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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Sheila I hope your feeling better.
Is your new meds working?
Sorry you don't have Bunco anymore
but great you still see your Bunco friends.

Donna good to hear from you.
Sorry your so busy but losing weight.
That's great!
Hope Joe taking care of himself..tell
him not to work to much. (Don't have
to tell me that twice! ) I mind well! LOL
Sorry your mother not doing as good
as before. Good to start meds soon.

My mother didn't start soon enough.
Today another meltdown with her.
Always with me of course.

Baby and Carolyn..Where are YOU?
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Sheila I hope your feeling better.
Is your new meds working?
Sorry you don't have Bunco anymore
but great you still see your Bunco friends.

Donna good to hear from you.
Sorry your so busy but losing weight.
That's great!
Hope Joe taking care of himself..tell
him not to work to much. (Don't have
to tell me that twice! ) I mind well! LOL
Sorry your mother not doing as good
as before. Good to start meds soon.

My mother didn't start soon enough.
Today another meltdown with her.
Always with me of course.

Baby and Carolyn..Where are YOU?
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Sheila I hope your feeling better.
Is your new meds working?
Sorry you don't have Bunco anymore
but great you still see your Bunco friends.

Donna good to hear from you.
Sorry your so busy but losing weight.
That's great!
Hope Joe taking care of himself..tell
him not to work to much. (Don't have
to tell me that twice! ) I mind well! LOL
Sorry your mother not doing as good
as before. Good to start meds soon.

My mother didn't start soon enough.
Today another meltdown with her.
Always with me of course.

Baby and Carolyn..Where are YOU?
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Sheila I hope your feeling better.
Is your new meds working?
Sorry you don't have Bunco anymore
but great you still see your Bunco friends.

Donna good to hear from you.
Sorry your so busy but losing weight.
That's great!
Hope Joe taking care of himself..tell
him not to work to much. (Don't have
to tell me that twice! ) I mind well! LOL
Sorry your mother not doing as good
as before. Good to start meds soon.

My mother didn't start soon enough.
Today another meltdown with her.
Always with me of course.

Baby and Carolyn..Where are YOU?
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To post since I returned a week ago, but I've been a bit under the weather (think I got a bug from eating "crappy" and not getting enough sleep, and commando Disney-touring) and Libby's been on computer and whiny about not going anywhere/doing anything.
As you all know I DID get to go to California (didn't believe it until I was sitting on plane) everything went well day of travel and our first day... San Diego zoo. Got back to hotel around 5:30 and went to club lounge (Sheraton, Mike's travels has its perks). Called Aunt to check in 8PM her time.. everything was good, she had a good day, it was Mike's 50th birthday and we were hoping to out that night. Go back to room and wait for maintanance to fix the a/c in room. While waiting I get a panic call from Aunt's aide... she claims that Aunt had a stroke and she called for EMS. OK.. I wait for a few minutes and I get Aunt on phone and she sounds fine, says that she fall asleep sitting and leaning on one side and it "fell asleep". Aid insisted that Aunt had weakness on side... after talking to Aunt I really wondered if it was just a little TIA that passed in 30 minutes. Took a while before paramedics showed up. Got to talk to them and they insisted on taking aunt to hospital since her BP was a bit high and her being 94 (knew this would happen). So that killed things. Knew once she was in ER that they'd admit her (took until Monday afternoon to release her). So next day I was on phone w/MDs hospital etc from Seaworld to see what was going on. Next day she was released. So that was the start of my "wonderful" vacation. She got home OK was behaved herself. Well it didn't last long. I just got a call tonight (10PM) from the aid ranting and telling me she's quitting at end of week. I really think she was looking to leave for a while and just got another job when she said she had a doctor's appointment last friday. So now I'm in emergency mode and need to interview for new help. What fun. Libby starts back to school a week from tomorrow and Alex doesn't go back until Sept. 6. Guess the aide waited until she got enough $$ in pocket to quit. Lucky I didn't start paying her social security contributions. She was a bit rigid. When she called I wondered if Estelle had another stroke or if she fell. UGH... I kind of felt something like this was going to happen soon and she was right on time. Estelle's a rather difficult patient and I think it's probably going to be difficult to finally hold on to someone. Wish me well tomorrow to try to line up someone from a different agency... I think I better get some sleep now since it's after 1AM here in CT>
Take care everyone
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Hey girls! I'm so sorry I haven't posted much. I am still in training and so swamped at work. When I get home, I don't even want to look at the computer.

I hope all of you are doing well!

Belle ~ We still play Bunco when we can get enough people to play. We're actually going to play tonight with 2 tables since only 8 are showing up. We're going to talk about what to do tonight. It is really sad because it is so much fun. How are you and your Mom?

Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt's situation. You seem to always get stuck in the middle of it all. Take care!

Baby ~ You're MIA again. Where are you?

Donna ~ How are you? How's your DM doing living close to Cheryl?

Hugs to all of you pretty ladies. :)

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Hey girls! Where are you? Y'all have been so quiet lately.

I started a new eating plan for my IBS. It has helped with the bloating, but not with the spasms yet. It will probably take a few weeks for that to stop. I'm still not exercising like I should. Most days, I just don't feel like it. I think all of the medication they have me on is playing a role in that...no energy. Anyway, nothing really to complain about. ;)

I hope all of you are doing well. I miss you!

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Sorry I've been MIA. You all have not
posted much either.

We have had something every weekend.
Gone three days this time. Visiting friends in
Incline Village, Nv Had a good time. It's a
beautiful place and they have a beautiful house.

Visiting some of our friends we haven't been
able to see in over a year and a half, seems like
we're seeing them all this month.

Things have been going good with my mother
but now the aides she liked have to leave, medical
emerg. with family. Now having a married couple
coming in as the new aides. Hope she likes them.
Paying for our cruise next week, no turning back now.
I couldn't.. I need it to much!

Sheila sorry your still having so much trouble still.
Hope your feeling better in a week or two like you
hope. Did you play Bunco? Are you all going to continue?
When someone can't make it we get a sub. They pay
their own money and win the money if they win.

Carolyn glad you did get to go on your vacation but
sorry you had problems with the aunt while you were away.
Now having to find a new aide for her. Never ends does it?
I have things I still have to do and keep finding out more
things I should do. I don't want this job anymore!

Donna how is your mother doing? Joe? Haven't heard from
you in awhile. Where are you cruising in Oct.? Come in,
we miss you.

Baby where are you? Don't let a pound get in the way.
We miss you too. Are you fixing a room up? Think you mention

We're having hot weather..97 today, 98 to 100 tomorrow.
Think will go to AC show. Haven't see Mamma Mia yet.

Well hope you all come in and talk soon.
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Hi girls! :)

Belle ~ Hey honey! It is so good to see you post. I'm really glad that you've been visiting friends. I don't think that anything more relieves stress like visiting good friends. I hope things work out with your DM's new aides. I'm sure that is tough on her...especially with everything else she's been through lately.

I hope the other ladies post sometime soon. I'm starting to get worried about y'all.

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Hope your all enjoying the Holiday Weekend.

Sheila are we the only ones around? Are you
doing anything special this weekend?
How are you feeling? Meds helping?
The new diet? Hope so.

We didn't go away this weekend. Just been going
out to dinner and saw a couple of movies. Finally
saw Mamma Mia. I liked it.

Everything has been going smooth for awhile
and now, mother doesn't like one of the new aides.
It's a married couple and it's the wife. She says, she was
rude to me. Just have to see what's going on and
what's in my mothers mind. What's true, she makes things
up but thinks is true. Lady has been their a day. Husband
a few days.
Will see what happens in the next few weeks.
(I don't want this job anymore)

Paying for cruise this Tuesday..then we have to go.
Meaning I have to go...I need it! Need it!
Two and a half months to go!

I hope you all are fine. We need to hear from YOU ALL!
To know your alright.
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Hi Belle,

Yes it does look like we're the only ones around lately. I hope some of the others check in soon.

We're not doing anything this weekend. We've been invited to spend time with friends, but I'm just not up to it as most of it is focused on food. I'm having a bad time right now with my tummy. I'm going to the hospital on Tues. for a CAT scan while I'm having an attack. I don't think it will show anything, but they want to make sure.

I'm sorry your Mom doesn't like one of her aides. My grandmother was the same way while she was in assisted living and the nursing home. She had dementia and truly believed that everyone was trying to hurt her. I felt so bad for her, but she was getting great care. It is just so sad when their minds start to go....hard for everyone involved.

Hang in there, sweetie!

Mom had a heart cath on Friday and they only found a little bit of plaque (sp?). She fell yesterday though and banged her face/neck on her bedside table. Poor thing just can't get a break. She says she feels like she's been hit by a truck. Add that on top of the fibromyalgia and she's not doing well right now. Keep her in your prayers.

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Sheila so sorry your having so much
trouble. Think it's a good thing to
have the scan. Better to see what's
going on.
Also sorry for your mother. She's having
a rough time right now. Glad the test was
fine and she didn't hurt herself worse when
she fell.

Happy Birthday To Me Today!
29 again and for quite a few years! LOL

Hope everyone is so busy this weekend
having fun and that's why you aren"t writing.
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Now that Libby's back to school (Alex not until Friday) I finally get on the computer. Switched Aunt's aide on Tuesday so it's been a week now... let's hope it works out... don't think I want to deal with switching again. Last one lasted 3 1/2 months though there was a bit of tension a little after a month in with aide setting down "house rules" that my aunt didn't like (when aide would start working in AM etc. -- she was a live in and other stuff too). The last straw was when Yvonne called me up at 10PM 2 weeks ago to say "this was my last week", she had it, but then said it was up to my aunt (if aunt would behave). I didn't need to be walking on eggshells so I decided to replace. When I gave her notice (after she left for days off) she wasn't surprised so guess she wanted it.
Belle, hope you had an enjoyable b-day.
Sheila, good luck with the tests. Hope the new diet/meds are helpful. What type of diet is it? I'm not sure if Libby has IBS but she does have something. Right now she doesn't have too much pain so she just is very careful about what she eats and how much (not a good thing for a 12 yo). Luckily she's not looking too pale and frail now (she was this winter though).
Baby, hope you're not staying away 'cause the "THE" pound. Where's the water.
Donna, hope this are ok w/you, joe and your mother.
As for me I've been in chronic pain for almost a week, between the back, foot, joints.. I'm trying to watch carbs (since it does have impact on pain) but nothing seems to help. Need to crack down and lose the darn weight that has crept on since my birthday (November). Can't seem to stay on anything for more than 4 days and even then don't see "anything" on scale... not even a few ounces.
Take care,
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Hey girls! :D


I had my CAT scan yesterday and the results were negative. I'm so happy! I'm still off of some of my meds and I do believe that's what is causing the tummy pain. My doctor thinks it is all IBS related. I go back on Monday to see what our new plan of attack will be to get this stuff fixed.


Belle ~ Did you have a nice b'day? I sure hope so.


Carolyn ~ It is for the best that you replaced your aunt's aide. I hope the new one works out. How are YOU doing? I hope you're taking care of yourself. I'm on the WOE from the book, "Eating for IBS." It is very limited about what you can eat. I'm trying to add things back to see what affect they have on me. Take care!


Donna & Baby ~ WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!!!




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Sheila..Glad your tests came out negative.

I was worried because you hadn't e-mailed

yesterday or this morning. Hope the diet and

meds help you. Are you back to working the

four day week? Three days off would be nice.


Carolyn..Hope your aunt is adjusting to the

new aide. Now with your kids almost back to

school maybe you can relax a little. Have some

me time.


Donna and Baby waiting to hear from you!


Had a nice birthday. Husband is taking me to

Reno again (for my birthday) and then after

visiting friends for a few days. Leaving Sunday.

Sheila could you please start the weigh-in next

Wed. if you have time. Thanks.

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Hey girls! My weight and inches aren't good right now. I've been slacking so much on the workouts. I did workout last night and hope I can keep it up. I feel so sluggish when I don't.


Belle ~ I'm glad you're going to Reno for your birthday trip. You need to get away. I guess your DM is still doing well as can be expected? I'm still working 4 10-hour days. I love having a 3-day weekend, but working 10 hours is cutting into my workout time. I worked out for 45 minutes last night an didn't get finished until 7:30. I had to eat then and I HATE eating after 7:30. I did OK.


I'll be happy to start the weigh-in thread next week.




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Just to remind you all, I'll be gone a week.

To Reno and then visiting friends for a few days.


Sheila you hold down the fort. I hope you don't

wind up talking to yourself.

Hope your feeling better.


Carolyn, things better with aunt and aide.

Any rest for you now that kids in school?


Baby and Donna...We miss you.

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Just to remind you all, I'll be gone a week.

To Reno and then visiting friends for a few days.


Sheila you hold down the fort. I hope you don't

wind up talking to yourself.

Hope your feeling better.


Carolyn, things better with aunt and aide.

Any rest for you now that kids in school?


Baby and Donna...We miss you. Talk to us!

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Just to remind you all, I'll be gone a week.

To Reno and then visiting friends for a few days.


Sheila you hold down the fort. I hope you don't

wind up talking to yourself.

Hope your feeling better.


Carolyn, things better with aunt and aide.

Any rest for you now that kids in school?


Baby and Donna...We miss you. Talk to us!

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Sheila..Thank you for "barely" holding

down the fort. LOL

Also thank you for starting the Thursday


Sorry your so busy at work. Hope your

feeling better.


Where's Everyone? Baby..Donna..Carolyn..

We miss you.


Had a nice week away, now back to my

semi-normal life!

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I'm here, Belle! I haven't been able to get on CC. They must be having server issues again.


How have you been? Did you enjoy your trip? Tell us all about it.


I'm doing great! Feeling so much better and am back to working out in full force. My body is paying for it though, my muscles are soooo sore! I couldn't hardly turn over in bed last night because of it. :rolleyes: Hopefully, I'll work out the soreness by Friday.


Check in everyone. We miss you!



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