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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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My suggestion for you is keep doing what your doing EXCEPT... please... don't get on that darn scale.. use a tape measure and do your waist to see "where you are" that way you will "see" if there's a true increase (or even a decrease) where the scale may show "false" info. It also will keep you from getting discouraged. Keep up the water and just keep focused on walking on to Summit as the goal.

Belle, Hope you're doing well.

Sheila, you too.

As for me.... sorry for the litany ... hope it wasn't a "pity party" (I'm trying to focus on positive... that's going to be my resolution for 2006... would love a weight loss but not going to (will try not to is more realistic) stress over it.

Got my "time"... it's TOO early.. need to be at hospital at 6:30 and 7:30 OR time... which is a major problem w/Libby and school. Alex will be "on his own" to get dressed and fed and out the door at 7AM ride... since we need to be out of house by 6AM. Will pack Libby up and take her with us. Now I'm not sure how long I want to stay in hospital, was thinking about doing 23hr admit (getting a bed but not being "formally admited" so I'm considered outpatient surgery). Libby's happy she's going with me. I'm going to have Mike take portable DVD player for her and his laptop so maybe he'll be "productive" and won't have to take too much time off from work. I really don't want him to be chipping away into his vacation days right now.. it's too early in the year.

We had a power outage for 1 1/2 hrs.. so now I'm crawling back to bedroom and try to make sure Libby's doing her homework.


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Sorry I mised you..couldn't get on

computer any earlier. My Best Wishes

for you while you have surgery.

When you feel better drop us a note to

tell us how your doing.


Shelia glad your feeling better.


Baby also glad your back on track today.

Just think soon you'll be out of the cold weather.


Everyone have a good day.

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First...I don't think Carolyn will have time to read this today, but I want her to know that my thoughts are with her....


Good news...one of the pounds came off! If I am good today, maybe I can get rid of the other one!!


Today, the sun is shining! Wow! And..it's not even that cold...it's in the 20's(F)...a heat wave!!!!


Have a great day,all!

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Carolyn ~ I know I missed you, but good luck today. I will be thinking about you! Please post as soon as you can. I hope you don't have to stay in the hospital too long. Don't worry about your diet right now. You need to focus on healing. {{HUGS}}


Baby/Belle ~ Yes, I'm feeling much better. DH asked me last night what was wrong with me. I had on my MP3 player while cooking and was singing and dancing. I told him that nothing was wrong; I just feel so much better! :D


Baby ~ Whoo! Hoo! You lost a pound. That is wonderful!!!! Are you drinking your water?


Belle ~ How are you doing?


I hope Donna is having a good time.

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Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. Went to visit my husband sister

the one that has cancer, shes dying. She just wasn't talking,

Hard on my husband and his other sister.

So mostly visited with other family members. She's suppose

to have six months.

We were gone all day. Was a little depressing, makes me

think of taking care of my parents, I'm the only child and I

live so far away. But that is the circle of life, isn't it?


Carolyn..Hope you are not in to much pain and being

waited on by your family. Take adavange..won't last long.


Shelia..Glad your feeling better. Singing and dancing!

How's everything else going?


Baby..Did the pound stay away? Your not hiding? Remember our

weight goes up and down so much, especially when we weigh

every day and if we're women. I tell myself that everyday because

I weigh everyday too.


Donna..Sorry it's almost time for you to come home! Know

your having a good time.


Everyone have a GOOD WEEKEND! Lets have a no-gainer weekend.

Are you with me? Are you going to try?

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Carolyn...if you are out there...hope you are recuperating.


Belle...so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. I think it's an epidemic. Very frightening.


Shelia...singing and dancing,eh? Sounds good! (Work off a few extra calories in the kitchen!!!!)


Donna...can't wait to hear about your cruise.


Now for me....yesterday I was up...so disappointed. But today I am down, so I feel better! I am actually down 1 1/2 from the horrible pound. Not great, but could be worse. We leave 1 week from today...can I lose 1 more pound? I am going to try my best.


Have a great day, all!

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Hey everyone...

I hobbled into office today.. finally... so thought I'd pop on quick to give an "update".

Sheila... great news that's you're up and about cooking (singing and dancing too... great).

Baby, PLEASE don't let the #s get to you... drink the water (know that you are) and focus on getting on the plane (one week... it's almost here!!!).

Belle, It was good that you had some time to be w/DHs family... sorry to here that things aren't well w/SIL...I know (too well now) how difficult it is with distance when elderly parents start declining and you're the only family that they can depend on (with me I WISH I was an only 'cause it has gotten so frustrating w/S to hear all her "excuses" and my mother accepting them and actually supporting them too).

Donna, I can't wait to hear EVERYTHING about your MSC and X experience..

ME--- have no idea what's going on w/foot... it's in a bulky heavy cast that won't been seen for another 10 days... (I'm miffed about that, I think it's too long considering there's stitches etc). I'm doped up on painkillers and trying to keep my head up. leg elevated... Think I'm going to get back in bed and tryh to go to sleep.


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Baby..You can do it. I know it! Congrats on the water!

Only one week to go..lucky you! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Eleven weeks for me but at least have the trip to Palm Springs

and Arizona to tide me over till then.


Carolyn..Glad you hobbled to the computer so we could hear from

you. Take care..keep head and foot up! If not to be seen for ten days

remember if any thing feels different call doctor at once. Sure they know

what there doing, you would think, maybe they want it to heal a little

till they look at it. Hope your able to sleep..sweet dreams.


Shelia.. Are you having a good weekend? Spending time with

your husband now that you feel better. "wink"


Donna..OK..We're waiting to hear about your cruises. I hope everything


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Stayed the same...can't complain! Do you think I can lose 1 more pound before Saturday? I will try my best!!


Took out most of my clothes and think I will manage. A few things have to go to the cleaners....nothing like "last minute".


Carolyn, so happy you posted. Hope you mend quickly. You need a good book to keep you quiet! Do you have one?


Belle, I hear Palm Springs is fabulous. We don't golf, do you? What would we do there if we went for a couple of weeks one winter instead of cruising?


Donna...refresh my memory...were you doing one week on one ship and then transfering to another? You can give us a good critique. The only line we have sailed is Celebrity, so a comparison would be excellent! (On Celebrity, everything is "excellent"...I am getting ready for my cruise!!!!


Shelia...hope you are having an "excellent" weekend!


Have a great day, everyone!


The sun is shining (I love when it does!) But it is cold. ( about 6F.

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Is your cruise r/t from CA or is it the one-way? Way to go with the water... please don't fret about the 1lb. I know how you feel 'cause that's what I was dealing with before we left this fall... and the more I'd watch and weigh and exercise ... it just didn't help.

BTW, I'm trying to remember what part of Canada you're in? Alex is taking French at school (why, I'll never know.. he's struggling with it (he's doing better than other boys in his class but he's needing to put in alot of extra effort... it's good to build his character but I wish he would have chosen Spanish since Mike has a friend/coworker from Spain who could have "helped" him ... I digress>) He just had the LONG weekend off and the school offered a trip to Quebec... Alex didn't even ask to go since he knows that school is a stretch $$ for us and also that this trip was expensive... well I finally got a look at the trip description and I was shocked... don't know if it was extremely high or I might have been living in a cave... they wanted around $700US and that was traveling up in bus from CT (not even airfare) and staying 3 in room at a Holiday Inn (Mike had thought that they'd be staying at a 4-5* hotel)... so it's 3 nights... and lunch going up and back would be out of pocket... OK they were having a dogsledding outing (know that's expensive from seeing those offerings in Alaska) but Alex would rather ski than go dogsledding... also he knows that we probably could go up as a family for about the same $$ (maybe on a budget though) but at least the whole family would get to enjoy it and be together and it wouldn't be instead of him hanging out for weekend at home (as it was he was needed to help me out at home... help with escorting me to MD for pre-op check up and then watch Libby when Mike took me to MD for check up before surgery). So I might be looking to your "guidance" if you'd have any tips for a Canada "getaway" for after the "thaw".

Sheila (and Belle too since I believe you're both doing WW)... Hope you're staying within points... feeling well and enjoying the weekend w/your families.

Donna, Can't wait to hear from you regarding your feelings about Opera... please fill us in.

As for me, I'm trying to eat somewhat nutritiously since I'm still popping the painkillers and know I need to have something decent in my system for the surgery to heal... Got the "bill" (second one) from the elder lawyer since I originally had a one time fee but the case was complicated and I know that nobody except this guy would have had the nerve to "buck the system" with getting mom on full Medicaid... now if only my sister would "grow up" and get off my back I think I could get on w/life... she sees nothing wrong w/unloading her "problems" on me... I just don't want to hear them anymore.. wish I was an only since I've been more or less "cinderella" (though they all say at least you have a family... kids... she's "alone" can't say too much to my Mom since she just spoughts things back to Diane and then I get her "venom"). I scrimp and save and make do and Diane just constantly just makes out the checks.... la de dah... Dad always bailed her out, she never had to struggle etc. and if I say anything now I'm bitter, jeolous and she says that Dad would have done the same for me as her (but that wasn't totally true... ). Oh well. I'm going to hop back to bedroom and check in w/mom

Have a great Sunday everyone.


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Carolyn, US$700 for 3 nights does sound expensive...it probably is during Carnival weekend (I don't know the dates).


If you would rather go after the thaw, the best thing would be to wait for July. Montreal(my city) is exciting (jazz fest in the streets) and then you could continue to Quebec City and you can even go further up north and see whales in the Saguenay fjord. Your kids would love it and Alex could practice his French.

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Hi all, Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do but thought I would get these links out here before I forget. Hopefully, will have a chance to see what everyone has been up to after work tomorrow.


Opera Review Part 1 http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=284489


Opera Review Part 2 http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=284493



Century Review: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=284236

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Hi Donna! Glad that you had a wonderful vacation. So we should stick to Celebrity,eh? That is the only line we have ever sailed. We also usually book an inside cabin, and on Celebrity, I know it won't be a "closet"!!


Have an easy return to work!

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Hi everyone! Had a busy weekend, as usual. I hardly ever get on the computer on the weekends. :o


Carolyn ~ I'm soooo glad that your surgery went well! Sorry to hear about everything your sister puts you through. My goodness! You have enough problems to worry about than listening to her. How's the foot feeling?


Donna ~ Glad you had a great time! I'm going to have to read your reviews.


Baby ~ One week, huh?! I know you are excited. Great job on drinking the water! I wouldn't worry about that one pound either. I'm sure you look fabulous.


Belle ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your SIL. My heart goes out to you, your DH, and his sister. I didn't have a gain this weekend even though I cheated at a party on Saturday.


Well, my sinus headache is back. :( I've just taken some Sudafed and Motrin. It's all good! ;)

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Just popped in (hobbled actually) since I wanted to try to call Mom's insurance company to try to find out what is happening there... still kind of confused.

I'm still not feeling well, in pain and queasy (I'm trying to ween myself off the pain meds since I truly wonder what they are doing and if I'm not getting the relief and will possibly set myself to dependance &/or withdrawl problems will try to avoid it).

Donna, think you're experience w/MSC was like ours... it's a mixed bag and most times depending on the choices offered we'd pass on MSC (if not going peak season and saving $$$ over the other lines). I think that since our sailing was the second one after the transatlantic there were "kinks" that were ironed out after the 3rd day (like the pizza being offered after the buffet closed at lunch and then staying opened until 5ish when the grill was opened w/burgers, dogs and one other option (sometimes grilled chicken etc) that was the only other food offering in the evening other than dining room.

Gotta get back to bed... room is spinning and I think I better start getting some liquid in me.


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Took a while to get caught up!


Belle, so sorry about your sil. Does make you think about distances. Great job on buckling down with WW and working out. You'll see the difference in no time!


Sheila, Glad you are feeling better! If I got up that early to exercise, Joe would know that I was sick!


Baby, Where is your water? I'm sure you'll do great this week and have a wonderful cruise. Generally, we do outside and have done 1 balcony so far. With as much cruising as we did in the last year, we could only fit the last two in if we budgeted. X is great with cabin sizes and even MSC has the same size for inside and outside. Princess has some closets for insides so we only book outside on them.


Carolyn, So glad the surgery is behind you. Now, all you need is to start feeling better. Hope all of your mother's stuff gets finalized soon. The trip north sounds like it would be a wonderful family trip during the summer.


Did not get on the scale. The best on MSC is carbs and I enjoyed way too many of them. Back on WW today and will get my starting weight on Thursday. I will not book anything else until I lose at least 15 lbs. (may be more when I look at the scale on Thursday). We had a great time and were happy with the MSC product until the lack of customer service at the very end. I haven't submitted the review yet since I think I need to calm down and make sure I didn't overdo the negative aspects. We were very lucky that Midwest Airlines was in the mood to give great customer service (doesn't always happen) or this trip could have really become costly. As it was, last vacation meal at Cheesecake Factory (salad - no cheesecake) and a bit of shopping at Sawgrass Mills filled out an unexpected afternoon in FLL. Next booking is March of next year so time to buckle down and get on with dieting and finding a job.


Back to work!

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Good morning everyone! Well, it doesn't take much to make me happy. Down 1/2..It's funny, this number before our cruise in July would have been too high for comfort...but now it looks good!


Yes, Donna...I don't dare post here without a glass of water! Thank you all on that!


re: insides...we like to take 2 vacations a year...and now that we are getting older (alas!), we try to stretch them! So..we would much rather do more days than a more expensive cabin. As for the winter vacation...as long as we get away from the cold, I am happy. Since I am the "planner" , I try to find something CHEAP!!! The last few years we have been very lucky with Celebrity and have found really reasonable "deals". However, for next winter, we booked (yes, already!!) an 11 night southern Caribbean on the Galaxy and it's not such a great price. I'd like to add a week in Puerto Rico, but I don't have to tell you the price of the hotels. I am hoping to get one on Priceline. I just won't be fussy...anything on the beach will have to do.


Carolyn, hope you are feeling better today. Don't overdue it. You must take good care of yourself so that you can cope with the rest of the family.


Belle...I am getting my clothes ready. Actually, I take the same clothes every year (well, almost). I have my special cruise wardrobe and I keep a list.


Shelia...are you all better? Hope so.


Back to topic...I am really determined to be at a decent weight when we leave for this trip. Posting here helps.


I didn't post yesterday because I had so much difficulty with the Cruisecritic site. Did anyone else experience that?


Have a great day, all!

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Good morning! I did a "sinus flush" last night so my sinuses are feeling better today. :)


Baby ~ Congratulations on the loss!!!! We spent a pre-cruise night in Puerto Rico in 2002 at the Inter-Continental on Isla Verde. We booked a club level room with concierge. It was our first cruise and I wanted to "go all out." What a mistake! The hotel was beautiful, but the service was awful (except for the concierge). We ended up paying $489 for the room and breakfast. They even charged us a $25 resort fee to use the pool area! Oh and when we checked out, our credit card was rejected because the front desk wasn't putting the expiration date in correctly. I didn't know why it was being rejected at the time (only knew we didn't have a balance) and I was scared that something was wrong with the card. It would've been hard to set up a ship board account with a bad card. It all worked out fine though. DH did have to go to the bank in St. Thomas for more cash. So, I'm a little leary of the hotel. It was all a fluke because we stayed at the same hotel post-cruise and everything went smooth. Sorry to have written a book. :o


Donna ~ What is MSC? If we could cruise a lot more and book an inside room, we would. I'm sure if you've gained weight, it's just water. I need to stop weighing every day because it is driving me crazy. I need your willpower!


Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry you are in a lot of pain. I wish I could make it all go away.


I did 30 minutes on the NordicTrack last night even though my head was hurting. I was proud of myself. :D

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Good morning all,


Sheila, Glad your feeling better! MSC is Mediterranean Shipping Corporation. They are privately held and one of the largest container shipping companies in the world. They have been running small cruise ships in the Med for years and serving the European market. Last year was their first entry into the U.S. and Caribbean market with two brand new ships - Lirica and Opera. Rick Sasso became head of Caribbean operations and has brought a lot of his Celebrity ideas with him so the second season has some very dramatic changes. They do have good pricing and if you adjust your expectations, you can get some great deals on them. I am thinking the part that turned us off so completely was an isolated occurence and we would have happily booked them again up until that point. You can find them on Priceline. Sasso has been personally signing up other agencies so will start seeing them on other major sites.


Baby, Great job now where is that water? San Juan is a tough one for beaches but I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll find what you are looking for. We stayed at the Marriott for several days and great property with a great pool but mediocre beach.


Belle, Still working out? How is WW working for you?


Carolyn, Feeling any better? You do need something to keep you occupied with so much time stuck off your feet. I'm sure the Mom thing will get settled and that will help a lot.


Well, work is the pits but somebody has to do it. Brought work home last night and only made it partially through it. Planned on being op as of yesterday then forgot my purse at home. Joe picked up frozen pizza for dinner so today will start behaving.


Have a great day!

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I just bought a chocolate coke cake (yes, coca cola, not the other kind!) at the bakery. It's a big hit in my house. But I didn't want to eat it. So, they had big diet muffins that said 230 calories. AFTER I ate it (of course, after!!!) I reread the label..it said 230 calories for 100 g and then I found the 150g marking...so it was 350, wasn't it? And it tasted "diet". It wasn't wonderful. Anyway, if I am good the rest of the day (and night), hopefully it won't do too much damage.


Shelia...we also stayed at the Intercontinental. When we were there, the staff was very pleasant. We were happy. But...in Feb....the prices are going to be through the roof. The beach is very nice for a long walk...that's it. We sat around the pool (and we are beach, not pool people). The only alternative would be to go to St. Thomas first...but the hotels there are a fortune. (Why we cruise!!)


Donna, I just finished water glass #3. I will get #4 after I finish typing! I agree Condado beach is not much better (although I was there when I was 24 years old...Puerto Rico was very exciting THEN!!


I am still having difficulty with Cruise Critic. Is anyone else? It's either very slow or I lose it altogether.


Got my pedicure today....trying to get "ship-shape"!


Take care, all!

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Coming to CC last few days has been inpossible.

Seems like I get to read, then when I want to post

it doesn't work. I read others having problems too.

Hope this works tonight!


Donna Welcome Back. Sounds like you had a semi-good time.

Better on the Century than the other. Read all your reviews.

Sounds like it was fun with your friends.

I know you'll get back on track soon. Didn't know you did WW.




Baby want to say Congrats on weight loss..water drinking

and Bon Voyage! I'm having company for a few days starting tomorrow

and just want to say have a great time in case don't get on

before you leave. Can't wait to hear all about it. April 9th

will be my time.


Shelia Glad you are feeling better. Hope you don't get it anymore.

May I ask you a favor. Seems like your up early and on the

Board. Would please start the weigh-in on Thursday having

company and won't be on computer for a few days. Thanks.


Carolyn Hope your feeling a little better today. Take care.


Thanks for all the concern and wishes about my family.

All I can do is take it as it comes and deal with it the best we can.


Take care

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Good morning, friends!!


Belle ~ I'll definitely start the weigh-in tomorrow. Have a good time with your guests.


Donna ~ Thanks for the explaination! I'm going to read your reviews and look at your pictures today. You are a travel queen. :D


Baby ~ Don't get me wrong... I loved the Inter-Continental and would stay their again. I just wouldn't pay that much for a room pre-cruise again. I think we just had one bad experience. Our post-cruise stay was fine. I guess I just felt ripped off. The $25 resort fee really made me mad. LOL Yes, hotels are expensive in the Caribbean...especially during the high season. Isn't Feb. considered the high season? Great job on drinking your water!!!! Good luck getting packed. When are you leaving?


Carolyn ~ How's your foot today?

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Just "hobbled" in to check on e-mails (to see if Alex DOES have a soccer practice today--- which means that Mike has to take a late lunch to pick him up and get him over the indoor field and then get back to work-- 3PM is too early for him to take off for day-- this team usually cancels last minute so don't know what to expect). It's getting hard to make "decent" food choices since Mike preps the food (he's doing a terrific job w/micro etc. cooking things to perfection where I sometimes overcook... he's taking pride in his kitchen prep., I can just imagine the pileup of dishes but at this stage of game I can't <and won't> say anything... he's not getting enough sleep and is wondering if he's coming down w/something).

The foot's swelling up a bit when I stand up (to hobble to bathroom) and when I'm sitting upright.. so I'm trying not to do much of that. I'm not drinking enough liquid and I need to have Mike set me up w/food for day at 8:15AM so it's hard to regulate the day. Also in PM he tends to make a larger plate of food for me (and the kids too) to send up to me... I'd rather ask for more than feel like I'm going to waste it if I don't eat it.. though it tastes good and I know that it'll be a while before I eat again so I do)..

enough babbling about me..

how's everybody doing... Donna... back to the swing of daily routine... how's the job search coming along.. never asked, did you finish up kitchen or is it still a "work in progress"... Baby, things out to the cleaner ready to pack.. drink your first (or second) glass of water.. Belle, sticking to your exercise/eating WOE .. Sheila.. sticking with your points, keeping up w/Nordic Track.. dancing while cooking... hope the sinus are under control.

Think that covers everyone.

I'm going to hobble back to bedroom.

DS just made her "check up" call... boy, do I NOT need her calls... what a PIA

and she doesn't think much of it.


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