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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I am sitting at the window and I see these big white things falling from the sky...wet snow...yuch. I am not ready for this.


Sheila...was it your birthday yesterday? Happy, happy! I won't ask how many candles!



Belle, someone taught me a little trick. Since you are going away for so many days, don't want to overpack and want to leave room for a few purchases(!), take some of your older clothes that you want to get rid of anyway. Wear them at the beginning of the trip, then throw them away. Voila....more room in your suitcase! I did that when we went to Greece. I plan to do it again, the next time we take a big land trip.


Take care, all!

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Belle, Your becoming a regular at the gym and I'm sure it is showing!


Sheila, a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Carolyn, Any decision on the December vacation?


Baby, Where is your water? We saw snow before you did which is a definitely scary thought!


Linda, Hang in there! Things will get better!


I'm afraid that I have spent the day stuck to this chair. Not even sure this will make it since another CC board just crashed but worth a try. I booked our air to San Diego this morning and I am just a tiny bit nervous about flying in the same day bot the boss would kill me if I didn't have the preliminary P&L done before we leave. Even wrote down alternate flight options to play it safe. Now the only transportation left is to/from the ship and home from MI. May end up flying home and renting a car at ORD or just may drive the rental car that we pick up at DTW home. In the midst of all this, am working on hotel for next September. We were going to use Marriott points but the priceline deals have been coming through for some decent properties so will go that route first. Just may end up using the Marriott points post cruise in NYC since they are still outrageous even using priceline. Think I have him talked into 2 nights in NYC after the cruise so we will end up with a 17 day vacation after all!


OK, the day has disappeared and it is time to start dinner. Have a great evening!

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When will you be in NYC (using Marriott points?) Know most of the time Marriott points aren't "worth using" unless you stay a full week. There are some "boutique hotels" in NYC area that are decent/safe/nice that might work for you. I can ask around for you if you'd like.

December is "set". I booked the flight between Big Island and Kauai last week and think I have a place for one night at Volcano... if not I've got a "cheap" night using Entertainment rate at Hilo Hawaiian ($69 can't beat that and it's supposed to be the "only" decent place in Hilo -- they don't have the chain hotels there). So I'm kind of playing it by ear. Also since Mike had his "unexpected trip" to Chicago we definitely have enough points to stay at Hilton and now he's gold so we'll probably get upgraded to a better room and will have access to club lounge (will help with $$ w/contin. breakfast and also snacks -- this way we'll get a quick bite <at least kids and MIke, I'll have coffee and maybe bit of fruit> and then head out for the day w/out killing too much time. We're staying at Sheraton on Kauaii using points (good thing w/Sheraton... book 4 nights 5th free even w/using points so a decent value using the points).

Now to plan on what to do for summer. Playing w/FF seats. It's hard since it'll probably be the last "real family trip" we'll be doing since Alex will be starting High School and who knows what's happening w/Mike and job and all. Would LOVE to go away for 3 weeks (Mike got OK) but not sure about logistics and then crunching the #s... car rentals are getting outrageous. So far interisland flights are really reasonable but just not sure how long we'd want to stay ... especially at Volcano since we're only going to be there for around a full day or so this trip. THen to decide whether we should return to Kauaii (been told that 5 days will be enough this time around and may not want more) and to go to Maui (not sure if it's worth the $$ since we can go to others though we have 2 nights worth of points for Hyatt, maybe might could earn for one more by then lol) or just go to Oahu for about 5 days... sitting on about 2 fulls weeks at Marriott and realize that unless we stay a full week it's not getting the most bang for points. Oh well, it's getting late. Got back on track (finally) today w/eating... let's see if I can keep it up for more than my usually 3 days. Have set up some doctor appoints for beginning of November so maybe I'll find out "what's going on" w/me (constant cravings, total loss of will power and even though scale is on the upward creep, much higher than it's been in almost 3 years my ring is swirling around... go figure).

Donna good luck w/your Mom... know exactly what you're going through.

Hi Belle, Baby, Sheila and Linda... hope everyone's well and looking forward to their trips... Baby, where's the water and Sheila, keep up that fantastic job w/workouts... belated happy birthday (hope you enjoyed every bite of cake).


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Can't believe Sunday is here and I have managed to make it on here two days in a row!


Sheila, we are looking at staying in New York on September 27 and 28 next year. We will be part of a rather large group and the focus right now is to stay in the Times Square area which make the Marriott Marquis a likely candidate. With all the changes in their program over the years, Joe decided that holding the points wasn't buying anything so using them to enjoy high end properties might not be bad. We had thought to use them in London but Priceline has been working quite well over there so next would by NYC. Glad the plans for December have pulled together. As to summer, if Mike has 3 weeks, what about open jaw and spending a week in CA before you go over to the islands?


Belle, are you working out?


Sheila, having a good weekend?


Baby, Water? No more snow?


Linda, hang in there! You will be leaving soon and you will have a wonderful time!


Bears bye week so need to get my stuff done since he will be ready to leave shortly after getting up this morning.


Have a great day!

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Good morning everyone! The sun is out, but it is COLD...below freezing.


Carolyn...such wonderful trips. Since it will be the second time in Hawaii in one year, Donna's idea of spending some time in L.S. sounds good to me. If the kids haven't been there yet, there is so much to see.


We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and stayed at the Poipu Beach Sheraton in Kauai. Is that the one where you will be staying?


Donna, I can't keep up with you! We will be going to NYC soon. We will be staying at a B&B. I will let you know if it is worthwhile!


No more snow! It must have lasted 15 minutes. What a surprise that was!


Drinking water, ladies. Will do exercises next!


Take care, all!

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Hey!! My birthday was on Saturday and that's when y'all posted the well wishes so it wasn't belated. LOL Thank you all!!! :D


I had a great day, but did eat too much cake! We had 3!!!! My little cousin, who was born on my birthday, turned 3. I turned 42! My uncle's b'day was Sunday so we celebrated all 3. It was a lot of fun!

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When are you going to London and where are you staying? Know that Priceline "sometimes" works there... also Mike found a hotel that used to be listed on Priceline that worked out well.. Dolphin Square and they sometimes have a discounted rate if booked through internet.. also if you need to stay near the airport Mike has a "little secret" (well it's not totally secret) using SPG... book on the "discount code" 18000 -- can try this for any Starwood location when booking on line... it's the IBM corporate rate and they NEVER card you. This way if you make ressies ahead of time it's still refundable.

Baby... yes that's the hotel we're staying at in Kauai and I believe they just did a renov. a year ago (if not more recent).

As far as a stopover in LA area, we used to live there, Libby would LOVE to stop at Disneyland and I "might" stay over a few days with the kids and send Mike "back to work". I'm trying to play around with itinerary... doing open jaw in one island out the other and doing interisland flight on our own. I'm also trying to find out what the rental car rates "might be" and find that renting a car in Kona to be 2x as much as renting in Hilo... just doesn't make sense.

Gotta try to get Libby to bed.


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Baby, Water at hand? Someone in our group found a deal at the Courtyard Midtown Manhattan and we will probably book it since it is cancellable and then try Priceline for New York too.


Carolyn, London will be Sept. 13th and 14th of next year with NYC being Sept. 27th and 28th. We are looking at staying in the Kensington area and priceline has been doing pretty well there for others in our rather large group. Also saw some pretty good Priceline deals come through on Marriott Marquis in NYC so we will give that a shot too. Funny, I have never been in NYC. We drove through the state and stayed in Buffalo but never hit the city itself. Looks like someone is working on tickets for Letterman and someone else for Food network so could be quite interesting.


Belle, How is the gym going? Are you getting excited? Got everything staged yet? I am just a little bummed (note very little) because I would have no problem getting him on your TA if we hadn't already booked the PC. You will be sailing with some friends from last years TA so I'm sure you'll have a great time!


Linda, hope things are improving at your end!


Sheila, I am amazed that we were on time and glad that you had a great day!


A possible hitch to the December cruise is that DD2 has to go to Santa Clara for a month and not sure when yet. She is our cat sitter so we just may be left scrambling to find another one. She is really bummed about it since it interferes with so many things but she is glad that she talked them out of the original proposed 3 months.


Ok, have to get a GS cookie order in today and they are all going into the freezer. They will be here at Thanksgiving and will go straight in the freezer (might happen if I say it often enough). No choice since it is the dgk's selling them.


Oops, gotta run and figure out what I am going to wear today!


Have a great day!

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Hi ladies!


Donna ~ Have you been to London before? With all of your traveling, I'm sure you have. We didn't make it to Kensington when we were there. There were just too many things to see & do. What are y'all going to do in London? I wish I could go back soon.


Belle ~ Have you started packing yet?


Carolyn ~ How are you doing with your WOE?


Baby ~ How are you?


Linda ~ Please post when you feel up to it. We miss you!

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Have been trying to get on this board

for three days. Either be completly off

or work for a while and then not go thru.


Hope everyone is having a good week.


Since I've been on..Gone shopping..bought

a long dress, two blouses for me and slacks

for the hubby.

Gone to dinner a few times, a show, gym once.

Trying to go tomorrow, gym that is.


Donna you and Carolyn have trips in Dec.

are you two getting ready?

Donna you would be more "bummed out" if

you didn't havevcruises coming up! LOL


Sheila how's your "tummy"? Exercise going alright.

My trouble is I don't exercise enough.


Baby how are you doing? When are you going to NYC?

Have fun.


Can you believe the week is almost over?



(I'm not excited) Now to get everything together!

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Belle ~ My tummy is fine. It does hurt when I do crunches, but that is normal. I've been exercising like a mad woman. I'm losing inches again, but no weight. Maybe if I'd stop eating cake, I'd lose weight. LOL The b'day cake is finally gone so I'm safe for now. ;) Great job on your shopping finds! You'll have to tell us exactly what they look like. I know you're getting excited about your cruise!!!!


I went shopping yesterday and was going to buy some pants because most of mine are too big. I tried on several different brands/sizes. I went to Kohl's and in the Sonoma brand, I fit into a 10. In one type of Dockers, I fit into an 8. In another kind of Dockers, I fit into a 6. I almost bought the 6's just to say I can wear a size 6. LOL I walked away with no pants. My belly button area is still real sore and all of the pants hit me right at the belly button and it was uncomfortable. I guess I'll wear my too big pants until my BB starts feeling better. Heck, maybe I'll be in a size 6 in everything by then. I'm not counting on it though. I'm just happy being in a size 8. I look in porportion now since I wear a size 8 (or medium) top. :D


Have a great day, everyone!!! I'm thinking about all of you!

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I am a little slow this morning...still having my coffee. HOWEVER, Thursdays I take my ACTONEL pill and I have to drink 2 big glasses of water with it...so that is done!


My weight is not much better. Down 1/2 from the awful pound, but that is nothing to boast about. We are leaving for NYC one week from today, so I must be good from now til then!


Sheila...glad you enjoyed your birthday! Sizes 6, 8 and 10...all sound good to me! For quite a few years now, I am a 12. If I could get back to a 10, I would be a very happy camper! Last year, when my weight was a little better, I was between a 10 and 12 in one store (I like that store!). Since I always look for comfort, I didn't listen to the saleslady and I bought the 12's. Am I happy I did! I wouldn't have anything to wear if I had bought the 10's!!


Carolyn...if you stop in L.A....when our kids were small, we took them tot the Lebrea (sp?) Tarpits. I think that was the highlight. Don't miss it.


Donna...What's a dgk? You know you can give them the $$$ and tell them to keep the cookies....you can do that..........


We used to have a cat. We boarded her at the vet's everytime we travelled. When she was young, she KNEW what we were up to and hid under the bed, sofa, etc. My DH,the excitable, nervous type, used to "help" me bring her and he would go nuts. Finally, I decided to have someone else help me. By then the cat was older and grew to love it at the vet's. She ws such a sweet cat that they loved her and I guess that was her vacation!


The London and NYC stays must be for your T.A. cruise? One day I would like to do that. I noticed that Oceania has a "deal" March/08 from Rio to Barcelona. (I think I mentioned that we are thinking of land in South America, Feb/08.) The price is so attractive but I worry about crossing the Atlantic in so small a ship.


Belle...you must be soooo excited! We have friends that are on the Century right now. You must report to us about the Galaxy, because we will follow you in Feb.


Linda...if you are reading this...we are all thinking about you. Please say hi!

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Baby ~ I've been a size 12 for about 3 years. It is about time I finally move down. LOL I'm kind of scared to do a T.A. cruise. I don't know if I could look just at water for days and days. How long does it take to cross the Atlantic anyway? Yes, I'm ignorant. LOL

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WHich hotels are "coming up" on PL for your dates in Kensington 'cause from Mike's experience the PL area for Kensington is kind of spread out and not "exactly Kenn" area... also some of the hotels (Thistle I think) are not "up to US standards"... also if you're doing it "so far out" you may be "paying too much" since right now the $$ is doing "lousy" to sterling.. (just got Mike's Amex bill for September London stays (ouch w/exchange rate etc.) and right now he's realizing w/cost of things he might be "better off' just staying at airport and head out earlier for his final destination.

Baby, think we'll (or I should say I unless we "piggyback w/Mike on west coast trip) to do LA as a separate trip.. kids (esp. Libby) are "itching" to get back to coast... I'm even thinking about relocating.... "again".

Gotta get kidlets something to eat... my WOE was pretty good until I made batch of brownies for Alex to take to school (his request) and I snibbled on edges when I cut them (had ALOT of aggrevation of Mom's nursing home "stuff" from 4:30 until about 9ish)...



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I am so excited. I had to post first thing! It is so ironic. A year or so ago, this weight would have depressed me! Today I am encouraged! I haven't seen this number on the scale in over a month.


Yesterday, I walked to a coffee shop..only 20 minutes each way. It was around 4pm, when I usually nosh. All I had was coffee. Later, we went for Italian. I had veal limone, veggies, one roll and butter (scant) and wine. There was an article in today's newspaper about losing weight with wine...no kidding. I will read later!


Sheila... please tell me if it IS Sheila or Shelia. I see your signature as Shelia everywhere.


To answer your question (and to try not too be equally ignorant!!!!) I think it is 5 consecutive seadays. Belle could correct me.


Carolyn...what are you talking about? I didn't realize that you had lived in California and that now you may return. Clue us in. How long have you been in Conn? How long were you in Calif? Well, if you relocate, you certainly will have better weather...and I love those tall palm trees! I guess Mike can do his work from anywhere.


Have a great day, all.


I'm off to physio.

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Good morning!!! I'm still doing well with WOE and exercise. The weekend is coming up and Halloween so that will be hard. We host a big family Halloween party every year. YIKES!


Baby ~ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


You can spell my name any way you want! LOL I grew up spelling it Shelia cause my parents wanted to be different. As a kid, everyone knew how to pronounce it. As an adult, most people pronounce it Shelaya! When I applied for my passport a couple of years ago, I got my birth cert. from my Mom and my name was spelled SHEILA! So, my legal name is Sheila, but it is hard for me to spell it that way. I know...probably too much info! LOL


I guess 5 days isn't too bad for sea days. I've done 2 days in a row.

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I "grew up" in NY on Long Island... after college lived in NYC until '89. From '89 until 94 lived in LA (actually Westwood to be exact after living in West Hollywood for year or so). Moved to CT in 94 and have been here ever since (though in house in same town for 10 years) maybe TMI...

but we've been back to LA three times. Once when Alex was around 3 1/2 (about year after we moved) then for a short "day" before a week long cruise (met Mike who had been in Long Beach for a few days "on business before") and then 3 years ago for Disney and San Diego trip.. Libby really liked it.. though it was horribly hot (August and in high 90's). All in all it was a good trip though.

When are you coming out to NYC for your family "simcha"? Know it's coming up soon. We're probably heading south to visit AUnt in city this weekend (and seeing my Mom in Home in Riverdale to check up on her).


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Did manage to put back 1/2 pound. Tonight we are taking our family out for a very early dinner (they have to finish in time to go to the hockey game!)...so, for me, that means no time for a late afternoon nosh. Hopefully, I will take the 1/2 off. Will report. (maybe that will be an extra incentive!)


We are leaving for NYC on Thurs. Hopefully, there will be no snow in the Adirondacks. We have done the drive in April, with white-outs...SCARY.


Sheila/Shelia...seadays can be fun. Usually, they offer extra activities. On the Hawaiian cruise, there were lectures and hula lessons. On another cruise, there were water colour painting classes.

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I've been trying to do this on my own and haven't been very succesful. I joined LA last week. I have 84 days and at least 24lbs. to go. So far not to hard. I have trouble drinking ALL the water on top of the other things I can have and right now find I want popcorn. Any thoughts and Ideas???

I'm sailing the Truimph 1-20-07:eek:

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Hi Libracon!!! You can have popcorn if you aren't doing a low-carb WOE (way of eating). What WOE are you following? We're all on different ones here.


Baby ~ I think I'd like to take a dance class during a sea day. That would be fun!!


I had a good weekend. I ate too much though! It is really getting tough to follow my WOE on weekends now. We have too many things planned and the holidays are coming up! YIKES!!!

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This board has been giving me fits so fingers crossed that it plays nice now!


Carolyn, Hilton and Olympia are the two coming up most often. They are taking them at around $100/per night which doesn't seem bad at all. Of course, now I have to concentrate on December so will see how it is going when we get back. We have the backup of using Marriott points in place so I'm not too worried about it.


Sheila, Inches count more than lbs do no matter what way you look at it! Now, no more cake and you'll do just fine! On the Connie TA we have only 3 sea days in a row. X also has lots of guest speakers and additional games and activities going on so even Joe didn't notice till we were in port.


Baby, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time in NY! We are seriously looking at Oceana. Supposed to be a great product but rumor is RCI is making an offer for it. Ship is supposed to handle well so not too worried about it being too rough. Dgk's are Darling Grand Kids which you will probably know soon enough!


Libracon, Welcome! I have been curious about LA since it seems to work for a lot of people. Don't know how popcorn would fit in since don't know anything about the program.


Belle, Your off first! Mid November? You will have a great group! A few are good friends from the boards and then others were on our TA last year. Say hi to Florian and Jeannie for us. They are great people and lots of fun!


Linda, I'm thinking your already gone but if not, have a wonderful trip!


5 more weekends and we will be cruising! Have an order from Spiegel that is due any day then just a little bit of last minute shopping for the little stuff and all the Christmas gifts! Actually, we only have one weekend where we will both be free to get it all done so should be quite interesting! Can't even work on clothes till after Thanksgiving so the end will be a bit frantic with the clothes rack coming out and getting loaded on November 26. Yikes!

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Hope it goes thru. Having so much

trouble getting to post. Seems like I

can read but posting is hard.


Just to let you know I'm alright just

somethings going on. Will talk more later.


Take care everyone!


Love from Me!

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