hope you all learn to "write" soon. So Sheila and
I can hear from you. Mainly that your alright.

Take care.
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Hope you get a raise for all the
extra work. They were paying her!
(you don't want two jobs, one pay)

Glad you had a good vacation but sorry
you were sick some of the time. Hope
the new meds help.

Congrats on the cruise. Isn't LIFE
"nicer" when we have a cruise booked! LOL
Your going with your friends?

Donna and Baby where are you two?

Carolyn should be back soon.

Had Bunco here today. I won most Buncos!

Visit my mother today. She's doing alright
most of the time. Still (will it ever end) have
paperwork to do.

Going to a wedding this weekend. Staying over.
Another mini vacation.

Hope you all learn to "write" soon. So Sheila and
I can hear from you. Mainly that your alright.

Take care.
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Hello girls! :D I hope you're all doing well. Check in when you can.

Belle ~ My new meds are not working. I woke up at 4:00am with horrible esophagus spasms. So, I'm calling the doc this morning to see what he can do. He mentioned another pill to try so I'll ask about that one.

I'm glad to hear your DM is doing OK. I'm sure she looks forward to your visits. How's the paperwork going?

Congrats on winning most Buncos! We haven't played in 2 months and I miss it. Most of my neighbors who played have moved away and there's only a few of us left. I think we're going to get together anyway this month just to chat.

Take care, everyone!

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Been buried at work and I finally have time to post (Boss is out) and the board dies on me! Finally back. Good thing since I have been spending so much time on computers that I haven't been turning mine on at home!

Belle, Glad she is having good days and that your actually getting a bit of R&R! The explanation to the almost cruise was our airline (FF miles used) was cancelling half their flights and we figured that if we were paying for air, we would do something different then Seattle which is a high priced flight for us. We decided to stick to our original October cruise when they put us on the only flight that they will be flying daily. We are getting there 3 days in advance so shouldn't be a problem even if they mess up!

Sheila, Hope they find an answer soon and meds that work without knocking you out! Glad your vacation with your friends went well over all and managed to book another cruise!

Baby, where is that water? Sounds like the remodelling/redecorating bug is hitting you! I'm sure you'll be very happy with the results when it is done.

Carolyn, Hope you had a great time in CA!

Same old, same old though I'm starting to finally lose weight again instead of gain. Just too much computer work and way too many projects leaving me totally wiped out by the time I leave at night. Managing to work out about half the time so now just have to make it all the time. Mom is OK at best. Definitely showing signs of dimensia so Cheryl will talk to the doctor about drugs for it on her next appointment. We had hoped that it was just the trauma of the move but she has managed to settle in quite well. Joe is about the same. Summer is the worst on him because there is so much outside work to be done (while I'm at work) and it is much slower going with his breathing problem. However, he is already looking forward to the October cruise and called me last week to say that the first thing he was going to do on Mercury was grab a burger!

Right now, it looks like the last Galaxy cruise on 3/2/09 will be our anniversary cruise. Will have to decide by 8/31 since there is a cabin credit available until then. Cheryl wanted us to go with Disney with them (at the same time) but Joe is adamant about the cruise and I'm not about to argue with him.

OK, better get my desk organized for tomorrow!

Have a great evening!
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