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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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No gains is better than a gain..right? Not gaining during

summer is good..it's hard to lose but we just have to keep TRYING!


Did you find the house? It's the one with the

unfinished kitchen! LOL (sorry couldn't resisit!)


Will talk later...jet lag setting in.

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Getting ready to leave for the river. Sorry we didn't get to talk much.

Have jet lag, haven't slept much so up and trying to get rest of "stuff" done.

Ironing, packing, shower, make some food to take ect.

Hope to leave by 11:30 our time.


We come back the 21st, have surgery the 23rd..think good thoughts.


You all have a good two weeks...wish us ALL no gains..only loss's!


Take care!

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Welcome back Belle,

Glad you had a wonderful time and if you "stayed the same" and "enjoyed yourself"... that's all that counts... and is WIN.

Today has been day 3 low carbing for me.. think I've lost some "puff" (was really feeling lousy -- back was really acting up..) had only got to gym once last week... got stuck in house w/phone calls and trying to prep Mom's paperwork for Medicaid application... hope to have everything "in place" before we leave on 8/17. Just made second payment for Alex's tuition (ouch.. really hurt) and Mike just made a deposit for Honda Pilot (to replace the Mercury "lemon" (sable wagon) that's about to die..) DS is coming to town (not looking forward to it) late next Saturday will be to me actually in early AM on Sunday.. flight gets in at 11:30 PM) and hope she'll leave on a standby flight on Monday earlier than her 5PM flight since (A) I don't want to "entertain her", (B) the kids are out of camp and I'd like to spend time with them ALONE (she has to "earn" having some quality with my kids.. she's not there yet, © I really don't want her to "see" the new car (hope to put off taking deliver until the day she leaves and (D) we leave early Thusday AM for Orlando (leave our house on Wednesday night) and I'm sure I'm going to be packing/doing laundry and will probably be needing to do "stuff/paperwork" for lawyer before we leave (I just got August bill for home.. OUCH and it's for the "old" room rate, mom got switched (w/all her nagging and complaining) to a private room and it's going to be costing "a little bit more" (according to the social worker to Mom... trying to "soften it to her" <wish she didn't do it.... making mom "ok" with it instead of realizing she's taking $$ away from my kids for her having private room> costing $280 per day more.. only $675 a day... you'd think it was the Ritz... and right now they don't have the equipment to take care of mom correctly and they're short staffed. I may need to complain on Monday.

Other than that I'm great. I just HAVE TO clean up downstairs to "hide" any papers I've been working on for lawyer so that my sister doesn't see anything that she "shouldn't" (don't need her to do any asking, also I haven't told her sale of house went through).

Something really "strange" happened yesterday when I really wanted to go out... the estate lawyer (senior person who passed me onto associate.. though billed me for "both parties) called me to "see how I was doing", hadn't heard from him directly since mid Feb. realized I couldn't afford to "talk to him while meter was running since I never got a "real" answer from him... Well, he was shocked to hear how much we're paying per month for Mom in home. Now if I can just get a return call from elderlawyer this week I'll be very happy, and if he tells me he thinks Mom will have an August pickup date I'm be exstatic beyond words... it would be the BEST news in the whole world. Maybe it'll happen on Monday since it's Libby's birthday.. taking her and 2 friends to see Charlie and Chocolate Factory. She's really looking forward to going. Originally I was going to take them out to dinner afterwards but think I'll just call for pizza to pickup on way home and have the girls "hang out" at house and then have dessert and cake and have Alex be "entertainer" for games, karioki and ring leader. She really needs to have a fun time. Think she's enjoying the summer and I wish I had a bit more time with both kids before school starting in 3 weeks.

Well I've typed too much

and it's late.

Belle, have a wonderful time at the River

Donna, hope you've "found" your house and that you had a good visit with your family and now relax.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


Belle, Crazy around here! Cruise coming up fast. Well dubbed the black and white cruise. Did the spreadsheet yesterday so I would know what I needed to buy. We have never been gone 20 days before and don't want to spend the cruise price on Celebrity laundry so need to be a bit savvy on what fabrics we take that can be washed out in the cabin and dry overnight without wrinkles. Joe, true to form, will attempt to bring 40 briefs and at 50 pair of socks (20 white, 20 black, 10 other). Of course, he doesn't pack until two hours before we leave so the question will be whether I leave a dead body behind. 7 night cruise and he brings 14 shirts and buys 4 more! Final leg home is domestic on Continental so not a chance that he is going to get away with it this time! In the meantime, I am looking for a new job. Have totally had with my boss and the benefits which will not improve as he gets closer to selling the company. Problem is that my drive will triple at the least which is one of the reasons I have never been serious about it before! Of course, gas prices skyrocketing and here I go! Cabinet doors are now all on but we are limping along on the trim! Not enough hours in the day! Pretty much on maintenance with a lot of eating out the last couple of weeks.


Sounds like you have had lots of fun! Anything else before the cruise?


Carolyn, How did her visit go? Any luck with getting the cost on the home more reasonable? How was the B'day party?


Gotta run yet again!


Have a great Sunday!

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Of this board..hasn't worked right for me (and others)

for a week! Should of talked more this early morning...

couldn't get on all day..like the whole week.


Donna how is work? Any better? Still looking for new job?


What date do you leave for cruise? 14 day? What sre you doing

other days? Getting closer..lucky you!


Had my surgery last week..stiches out tomorrow. Wish me luck.


Carolyn hope all is well with you.


Take care you two.

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Hi all,


Belle, Can only get on rarely and that it still acts up! Glad the surgery is done and fingers crossed that you are happy with the results. Anything planned before the Summitt?


Thought we had our air then threw it away when they demanded a copy of passport and charge card for their files. Supposed policy on one way and over $800. AX said that there is no way that they can do that but they did and we said bye! We will leave on October 12th or 13th and spend the 13th or 14th till the 17th in Rome playing tourists. We have a group bus to the ship on the 17th and will disembark in Galveston on the 31st. Still looking for a job and don't expect to get any less fed up at work. Only good thing is that boss is here 2 gone 2 starting in October (however same 2 gone that I am).


Carolyn, How are you doing? Get your mom rearranged?


Ok, better go and get something done. Have been glued to the weather channel and have gotten nothing accomplished.


Have a great evening!

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This board..on one minute, then not working! AWWW


That terrible about plane, copy of charge card..think not!

What are they thinking?

Can you get another airline without any trouble?


That's great you get to sightsee in Rome first before two

week cruise. Sorry the Euro is a little higher but at least not as high as before. Your going to have such a great time. Only thing make it better was if I was going! LOL


Sorry your boss is going to be gone when you are, too bad not before

or after..then you would have a month vacation!


Yes surgery over, stiches out, keep small bandage on a week, can

take it off tomorrow, Thursday.. for my Birthday to go out.. then put

back on. Doctor said everything went good, healing very well.

I can do treadmill next week, weights not for two weeks. Got to start eating better and exercising to get ready for my cruise.


I know I can't stop watching the TV too. Feel so sorry for all those people.

What they all have to go thru, unbelievable. Each day it gets worse.

Hope the Gov. gets it together and helps them soon.



Carolyn..hope everything well with you and Family..drop us a line!

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Morning all,


Belle, Joe found a consolidator in Atlanta that worked with him and all he needed to supply was a copy of his drivers license with everthing blacked out except name and address so we now have our seats on Air France. It appears that they have had enough issues with one way tickets to require the additional documentation but neither of us was comfortable with the amount of info they wanted. Now back to serious dieting. Need some extra room for the upcoming cruise so I still have clothes to wear when we get off in Galveston.


Glad you got a good report at the doc! I'm sure you will wait until he says you can use the weights so you don't mess anything up.


Carolyn, are they back in school? How does Alex like the new school?


Time to run!


Have a great day!

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Hi Ladies.

Hope to post tomorrow.

Computer's been acting "funky" ever since my DS Diane had the nerve to go on to check her e-mail without asking me to use it. Isn't she "special". Florida was a real "pain" (may post more about it tomorrow). Libby starting school last Tuesday (we got home very late on Monday night) and Alex goes for orientation tomorrow at 8AM. I pray that the "carpool" will be a go (otherwise I'm in deep doo doo). I really wish I could go w/Alex but I need to get Libby to school at 8AM also so I'm having Mike go w/him. I also want him to evaluate the situation at the school. I'm concerned that things will be kind of "loose" and "laid back" and not as academic as we hoped. I'm wondering if we could have kept him in the public school until 9th grade (would have saved a ton of $). DS is saying you HAD to put him in and spend the $$ but that's while she's still asking for more $$ "from the estate" to pay for her money pit condo that she's trying to sell. Mom's still not on medicaid yet, I'm sending more paperwork to lawyer and I'm praying with what I've sent that they'll have the good judgement to say that she's eligible for an August '05 pickup date. Hope to hear some good news tomorrow.


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Carolyn..Donna and who else is reading this!


Carolyn sorry Florida was a "pain".

Sorry your still having trouble with everything

concerning your mother and your "sister" is still being a.....!

Hope kids like school and lije the schools too.


Donna..glad you got your tickets, last time we were on Air France

it was real nic. Still free food, drinks ect. Will see if still true.

What date are you leaving in October? Sorry forgot.


Bandages come off for good tomorrow. They say everything perfect

but to be it looks awful to me. LOL I know takes time to heal.


Hope you had a good weekend. Will talk later.

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Morning all,


Belle, If will heal fast once the bandages are off! Glad they think they did a perfect job! We leave on October 13th so hoping the $ behaves better in the next couple of weeks since we will be buying the Euro card then. We'll see what AF has by October though the movies are pretty cool!


Carolyn, Florida appears to be about what you were prepared for so I'm sure your glad that it is over! Appears sis never changes a bit either! Hope things for Mom get settled soon!


Ok, better get moving!


Have a great Tuesday!

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Hi Ladies..

seems the computer is still "fried" from "dear" Diane... (loose term)

she pulled a number on me this AM... called looking for $$$... but couldn't talk long (anyway I was sick as dog since day prior so didn't want to talk much to her too). Well stuff w/lawyer and getting paperwork really going badly today.. seems like Wednesdays are now the "old" Tuesdays.

Don't know how I'm going to handle sister and stuff w/o losing my sanity (whatever's still left) Having a very hard time trying to juggle everything, just doesn't seem to be going well.

Belle, not sure where you had surgery, but here's a tip when I had my one-sided "facelift" (tumor removed from neck but had facelift incision around ear)... constantly apply neosporin to scar and massage it (ointment) many times a day. I did this and in a week surgeon was amazed at how little he saw of scar (unf. there was a problem w/drainage). I swear by the stuff.

Donna, how's the search coming along.

Gotta catch some ZZZZs since it seems like Alex has caught my bug (which was probably shared from Libby).


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Carolyn..even thro sister "bugging you" the CC board has

been acting up for weeks if that is your problem..if it's

the computer acting up it's your sister's fault! LOL

Tell you sister to "bug off", you have to much going with your

mother's stuff since she's not helping!


Had surgery two weeks ago..thanks for idea about scar.

Hope the kids get well fast.


Donna..Just FIVE weeks till you go..LUCKY! Yes hope the

Euro gets better for you. Are you all ready? Know what your

packing at least? I don't like to pack until the day before I leave but have everything ready before. You to I bet!


You two take care..

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Were you considering doing a MSC cruise... I've been tempted by them, think their pricing might be more competitive and since we're at a point where we mainly want the ship to be our "floating" hotel and not much more, it might be a nice alternative to X and RCCL (both of which have gotten pricy or not offering things to our needs).

Hope to post later.

Belle, what are your plans for the weekend. We're soccer scheduled and I hope to get the house somewhat in order with all the mess of papers and laundry that's piling up.


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Will be Sat. I'm sure when you read this..(Friday night now)


Are you having a good weekend so far?


Carolyn.. are you cleaning up the "mess"? When your through

you can come and clean up my "mess"! I'm so Lazy.

It was hot here, didn't want to do anything..now it's

cooler than normal...don't want to do anything! LOL


Donna..You getting ready for your cruise or looking for a new job?

Sorry about the dollar going down a little. Only need it in port, ship still

good old american..Credit Card..with a service fee! LOL


Have a good weekend...

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Happy Saturday all,


Carolyn, I'm sure you'll get it all done this weekend as long as everyone feels better! Opera is January 14th with seagulls and a bunch of other friends made on Celebrity. It is a different cultural experience and I worry that some will not be impressed. We have already done Sun cruises so we know what to expect and know that we would enjoy it.


Belle, so how is the scar coming along? You did get the clean bill of health, right? Anything planned before the cruise? Spreadsheet is done for the "black and white cruise" but I ordered a few replacement items for ones that I know wrinkle. Joe has a meeting this morning so I will stage what I have and make sure it is in shape to go and then won't be able to do the final planning until I find out what of my orders will come in and if they fit. Still need walking shoes for the ports and a white strapless bra along with a few other minor things. No idea what Joe needs, he hasn't even thought about it! We are hoping the dollar/euro will shift in the next couple of weeks because we will be purchasing a Visa euro card to use in ports.


Ok, job search - slow but that is what I expected. Joe and I are butting heads on this one. He is upset that I would even consider less than I make now (slightly less) and I can't get through to him that I want less job than I have right now! He really thinks that I should be looking for a replacement for what I have and I can't get through his thick skull that I have no intention of taking another job that requires working 80 hours a week on a regular basis! Yes, I would love to walk out to a nice increase (to cover all the additional gas) but that isn't realistic since I am saying that I want out of IT. Oh well, the final decision will be mine and I have done the numbers so I know what I need in benefits to make up the difference in pay.


Joe is off to a compliance meeting this morning so should get hussling on the house but more than likely, will run out of time after playing with the clothes. Better get moving since I need to get him up and out of here.


Have a great weekend?

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Donna..You have the January cruise booked already?

Two cruise in THREE months! Lucky!


Sounds like your busy doing all your "clothes"!

Did you get everything tried on? Everything fit?

Now have to wait and see what you ordered..if you like

those clothes better.

Why do men think they never need anything

and can pack at the last moment? LOL


Hope the Euro improves soon.


Joe should be happy if you have "less work" even if

less pay..happy wife! 80 hrs is TOO MUCH!


My nose is doing well, can take up to a year to heal but

will look betterin a month. Was given a clean bill of health and

will have a check on it in Oct. or Nov.


Carolyn hope everything is going good there, was waiting for

you to come clean my house..you never showed up! LOL

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having computer problems...

and problems getting on to site

house is still a "pit" with laundry

Mike's in London then to Copenhagen (while staying in Malmo Sweden since they couldn't find him a room in Denmark).

Mom's in hospital for a couple of days (isn't that special) hope Medicare will pick up nursing home bill since she's still "technically" on private pay

Alex started school, he's getting logged down with getting up so early and extra work (though he likes that)

his soccer is getting to be a problem, Mike paid it up front (unf.) I had doubts about the team, now Alex isn't being played as much, isn't enjoying it, we're out $$ and wish I could just pull him AND get some $$ back, highly doubtful.

Eating too many carbs, not getting to gym (getting stuck at home w/phone calls for Mom etc). and back and stomach acting up accordingly.

Maybe I'll eat "ok" today to get me back on track.


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Belle, I have practically given up on these boards. Not being able to access then losing posts is getting beyond irritating. I have everything ordered for the cruise and just waiting for it to come in and see if it all fits. Of course, Joe hasn't even thought about it. Thought he might when we received the cruise docs but he got distracted yet again. We will be down to the wire on getting him ready since he has a 7.5 hours exam on the 28th of this month and will not be in the mood for the cruise until it is over with! Weekend is coming, any big plans?


Carolyn, So sorry about the soccer! I know you will get back on plan with Mike gone.


Better go, tried from home and couldn't get on but now I really need to get some work done!

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surprised I didn't get "frozen out" with these boards on the computer. Seems like I'm able to "fool" the computer.

Still not sticking with plan, though ate OK yesterday.

Will take one day at time.

May try to post later.

Still trying to decide whether to make final payment on cruise (or cut losses <with insurance> and use air fare for something less $$ in december)


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