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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Well, behaved until 9:20PM...

then the Reeses... but the crazy thing is I didn't eat anything all day.

had a ?*%@ of a day.... started out with a "messed up" priceline bid (made a "major" mistake with "rebid" and got an area that we didn't want at a price that was way too high... am trying to "get out of it" with asking for an ADA room that the hotel "can't accomodate" (they refused) so hopefully I'll know on thursday if it will work out.

Also, don't know if I'm being "blown off" by lawyers. UGH...

Belle, hope all went well today.


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Good news.. after "killing" the whole day... trying to "fix" the botched bid I got an e-mail back that the ressie was cancelled... thank goodness. now I can sleep tonight and try again w/bid tomorrow...

now will be VERY careful.


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No surgery for awhile.

Using an "expensive" cream to try to

make some of the cells shrink first, to

make it a smaller and for scar to be smaller

after surgery. Nose is a hard spot..I have a small

nose..no extra skin.


Only thing got mixed signal on how to use. Try to

find out before I leave in morning or have to wait to

start it when I come back. To much money to not

get it right.


So I feel so-so about it..glad can try to reduce but makes

surgery later. Healing and ect. With vacation and all.


Sometimes wonder why things can't go smoothly. Of course mixed up

when I'm going away and can't be on phone all day! Couldn't happen

when I would be home all day! Murphy's Law!


Talk to you two when I get back! Take Care!

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Don't know if I'm "testing" things... or just playing "with fire" (well, not dangerous but Reeses cups). Funny thing, I finally got to gym yesterday (albeit only for 20ish minutes since there was an accident/roadblock driving over) and the scale is moving south (OK, knowing how things are now, it'll probably do the rebound today if I get there lol knowing my luck) but it's less than 150, which for me is GOOD, esp. since I haven't been exercising much at all for last couple of weeks, been under tremendous amount of stress, haven't been supporting myself in anyway. Mike's making our family "start" acting like a family again... he's trying to help me straighten up (not possible right now since I've got ALL of everyone's stuff in my house and I'm not ready to sort everything out yet... since I'm still going to need to go through stuff. Trying to have the kids more accountable for their rooms and eating together (at dinner) as a family (though I have an issue about eating in general). Libby really seems to be thriving on this "routine" she's been whining a bit since I'm putting her off about going to movies since I get sidetracked during the day and the afternoon/evening is catchup time for me, but it's going to be "girls weekend" since she's got her dance recital on Friday/Sat. afternoon and then it's just Lib and me since Mike and Alex are going to SF early sat AM through Tues. on an impulse Father/Son bonding mission. Mike had an Amer. Air ticket to anywhere they fly that HAD to be used by April 15th (and must have a Sat. night stay), we don't have anyone to watch kids (so we couldn't do a couple thing) Libby had dance recital (so she couldn't go) and Mike also had a 2 night free weekend at Hyatt, which I was able to get for SF... do did a priceline bid for last night at $78 at another Hyatt 3 blocks away so they'll have a "quickie" not too pricy outing. I'm a bit jeolous, since MIke has been getting to SF at least 2X year (well he was there 2X this year so far) and has a favorite restaurant that he's been going to (on/off over years) since 1989... the owner still remembers the first time he went w/his parents since both are from NJ orig. Having Mike make a "surprise" stop at house since they will be going to recital Fri. night and then heading down for 2 hr drive directly, hopefully getting in house by 11PM, then they gotta get out ASAP next day since have 7AM flight (luckily doing carry on).

Weight-wise don't know what's going on.. I'm trying to drink at least one huge mug of herbal tea... then trying to do water...

in the past I was at a plateau of 158 up till this past summer, when I started to pop Cortislim.... and then I wasn't exercising much but the scale crept below/at 150... not sure if that stuff's a crutch or works... but now I'm popping a "generic" type that I get at Costco that's a bit cheaper (though I was getting the real stuff prior on e-bay). Yesterday (yes Belle, I DID weigh) the scale said 147 (or maybe even less) which I was shocked at. So we'll see.. I had a bit of carb yesterday so don't know if I'll have the rebound bloat or not, but if I do I won't be beating myself up since I know to be accountable (oh I forgot... I splurged for the kids and bought w/Costco raincheck 2 boxes of HagenDaz choc. almond bars... the LOVED them and I had ONE <never had one before> but popped a Carb intercept prior).

I got to carpeting store yesterday to get another estimate for insurance (for flood) so trying to juggle everything. Libby found tile she really likes for the bathroom (trim) since we never decorated the house when we moved in almost 9 years ago <1 month exactly before Libby was born>.

Belle, how's things going w/you? Hope you had encouraging news yesterday and have good things planned (I know you do) for the week to enjoy.

I'll try to post later.


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A quick "note" to follow up the last post I made...

Mike said this morning... "you're looking kinda skinny"

(this from a guy who makes NO compliments... and everything is "ok" (never great, fantastic))... you really just need to get rid of excess skin... (and it's probably not going to be going anywhere since Alex was 9lb kid 12ish years ago and the weight's been "off" <at least maintaining w/in 10ish lbs> for a good 4-5) so my only really option is tummy tuck (not w/lipo but just excess skin) and with the way I am w/surgery I probably wouldn't consider it since I'd probably have more complications afterwards.

Guess I'm in the "same boat" and Miriam now.. with weight since I'm not really trying and things "just are"... I just don't feel like eating anything... good, bad indifferent.


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Well, the last day or so has been a whirlwind..

it's 11:30PM on Friday night and I just ate (and enjoyed, thank you very much) a HagenDaz bar... no regrets... sort of planned it. If I get to gym on Monday I'll see where I'm at and if I've tempted the fates, but I wanted it, and sort of planned it. Also enjoyed some strawberries too today (this evening). At this point in time I feel that I need to get some extra "something" (not sure what though) in me since I've been feeling kind of weakened lately (if that sounds like an excuse I apologize).

Things have been a bit complicated the last couple of days... busy and I've seemed to be putting everybody first. Though it's also been "good" stuff too, since Wednesday (which doesn't surprise me since I've gotten very superstitious about Tuesday's being horrible days... if I have a choice for getting the house inspected, going for contract, closing etc. I'll avoid Tuesdays at all costs). Got Priceline ressie straightened out. Got adjusted estimate for carpeting faxed into insurance (so hopefully will get a bit more $$ for claim), sister got the job offer she was hoping for (on Wednesday) so I won't have to worry about "supporting her" since they had notified her of a replacement on Tuesday night. Still no accepted offer in price=range for house, still about $15K below our adjusted asking price, but I told agents that I think we need to make a decision soon. Since I was told Thurs. night that Mom was accepted at "the home". Didn't realize, until 9AM today, that they were expecting her to "check in" on Sunday... or they would be starting to charge to "hold the bed"... at $430 a day.. Told them to put her on the waiting list and the next time it comes up to call. Yesterday was Mom's birthday.. that was a good present... but not to go in immediately. She's needing a few more weeks to let that "sink in" and I really want to hold off a few more weeks for the $$$ even though we need to spend down. I can't rush down to get her checked in for about 10 days.

Donna and Belle, are you ladies "behaving". Take care.


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Just realized that I've been "talking to myself"...

but that's ok, now I've got some news...

it looks like we've got an offer...

realtor just needs to doublecheck that they're pre-approved

and they get the house inspected ASAP

they want to close on May 15th but who knows...

would be good, is very close to asking price

(please keep fingers crossed for me)

of course this all happens since Mike went to SanFrancisco w/Alex this weekend and they won't be back until late Tuesday night.


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Carolyn, Fingers are crossed! Hope the girl's weekend is going well. Absolutely nuts around here! Changed hinges again and keep trying to re-measure the doors but the phone keeps ringing off the hook, then everybody wants to talk forever! Doubt this list will be faxed in the morning. Hoping tomorrow night is quieter so we can actually finish it.


Belle, You back? Everything ok?


Better get moving! It has been so crazy that I haven't gone in the bedroom since I got up this morning so need to go in and make the bed just so we can go to sleep!

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I'm back! Was gone longer than I thought.

I'm fine. Using the medicine..hope it works

in reducing the cells. Will see in May.


Sounds like you two have been busy.


Carolyn..Hope the house sold! Yes I live north of SF.

Hope husband and son had a nice time.

Good you haven't lost weight. Losing by all the stress

you've been under. Works the opposite for me! Dang it!


Donna sounds like your busy with the kitchen. Did you

get everything delivered? Hope it's done soon.


Donna I've tried to get on Yahoo but won't take any Id name I try.

Keeps saying unavailable. Tried so many names, they all can't be taken.

Something wrong. Try tomorrow again.


You two take care this week.

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Hi all,


Belle, shooting for the kitchen to be done this century, any closer guess and I'll be room. Kitchen remodelling is more like home destruction! I will love it! That is my most recent chant!. Yahoo can be a joy to sign up on and now it appears to actually be down which is even more fun! I'm sure we'll see you out there eventually!


Carolyn, did you go to the gym? Are you behaving? This the last night of "girls only"?


Ok, back to work!

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You'll be proud of me...

well, maybe not for yesterday.... was good until around 9:30PM, then shared some strawberries with Libby and then had a small ice cream pop (plain choc. cov. vanilla, store brand and Libby "helped" with having a bit of the chocolate covering lol).So with the chicken I had during the day, not too bad considering I usually stick to Atkins... the scale (yes, Donna, I did get to gym finally today) did go up a little from Thursday, but I would have been very surprised if it didn't... I earned the rebound so I was prepared. Today (so far) I've been good staying "on program" (though it's only 5PM and the bewitching hours are coming up) AND I went for a walk this AM with a neighbor/friend (hadn't done it a long time, probably 3ish if not more) and then got home... made a few phone calls.. then went out to gym. Got Libby and then tried to get in touch w/lawyer but he was gone for day. Did send him an email earlier (and he DID answer mine that I sent Sunday) so things are OK.. could be better, but then again could be alot worse. Don't know what tomorrow will bring... especially since it's TUESDAY (not my good day, usually crap happens on Tuesdays, I'm getting VERY superstitious).

Donna, just think how you and DH will enjoy your kitchen when all is done, and your hard work will pay off (at least you're not dealing w/contractors who would flake off on you).

Belle, welcome back.

Don't forget the water ladies... I'm drinking herbal tea and, yes, I've had a good deal of water too today (though I really don't like it).

Alex and Mike return back very late tomorrow (flight gets into JFK at 10:20PM and then they've got about a 2hr ride after getting the car back. They both are expected to be "at work" on Wednesday, so hopefully they'll rest up on the flight back... it's supposed to be half empty so they'll have room to stretch out.


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OK.. didn't make it through yesterday w/o going off plan (again).. but not too badly all things considered, and I DID make the decisions.

Didn't get to gym today (though did a short walk w/friend) so I don't know what (if any) damage there was. What is, is.

Well, ladies, as I expected, my "lucky streak" with "life" can to a screaching halt today (no surprise... it's TUESDAY.... sh*t happens on Tuesday for me). The offer was pulled (didn't even get to inspection). Seems like they didn't have the $$ for the taxes (which we told them exactly what they were going to be up front... the adjusted amount) so we're back to square one. Wonder if the counter offers are still in effect or not. I'm getting very discouraged. I'm also bucking against the insurance $$ for the carpeting. Sister's planning on coming in on 4/24-28th to take care of the apartment (to close it/give it up). Hopefully she'll be able to accomplish everything and I'll have one less thing to worry/be concerned about.

Mom's also "acting" up. Her stomach isn't "misbehaving" 'caused by nerves (about the rush of possibly going to home -- the unknown). Sister is giving me a hard time about it.. making out like I'm just dropping Mom off and not giving her "her" dignity... holy crud, I've been to Hell and (not sure if I'm) back and sister's lecturing me. I say to her "are YOU going to help out and make the transition... well NO "I've got a job" "I've gotta get my condo ready for market "I" "I" "I" (get the picture). So that's where I stay. Stuck where I am. Still haven't spoken to elderlawyer since a week ago, but hopefully tomorrow I will to have a clearer picture where that stands. Kids are out of school next week. Hope to enjoy some time with them and not be running around w/Mom (unless it means to check her in).

CALGON take me away. Donna, will there be "any girls" weekends from now till September planned? Think I need to run away somewhere but, unfortunately, don't have anyone to go with...


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Carolyn, Sounds like you should have slept through today! Your sister is just that and you can't let her add to your stress levels. No girls weekend plans yet with all the vacations coming up. I am pushing the rim with the MSC in January. Couldn't have pulled all this off if it wasn't for having 2 weeks of this year's vacation left over. Three weeks vacation a year is not enough!


Belle, are you out there?


Back to work!


Have a great evening!

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Had a "somewhat" productive evening...

Libby wanted me to "go somewhere" so we went to Pilgrim Furniture Warehouse and I was able to have someone "write me up" an invoice for sofabed. Just to have something to "give" state farm person and then the salesperson said she'd "talk to them" too... so maybe I can settle with something there. Now for sister to do her part (yeah, right) when she comes in. Now she's asking, "are you sure YOU can't come in" (to help, or more like to DO all the work). ... well NO!!!

(and then I have to justify my statement... don't you love it).

Well, as I had anticipated I wasn't good (as far as Atkins) but guess on calories I was "ok" with a daily allotment. Seems like from 9ish on is my witching hour... but only had 2 pudding cups, and the left over pizza for one from Libby and a little bourbon chicken.... add to that the eggs w/romano cheese and that's all I ate today, so on a whole.. shouldn't be too bad... didn't get to gym, but did do a little bit of quickie walk (never been one to like walks).

Hope to be somewhat productive tomorrow.

Have a good night, ladies.


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Popping in for a sec.

Alex and Mike got back in house at 12:30AM last night... so Alex was "tardy" for school (had 4 different projects to juggle in the AM before going in so he was current).

Today started out good.... (not the dreaded "Tuesday" syndrome).

Got call from insurance claim person and settled on carpet and got approval for sofabed... with take settlement (not exstatic but I can't "fight") for carpet (since we're not replacing it anyway) and then sofa I got an "ok" quote which they accepted.. 50%holdback so I may buy one for my house. Or I may ask the salesperson to give me an invoice (which she did already) and tell her that I'll go w/her as soon as I get the $$ for settlement. Then I'll shop around. So that was "all good". Now it's just cleaning out the apartment. Then when I got off phone w/adjuster the realtor called w/another offer (low but still shows there's interest) and they're showing it again 2 times today, so who knows.

Finally got in touch w/elderlawyer, who asked "dimwit" paralegal from estate lawyer (guess he's in cahoots w/them since they are looking for something to bill me for)for some info and taking in consideration all the paperwork I sent him, he should have numbers for me by week's end (I'll believe it when I see it though). He says he can get Mom in anytime, so I'll wait for Mike to get back from trip and the kids back in school and I'll take her myself in. (there'll be other times that Mike will need to take off from work... he's only got 18 days left, and well be using 8days in August and then there are the "other pieces of days" for when I'm away... and I'm counting on those to add up.

Scale "crept" a little (I got to gym today... aren't you proud) but still below 150 so I'm content. I hope to stay low carb today, but aren't counting on it.

Now if I can get things straightened out w/bank (need to find out minimum balances needed w/o fees for ALL the accounts that are mine/moms/ds/ estate's ... what a mess) and get final #s from elderlawyer I'll be VERY happy. "If" (and it's a BIG if) Diane does what she's "supposed" to do (and I'm not counting on it) I'll be thrilled.


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Carolyn hope everything is on track.

Tell your sister..I've done everything..get off your "butt"! LOL


Donna..You busy with work and the kitchen?


E-mail me how to find the group, got an id name but can't find you.


Think I will ignore the scale tomorrow..last three days have been

with food laden activies. Tomorrow too! LOL

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Enjoy every bite... but drink the water and try to stay active.


Yeah, tell Diane to "get off butt", right now I'm trying to figure out (and losing sleep) how we (I) will get the wall unit out of apartment... it's a HUGE one. Just want to find someone, anyone, to take it out.


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Belle, Donna... (anyone else "lurking") hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Donna, hope you're kitchens "shaping up" to your liking and will be in "working order" real soon. Belle, hope the cream's working to "shrink"... wish I could use some cream to "shrink" the jiggle on me (lol).

I just can't seem to get back "on track"... I'm usually very good but come 9PM it's totally impossible to resist... yesterday it was Oreos.. and afterwards my belly was "moving around" a bit.. joked with Alex (cuddling w/him since I don't the opportunity much anymore since he's 12 1/2 and getting "old" fast (gotta keep him my 'lil guy for a bit longer though... he's not fighting me on that as long as I don't "embarrass him too much" in front of his friends)) saying "what would you like a 'lil brother or sister?.. to this he said MOM!!! You're freaking me out!!! (he's getting VERY upset.... but the feelings in my stomach and today with the ravenous cravings... but it's probably my getting to "that age"). Today anything is calling me. I'll try to just drink lots of water. I just don't feel motivated to go to gym, just don't feel like it. I'm wrung out about closing up "the apartment", hoping to get a "decent" offer on "the house" (there's 3 appointments today and one tomorrow... please hope that "St. Joseph" in the ground will "do his job") since the accepted offer fell through rather quickly (wish they had the inspection so we'd know what to expect) and then it's the lawyers... now the elderlawyer. Got to speak with him for less than 2 minutes. Now I'm waiting for an e-mail from him with numbers of what I need to "give Mom". Was told it would be sent out in the afternoon on Friday... didn't go so I have to "nag" them. Need to know exactly how much Mom will have to "spend down" and then plan when to get her "in the home" so that she pays for one month out of pocket and then get her on Medicaid. Donna, I'm "shocked" how much this home wants per day (and Mom's not getting total full nursing care) $430 per day, so I'm leaning towards her being able to only pay for a month.. lawyer had put in a letter to home that Mom was able to pay for 9 months but that's just not so.

I hope the lawyer's good at math (and massaging the numbers as he says) 'cause I'm worried that I'm going to have to "eat" a bit of Mom's expenses and that's going to "eat" into the $$ we were going to use for Alex's school for next year (since I needed to allocate for it so I knew we wouldn't be digging into savings/rainy day fund since we're not sure what's going on w/Mike's company)..

I'm trying to get "the hang" of the yahoo postings... still a challenge for me.

Have a great Saturday... and thing "positive thoughts" that we all can "stay on track" IF we so choose... ('cause I know at times I DON'T choose... and that's OK <as long as I plan for it vs. having these intense cravings>).


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HI Carolyn, Boy I bet that really freaked him out! Kitchen is not moving at all since other projects keep popping up! As to post, when you open the site just click on post on the left hand side, type away and then hit send at the bottom. As to diet, we (I on Joe's behalf) have committed to start kicking b@tt on it as of Monday. Tomorrow is six month prior to boarding and time to get majorly serious around here! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the house goes this weekend and that the lawyers figure out the financial end so it doesn't hurt you.


Belle, are you out there? You don't have to be behaving, just need to know your ok! Did you get the new invitation to the board? I am wondering if I have to send it to the email address you registered on yahoo with.


Ok, we are off to get a new push mower. Joe has been turning it into a bigger project than when we bought the tractor so we will not come home without one today!


Have a great evening!

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Donna not staying away because of not behaving..really!

Just busy. Did gain a little but think I got it off. Then

went out to dinner tonite! Ooops!

One of the things busy with was...today booked a 2 week Hawaii

cruise for next April. Now a year to wait.

Now that should make me feel better..don't you think? LOL

Sorry your busy and kitchen is just sitting there!

Going to e-mail you about Yahoo..had to change my ID.

Will be gone all day tomorrow, try Tues. or Wed.


Carolyn hope tomorrow is a great day for you and everything gets done!

You been stressing for months..

Yes wish I could shrink other things on my body too..wishful thinking!

Think it's working..said would get red and a little crusty..and it is.

I'm so pretty..LOL!


You two take care!

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