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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hi Donna! I broke a fall a week or two ago. Maybe that's what did it. Standing and cooking in the kitchen didn't help. Neither did reaching high up to get and put away dishes I use once a year. Anyway, I am in pain. After this, I will do my first set of exercises. Have to strenghen those muscles.


If you want my opinion (and even if you don't!). Take the most CONVENIENT flight. It's holiday time, you want to be with your family. Eliminate any stress. Do yourself a favour. You deserve it. End of sermon!


My water is right here! Thanks to you, when I think computer, I think water!


Baby, Ouch! Glad you didn't fall but that can't feel good! Take it easy until it is better! If it was one or two hundred it would be one thing but the price difference of is $1000. No way! I will not pay $600/PP to fly back from Florida! Problem is that pricing keep appearing and disappearing so at this point, lots of patience required. Of course, I want to do a quick check today and spent way too much time dinking with it. Generally, booking on weekends is an absolute no no though an occasional deal will pop up. It will work out within the next couple of weeks but it means a lot of checking.


Now I had better stop playing and get to work!


Have a great afternoon!

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Hi girls! How did everyone's weekend go? I actually started Christmas shopping. Can you believe that? LOL Oh wait, I actually started when we went to Great Britain back in June. I'm so organized, aren't I? Now, can someone please tell me to organize my closet? I have clothes in there that I haven't worn in a long time and now my other clothes are getting too big. Nice problem, huh?! ;)


Baby ~ I didn't realize you hurt your back so much!! You poor thing! Back injuries are the worst. DH and I both have bad backs and it is not fun. Strengthening those back muscles will definitely help. My back has started hurting again since I haven't been to the gym in 4 weeks. Take care of yourself and I hope you get some relief soon!


Donna ~ I'm only going to walk on the treadmill this week and next. I'll take it slowly, I promise. Thanks for your concern. I agree with Baby, you should take the flight that is most convenient. You're going to have a great time!


Belle & Linda seem to be MIA again. Hi girls!!!!

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Sheila, Yep, pulling forward smaller clothes is a good problem to have. Don't overdo the treadmill. I did last night and I am paying for it today so back to a slower pace tonight. Now, how about coming up here and starting my Xmas shopping? I was so proud of myself that I have Abby's Birthday present and we aren't seeing her until next Sunday. I have to have all gifts shipped by 12/7 so this should really be interesting!


Baby, Where is your water? How is the back? We are still playing with flight options. As soon as we decided we would rather just go to MI, they came up with a $79.00 flight to Chicago. Tempting but still holding off to see what the MI flights do. I'm sure we'll find something but it is irritating at the least and nerve wracking at best.


Belle, Company gone? How is the gym working out? Your up next!


Carolyn, Mike home? Everybody healthy again? What did you decide on December and August?


Linda, Did you talk him into the extra days? When are you leaving?


Ok, month end is driving me crazy so better get back to it! Of course, boss wants all sorts of other strange things at the same time. I think he may have taken the hint and has stayed out of my hair since he's gotten back from lunch but won't be long before he forgets!


Have a great afternoon!

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I'm still here...remember I had company this weekend!

Plus last night, (Sunday Night) my server wouldn't work.

I had withdrawals! LOL


Ok tonight..Got my "computer fix"..no withdrawals anymore!


Made the gym tonight but went out to dinner too!

Does that defeat the purpose? I didn't eat everything thro.


Good to see everyone..


Sheila and Baby..Hope you two are feeling alright today.

Sheila easy on the treadmill.


Baby and Carolyn ..Know you had Yom Kippur. Hope the

day went well for you both.


Donna and Linda..How is planning for your trips going?

Donna hope you get a good airfare.

We're still waiting to see what our flights will be. Hoping

for good ones.


Shelia and Donna your Christmas shopping too, I have a

few things but don't know what else I'm buying. Think

husband and I will say cruise is our gift to each other.


Trying to go the gym Monday morning, cruise is

seven weeks away! I haven't been as good as I wanted.

What else is new?


Take care..drink that water!

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Hey!! I did fine at the gym last night. I did the treadmill for 45 minutes at speeds of 3.2 to 3.5. I did hurt afterwards, but that's OK. My doc told me to expect it. I went 2.5 miles in 45 minutes so I really didn't push myself too hard. I just wanted to keep my heart rate at the target for fat burning. My trainer said that slow and stready burns the fat. He said distance doesn't matter, but the length of time you stay on it. I know he's right because when I've pushed myself too hard and gone real fast and a long distance, no weight loss. When I slowed it down and went an hour instead of 30-45 minutes, I'd have a loss. So, I no longer kill myself! :D


Carolyn & Baby ~ How was your Yom Kippur? I hope you had a great day!


Belle ~ I forgot that you had company. Did y'all have a good time? Hopefully the gym counteracted the meal you ate last night. ;) My present for Christmas, our Anniversary, and my birthday (the 21st) is my tummy tuck. Best present I've ever gotten.


Donna ~ I'm normally finished Christmas shopping by the first of Dec. I don't like to buy everything too early because I'll end up blowing my budget. LOL To keep my spending to a minimum this year, John told me I could have a certain amount of money for new clothes if I stick to it. Now, that's motivation!! :D Good luck getting yours done.


Linda ~ How are you doing?

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I have a little catching up to do! Meanwhile, the Awful Pound is back on....and today (are you listening, Belle?) we are lunching at a Provencal restaurant. How will I ever be GOOD????


My back, as the kids would say, "sucks"! Don't you hate that word? I think it sounds awful, but it sure expresses the situation!!! I just returned from physio. I am going twice a week and it is starting to feel a little better.


Donna (yes my water is at hand...it's a good thing I post here...at least at this time I am sure to drink it!!)Wow, what a difference in airfares! Hope you get a good one.


Sheila...organized closets....I watch those shows...I am soooo bad. What I do is clean out drawers and closets, make them neat, then I don't know where to put the leftovers. So my room is a mess, but my closets and drawers are neat!!! And I CANNOT get rid of things. I may give away a very few things each time I go through this exercise. Meanwhile, if I want something that is put away, I can never find it. My DH laughs at me and tells me to "get rid of it". But...I must tell you that this weekend I wore a skirt that I bought 15 years ago and haven't worn in years. I wore it with a very stylish sweater and it looked fine! So there to all the neatniks!!!!!


Thank you all for remembering Yom Kippur. I didn't go to shule (synagogue, in Yiddish..thought I'd throw that in!) Sun. night because you have to stand for a few hours. Mon. I went a little, sat when others stood. In our shule, there is a drawer at the bottom of the seat ahead (if I explained it clearly!). I opened it and rested my feet on it. That pushed my back right into the back of my seat and it gave relief. (Am I clear?)


To break the fast, we went to friends, so that was nice.


Xmas shopping...maybe I mentioned this already, but the displays were out in Sept. this year. Soon they will do it in July!


Those of you who shop early are very smart!!!


Take care all

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Baby ~ I'm so sorry your back isn't any better! Yes, I hate that word also, but sometimes you just have to use it! LOL RE: Christmas decor....I just returned from Hobby Lobby and one side was done in Christmas and the other in Halloween. I think it is WAY too early for the Christmas decor!!! Take care of that back!!! I hope the physio works (is that the same as our chiropractors in the US?).


RE: Neatniks...that is great that you wore your 15 y/o skirt. I, on the other hand, give my clothes away like crazy. After I get all of my weight off, I'm going to buy classic pieces that I can wear now and until maybe 10 years. You can always wear a nice skirt or tailored pant forever.....if it fits. ;)

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Hi everyone!


Belle ~ Glad your server is up and running. I've missed you!!


I've been doing fine with WOE & exercise. Starting on Monday, I go back to doing the treadmill for one hour. Then, the following week, I can start back lifting weights. I'm really looking forward to that!!


Hope all of you have a good weekend and try to be good! :D

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HELP!!! I've fallen and I can't get up!!! (WOE not really fall... it's gotten REALLY bad.. think I've hit "rock bottom")

Don't know what to do... low carb isn't working at all.. not sure if I'm disciplined enough for WW...



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First, Carlolyn...here to your rescue! Take a deep breath! It's a gorgeous day here and it probably is also beautiful where you live. Find some time for yourself and go out for a walk! (That's what I plan to do today). If the kids are home, take one or both with you. If you are chauffeuring them to an activity, after you let them off, walk somewhere. Just chill out, OK??? That will clear some cobwebs (in the brain, that is!!!!)


Next....forget the word "diet". When you have the strong urge to eat (nosh), choose a fruit or something plain and not too fattening.

Drink water.


Sheila...my back is really much better. Thanks for asking. I have been to physio 4 times and plan to continue the 2X a week for the next 2 weeks. My therapist is fantastic! A PT is not the same as a Chiropractor. I have never been to a C, but I think they do all kinds of maneuvers to the body! At PT, I get a couple of machine treatments, heat, massage, and exercises. It really is HEAVEN! I used to go regularly because of chronic neck and shoulder pain. At that time, Lisa was a student and I remember that, even then, she gave an excellent massage. I guess others thought so,too, because in addition to her therapy diploma, she got a masseuse diploma. I have had massages here and there and I can tell you she is GOOD! She knows exactly what the trouble spots are and how to deal with them.


I am happy to read that you are getting back to your exercises, etc. That is great..and hope you buy a gorgeous new wardrobe soon!


My weight...the AWFUL POUND has returned. I don't know why I sabotage myself. If I lose 5 pounds, I will SHOP!!!!! The beginning of Nov., we are going to NYC for a Bat Mitzvah. I will have one day to shop. I would like to go to Saks and look at gowns. But first I have to lose. Do you know "OY VAY"?????


Donna, where are you. I don't have my water! I just finished my coffee!


How many cruises do you have planned? I have so much trouble keeping up with you! Did you find good and reasonable flights?


Belle, we need your sunny (California style!) disposition! You will be cruising for how long? 24 days? More? Wow! I have never done a TA and always wanted to. You will have to tell me about the weather at that time of year. I guess it's the luck of the draw!


Have a great day, all!


Oops, forgot Linda. Are you reading this? If so, hi!!!

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I remember typing a post midweek and it is not here! Wonder if it is the old CC tricks or I just forgot to hit the post button. Guess I will never know the answer to that puzzle!


Sheila, Don't take it on to fast! If it starts hurting then slow down! Glad your at the point of feeling ready for it but don't want you to hurt yourself!


Baby, Where is that water at? Glad the back is improving! I have been playing with the same 3 lbs for 11 months now and it is getting way too old which is why I gave up and started exercising again. Figure that if they are going to stick around, at least they won't wiggle as much! Now, seriously, I think I could lose 5 lbs. to shop in NYC!


Linda, when are you off to the Holy Land?


Carolyn, You can handle WW! Seems too much of your life is being controlled by outside sources so you just need to focus on what you can! However, taking care of yourself throughout this should be a high priority!


Belle, glad the server is back up since we miss you when your gone! This is one time when I'm not going to sulk when you leave on your cruise since it will be time for me to pack for ours!


OK, two cruises scheduled. First 12/8-12/23 on Mercury and we do not have air yet. Second, 9/15-9/27 and we are waiting for confirmation from Marriott on our London hotel. Looks likely that we will spend the night of 9/27 in NYC which will be the first time for me. Course, this is at the end of a 12 day TA so not sure I will be in any shape to shop!


It does look like we will plan on going straight to Michigan on the 23rd and now we are checking flights to see if anything comes down in the afternoon. Still finding super cheap for early AM and late PM but the mid days haven't moved yet. However, we can actually check seating on some of them and they are not close to filling up.


Work is down but housework still needs to be done so I am off to do my daily flight check then dig into the house. I will restart work and plan on doing the stuff I brought home on the way to lunch for DD1's B'day at Rain Forest Cafe tomorrow.


Everyone have a great and healthy day!

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How are you allthis morning?


Donna you can't sulk..you leave before I

get back and YOU have another cruise

planned ALREADY!


Donna did you take the hop on/hop off bus

in Malaga? Did you like the tour around town?

Is the bus stop close to the pier?

Also in Funchal/Madeira did you take the cable car

up the mountain? How far away from the port?

Looks about a mile..is that right?


Carolyn sorry your having a rough time.

Think your on "overload" with everything going on in

your life. You have to handle so much when your husband

is gone. Right now why don't you just think..I'm going

to eat healthier, drink water and get a little exercise.

Once you got that down..then try to get a little stricter.

Take it a day at a time.


Baby Glad your back is feeling better, your treatment is

helping you. Take it easy..don't get to tired shopping!


My cruise is 25 days long. We leave in 6 weeks.

The weather SHOULD be, depending where we are....

High 50's..60's..maybe a 70 here and there and the

high 80's in the caribbean. That's what it SHOULD be

but as you say..luck of the draw. We could have rain,

hope not, rather have cooler weather but guess what...

WE will take what ever we get and have a GREAT TIME!


Shelia How are you doing? Hope exercise is going alright.

Not hurting yourself. WOW your in size 8's! How's your

"flat tummy"? Swelling gone down? Not hurting to much,

I hope.


Well did everyone have a good weekend?

I did..went to dinner and a show(movie). Gym one day.

Today the weather so nice, high 80's after we had cool

weather..so I sat outside and read. Was so nice.

We had BBQ steaks for dinner with a salad.


Wishing you all a good week...in all areas of your life but

especially in your eating and exercising.

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Hi girls! Did y'all have a good weekend? Mine was good because I lost 2 lbs!!


Donna ~ I did fine with my workouts last week. I start doing 1 hour on the treadmill today. I think I lost the 2 lbs because of the treadmill. I need to keep that up! Thanks for being so caring!


Baby ~ We have PT here also. My friend from Scotland calls his chiropractor a physio so I thought it might be the same. I guess I should've know it was a physical therapist. LOL I hope your back is on its way to a full recovery. Nothing worse than back pain in my book!


Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry you feel so down with your WOE!!! Just re-assess what you need to do and do it! You can do it as you've done it before. We're here to hold your hand all of the way!!


Belle ~ I'm still swelling a lot, but that will last a long time. I could swell up to a year. I go back to my doctor tomorrow for a follow-up. The left side of my belly button is extremely sore and swollen. I hope it is nothing. I'm just glad that my tummy is now equal with my hips. However, now my thighs look huge!! LOL DH says I can work that off in the gym and he's right. :D How's your exercise going? Still making it to the gym?


Linda ~ Where are you???




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Sheila, Just take a reasonable pace! WTG on the WL!


Belle, We did the Hop on Hop Off in Malaga! Ordered the tickets on line. Boarded about 100 yds from the front of the ship. Took it all the way around the first time then got off at Picasso Square to meet Seagull's who was on Century and in port with us. Got back on the bus and stopped at a huge local market where we found some of the best wine we have ever had and it came in little boxes for less than $1.00 box.


We hired a private driver in Funchal when we got off the ship. $90.00 for 4 hours. Started off by taking us to a very nice local internet cafe then on to a working fishing village. Eventually wound are way to the toboggan station (that is where the cable car ends up). You have got to do that, it is an absolute blast! Joe didn't want to and he is so glad that he finally agreed to. He met us at the bottom then a little more touring with him dropping us at the main market where they kept feeding Joe. Of course, found more excellent wine in Funchal too!


Carolyn, doing any better?


Linda, are you still here or gone already?


Baby, How is your back? Where is your water? Which tour was it in Puntarenas?


Ok, back to work!

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Donna Thanks but think we'll take the

cable car up and down in Funchal.. Could change

our minds once we're there. I could see me doing

it and my husband saying..no thank you! LOL

How far is the cable car from the port? Do you know?


We're going to take the bus too in Malaga. Think

it will be a nice way to see the town without a tour.


Some of ports taking tours otherswe're doing on

our own but we can book something or someone

if change our minds in those ports.


Sheila Hope everything is fine at the doctors.

You do so good on your exercise. 2lbs lost! WTG!


I went to the gym today but ate out also. (Didn't eat it all)

Did some shopping too. Bought couple of things for the

cruise..all on sale. Blouse, shell, pants and a pair of shoes.


Baby Hope your back is even better today.


Carolyn Hope your doing better on eating and feeling good.


Linda Whens your trip? Hope your alright.


Another day gone by...Hope we're all losing some ounces

that lead to pounds OFF!

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Still Monday here in California so wishing you a..


Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a

Good Day!

(I forgot it was today for you) since ours is in



Hope you enjoyed the good food but didn't

have a GAIN! If you did ..know you'll get it

OFF fast!

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Belle & Donna ~ When are your trips again? We won't be doing any traveling until our cruise in May. Boo! Hoo!


Baby ~ How's your back? I hope it is better!


Carolyn ~ Any better with your WOE?


Linda ~ How are you?


I did do the one hour on the treadmill last night and it was easier than I thought. I can start back doing weights next Wed. I go back to the doctor this afternoon. :D I can't wait to be able to buy new clothes!

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Just popping in (very late here after midnight).

I've been "ok" the last 2 days (holding own)... now hoping the scale will budge a bit. Not sure what will happen... sticking to Atkins (though not sure if it's going to be "the fix" I need).

Gotta get some sleep.

Hope everyone's doing fine...


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Hi girls!!


My doctor's appt went fine yesterday. I have to go back in 2 months. He wasn't too concerned about he excess swelling/pain next to my belly button. Said that if it didn't go down by my next visit, he'd suck it out. LOL He also noticed a pucker on my incision that I didn't see. I guess he's a perfectionist. John said he ought to be with as much money as we paid him. :rolleyes: I'm very happy with the results and John and I both are amazed at the difference. My surgeon gave me a card coupon yesterday for a free consult with him (worth $75) for myself or a friend. Any takers? LOL


Carolyn ~ Glad you're getting back to your WOE! Good luck!!!!

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What it that saying about time flying when your having fun!


Sheila, glad the appointment went well! We aren't leaving until December 8th and Belle will be through her Med cruise and well into her TA by then!


Belle, We took a circuitous route so not exactly sure how far the cable cars are. Friends who insisted that they weren't doing the tobaggan took the cable car up and wandered around. We ended up lending them the money for the tobaggan because they decided that it looked like too much fun to miss. The cable care drop off isn't too far from the tobaggan run so bring extra cash with! One of the rare times we even bought the photo because it turned out great!


Baby, how is the back? Where is your water?


Linda, Are you here or gone?


Carolyn, stick to it! One day at a time!


I am sticking to the treadmill but thought last night was going to kill me. Wasn't 1/2 way through and ready to sit down but I kept going. Placed an order with Chico's yesterday (already shipped) which should be the last of the clothes I need for the upcoming cruise. Next is shopping for new bra's and underwear since I am overdue on both. Think I will pick up more of the microfiber ones since they dry really fast when washed in the cabin. This is wear I really miss Princess and the laundry rooms. Really have to plan ahead of time with the domestic weight limits on luggage! Same length of time gone as the TA but the weight allowance is much lower and we just made it on that one. Lots of Chico's Travellers this time since they all co-ordinate so well and wash out without needing ironing. I am ready to start the spreadsheet and staging but can't do that until after Thanksgiving weekend since we will have the whole family staying with us.


Ok, back to work!


Hope everyone has a great afternoon!

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Donna ~ There must've been something in the water yesterday with the treadmills. I was halfway through my workout and was just dragging! I did get my whole hour in, but what a struggle! I'm heading to Victoria's Secret today to buy some new undies also.


The scales still showed a 2 lbs loss today so I'm happy. I lowered my goal weight to 135 so now I have 10 lbs to go. I'm really going to work on toning though. My thighs look like cottage cheese! :eek:

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Hi Ladies,

Am in stress overload. Spent last weekend with my sister, Karen, who sends her love to all and had a wonderful time.


Monday afternoon DD#2 called and it took me five minutes to get her calmed down enough to understand her. She lent her car to her boyfriend, he was run off I-95(in Fort Lauderdale) and totaled her car. He has broken nose, cheekbone, and lost several teeth. He was driving on a suspend license(sp?) no, she didn't know that. This is one top of the two year struggle to keep DD#1 and grandson on their own. I just don't know what to do or where to go. All I've been able to do is cry. DH & co-worker, plus Karen and another dear friend(over 20 yrs of friendship) all ganged up on me and made me go see Dr. I really didn't want to go...I just feel like I should be able to handle the stress by myself. Long story short Dr. said I am moderately to severly depressed and put me on medication. Will do a follow up visit in 8 weeks.


Trip is coming up fast, we leave Nov. 6 but I have to be honest I have no interest in going. If I could figure out a way to stay home and let DH go I would. I know if I back out he won't go and that makes me feel even worse.


As for woe....what woe???? I haven't eaten much of anything since Monday. I'm not hungry and nothing tastes or even smells good. DH is staying on me about eating something.


Shelia~please be careful and don't overdo. Can't even remember last time I saw 140's...think it must have been in high school.


Carolyn~glad to see you are back to woe of eating and I wish you every success. Atkins is really good and after a while I don't miss the starches but some how bread always gets me.


Donna & Belle~ enjoy your trips.


I will continue to read but will not post for a while, I need to get my act together. You ladies are doing so well, you don't need me to drag you down.


I didn't mention that DD#2 was not in the car and that she had insurance. The good thing is no loss of life and the rest is just material stuff. Boyfriend ended up hitting a Lexus driven by a 71 year old man. The man was on the side of I-95 and had just gotten back in the car, when he saw the semi run boyfriend of the road. Cars came to rest trunk to trunk. Will have to wait and see if there is a lawsuit but man refused medical treatment and drove his car away from the accident scene.


Take Care.


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Sent a long post last night...not here...

so it didn't go thru! HATE THAT!


So not going to repeat..if I could write/remember

the same thing over again.


WTG Sheila another 2 lbs...your going to be skin

and bones. (Smile)


Linda sorry about the problems your having.

Take care of yourself. Please enjoy your trip.

Will be good for you and your husband.


Carolyn how's it going?


Baby how's it going?


Donna Good going on the treadmill. Keep it up.

Your going to be the best dressed on your cruise

with all your new clothes.


I made the gym yesterday night after a day being gone,

had to force myself.


Everyone take it easy on the food but hard on the exercise!

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Linda ~ {{{HUGS}}} to you!!! I'm going through the depression/stress with my DMIL right now. I know it isn't fun. Hang in there and let the meds work. Hopefully, you'll feel like the cruise when your meds kick in. Take care and hang in there!!! Just post when you feel the need. We're here for you!


Belle ~ I've got a long way to go before I'll be "skin and bones." LOL Thanks for saying that though. ;)

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