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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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hello Ladies, From my quick glance over the boards you have missed me. Just getting back to routine after that wonderful week. I had such a good time I really want to go again. I just have to decide when I know what ship. Anyway I actually did pretty good concidering the food shoices. Wow!! i only gained 1.5 lbs. I think all the extra walking helped out to. I am now in a job where I am on my feet the majority of the day and by the time IO get home at night I can barely walk. I'll be getting new shoes pronto. With getting back to normal I will again try to do some working out on the bike and weights. Still not enough water but wiht this cold snap alot of hot tea. Well my eyelids are about to slam shut, so I will have to get back and catch up with everyone later this weekend. Enjoy the game if your watching.:)

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Hope you all had a good weekend.

Had a good one here. Saw the movie Dreamgirls,

while my husband watch the Super Bowl. (no parties

didn't want the food)

Went to dinner this weekend thro..

Think I made good food choices.


Also hope to hear from you all this week.

Let us know how you are doing.

Miss you when I don't hear from you.


Take care....

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Kip ~ Good to hear from you! Glad your cruise was a blast! You did so well with your weight!!! GREAT job!


Belle ~ Are you doing Core or Flex on WW? I thought about joining again, but I started using sparkpeople.com and I really like it and it's free! Good luck!!!!

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Kip..Welcome Back. Glad you had a great cruise.

Best part you only gained a little. You'll get

it off in no time.


Sheila..I'm doing core. That way only have to

count the extra points. Seems to be working..

but I know the first week you lose water weight.

hoping some of it will be weight loss because was

watching it some before Friday, my start day.


Going to the gym later today, wish could get into

exercise like you.


Really wish the "rest of you sweet ladies" will post



Take care...

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Not even from you Sheila! (saw you on the other post)

Did you forget us?


Baby's on a land and cruise vacation. Where are the

rest of you?


Sheila..Like I said doing Core, trying to eat healthier.

Plus on Flex I tend to eat to much or if not, I get to

hungry. Working good this week, have a loss..

but test will be the 2nd and 3rd week and so on..

that will count. (1st week water weight)


Well I hope everyone is having a good week.

Life's not getting you down I hope. Thinking of you.


Donna your husband having surgery tomorrow, the 7th?

Sending prayers your way. A big hug too.

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Haven't had a chance to read. Surgery will go as scheduled tomorrow. We are off to MKE tonight and staying closer to the hospital since we need to be there at 5:00 AM.


I am hoping for very good news since this week has already had enough bad. Seagulls passed away at 3:15 Monday morning. I talked to her two weeks ago and got the feeling that it wouldn't be long but this was faster than I expected. The wonderful news was that she was at home which is what she wanted. We were cruising with her 13 months ago with no sign of the cancer that took her. Reminds us to live life to the fullest!



Everybody behave and it will probably be Friday before I can check in here since I will be staying at the hospital without computer until he is out of ICU.

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Donna so glad you posted. Can't wait

to hear from you on Friday.

Was thinking of Joe and you today..

Praying everything went smoothly.


So sorry about Seagulls. Glad she

was at home with family like she wanted.


Sheila where are you. Always count on

seeing you here. Miss you.


Carolyn hope your not staying away because

your mother is worse.


Hope Baby is having a great time.


Kip how are you today.

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Hi friends!!


Donna ~ I sure hope the surgery went well. Please keep us posted!!! I so hate to hear the news about Seagulls! It just brings home that anything can happen to any of us at any time. I will always remember her fondly even if I only knew her from a message board. Take care!


Belle ~ I've been trying and trying to post on this thread, but these stupid boards won't let me !!! I don't know why it will take the posts on the other thread and not this one. I sure hope this one goes through. Glad you have a loss!!! Core seems to really agree with you. If I don't count calories, I'm doomed. LOL I've missed you also!!! Hopefully, the boards are fixed and my posts won't go into outer space. :D


My Scottish friends are arriving today and I know I'm going to be horrible with my WOE while they're here. I'll get back on it good on Monday.

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Sheila Good to see you. I know these

boards act up at times. I've tried to

post on the other post and haven't

gotten thru. Funny how you can

get up some and not others and it's the

same board!


Have lots of fun with your friends. Enjoy!

Hope your having at least semi nice weather

for their vist.


Donna still thinking of Joe and you.

Take care..hugs!

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My computer is acting up..don't know

if will "die" before we go on our trip

Feb. 24th back 11th or 12th. Going

to see parents and friends.


If it dies, wanted you know why I was not talking.

Won't look for a new one tii I come back.

If we goes to friends in AZ will be able to use

their computer, will check in then.


Why I say if, my father is having some problems

so might just stay there. Just have to see.

No computer there.


Sheila glad you have good weather, we were in

the 60's but now 50's with rain.


Hope I can keep talking till I leave..Sheila in case

it breaks, please e-mail me and tell me how Donna's

husband Joe is doing. Thanks.


Wish Luck that this "thing" last till we leave...plus

pray for me..for going thru withdrawals if it breaks! LOL

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Hi all,


Quick update before I head out again. Surgery was successful and I came home last night after he was moved to a private room. A full 8 1/2 hours sleep has worked wonders so about to head up there again.


Have a great weekend!

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So happy everything went well.

How long will he be in the hospital?

Glad you got some sleep,you have to

take of yourself too.You'll need

to be well, you will be taking care

of him when he comes home, till

he gets to normal. Again I'm so

happy for Joe and you.


Baby on her cruise, Sheila has company,

Carolyn what are you doing? Kip, Linda?


Went to WW today, lost 6.6 lbs. Very Happy.

Going to the show later and out to dinner,

promise I'll be good.


Everyone have a good weekend.

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Just want to say "hi"! Glad to read that Donna's husband is doing well.


Sheila, enjoy your guests.


Belle, take care.


I have been pretty careful eating (not on a ship yet!!). And we have been walking a lot. I feel better (my sciatica) walking than sitting, so I keep moving. Weather is gorgeous. Did a little site-seeing, going to a concert tomorrow evening.


Take care all!

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Glad to hear from you.

Good to see your enjoying San Juan,

with it's warm wether. Is it in the 80's?

Seems your keeping busy enjoying the sights.

Sorry your sciatica is still bothering you.


Do you get on the ship Sunday?

Wish I was there too.


Bon Voyage! Enjoy!

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Donna: So very glad to hear that all went well!

Could this have been brought on by the promise of beach time?

Or was it the Casino/bar crawl and then the run for the ship????


Just kidding! Hope recovery is quick! (for both of you)


Maybe the doctor can order 6 weeks of R & R on the beach??

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Donna ~ So glad to hear Joe's surgery went well! I've been thinking of you both.


Baby ~ Glad you're having a good time! Wish I was there with you.


Belle ~ WOW! You're amazing! How did you lose so much?


My friends are leaving today and we had a great time. I ate way too much and am now paying dearly for it. My stomach has been spasming ever since Fri. night. Not sure if it is something I ate or if I've just been eating too much and the wrong foods. I'm keeping it clean today.


Gotta get some work done!!!

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Couldn't post on here the last two nights.

Just wouldn't open for me.


Donna, How's your husband? When is he

coming home? Or home already? Let us

know how things are.


Sheila, I don't know..didn't expect that much.

Just did core and wrote down any points of the

extra 35 I get. Had NO candy, ice cream and only

one diet cook. Drank water and went to the gym

three times. But since I lost so much so far this

week I have stayed the same and I haven't done

anything different. So hope I can lose something in

the next fwe days.


Carolyn, Where are you?


Baby keep on enjoying!


Happy Valentine's Day to you all.

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Sheila, I don't know..didn't expect that much.

Just did core and wrote down any points of the

extra 35 I get. Had NO candy, ice cream and only

one diet cook. Drank water and went to the gym

three times. But since I lost so much so far this

week I have stayed the same and I haven't done

anything different. So hope I can lose something in

the next fwe days.

Belle, you are doing so well! I bet your body is playing catch-up from losing all of that weight last week. Just look at it like you lost 3 lbs last week and 3 lbs this week. Most people are lucky if they can lost 2 lbs a week. You're ahead of the game! :D

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Thanks Sheila. Try to remember that.

Hope my Valentine dinner didn't get me..

NO GAINS..I hope!

I used some of my extra points but

still have some left. Doing the plan right

so should be good.

Shared a dessert with my husband. Really

didn't need that but that's life. He ate more. LOL

So now used more points than last week but

as I said still have some left, could of use them



Husband got me a leather purse and I got him

a sweater..so no candy went pass my lips!

That's a good thing. Just can't have one bite as they say!


Sheila did you have a good Valentine's Day?


Hope Donna you and Carolyn and the rest of you

had a good day too.


Take care all and hope to hear from you soon.

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Belle ~ It sounds like you had a great Valentine's Day!! Your gift sounds so nice. I told John not to get me anything for Valentine's Day and for the first time, he listened! Can you believe that? LOL I told him that I'd pay him back...when we port in St. Maarten. You know they have great jewelry stores. ;) Seriously, there's a leather purse I want and I'm going to order it from him. He just doesn't know it yet. I'm one of those practical women who'd rather have a purse (like yourself) than flowers or candy. I'll still have the purse after a week unlike the flowers & candy. Don't get me wrong, those things are nice also. I'd prefer to have it all. (Yes, I'm spoiled.)


I stayed the same this week, which is great!


Donna ~ How's Joe?????


Carolyn ~ Where have you been?


Baby ~ Hope you're still having fun in the sun!!!


Kip ~ You still with us?


Have a great day, ladies! :D

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Hi WONDERFUL ladies...

I've been lurking and caught up with life "stuff"...

I'm "ok" (I guess though migraines have been plaguing me today and a few days prior), the usually "crap" with Mom, sister (though usually I can avoid that), and the usual stresses w/kids. Weight has been terrible, the cold/darkness doesn't help. Had to "chip" away at icy mess on driveway yesterday (snowed and sleeted afterwards 3ish inches and plow guy never showed up, called next day and he couldn't come) and am paying in pain in back etc. today. With my thoughtless eating over the last week or so back pains rampant (not sure nerve etc.) Carb/stress eating is rampant so not helping myself. Mike's going to Orlando tomorrow so that's added stress (though once he leaves it will be "ok"-- it's him w/orlando and his family stress prior).

So how's everyone doing. Donna I'm thrilled that Joe made it through surgery and hopefully you're both planning upcoming cruises/trip. So sorry to hear of Jean's passing.I'm sure Baby's enjoying sun and the cruise. Belle, what trip is planned next? Sheila I'm sure you're exercising and making all of us "proud" (wish I had your will/won't power).

I've got to run out to pick up Libby.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll start drinking water and cutting out the white "crap" and taking better care of myself.


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Carolyn..Good to see you, I/we were worried

about you. Sorry your still having so much

stress in your life. Also sorry your not feeling or

eating well.

I went back to WW to eat better. Doing Core,

eating healthier. Last week lost 6.6 and this

week 1.2. Maybe that would work for you.


Donna..How's Joe doing? Wish you would post.


Sheila..Hope your weekend is going good. I

know you don't post on weekends.


Baby..Welcome Back. How was your week in

San Juan and your cruise on the Galaxy? I

just put together two albums for our

b2b on her. I relived the cruise by doing that.

Hope you had as good time as we did.


Linda and Kip..Are you still with us?


Hope you all make it thru Sunday and have a good week.

We had a few days of a false spring. 77 to 79 degrees

the last few days. Now cooler for Sunday. Rain later in

the week.

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Hi girls! I'm busy at work so I'll make this quick.


Belle ~ You're still doing so well!! Keep it up. :D


Carolyn ~ I hope you and your DM are doing better. Hang in there!!!


I'm doing good. I'm going to start back exercising tonight. I need it after all of my stress at work. LOL


Take care!!!

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