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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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The party's over..can't believe it. When the guests sat down to eat, I looked around and said that I had to take everything in because it would be over in a flash. Such is life!


It was like a mini wedding! We had about 140 people, buffet brunch and a D.J. The food was delcious (so everyone said, I ate very little), there was lots of dancing and I hope that eveyone had a great time! The bride looked gorgeous, the groom looked handsome and they both were very happy. I hope they will be that happy always!


It was the easiest party I ever made. At the venue we chose, they do everything. All we had to do was PAY!!!! Guests asked who helped decorate. It was a surprise to me,too! Although I personally had never been to a party there, I heard many positive things about it from many friends. It was a good choice.


When I awoke, my sciatica was bad. Thank G-d, after two advil, it faded. I felt fine until the end of the party. I even danced! (This morning it wasn't as bad, so I am still hopeful that it will one day disappear)


By yesterday, I had regained that pound. So, after 2 weeks of being careful, I actually lost only 1/2 pound!!! Can you believe that. Meanwhile, last night I ate leftovers and I wasn't careful...and I didn't gain. Go figure. Anyway, today is back to the drawing board. I will journal and continue my efforts because I have to start thinking VACATION!!!!


I was very happy with what I wore. I felt comfortable and O.K. with the pantsuit and top. I did my shopping in my closet! I liked my hair and makeup.


Now, onto everyone else! I see that only Donna posted since I last did.

Hope you all had a good weekend.


Donna...I remember Seagulls. Sorry to hear that she is suffering.


Good luck with the doctors.


Take care, all!

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So glad you had a wonderful time at your "simcha".

Have you truly been diagnosed w/sciatica? If so it will probably last 6weeks and will probably be managed w/exercise and anti-inflamitory meds (advil, motrin or stronger stuff if necessary). Of course you'll feel worse in the AM after sleeping.,..I'm usually very stiff in AM until I move around a bit and stretch (stretching is VERY important). Sleep on side w/knees bent and a small pillow between (think airline size) usually helps things a bit. The odd thing w/sciatica is that it will last for about 6 weeks and then finally "clear up"... (so the experts say). When mine didn't go the "course" I had MRI done and found out I had 2 herniated discs (though not terrible for surgery). I find that when the weather changes (cold/damp in September and October it flares a bit). I also find (Sheila, don't know if you find this also) that when I over indulge in defined/white carbs it flares up too... that's more of the reason why I've been low carbing for years... mainly for my back and clear-headedness vs. weight loss.

Donna, so sorry to hear or Jean's relapse (I remember being in touch w/her regarding MSC). I pray for her and her family. Tell Joe not to plan on having you vacation w/Tuggers any time soon (lol). Hope you'll have a break w/scheduling tests and getting the reports that are needed.. it can be really stressful waiting. Glad your Mom's holding her own through this time.

Belle, hope all went according to plan this weekend and that you have a pleasant gathering today... in honor of your beloved SIL.

Sheila, How're you doing? Enjoy the weekend and Bunco?

As for me Mike's in London and I've got a cold or (slight) flu compliments of Libby. Luckily Alex is off today from school so I can rest and drink, drink drink.Got Libby off to school w/time to spare (though I had to drive her) and tomorrow may have to drive both to school in the AM.. that will be a challenge. I'm going to try to find a way to get a ride for Alex though.

Take care everyone


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Donna how did everything go today?

Glad you got an earlier appt. with the

doctor. Having to wait for everything to

be done, it's just so hard on everyone.

You know I'm praying for your husband and



Everything went fine this weekend. The service

was nice and everyone liked coming back here

than going out to eat. Everyone said my food was good.

Always like to hear that. Easier for everyone to

talk to each other. You could mingle around the

rooms and it was nice weather that they could sit

outside too.


The year not starting out to good for some

people I know. My friends, the husbands mother

died yesterday. Now found out one of the people

we use to go to the river with, having heart surgery

next Tuesday.


Hope it's a better year, or gets better for everyone soon.

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Broke up my post because I'm losing

so many of them, not going thru.


Baby, I'm so glad the party was so nice.

Know you looked beautiful. Sorry you were in

pain the next day. Hope your better now.

Wish I only had to worry about a pound.

My eating has not been going to well. Eating

to much "evil sugar"!


Sheila, How are you feeling? Still exercising



Carolyn, Hope your pain is better too. Didn't

know we were such a "aches and pain group"..LOL


I'm laughing but I'm not, got my share too. Know how

you feel. We just keep going..what else can we do?

We can't let life get us down. We have to enjoy our life!

I know it's ..Easier said then done.


Hope to read from you all soon.

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Hi friends!! Glad the boards are back to normal! I haven't been able to get on!! I went to Ruby Tuesdays on Fri. night and ate the salad bar (figured it would be the best on my WOE) and I think it made me sick. I've been nauseated. I'm much better today!!


Donna ~ I didn't realize that Jean was Seagulls. I remember her also. She was always so nice. I sure hope that her cancer goes into remission. Please tell her we're all praying for her. How's the work load going? Joe has his appt tomorrow, right? I sure hope everything goes well. Please don't forget to let us know. Take care!


Baby ~ Glad to hear the party went well!! I'm sure you looked fabulous!! Yes, having someone else do everything and then just pay is fantastic! Sorry to hear your sciatica is really bothering you still. Mine is also. Maybe it is the weather. My left foot has been killing me from it. The pain is non-stop, but I can live with it...for now. ;)


Belle ~ Your dinner also went well. I'm sure everyone appreciated coming to your house instead of a restaurant. Now, put down that sugar! :D


Carolyn ~ You should see me in the mornings!! I can hardly bend over. Of course, it is hard to sit on the toilet seat also. LOL I've lived with this for so long that's it is just a part of my life. I sure hope your cold/flu goes away fast!! You poor thing! Take care of yourself.


I've been doing well so far this week with my WOE. I didn't exercise on Monday because I was feeling poorly, but did do it last night. I go to the gym tonight for weights and HIIT. My exercise seems to be working even if the scales aren't moving that much. I've lost 4.5 inches in my abs!!!


Take care, all!!

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Shelia, sorry you weren't feeling good.

Glad your better now.


Donna, hope the Dr,appt. went alright.

Please let us know what's going on.

Thinking of you.


Baby and Carolyn, how are you two?


Have a good day...

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Belle ~ Hi sweetie!!! Thank you for always being so kind and thinking of others. :)


Donna ~ When is Joe's appt?


Baby, Carolyn, Kip ~ How are you doing?


Linda ~ Are you still with us?


I managed to not lose anything this week! It is surprising since I weighed yesterday and was down a pound. Today, nothing! Can you tell I'm mad? LOL I wrote more about this on the weigh-in thread so I won't re-hash it here.


Hope all of you are doing well and had better luck than me. Have a great day!!!

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Know the boards were acting up....

There working now.


Want to hear from you all.


Shelia, that's why they say don't weigh

in everyday because our weight fluctuates

all the time, easpecially for women.

(I'm like you thro, weigh almost everyday)

I'm still having trouble staying on track..

working on it!


Hope to hear from you all..have a good

weekend. I'm going to the show(movie) and dinner

tonight and dinner out Sunday. Have to be good!

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I see I haven't posted in almost a week. I guess that was because I had gained back the awful pound (with journalling and being careful). I didn't give up, though and now I am down 1 1/2 from the awful! I don't remember when I last paid so much attention to my food intake. I think (I hope) I am getting into the habit of eating a little less (and noshing a little less, too!) It's been about 2 1/2 weeks. We leave next weekend. Not only do I want to keep this off, but I would like to take off another pound. If I succeed to do that, I will be a very happy camper.


The sciatica has lessened a bit. It seems to be a very slow process. I hope it improves more by next weekend. (I wish it would be "all gone", but maybe that's asking for too much.


Tomorrow will be a week since the party. How time flies. You plan and plan....and then...pouf!


Carolyn...thanks for the info. I guess I just have to "stick it out". At least I feel more like going out and doing things. It was so depressing staying home so much.(Although I did organize some papers that were neglected!)


Belle..glad that the weather co-operated and everyone liked your food. Sorry to hear about your friends' deaths. Hopefully, no more bad news.


What movie did you see? For a while we were going to lots of movies. But, I had trouble sitting during the last one, so I will wait until I feel all better.


Sheila..is your sciatica better? (aren't we a bunch?) I can't believe that 3 of us suffer from the same thing. Well, the upside is that we can advise eachother.


Don't worry if you don't lose all the time. (I, too, am compulsive and I weigh myself first thing each morning). If my weight is up, I feel deflated. If it's down, I feel elated!!!(Am I a great poetess, or what????)


Seriously, Sheila, you are doing fabulously and you can be very proud of your accomplishment.


Donna...how is Joe doing? Hope to hear from you soon.


Kip, Linda...are you with us? Hope all is well.


Have a great day, everyone!

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But thought I had better post first.


Should have gotten on when we got home yesterday but I was totally wiped out and did nothing. No, actually, tried to watch Brokeback Mountain but just caught bits of it. Surgery is scheduled for the 7th and final decision was that a mechanical valve was last resort. The additional tests showed that the damage was limited to what they originally saw on the earlier tests and that all the rest of the systems are fine. Joe was definitely leaning away from mechanical then he asked what the surgeon (44 years old) would do if it was him. His answer was tissue. I was amazed at Joe's change of attitude towards the surgeon in the time we were there. By the time we left they were swapping stock tips! First thing Joe said was "I won't miss the Super Bowl" after we got out.


He is still talking cruise at the end of April/beginning of May but not quite ready to book yet. End of April would be the Mercury Wine cruise from SFO to Vancouver with a 1 day cruise back to SEA on Golden Princess. The early May would be the Galaxy TA from SJU to Italy. I am charged with keeping an eye on them and air. No matter how much I would love the TA, I am seriously leaning towards Mercury since it is shorter (can't believe I said that) and would be much less stressful.


Will try to catch up later.


Everyone have a great weekend!

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Good to see you Donna and Baby

and of course always Shelia..where's



Donna..I'm happy they didn't find any

other damage. Sounds like he's got

great attitude about the surgery and planning

other cruise. That's great. He will be well in

no time at all!

You might sail on the Galaxy again? Lucky!



Baby..You leave next weekend all ready?

Have waffles for me in the Oasis Cafe,

and sit there by the windows, look out at

the sea for me. (you know by the little indoor pool)


Your sailing 10 days but staying a week in SJ after?

What floor are you on? Late seating? I want to go!


Shelia..How was your weekend? You have a cruise in May,

don't you?

Can you believe..I have no cruise planned here!!!

Feb. into March..think going to see my parents, friends in AZ

and go to Palm Springs a few days but no cruise.

Husband wants to do some work on the house....

Which means time and money...he thinks we should forget

a cruise this year, went twice last year, added up to

a little over 5 weeks.

Can you believe he would rather do that? LOL


Carolyn..How's things going for you this week?

We never heard how Hawaii was.


Everyone have a good week.

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Hi girls!! I think these boards are still messed up. Hopefully, they'll get the kinks out soon.


I had a good weekend....I did lots of cleaning (even cleaned out the frig). I took my DM shopping and to lunch on Sat. Y'all would be proud of me. We went to Applesbee's and ate off of the Weight Watchers menu. :D I cleaned carpets on Saturday night and yesterday. I burned tons of calories!


Donna ~ So glad that Joe's damage is minimal!! When will the surgery be scheduled? I would book the TA cruise, but that's just because I've always wanted to do that after hearing y'all talk about it so much. You have to schedule what's best for you at the time though...or let Joe decide. ;)


Belle & Baby ~ I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but can't seem to help it. I also know that the scale shouldn't dictate my progress....the measuring tape should. I have lost inches so I should be thankful for that. The weight will have to come off eventually considering all of the hard work I'm putting into it. Right?


Baby ~ Glad to here your sciatica is better. I actually had to take a pain pill yesterday because mine was so bad. That's what I get for cleaning carpets though. LOL Thanks for the encouragement!!!


Belle ~ We really need to stop traveling so much also and do some things around the house. But how do you stop traveling? We know we're all addicted. LOL


Carolyn, Kip & Linda ~ You haven't posted in a while. How are you all?

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Shelia..I know I can't stop weighing.. almost

every morning too. It's just part of us, what

we're use to. We're set in our ways! (Smile)


Isn't it terrible our houses get in the way

of our traveling? LOL You sure did a lot of

house cleaning this weekend. Hope you

use up alot of calories.


Hope the rest of you check in soon.

Everyone alright? Problems? We're here to listen.

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Hello! :D


Belle ~ I guess we were the only ones hanging around yesterday. I wonder where everyone is?


I'm hanging in there! Still doing well on my WOE and exercise. I think I'm not eating enough calories though. I use sparkpeople.com to keep up with my food intake. I'm suppose to eat 1200-1550 calories/day. I've been averaging about 1300, which is in my range, but I don't think it is enough. I was eating too many calories. LOL I guess I need to find a happy medium. ;)

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This morning I was down from the awful pound by two whole pounds! This is what makes my day!!!


Last week I was down 1 and 1/2, but regained it all over the weekend. So I am especially happy to rid myself of the extra weight. Now, today I will start to try on clothes to decide what to take. If only I can travel light!


It is freezing here. In fahrenheit, it's about -10...the sun is shining, so from inside it looks lovely! This afternoon, I will go for my pedicure.


Sheila, I hope you are feeling better. Be extra careful when you clean. Without thinking, all you have to do is reach or bend the wrong way...then..oh,oh..not so funny. The sciatica is not as vicious as it was. but it is still there. I am continuing heat, exercises, physio and advil. I guess I will not drink anything on vacation, because I will probably have to continue advil. Now I am taking 4 daily instead of 6. I hope I will be able to reduce it further.


Didn't post yesterday...busy day. We chose the wedding invitations. That's exciting!


Belle, I will think of you on the Galaxy! We are late seating and on the 8th floor.I will pass the waffles and think "Belle"!! But I won't have any. I tried it once and decided it wasn't worth the calories!!! Sorry! I know they are a big hit. But I really enjoy the eggwhite omelettes. Or else I cut up lots of fruit, take yogurt and sprinkle some nuts and muslix on top. I love that.


You say you have no future cruises planned. Neither have we. We have to get a new roof this summer and we have to spend $$$$$$$ on a wedding, so we will not take another Big Vacation until next winter...DH wants to go to South America for 3 weeks, but on land. Not a cruise, nor an organized tour, so we have a lot of planning and figuring out to do!


We are leaving on Sunday for our week in San Juan. Looking forward to some warm weather! If there is free internet at the hotel, I will post from there to see how you all are doing!


I typed too much. My shoulders are getting sore! Gotta leave the computer!!


Have a great day, all!

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Baby, yes think of me..can't believe we

got off the Galaxy 6 1/2 weeks ago!


You have to have waffles at least once.

Eat them on a day that you'll be walking a lot.

I didn't eat breakfast everyday and when I

did I didn't always eat waffles. When I did,

ate two with fruit and a cup of tea. All I

needed. Get them freshly made..hot and



Know you like Bridge, So you'll happy to hear..

On our cruise there was someone doing the

Bridge games. Don't know if from the ship or some

passengers but it was in the program.

Some times said..Bridge Lecture with Bridge Instructors

or Play Bridge with Bridge Instructors.

Don't know if doing on all ships or because Europe.

Knew someone posted that they were taking the

instructors/games away. Guess you'll just have to

wait and see.

Congrats on the weight loss!



Seems like a few of us will be crying this year, not

cruising, fixing up our houses. LOL


Shelia, doesn't it sound funny to say your not

eating enough when your trying to lose weight. You need

more because of all your exercising. Your doing so good.

Read your friends are visiting again. How nice. How long

are they staying. You taking vacation? Coming this Thursday?

Have fun.




Donna and Carolyn.....Having a good week?

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Hi girls!! :D


Baby ~ Hello!! Glad your back is doing somewhat better. I've cut down on my Ibuprofen also. I think the exercising is really helping my back. The only reason it was hurting so back on Sunday was because I did all of that carpet cleaning. I'll try to be careful! That is so excited about getting the wedding invitations!!! I know y'all are having so much fun with the planning of the big event. Where are you staying in San Juan? The only time we've been, we stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel on Isla Verde. It was very nice, but expensive.


Belle ~ Yes, it is weird that you have to actually eat more to lose weight when you exercise so much. To lose one pound a week, I'm suppose to eat about 1350 calories. I'm going to try to stick to that and see what happens. My Scottish friends on coming next Thursday (Feb. 8th). I'm taking vacation on Friday and they are flying back to Scotland on Monday. They'll only be here 4 nights. They must love us a lot of fly all of that way for just 4 nights. LOL I can't wait to hug them both!! :D


Donna, Carolyn, Kip, & Linda ~ How are you doing?

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Sheila..So nice you get to see your friends again.

Nice of them to fly all that way for four days.

Do they have FF Miles? If don't expensive too.


Went to the show today, saw The Queen. Was good.

Last week saw Notes of a Scandal, good also...

and Night at the Museum. Cute film.

See why the first two films got Oscar nominations for acting.

Haven't gone in awhile, had to make up time. Do you like

movies? Went with friends, of course went to eat afterwards.


Well where is everyone hiding? You going to let Sheila and I do

all the talking?


Hope everyone has a good weigh-in Thursday.

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Hello! I'm excited today because I actually lost weight....2 lbs!!


Belle ~ I've been wanting to see The Queen. I've heard a lot of good things about it. I think Helen Mirren is a phenomenal actress. Did you see the HBO movie where she was Queen Elizabeth I? It was wonderful!


It's yucky weather here today....raining and cold. North Alabama actually got some snow. I wish we'd get some. Sigh.


Hope to see some of you posting again soon!

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Why is it that it is soooo easy to gain a pound or more in one day, but next to impossible to lose a pound in one day?


I gained back 1/2 pound. I have been diligently logging every morsel that has entered my mouth for over 3 weeks now. I am eating carefully. Of that I am proud. My choices are definitely healthier. For example: a couple of days ago, I was in the mall and needed a "fix"!!!! I went into the muffin place and ordered coffee. BUT, instead of my usual (in the past!) muffin, I had a toasted whole wheat bagette roll with butter on the side...and I only used a tad of butter so that it wouldn't be too dry.


Anyway, this morning I will try on and choose my vacation wardrobe. My weight isn't too awful, so it won't be depressing!!!! (I hope!)


Belle, unfortunately Celebrity is cutting down and they are not hiring a bridge director/instructor unless there is a certain minimum of seadays...we have only 2. This is disappointing for us. (The lack of bridge, not the lack of seadays!)


We also saw the Queen. I wonder if the real Queen saw it and how she felt to see someone so much like herself!!!


We also saw Notes of a Scandal and Little Children and Babel. Before my sciatica, we were going to lots of movies during the holidays. The last one we went to was Notes and during the movie I said to my DH: "We have to watch more disfunctional people!!!!" That seems to be the season's theme!!!


But the acting was excellent in all of these films.


We usually go to the same indoor theatre and there is an Italian restaurant in the complex where we eat. We share a salad and share a pizza and I manage to gain every time...so aggravating.


Sheila, have a wonderful time with your Scottish friends! Are they flying in just to see you? And are they staying in North America for only 4 days? Wow!!!


So happy to read that you lost 2 pounds..way to go!!!


The sciatica is easing up. It still hurts but not always and when it does it doesn't last as long and it feels more manageable. I am reducing the number of advil, so that is good.


Tomorrow is my last physio appointment before the trip. My therapist is in a mall where there is the Canadian version of TJ MAX. Since she tells me I have to walk, and it is freezing outside, of course I walk up and down the aisles of the store. Well, lo and behold, last week I found the teapot to one of the dinner sets my kids chose. Yesterday I found the creamer and a vegetable platter. The prices were so low, it was a joke. So, of course, I bought them. So much fun!!


Gotta go now and get started with my day. But I wanted to post to you ladies FIRST!!!


Have a great day!


P.S. Hi to the others!!

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Baby ~ So glad you're getting better! Too funny about the walking and the store. I know you were happy to find your "steals." I also thought Helen Mirren looks just like Queen Elizabeth II in the film (by the clips I've seen). Don't worry about 1/2 lb...it is probably just water. You'll get it off soon. Have fun picking out your trip wardrobe!! I'm so jealous you're going to Puerto Rico!


Our friends are coming over just to visit us.....can you imagine flying that far for 4 nights? I'd do it to see them also. ;)

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What a great support system we have! Good news. Down 1/2 from yesterday. I STARVED myself. I was so hungry all day. I think it was because I was getting my travel clothes together and I find that very stressful. Anyway...when hungry, I made WISE choices.


So much to do today, but I had to write you!


Sheila, enjoy your Scots! They are REALLY GOOD FRIENDS!


Have a great day, everyone!

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Tried to post last night, couldn't get

on. Other sites on CC worked but not

the boards. What's up with that.


Congrats you two on your weight loss's.


Baby you leave this Sunday? Bon Voyage!

Sheila your friends come next Thursday? Have Fun!


I'm hoping to report a loss next week.

I joined WW again and started back to the

Gym. Both happen today. Had to do

something, was just staying the same but also

wasn't exercising either.

So hope to be back on track..as they say!


Donna how's your husband? Surgery the 7th?

Let us know how you two are doing, please.


Carolyn how's your mother? Family? Need to hear

from you too.


Linda, Kip are you still with us?


Have a good weekend everyone..know Baby will!

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