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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Carolyn..Do you leave Sat. or Sun.?

Just go and enjoy..don't worry about clothes..

(I know easier said then done..easy for

us to say) LOL No really have fun..you always

can eat in buffer if worried..it's your vacation..to relax!

Bon Voyage!


Donna..I know I'm going to enjoy the Galaxy. I don't care

if older, smaller, sounds like it has character. Will have

a great time. Yes second cruise with celebrity. First was

the bigger, newer Summit..will not compare. There

different types.


Baby..Proud of you..walking and drinking water!!

I went to the gym today..third time in a week. Need to go

more often. Also went to the show..I know just went..I'm

a movie nut. Saw The Click..it was all right, nothing special.

Yes someday might be on the same ship. I see some in

the countdiwn are going on the Mariner together.


Shelia..Glad son is doing better, that makes you feel

better. Hope he's all well by next week.

Everytime you say BF for your best friend, I think your

saying BF for boyfriend! LOL


Linda..I hope your having a good week. Getting ready for

the wedding on Sat.?


All take care...

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Hi friends!!! Well, I decided to weigh today and I gained!! Not just a little either...4 whole pounds!! I'm back up to my :eek: weight! I'm going to have to cut more calories and keep exercising. If that doesn't work, I'll increase the calories. I can't seem to figure out if I'm not eating enough or eating too much! Drives me nuts!!!


Nick is better today. He actually only took one dose of pain meds yesterday and that was at bedtime. A big improvement. He said he has to work on Saturday and I sure hope he can handle it. He's a busser at Outback Steakhouse and loves it.


Donna ~ That's a funny story about the Sovereign! We've been on a smaller ship (Carnival Destiny) and enjoyed it. I don't think I'd mind a smaller ship at all except for the sea sickness. I get sea sick on the Voyager class ships so I know I would on anything smaller. I'm thinking of getting the patch that goes behind your ear. I do take Bonine and Antivert when it's real bad, but those don't work too well for me. I have inner ear issues for sure! Joe reminds me of my DH, John! He'll ask me to do all of this research on this and that and order it, or whatever. Then, when it comes in or we go, he tells me how I should've done this or that! Well, why didn't you just do it yourself, Mr. Smartypants?! LOL Doesn't it drive you insane?!


Belle ~ Yes, I sometimes read BF and think boyfriend. I don't have one of those. LOL I like the movies also, but never go because DH refuses to go and I don't like going by myself. My DS is a movie nut also, but he's always going with friends. I used to tag along, but don't know. I will go the movies with my BF (best, not boy) sometimes to see the chick flicks. I really want to see Pirates of the Caribbean.


Carolyn ~ How are you doing with the clothes issue and packing?


Baby & Linda ~ Hello!!! How are you doing?

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Well, it's Thurs, weigh-in day! I must confess (if you haven't noticed!) that I don't post weigh-in anymore....but I am down....not great...but at least not terrible...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Carolyn, bon voyage! Have a wonderful time. For the future, why don't you try Chico's. Their clothes are for the "mature" figure. Lots have elastic waists. Maybe you hate shopping because you still go to the departments/stores of your younger/slimmer days and find it frustrating. I buy Talbots, Olsen (the European, not American) for everyday sportswear. I don't have to wear jogging outfits. When you feel better, at your leisure, check out different makes to see what is comfortable for you. Hope you don't mind my giving advice...but I would love to see you solve the problem.


Sheila...how is you son doing? Is he bored yet?


Donna..me,too...I have to think twice when I see BF!!!


My DH is also tired of cruises. We have one planned for next winter (Galaxy, Southern Carib, 11 nights, in Feb. For the first time, friends are joining us. We will spend a week in San Juan, prior. That is the last Hurrah before the wedding! Then we will probably have to wait a whole year. We are already talking about a land trip to Argentina and Chile. Celebrity has a cruise, but it is very expensive. The tours are a fortune and you don't get to see much of anything.


Belle, yes the Summit is prettier than the Galaxy, but there is nothing wrong with it. I have no hestitation. We once sailed on the Zenith. When I booked it, my husband's reaction was calling it a "big tub"!. P.S. We had a fabulous time!


Three times a week at the gym is pretty good. If you keep that up, you will see results and feel better.


I walked about 50 minutes very early this morning (it's going to be HOT) and I just finished my second glass of water. (I'm going down for a third!)


Now I better start getting things done. Bridge this afternoon and lots to do before I go.


Have a great day, all!


It would be great if we crossed paths on a vacation! (It would be great if any of us crossed paths).

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Sheila...we posted about the same time. Glad that your son is feeling so much better.


I won't comment on the weight gain, because I can't figure it out either! Maybe you will be down tomorrow!


I take bonine every night before I go to bed, even if I feel great. I take the first one the night before we board. So far this system has been working well for me.


I also book midship on a low floor. My favourite is just behind the reception desk. We usually book an inside. Last year we were upgraded to an outside, bottom deck, really forward. I had them return me to my original cabin because I was afraid of getting seasick.


Hope this info helps.

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Well, I lost the two lbs. I gained last week but still have the two from the week before. I am starting to feel seriously motivated so lets see if that works. Of course, got home from work last night and the motivation disappeared right after dinner! Am stopping to pick up a salad tonight (Joe has leftover roast beef) so will hopefully make it on the treadmill!


Sheila, Two peas in a pod! Which is exactly why I dumped the whole thing in his lap and walked away. My choice would be Regal from SJU to Acapulco but he has always been lukewarm about the Canal. His latest bright ideas were a January cruise on HAL out of NYC (asked him if he wanted to build a snowman on board) or an 11 night NCL Hawaii (had to remind him that a good and very trustworthy friend said stay away from NCL Hawaii). He keeps bringing up the subject so I'm thinking that he is planning to surprise me for my birthday next month and I am really hoping that I don't have to murder him when he does! I rarely get seasick but did use the patch on the MSC and the last Dawn Princess. I always have it with. The only side effect that I have is getting really sleepy when I put the first one on. After a good night's sleep, it doesn't bother me anymore.


Belle, Great job on getting to the gym! I am still thinking about joining Curves which is the only one on the way home from work but I am selfish about enjoying the nice weather out so won't get serious until fall. We have never done the Millie class though we intend to someday. We loved Horizon (Zenith sister) and have done Century several times along with Galaxy. So easy to get around and the crew on this size ship is so friendly. It really feels like home in very short order!


Carolyn, Chico's and Coldwater Creek are directed at women 35 and over with much more flattering styles for our age group without getting old ladyish. I prefer Chico's because I love the Traveler's series. They are absolutely impossible to wrinkle, Most dry quickly when hand laundered and they mix and match well. Any chance you might visit your ds this year since the outlet I shop at isn't all that far from her? Might want to take a look at them when you start thinking about a wardrobe for Hawaii. I'm sure you'll be fine on this cruise and will have a wonderful time!


Baby, just stick with it! Great job on the walking! Might want to take a water bottle with and then you'll get in some extra water! When do you get to go shopping at Chico's next? BTW, looked at one Princess cruise that starts in Quebec City but the price was way too high! Joe is getting tired of cruising to but I'm not ready to go back to land yet!


Linda, I know your struggling with this new diet but how is he doing? I also know your doing lots of running but how about exercise? Not preaching, since that is definitely my fall down point but maybe we can motivate each other!


Ok, I would say back to work but that would imply that I have started working so will say time for work instead!


Have a great day!

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Sheila, This is Joe so I never know what to expect! I gave him a whole list that looked good.


Oceana Insignia TA - November '07 (gone now but was outrageously priced at $1499/pp for inside cabin which included air to Barcelona and from Rio de Janeiro)


Grandeur of the Seas 9 day W. Caribbean in September with Seagulls.


Regal Princess San Juan to Acapulco (looks like we could use FF)


Sun Princess February with friends from Horizon


Galaxy December TA with Belle


Century October TA with other CC friends (Owls)


He has added the Hal and NCL to the list all by himself since I stayed away from them at his orders (take advantage of Select on X and Platinum on Princess plus onboard booking credit and shareholder credit on X). We are looking at car payments starting in Sept/Oct so trying to keep the cost down and he is looking for 100/pp per diem balconies which all but the Princess cruises have. Should be interesting!


As to the patch, I put it on before dinner on the MSC since we had a really rough sail away (started out of port but the winds were so bad that we had to pull back to the dock and let HAL go first since we came a few feet from hitting them) and only made it through 20 minutes of the show before Joe dragged me back to the cabin since I fell asleep. It works well but bedtime is the best time to put it on.

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Donna..Hope you get a cruise for your

Birthday! My husband would never book

a cruise on his own and surprise me.

I use to book weekends away for like

Valentine's Day and surprise him..do

you think he would get the hint? NO

Maybe your husband will surprise me

and book the Galaxy! LOL

Congrats on weight loss!




Shelia..Glad son is doing better and thinking of

work on Sat. Good sign, took less pain med.

I've never gotten sea sick..hope it continues

the rest of my life. When is your cruise in August?

I bet your gain is muscle weight, you've

exercise a lot.



Baby..You walked again and drinking water..

you lost weight too! Your doing GOOD!

I know weight loss is such a puzzle at times.

We think we've lost and we gain..when we

know we've gain and we lose.

Then when we're really good we just keep..

staying the same!! (been me for.. forever)


Carolyn..Bon Voyage! Don't know if you left yet but

if not..have a great time!


Linda..Enjoy the wedding, come in and talk when

you can.

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Hi girls! I hope all of you have a great Friday and weekend. I plan on doing a lot of cleaning!! I need to shampoo my carpets and that always gives me a good workout. :D


Carolyn ~ BON VOYAGE!!!! I hope you and your family have a fantastic cruise!!


Donna ~ I forgot to congratulate you on your weight loss! Weigh to go!!!


Belle ~ Our ship leaves port on Aug. 4th. I'm excited, but I'm way more excited about my Scottish friends coming to visit before the cruise. They arrive on July 28th! :D


Linda ~ Who's getting married? Have a great time at the wedding.


Baby ~ Have you got your water in hand? LOL Congrats on your weight loss also!!!


I've been a good girl all week. I've exercised every day and eaten well on my WOE. Tonight, we have a birthday party at Olive Garden. I need to check their menu and see what my good choices will be before I get there. I'm sticking with WW!


Nick wants to weigh today so I got the scales out. I just HAD to weigh myself and it said that I'd lost 2 lbs. It really isn't a loss though considering I'd gained that much! So, it is best that it stays in the closet. It only discourages me to step on it. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and eventually, I'll be back into a size 8. :)

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Hello All,


Tried to post earlier but the board was responding at less than a snail's pace.


Donna~ dh is doing very well on the woe, he is down 20lbs and offical weigh in is on Monday. He seems to be content with woe but like all of us he has his good days & bad. The food is so bland that he has taken to put a pinch of salt in his hand and sprinkling it over the food. Haven't been excersing since I'm busy chasing Connor. Be careful about Curves. Karen,Kammer, joined Curves and ended up having to see the Dr. He was less then impressed with Curves and told her to be very careful as you don't get the proper training on using the machines. She ended up pulling a shoulder mucle pretty badly. I went with her a couple of time but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Just tread gingerly when working with the machines. I had one owner tell me that when he introduce some one to the machines, he made them do it his way. After he went to talk to some else, one of the other ladies told me that doing it his way was a sure trip to the drs. so just contiune to use the machine the way I was and what was comfortable for me. Just remember they are there to make money and are not really trained like the trainers is a gym. I think Shelia could speak to this are better than i can. Just giving you my impressions and experineces. Take it with a grain of salt.


Belle~ to continue on, I am still struggling with this woe. I am down 15lbs and that is good. I have discovered though with Connor in the house that I am a animal cracker fanatic. I have eaten at least 16 animal crackers every day.:rolleyes: These little cracker my have effected my weight loss, but they sure taste good and besides on WW their only 3 points.


Shelia~ Our youth pastor is getting married tomorrow in Gainesville, that's where the Univ. of FL. is. His soon to be wife graduated from Univ. of FL.. while he graduated from their biggest rival, Florida State. They've already agreed to disagree during football season. Gainesville is a two hour drive from Jacksonville. It will be a looonnngg day for us. Wedding is at noon followed by a sit down lunch. We will leave here at 9:30am and not return until after 6:00pm. Feel bad about leaving dd & Connor but they were not invited and I would never think of taking them. Besides, Connor is just a little young to sit through a wedding. :eek:


Carolyn~ I know that I am too late but I too, add my good wishes for a great vacation. Go and have a wonderful time. You deserve it!


Am looking at booking one of the Alaska trips for next summer. I'm sure all of you ladies have been so give me your best choice for ship, ports, and things to do, & most of all what not to miss.


Karen is going for her second trip in August. So I am sure she will bring me back all kinds of great tips but would be nice to hear from all of you.


Shelia ~ I just finished cleaning my house:D although I have hardwood floors through out the house, its amazes me how much hair one cat can shed, and how many animal crackers one can find in different rooms through out the house. Don't know how those litte crackers got every place.;)


Speaking of my cookie monster he is making sounds like he is waking up from his nap, so I need to run. Everyone have a great weekend and I'll try to check in on Sunday.



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Sheila, put that scale right back in that closet and do not open the door! Glad he is feeling so much better and hope he can handle working tomorrow!


Carolyn, Bon Voyage! Relax and have fun!


Belle, He has tried to surprise me twice before and just couldn't keep quiet once he did it so I figure he is just plotting now. The Galaxy was supposed to be a surprise and he wrote down a list of numbers and asked me which one I wanted. I had no problem figuring out that they were cabin numbers and even picking the right one!


Linda, Alaska is fantastic! We did it on Dawn Princess almost 4 years ago. I would suggest doing north/south rather than round trip if possible. Much more time in the glaciers with that route. I'm sure Connor and DD will be fine tomorrow so go an have a good time. I HATE that whatever they do works for them! Joe says I'm dieting and he loses every week while I sit on a plateau for months on end. Yes, I know about curves but I think I need to force myself to say 'This is what I am doing on the way home from work'. I walk through the exercise room on the way in at night and then never manage to make it back there.


Baby, Water? Have you walked today? Big weekend plans?


Ok, have to run! Insurance problem came up and I have to go tell Bill that the agency he uses are idiots! This should be fun!


Have a great afternoon!

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Linda ~ I'd love to see a picture of Connor sometime. I love babies!! My hair sheds real bad so I find hair everywhere. It drives me nuts. I only have hardwood in the study, foyer, and dining room. I'd love to have it everywhere. Maybe on day! I bet their marriage will be interesting! LOL Have a great time! Glad you mentioned Karen. How's she doing? I miss her!


Donna ~ Yes, it is going right back into the closet. I can't handle it! LOL I hope Belle doesn't get mad at me for not weighing in on Thursdays. :o

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It's still evening here, 14th of July..

Bastille Day in France. Last year

I was sitting on my balcony and watching

the fireworks .. that were going over the sea

after being shot off from a boat.

After walking on the Promenade with ALL the

people. Sigh..


Since I'm not in France, should be at the

river but I'm not. Why do people get greedy?

How can they stab (who they call family) in

the back! If don't know what I'm talking about..

remember owner of river cabins died..daughter

took over..and boom..prices almost triple.

Plus cabins aren't worth it..old..but all friends

we loved it..the price was alright till she

got greedy. I hope she stays empty all summer.


Ok I'm thru ranting now..just needed to do it!

Feel a little better....almost!


Shelia..Be happy, even if old weight off..it's 2lbs GONE!

I'll forgive you for not getting on the scale....


That's great you get to see your friends so soon. Are

they going on the cruise with you?


Donna..When is your birthday? Don't know if we can wait

till then to see what cruise he picked or if he did.

Hope you have the weekend off from work. Enjoy!


Linda..It's nice your husband is doing the woe with you.

Doesn't it make it easier for you? Except men always

lose faster then us men! Grrrr

3 points not bad for those cookies. Why you find them

all over the house when you clean is....they come alive

at night and walk all over your house! LOL


Baby..You got a head start on your weekend? Your not here!



Carolyn..Guess your off on the.."high seas" right now!

Bon Voyage!


Went to the Doc's today..BP up a little..think it's

because of the "stress" of trying to lose weight! LOL

Also went to the gym. Also sat outside and read...

Didn't clean my house like all you are doing or going too



Have a GOOD WEEKEND....Try to be good!

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It's still hot and humid here...very uncomfortable. I haven't walked in a couple of days. The last time (7:30-8:30AM) it was so humid...I didn't enjoy it at all.


Weight is up the awful pound. Ate too much Sat. night...went to an "all you can eat" Asian restaurant....and ate all I could eat! It is an upscale restaurant in the Omni hotel. My younger son often chooses it for his birthday (which will be next week). He was in town, so we celebrated.


Then, yesterday, I was home....and really I noshed too much....so today...I pay the piper! Have to take off the 2 pounds I gained.


Hope you all had a great weekend.


Belle, where in France, did your husband live? Did you meet in the U.S?


Do you take anything for your blood pressure? The last visit my Dr. gave me a new pill...but I don't like it. I will speak to him about it next visit.


Donna...water at hand. Running out of water...have to go to the supermarket!


I think it's great that DH surprises you with a cruise. The only thing my DH surprises me with is a rose....and that took years of TRAINING!!!!


Sheila...how is your son doing?


Have a wonderful day, everyone.

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Belle ~ I'm so glad you'll forgive me for not weighing in. LOL That is a shame about the cabins! I hope she stays empty all summer also and then maybe she'll lower her prices. Sorry you're not in France right now. I'd like to be there myself! Sigh.


Baby ~ Nick is doing really good now. I did have to call his boss on Friday to let him know he won't be in to work until the doctor releases him on Wed. His boss didn't even know he had surgery. He said Nick just told him he needed time off. LOL Kids!! Anyway, he cleaned his room yesterday and even helped out in the kitchen so I guess he's better. Thank goodness! He'll be a senior this fall and I just had to pick out his senior portraits. I wanted all of them, but the prices are outrageous!


I did well with my WOE and exercise this weekend. I still think I'm eating too much food. I'm getting really tired of having to think about it so much.

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Is it hot

enough for everyone?

Seems like it's warmed up in most states!

We've been in the high 90's, Monday was

..103! No AC here..keep everything closed

until about 6pm then open all the windows.

Works well.

We will have AC in Palm Springs..have to..

100 there every day, not just once in awhile.

Least with this hot weather, we're all drinking

our WATER!


Shelia.. Be nice if we all were in France right now.

Talked to someone at the river, the cabins have been

empty. Serves her right. Even if she lowers the price

next year, don't think all of us would go..she did us

wrong this year. We were like family..raise the price, yes

but raise it "over the top". Not right.

As the saying goes..Made her bed..now she has to lie in it.

She lost what money she did make from us. Time to pay

her taxes...She will say.."Where's the money"? She

would of got it. Gee I'm ranting again. Sorry.

Glad your son is doing better.


Baby..Bet it's easier to drink your water when it's hot.

Has been for me.

My husband is from Lyon. We met in San Francisco and

the rest is history. We met and married with in 11 months

even thro I couldn't understand him. LOL He spoke english

but with a very thick accent. He had been in SF for only

about a year and a 1/2.


Donna..Hope your doing good and work isn't getting you

down to much this week. Any rumor on what your husband

is doing?


Linda..How was your weekend? Was the wedding nice?


Carolyn is having a great time on her cruise I bet.


Have a good week and try to stay cool.

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Where are all of my girls? ;)


Belle ~ WOW!! Do you live in the Northern part of California? So sorry it has been so hot with no AC. I couldn't live without it down here in the South. It is in the high 90's/low 100's here also, but we have AC. WOW! Your DH is from France? Is he a romantic? LOL How long have you been married? BTW, glad to hear the cabins on the river have been empty. Talking about biting the hand that feeds you! :eek:


Everything has been good with WOE and exercise!!! :D

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I'm here just slightly crazy! How crazy, went home last night to make the pork chops only to find that I froze both packages! The intent was to use one and freeze one. Found something else to eat so no chance of starving!


Belle, when are you going down to Palm Springs? I'm glad those cabins are sitting empty and she won't be at tax time!


Sheila, How is Nick doing this week?


Baby, Where is that water?


Linda, How was the wedding?


I'm also sure that Carolyn is having a great time!


Mom is back in the hospital as of yesterday afternoon but supposedly not serious. Seems she gave herself an anxiety attack. Doc is holding her to try to talk some sense into her about assisted living but hasn't gotten anywhere yet. No idea what Joe is cooking up but it is more than likely on hold at this point since we will have to move quickly when she finally decides to accept assisted living. Planned on spending the night of the 29th in downtown Chicago for Venetian Fest and even that is on hold for the moment.


Report just went to printer so back to slaving away!


Have a great evening!

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Donna ~ So glad you posted! Sorry to hear that about your DM. I sure hope she listens to you and the doctor. I know it is hard for the elderly to give up their home and independence.


Nick is back to his old self. He goes back to the doctor this morning for his post-op. Thanks for asking!


How is everyone else?

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Okay, I have just a few minutes to post. I can finally get on the boards. Last couple of days everything has been so busy, I couldn't even get on to post. Hope that is what has happened to the rest of you ladies.


Donna~how is your Mom doing? I hope this weekend has brought you some rest. I know dealing with an aging Mom who doesn't want or think she needs help can be at the least overtaxing. My Mom who is 82 lives with Karen(my sister) and sometimes life just gets to be too much for all of us. Fortuneately, I can step in and play the bad guy and sometime get things moving in the right direction. I always ask Karen if my doing this would help her. I always follow Karen's lead, after all Mom lives with her and my objective is to make life easier for Karen. Don't know if you have any sibling who could help in this way. Any way my heart goes out to you.


Shelia~ I hope the news from Nicks dr. was good and he has been released and back to his normal self. I'll bet it was nice to be able to baby him without him feeling silly. No one makes you feel better than your "Mommy".


The wedding last weekend was really nice. Very nice service and nice to see two young people so committed to each other. Our youth pastor had a smile on his face that went from ear to ear as his bride walked down the aisle. Vows were spoken with such love, just nice too see. We had a great time. The funniest thing was at the reception. I told you he is a Seminole fan and she a Gator fan. When he went to get the garter off her leg, all of their friends, did the Gator chomp and fight song. He refused to get the garter off her leg until they stopped singing the fight song. Like I said just fun.


Tomorrow is my 53rd birthday. I have the whole family here. Two daughter, grandson & hubby. Don't have anything special planned that I know of, but then I don't know everything. I will try to pop back on Sunday and let you know how things went. Must say am in a really strange mood for this birthday. Just feeling really old. Just hit me today that I have outlived my Dad by 11 years. He was 42 when he passed away from complications of smoking. I was just 17 and grew up really fast after his passing. I guess thinking about all this has put me in some what of a funk, and its really hard to put on the "happy face" for the family. Thanks ladies for letting me get that out!:(


My woe has gone out the window the last couple of days. Just haven't been able to keep it up. Am afraid to step on the scale and sure it is moving in the wrong direction...up! Am hoping once the girls leave I can try to get my eating back under control. One of my co-workers baked me a blueberry pound cake:( and mother in law came to visit today and made fresh peach cobbler:( . Good news is that I don't like the cake and have no interest in eating the peach cobbler. I love it, its my birthday and DH get his favorite desert. Is something wrong here? LOL. Actually, after this weekend whatever is left will either get thrown out or taken to the office to share. I would never hurt anyones feelings and tell them I don't eat those things. If I'm going to eat fruit, don't mess it up by putting it in a pie, cake, or cobbler just give me the piece of fresh fruit. I'm much happier that way... just one of my strange ways.


Hope all of you have a great weekend. Donna has her vote in for Dawn Princess for Alaska, anyone else?


Birthday Girl Linda

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Happy Birthday, Linda! Whatever surprise your family has (or hasn't!), it will be wonderful celebrating all of you together.


You are lucky that you PREFER fresh fruit "au naturel". Actually, they did you a favour, baking your DH's favourites instead of yours!


I just returned from a good walk. Thank goodness for the walks. It really helps with weight-control. My weight is high this summer and I aim to get it down....but so far it's been a lot of talk! Tonight we are going out to dinner with friends and tomorrow we are invited to a luncheon. Food, food and more food!


Sheila..so glad that Nick is back to his old self. I am so impressed that he cleaned his room! Is he planning to attend university? Are you "shopping around"? My sons studied here in the city, so it was so much less expensive. I know what you mean about photos. The kids were interviewing photographers/viedographers last week end and I was shocked at the price tags. Thousands. Everything is thousands. Whatever happened to hundreds?


Donna..good luck with your mom (and you,too,Linda). If our parents live to an old age, we are lucky, but then we have other problems.


Carolyn, you should be back this weekend. How was it? Fabulous, I hope!


Belle..where are you? Miss you!


Last summer, we had tablemates from Lyon. It's on our to-do list. A few years ago I mapped out a trip, starting in Lyon, then going to Avignon by train. Twice I thought we would do it, and twice we didn't. Next summer, since we have the wedding...don't think we'll be going very far! Thank goodness our winter vacation is almost all paid, so I don't have to worry about it. (Gotta get away from the cold, you know....hard to imagine these days, eh?)


Now I must go and prepare lunch...salad, pita and low-fat babaganouch...yummy!


Have a great day, everyone!

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Remind you of a song?

Today it got to 108...

tomorrow 107! No AC here!! Usually in the 90's

cools down in the evenings...not this time!

Been hot for weeks. Sitting here with the fan

pointing at me sitting at computer.


So each day going out to places with AC..LOL

So shopping in malls, eatting out with friends

or husband..

It will be hot in Palm Springs but will have

AC plus a pool right out the door.


In fact I haven't even started getting ready for

PS yet, just playing around to much.

Have eight days till we leave, really seven..

won't do any thing tomorrow...too hot! LOL


How are you all doing? Having hot weather too?

Seems like all the states are, some having really

bad storms too.


Sorry have to go now..will talk more later.

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Time flys!


Belle, that is coming up fast and I bet it can't be fast enough with all the heat that you have been suffering through! Keep heading towards air conditioning and it will be here before you know it!


Sheila, Glad Nick is back to his normal self! Everything else going ok?


Linda, Happy belated Birthday! I don't know why but I turned 53 last year and it was one of the roughest! Now Joe is about to turn 55 and even the senior booking rate isn't improving his mood! You'll get back on diet track and the bit of timeoff will do you a world of good!


Baby, still hot? That wedding is going to drive you crazy but will really do it to the bride's parents. We were fortunate since Cheryl and Paul paid for the wedding while we paid for the honeymoon. They knew they couldn't bring themselves to spend the money for two weeks in Hawaii so it was their choice and they jumped on the offer. Where is your water?


Carolyn, are you back yet? Have a wonderful time?


Well, mom is now in the rehab unit of the nursing home that she didn't want to go to but has decided to stay there even though they have a opening at the one she preferred. This is the older one but has the fact that she can control her own heat and they don't lock her in bed at night in its favor. Of course, she is trying to get me to call and have her released to go home for a day but it isn't working. My stepbrother will be there next Saturday and she has finally accepted that he is still coming. Looks like we will spend Saturday night in downtown Chicago at Hard Rock for Venetian night and will meet a couple of the infamous Owls (got involved after the move) on Sunday for brunch. I think I have convinced him to give up on any surprise cruises with everything that is going on with Mom but you never know. We are now looking at Eastbound TA's next March/April/May and I am tracking them. I would love the Millie eastbound but the pricing right now is ridiculous so need to keep an eye on it. I'm sure that we will come up with something in between and at the last minute.


I hear him moving about so time to wish you a great Sunday and get back to work!


Have a great day!

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