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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hi all,


Belle, WTG on the cruise! Which one? HollyB is on the Summit in January and NILinda will be on it at the end of March. Now I can really sulk! It has been a really long time since we have been to Hawaii. Maybe after this next run of cruises.


Carolyn, Just keep thinking positive and make it lucky Tuesday!


Kitchen is going nowhere very slowly and way too busy lately. For the laugh of the day, got dressed early this morning since I had to head into work early. Got out of the car at work and realized I had one purple shoe and 1 navy on. However, too busy to go home and change so I have been running about that way all day! Next time I will turn on the lights and wake Joe up!


Ok, back to work! Problems all day long and now I better face the music. Found some mistakes that the boss would prefer to bury but can't since the accountant knows about them.


Where is your water?

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You'd be "proud", water bottle's right in front of me, though it's not a huge one, but I've had one already and finishing 2nd.

Your tale of your shoes reminds me of a time, a long time ago, when I was commuting to NYC from my parents house on LI, rushing out to make the train. Got to landing of steps on porch... looked down.. I was leaving my house w/slip on w/o skirt...

luckily I caught it before getting to station.


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It's the Summit too! Small world.

Your going to sulk? You have a cruise in

October and January! LOL

But know where your coming from..sounds like me!

LOL at me!


Did that once, went to a meeting with one black shoe and

one blue shoe. One had a buckle thing on top and the other didn't. 1

Kept my feet under the chair all day. Glad I'm not the only one whos done that.


Carolyn you got us beat thro..only a slip on! LOL

Carolyn your like my sisiter-in-law, she doesn't like Tuesday

thinks bad things happen that day.


Let's keep behaving ourselves..lots of water and eating right.

Wouldn't it be nice if we three had a loss on Thursday?

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Carolyn, You definitely win on that one!


Belle, I can pout if I want! Actually, Joe is already looking at Princess Med Cruises for 2006 so I'm not rocking any boats at this point!


I am being really good (for me) and now I am off to help with the kitchen which means up and down the stairs every 2 minutes for the next 2 hours.


Where is your water?


Have a great evening!

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well, it sort of was a "typical Tuesday"...

finally got to speak w/elderlawyer... not good, I may have to personally pay for Mom for a month or two... (we're talking about $13K per month) but he says he'll send me an e-mail with specific numbers ... wanted to do it today, but I told him... do it tomorrow.... Tuesday's aren't good for me, so he agreed.

I'm feeling like crud today... drank a hug mug of herbal tea. Didn't help. Popped a benadryl since I'm not sure if it's allergy or what... helped a little bit but still feeling "puky". Haven't eaten much today, but it's getting close to the "witching hour" for me (9-11) so don't know how I'll be.

Good luck ladies.


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Carolyn, it is most definitely allergy season! I have had runny itchy eyes since Saturday afternoon and am about to give in and call for allergy eye drops. Hope today is going MUCH better and that the munchies didn't steer you too far off last night!


Where is your water?


Back to work!

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The kids "did me in" last night... was good until I was making them dinner (nuggets/tenders-- preformed not real strips). Well I made it for them... had 2 llittle ones myself and brought up the rest... then heated some more for Alex, since it wasn't much for them. Then Libby wanted ketchup but I didn't bring it up fast enough... well to cut to the chase.. they didn't eat any (only 2) and I had much too many (probably large plate and then some) was hungry but not really for that... but... it was there....

so not on plan.

Today, still feeling lousy. Drank tea, took benedryl (not sure if that's helping) at least my throat's not horribly sore. So I don't know what's going on, just feeling wrung out like a dish-rag.

The aide's "playing games" w/Mom regarding food... now telling she's "running low" and only has chicken left... well I asked on Sunday if they needed anything and all she said was "we're low on rice" (well I got that, could have sent more stuff w/Mike on Monday AM "if" I had known. Also yesterday she's saying they're running low on rubber gloves, well, why didn't she say anything about it on Sunday when I asked... shheeesh... I give up.

Almost ready to say >>> she's going in ASAP and you're losing your "meal ticket Leonora..." she's not going to like that.


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Morning all,


Carolyn, Now that you have that out of your system, time to clean up your act! I must admit that if I were to choose to be bad preformed nuggets would not be at the top of the list! The caregiver will be out on the street before you know it so there is some justice!


Belle, Can't blame a girl for trying! Never know when he will suddenly jump on something so just keep coming up with ideas and see if they fly.


Ok, I am journaling with a vengeance and committed to sticking to it this time. Down 4 lbs but they don't count since I gained them all in the last 10 days! I have made it more challenging since I won on painting the insides of the cabinets which means we are back to take out for a while. On the other hand, lots of exercise emptying them all, priming, painting then re-organizing them. Joe will have frozen pizza tonight and I will stop and pick up a caesar salad on the way home so we can get to work early. No date on Mom's release from the nursing home but she appears to be doing quite well. Think I will go back to my original plan and shoot for spending Mother's Day down there whether she is at home or not.


Ok, Where is your water?


Have a great day!

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Sorry haven't been on much. So much things going on!

Important things and not so important but everything keeping

me busy.


How are you two doing?


Donna..Have you and husband kept to your new plan of eating?

How's the kitchen going?

Getting the living room and dining room and high ceilings painted

but not till 2rd or 3rd week of May, waited to long to book him, busy now.

Still have to e-mail you and get the group thing right.




Carolyn..Any thing on the house and everything else?

How's the eating going?

I did a stupid thing, was doing good, went up for no reason..

so did the smart thing..went off woe and ate..Smart huh?

Now to lose those pounds again! STUPID ME!


You two have a good weekend. Take care!

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Hi Belle,


You know what you did and I'm sure you have straightened out by now! Glad the painting is scheduled and at least you will be able to air the house out to get rid of them smell. I am totally behaving but Joe is another story all together. Went to Texas Roadhouse last night and totally stayed away from the peanuts and rolls. Just had my grilled chicken salad, His choice the smothered chicken, chilli and stuffed baked potato! He is in the kitchen sanding the patches that he did to the cabinets where we had everything hanging since everything is being moved. When he is finally done then I am back to priming! Email me and we'll see if we can get you on line. Just got Sissy and Seagulls doing IM today and I think we have created a monster!


Carolyn, So how did it end up with the lawyer? Are you going to be stuck paying it up front and get re-imbursed? Are you behaving now? Mike still trying to smooth the family stuff out? I'm sure you'll be out there more once we get Belle on.


Ok, back to work! I am cleaning around him!

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Well, it's the weekend... and boy is it ever raining

Mike filled the wagon up with more "stuff" from the house... had him check out the garage to see what he wants so that when I get the green light that it's a "go" I can hire someone to just "dump" the things on the shelves in the garage. Now what to do w/stuff he's bring back... ugh.

As far as lawyers... I got e-mail that I was going to get an e-mail.. well I was supposed to get "something" over a week and half ago, so now I finally got it (a recap) on Friday at around 3PM. I answered back w/my comments, now to see where we stand $$ wise... we shall see. I'm getting a bit concerned. I'm thinking of keeping Mom "out" till May 13ish... save $300 a day.. will save a bit of $$ and see if I can get paperwork from nurse. Think the lawyer wants me to put her in ASAP, but she's not ready.


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Think you'll be proud of me....

didn't cave in when I went downstairs...

and made it through, one day down (since i haven't been to gym since Monday don't know what I weigh... guess I'll see tomorrow)


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Two days "good" ....

also got to go to gym today (albeit for 30 mins) and got to weigh myself...

well, I'm shocked... (in a good way) got on scale, I'm not going to post #s "but" (and I hope this doesn't jinx anything) the scale is at it lowest it's been since before I got married (and that's pre-kidlets and all). For the last week I've been eating "crap" at times.. though it's been confined to one "long" 1 1/2 hr eating time (usually 8-9:30PM I think, sometimes a bit longer) and hadn't gone to gym since Monday...

so, sorry Belle, I'm not going to post in weigh in.

Don't know if this is "premature" cheers, but so far today after a bit of aggrevation it's been going ok---good. I'll post more about it when I know "for sure" what's going on (don't want to tempt the fates)


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Morning all,


Belle, what were you doing up at 2:00 AM? How is the cream working? When do you see the doctor again?


Carolyn, I guess if you aren't eating the rest of the day then the frenzy probably doesn't have a lot of effect! Good job on the loss and fingers crossed that it stays.


Will finish painting the cabinets tonight. There is a picture on the little board of the present disaster area. Still not sure when going to Moms since the doc won't give her a release date. Her therapy today is cooking so I'm thinking it just might be getting closer. Our group is booking the MSC without us at this point since we don't want to tempt fate. Waiting on air and hotel in Rome until we have a better idea of what is going on. Behaving most of the time but need to do it all of the time. Cooking is really limited since I can't find anything that isn't in the refrigerator. Refuse to start filling the cabinets until the doors are on since I will have to wash everything off and don't want to have to do it twice. Off here and I will journal to see if that keeps me straight.


Where is your water?


Have a great day!

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Made it to "day three" (or was that yesterday).

Hope to get to the gym today to see if the number I saw yesterday was "for real"... not wearing the same pants, but close.

How are you ladies doing?

It's Tuesday, usually not a good day for me.

Didn't start out well, Mom calling up that they had "no heat" so not sure what's going on... then had service get there to find out that someone flipped the switch to burner off...

so I had my morning "nerves". Then my DS (isn't she special) told me last night that the wallunit that's being taken out of apartment had some mold (great) from the flood that we couldn't see until it was taken apart. So I hope she's trying to clean it up. Need Salvation Army to take it out tomorrow.


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well, seems like this week Wednesday has turned into Tuesday.

Yesterday I had a stomach "thing" and it seems like Alex had it too late night cramping and up at 3AM for quite a while where Mike woke me up to take care of him. Well, he was out sick from school today. Then there was the "emergency" w/Mom in house.. which was heating up too much (after having NO heat on Tuesday... someone had switched the burner off) and whoever did the maintance of the burner must have kicked it up too high since the thermostat was registering 80 this AM... had a service guy show up. Then DS had problems w/Salvation Army trying to take wall unit (they didn't take it... turned it down) almost had it taken out to curb but had maintaince guys take it to storage room, when they brought it down Diane realized that it had gotten tons of mold from water damage from apartment flood. Also the guys damaged the unit when they brought it downstairs. So now I'm putting in a claim w/insurance, though I don't think that it can be repaired since it's probably not solid wood. Got to talk to agent about this.. Please put out positive thoughts about that.



(who really should drink more water, didn't go to gym and only ate homemade corn beef today... so think I was OK w/eating... since I'm on Atkins for day 4 now)

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I would appear that your DS is nothing but good news! Are you and Alex both feeling better? Glad you got your Mom's heat straightened out. Sounds like you are holding your own with dieting and actually managed to stick to you plan!




Are you out there and behaving? Any trips coming up? We are trying to plan a weekend in San Fransisco with a 1 nighter in Reno (SW great air deals). Since I have worked on this plan before, I threw it in Joe's lap this time and told him to surprise me! If all I am is surprised, I will be quite happy! First trip is to go to Mom's though. Hoping she is out by the 8th and looks like we may be driving since the air fares have shot way up. That will make her happy since she wants me to bring the carpet shampooer.


Ok, down 1 and I'll take it after all the eating out/carry out all over again! Hoping that everything to start laminating the frames shows up by tomorrow so we can get some serious work done this weekend!


Where is your water?


Have a great op day!

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Don't know if you "play" priceline or not...

We got a GREAT deal at the Grand Hyatt when Mike and Alex went to SF... they did Hyatt rewards for 2 nights (at Embarcadero) and got Grand for $78 using biddingfortravel.com for strategy. It was for a mid-week, but folks have been getting great rates for weekends too.

good luck

I've been OK w/eating.... today was a "good" day (hope I don't jinx it) though I didn't get to gym or weigh in.

Will post tomorrow since it's late now.


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Yoou Hooo....

anyone home?

(It's been so quiet... wish my life was this quiet...

just "crud" w/me this weekend (though scale is staying where it is... looking flat as a pancake on top) got locked in bank and last night hit <pretty hard> a shopping cart while rushing in the rain to the supermarket before they closed.... other stuff too that's too long for typing now.. need to send some questions to elderlawyer but I really don't what to "jinx" anything now since it's not a good day.. will try tomorrow... oh yeah, looked at the proof for my Dad's monument that the funeral home sent me last week that I faxed to my sister and I just realized that they had the wrong middle initial for my father... UGH, I was about to sign off on it)


PS, Donna, I check out the other board, just don't know how to log onto a thread, it's always been a problem w/me and yahoo. Also when I go looking Libby starts asking me stuff so I don't get to post. I hope the girls don't think I'm just lurking.

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