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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Glad you posted... know the waiting is the worst.. SO STRESSFUL. At times the doctor's don't know what you feel with the waiting. About 5 years ago I had a tumor under jawline... took a while w/md's-surgeons.. one was SO insensitive (didn't give any specifics and just "assumed" that I'd sign on for him to do surgery), then found another who did it was a "facelift (one-sided) scar (I'm not the vanity type but went with this since I was concerned about having a scar about a few inches long under/along jawline). So now I've got practically no feeling in right ear and tightness (surgery took 5 hrs-- wrapped around facial nerve). Stay focused and positive and I'm sure you'll be fine!!

Donna, thanks for reminding me about the water.. I'm really slacking on that. I'm getting into the "poor me" <pms> time and nibbling on "contraband" will pay for it soon I'm sure.

Let's all get back on track for March.


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Morning all,


Ok, It is March 1 and I am going to behave or as well as I can since I will need to pick up dinner for the next few nights! 2 to 3 more days of chipping off tile and subfloor and it will be time to get the cabinets and flooring in here.


Belle, any schedule yet? Are you keeping busy while you wait?


Carolyn, Water, water and more water! Are you feeling less jumpy yet? I'm sure things will improve once the house is actually sold. How is your Mom doing with the newest caregiver?


Better get moving!


Where is your water?

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"Busy Bee's"!


You are both keeping very busy. Burning those calories!

Donna how is your kitchen coming? It's going to look great!

Carolyn is your mother's house done? Hope it sells fast.


Still awaiting consult app., knew it would be this long, a good

doctor is busy, you wait your turn. I'll wait, I want a good doctor

doing it. It's just the waiting..don't they know it drives you crazy?

Then will have to wait for surgery app. be really crazy then! LOL


So my starting strict the 1st, meant the 2nd..now I really

mean starting strict the 3rd. I haven't been very bad but just not good!

Scale not moving down. So this is it.....

Donna and Carolyn you are joining me? Joining me the 3rd or you have

already started on the 1st? Wish us luck!


Guess what I have Monday..Jury Duty! Not in the frame of mind for it..

hope each day I call they don't need me..but my paper says Group 1..

does that tell you anything? LOL


Hope you both are feeling well..doing good on your woe and

enjoying your day/week.


Take Care...from Me

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Morning all,


Belle, here is wishing that somehow, they manage to speed your wait up! Been there and it does make you crazy! Just love it when they say this must be done right away and then schedule it for a month later. Also hoping you don't actually get called for Jury duty. Time for your luck to change!


Carolyn, How are you holding up? How is Libby? Are you remembering to eat?


Unfortunately, I am with Belle and all we have had so far is take out this month. Actually, the last thing made in the kitchen was a chocolate cake which Joe made since I have been depriving him. That is now gone and so are the unfrozen GS cookies. Not a lot of good take out choices on the way home so I am actually up 2 which means I need to start behaving right now! Tile is up and half of the subfloor is gone with the other half as tonight's project. Subfloor is worse since Joe went nail happy and it is coming up an inch at a time. He prys it up and I take care of all the nails left behind so a lot of work but not much exercise.


Ok, better get ready for work!


Where is your water?

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But that's life!

It's alright for a week because have to

call each day for Jury Duty..if haven't heard from

a doctor by the end of next week.. will Call my Doctor.


Donna I was semi-good today, hope to be better tomorrow.

How did you do?


Carolyn hope everything is going alright with you and family.


Wonder where Melody is?


Take care you two.

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Morning all,


Belle, Good job on pulling it back together. I was only marginal with lunch and dinner out. It is sooooo hard to make good choices in restaurants but no way am I going to try to make anything beyond coffee in that mess. Will find the flooring this weekend and hopefully, pick up the new cabinets so we can keep moving with this. Sooner I am back to cooking, the sooner I will be back on track!


Carolyn, You ok? No murder charges for killing the lawyer? Libby ok?


Better get moving since I am trying to get out of work a bit early. Picked up flooring samples last night and realized they are all too dark (still) so have to go out and get more tonight!


Everyone have a great day!

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How much we count on the computer!

Mine was off last night..couldn't get on..

thankgoodness works today!LOL


Donna I'm not doing that well..am up a little..

Thought I was being semi-good but haven't

exercise for awhile..Got to get MY ACT together!


Well got one day down and four to go..

don't have jury duty on Monday, but have to call

Monday night for Tuesday.


Donna how's the kitchen coming? Seeing the light

at the end of the tunnel yet? Bet it will be

nice when it's done.


Carolyn..missing you. Are you away again? Hope not

because Libby is still sick. Just come on and say your OK even if

don't have time to talk.


Melody, same to you..just come on and say your alright!

Miss you, know you work a lot of hours. Aren't you going

on a cruise in October?


Well everyone try to be good over the weekend.

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Hi all,


Belle, I am going to name this the never ending kitchen project! We have wood samples laid out and I intend to decide before we go to bed tomorrow night so we can get it ordered on Monday. I have scrubbed the old floor with a toothbrush so I'll be ok if I'm not too bad! Oh heck, tomorrow is our anniversary so I better work a lot more to cover that too!


I'm thinking you need to stay busy right now. If nothing else, go out for a long walk. The waiting is the hardest part and they have already kept you waiting way too long! Just keep reminding yourself that everything will be fine and then you'll be really mad at yourself.


Carolyn, you ok? House done? Mom ok? Libby ok? Miss you!


Melody, I know you have the Liberty TA coming up the week after ours so time to get back here! Snow finally melting?


Ok, back to work!

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Happy Anniversary!


Hope you have something else planned for it

besides doing the kitchen work?

I can see it being your gift maybe..since new kitchens cost alot..

but you need at least a nice dinner out!

Tell your husband I said so! LOL


Have a nice day no matter what you do!

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"Lucy.. I'm Home!!"

Just got back (finally for 2 days) Sat. at 11:30 PM. Kidlets were asleep.

Of course, after nagging attorneys to get "act together" the elder lawyer finally submits "his" numbers at 4PM Friday.. I could just KILL him... (though "if" he does his job <and so far he's been on "my" side (as far as trying to "save" as much $$ as possible> and get's Mom in the "home" before I have a nervous breakdown from her and the house, I'll "love him forever...

that said, I guess you know what I was doing from Wednes. PM onward.. making calls. Oh, and DS (the good for nothing) called me at 7:15AM to tell me that the appt. in Manhattan that we're having "problems" with just had a flood and they had to break down the door. Needed to go assess situation.

Didn't get much work down on house. Didn't make the March 1st deadline I set out (seems like most painting is done. They still didn't figure out where the leak is in pipe in shower and put linoleum tile in kitchen. Things are looking good "but" I want to get out of there and list the house.

As far as eating... when I'm down there I'm too pissed at everything to eat. Before I left was PMS BAD!!! Indulged in too many carbs and didn't get to gym since kids had snow day, but then I left on Wednesday and I was able to hold own so I'll see tomorrow what the scale has in store for me.

Hang in there ladies...

it's only March 5th.. we can all stay "on program" now... give it a try (now that I'm home it's going to be hard for me.. too many temptations).


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Happy Sunday all,


Belle, one rule is I don't cook on our anniversary so definitely dinner out tonight. Joe will go get the appliance dolly this morning and we will finally bring the range up from downstairs. Unlikely that we will actually get it in and working but we will try. When we take the dolly back, we will be eating out just not sure where yet. If I have my way, it will be at my favorite Mexican place since they have the best grilled chicken salad. Will stick to diet soda since I was so tired and wired last night that I broke open the bottle of Kahlua that we brought back in January and had 2 black russians. Even so, I am down the 2 that I had gained. We agreed that the TA cruise is our anniversary present since it will be the second cruise this year.


Carolyn, just keep in mind that this will be a thing of the past before all too much longer! Once things settle back down, you will get back on program! In the meantime, do what you have to to keep from killing anyone!


Ok, better get moving since I need to get Joe up and started. Not promising to be an easy day but, hopefully, productive. Can't believe we were in St. Thomas one year ago!

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Happy Anniversary...

I believe we're "kindred spirits"... just brought back "almost" a full bottle of kahlua from Mom's house. Left the full 1/2 gal. of Stoli there (didn't think I'd have alot of room in car) and need have something there "just in case" (lol)

a week ago (not this week) I DID have K & Cream. It got really bad by week's end there. This time I'm just feeling the effects now, pretty emotionally numb. I just got to weigh myself today after a long time away from scale. Don't want to "jinx" things but it was good. Didn't know what to expect but it's the lowest it's been in a LONG time. I'm popping the Cortiloss (generic Cortislim from Costco) and have been low-carb for the last few days while at Mom's (though it's been hard at times to stay "the course").

Hope I make it through March somewhat "sane".


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Thanks, it was fun but not quite as expected. Joe decided that we should go pick up the new cabinets at Ikea (only replacing 2) so changed the whole day. 3 hours in the car then only one cabinet in stock so will have to go back and pick up the other one. I love Ikea when they open the doors on Saturday morning and hate it the rest of the time! We ended up at California Pizza Kitchen and I don't think my pizza was on plan even if it did contain lettuce! I didn't finish it but I am sure I ate way too much.


We must be kindred spirits, Kahlua is my favorite! Glad you left the Stoli there because you just may need it next time down there. Glad the scale went well but any of those pills scare the heck out of me, probably because I don't handle caffeine well any more. Are you going to manage to stay home for a bit now? When does Mike head out to California? Straighten things out with your sister?


Belle, how are you doing? Having a nice weekend?


Ok, off to fold laundry. Managed to bring work home and totally ignore so now I'll just have to do it when I get there tomorrow.

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You brought back some memories... California pizza kitchen and Ikea.

We used to live in LA back in lat '89-94. Didn't think that Cortislim has much caffeine in it. Feeling kinda "weird" w/Cortiloss though.. think it's just all this stress and everything else clamboring down on me. Sister came into LI and it was a bit "tense" at first. I cracked a bit too and she's seeing what a toll everything is taking on me... she's promised me to "take care of 'my kids' with her part of house inheritance" (least she can do considering I'm giving "blood" on it <and all of my family>) but I won't believe anything she says to follow through on until I get check in hand. Anyway the $ isn't going to make things "right" in my book. I wish I could bring back the time I've lost w/my kids.... it's almost been a year. I've got SO much to do, now w/the "problem" (flooding of apartment in city) I gotta contact the insurance company for putting in claim since we're giving up that apartment soon, wasn't sure what to do w/furniture.

Alex needs to print out homework.


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Carolyn welcome back..while your still somewhat sane!

Hope everything comes to a conculsion for you SOON!


Donna also hope you get your kitchen done quickly so

you can just ENJOY it instead of working on it!


Still hanging in..no jury duty Mon..see what Tues. brings.

Hope this week get app. to talk to Doc. so then can get

app. to get the nose done/cancer gone.


Have a good week..

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Hi all,


Carolyn, I think maybe it is a very good thing that you did crack a bit! You shouldn't be carrying this load without some support from her. Ikea just gets bigger and CPK is still just as good but I will need to work it off. As to the Cortislim, I am just afraid of all pills so don't let me bother you.


Belle, We will be hoping that the appointment gets scheduled quickly and you get everything taken care of. I need the kitchen done just so we start eating reasonably again! Hoping it will complete after Easter and definitely hoping that I'm not cooking then!


Back to work!


Have a great evening and where is your water?

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Have jury duty tomorrow!

Have to be there at 8:30 am..driving in the commute time!

Have to leave before 7:30 am..up at 6-6:30 am..Help me Help me! LOL


Hope I can get by for just one day...no cases coming up.

Or I can get off because will be having surgery.

We will see.


Wish me luck!


Take care you two.

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Well at least you got called, and hopefully you'll get "off" with just a few hours. Though it is the pits that you have to be dragged in during commute time.


Good luck with the kitchen. We really could use new appliances in our house. And we knew we wanted to replace the countertop when we moved in (we're in a very upscale custom house with HUGE kitchen but it has basic formica laminate top... not with the rest of the house) but since it was built almost 20 years ago they didn't offer Corian at the time and come July we'll be here 9 years so I think it's time. Wouldn't do any "major" renovations, really like the layout of kitchen. Like the ceramic tiles we have. Can tolerate the basic darkish cabinets we have (though would LOVE cherry, but practical me will make do). Will probably extend one side of countertop by about a foot in depth on the side island (separates the work kitchen area from dinette --L shape) so it could act as a breakfast bar with a pair of stools (think we have room and it wouldn't take away much space). But since there's tons of counter space putting in granite or man-made stone finish will be $$$ and since it's not "urgent" we'll probably put it off some more. Really could use knew stovetop (have a thermador one now, which is ok--but electric, would LOVE gas but would have to find someplace in backyard for tank...).

Need to gather stuff up for going down to Mom's AGAIN... (don't know how much longer I can mentally take it), don't know if I have all the paperwork needed for lawyer. Trying to have him give me detailed listing of what I need to gather up for him.

For me, I think weight is holding it's own. Need to figure out if we want to "commit" to sailing on Splendour for Xmas/New Years out of Galveston. Holiding FF air tickets that need to be ticketed by 3/15 so I have a little bit of time to decide. Already put a deposit w/RCCL. Still haven't put in for the cancellation insurance for Feb., waiting for credit card statement.


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Couldn't get on CC. Just able to get on now!

The site is acting up a lot for me lately!


Was at court till 3 pm. There was a court case.

Took all day to pick a jury..but didn't call by name/number.

Everytime they called a name held my breath, case was going to

take about two weeks. So good for now, can't call me for at

least 12 months.


One good thing on my lunch break bought a dress for summer,

was only $10.00 on sale, a very good sale.


Carolyn hate to tell you..76 here today. Sorry. We're having

a warming splell been like this for about four days, other four days to go.

Then in the 60's. Sorry again for telling you. But had too! LOL


On a serious note..drive carefully.


Hi Donna..How's the Kitchen going...Still plugging along?


You two take care.

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Morning all,


Belle, CC appears to be acting up for all of us! Glad you are off jury duty now. Will make it easier to focus on getting the doc's in line! Great deal on the dress!


Carolyn, Have a safe trip!


We are snowing and expecting 1-3" so definitely jealous of Belle. Kitchen is moving slowly. It appears to be 2 steps forward and 3 steps back at the moment. The cabinet guy should be out tonight to price refacing the cabinets. Depending on his price, we just may do it ourselves which will drag the project out. Haven't ordered the floor until we are sure of the cabinet color so pretty much just cleaning up the mess we created at this point. I managed to lose the 2 that I had gained but haven't been good enough with eating out to lose any more than that. I never thought I would say it but I really look forward to cooking again!


Go get your water and have a great day!

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I know..this board..CC..hasn't been working much.

First evening it's been working for a while.


Did you behave at dinner? I tried!


Did you get your snow? Really hate to tell you (hehe)

we've been in the 80's for the last few days. Tomorrow too..

then the 70's. rain by Thursday, "they say"! Hope not.


Donna..NEVER say..I'm looking foward to cooking again!

What are you doing to us wonen? LOL


Take care...Are you drinking...................your water?

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Good Morning all,


Belle, by the time we finally made it to dinner, I didn't behave one little bit! Just hoping it doesn't catch up with me by working it off today. Went to the restaurant with the best of intentions but there was a really unexpected wait so decided to go and order the flooring first then eat. Didn't make it back to the restaurant until after 8:00 and was starved by then so ended up with pizza and drinks. Only good thing was that we started with a salad!


As to the looking forward to cooking, I would never tell Joe that! All this take out and eating out is making it really tough to stay op. Even if I manage it, there is so much water weight from all the sodium that I feel bloated even if I have totally behaved! Yes, I am jealous, we were 11 degrees when I got up this morning and 2 more inches of snow in the forecast. Guess I am filling the never ending winter with the never ending kitchen project! Better go refill my water (yes, I am being good there) and get to work looking at cabinet hardware.


Everyone have a great weekend!

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