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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Baby & Donna ~ Yes, I'm getting very excited, but anxious. I have so much to do! I did buy a plug converter on Saturday so I can plug up my electrics. Got an e-mail from our Scottish friends early yesterday and they were having breakfast and said that in "5 weeks you'll be here having breakfast with us." I think they are just as excited as we are.


Donna ~ I'm definitely going to check into going over to Ruby's place. I'll have to see how far she is from Annan. I'll give her the message if I see her. Are you getting excited about your trip? I can't believe you leave in a week!


Baby ~ You leave in 2 weeks, right? Did you start packing yet? Glad your holiday was great. I love the idea of Passover dishes.


Carolyn ~ How are you and how is your Mom?


I sure do miss Belle!


I had a good, but tiring weekend. I worked in the yard and my back is paying for it now. I hate that my body is aging! LOL Did good on my WOE!

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Missed you ALL!


Had a good cruise..weather pretty good..

NO RAIN! Even won a Bingo!


Now don't get me talking about the FOOD!

Not getting on the scale for a week..

does that answer your question? LOL


Tired now..will read everything and try

to talk tomorrow AFTER I start unpacking

and doing the WASH!


Glad to be back sorta..ok not really, would

still like to be on the ship!!!


Nice seeing you all..glad your still around.

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Missed you ALL!


Had a good cruise..weather pretty good..

NO RAIN! Even won a Bingo!


Now don't get me talking about the FOOD!

Not getting on the scale for a week..

does that answer your question? LOL


Tired now..will read everything and try

to talk tomorrow AFTER I start unpacking

and doing the WASH!


Glad to be back sorta..ok not really, would

still like to be on the ship!!!


Nice seeing you all..glad your still around.


Belle, Can't wait to hear all about it! First X cruise? Normally RCI? Would love some comparisons since we are thinking of trying RCI again (we get better Captain's Clubs benefits on them). Glad your weather held! Need to hear all about Summit since we have never done Millie class. Actually looking at Millie 14 day in November (along with about 20 other cruises just so I am ready with choices). What I love about that one is an overnight in Barcelona and then again in Venice. Now that your back, maybe your weather there will clear up since that is where we will be in another 9 days.


Baby, where is your water? Looks like we are leaving at about the same time!


Sheila, You will have a wonderful time so stop worrying!


Carolyn, How are you doing?


Ok, running behind yet again!


Everyone have a great day!

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Belle ~ So happy you're back. I really missed you!! Glad you had a fab time and hope you get some rest. :D


Donna ~ I checked the atlas and Ruby is too far away for us to visit. We're going in the opposite direction from where she lives for sightseeing. I hope to go back to Scotland soon so maybe I can swing down there next time. I'm trying not to worry about anything. LOL


Baby ~ How's your packing coming?


Carolyn ~ How are you feeling?

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Hi everyone!


You see...Belle comes home and everyone posts!!! What would we do without her?????


Glad to read that you enjoyed the cruise...how could you not?


Water is right here!


Haven't started to pack yet. This weekend for sure!


I hope we all have wonderful trips!


Now the good news...my weight is acceptable today!!!!! Hope I can continue to go down...and not the other way!


Have a great day, all!

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Don't congratulate me so fast...I was BAD yesterday and gained a pound. And...we are going for Chinese tonight...very dangerous. But, one of the people with whom we are going is a skinny vegetarian! I will try to follow her!!!!

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You girls have worked a miracle this morning! I am now eating my oats which I was going to skip in favor of the machine at work!


Baby, think healthy chinese. However, I have a vegetarian daughter who is not exceptionally skinny so take special care!


Belle, Can't wait to hear more! Was your cruise free of noro cleaning? More immediately, best tips on SFO without a car? We have already paid for the Alcatraz tour on Sunday night. Of course, I am threatening to leave Joe there! He is making all the arrangements and he is getting them done much slower than I would be which is making me nuts! How is the shopping in SFO?


Sheila, You can see Ruby next time! Sounds like you already have some great plans and it is coming up fast!


Carolyn, How is the PT going? Have you finished planning your Christmas Holiday? Are you going to be up to visiting your sister this summer. If you are and bring Alex and Libby with, Gurnee Mills has an indoor ice skating rink and it about half way between where I am and she is.


Hair is cut and one last stop at Chico's where I made a killing overall and a major one on Travelers so pretty much have a handle on what is going. Looks like I will be taking the big case and big duffle but don't really need to. Will leave plenty of space for shopping while we are out there. My biggest issue now is getting him moving and hoping I have time to break in the two new pairs of shoes that Penney's shipped yesterday.


Ok, oats are gone so it is time for me to be!


Have a great Friday!

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Sheila, was in the process of answering you yesterday when my system shut it self down. Joe called while I was cussing at it and reminded me that it was after hours anyhow! We fly to Oakland next Saturday afternoon and it looks like we will rent a car and do a little touring about before we check in at our hotel in San Francisco and turn the car in. We board Dawn Princess on Tuesday afternoon, disembark Friday afternoon and take a bus to Seattle where we will rent a car. We fly home on Monday afternoon. Ending up with 3 days in CA, 3 night cruise and 3 days in WA. Joe wanted land next and this actually counts. Now I can start figuring out the next cruise.


Baby, Are you leaving next Saturday too? You are gone for two weeks? I am sure you will have a wonderful time and can't wait to hear the highlights since we know we want to cruise there.


Belle, Settled back in? So any plans pre Galaxy? We are still looking at that. Actually the TA is what is interesting but my boss would kill me for being gone at month end! Any special tips for SFO? Have Alcatraz at night on Sunday but that is the only definite so far.


Carolyn, How are you doing? Libby and Alex both in school now? How is PT coming along?


Ok, better run and get my email taken care and my trip spreadsheet redone before I go to work and restart remote desktop!


Have a great weekend!

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Still here..just tired!

Had unexpected company for TWO days!

(really 2 1/2 days)


So I don't have all my cruise stuff washed

or put away. House is a mess. Usually put everything

in guest bedroom..it was occupied!


Going to bed...lots of work to do tomorrow!


Take care..will write later.

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Donna ~ Your trip sounds very nice. I've never been to the West coast and have always wanted to go. Maybe someday. Have you gotten packed yet?


Baby ~ What about you...packed? I have a couple more weeks before I start packing.


Belle ~ I wondered why you've been so quiet since you got back. I bet you are really tired. You poor thing! You need to rest.


We called our friends in Scotland on Saturday and they are so excited about us visiting. Apparently, the whole village knows that "Americans" are coming. I think we'll be meeting everyone. Our flight lands on Saturday morning and we're going to a Scottish wedding that night. The next day, our friends are having a barbecue in our honor. It should make for an interesting time. We're heading on Edinburgh that Monday and then to Stirling on Tuesday, and back to Eastriggs on Wednesday. We'll be leaving for London Thursday and then fly home the following Tuesday. Do you think we'll be tired? LOL

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Welcome back Belle, want to hear all about Hawaii -- can't wait till Dec.

Sheila, must be excited about UK... know you've been planning it a long time.

Donna, you've got your short cruise coming up soon.

Baby, you're going to Europe, right? (or is that next year).

Well, as for me, we "may" be doing an impulse cruise on Explorer in July (don't tell Libby it's Hurricane season.. she'll freak and put kabash). We've got $200 per cabin shipboard for Galaxy cruise for Dec. that we're going to have to cancel. Heard that X/RCCL had change in penalty policy for deposits (not sure what's true or not) so I started to explore what's avail for summer since we don't have any plans at all. Found very good deal... 9 night from NJ (drive to port) inside guarantee for $799 per (of course need to add in some taxes etc). Since I can book as an outside rep for friends agency I'll get a "good piece" of commish so it makes it very tempting, esp. since more than 1/2 has already been put on deposit... decisions decisions, and of course I need to make decision tomorrow.... help.


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Carolyn ~ My neighbors are looking at the 9 night cruise from NJ. Is it the one that goes to Bermuda, San Juan, St. Thomas, and St. Martin? Should be a blast! We're cruising in hurricane season also and I didn't want to do it at first, but got persuaded. LOL

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I need a vacation! It has been so hectic

since I got home. Now my friend in Paradise

that I visit has to have surgery, I'll probably

go up this weekend and stay for awhile to

take care of her.


I've come on a couple of times to read some

of the post but haven't been able to post.


Shelia..You leave soon. How exciting!

Baby..A little later you leave.

Carolyn your making plans.

Donna..Your going on a cruise, that was a quick booking!

Your ALL going to have great fun.


I promise to write more tomorrow.

Luv ya all!

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Hi all!


I am posting bright and early (it's not even 7am yet) because I have so much to do (my list is as long as my arm!!), that if I don't write now, I won't do it later...and I wanted to say "hi".


My weight has been BAD...and so close to a trip...tsk,tsk.


The Chinese food was delicious and I was good. The bad was our relatives brought us chocolates....and I wasn't happy until they were gone. Then we ate out Sat. night. I was good until they brought us creme brulee...the desert of the day. Why couldn't they have something I don't like???? Sunday, I walked, but that didn't correct the damage. Finally, today I see a little bit of light! So today I will go through my clothes for the trip.


Did I mention that my son became engaged? We are very excited and busy choosing a venue for the wedding.


Donna, I am drinking my water! We are leaving on Sunday...for 3 weeks...the longest vacation ever! Are you packing yet? Most of DH's clothes are out, but not mine. I do have a list (same list from trip to trip...with variations). Thank goodness we don't need formal and informal clothes!!!!!


San Francisco is one of my favourite cities...although I haven't been there in over 20 years! Do you like to walk? We walked til we dropped! (then you can eat!!!!)


Sheila...you are going to have one fantasic time! There is nothing better than knowing "locals". Did you meet them on a cruise? We spent a lot of time with cruise friends when we were in London and it makes for a different and special experience.


Carolyn..it sounds like things are looking up! I am so happy for you. July is a little early for hurricanes (hopefully!)


Belle, want to hear all about your Hawaiin experience..whenever you have a chance.


I will try to post again before I leave.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Belle ~ You poor dear! I hope your friend recovers well from her surgery. Maybe you can relax a little the rest of the week. Take care of yourself!


Baby ~ 3 weeks! WOW! Now, where are you going again? Yes, we met our Scottish friends on a cruise two years ago. They've become dear, dear friends as we talk to them at least every two weeks. We went on a cruise with them last year as well. Needless to say, we/they plan our vacations around each other now. I just think it was a wonderful chance that they were seated with us at dinner. I hope you have a fantastic trip and good luck with the packing. That is something I dread!


Carolyn ~ How are you feeling?


Donna ~ Are you all packed yet?

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First question, My stuff is hanging on the portable rack and ready to go which makes dressing for work this week quite interesting. Joe has not pulled a single thing out yet so I am keeping my fingers crossed that what he wants isn't at the cleaners. He asked me what shoes he should take last night! I have two new pair of shoes that finally arrived Monday night and I am trying to break them in before we leave. Actually, I haven't even tried the lower heels yet since the high ones are really requiring break in.


Belle, hope your friend is fine and your a great friend to go and take care of her! Any special tips on SFO. We have dinner reservations Saturday night and the Alcatraz tour on Sunday night already set up. We tried for Beach Blanket Babylon but Sunday didn't work with the Alcatraz tour and I will be dead on my feet by the late show on Saturday night!


Sheila, It is great that you can plan vacations together. We have several friends that it works with and others that we have been trying to do since Horizon. Scheduling isn't always the easiest thing.


Baby, Get those clothes tried on and packed. We are only gone 10 days and have laundry on Princess so ours is a much easier task. Almost everything is travelers. We will be doing lots of walking and lots of cable cars to work off all the meals!


Carolyn, You will have a blast. Actually, the worst of the hurricanes hit in August/September so at most, you might end up a bit re-routed and since you enjoy sea days, that should work just fine! How is PT going?


Ok, back to work!


Have a great day!

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Hey everyone.

I'm pretty sure we're going to do Explorer on 7/14 (wow, that looks like a good # to "play" lol). Libby at first was reluctant (hurricanes and worried about getting sick since it's RCCL, then I told her about ice skating shows and skating -- which she wants to try so she's OK with it... though still she doesn't want to get "sick" so she's ok that we're doing an inside "guarantee")

Was able to switch shipboard credit... took some "work", found out from my agent "friend" that she'll let me keep full commish (so that will help $$ since I really should be spending 'cause Alex's tuition and December trip), all she cares about is that I take care of everything (which I do), wasn't sure if she was going to do a "split". Now to decide if we should "play the game" and buy some stock for 2 months since we'd get $200 shipboard for EACH cabin since Mike and I will have 2 separate ones w/2 different booking #s... at first most folks said we'd only get 1/2 credit since only 1 in cabin would have stock but I spoke to rep and they corrected it... so having $400 in each cabin would help immensely. (still a bit more $$ than we expected and we're finding water stains on ceilings and drips so I don't know what to do.. final payment is Friday).

Baby, MazelTov on you're son's upcoming wedding... planning, planning, at least you're not mother of bride lol. We just sent out Alex's invites last week and finally got 3 responses (knew what they'd be since it was from Mike's father and Aunt in Florida but wanted to make sure invites were received ... you worry about mail until hearing and nobody called us to say they were received). Drinking your water.

Sheila, UK is coming up quickly. You must be excited.

Donna, SF, wish I was going... a fave city of Mike's. He's going to SanDiego on 5/21 and is going up to SF for day meeting and flying back south to get flight back home. Couldn't just fly up to SF and the back east.... would have cost $1500 more since it was close to mem.day weekend.

Belle, welcome home. Sorry to hear about your friend's illness. How was Hawaii and Celebrity.

Well it's terribly late. (after midnight) and 6AM wakeup for Alex is just around corner.


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Was gone most of the day..but had

some of "my time"! Went to the show and

dinner with friends.


Now to get your traveling straight.

Baby your leaving for Greece this weekend?

A land vacation?


Shelia your leaving around the 20th I think?

A land vacation too, to London and Ireland?


Donna your leaving for a cruise this weekend

with time in SF first. Can't believe it, you would of been

only an hour away from me but now I'll be another

three hours away with my friend.


To let you know Acatraz will be cold Sunday night.

What time are you going. The city is cooler than here,

you could have fog. Where are you eating Sat.? Staying?

You get on the ship Monday?


Carolyn your going on a cruise in July? Where are you going?

Then in Dec. your going to Hawaii, a land vacation?


Aren't we all the "busy bee's"? LOL


YOU all have great trips..I'm so HAPPY for you all.

Aren't WE lucky that we get to travel? It's one

of the best things in life, I think.


I'm leaving this weekend, don't know how long I'll be gone

but can use her computer and talk with you all when she's



Going to send this, then write a new one about my cruise.

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All the things I read about getting on and off

early with Celebrity..didn't happen this time.


They gave the ship and extra cleaning. Don't know if

because of the Mercury or if had some sick on last cruise.

Didn't have bedspreads for six days. Think extra washes.

Hand santizers different places on the ship.

It worked..no one got sick on our cruise except for some

sea sickness by a few.


To me the sea wasn't rough but to others it was. It was an

overcast, some sun the four days over. Windy by the speed of the

ship. I sat out some the day before the first port.

There was NO rain..that's main thing I cared about..was tired of

it at home. No rain in the islands either!


The ship was late getting in. Was near the last getting off.

Had a suitcase missing. Another one was there, lucky they

were from Torrance where my parents live...they took by mistake and brought mine to me and went and got theirs at the port the same day.

Lucky me..got it back and not lost in space..never to be seen.


I liked the Summit. Our cabin was fine. Inside, midship. Enough

storage, had to ask for more hangers even thro I brought some.

Do you think I brought to much? LOL Had queen bed, love seat,

little glass table, dresser & chair. Plenty of room.


Had late seating,8:30.. like the shows after dinner but here most shows

before at 7. so I didn't make them all. Had good entertainment.

Something for everyone. different type of shows, music, some

repeated during the afternoon. I also like the lectures.

Had a mystery writer, 6 talks with her at sea. A professor gave

about 4 or 5 talks on Hawaii. Then Paki gaves talks too and taught the Hula.

Baby met Sal and Happy too. They had deck parties a few nights.


Had a Chocolate Buffet the night they sailed pass the valcano to see

the hot lava come down.(made room for that, even thro just ate) LOL

Had the White night with masks.


Did the casino..didn't win. Played Bingo about 3 times. Won 1 on last

day..$546.00. That was good!

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The food was good, like any where else..

somethings were better than others.

I don't like fish so sometimes my choices were limited.

Never went hungry, always found something to eat.

Our waiters were very good. Quiet at first but got talktive

as we went along and since I made them talk. Bought them

candy in Hawaii as and extra gift..they love it. The assit.

wanted to save it and take it home in July to his family.

(yes give them extra tip too)

We ate all dinners but two in the dining room.

One night we just went to the T-pool and hot tub and ate pasta and salad at 9:30 upstairs. The other night ate at Normandies.

A surprise my friend sent a gift cert. for us toeat there with

champange and a cookbook. It was excellent. The goatcheese souffle

and chocolate souffle is has good as they say! The service was outstanding!


Ate most lunches in the dining room, open seating, you get to meet different people. Ate some upstairs...the food was good there too.

Eating upstairs was dangerous..HOMEMADE ICE CREAM..No one

seem was able to resist it. You always saw people with ice cream in their hands. Think ice cream stayed open till 8 or 9. Salads and pasta and pizza

till 10 or 11.

Then tea time with more food and treats 4 to 5. Drinks 24 hrs. Tea, coffee

ice tea, lemomade, juice.


Room service 24 hrs. I usually get it at least once, for breakfast.

didn't get it this time.


Breakfast didn't eat it most mornings, if I did was upstairs. Tried the

waffles, they were good. Didn't eat in the dining room for breakfast.


Tried the Cova cafe a couple of times..GOOD! Free pastries, don't have to buy a drink..just ask for what you want. They give it to you! To easy!


Went to the T-pool and Hot tubs. They say the t-pool fades your suit..

well it might but the hot tubs ruins them, Glad I had brought and old one, it took the elastic out in the back..made it see-thru!


We enjoyed everything on the ship..did as much as we could but

missed some things too. So much to do.


My husband went to the Cinema twice, when I was doing other things.

It's nice to have that option. Specially if you don't want to or if weather bad

to sit outside. I had seen all the movies but one before and the one

I wanted to see was always on when I was doing something else.

Of course!

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They take lots of pictures and don't pressure you.

Their phpto place is big so they keep all the pictures up just move them around, so you can wait to the end to buy. We were good this time and only bought two.



I had only been to Oahu, twice, 3 weeks total.

So wanted to see the others.


Hilo, didn't do to much there. Main attraction there the volcano,

That day was very cloudy and fogged in on the mountain.

Didn't even try it. Sun and clouds in town but warm.

Went into town, walked around.


Kona, rented a car drove around town, outside of town.

Was hard getting car from airport, traffic and a accident.

Saw the City of Refuge, painted Church all the scenery around.

After walked around town some. Bought coffee here.

Small beach at port. Sun and clouds and warm here.


Kauai, Rented a car again, easier to get. Went to Waimea Canyon (sp)

Beautiful! Saw waterfalls and different other beautiful places.

It's a long drive but worth it. Sunny and clouds high up and warm.


Oahu, Was going to rent a car but to much traffic. Took a bus into town.

Since we're been there before and saw everything. We just walked around town, went to the Market Place, the beach ect. Then ate lunch at Duke's.

In fact here you could take a bus all around the Island for only $2.00 if you wanted. 4 1/2 hrs. Sunny.


Maui, here the port is so short and tender port. We just walked around the town, mostly window shopped. Bought a few things. We took the

tender back with no trouble only 5 on it but those who waited rill

the end waited in lines for a long time. We knew you had to take it early,

thats why didn't do anything special. Sunny.


Think mosy of the Islands in the 80's, Hilo in the 70's.

Had a good time we saw a lot, it's that the time goes by so fast, especially if have a car to get and take back but it sure saves you money when seeing the islands.


Think I've told you all about that I can remember now..will think of other stuff later I'm sure. Like right now..The Waterfall Cafe...had like Bay windows

that jutted out over the ocean, love having tea in the afternoon sitting

there surround by the sea. Also had portholes in the floor looking down into the sea.

Oh and the glass elevators, when you took it. you looked out to the sea.


If you have any questions..just ask away.

AS you can tell we had a great time.

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Knew I would forget something.

The GYM! Guess I forgot because I didn't use it much,

it was nice and could look out at the sea while doing the treadmill.

Only used it twice. It was pretty big. Didn't use the spa services.


I did do a lot of walking thro..as usual the dining room at one end the

Theatre at the other with the very top bar and room. So your always at one end when you have to go to the other. Many, many times a day.

Trouble was some of my walking was to the Ice Cream! LOL


The pools are nice, 2 of them and out tubs. Didn't use them but sat

on the deck by them and listen to the band. The ones using them seem to enjoy them selves. Didn't seem to be chairs hogs when I was there but

I wasn't there all the time. Plenty of towels for everyone on the chairs and extra ones. Padded lounges by the pool, next deck up there not.

Beach towels left in your cabin for days in the port.


The Captain was very young and cute. 38. Funny but knew his job.

All the officers were nice and said Hello every time they saw you.


Sure this review is all mixed up. Least I wrote something at last.

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Belle ~ Sounds as if you had a fab time on your cruise and in Hawaii. It is hard for me to stay away from the ice cream also. :o


I'm heading to Scotland & England on May 26th. :)


Baby ~ Congrats on your son's engagement!!!

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