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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hi girls!! Had a great day yesterday. Got to spend some quality time with my mother and MIL. Hope all of you had a great day!


When will our travelers be back? I can't wait to hear about their trips.


Carolyn ~ How did that skirt fit? I hardly ever wear anything underneath my formals due to VPL. :o


Belle ~ You are the go queen! I bet you're tired. Take care!

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We are back and I have just convinced myself that I am picking up dinner since I really could use a nap! Got in at 11:30 last night but it was after 1:00AM before I fell asleep. We left 81 and sunny in Seattle to come back to low 50's and cloudy, yuk! Actually, the nap will have to wait since I didn't unpack anything last night so need to get that done first.


Ok, good thing about a land vacation - no weight gain! Bad thing about land vacation - I need a vacation! We were constantly on the go. Left the hotel at 8:00 AM a few times and never got back till midnight. Ate and drank whatever I wanted and didn't bring any extra weight back. We had one down day (sea day on Dawn when we did laundry and just played around). The rest of the time was major sightseeing. However, left enough sites undone so I can't wait to do it again.


Carolyn, I'm sure that youi know the PT routine well enough to keep at it on your own and will probably do more good that way!


Sheila, STOP IT! No more stressing, tonsils are easy and you have a great trip coming up! Somehow we always manage to get it all done. Whatever you forget, you'll have no problem finding there.


Belle, Glad she is doing so much better! We will manage a get together one of these days!


Ok, better clean up my messy desk and get ready to head home!


Have a great evening!

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Donna! So glad you had a good trip. I agree....a land vacation is always more tiring than a cruise. Every time we go to Walt Disney World, I come home and book a cruise. LOL Talk about tiring! I'm not stressing too much right now. I'm trying to keep it under control. My mom has to have surgery now (nothing major) so we'll definitely have a full summer.


Carolyn ~ I agree with Donna, you can do the PT exercises yourself. I've done that in the past with my back. Hang in there!


Belle, oh Belle ~ Where's our West Coast sweetie?


I'm doing pretty good this week food-wise. I haven't had any time to exercise though. After work is errands and appts and I have to go home to cook, do laundry, and try to start packing. I've decided to not iron anything for this trip. I've never done that before. I'm taking Downy Wrinkle Releaser. Our hotel has an iron/ironing board in room also.


I doubt I'll lose any weight this week. I was hoping to be at my goal before we leave, but who knows, with all of the walking we'll be doing, I might actually lose on the trip. Well, maybe not, I might be eating too many pies and fish/chips. LOL

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That I haven't been on talking away with you ALL!


Life is getting in the way of me using my computer! LOL


Some of the time has been spent with good things,

finishing some things started before the cruise. Then

some not so good things I've had to deal with.

Still busy with some things.


Just a short note now..

Welcome back Donna. Shelia your vacation is getting closer.

Carolyn hope your foot is getting better.


Hope your all are doing alright..Have a good week/weekend.

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Belle ~ We completely understand about life interferring with computer time. I hardly ever post on the weekends because I'm way too busy. We know you still love us! :D


I lost another pound this week..two more to go. If you want to see my before/after pictures, go to the "Before/After" thread.

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Thought I'd pop in and say HI...

being bogged down with "Mom" stuff...

also Mike's "family" stuff (UGH)

now gotta go order some stuff for Alex's Bar Mitzvah...

I can't take it, haven't made any arrangements for photog. and it's one month from Saturday... HELP!!!

(OK, done venting)

the sun is finally shining so I MUST get outside (in the car though).


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Thanks. Now it's the "fun" of arranging for a photographer...

love when they ask the ???? --- What's your budget... the drop the $$ of THEIR price (which is MUCH higher than I'd ever do...)

And of course, Mike's DEAR family (NOT!!) have been giving me heartache....

(as usually for those who've heard me lament for years now... oh well, they've played right on their "script" as usual).


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Carolyn ~ I remember when we got married that my Mom and I almost fainted when we found out how much the photographer was going to cost. Wow!! I hope Mike's family starts behaving.


I got almost all of our stuff packed for the trip. Isn't it amazing how much stuff you have to buy before vacation? :eek:


I did cheat here and there this past weekend so I got on the scales this morning to see if I had done any damage...nope! I'm so loving Weight Watchers! :D


Oh, I have to tell y'all this...

I went to a bridal tea yesterday (yes, I ate cake) and when I walked in, the bride-to-be met me at the door and said, "Wow! You look HOT!" LOL Made me feel good that a 25 y/o would say that about moi! ;)

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Sorry haven't been on, there's been some

family issues going on.

Going to be out of town for a few days,

back Friday night or Sat. afternoon.


Shelia would you please start the weigh-in.

Thank You.


Shelia..You'll be gone by the time I will get

back..so I will say it now.......



I know you will, your friends won't know you..

so Skinny and Hot! Great job you've done.

"Weigh to Go"!


Enjoy all the sightseeing, eating at great places,

visiting with your friends. Doing whatever you want.

What I'm saying is... Have a GREAT VACATION!


Donna and Carolyn hope you both are doing well.

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Belle, Hope everything goes well! Be sure to take care of yourself!


Sheila, You have to be bouncing off the walls about now! Great NSV at the party should put you in the right frame of mind for this trip. If I don't make it back out here before you leave, have the best vacation ever! Go and enjoy every moment!


Carolyn, How are the party plans coming along? Did you find a photographer? Don't you have a cruise coming up in a few weeks?


Sorry I haven't been on more often but fighting a virus (stomach mostly) and it has been absolutely draining. Should have stayed home from work but boss is off in SEA so couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some of the old stuff cleared up while he was gone. Still have the virus but think I finally figured out how to eat to keep it at bay (quite unorthodox) but most of the other symptoms are lessening which is a very good thing since this weekend will be non-stop getting ready for DD1 and family to descend upon us the following weekend. Still can't figure out how Joe can totally annihalate the downstairs so quickly but he has and my work is cut out for me. He did decide that he would pick up our favorite Italian Beef for the get together on Saturday so has partially redeemed himself! Will cut down the work I have to do to salads and brats which will give me more time to spoil my babies!


Better get moving!


Have a great day!

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Belle ~ Thank you! Yes, I will definitely start the weigh-in. I hope your family issues are resolved soon. I wish the best for you and it seems you've been stretched thin lately. As Donna says, please take care of yourself!


Donna ~ You poor girl! That stomach thing is NOT fun! I hope it gets better soon and you're back to your old self. You need to rest so stay out of work a day and lie in bed. Can you do that?


Carolyn ~ How are you party plans?


Yes, I'm bouncing off the walls. I was actually giddy yesterday and my boss gave me the stangest look! LOL He said, "You've got 3 more days!" He's not going to be able to stand me Friday morning. I'm leaving work at 11:00 am. I'm going to check in with you all while I'm in Scotland from my friend's computer. So, look out for my post.


Later, chicks! :D

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Thought I posted a reply..

things have been crazy

Mike's been on coast and things w/his trip got messed up... hopefully he'll be home tonight (not totally sure since flight was cancelled AM and he's now flying Delta instead of usual AA... PIA)

House is total pit -- clutted to max, kids aren't helping, boxes, papers galor (had water in basement from excess rain that we never had before, coming from foundation in middle.. not much but still never had it in 10 years here need to find out why) so can't easily just put everything in basement and "hope" it stays put. Might also need it for Mom's recert. which will be happening in July (if she makes it) since she's now back in hospital (kidsneys now) 4th time this year... I can't take it much longer (and now she has an MD who's putting ideas in Mom's head... "why don't your children visit/come to hospital for you?" -- well I'm 2 hrs away each way AND Mike's on coast, and kids still need to finish school etc. etc. ) Diane's taking offense at this saying "what's this MD saying... elder neglect (well, Diane under the circumstances, you haven't made ANY sacrifice in last few years... well lets be totally honest.. like NEVER.. ok I've vented).

So right now I need to get Alex new suit for BarMitzvah (June 17th)... he's growing like weed so don't know what to do... having a very hard time trying to find something "appropriate" and also "reasonable" for Libby (don't want to spend alot of $$).. I've got nothing to wear (bloated out a bit) Diane just

"offered me" to send some of her "stuff" (OK, I draw the line here... I've had it with taking her handmedowns over years... PLUS she's just shy of 5' and I'm closer to 5'5"... also I think I might be a bit smaller than her even though I haven't been able to get to gym since beginning of year... ) Told her I'd rather wear sweats than take something from her (well, I didn't use that term. but that was before I found out Mom's back in hospital... and now I don't know when I can shop (or want to shop---hate it).

Mike could use a new suit.. maybe we'll try to take a look at Syms since I really don't want to part w/excess $$ since we're already spending more than we expected.

Haven't totally nailed down photog. but had one person give quote (shocked.. $750 for about 60 pictures in a spiral binder.. $950 if we go for leather bound... and he'd take pictures only between 9:30AM-12 noon so think he's WAY too expensive for what we want). Have someone else who freelances but he hasn't given final $$ yet. Had a cousin from SanF. call me "looking" for work (and free plane tickets) but he's expensive (Belle, he's in bay area and charged $3750 for weddings... said he'd charge me less but not sure how much less... too risky with him since if we offer to cover expenses he'd include things that aren't really "event related" and then we're held hostage $$ wise).

So it's 3 weeks away and other than that everything's OK.. Foot's somewhat uncomfortable.. back is really bad (Sheila, think you know how I'm dealing w/that... unf. haven't done much exercise to "hold" back in line and TOM and WOE hasn't been supporting back pain... do you find WW good for your back?).

At least I've got cruise July 14th to look forward to. Alex finished classes and has last review day tomorrow. Then it's 3 days of finals and then he's DONE.

--Sheila, can't believe you're finally getting over the pond to UK. Know you've been planning this trip for quite some time. You'll love it...

Belle, Donna, Baby -- hope everyone is well and taking good care of themselves.

Gotta make a phone call re: Mom and then pick up Libby and off to get Alex. Figure out where Mike is (hopefully he's in Cincinatti switching planes or closer) and then plan weekend (Alex had soccer tournaments but not sure if he's playing since he's been on injury -- groin pull)


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Carolyn ~ WOW!! Just reading your post made me exhausted!! You sure do have a lot of stuff on your plate right now. Take care of yourself. Don't let the stress take over. Hope your mom gets out of the hospital soon. At least that would be one less thing on your plate.


We are all very excited! We'll be flying out tonight from Atlanta at 8:00. My nerves are going crazy!


Not sure if WW has helped my back any. Not sure if any WOE has ever affected my back. I'll have to think about it.


I'll miss all of you while I'm gone. Try to be good!!! :D

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Sheila, have a wonderful time! Believe it or not, if you forget anything, you will be able to get it there! Now go and have fun!


Carolyn, Most of this will be behind you shortly so just hang in there! I am always amazed when I think that things can't get any crazier and then they do! Sounds like you will really need the cruise to decompress! Did Mike make it home?


Hope Belle is doing ok and I am sure Baby is having the time of her life. Why am I thinking that she is due back soon and then we will have some stories to look forward to.


Starting to feel better. Hurt foot is healing but still can't wear my favorite shoes. Funny, but they seem to be the only ones that bother it. Stomach flu seems to be finally on the way out. Hoped it would at least have some positive results but it didn't happen. Still getting caught up at work but I am really close to getting all the stuck problems solved. Boss is back Tuesday and really hoping that my desk is nice and clean before he starts up with more and the bank auditors turn up to totally throw my schedule off.


Spending the weekend with minimal "work" work but getting ready for the "Angels" to descend next weekend. Now better get back to work since I am hoping to get everyone out of here early so I can leave. Don't have specific plans for date night (Joe's turn) but he sounded like he was going to try to get together with friends that we haven't seen since Christmas. I know where they want to go and it would mean starting off at our house so this morning was a bit of a mad rush straightening up. He doesn't know it but he will be vacuuming if he pulls off his dinner plans. Not often that he gets to play with the Dyson so I'm sure I'll have to walk him through how to turn it on by phone!


Have a great day!

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Hope I'm not too late...

Have a WONDERFUL trip... BON VOYAGE...

I remember when you were hoping to do this trip well over a year ago...

well the time has finally come...

We'll miss you....


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Mike "did" finally get home. He learned his lesson though. (A) don't be the good natured "company" man and try to save them $$ when it probably will inconvenience the family (meaning flying from SanDiego to SF r/t and then back to CT instead of San Diego to SF and then to CT ... would have cost co. $900 more.. though he would have been home). B) traveling on a upcoming holiday weekend he MUST keep his plans to stay on American Air so "just in case" there's a problem w/connections etc. he's got some "clout" getting home or upgrading/compensation (he nearly missed the connection in Cincinnati.. luckily the door was still open when he got there 5 minutes after scheduled departure. Then on Thursday night I get notice from NYS regarding estate tax return (house in NY, we live in CT). UGH.. .so Friday Mike takes papers to accountant (who said he sent everything... we weren't supposed to owe anything though) then Friday evening I pick up Libby and go to Costco just to get out of house (was on phone w/MDs all day to find out what was going on w/Mom and hospital etc) and I open the mail and I get notice from CT taxes saying we OWE them too... w/penalities (from Mike's payment on estimated from impulse stock sale in Dec. and then his company messed up their 401K for year end and notified everyone in March about it). More stress. Oh DS Diane calls me and offers me a dress of hers for Alex's Bar Mitzvah... I tell her thank you but no.. (was polite at first but after 3 or 4 times when she didn't hear it I tell her that I'll wear sweats before I take anything from here... I'm tired of getting her handmedowns and I'd rather wear something old of mine... don't want her sending me anything.. also she's about 5" shorter than me and Iwouldn't be surprised if we don't weight the same (though I'd LOVE to lose 15 now).

OK, I'm done venting... whew...

Hope you had an enjoyable date night and Joe got the Dyson to work. BTW, how is that machine... Mike's been intrigued by them at Costco (the vacum is "Mike's machine" -- as well as the iron lol).


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We got home Sat., visited my sil that is dying..

don't think she knew us even thro she looked alright

and was sitiing in a wheelchair. Didn't talk much.

It is hard for my husband to see her like that.


Then we had a few days visiting with our friends.


Yesterday invited to friends for a BBQ at the river, today

we had friends over.


I will be home for a week, then going to Lake Tahoe

with some "girlfriends" for three nights. Remember one

of them has a house up there. We play cards and such,

drink champange and wine and have to much food!


Also do you believe a week later my husband and I go to Reno

for four nights. Planned this before we "girls" decided

the dates of Tahoe.


I'm sure Shelia is having a great time with her friends and

seeing ALL the things she wanted to see.

Shelia if you check in..Hello!


Think Baby should be home soon. Can't wait to hear all

about her trip in Greece. Baby if your home..come in

and say hello. (doesn't matter if you gained) So

don't stay away please!


Donna you didn't tell us about your cruise and land

vacation. Are you feeling better now? Hope you

had a great visit with the "family".



Carolyn so sorry your foot is taking so long to get well.

You really sound busy..paper work and everything else.

So glad you have a cruise in.....July to relax.


Hope you all have a good week...eating wise..weather wise..

family wise..work wise..every wise way there is! LOL


(OK OK ..know I'm taking liberties with the english language!)

( But It's FUN!)

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Prayers for your DH and SIL...

What's your "schedule" like for late-August... Mike's going to be going to coast one or two times this summer and we "may" piggy-back.

Libby really wants to go (but to Southern) and I've been chatting w/Aunt the last week or so, so we might be heading out "your way"

tried to put FF tickets on hold and they were available (at a slight reduction too).


Hope you had a great weekend.

Sheila... can't believe she's "finally gone over the pond"

Baby.... can't wait to hear about Greece... we'd LOVE to do a land vacation... and since I've 1/2 Greek (Dad was 100%, but from the Northern part) you'd never know looking at him. My Aunt went years ago and visited their "homeland" (Janina... ex. spell).

As for me, I got SO discouraged trying to find a dress/outfit for Alex's BarMitzvah. Finally got 2 outfits for Libby that would be appropriate AND we're a decent value (since I didn't want to spend a fortune for something she'd never wear again). I'm SO DISGUSTED... I feel SO puffy and bloated (which shouldn't be since it's not TOM). Can grab a "roll of pudge" around waist which I never had for a LONG LONG time (always had the loose pooch in stomach when thin -- thanks to Alex being 9lbs) but when I tried on things yesterday I got SICK... I don't have ANYTHING to wear and it's on June 17th. I'm not concerned about cruise since I know that "anything goes". I had an old outfit that I could have worn BUT I just wore it up to Boston and was seen in it and it "wouldn't look right" if I wore it again since it's Alex's day (he couldn't care and neither would Mike. It's something I've had for a long time (before I met Mike) but my sister would make a comment about it. SHe's been offering me some of her things but I really don't want ANYTHING from her (don't know if I'm being stubborn or what) am I being unreasonable... I don't know? She says she has some dresses/outfits that she got from Home Shopping that might work... but she's about 5 inches shorter than me so I don't know what to do. I'd probably take handmedowns from her for cruise but I don't think so for this....



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Hi girls! I'm in Scotland!! We're having a fabulous time! We've been to 4 castles since Saturday. Went to a wedding Sat. night at Comlongon Castle and had a great time.


We went to Edinburgh Castle yesterday and Stirling and Doune Castle today. We went to the William Wallace monument also. I have cheated with my WOE, but have walked miles and miles up stairs! My behind will be sore tomorrow from all of the stair walking I did today. LOL


Miss you!

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And I am not leaving this desk until I actually post!


Belle, so sorry that you are going through all this. I know it is hard on him and can't be easy on you either! Sounds like you have some fun coming up so relax and enjoy!


Carolyn, You'll find something to wear. Have you checked online yet? Once this all over with, you'll be looking forward to your upcoming cruise.


Sheila, So glad you are having a wonderful time and the ap's should cover it! Lots of castles and sounds like you will hit most of them.


Baby, are you back yet? Thought you would be now and can't wait to hear all about it.


Ok, Kids coming in Saturday afternoon so better get back to work. Almost finished with my trip report so hope to get that done this week to along with getting photos ready for viewing on Saturday. Joe sidetracked me this weekend so now it is time to get the inside stuff done. I am determined to get back into daily exercise when they leave on Tuesday and stick to it this time. Nothing hurts right now so no excuses.


Everyone have a great week!

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Day 2 (or 3) of low carb... just trying to "de=puff"...

haven't had any luck with finding an outfit for me "yet" but DID have luck getting a suit for Alex that doesn't need any alteration (if he doesn't grow in the next 16 days) AND was a "nice" sale.. down to $20... can't beat that since he'll probably outgrow it by fall.


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Wrote a long message..it wouldn't go thru.

Hate that..Grrrrr!

To late to repeat now. Tired..had company

for a few days, fun but busy. Also

had to clean house before they got here.


Just tell you one thing of the post..will be gone

for four days. Women's trip to Tahoe without

husbands. Remember one friend has a house up



Thanks for prayers for my husbands sister.


Thinking of you all..Take Care

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