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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Saturday, I was REALLY SICK..stomach flu or something. So, now that I feel NORMAL, it IS a happy Monday!


Carolyn...so? Can't wait to hear all about it. We are in the midst of wedding plans (for next year). Last night we "crashed" a wedding to hear the band. Will do the same thing next weekend. It is so funny. This was the second band we went to hear. At both weddings we knew many of the guests. We were sitting in the lobby and they were coming out to greet us! Because we had just gone out to dinner for Father's Day, my older son and my friend's son were with us. We kept joking about the Wedding Crashers. I told the guys that they may meet girls. Then they told me that that was the premise of the movie. Now I will have to see it!


Sheila..you are amazing! Looking at your photos, you look fine to me! It probably is because you are in such good shape. If you can concentrate on healthy eating (omitting the junk, or at least reducing it substantially...I think I am talking to myself also here!) you will be fine. It is so important to be in good shape. A friend of our just had a by-pass. Because he was in top shape he recovered quickly.


Belle...ma Belle. So glad you posted. Are you back yet? I can't keep up with you. Reno? Did you win? Did you read about the guy who won over a million? Wow! That's the closest I ever got to anyone who won BIG..right here, a complete stranger on Cruise Critc!


Donna...where are you? I need my water!


Have a great day, all!


P.S. The upside of my miserable Saturday? Lost a few pounds. Now I am determined to KEEP THEM OFF. Where have you heard that song before? This time I MEAN IT!!!!!

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Baby ~ So sorry you were sick this past weekend...that stomach flu is the pitts! Glad you're better! Now, keep that weight off that you lost. ;) Great idea about crashing the weddings to hear the bands. LOL I told you we crashed one in Scotland, didn't I? We went to hear the band also.


Thanks for the comment that I'm amazing...I'm really not. LOL I have gained back 10 lbs and it is KILLING me! I know I'll get it off again, but I could stap myself silly for letting it happen to begin with. Hopefully, the gym and WW will help! DRINK YOUR WATER!


Carolyn ~ I can't wait to hear about Alex's bar mitzvah (I hope I spelled that right). I know you're glad the stress is over. Hope y'all had a great time!


Donna ~ Where are you??????


Belle ~ I hope you are enjoying you trip. :D

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First day of summer..it is here..going to be

in the 90's for the next few days.


Our trip was nice. Had fun..no big winner thro.

Whatever we won (which wasn't much)

was spent. Nice weather, good food (too much)

a singing/dancing show (topless) husband happy! LOL

Really it was a good show.


Saw my husbands sister, was a little more talkive

even thro we didn't understand much of it. Think she

knew us a few times.


Shelia..You look great but I know you want to

get to your goal. Your exercise will tone you..you

might not have to be the weight you think you have

to be.

Happy you have a cruise in August, everyone needs

a cruise in their future! LOL


Baby..Sorry you were sick Better now? I hope.

I read about the guy winning at Vegas on CC.

Lucky! Didn't happen to me!

Baby..Tell me the High points of Greece. What I should see,

what I should pick for sure since we only have a day in ports.


Carolyn..Did you survive the weekend. Still in bed?

You haven't posted. I'm sure it was a GREAT day!


Donna..Getting worried..What's happening?


Water are you drinking it? Exercising? Eating right?

Asking myself these questions..asking you to.

I really have to get on track..My CRUISE is in

FIVE months! YEA!


Everyone have a Good week and weekend!

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First day of summer..it is here..going to be

in the 90's for the next few days.


Our trip was nice. Had fun..no big winner thro.

Whatever we won (which wasn't much)

was spent. Nice weather, good food (too much)

a singing/dancing show (topless) husband happy! LOL

Really it was a good show.


Saw my husbands sister, was a little more talkive

even thro we didn't understand much of it. Think she

knew us a few times.


Shelia..You look great but I know you want to

get to your goal. Your exercise will tone you..you

might not have to be the weight you think you have

to be.

Happy you have a cruise in August, everyone needs

a cruise in their future! LOL


Baby..Sorry you were sick Better now? I hope.

I read about the guy winning at Vegas on CC.

Lucky! Didn't happen to me!

Baby..Tell me the High points of Greece. What I should see,

what I should pick for sure since we only have a day in ports.


Carolyn..Did you survive the weekend. Still in bed?

You haven't posted. I'm sure it was a GREAT day!


Donna..Getting worried..What's happening?


Water are you drinking it? Exercising? Eating right?

Asking myself these questions..asking you to.

I really have to get on track..My CRUISE is in

FIVE months! YEA!


Everyone have a Good week and weekend!

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It will be morning when you read this.

(even thro evening still here)


Just wanted to say HELLO and I

miss you all talking!


It was hot here today..99, suppose to be 100

tomorrow. 78 at almost midnight. Love it?


Hope to see you all tomorrow.

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Belle ~ Hello!! So good to "see" you!!! Glad you had a great trip and won some even if you spent it. Why not?! I always spend what I win. :D Nice to hear you got to talk to your SIL and she knew you. I think you're totally right about my weight. I've learned a lot since joining the gym last week. I have a lot to adjust to my WOE and how I think about food. Should be interesting since I haven't been eating nearly enough. I've been banned from ice cream though and that will kill me. However, I can have one cheat meal a week so I guess I could have it then. With as much food as the trainer wants me to eat though, I don't know where I'll put it. LOL


Girls, WHERE ARE YOU????

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Hi everyone!


Welcome home, Belle. It's exciting to win ANYTHING! I won a free lotto ticket! We shall see if THAT wins anything!!! In the casino, we play nickels and by the end of the cruise, we are usually around even ( a little ahead or a little behind!). We are the last of the BIG gamblers. If the ship has penny slots, that's where you'll find us!


Glad you got to see your SIL. I know how difficult and heart-wrenching it is.


Tell me what your Greek ports are and I will give you my best ADVICE!!!!


Sheila, I don't remember you telling about the wedding you crashed in Scotland. Was it very different from weddings at home? We once crashed a wedding (ceremony,only) in Paris. My DH videotaped it. It was amazing! What I remember most is a man in a tri-cornered hat, ushering people to their seats!


I am very interested in your comment that you haven't been eating enough. Would you elaborate? I probably am in the same boat. I opt for the wrong and more caloric choices, so I have to eat less of the correct foods. I would like to change that. This week I controlled my urge to buy the frozen yogurt that I like. I eat far too much of it. I don't even feel well when I eat like that. So, instead I bought fruit & yogurt on a stick, each only 50 calories.


Carolyn...did you survive? Tell us all!


Donna, I am drinking my water. Where are you?


Here it's raining. Such a dull day. Have a good one.

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Baby ~ I've been working out at the gym now doing strength training 3 days a week and cardio 5 days. My trainer grilled me on my diet yesterday and told me I wasn't eating nearly enough to help my body maintain its metobolic rate. He explained it very simply and I'll try to. I've been on WW and only concentrating on the number of points I eat in one day. If I eat a big lunch...700 calories and then only eat 100 calories for dinner because I overate at lunch, my body will use about 350 calories from the 700 calorie lunch and then store the other 350 calories as fat. Your calories aren't time released during the day so the excess goes to fat. Then at dinner when you only eat 100 calories, your body goes into starvation mode because you didn't give it enough. Make sense?

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Hey everyone...

the kids are home... and BORED!!!

so I only have a few minutes to post...

Saturday (can't believe it's almost a week ago)...

service went well, Diane (DS behaved) Alex did beautifully (was a bit nervous, voice was cracking a bit... but considering all the cr@#$p the in-laws were dishing <directly and in-directly> out at me and Mike ... (who really was having the rude awakening regarding how selfish, inconsiderate etc. his siblings have become... and his Dad was "stuck" along for ride.... he was way to stressed...) we were proud. NONE of Mike's family made it to Friday night service... (after finding out their flight arrangements I didn't expect it).. I was going to pick up his Aunt and cousin who were staying at motel in next town after they checked in to have dinner at our house and go to service, but were told "they were going to have dinner w/Florida folks and then they were going to go to temple" .. new it wasn't going to happen so of course my offer wasn't "appreciated" and nobody (in Mike's family) was there. I cracked to Rabbi on Friday when I realized that Mike's family was having a replay of our wedding... but even worse 'cause Mike had had hopes that they would be there... I knew for over 2 weeks it was going to be like this... 'but it was worse.

Baby, had my hair colored (lightened... I'm blonde again) on Thursday and Friday before meeting w/Rabbi cut so I looked GOOD (even my sister complimented me so I felt great... of course none of Mike's family said boo to me... barely grunting a hello and goodbye on way out of luncheon). Decided last minute to wear a suit that my sister brought for herself... worked out well... will take a few pictures with family on cruise in same outfits just in case photographer didn't work out w/pictures (that was another problem).

Everyone enjoyed the luncheon... I never got to eat... Libby was needing me and I needed to help my elderly aunt... DJ was a bust.. didn't really have music the kids wanted to hear.. and he didn't really have any horra music (which surprised me) he did play a little bit of klezma music when we lit candles on cake.. (didn't do it right) and then had Alex in chair but it seemed lame. At that point I was a bit frustrated so I didn't say anything.

Oh well, at least it's over with... a bit worse for wear.. and now we're ALL looking forward to Explorer cruise in 3 weeks. My weight's up (164, had been 158 with cast on when I broke foot so I know I need to lose a few.. I can hide my weight a bit... it's mainly loose in thighs.. lowest weight was 147 before going on MSC so not a terribly high number but still a bit higher than I'd like before stepping on ship).

Know I need to drink water... know I should try to exercise a bit.. Foot is really bothering me... stiffening up ALOT... back's been a problem too.

Someone had sent me 6 week body makeover.. can understand some of it... not sure of alot of it since I've got low bloodpressure and I LIVE on salt (a bit.. otherwise I'm lightheaded). I'm good w/watching things until around 8PM then it's "I don't care anymore about anything"... and I get in a funk and start eating 12 grain bread... (granted I eat 2-3 pieces and that's it... no icecream or sweets) so I'm not sure how terribly bad it really is.

OK, enough of my pity party (oh yeah, we went to my Mom on Sunday, was hoping Diane would go alone and I'd bring kids one day this week... so they'd have someplace to go and also Mom wouldn't get overwhelmed ... with excitement... of everone being there and then another 2-3 months w/o visit).

So yesterday I get call from Mom's doc saying her levels are off again... so I'm stuck in the same crap... I'm concerned she's going to take turn for worse when we go away.. Diane's going to be away too then... isn't that wonderful.


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Carolyn ~ So glad the bar mitzvah went well except for Mike's family and other issues. But, at least it is over! YAY!! Now you can relish in the fact that you'll be cruising on a wonderful ship in 3 weeks. Lucky you!!! Hope your DM gets better soon and your DSis acts better. ;) Don't worry about your weight and have a good time. You deserve 10 fold after everything you've been through!

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Thanks Sheila...

now to figure out what fits, what doesn't ....

and manage with what I've got...

not worrying about fashion police...

trying to "enjoy" my kidlets...

know Libby's bored... Alex has past boredom... (he's been out 2 weeks now).

Libby's going to a crafts "camp" (ceramics studio w/fitness class) so she'll be occupied from 9-2PM... ask Alex what he wants to do but he's non-commital..

he's content to "sleep in".

So that's "where we're at now".

Hope you're enjoying your summer and all is going well with your trainer.

I've "thought" about doing it but the "logical" side of brain can't seem to part w/$ (go to Bally's and I think they charge $70 per session... not sure how much some of those trainers really know). Also right now I'm in a "funk" and I'm debating whether I should try some antidepressants... (or more importantly trying to find an endocrinoligist that will "work" with me and not just say "it's an age thing").

Right now I'm not paying too much care to what I eat (at least the last couple of days... today just had 1/2 cup oatmeal w/splenda.. just don't feel like eating) so I really have no right to complain. Guess I just want to hold steady.


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Alex is just 13 1/2... so I highly doubt there's a job... we leave in 3weeks. Libby's bored. Got her a craft/exercise camp for next week so she's "ok". Then we might go to NYC for a few days.

Don't know what I can do w/my eating... I'm not eating much.


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Just got on the scale and I am up 2 of the 2 1/2 pounds that I lost. Not very good...and I walked yesterday. I will be sure to walk again today...and I will try to eat less. I was very hungry yesterday, for some strange reason.


Carolyn...so glad that you survived to tell the tale. Wonderful that Alex did so well. He was Numero Uno. Hope all your other guests shared your celebration in the right spirit....you can't choose family! I am sure you looked lovely. Wish we could see a photo!


Welcome to the teen years! Sleeping in is a major activity. Actually, they really need that sleep.


Hope Libby enjoys her camp. It sounds interesting. When my kids were that age, we sent them to summer camp. I highly recommend it. It was on e of the best "presents" we could give them. They are over 25 now and they still have "camp friends". They went on to be CIT's, Jr. Counsellors, Seniors, and even Section Heads when in their early 20's....but if my memory serves me right, I think you once mentioned that your kids didn't like camp.


Sheila, what you say is so interesting. Don't we all overdo it and then try to make it up later. But if the metabolism doesn't work, we are fooling ourselves. I tend to think of food in parcels of one whole day, but according to your trainer, we should think of each meal as a separate entity. It really does make sense and it also makes us more conscious of better eating.


I hope to get a walk in today. Tonight we plan to go out to eat and see a movie. We will share a salad and a veggie pizza before the movie. I hope that won't be too much. Last night we went for sushi..and ...up one pound. My son wanted sushi and I didn't want to say "no".


It's a |BIG Saturday here...the Formula One races and Quebec's national holiday (yes, there is one!). The stores are open downtown because of all of the tourists. (They are closed everywhere else because of the holiday.)So, we will park far, and walk. It's a beautiful day, so I am looking forward to it.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Just things going on...


Fair Time

Hot Weather..Few days in the 100's


Going to a show

Dinners out

Time with husband (wink-wink)

Cleaning house (ugh)

Shopping (just bought sandals)


Tomorrow starts a long Holiday weekend..

Dinner out with friends Tonight (Tuesday)

Dinner at a friends house Wed.

Show and dinner Fri.

BBQ Party at the River Sunday at Friends house

(lots of friends, food, drinks)

Tues. Fireworks


Wonder why I'm not losing my cruise weight.

(least haven't gain any more)

I'm trying but eating out to much!


Will continue this..don't want to lose post.

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Carolyn..So glad your Weekend is over.

Alex is Happy. Know you looked beautiful!

New hair do..nice suit.

Why "his" family didn't talk was "they were jealous"!

Sorry for Mike that his family acted that way.

Just think you have your CRUISE SO SOON! LUCKY YOU!

Sorry your "kids" are bored! Think thats their jobs in

life in the summer! LOL Think Libby will like camp.

I did like Baby kids went to camp every summer, then became

a CIT and then a Counselor. I loved it. Was going to

go into that kind of work but went into business and

got married instead.


Shelia..How is the exercising going? Are you trying

the diet part? Is it working? I tell you..YOU are

doing so good. Your going to be so trim and fit.

Your husband better look out for the officers on your

cruise in August!


Baby..Sorry Baby about the pounds but you know

when your sick, you lose water weight..it comes back

when you drink. You'll get it off soon.


The Greece ports we will be at are...

Mykonos, Rhodes,Santorina and Athens. Only at

each one 8 to 10 hours not days like you.

So say we can only see a few things each stop,

what would you pick to see? Thanks.


Donna..Worried about you. Where are you? Last time

we heard your mother was sick. How is she now? Hope

she's not worse. Thinking of you.

Please come on and least post a Hello, so we know

your alright.


Be careful out there everyone... have a good week and

Holiday Weekend!

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Baby ~ Yes, everything my trainer said makes such good sense. I'm not doing his WOE whole-heartedly though because it is too much food. I am incorporating the eating principles in with WW and doing that. I'm trying to eat my activity points so my body won't go into starvation mode. The trainer's WOE is so hard and I just don't think I could live with it through the long haul. I am eating healthier though and my work outs are going great.


Belle ~ Your posts always make me :D. My goal for my May '07 cruise is to wear a bikini!

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Good Morning To You..

How Do You Do?


Good Morning To You..

Don't Be Blue


Good Morning To You..

Lose the Weight, You Will Do


Good Morning To You

The Sun Shines, The Sky Is Blue


Sending Happy Wishes To All Of YOU!



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Hi all! Rain, rain...and lots more in the forecast. I think I will stay home and be the Happy (?) Housewife today and do a little work/organization around the house. I am very bad at this and it always stresses me out.


Also, I have been eating too much and I gained. Gotta get a grip!


Belle...I agree with Sheila. We need you here. You are our California Sunshine!


As for Greece, in Athens, of course the Numero Uno is the Acropolis and the Parthenon. If you do it on your own, make sure you have your passport (or a copy) to prove you you are a senior. It will be half price. I didn't do that and I could have kicked myself! With the ticket, you also have entry to the Agora and a couple of other ancient sites. The Agora is right there, so you could easily visit it. You will be right near the Plaka, so that will also be easy. If you take the ship's shuttle, it will probably let you off at Syntagma Square, in front of McDonald's. At the other end of the square is the Parliament Building. There is a changing of the guard every hour or half-hour (I forget) but it is fun to watch. If you have time, before you take the shuttle back, visit the metro station at Syntagma. While digging to build it, they came across many ancient artifacts, and the metro station is a mini museum. (very mini, it will not require much time). I don't think you will have time for much else.


Mykonos...the best thing is the island of Delos. It is one big excavation, unpopulated and closes up at 3pm! You could take a ship's tour, or pick up at tour at the tourist office at the port (tucked in among the cafes on the waterfront) Otherwise, you can just walk around Mykonos Town....lots of very expensive Jewellery!


Santorini...ahhh, Santorini....breathtaking! Don't miss Oia and the Red Beach. Unfortunately, they are at opposite ends of the isand. If you like wineries, Santos is the best. Fira is fine to walk around...also lots of very expensive jewellery. I actually bought a reasonable Italian leather purse and my husband bought an equally reasonable Italian leather briefcase. There is also a lovely linen shop, if you are interested. Know the measurements (metric) that you need before you go!


Hope this helps.


Sheila...You are getting a handle on a good and sensible WOE (way of Eating and way of Exercising). you are an inspiration and I am going to copy you (somewhat!). If I can drink my water(because of Donna) I can eat better and exercise because of you!!! That's my new plan. I am going to exercise this morning...along with organizing...Actually, for me, compared to organizing, exercising will be a snap!!(and an escape!!!)


Carolyn, how are you doing? Have you come back down to earth?


Donna, where are you? We miss you.


Have a great day, all!

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Hello Ladies,

I have been "lurking" and enjoying this thread for months. I know Shelia, Donna, Carolyn & Belle from other posts. I have been keeping up with you all. I always get a smile from reading about Shelia & Belle.


The reason I am posting is to tell Carolyn about the six week body makeover. I ordered because dh wanted to loose weight and this way

made sense to him. NOTE: I said HIM!! After reading this woe I was and

am less than impressed. Basically, you eat six small meals a day(good), drink 100oz of water(okay) no more and no less, do cardio six days a week starting at 45 min. a day, then twice a week you do his exercises. Now the hard part of this is you eat NO salt, fat, diary, and sugar. The six small meals consist of breakfast: 2oz chicken & fruit, mid-moring: 2 oz chicken, fruit. Lunch: 2 oz chicken, half cup of starch, a cup of veggies. Mid-afternoon snack: 2 oz chicken & one cup veggies. Dinner: 2 oz chicken, half cup starch, cup of veggies. Bedtime snack: half cup of fruit. YOU ARE NOW DONE EATING FOR THE DAY. IF you eat every meal at home than you can do this. You have to cook everything your self because you can't eat anything ready made do to the salt, sugar and fat already added to the food. I know he says you can eat out but I have found impossible. I have eaten nothing but chicken(think I've sprouted feathers), blueberries, cantolope, green beans, broccoli, rice ,and potatoes. First time I went to the grocery store I was in tears. Everything I picked up had salt added. Spent 45 min. trying to find no salt added chicken broth. Finally found a brand called Herb-Ox that has no salt in it. Biggest problem with this woe of eating is its hard to do if you have any kind of life. So far I've lost 12 lbs and 7 inches, dh has lost 20, 10 inches.


Having said all that I want you to know that my sister & I did just did a short cruise on the SOS and I couldn't follow this woe on board ship. Result? Gained back 10 of the 12 lbs I lost in three days:eek: . Have gone back to this woe and lost back to the 12 lbs. I have learned several things from this woe of eating. I DO EAT WAY TO MUCH SALT! I have noticed a huge difference in my feet and hands, not retaining water. I have slowly worked my way up to drinking the 100 oz. of water. That was a real battle as my system doesn't like that much water(sends me straight to the bathroom). And the six small meals a day have really helped with my portion control.


I am going to stick with this woe until the first six weeks is up and maybe a second six weeks but then I am going to WW. My sister is a member and she has shared her books and point finder with me. I will take some of the things I learned on this woe with me to WW. I have learned to eat breakfast which I hate, then will eat fruit mid-morning, lunch, mid-afternoon snack and dinner. If you have any more questions Carolyn I will try to answer them. The most unhealthy thing about this woe is that you are eating less than 1200 calories a day. I am hungry almost all the time and feel like I slosh when I walk. Yes, you will loose weight but I don't think you could eat this way for the rest of your life I know I can't.



P.S. Shelia, you look great and I loved reading about your trip to Scotland. The one place I would love to visit is Ireland & Scotland.


Baby, your trip to Greece sounded like it was the trip of a lifetime. Some day in my dreams I will get there as well.


Thanks for letting post.

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Linda!!! ~ Hello!! So good to "see" you! Thanks for sharing the WOE you've been doing. I just couldn't follow it. I've decided that I can't follow what my trainer wants me to do 100% so I'm modifying it to fit along with WW. I've been doing that since last Aug. and have had success. I'm just going to try to eat smaller portions, more often, more fruit, more veggies, more whole wheat instead of white, and less fat. My trainer said that 1200 calories is way too low for me so I'm eating around 1500. He wants me to eat 1600 so the 1500 was a compromise. LOL


How's Karen? I haven't seen her around on here much. Did y'all enjoy the Sovereign? I'm going on her Aug. 4th. This will be my first cruise on a smaller ship.


Congrats on your weight loss!!!!


Baby ~ What a nice thing to say! It really means a lot to me to be an inspiration to someone else. We're all here for each other though and I get inspiration from you also. ;)

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And it has taken forever to catch up!


Baby, drink that water! Sorry you both were sick and hope everyone is healthy now! Sounds like the wedding plans are progressing!


Belle, Glad the visit with your SIL went better this time. Yes, SFO was spectacular and we will be back! Your weekend sounds exhausting but I'm sure it will be fun!


Sheila, Sounds like the trainer is going to work out for you. What he says about time totally makes sense which is my major flaw! Will attempt to get to your pictures during the long overdo long weekend!


Carolyn, About what you expected but it is over and time to move on. I would think that an endroconologist (SP) would be a big help. You have probably been in starvation mode for a long time now! Actually, DD1 got her first part time job at 13 working for a local kennel where she could ride her bike to work. Both girls did the camp thing each summer and DD1 was counselor during college summers.


The whole thing with Mom is crazy and it is dragging me under. I just haven't been very good company lately. She is out of the hospital but the lady that was helping her got in trouble with her husband for ignoring her family and is no longer helping on the basis that Mom will see the light and willingly move into assisted living. It has been two weeks and it hasn't worked so far! I am up to several calls a day and never know what to expect when I call. Think I finally got through to her that I am not quitting my job and moving down there to take care of her (she is still laying on the guilt) and she refuses to come up here so we are at an impasse. The final step is to have her declared incompetent but she is still very alert and intelligent. Probably not easy to do either since she knows the judge quite well! So far, no major issues but just waiting for them to crop up. In the meantime, work is nuts and lack of sleep is catching up to me. Can't wait for this weekend and will definitely manage some chill time. All of this has shot the diet to h@ll and I am slowly getting back on track with the goal to be fully back by Saturday. Need to start working out again then.


Have a great day!

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