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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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The Shade..

Deck under the lifeboats.

Pool area on the sides under overhang.

One side is always sunnier then the other...

depending which direction the ship is going,

where the sun is.

Not to much sun on outside deck by Oasis pool,

little overhang.


We had good weather for Nov. and Dec. 50's in

Istanbul..other ports 60's and 70's. Part of 5 days

at sea 80's, 87 in St. Martin. Think one night in Turkey

a little rain (while sleeping) Getting back to ship in

France sprinkled a little.


They said we were lucky with weather, think mosty

first cruise, think 2nd cruise would of been nice anyway.

First day of the 5 day, people thought it was rough..we

didn't. They put bags out. Few people felt uneasy.

Never heard of anyone getting sea sick. We never do.

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Can't seem to be able to post every time now..

Tried last night, wouldn't work. Posted to Baby twice,

only one went thru.


See if this goes thru or not!


Will try and post again tomorrow about the Galaxy.

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Hi ladies!!


Belle ~ I couldn't post last night so they must've been doing some updates to the site. The colors have changed. FIL left this morning and said he'd be back in 2 weeks. He wants some of my healthy recipes. LOL


Baby ~ I get epidural injections for my back. I have a lot of other things going on along with the sciatica (pinched nerves, bulging disks, etc.). I get a series of 3 shots once a year. Boy, I can sure tell when they wear off....like now. I just don't want to take more time off of work right now. I'll probably start back getting them in March. I do take a lot of Ibuprofen. It does seem to help a good bit. I sure hope yours gets better soon!


I worked out for almost 2 hours last night and it felt so good!!! :D

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Hi everyone! Weight doesn't change. Still up the awful pound. I am pretty careful about what I eat (I'd probably GAIN otherwise!) But I can't seem to reduce my intake. I do get hungry! I'll try again today. I won't give up! I guess the fact that I am less active due to the sciatica doesn't help the weight situation.


Speaking of that, did I ever have pain this morning, pre Advil. Then I felt dizzy. You are allowed 6 Advil daily. Instead of taking 2 at a time, I am going to switch to 1 at a time and take it every 4 hours. Maybe the 2 were too strong for me. This morning I have another physio appointment, so I hope it will give me some relief.


Sheila, I didn't know you suffered from this. Sounds like it reoccurs. Is that what I should expect? Oy vay! Don't wait for it to get too bad. Take care of it. We do need our bodies!


Belle, you were really lucky with the weather. I am so happy for you. That makes such a big difference.


As to shade. I would like shade And quiet (to read). Where is the Oasis Pool? Is that an indoor pool as the back? I can't remember the Galaxy that well. I am confusing it with the Mercury. If it is not too windy, I think there may be shade on the top deck. Also, one ship had a shady area at the rear of the ship. That may have been the Zenith. I can't remember about the Galaxy.


I can't think of the cruise yet because we have the engagement party on Jan. 21. I have to try on a pantsuit that I bought over a year ago..I haven't worn it yet, so nobody has seen it! I wanted to buy something new, but I waited too long because I wanted to lose weight first. Ha. Ha. Now there is only sale stuff, and I couldn't find anything in my size except other pantsuits, which were no better than mine! I hope it fits because I weighed less when I bought it. Two to four pounds less. I hope that won't make a difference. I need a top to wear under the jacket. That is always a problem for me because I am so fussy. I like short sleeve and most are sleeveless. Worst story, I'll wear one of my silk knits. I'll get my hair and make-up done, put on some special jewellery and forget about it! After all, I am not the bride! I don't need all the attention!


Am I rambling? At least the pain is subsiding. I am going to get water glass #2 after this disertation!!


Take care, all!

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Baby ~ I will live with my back pain forever unless I under-go the knife, which I don't want to do. I'm 42, but have the back of a 70 year old. My neurologist told me that eventually I will probably have to have steel rods placed in my back or the new mechanical disks that they just invented. It is a wait and see game. :rolleyes: I only take one Ibuprofen at a time and it does seem to help the pain. I sure hope your pain improves.


I think what you plan on wearing the the engagement party will look great!

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Shelia and Baby sorry your both in

pain. Some days I'm with you..the cold

wether makes it worse and we're in for a

cold spell!


Baby..The Oasis Pool is a small indoor Pool

at back of the ship but not really a quiet place.

( I loved eating here for breakfast and lunch by the

window or outside)

The outside deck would be quieter but not much shade.


If want outside, quiet and shady.. under lifeboats or

a overhang some place. Have to look for a quiet spot.


I usually find and empty lounge, sit by a window and

try to read, usually I wind up looking out the window

more than reading.


My impression of the ship was good. Had an inside cabin,

was big enough, king size bed. New bedding and mattress.

People said she was old and worn. Not for me but I didn't go

around looking for things. Sure a spot here or a worn chair..

didn't bother me. They kept everything clean..GREAT service,

everyone called us by our names. Dining room staff by first names,

room stewards and front desk Mr. and Mrs.


Favorite Ports..Since missed Santorini, have to choose..

I liked them all but liked these a little better..

Kusadasi, Turkey..Funchal (Madeira) Portugal

Think why like these, more like seaside resorts, had great weather.

Just liked walking around these towns. In Kusadasi, on Pigeon

Island, has a castle..sat at cafe and took in great views.

Maderira pretty town with cable cars, great views.

Liked Rhodes, Greece the old walled city. Mykonos, nice little town

on the sea.

Istanbul..all the history. Of course my France. Cadiz, Spain

the sea there is unbelievable.

St. Martin, so warm and it's the caribbean..what's not to like.

Can you see.. I loved them all!!


Now Naples, Lisbon and Athens my least favorite but nice.

To big and noisey and crowded.


More later.

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Good morning, everyone! I had a great workout yesterday, but am still a little sore. I get my stitches out this afternoon so I'm happy!


Belle ~ I'm not in constant pain...thank goodness! I hope yours isn't too bad when the cold weather arrives.

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Belle, the staff on Galaxy is great! She is actually our favorite ship even with the occasional signs of wear. Fingers crossed that we will be booking her again soon! We loved Funchal! Did you see/go down the tobaggans?


Baby, stick to it! Where is your water? How is the pantsuit? Think party then cruise!


Sheila, Glad the stiches are coming out!


Kip, Ready to go?


Indy, Great Job! Enjoy the cruise!


Same old, same old and overworked still! Actually better report at WI and then back to it!


Have a great afternoon!




Carolyn, How are you doing?


Linda, where are you hiding?

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Got my stitches out yesterday and doc says everything looks good. I now have to massage a couple of times a day to smooth everything out. I ordered some "Scar Slop" from a girl I met on-line and that stuff is awesome! So, if you have any scars that need slopping, let me know. ;)


We ate Mexican last night and I had a big surprise when I weighed this morning....I lost 1/2 lb! I guess I needed that cheat meal to loosen things up. Don't you just love it when that happens? LOL


Donna ~ Sorry you're still so overworked. Any luck finding something else?


Hello to all of my other buddies! I miss the ones that aren't posting! Happy Weekend!

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You all know by now that I am not a true dieter. But for the past week I have been journalling and I have been more careful that in the past. My weight didn't budge...and worse still...we went out for dinner last night. Honest, I was extra careful during the day and I was really good at dinner...and I gained 1/2 pound. I am now desperate because the party is one week from today.


I am hoping that I will feel better by then. Yesterday wasn't as bad as Friday. Last night, in the restaurant, I was squirming from pain. Then I took 2 advil and they really worked. This morning, I had pain first thing, took the 2 advil and I feel better. So, at least the pills are kicking in.


Sheila, glad that the stitches are gone...and that the extra pounds are going,too!


Donna..on second glass of water!


Everyone, have a great day!

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Oh my...

Way to go Sheila.

As for me I'd still in the "muddle" of stuff.. and trying to figure out which way to turn. Trying to see if I should even get on the "evil machine" to see approximately where "I am".. now I need to figure out an eating regime that will support me (not necessarily to lose but to feel decent).

Donna... still the "same old @*#" at work... (btw how's your mother doing)?

Baby, how's the wedding plans coming along? Drinking your water? I think you've got your mid-winter holiday coming up soon in February... it's not that far away.

Belle, our traveler.. where's your next holiday (or weekend).

Libby's wanting the computer so I'm being kicked off.


PS.. forgot in addition to all this "stuff" our hard drive failed late on Monday night and Alex had to complete his Choate application and send it via e-mail by Wednesday.. major stress.. Mom's been halucinating and delusional ever since we returned from Hawaii on Dec. 29th and was getting worse. I was constantly on phone w/hospice but the social worker was on vacation until 1/17 and the holiday and hospice MD was sice for over a week... major headache. This Wednesday MD at home wanted to send "mom out" to hospital. Told them to sit sight for another day.. they dropped her methadone by half and changed her antibiotic... Thursday AM I called Mom up and luckily "she was back with us" ... (up until then she was getting really psychotic and I thought if she'd be in hospital ER she'd be labeled psych and wouldn't get help from CNAs and nurses... esp. she's failure to thrive and she's lost a fair amount of weight.. doesn't have anything to lose anymore).

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Sorry I hven't been on..been busy, then not

feeling well and yesterday my husbands sister

died. We just saw her Wed. because she wasn't

doing good. She lived about two hrs. away, one way.


Funeral will be there and then buried here in our

town. Deciding if to have everyone come back here for food.

Lot of work..plus I'm always the one who gets people

together and does the food...think someone else should

do it for a change. Yeah right!


We really have been having COLD weather, this is suppose

to be Sunny Calif., it is sunny but to COLD! Unusual to

have it this cold. 20's and 30's in mornings, only low 50's day time.

Suppose to be getting to the 60's..hope so.


Carolyn..Sorry your mother was having more trouble but

glad better with less meds.

I'm not doing great on my eating either, I have to get

a plan together soon.

No trips planned yet, besides visiting parents next month

and think at same time go visit friends in AZ. Husband

thinks we should stay home and do some work on the house...

Silly man! LOL


Shelia..Glad your doing good, Got the stiches out. Also

want to ask a question..when your in so much pain, how

are you able to do all that exercise?


Donna..Yes we loved Funchal, walked all over town..to the

left..right (saw parks, streets, churches, all in Christmas

decorations) We wound up in back of town and had to follow

the cable car cables down to the ocean to catch the cable car.

Great views going up, walked all around up top. the took the

CABLE CAR down, no tobaggan down. LOL


Baby..Sorry your in pain, hope it gets better soon.

Baby I KNOW your going to LOOK GREAT for the party

.... up a pound or not.

Can't believe next month your on the Galaxy! Is it a one week

or two? I'll see you walking the decks of her, like Donna good

see me walking on her. ( in our minds, wishing we were there)


Well you all have a good week!

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Carolyn ~ I hope your DM keeps improving. She's (and you) have had such a rough time lately. Seems like y'all are due for a break.


Baby ~ Not sure why you're not losing. How many calories are you eating a day?


Belle ~ When I'm in pain, I just take an Ibuprofen. That normally gets me through a workout. If the pain is worse, I take Percocet and don't exercise. I find that if I'm consistant with my exercise, I'm not in as much pain. My trainer is helping me strengthen the muscles around my spine, which should help keep the pain down.


Donna, Kip & Linda ~ How are you doing?


I had a slip up on Saturday. DH and I went to my cousin's house for dinner and I was bad!! That's my last "real" cheat for a while cause I gotta get this weight off. My thighs look huge. I guess I could always get one of those little skirts for the swimsuit, huh? ;)

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I was VERY GOOD yesterday and managed to remove the 1/2 pound from Sat. To be honest, I was SO GOOD that I expected to lose more! But that didn't happen (sob).


Belle, my deepest sympathies to you and your family. That is so sad. Regarding feeding everyone, do what you can. Make it easy for yourself and order food and use paper plates. Hope you feel better.


PLEASE don't complain about "cold 50 degrees..here we are getting lots of snow. The temperature is predicted to go down to about 4. As sond as it's above zero!!! The wind is actually the killer. If it's cold and calm, it's much better than damp and windy.


I will think about vacation AFTER the party. One thing at a time. Soon, I will get ready for physio, then I am going to a birthday lunch and at 4pm I have a facial. I hope the driving will be OK.


The cruise is 11 days and we are spending 1 day in NYC and 1 week in San Juan prior.


Carolyn...hang in there. It is so difficult when you are the "sandwich" generation. Just do your best.


Just to show where my mind is, Sheila, when I read that you had a slip, I though you fell down! Take care and don't overdue it. After this I am going to do the exercises the physio prescribed for my back.


How many calories do I eat a day? I am embarassed to tell you. The way I calculate, I have around 1800. If I have less, I usually lose. But not this time. Yesterday, I had about 1400 and, thank goodness, took off the 1/2. I get hungry and 1400 is very little for me. I will try not to have too much today. If I can shrink my stomach, it will be easier.


Take care, all!

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Belle ~ I forgot to mention your family's loss. I am so sorry for you and your DB. {{{HUGS}}}


Baby ~ You should eat at least 1400-1600 calories a day. I shoot for 1500 calories a day, but that is with me working out 1.5 hours also. My GYN told me that if I didn't exercise that I could eat 1200-1400 calories a day. I find my body goes into starvation mode if I eat less than 1500/day. Good luck!! You'll look good no matter what you weigh. Just focus on the positive about the party.

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Just thought I'd pop in.. kids are finally asleep... Mike called in from road (Orlando driving up to Gainsville) he'll be gone until Thursday and then leaving again Sat. night for 5 days in London... at least he'll get some air miles. Mom's coming along fine (all things considered... she lost a fair amount of weight.. hope she'll put a few back on) and she's complaining about the aide she has from hospice (3 hrs a day.. she falls asleep on mom, takes away mom's remote to change station to what she wants... and wants to feed Mom though Mom wants to feed herself< and is capable>) so I'm trying to figure out how to get a 3 way call in so Mom can tell them directly.

Belle, condolences to you and your family. Take care. Hope the sun will shine and warm things up a bit.

Think I better get some sleep. 6AM (since I have to make sure Alex is up and about) is not that far away.

Sheila, Baby, Donna.. let's hang in there.


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Thank you for your condolences.

I having everyone back here after

the services on Sat.

Decided on Monday to have it.


So been busy planning the food,

cleaning house, food shopping ect.

One thing I weather should be warmer by

Sat. 63 or 64. Some can sit outside on patio

if they want..have a couple of smokers.

Having about 30 people. Since most people

won't drive up here after service.

(would be 4hr drive all together)


Hope everyone is having a good day.


Shelia, Carolyn, Baby, Donna hope everyone

is feeling good!


Baby the party this Sat., Know you will have

a good time and look beautiful. Hope your

pain is better.


About the weather, not much the 50's degrees it's the

low 20's I hate. Not suppose to be that cold here!

You know it's suppose to be cold there! (smile)


Carolyn hope your mother is feeling better.


Shelia hope your pain is better too.


Everyone take care.

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Hi friends!!! :D


Belle ~ I'm sure everyone will enjoy the time they spend with y'all this weekend even if it is for a sad occasion. I bet your DSIL will be looking down on you with a smile. Good luck with the preparations. I know how stressful that can be. Take care!


Carolyn ~ Glad to hear your DM is doing better (somewhat). Mike must be really lucky to be able to go to London so much. Hang in there!!!


Baby ~ How's your sciatica? Mine seems to be a little better since I've really gotten into my exercise program. Exercise just really seems to improve mine. You take care of yourself also!


Donna ~ You must be working a lot again. How are you and your DM?


Kip ~ You haven't posted in a while either. Are you hanging in there?


Linda ~ I miss you! Please post just to say hi, if you can.


Talk to you later!! :D

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Sheila, glad the exercise is helping with the pain!


Belle, I am so sorry about you dsil. Glad that you were able to see her before the end.


Carolyn, Glad Mom is doing better!


Baby, get that water and you'll look great on Saturday!


Kip, think your probably cruising so have a great time!


Linda, anything settle down yet? How was the Holy Land trip?


Where do I start. Joe went to the doctor last Thursday since he hasn't been feeling well for awhile and they ordered tests. The ultrasound on Tuesday showed that they need to replace his aortic valve soon. Today's catherization showed that they also have to replace part of the aorta now. They need to do a CAT scan to figure out how much aorta has to be replaced and then it is going to happen.


I have been emailing my stepsister to get my BIL's input since he is one of the best cardiac surgeons in the country and just emailed again since the surgeon who is supposed to operate only does about six of these dual operations a year. I can't even deal with the possibility that he won't make it through and that is all he wants to talk about. Even went so far as to outline my retirement plan goals until retirement and tell me how much I could spend on cruising a year (with Tuggers).


Last Friday, the ice storm hit Mom and took the line to her house out. She has been without power since then and we have our fingers crossed that she finally has power tomorrow morning. Her house is 80 years old so it cost a fortune for the repairs since she had to be brought up to code. The good thing is that she sill had heat so she opted to stay home in the silence and dark rather than going to a shelter and catching something. Friends emptied her refrigerator so she couldn't poison herself and she has been muddling along. However, she now has a "flying" mouse. Seems she has been chasing it with the broom and it keeps getting away. She still can't get out of the house with 4" of ice on the porches and walkways. Update: the power just came back on and she is starting to think of the mouse as company!


Enough yet? Not! Talked to Jean's husband on Saturday night and her cancer has progressed rapidly. I talked to her New Year's Day and she sounded great, very upbeat and sure that the chemo they were starting that week was going to lick it. He had to make a decision on whether to bring her home from the hospital (and stop treatment) or go for extremely aggresive chemo. I'm afraid that I haven't called him back yet since I don't know that I can handle any more bad news at this point.


Believe it or not, Bill has been great and very supportive. At the same time, he is figuring out what they can send home for me to do from here. It appears that he is setting up a relay team for dropping off and picking up work! Why do I think that there is no way that I will end up working less than 40 hours a week no matter what happens?


Diet is shot, when I am at work, I eat whatever they put in front of me which is invariably junk. When at home, it is whatever Joe wants.


Ok, Joe got up from his nap so time to distract him again! I will try to get back here over the weekend and hope to report that I am behaving finally!

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Take care of yourself... Joe needs you to be strong and healthy... (forget about WOE... just support yourself in whatever way makes you "feel good"... weight will just have to wait). Praying that all goes well with Joe's test results and you get some "good news" from your S-BIL. Why can't your "work" just give you some space.. must be hard being "so indispensible".

Baby... good luck with the party this weekend... I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time and look great (don't forget the water tomorrow though)...

Sheila.. know that when my sciatica flares up doing exercise AND watching the refined carbs seem to be the answer.. know that you're being great w/you exercise AND WOE (wish I could be a little bit for both.. or even one...lol)..

Belle, hugs for your prep and the family gathering...

Mike's back for a few days (until Sat. night). I mess up the car when I was rushing in to pick up Libby at dance class last night.. made a dent in inner door.. duct tape holds things a bit but can't lock the doors w/o it tripping up alarm system. Mike tried to fill in dent w/layers of duct tape... we'll see if it works for a bit. Really don't like driving around if I can't lock doors when I go to stores etc.


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Donna I'm sorry that you and your

husband are going thru this.

Think Postive! What doctors can do

these days...it's outstanding.

My prayers, good thoughts, wishes go out

to you and your husband. Also the biggest

hugs I can give.

I know it's easy for me to say, don't worry..

We all would..but I'm thinking the doctor

will fix everything..Joe will be good to on the

cruise with you..Tuggers has to go alone.


Carolyn sorry about the car, glad it wasn't

anything worse.


Shelia glad you feel better with doing your exercise.


Baby was good to see you at weigh-in. Have fun at

the party.


To the ones that are missing, hope your well and

doing good.

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Donna ~ First of all, {{{HUGS}}}! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with so much right now. I will keep you, Joe, your DM, and Jean in my prayers. Just think positive things about Joe. They can perform so many things now with medicine that this surgery will probably be just routine. My DM had a huge tumor in her heart 3 years ago and we all thought the worst. It was a horrible time. Anyway, the surgeon was able to remove the tumor and although she does have a few complications, she is doing fine. Your Joe will be fine also. Hang in there and when you need a shoulder, you know where to find us.


Belle ~ Are you all ready for the family for tomorrow? Good luck and I hope you and your family are all OK.


Carolyn ~ What a thing to happen with your car! My goodness!


Baby ~ Have you got your outfit all sorted out for the party? Have a great time!


Kip ~ I forgot you're on your cruise. I hope you're having a great time. LOL


We had Bunco last night and I ate too much. It was good food and great company though. I didn't gain anything so I guess I'm OK. ;)

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I am posting first thing in the morning (well, after breakfast!) because I am so excited. I LOST ONE POUND!!!!


As you know, I have been faithfully journalling for 9 days now. During that time I managed to go up 1/2, remove it, lose another 1/2, and this morning....ta da...down 1 whole pound!


Now, not to gain it back! Tonight, I am serving spagetti and salad. I will give myself a small portion of spagetti and big portion of salad. I will also be very careful during the day.


I think the sciatica is starting to subside a little. The pain is less consistent. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will feel good on Sunday.


Thank you all for the good wishes. I will tell you all about it on Monday (if you are interested, that is!!!!)


Now, for you guys!


Belle..hope tomorrow wll not be too difficult. It is good that you decided to have everyone back. You really wanted to do it and you will feel better that you did. Hope the weather holds out for you. The circle of life...we are celebrating the beginning of a couple's life together and you are commemorating the end of a life. These are the things that bring a family together.


Sheila..the only exercises I have been doing are the back strengthening ones given to me by my physiotherapist. I am afraid to do anything else right now.


Carolyn..I didn't know you also had sciatica. Does it keep reoccuring? Is that what I should expect? Oy vay!


Sorry about the car. What a bummer. Just what you needed. Doesn't everything happen at once?


Donna...poor Donna..also everything at once. Hope all goes well for Joe. Good that you have a doctor (with the needed specialty) in the family. Hope all goes smoothly.


I know you have been having complaints about the boss, but it is a good thing that he will let you work from home.


I liked the story about your Mom and her mouse.


Is Bill your boss?


Who is Jean? Your sister? So sad. That DAMN cancer. Our enemy.


Hang in there.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Baby, Where is your water and WTG! The party will be wonderful and we will be looking forward to hearing all about it!


Jean is better known out here as Seagulls and has been a really good friend for a long time! She is married to one of the nicest guys in the world and I hate to see him have to go through all this!


I managed to go to the office for a couple hours but then came home to call the surgeon's office. They mucked up the whole CAT scan thing and ended up with getting him in next Tuesday but then set the surgeon appointment for the 31st. I managed to get them to move it up to the 26th. Now it is time to do all the work I brought hom with me since I had to leave so soon after getting there.


Carolyn, Hope the patch works on the car. Glad Mike was home to do it! I wouildn't be happy with leaving car doors unlocked even out here where we are.


Belle, I know things will go well tomorrow!


How are all the rest doing?


Well, Bill is the boss and now it is time to email him and update him on what is going on. He left yesterday for Florida and we were all still assuming that the accountant's could come and do year end on Feb. 1st and 2nd. That is looking less likely by the minute so better warn him ahead of time.


Have a great afternoon!

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