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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Belle ~ I was wondering if you were having trouble posting again. I hope it gets resolved. I really miss your posts.


Donna ~ I agree that inches lost are way more important than pounds. I'm still under what my driver's license says for my weight so I guess that's good. LOL I'm sure a TA cruise would be really nice because you can explore the ship more and plan more on-board activities. On our very first cruise, we didn't meet anyone so we did our own thing. I went to several seminars and enjoyed them. After that cruise, I haven't gone to any seminars because we're always hanging out with our cruise buddies.


We're having a Halloween party tonight for the family and I know it will be a cheat night. We're roasting weiners in a bon fire with smores! :eek: It will be around 30 people and that's just the immediate family!

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Happy Anniversary from me, too! And..may we all be slimmer on our next anniverary!!


I did exercise today and I am trying to be good. Tomorrow, we're off to the Big Apple. It's supposed to be cold. I just hope we don't hit any snow when we drive through the mountains.


Have a great weekend, everybody!

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I am 3 months past my last cruise and still trying to lose the weight I gained on that and the cruise in June! 2 cruises in one summer is tough on the diet mode. Belle, the chicken recipe sounds great, I'll try it this weekend. A spoonful of Cool-Whip works on jello, hot chocolate...anything. I need to get back my motivation, but I have no cruise on the horizon (pun intended) to be a deadline. Help!

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Gosh... it's been "two years"... doesn't seem that long...

wish I could move the scale back though... I've finally got my MD appoint for Friday so hopefully I'll figure out "what's going on with me" (been putting off appt. but since I've maxed out on out of pocket thought it might be "the time" to run as many test before end of year). I could "wring" Mike's neck.. he came home w/slew of pies from work (why, he knows I have "zilch" willpower right now, that I'm beating myself up and Libby can't stomach seeing pumpkin pie since last Halloween ... pie eating contest where kids next to her were "losing" there "cookies"... and had an effect on her.. we can't say the "P" word in her company w/o her making a scene). Add to that ice cream which I normally don't keep in house and of course "the candy" from the kids' "begging" (lol) last night. So today I started off "ok" but ended up "lousy".. well, we'll see about tomorrow.

Baby, it's supposed to be getting a bit colder in NYC this weekend.. though hopefully it will be sunny (supposed to rain off and on the next couple of days). We may be driving down to lower NYC on Sat. night (around South Street Seaport). Have a wonderful weekend.

Gotta get Libby to sleep.


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I know Sheila has "done good" in the two

years..how about the rest of us?


Welcome Libracon and Nachosmom..join us

and lose for or after your cruises.


Baby if not to late..have a great time in NYC.

Wishing no snow for you..nothing but sunshine.


Carolyn hope everything goes well with the Doc

on Friday. Sorry for you with ALL the pies and

candy. Know thats hard. Willpower!


Sheila nothing but trouble with this site, seems

can read then when goes to post it doesn't!!

Hope you'll be reading this.


Donna my cruise is coming up fast, your not

far behind! I have less than 3 weeks to go!


As we're getting close to cruise my father is having

tests done. Not feeling well. So far haven't found

anything major. Why do these things happen before cruises.

So now will worry now and while I'm gone. Pray

that everything will be alright. Somethings he has to

live with, that's alright but don't want anything else,

that's worse. Know you all understand. So calling on the

phone a lot checking up.


Was going to go to Tahoe with the ladies again but

decide to stay home in case I need to go visit father.

Was to be gone 4 days. They left before I found out

some test were alright but taking more. Was for the

best I stayed home.

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To see if went thru before I talked more.


Other reason to stay home was to get things done.

Haven't done to much. Did a little shopping.

Was going to get clothes ready, clean house..

have 12 ladies here on the 8th.

My friends up at Tahoe have called me about 10

times since being up there. They miss me, plus I

know all the rules to the games we play! LOL

They come back tomorrow night.


So if not on here as much..might be the computer

or could be..I'm busy...Have to get things done!


Oh..Shelia TA..some have more some have less days

at sea. I love the days at sea. Really will like them on

this one..first part has 8 ports out of 11 days. The TA

has 6 ports.. 7 sea days..5 in a row. Will need the rest.

Love the lectures, triva games, ect.


You all be good..take care!

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Nachosmom ~ Welcome!!! :D We're here to help!


Belle ~ I wonder why you're still having problems posting? I started the weigh-in thread for you. I hope you don't mind.


Carolyn ~ I'm with you....I can't have any temptations in the house! Bad Mike!!


Belle ~ Having 5 days of sea days in a row does sound relaxing. I'm sure we'll do a TA one day. BTW, I know all of you have done well the past two years also!! :D

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Last 2 years... well, if it was last year at this time (before cruise and foot) I'd be down. Then I was still "ok" when we got back from cruise but after foot it's been an uphill creep (weighed myself with cast on) and since then it's 12+up... right now I'm about to throw in towel until I get to MD... stopped taking thyroid meds for 2 days to see if I'll get a "low" reading... though I want to go to a "good" endo... physical tomorrow (sure he'll draw bloods etc.), then I go to ped. for measuring of orthotic (found out I'll be covered since I've maxed out on out-of-pocket) and then one more MD (and I'm sure I'll get the pat on hand.. saying "it's the age, and hormones" and then the offer of wellbutrin.. which I don't want the weight gain on).

Gotta get Libby's hair in bun and in leotard for ballet.. then off to Costco to get provisions for house.. have NOTHING in freezer.. cupboard is very bare though still have sweets... HELP!!!


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Hi all! I lost 2.2lbs last week. Yeah! I can tell you that I am not hungry on LA. I eat 6 times a day and above my water I have plenty of other stuff I am alowed to have. Coffee,soda, tea, and crystal light. So if I can get the water down I'll be okay.. It's pretty easy. I can eat alot of the foods I have already just have to watch portions,salt and fat intake. As for the Carbs, Yes it is low on carbs but they do allow for them if you are craving a cheeseburger. They also have other things you can purchase there if you choose to. You don't have to buy any meals. I guess a bowl of popcorn at night has become my "chocolate". So I have a different starch instead. I save it for my p.m. snack. Ie 1/2 begle w/ lf cream cheese. my knee has been acting up, but I did do the bike for 20 min today and have been running around town for the past two days.

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Carolyn ~ You definitely have had an eventful year. I sure hope the next one is much better! Let us know what the doctors say. Hang in there!!! {{HUG}}


Libracon ~ What is your name, if you don't mind? What is LA? Is that LA Weight Loss? It sounds as if you're doing very well! I know you're pleased. I find that riding a bike hurts my knees. Could it be what's contributing to your knee problems or do you have a previous injury or arthritis? Keep up the good work!


I'm hanging in there. My WOE has been crap for the past week and I really need to get back on it. I'm not going "hog wild" but could be a lot better. I plan on starting anew on Sunday. I will definitely be going through sugar withdrawals then from all of the candy I've eaten.

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Dr's appointment was a "waste of time" big time.. weighed in, EKG, b-p the basic "usual stuff"... he saw my rash and offered me zantac saying it "might help w/histamine" (I think I'll deal w/it). Weighed in really high... massive gain, since they had my pre-op weight from Jan. 15th and today... up 17 lbs... and I was thinking it was up around 14lb since had cast put on (after surgery)... so I was VERY frustrated. Just shook his head... took blood CBC, T3, T4 TSH so don't know what's going to show up... at least I got prescript. refilled for synthroid (told him a higher dosage and he didn't bat an eye.. maybe that will help kick me up). Just said up your exercise (well I'm having a hard time walking... and up until I broke my foot I was able to keep weight "in check" even with skipping going to gym). I was SO frustrated after I left... vented to Mike. Well, the pie I'm sure "didn't help" so today's "day 1" of low carb. I had stopped taking thyroid for 3 days ... wonder if that "helped" to kick the scale up a bit...

So the weekend's here... think if I'm "good" (lo-carb) for 3 days it should move scale down 3ish lbs (I say "should" 'cause in the past that's what it would be but I'm not sure anymore). THink I've gotten the candy out of system... hope Alex will finish the pie tomorrow (he'll be a "good son" and eat it for me... otherwise I might just be tempted to throw it away.. Alex will understand it.. don't think Mike will).

Have a good weekend everyone.. cold weather's supposed to creep in this weekend.


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Yikes, just tried on my fly aways and dress pants. Definitely not good! They are snug. I can get them looser before we leave but they won't be by the end of a 15 day cruise! Shopping today so will have to look around and see if I find anything appropriate. Better get him moving so will try to get back when we return!


Have a great day!

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Sorry I haven't been on much.

Just to much going on.


Our electicity was off..I was sick

a couple of days. Been doing phone

stuff...the days just go by.


Of course trying to get things ready for

the cruise. Plus washing and ironing. Yes I

iron..like clothes started out ironed.


Still have a couple of things to buy.

We leave two weeks today..(Sunday Morning)


Donna I hear you. What's funny I leave looser

clothes for end of cruise but I have two ends of

cruises! LOL


Carolyn..Sorry Doc app. didn't go as well as you

wanted. Hope the higher meds help.


Shelia..Thank you for posting for me. Hope you

will do it for me while I'm gone.


Baby..Hope you had a good time in the Big Apple.


Lib..Congrats on the weight loss. Keep it up.


Will talk more tomorrow..Take care.

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Hello girls!! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was full of friends and food. We went to Cracker Barrel for lunch on Saturday and I couldn't even eat dinner because I was so fun and sick!! YUCK! I won't be doing that again!


Good news!! I bought two cruise dresses for formal night. They are cocktail dresses. I normally wear actual long formals, but these were such a great deal and they look great! Oh, I got them for $50 total!!!!


Belle ~ When are you leaving? Glad you're posting again. I'll definitely post the weigh-in thread for you. I iron all of my clothes also. ;)


Carolyn ~ Don't worry about your weight and look towards the future. You've had a very tough time and gaining weight is understandable due to your foot injuries. Hopefully increasing your thyroid meds will help also. You'll lose the 17 lbs before you know it!


Donna ~ Did you find anything to wear? I bet your pants will fit before you leave on your cruise.


See ya later! :D

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Hello Ladies,


We leave today for our trip to Israel. We leave Jacksonville at 6:10PM and fly to Atlanta. Then leave Atlanta at 11:30PM and fly directly into Tel Aviv. We get into Tel Aviv tomorrow night at 6:00PM their time and 11:00AM our time. Am not looking forward to the 12 hour flight but it will be a night time flight so am hoping to sleep most of the time. Am really worried about DH with his knees. He's been having lots of problems with them for a long time and sitting in a cramped space will lock his knees up tight. He wouldn't upgrade to business class, didn't want to spend extra money but I think it would have been worth it. Oh well.


Medication has seemed to level me out. DH says at least I don't cry all the time. We will return to the US on Nov. 15. One Nov. 16 we will drive to Boca and bring DD#2 home to live. Just glad that we have things in place and she will be coming home. She understands what a big mistake she has made and how much it has cost her. Told her this is a "do-over" and she will learn and be stronger from it.


Ladies, I have been reading the whole time and just keeping up.


Carolyn~sometime I think Drs. have no answers, they just want us to loose weight cause "it's not good for us". Well, no kidding!!! I didn't need you to tell me that. I hope you are able to to do the low carb. I know when we get back I will need to figure out what I'm going to do. I haven't gained any weight and have actually lost a few pounds. Don't know how, maybe all the extra worrying I've been doing is acting as exercise.


Shelia~ you are allowed to have a "few" bad days right? That's what why we're all here.


Donna & Belle~have wonderful cruises. I don't remember who's going when but I know trips are coming up.


Baby~ where are you? Hope all is well.


I need to run, have last minute items to throw in carry on.


It may be a while before I can post again but I'll try to make it before Thanksgiving. At least to let you know I'm back and in one piece.



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Linda, have a fantastic trip and don't worry about the problems at home! They will get solved when you get back!


Sheila, Wow! 2 for $50.00 is impossible to pass up!


Belle, A lot of mine will be Chico's Travelers since they are primarily pull on (much easier with that water weight) and non-wrinkle along with drying quickly when washed by hand. I still iron but don't intend to on the cruise! I'm sure you could probably leave tomorrow and be in good shape so start looking at all that port info you have. You will be on with Anne and Pat along Florian and Jeannie so I'm sure you'll have a great time.


Carolyn, Any results yet? If I didn't take meds for 3 days in a row, I would be comatose!


Libracon, great job with the weight loss! I just may have to look into that when we get back from this next one!


Nachosmom, How are you doing?


Baby, where are you and where is your water? Wonder if you are on the way back from NYC?


I seriously doubt that the next 5 weeks will have much impact on either weight or how anything fits since it looks like I will be working continuously just to get what I need done before we go. Boss just dumped another 40 hours pre-cruise on me to add to all the rest. I will probably take one pair of fly aways with and I ordered a new long black satin skirt for formal nights. I also bought a pair of tux pants for informal nights so now it is down to final decisions. Opened the spreadsheet yesterday but didn't get very far beyond getting the rack set up temporarily. Will try to finish all the planning before Thanksgiving then move my stuff into the new closet where it can be put straight into the suitcases.


Now, need opinions. Check this link:


Rather experimental for me but I have a gorgeous new ivory beaded top that I am seriously thinking about taking to wear with the black satin skirt and black satin shawl. The advantage is that I don't have to bring the ivory fly aways and another pair of shoes. What do you all think?

Ok, back to work!


Have a great afternoon!

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I was in the middle of writing a long report about my trip and I pressed the wrong button and lost it! I am so sorry.


So, I'll just say "hi!". I'm home. Glad that Linda posted and is on her way. Had a great weekend. (posted lots of details, but just can't do it again!)


Carolyn, hang in there.


Sheila, keep up the good work.


Donna, try to eat a little less pre-cruise.


Belle, take me with you!!!

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Donna ~ Your link took me the front page of JC Penney. Can you post it again? Try putting the link into http://www.*****.com so it won't be so long. Sounds as if you're doing well with your planning. So sorry your boss dumped more work on you. Isn't that always the way?


Baby ~ Maybe you can rewrite your post when you get a minute? I'd love to hear about your weekend.


I worked out for 1.5 hours last night and then had to go grocery shopping. Needless to say, I slept well last night! Working out makes such a difference!


Hi to everyone else! I hope you all are doing well!! :D

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Sheila, try this one: http://*****.com/vesy6


Still thinking about it but the skirt isn't here yet so have plenty of time. Actually, the reason for the tux pants and formal skirts is to intermingle the tops so the very first issue is 3 formal nights + 4 sem-formal nights currently = 8 tops! Have to start working on putting stuff back before I even finish taking it out!


Ok, vote time!


Have a great day!

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Which cruise line is this on Princess or X..

for us the last couple of times we didn't have "problems" since RCCL dress policy has gotten SO RELAXED (too much so) and also cruising in the dead HEAT of summer... it's going to be "interesting" trying to pack for Hawaii... bet Mike will use 2 suitcases for himself... and unless I can drop a few lbs by Thanksgiving or so don't know what I'll be wearing other than exercise pants (that are a bit snug on me now).


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Good morning all,


Carolyn, It is on X's Mercury and we have found that they tend to follow the dress code more on the longer cruises so this one will be pretty close to what they suggest since it is 15 days. I had really good look at both Spiegel and JCP online this time. They are having some great clearance sales. Any test results back yet?


Sheila, I love the wrap one too but my problem right now is having too many tops to choose from. Of course, I have too many bottoms too but I refuse to be uncomfortable and all indications when I tried them on were that I would get half way through the cruise and be quite unhappy with the way they fit.


Baby, Where is your water? Can't wait to hear about NYC. We have never been in the city itself and will need all sorts of tips for next September from both you and Carolyn.


Belle, Did you get your last minute shopping done? Are you getting excited? It is great that you are doing the TA after the port intensive Med portion since you'll be able to unwind. How is your Dad doing? I know how hard it is to be far away and trying to monitor what is happening. Prayers that everything is ok.


Libracon, How are you this week?


Nachosmom, Maybe you should start looking at and planning another cruise for the additional motivation. That said, we are usually last minute bookers and have only recently managed to book far enough out to have any impact.


Ok, gotta run and handle email before I get dressed.


Have a great day!

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