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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Morning all,

Carolyn, back to bed and plenty of liquids! The girls are dying to hear from you but just wait until you feel up to it! All this running and stress has got you under the weather and you need to take care of yourself now before it gets worse!

Belle, How are you holding up? Appointment next week right? Perhaps you'll be planning that trip to France this time next month. The Euro/$ spread is coming down now we can just hope it continues!

Off to work!
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I don't know when I'll be "back on track".. this bug is really starting to get me down... starting to "not care" what I eat... and really feeling achy etc.
unf. once I'm up in the AM I can't get back to sleep... the aches and pains are so uncomfortable and then when I do start to drift off the phone rings. Today I left the cell phone off since yesterday it seems like everyone called me up on that instead of the landline (and I still have 7 days of billing left, can't afford to go over the minutes).
Can't drink the water yet, but will try to drink at least 2 big mugs of tea (like 4 cups each.. what I usually drink my water in).
Hoping to get out of house tomorrow to run some errands and get some air.
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today... I nearly had a "nervous breakdown"
still feeling kind of "icky"
no appetite (it's the cold/yuck plus stress) so all I've had (at 5:30PM today) has been an Atkins shake... chugged at 2:30 since I knew I "should have something"... not really wanting it
yesterday I was "lousy" w/eating... all crap so hopefully today'll be a "cleansing" day.. still didn't get to gym, probably won't tomorrow either.
Today was "going through THE BOX" (full of Mom's papers for Medicaid application.... 6 months of bank statements/cancelled checks) and, of course, things have "walked away" (can't find anything). So I'm freaking out. Hoping to find things that aren't there... trying to get in touch w/elderlawyer to find out "what to do"
We "may" have someone to carpool with for Alex for next year... I pray it's so. I really don't want to say NO to him for the school.. he really needs to go, but if we can't have someone to carpool with it just isn't feasible for me. Will know more tonight. Please keep fingers (and toes) crossed.
Things are "the same" with the house... hoping we get a good offer by this weekend (having another open house).
I just need to take some deep breaths and eat right... drink enough liquid and hopefully have the lawyers do "their thing" in a quick manner.
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This evening things started to turn "up"...
got trans. for Libby's dance class tomorrow...
Mike spoke w/History teacher at Hopkins who's daughter will be going into 7th grade who "offered" to drive Alex most times (which will be WONDERFUL). I'll help out with his daughter when they have conferences or other commitments. Now I won't have to turn Alex down about going 'cause of trans., it'll just be a bit of a financial crunch (but we were prepared for it, courtesy of Grandpa)
Started to sort out all the papers for the elderlawyer, found most things, went to bank and took care of some things. WIll make copies of most everything tomorrow and will get out a good-sized package tomorrow so I'll be on track.
Nuked 2 frozen burger patties so I ate "something" (could have been worse),
now I should guzzle down some cool herbal tea before turning in.
Hope this is a trend. One person came to house today, wants to come back soon so we'll see.
BTW, how's the kitchen coming. If I ever get out of my paper mess I hope to get some decent appliances in my kitchen... then I'll have no excuses to cook.
Belle, how're you doing? Miss your posts, but I'm sure you're busy.
Maybe I'll get to gym on Friday, since I've got a bit to do tomorrow and Libby gets out of class at 12:30.. don't know if it's realistic.
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Sorry I haven't written. Been busy..had company..appts. ect.

Went to the Dr. today for Pap and my blood pressure is up, know it is stress but know probably some is weight, been playing with same pounds for awhile.
Need to lose some. Need to get strict..keep telling my self that!

Hope you both had a good easter/weekend?

Sounds like you've both been busy.

Carolyn..Good your eating something and feeling better?

Glad you got some of the driving done for your son's school.

Also glad the papers were bought back by the "thief" or they
decided to "walk back" to your house! LOL

Hope the house sells soon.

Donna..How's the kitchen? Good you can cook..well maybe won't go that far.
Know you've ordered everything, you just waiting for things to be delivered?

Yes my appt. for consult is Tuesday. Just can't wait to get a surgery appt.
and get this over. Still debateing about France (we have hotel and plane)
Yes Euro a little bit better..4 cents? LOL Every little bit counts.

Donna I would love to talk to the "old friends" of this board. See how everyone is doing. e-mail is.. [email]nanp@netzero.com[/email] Sounds like you all have fun talking. Great that some of you got together last summer.
Would be nice if they did come back here, I/we miss them here. Will wait
to hear from you.

Well you two take care. Thanks alot for asking about me..means a lot!
HUGS to you from ME!
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Posting before going out to Staples to do major xeroxing...
think I have alot of the paperwork pulled together and will forward it to the attorney so he'll be prepared and then I'll know what else will be needed from me. I want to try to avoid "fires", I "think" I can deal with fire-drills (though I don't think Mike can, it really is stressing him out).
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Morning all,

Carolyn, it does sound like the news has finally started going your way! Glad you finally ate something and one of these days, you'll get to that kitchen. Joe is the same way right now, if I am stressed he is double stressed, probably because there isn't much that he can do.

Belle, I'm thinking that they will move rather quickly once you see the doctor so you should be great by this time next month. Glad you got the France trip started and keep hoping the dollar/Euro get into better balance before we both go!

I made the committment to start journaling again today so better get that done next.

Ok, back to work!
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Can't believe we three are all STRESSED out for one reason or another!
Almost be funny but NOT!

Donna pretty soon hope everything is delivered and you can put
everying in order. Yes hope the euro will be better for us both,
you've got till Oct. we have to pay hotel 1st of June..so need dollar
to be better by then. From your mouth to Gods and Drs ear that surgery
will be soon after Tuesday! Dr. yesterday thought might not be till MAY because
of everyone being so busy!

Carolyn glad your getting a leg up on all the paperwork. Do you notice on
anything they tie us up with tons of paperwork?
Hope your feeling better today.

Alright we have another week to get thur....with staying sane and with a weight loss! WE can do it! Can't WE?
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Belle, We will do it but we need you to take a deep breath and slow down! 5 lbs. is too much in a week and it is all stress! If he doesn't think he'll get you scheduled until May then you better walk out of that office feeling that it is nothing and that the surgery will be a breeze! I'm sure you just want it over with still! The Euro and dollar are the closest they have been since we started this thread so keeping high hopes that it continues to improve.

Carolyn, are you eating? Are you feeling any better? Girls are hoping to see you come out and post. To make it easier, I referred them to this thread to get caught up on what you have been up to.

Ok, back to work, month end and my day has a lot left to it.
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I'll probably try to post on the weekend...
the kids are hogging the computer...
and the way my nose is I really can't stay too long w/o sneezing or having it be a faucet.
Gotta go pull some dinner together.
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Donna..My Dr. I saw for my pap..she thought it might not be till May.
See the Dr. on Tuesday who will do it and see when it will be.

Think 5lb was some water weight..I really was good in my eating
the last few days. I wish it would continue but alas know it won't,
if just could lose a couple lbs aweek and not be a stay the samer
all the time!

You never said anything about my e-mail I gave you. Is the offer of joining and
saying Hello to everyone off or on? Let me know.

Carolyn..Hope your feeling better. Take Care.

You two have a good Friday and weekend.
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Carolyn, are you behaving?

Belle, just waiting on the last votes to come back but your definitely a shoe in!

Before you say yes and before Carolyn gets entrapped, a litttle word of warning, the girls are looking for regular posters. Most of us post daily even if it is just to say hi. An unscheduled MIA starts worry mode after a couple of days. We talk about anything and everything but the primary discussions this week are MSC and getting our diets back on track. The regular members are Seagulls, Gayla59, LlindaC, SissyG, NILinda and yours truly. Up to the challenge? We have a lot of fun and do plan get togethers periodically. Discussions for the next one have been Mall or America, Dublin, London, New York. Haven't gotten very far since we all seem to be booking up with cruises and vacations!

Ok, back to work and will hopefully get out of here before the incoming storm hits.
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I PROMISE I'll post.. and, you know me, I'll post daily.
And I've been "intrigued" w/MSC (is that the line that Fain had "jumped ship" for? or was it Jack Williams). We were regular cruisers on Celebrity for the longest of time... was Alex's first cruise when he was a year and had done 7 others with them. That was until a "so-so" experience on a Xmas sailing on Summit in '02. Realized that we might want to "check back" with RCCL since we were getting close to Diamond and the kids were getting older. Well I've done 4 cruises w/RCCL and I've seen a change, guess it's been w/all cruise lines and now it's more the intinerary and definitely the price that makes the decision for us, esp. since it hard for Alex to take off time when it's not on a holiday. And now w/him going to private the $$ isn't going to be there anymore (though I do have a 9 night booked right now for Xmas/New Years on Splendour w/holding FF tickets... even paid for the insurance, but I think that will be the last planned family trip for a while. I'm actually looking forward to going to Fla. w/everyone in August but not looking forward to the real reason for why we're going (Mike's family event).
As far as "being good" I've still be feeling lousy. Ate a bit today and have stayed on program, but it's still Friday night and there's Reeses p-butter cups in the basement that somehow know my name. They only started calling about 20 minutes ago. I'll try to resist.
I got the package out to lawyer today (horay for me). I hope he sent out his letter to the nursing home (since he was supposed to contact them over a week ago). We've got 2 "hot prospects" regarding the house. One's coming back for a 3rd look-see tomorrow at 2:30PM. They made a counter offer only coming "up" $5K but there's still a bit of gap for original asking and where there at now (and we dropped by $5K). I hope they'll come up a bit more and we won't have to do open house, since things are potentially tense w/Mom (who has a big-mouth) and live-in aide. Also Mom "blabbed" to "dear" (used loosely) sister that I was annoyed at her (well Diane says in her phone call to me... I hear Mom says your "mad at me") So I'm walking on eggshells w/everyone so I feel that I can't accomplish anything... making me more tense and probably won't be able to stick to eating regimine.. I've been giving in a bit more than I should to stressors w/eating. I haven't been to gym in over a week now so that doesn't help either. Last night I went to be at 8PM so I know I'm still "under the weather" .... Think I'm going to call it a night.. and then I can say that I've been "good" for 2 days.
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Donna..Hey talking is my best thing I do! LOL
Will come in everyday if home and not away someplace.
Love to see how everyone is doing. Miss them all.

Only thing..the cruises and the get togethers might not
make them but you can tell all about them. Tell me what
I missed.

So hope I hear from you soon. By the way..any head way on the kitchen?
Or is that a sore subject?

Carolyn..Hope your feeling better.. and went to bed and not let the
candy get the best of you.
Glad you got the paper work done and mailed. Hope the house sells this

Have a goodweek you two!
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Morning all,

Carolyn, sounds like the kiddies should have a peanut butter cup frenzy and get them out of your way! Hoping your right and the house is sold! That would be a lot of pressure off! I sometimes feel overwhelmed with be the only surviving child but then hear enough stories about siblings that I appreciate it again! There are still enough others putting their two cents in! Your right, that is where Fain is at right now and word is that he is doing a good job though he has had to battle the old time MSC'ers pretty much all the way! Word is they no longer tell us Americans that we can not have coffee with dinner as they did to my MIL on the Carousel! Sweet lady that she was, she very effectively put them in their place and had her coffee waiting for her each evening! Last time we sailed RCL was in 92 so I know that it would not be the same today. Must say that both Celebrity and Princess have turned out to be good choices for us. Not the same as that cruise in '92 but also not the same pricing either!

Belle, kitchen is definitely a sore subject! It is at a standstill while we fight with the refacer about the hinges and matching laminate. Sent us a laminate sample and it looks like an identical match under flouresent lights but doesn't in my kitchen! Unfortunately, we are dealing with a customer of Joe's so he gets more latitude than anyone else would! Hoping Ikea calls today so we can get the big cabinet in place and start on the floor which is waiting for us at Menards. Waiting for the last votes so expect mail shortly! I was so so yesterday but am determined to do better today! Hoping that determination lasts through the phone call to mom in the nursing home. She is really afraid that we have dumped her there forever and won't listen when I tell her it is just until she can get around on her own again. Seven days in a hospital bed and she is having a hard time walking and getting in and out of bed on her own. Hoping to get more info on how long they expect so we can arrange a trip down there when she gets out.

Ok, better get to work!

Have a great Saturday!
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I wasn't aware that your Mom was temporarily in a "home"...
I was hoping to get Mom in the hospital for an elective surgery and then into rehab (to make for an easy admit and transition)
Thanks for making me accountable. I forced myself into bed last night and yes, I made it through day 2 w/o reeses cups. Now if I can get the scale to stay the same and my stress levels even out (I'm kind of feeling like I'm "on alert" even though there's nothing "pressing" right now, feel like I just can't let things be) I'll be OK.
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Carolyn, Medicare forced her out of the hospital but probably for the best! Only problem is that they don't have therapy on weekends. Conversation didn't go well but that was to be expected. I just keep repeating that getting out of there depends on her whenever I can break through the whining!

Back to work, I seem to be manically trying to work off the stress!

Have a great evening!
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Carolyn proud you didn't eat the candy!
Don't you feel better?

Donna like Carolyn didn't know you had mother in a home. (temp)
Hope she's getting better everyday. Where does she go when she is ready to leave?

I sympathize with you two with your mothers. I'm an only child.
my parents live over 400 miles away. My turn will come.

Donna hope your kitchen comes together soon. Dealing with someone you know can make it hard at times. Just tell him you want it to MATCH!

See we all are struggling to stay on plan. We're doing good but not as good as we want. I haven't lost anymore, hope I don't stay here forever like
I always do after a loss!

Hope you both a Sunny Sunday..A good day ahead when everything goes right!
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Morning all,


Belle, invitation is in the mail. Actually, never know, we could get a group get together going in California and then you would be stuck with us!


Carolyn, The girls will be very glad to see your posting! When we first started (a little over two years ago) we had several who joined us but never posted. I wasn't that much into the boards at the time but the others felt that they were reading and spreading the information which is the reason they were nervous about your being quiet. I think it will be much easier now with Belle joining us also.


I still plan on continuing on this thread and any others that catch my eye on LBYC since it is impossible to have too much support when attempting to get back on track!


We are off this morning to buy a picture light for my last cruise folly. I bought a painting of the gas clock in Vancouver ($65) and then spent over $400 to have it framed! Joe shakes his head and laughs every time he walks past it! I really do love it and it deserves to be lit which needs to be done before the new cabinets are put in place since it is on the other side of that wall. I ran out of wall space after that one so have switched to ceramic tiles which will eventually make it up to the kitchen soffit.


Everyone have a great Sunday!

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Got the invite. Now I join Yahoo and then type in the group name?


Think I joined before for something else but never used.

So will rejoin, start fresh.


I also will keep doing this thread and the LTCB too.


Donna I will join your husband (sorry) and laugh at your

inexpensive picture! LOL No, really I understand..you liked the picture!

Hope you found a nice light today.


Hope you two have a nice Mon. and coming week.

Hope you can keep to your plan and have a loss this week.

Speaking of plans....

I have a busy Monday and Tuesday, then going

away Wed. and Thurs. coming back Fri. night.

Most of this time has meals out. Like to lose (yeah right) but hope

to stay the same at least..no gains!

Will try to talk Mon. and Tues. night.


Take care!

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Hi Belle, Yep, I'm pretty sure the invite will give you the full instructions on it. I ended up starting this one when the AOL board went crazy so haven't actually seen an invite. We actually both like the picture! Very rare, but we both zoomed in on the same one in the shop! However, I was aware of what it would cost to frame it and he was (as usual) clueless. Didn't find the right light fixture so I think I will get it at Ikea or Expo Center when the cabinet finally comes in.


Carolyn, feeling better? Alex know about the school yet? I'll be he will be excited! How is Libby feeling?


Ok, back to work!

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No instructions but I will figure it out.

Trouble is probably won't get to it till

this weekend since I'll be gone Wed. and Thurs.

Hope that is alright?

Can't wait to talk to everyone.


Was busy today and will be tomorrow, one of the

things is the Dr. consult finally. Little nervous!

Will get a date then.


Donna and Carolyn have a good week.

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Morning all,


Belle, Ok, we are sending you good vibes for the doctor consult! Can't wait to hear the good news that your are scheduled and all this waiting will end! Weekend is fine! I'll let the girls know that you will be on then. They are looking forward to having both of you on.


Carolyn, House sold? Are you behaving?


Ok, better get moving! Boss is back!


Where is your water?

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