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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Thank you so much for you thoughts and prayers. I really do appreciate it.


Don't sweat the "scale"... heck w/all the stress you've had w/md's and all, but do sweat on "how you feel".. that's important. You're health is the most important thing... everything elses is "gravy" (oops, that might throw us off program). You've got a wonderful trip to look forward to.


Glad things are starting to fall into place and if it's not ready by Memorial day, at least it will be done by 4th of July.

It's a gloomy, misty-rainy day.

I've got a long list of things I should try to take care of. Mom's trying on her end of little things, but also she comes up with "things I'm going to need" (well this kind of gets the stomach knotting for me) then she explains.. I'll need a soap dish (easy), shampoo (the stuff they usually have at home "isn't good" -- though she hasn't washed hair in a VERY long time)... little stuff that's not important I really don't need to hear. So I have to "humor her" and let it roll.


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Carolyn, You have hung in there so far and you are getting so close to finally having everything taken care of. Just keep looking at the goal! The one part I didn't like about Joe traveling was all the laundry when he got back so I know what you are going through on that score. When is your sister supposed to move? We can probably get Mir and maybe even Pam to join us in a visit!


Linda, Glad to see you are still out and about! Things going ok?


Belle, I hear you on the have to but don't want to! I have been like that ever since he put me on the muscle relaxants. Seems to work best on my energy level and willpower. Not sure it is doing much for the carpal tunnel. Don't you just love when they get stubborn. Joe made a couple of phone calls so hoping the cabinet parts are found today and we can get moving again. Almost have a guest room back and have been tossing things like crazy. I really have to wonder why I hung on to some of the things that I did. When is your company coming? 5 months from now and we will be on board the Galaxy. Since I am getting excited, I would imagine that France is really getting exciting at the moment!


Ok, back to work! Boss drove through so is in the office a day early. Time to behave myself!

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Didn't realize it IS Thursday...

it's been crazy.

Need to go down to Mom's tonight... to take "care of business" Friday AM

don't want to go but need to. Haven't eaten anything yet today.. just didn't feel like it. Now I've got a killer headache.

Hope to post more Saturday.


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Carolyn..EAT! Not good not to eat plus you get

the ..Headache!

Hope you get everything done on Friday. That

all the business gets done soon.


Donna..You must be busy at work and at home.

Hope the kitchen is getting closer to being done.

How's your mother doing?


Have a good weekend you two.

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Morning all,


Crazy around here but hope to get the floor laid tomorrow. Depends on what problems we run into today. Supposed to go out with friends tonight but may end up putting if off. They won't mind since they are laying a new kitchen floor this weekend also.


Belle, Things never get done according to schedule. The only thing schedules are good for are prioritizing and even that doesn't always work!


Carolyn, are you eating? Hope it is all going as planned at moms!


My mom is still in rehab and I am beginning to think that she is enjoying herself. Except for the fact that they keep it 20 degrees cooler than she does at home. Has taken to sitting out in the courtyard during the day. Got her new hearing aid so at least she knows what is going on around her. No date set for going down there since we still hope to do it after her release. Still haven't decided whether flying or driving. Driving wouldn't work right now with the muscle relaxants for the carpal tunnel but hope to be off those in two weeks.


Ok, better get moving! Back to work on the kitchen!


Have a great op weekend!

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Donna I hope you got the floor down..that will mean one less thing to do.

Know how schedules go..they never do! LOL


Donna how can your carpal tunnel get better with all your work on

the kitchen you've been doing and with your job? You need to rest it to,

you know?


Glad your mother is doing better. Where is she going when she gets out of rehab? How far away is she? My parents are over 450 miles away. Can

be hard as they get older.


Carolyn, you busy with all your mother's stuff? Also are you enjoying

your husband home? Hope he's helping you in all the "daily life stuff"

at home to make it easier for you?


Hope you are having a good sunday. Take care.

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Hi Belle, The final scrub down is drying and next is the insulation that goes under the flooring. Lots of last minute stuff had to be done before we could start like finding the squeek and fixing it. Actually work, definitely doesn't help the carpal tunnel but the kitchen has kept me from playing on the computer at home so has actually given the wrist (in brace of course) a bit of a rest. When Mom finally gets out, she should be going home where she lives alone. Can't convince her to give up the house but she is 650 miles away so requires daily phone calls.


Bet your glad the dollar is still gaining. Your trip is coming up soon! Do you see the doctor before you go or when you get back?


Carolyn, are you back yet? Are you taking care of yourself?


Ok, better get back to work!


Have a great evening!

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Donna..Your working to hard! I know your going to

have a "WONDERFUL" kitchen when your done.

It looked good in the pictures and you weren't done yet.


Talked to painter Friday, going to have rooms painted in Sept.

if we both can get our dates together. Then later have carpets

taken up and have the hardwood floors redone.


Know how parents can be stubborn. My parents won't move up

here think it's to cold in winter. So call all the time and not try to worry

about them to much.


Yes I go to the doctor before I go. June 21st, will see how good the

medicine has worked and schedule the surgery for when I come back.


Also I was good this weekend, with to the gym Fri. and Sat. but

with out to dinner tonight. Was pretty good. Almost! LOL

Donna your getting all your exercise..working!


Carolyn hope everything is going alright with you and the family.

Let us hear from you soon.

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Hi Belle,


Nuts is more like it and need to get back op fast! Too much carry out and eating out or cooking fast food at home. Floor got put off for a couple more days so we could finish the prep work. One of these days, I will actually have everything where it belongs!

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Been crazy here..

Mike's in SanDiego till Friday. Been eating crap (and feeling lousy too). Luckily turned out to be TOM (finally, skipped 2 months) so that didn't help so gave into some cravings etc. (had killer headache too, finally gave in to taking something for that too). Haven't been to gym since Thurs. to find out "reality " of eating. I'll just have to see tomorrow. Went down to lawyer on Friday for houise. Didn't go as expected. Finally got to speak w/elder lawyer briefly on Monday. Need to figure out when to put Mom in.

Think I better get back to bed... been coughing again, hope it's just from having too many carbs the last couple of days.

HOpe everyone one is well and accomplishing what you want.


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Hi all,


Carolyn, you have to take better care of yourself! Hoping all the snags have been worked out and things will run smoothly from here. Bet you'll be glad when Mike gets back. Will he be around for a bit then?


Belle, Are you getting excited? Hope the dollar continues to go up before you leave.


Floor is in. Need to pick the moldings and get them ready to install. Hardware should be in today so we can start on that next. New pics: http://community.webshots.com/album/336539946TaXuRM


Believe it or not, the floor is actually much lighter than the cabinets. Thats what happens when you take pictures at 6:00 AM. Still some problems to resolve but at least it will be a working kitchen soon.


Mom says they will be letting her out on June 1 and DD1 (and family) will be there on June 10th so I think we will shoot for the 4th of July.


Better get back to work!


Have a great day!

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Glad you two took a break and came in..


Donna your kitchen is going great! Bet can't wait till it's done.

Will be/is beautiful!

Glad your mother is better and gets to go home.


Yes Donna getting excited..leave in six week & two days,

if the airlines don't do anything stupid! Like strike or go

out of business! These days never know! Hope the dollar

does better in the next six weeks.


Now first have to clean house for our company. Happy to

have them, just wish it wasn't at this time. Use that bedroom to get

ready, put all the stuff in there, just do it when they leave.


Carolyn hope your feeling better, eating better. Will be so much

better for you when you can get all this stuff done and your Mom

is settled.

Mike will be home soon, hope he gets to stay home for awhile and

can help you with everything.


Wish you both a good ..what's left of the week and weekend.

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You two must be busy or having a good time or both!

Haven't heard a peep out of you two!


We didn't go away, just doing work around the house.

Put up two new "medicine cabinets" with mirrors up

in the two bathrooms....BUT

of course the studs didn't match up, cabinet different size

then before so had to paint the walls.

Why is it one little thing adds to bigger things! LOL


Went to the gym once, dinner out tonight, BBQ tomorrow.


Not even talking about weight, I'm being so good and scale not moving!

Think my metabolism is shot to ..HE##! Knew I was a slow loser but now

it's non-existing! Of course when going on a trip and want to lose some. Murphy's Law! LOL


Hipe you two are doing good and enjoying your weekend.

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Hi all!


Belle our projects are going on a par with yours. Have had to take a bit of a break on the kitchen since other things needed to be taken care of on a timely basis like planting all the containers. Perfect day outside which means we will have to set up the hose and water even though they forecasted storms. Actually managed to post a new picture of the snack bar area. Joe laughs at my towels but the chairs were definitely not one of my better ideas since they are light colored cloth and extremely high maintenance unless I keep them covered. http://community.webshots.com/user/donnaw7471


Looks like France's vote will definitely help our spending power and couldn't have come at a better time for your trip!


Carolyn, How is your weekend going? Mike around to help out? What was the decision on timing for your mom? Hoping you are having fun.


Ok, salads are made so all the is left is to throw the burgers on the grill when it is time! Need to go down and clean up the downstairs since we may end up with a house full in a couple of weeks. DD1 and family are going to visit mom and asked DD2 to go with them. If she decides to, they will pick her up and spend the night here. No room for them right now so better make some and make it safe enoiugh for our two year old granddaughter. Way too many things for the little climber to get in trouble on.


Have a great holiday!

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Happy Tuesday all,


Can't believe 3 days gone already but must be since I am dressed for work!


Belle, Are you watching the $/Euro. You'll be able to buy more souviners! I am hoping Joe is wrong and we head for parity. He seems to think that we won't reach it be October but every little bit closer will help. Did you finish your projects?


Carolyn, How goes it? Mike home or off on another trip! Kidlets out of school yet? Don't think of this as Tuesday, it is the first day of the workweek!


New pics: http://community.webshots.com/user/donnaw7471 We are at the point where we have hit the time consuming little jobs but each one makes a huge difference. Took a third look at the downstairs (first two sent me straight up to make a drink) and decided that if DD1 and family come, they will be staying upstairs. I just don't have 48 hours to clean before they turn up. May leave for Mom's on Thursday if I can clear my calendar. I will be sure to get out here before we go.


Everyone have a great Tuesday!

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I wrote a long message..click on submit..then it goes...

database not working! DANG IT!


Won't write it again..will write tomorrow..it's late now!


Hate thst when this happens..just when your sending it!

Double dang it!


Have a good day!

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Morning all,


Belle, hate when that happens! I can never remember what I said the first time so it never comes out the same! Somebody asked for a picture, so I posted it along with the kitchen pics at http://community.webshots.com/user/donnaw7471 . Not much has changed since that was taken. Weight seems to have found pretty much its own level but I will get the better of it before October. 8 lbs left to be considered normal for my 5"8" height and I will do it before we get on the ship!


Carolyn, Everything settled yet? Did Mom go in yet? Any date?


I will try to post before we leave for Mom's tomorrow morning. Will not be back until late Monday night. She got out of the nursing home yesterday so need to get down there and evaluate the situation. Of course, she assumes that we are coming down to clean her carpets and make her kitchen floor shine! Last minute airfare was outrageous so we will drive the 600+ miles each way which means only 2 days there to see that things are all right.


Have a great day!

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Hi all,


We will be off shortly and won't be back until late Monday night (I hope). I promise that I will attempt to behave and not driven to feed my frustration. Absolutely no idea what we will be walking into so attempting to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


Carolyn, Things going ok? Kids out of school?


Belle, I know you are trying to get lots done and I'm sure you'll be happy when it all is.


Have a great weekend!

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Hey ladies,

Thought I'd pop in quick since things are totally crazy.

Got the "call" on Weds. and got Mom in on Thursday.

Went to see her on Saturday w/kids and Mike

It'll work out. Now I got to get the house cleared out....

Lots to do.

Funny thing, when I'm totally "insane" and not eating correctly

and not going to gym

the scale moves "south"


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Donna..Sorry I didn't get on to wish you a good

drive and to wish you the "best" and not the "worst"!

That said I hope everything went well with your mother.

Hope you didn't have to clean her house from the

"top to bottom"!

Also hope a 1200 mile trip/drive with your husband went well..

that your still talking! LOL


Yes..about site not working and not writing the post the

same way the second time..see I haven't even written it again!

We have been watching the Euro..dollar up some..

Paid hotel this week and saved some money..Great! It's nice..plane was

free..hotel paid..just need money for extras, nice when the big

things are paid off.

Well take some euro's but mostly use plastic, best way there.


Carolyn..Good to hear from you! Sounds like you've been busy and

will continue to busy for awhile. Only you cleaning the house and

clearing out? Sister any help?

How's your mother doing? Take her time to get use to the place.

Everything will work out.


You mean all I have to is go insane and I will lose weight? Thought

I was, guess not, trying so hard to lose weight for trip and not

coming off!! LOL


I'm cleaning here, have friends coming and visiting for eight nights.

Haven't felt like it now have to get it done. Get my A@@ in gear! LOL


You two have a great week. Will talk later!

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Here on the computer talking instead of cleaning house..

and your not even here!


Donna know your driving home and Carolyn know your

thinking about everything you have to do!


Me too..just not doing them! LOL


Take care...

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Hey Belle,

"see" that you're posting now...

I've been busy w/kidlets, Mike's getting ready for trip to Germany on Saturday, stopping off at house on Friday night (so they can pick up Mom's hospital bed, etc.. get some more stuff out of there). Well, it's just me and Mike (and kidlets) to empty/clean up house... sister's in Toledo and not intending on coming out to NYC area until Dad's "unveiling" or, I guess, to get her "fair share" off house (her entitlement). I just had to make out a "hefty" check to nursinghome for 2 months for mom. That should have put me "over" from all the outlay of $$$. Now we just need to get her on Medicaid.

It's 10:30PM, think I better check on things.


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